Acts - 1914

Act No. 2439
December 29, 1914
An Act Abolishing the Position of Department Assessor of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu, Provided for in Act Numbered three Hundred Twenty-Four of the Legislative Council, and Applying to the Department the Provisions of Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred thirty-Eight, as Amended By Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred Sixty-three, With Certain Exceptions, and Amending Certain Sections of Aforesaid Act Numbered three Hundred Twenty-Four, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2438
December 29, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Two thousand and Sixty-One as Amended, By Providing for the Continuation of the Sales Agency 2324-Until the Twenty-Eighth Day of February, Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen.
Act No. 2437
December 29, 1914
An Act to Amend Section One of Act Numbered Seventeen Hundred and Twenty-Eight, Entitled "An Act to Provide for Insurance of the Insular, Provincial, and Municipal Governments Against Loss From Damage or Destruction of Government Vessels and Craft, Government Machinery, and Permanent Public Buildings and Government Property therein, By Earthquake, Fire, Lightning, Flood, Typhoon, Tornado, Hurricane, or Cyclone," By Reducing the Appropriation for Carrying Out the Purpose of Said Act, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2436
December 28, 1914
An Act Creating the Fidelity Fund, and Repealing Act Numbered Seventeen Hundred and thirty-Nine, as Amended.
Act No. 2435
December 23, 1914
An Act to Amend Section Twenty-Nine of Act Numbered thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Six, Known as the Special Provincial Government Act, By Authorizing the Delegate of the Secretary of the Interior for the Non-Christian People to Make the Official VIsit and Inspection of the Special Government Provinces.
Act No. 2434
December 23, 1914
An Act to Return From the Friar Lands Sinking Fund to the General Unappropriated Surplus of the Insular Government the Sum of One Million three Hundred thousand Pesos as a Partial Reimbursement of the Amounts Appropriated From Said Surplus for Said Sinking Fund.
Act No. 2433
December 23, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred and Eighty-Seven Relating to the Qualifications Necessary for the Appointment of Notaries Public By Extending Said Privilege to Persons Who Have Passed the Examination for Clerk of the Court or Deputy Clerk of the Court, or Who Have Held Said Offices, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2432
December 23, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred and thirty-Nine, the Internal Revenue Law of Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen, By Imposing Increased and Additional Taxes, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2431
December 23, 1914
An Act Appropriating Funds for Sundry Expenses of the Insular Government for the Fiscal Year Ending December thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2430
December 15, 1914
An Act Amending Section One Hundred and Ninety-Two of Act Numbered Twenty-Four Hundred and Twenty-Seven Entitled "An Act Revising the Insurance Laws and Regulating Insurance Business in the Philippine Islands," By Providing that the Prohibitions Contained in Said Section Shall Not Affect the Right of An Owner of Property in the Philippine Islands to Apply for and Obtain for Himself Policies in Foreign Companies, in Cases Where Said Owner Does Not Make Use of the Services of Any Agent, Company, or Corporation Residing or Doing Business in the Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2429
December 12, 1914
An Act Providing a Procedure for the First Election of third Members of Provincial Boards in the Various Provinces of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu, and Authorizing the Governor of the Department to Fix the Date for the Holding of the First Municipal Elections therein, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2428
December 12, 1914
An Act to Amend Section Nine of Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred and Ninety-three, Entitled "An Act Granting to the Sociedad Anonima Known as 'Silay Electric and Ice Plant Company, Incorporated,' a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Silay, Occidental Negros, Philippine Islands," By Extending the Time Within Which the Grantee Shall Deposit in the Insular Treasury the Additional Sum Provided as a Guaranty of the Faithful Performance of the Conditions of the Concessionary Grant, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2427
December 11, 1914
An Act Revising the Insurance Laws and Regulating Insurance Business in the Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2426
December 08, 1914
An Act Governing the Exportation From the Philippine Islands During the Year Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen of Philippine Fibers Which Come Under the Provisions of Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred and Eighty of the third Philippine Legislature, and Which May Have Been Graded and Baled Prior to January First, Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen.
Act No. 2425
December 05, 1914
An Act Providing for the Adjustment of the Public Works Bonds Sinking Fund.
Act No. 2424
December 04, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Eighteen Hundred and Twenty-Nine Entitled "An Act Providing for Popular Civico-Educational Lectures in the Municipalities and Principally in the Barrios of the Philippine Islands."
Act No. 2423
December 03, 1914
An Act Making Appropriations for Current Expenses and Public Works and Permanent Improvements in the Department of Mindanao and Sulu for the Fiscal Year Ending December thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred Fifteen.
Act No. 2422
December 01, 1914
An Act Providing that the Justices of the Peace, If Duly Qualified Lawyers, At the Capitals of the Provinces of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu, Except the Province of Zamboanga, May Act By Direction of the Secretary of Finance and Justice as Ex Officio Registers of Deeds for their Provinces, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2421
November 30, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Twenty-One Hundred and Sixty-three, Entitled "An Act Creating a Commission to Secure, Organize, and Make An Exhibit of Philippine Products, Manufactures, Arts, Ethnology, and Education At the Panama-Pacific International Exposition to Be Held At San Francisco, California, in the United states, in Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen, Making An Appropriation therefor, and for Other Purposes," as Amended, By Providing that the Director-General Shall Be the Secretary Ex Officio of the Said Commission, and Authorizing the Secretary of Commerce and Police to Send the Constabulary Band to the United states for the Purposes of the Philippine Board of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition for Such Time As, in His Discretion, He Deems Best, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2420
November 27, 1914
An Act Authorizing Francisca Rose and Others to Maintain An Action At Law Against the Government of the Philippine Islands and Authorizing the Attorney-General of the Philippine Islands to Appear therein.
Act No. 2419
November 11, 1914
An Act Extending the Provisions of Act Numbered Seventeen Hundred and Twenty-Eight as Amended, to Property Acquired By or Under the Control of the Board Created By Act Numbered Twenty-One Hundred and Sixty-three, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2418
November 10, 1914
An Act Extending to the Mountain Province the Provisions of General Laws Providing for the Organization, Jurisdiction, Procedure and Fees of Justice of the Peace Courts, With Certain Exceptions, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2417
November 09, 1914
An Act Making Applicable to the Department of Mindanao and Sulu All Laws Relating to the Bureau of Agriculture Now in Force in Provinces and Municipalities Organized Under Acts Numbered Eighty-three and Eighty-Two, and their Amendments and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2416
November 05, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Seven, Entitled "the Township Government Act," So as to Provide that the Payment of Property Taxes May Be Enforced By a Civil Action.
Act No. 2415
November 02, 1914
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Fifteen thousand Pesos for the Reconstruction of the Central Portion of the "Hotel Pines," in the City of Baguio, Subprovince of Benguet, Mountain Province.
Act No. 2414
October 17, 1914
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Fifteen thousand Pesos for Temporary Repair of Bridges on the Benguet Road, Amending Section One of Act Numbered Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Nine Making that Portion of the Benguet Road Within the Mountain Province a Toll Road, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2413
September 29, 1914
An Act Making Applicable to the Department of Mindanao and Sulu Acts Numbered Two thousand and thirty and Twenty-three Hundred and Eighty-Seven of the Philippine Legislature, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2412
September 29, 1914
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Five thousand Pesos for the Salaries of the Justices of the Peace in the Department of Mindanao and Sulu Created By Act Numbered Twenty-Four Hundred and Nine of the Philippine Commission.
Act No. 2411
September 16, 1914
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Sixty thousand Pesos for Maintenance and for the Construction of that Part of the Naguilian-Baguio Road, Including Bridges and Culverts, Lying Within the Mountain Province.
Act No. 2410
August 03, 1914
An Act to Amend Section Sixty-One of Act Numbered One Hundred and thirty-Six Regarding Sheriffs, as Amended, in Its Application to the Department of Mindanao and Sulu, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2409
July 24, 1914
An Act Extending to the Department Ot Mindanao and Sulu the Provisions of General Laws Providing for the Organization, Jurisdiction, Procedure, and Fees of Justice of the Peace Courts, With Certain Exceptions, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2408
July 23, 1914
An Act Providing a Temporary Form of Government for the Territory Known as the Department of Mindanao and Sulu, Making Applicable thereto, With Certain Exceptions, the Provisions of General Laws Now in Force in the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2407
July 14, 1914
An Act Making Appropriations for Public Schools, Hospitals, and Dispensaries, and Extension of Telegraph Lines and Wireless stations in the Department of Mindanao and Sulu for the Fiscal Year Ending December thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen.
Act No. 2406
July 14, 1914
An Act Appropriating thirty-Five thousand Pesos to Aid the Non-Christian People of the Mountain Province and to Promote their Union With the Christian People of the Philippines.
Act No. 2405
July 09, 1914
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Ten thousand Pesos for the Maintenance and Repair of the Benguet Road.
Act No. 2404
July 07, 1914
An Act to Aid in the Harmonizing of the Non-Christian and the Christian Inhabitants of the Philippine Islands, Creating the Position of Delegate of the Secretary of the Interior for the Non-Christian People and Making Appropriation therefor.
Act No. 2403
June 30, 1914
An Act Making Applicable to that Part of the Philippine Islands Inhabited By Moros or Other Non-Christian Tribes Certain Acts of the Philippine Legislature.
Act No. 2402
June 27, 1914
An Act Making Applicable to that Part of the Philippine Islands Inhabited By Moros or Other Non-Christian Tribes Acts Numbered Twenty-three Hundred and thirty-Nine and Twenty-three Hundred and Forty-Seven of the Philippine Legislature.
Act No. 2401
April 01, 1914
An Act Appropriating An Additional Sum of Ten thousand Pesos for the Maintenance and Repair of the Benguet Road, Including Bridges and Culverts, From Camp One to Baguio, for the New Fiscal Year Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen.
Act No. 2400
April 01, 1914
An Act Authorizing the Governor of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu to Use the Two thousand Pesos Appropriated By Act Numbered Two thousand and Seventy for a Government Exchange and the Reimbursable Fund therefor At Malaybalay, Province of Agusan, for the Construction of Another Exchange of the Same Kind At Talacag, Same Province, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2399
March 27, 1914
An Act Extending the Provisions of Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred to the Territory Inhabited By Moros or Other Non-Christian Tribes and Penalizing the Taking Away of Any Uncivilized Person or Member of Any Non-Christian Tribe for the Purpose of Exploiting or Exhibiting Such Person as a Spectacle, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2398
March 14, 1914
An Act Making Appropriation for Expenses of Certain Pensionados From the Mountain Province and the Provinces of Agusan and Nueva VIzcaya, for the New Fiscal Year Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen.
Act No. 2397
March 10, 1914
An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Hundred and thirty-Five thousand Pesos, for the Construction and Reconstruction of that Part of the Naguilian-Baguio Road, Including Bridges and Culverts, Lying Within the Mountain Province, and for the Necessary Bridges, Ferries, or Cable Crossings Over the Ripsuan River.
Act No. 2396
March 10, 1914
An Act Making Extensive to the Department of Mindanao and Sulu the Provisions of the Provincial Government Act and Other Acts Relative to the Cedula Tax and Increased Cedilla Tax, Under Certain Conditions, and Repealing Act Numbered three Hundred and Six of the Legislative Council of Said Department and All Other Acts Inconsistent Herewith.
Act No. 2395
March 07, 1914
An Act Making Appropriations for Current Expenses and Public Works and Permanent Improvements of the Province of Nueva VIzcaya and the Mountain Province and for Public "Works-And Permanent Improvements of the Bureau of Health in the Territory Inhabited By Moros or Other Non-Christian Tribes for the Year Ending December thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred Fourteen.
Act No. 2394
March 04, 1914
An Act Making Appropriations for Current Expenses and Public Works and Permanent Improvements in the Department of Mindanao and Sulu and the Province of Agusan for the Fiscal Year Ending December thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred Fourteen.
Act No. 2393
February 28, 1914
An Act Granting to the Sociedad Anonima Known as "Silay Electric and Ice Plant Company, Incorporated," a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Silay, Occidental Negros. Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2392
February 28, 1914
An Act Granting to the Sociedad Anonima Denominated "Pototan Electric Light and Power Company, Limited," a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Pototan, Province of Iloilo, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2391
February 28, 1914
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Preliminary Operations Required By Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred and Eighty of the Philippine Legislature.
Act No. 2390
February 28, 1914
An Act Changing; the Names of the Municipalities of Santo Nino and Mawanan, Province of Cagayan; San Isidro Labrador and San Isidro De Potot, Province of Pangasinan; San Francisco De Malabon and Santa Cruz De Malabon, Province of Cavite; Nagpartian and San Miguel, Province of Ilocos Norte; Langaran, Province of Misamis; San Pedro Tunasan, Province of Laguna; Cabagan Nuevo, Province of Isabela; Nueva Caceres, Province of Ambos Camarines; San Pedro Macati, Province of Rizal; San Juan De Bocboc, Province of Batangas; San Juan, Province of Nueva Ecija; Township of Barrit-Luluno, Province of Ilocos Sur, and of the Barrios of Tublijon and Gibigaan, Municipality of Sorsogon, Province of Sorsogon.
Act No. 2389
February 28, 1914
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Twenty-One Hundred and Fifty-Nine, Entitled "An Act to Regulate Motor Vehicle Traffic in the Philippine Islands, to Provide for the Registration of Motor Vehicles and the Licensing of Operators, and to Require All Vehicles on Highways to Carry Lights, and for Other Purposes," By Fixing a Maximum Rate of Speed, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2388
February 28, 1914
An Act Reorganizing the Nautical Department of the Philippine School of Arts and Trades, Manila, and Appropriating Funds for Its Continuance as the Philippine Nautical School.
Act No. 2387
February 28, 1914
An Act Establishing Qualifications for Appointment as Notary Public, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2386
February 28, 1914
An Act to Facilitate the Preparation of the Appropriation Bill By Requiring Chiefs of Bureaus to File With the Executive Secretary Reports of Receipts and Expenditures Fifteen Days Before the Opening of Each Regular Session, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2385
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Subsection (D) of Section Two and Section three of Act Numbered Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-Eight, Adding Several Paragraphs to the End of Section Four of Said Act, Providing for Other Purposes, and Repealing Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred and Fifty-Eight.
Act No. 2384
February 28, 1914
An Act Granting to the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America a Franchise to Construct, Maintain, and Operate in the Philippine Islands a station for the Reception and Transmission of Wireless Long Distance Messages.
Act No. 2383
February 28, 1914
An Act Designating Certain Duties to stenographers of the Courts of Justice, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2382
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Five Hundred and Ninety-Seven, Entitled "An Act Regulating the Practice of Pharmacy in the Philippine Islands," as Amended By Acts Numbered Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-One and Twenty-Two Hundred and thirty-Six, Determining the Subjects in Which Persons Desiring to Practice Pharmacy in the Philippine Islands Shall Be Examined, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2381
February 28, 1914
An Act Restricting the Use of Opium and Repealing Act Numbered Seventeen Hundred and Sixty-One.
Act No. 2380
February 28, 1914
An Act Providing for the Inspection, Grading, and Baling of Abaca (Manila Hemp), Maguey (Cantala), Sisal, and Other Fibers.
Act No. 2379
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Twenty, as Amended By Acts Numbered Eighteen Hundred and Forty-Seven and Nineteen Hundred and thirty-three, Limiting the Sale of Lands Commonly Known as "Friar Lands," to Sixteen Hectares in the Case of Each Individual and One thousand and Twenty-Four Hectares in the Case of Each Corporation.
Act No. 2378
February 28, 1914
An Act Making Appropriations for Public Works and Permanent Improvements.
Act No. 2377
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Subsection (J) of Section Forty of Act Numbered Eighty-Two, as Amended By Acts Numbered Nineteen Hundred and Nine and Two thousand and Fifty-Four, So as to Authorize Municipalities Organized Under Act Numbered Eighty-Two to Fix or Change the Dates of their Fiestas, Under Certain Conditions.
Act No. 2376
February 28, 1914
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Six thousand Pesos for the Manufacture and Distribution of Tiquitiqui Extract in the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2375
February 28, 1914
An Act Reestablishing and Again Putting Into Force and Effect Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred and Fifteen, With Certain Amendments.
Act No. 2374
February 28, 1914
An Act Authorizing the Director of Agriculture to Increase the Number of the Present Herds of Large Cattle, Sheep, Goats, and Swine Maintained By the Bureau of Agriculture for Breeding Purposes, and Appropriating the Sum of Ten thousand Pesos for that Purpose.
Act No. 2373
February 28, 1914
An Act to Amend Paragraph Two of Section One of Act Numbered Fifteen Hundred and Ten, Entitled "An Act Granting to the Manila Railroad Company a Concession for Railway Lines in the Island of Luzon, and Providing in Respect of Proceedings for Condemnation of Land By Public Service Corporations," Making Its Provisions Extensive, With Certain Limitations, to the Foreshore and Land Reclaimed From the Sea.
Act No. 2372
February 28, 1914
An Act Authorizing the Payment of Per Diems to Any Constabulary Officer Who May Be Designated as Aide-De-Camp to the Governor-General.
Act No. 2371
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred and Seven By Extending the Provisions of Subsection (B) of Section Nine thereof to Religious, Educational, and Charitable Institutions.
Act No. 2370
February 28, 1914
An Act to Appropriate Funds for Charitable Purposes.
Act No. 2369
February 28, 1914
An Act Authorizing the Appointment of Assessors in Criminal Cases in the Courts of First Instance in the Provinces Organized Under the Provincial Government Act and in the Provinces of Mindoro, Palawan, and Batanes.
Act No. 2368
February 27, 1914
An Act Amending Section Two of Act Numbered Seventeen Hundred and Forty-Nine, Entitled "An Act Making Appropriations for the Friar Lands Bonds Sinking Fund Created By Act Numbered One thousand and thirty-Four,'' By Extending the Time Limit for Loans to Provinces and Municipalities and Providing for Additional Purposes for Which Such Loans May Be Made.
Act No. 2367
February 28, 1914
An Act to Discontinue Certain Continuing Annual Appropriations Heretofore Created.
Act No. 2366
February 28, 1914
An Act Abolishing Certain Permanent Reimbursable Funds, Amended, and Providing for the Disposition of the Assets and Liabilities Pertaining to Said Funds.
Act No. 2365
February 28, 1914
An Act Authorizing a Readjustment of Leave Earned By Frank W. Carpenter During His Service as Executive Secretary, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2364
February 28, 1914
An Act Providing for the Punishment of Persons Guilty of Infidelity in the Custody of Prisoners Detained for or Convicted of a Crime Punished By the Laws Enacted By the Philippine Commission or By the Philippine Legislature.
Act No. 2363
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Section Nine of Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred and thirty-Eight, By Providing that General Schedules of Values of Land for the Purposes of Assessment Shall Be Prepared By Municipal Councils Within thirty Days After Being So Required By Provincial Boards, and By Authorizing Provincial Boards to Require Municipal Councils, Under Certain Conditions, to Amend Such Schedules With a VIew to Correcting Errors or Inequalities.
Act No. 2362
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Certain Sections of Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred and Seven: "An Act Creating a Board of Public Utility Commissioners and Prescribing Its Duties and Powers, and for Other Purposes," and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2361
February 28, 1914
An Act Granting a Franchise to Charles M. Swift to Construct, Maintain, and Operate a Hydroelectric Plant and Electric Lighting, Heating, and Power System and Electric Transmission Lines in the Island of Luzon.
Act No. 2360
February 28, 1914
An Act Providing for the Sale of the Land Known as the San Lazaro Estate, in the City of Manila.
Act No. 2359
February 28, 1914
An Act Authorizing the Loaning of Funds Deposited By Municipalities With the Provincial Treasurer to Other Municipalities for the Construction of School Buildings, Under Certain Conditions.
Act No. 2358
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Twenty-One Hundred and Sixty-three, Entitled "An Act Creating a "Commission to Secure, Organize, and Make An Exhibit of Philippine Products, Manufactures, Art, Ethnology, and Education At the Panama-Pacific International Exposition to Be Held At San Francisco, California, in the United states, in Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen, Making- An Appropriation therefor, and for Other Purposes," By Authorizing the Appropriation of Money By Provinces and Municipalities for the Preparation of Provincial Exhibits for the Philippine Section of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition.
Act No. 2357
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Two thousand and Fifty-Five, Entitled "An Act Providing for the Appointment of a third Member of the Provincial Board in the Provinces of Mindoro, Palawan, and Batanes Under Certain Circumstances, Providing that in Said Provinces the Provincial Treasurer Shall Be Accountable for All Public Property, and to Amend Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Eighty-Nine By Providing that Residents of Provinces Organized Under 'the Special Provincial Government Act' Numbered thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Six, Shall Be Exempt From the Payment of the Cedula Tax," So as T6 Provide for the Payment of a Per Diem to the third Member of the Provincial Board.
Act No. 2356
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Section One of Act Numbered Seventeen Hundred and Twenty-Nine, Entitled "An Act Making Appropriations for the Creation of a Sinking Fund for the Payment of the Bonds Issued for Public Works Under the Provisions of Acts Numbered thirteen Hundred and One and Fourteen Hundred and Forty-Four, and for the Investment of Such Fund" By Extending the Time Limit for Loans to Provinces and Municipalities and Providing for Additional Purposes for Which Such Loans May Be Made.
Act No. 2355
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Section One of Act Numbered Eighteen Hundred and Twenty-Four, Entitled "An Act to Fix the Time for Making Annual Reports By the Directors of Bureaus and Heads of Offices of the Insular Government, Provincial Governors, and the Municipal Board of the City of Manila, and for Other Purposes," So that General Reports Printed Shall Be Prepared By the Executive Secretary and By the Secretary of the Respective Department in English and Spanish.
Act No. 2354
February 28, 1914
An Act Making the Office of Lieutenant-Governor Elective in the Subprovinces of Marinduque, Tayabas; Catanduanes, Albay; Abra, Ilocos Sur; Siquijor, Oriental Negros; Masbate, Sorsogon; and Eomblon, Capiz, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2353
February 28, 1914
An Act Authorizing the Employment of Experts to Make Special Investigations of the Business of the Bureaus and Offices of the Government for the Purpose of Devising An Economic and More Efficient Plan for the Operation thereof, and of Other Matters of General Interest, and Appropriating the Sim of Ten thousand Pesos to Carry on Such Investigations.
Act No. 2351
February 28, 1914
An Act Making An Appropriation for the Purpose of Paying Obligations of the Insular Government Incurred By Reason of Contracts Authorized By Act Numbered thirteen Hundred and Ten, Entitled "An Act to Encourage and Aid the Philippine Coastwise Trade, to Secure the Carriage of Mails, Government Freight and Passengers By Commercial Vessels Under Contract, to Effect Uniform Reasonable Rates for the Government and Public, to Increase the Safety standards and Service of Contracting Vessels, and for Other Purposes," and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2350
February 28, 1914
An Act Providing Funds for the Expenses of three Companies of Philippine Scouts Detailed on Rinderpest Quarantine Duty in the Province of Pampanga and for the Salary and Expenses of Two Live-stock Inspectors.
Act No. 2349
February 28, 1914
An Act Appropriating a Sum of Money for the Purpose of Reimbursing Provincial Exhibitors for Losses Sustained in the Exposition Fire At Manila on January Twenty-Sixth, Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen.
Act No. 2348
February 28, 1914
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Five thousand Pesos to Enable the Philippine Islands to Be Represented At the Far Eastern Athletic Association Meet At Shanghai, China.
Act No. 2347
February 28, 1914
An Act to Provide for the Reorganization of the Courts of By First Instance and of the Court of Land Registration.
Act No. 2346
February 28, 1914
An Act to Repeal Act Numbered Nineteen Hundred and Eighty, Entitled "An Act to Provide for the Creation of a Commissioned and Enlisted Service Within the Bureau of Navigation, the Creation of a Pension Fund in Connection therewith, and for the Punishment of Offenses Against Good Order and Discipline Within Such Service." and Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred and Forty-Two, Entitled "An Act Amending Act Numbered Nineteen Hundred and Eighty, Entitled 'An Act to Provide for the Creation of a Commissioned and Enlisted Service Within the Bureau of Navigation, the Creation of a Pension Fund in Connection therewith, and for the Punishment of Offenses Against Good Order and Discipline Within Such Service,' By Making the Provisions of Section Two thereof Retroactive for Certain Commissioned Officers, and for Other Purposes,'' and to Provide for the Refund of the Pension Fund Created By Said Act Numbered Nineteen Hundred and Eighty.
Act No. 2345
February 28, 1914
An Act to Amend Sections Two, Five, and Eleven of Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred and Six, Entitled "An Act Authorizing-the Governor-General to Sell or Lease the Buildings and Other Property Known as the Insular Cold storage and Ice Plant and to Lease the Land on Which the Same Is Situated and for Other Purposes." By Authorizing the Governor-General to Waive Advertisement or Shorten the Period thereof or Modify the Conditions of the Same and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2344
February 28, 1914
An Act Amending Section three of Act Numbered Two thousand and Eighty-three, Entitled "An Act to Fix the Amount of the Gold-standard Fund, Created Under Act Numbered Nine Hundred and thirty-Eight, Authorizing' the Deposit of the Excess of the Amount So Fixed to the Credit of the General Fund of the Treasury, and Authorizing the Investment of a Portion of the Said Gold-standard Fund." By Providing for Additional Purposes for Which Loans May Be Made to Provinces and Municipalities From Such Fund.
Act No. 2343
February 28, 1914
An Act Providing for the Transfer of Certain Property of the Committee Appointed to study the Causes of the Excessive Infant Mortality in the Philippines to the College of Medicine and Surgery of the University of the Philippines.
Act No. 2342
February 27, 1914
An Act Regulating the Labeling, Sale, and Advertising of Patent and Proprietary Medicines, Fraudulent therapeutic Appliances and Devices, and for the Protection of the People of the Philippine Islands Against the Exploitation of Such Articles.
Act No. 2341
February 27, 1914
An Act Remitting the Bond of Ten thousand Dollars Furnished By Melchor Babasa and Apolonio Belmonte in the Case of the United states Versus Pedro Alvarez, Alias Araro.
Act No. 2340
February 27, 1914
An Act Providing that Criminal Cases From Which An Appeal Has Been Taken to the Federal Supreme Court of the United states Shall Be Translated Into English Without Expense to the Appellant.
Act No. 2339
February 27, 1914
An Act Revising and Consolidating the Laws Relative Tom Internal Revenue.
Act No. 2338
February 27, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred and Fifty-Nine Entitled "An Act Providing Certain Special Proceedings for the Settlement and Adjudication of Land Titles" By Providing for An Additional Method of Payment of the Cost of Survey, Monumenting, and Registration Proceedings, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2337
February 27, 1914
An Act Declaring Sections Eighty-Five and One Hundred and Ninety-Four of Act Numbered Two thousand and thirty-One, Entitled ''the Negotiable Instruments Law," in Full Force and Effect and Repealing Inconsistent Provisions of Law.
Act No. 2336
February 27, 1914
An Act to Afford Relief to Certain Banks and Bankers Which Have Incurred the Delinquency Penalties Prescribed in Section One Hundred and Twelve of Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Eighty-Nine, and Confirming, Ratifying, and Approving the Action of the Collector of Internal Revenue in Extending the Time for the Payment of Certain Taxes Without Penalty.
Act No. 2335
February 27, 1914
An Act Amending Section three Hundred and Forty-Eight of Act Numbered three Hundred and Fifty-Five, Known as the "Philippine Customs Administrative Act," By Providing that Compensation to Informers Shall Be Paid With the Approval of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, By Punishing Certain Persons Who Fail to Report to a Collector of Customs Any Information in their Possession Concerning Any Fraud Upon the Customs Revenue, Appropriating Ten thousand Pesos for Carrying- Out the Provisions Hereof, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2334
February 27, 1914
An Act Making the Provisions of the Cadastral Act Applicable to Certain Proceedings Conducted Under Section Sixty-One of Act Numbered Nine Hundred and Twenty-Six in the Municipalities of Asingan and Binalonan, Province of Pangasinan.
Act No. 2333
February 26, 1914
An Act Relative to Untrue, Deceptive, and Misleading Advertisements.
Act No. 2332
February 26, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Forty-Seven By Providing for the Free Registration and Branding of Large Cattle Under Two Years of Age Under Certain Conditions.
Act No. 2331
February 25, 1914
An Act Amending Chapter Twenty-Nine of Act Numbered One Hundred and Ninety, Entitled "An Act Providing a Code of Procedure in Civil Actions and Special Proceedings in the Philippine Islands," By Providing for the Summary Settlement of Estates of Deceased Persons in Certain Cases.
Act No. 2330
February 24, 1914
An Act Amending the Second Paragraph of Section Fifteen of Act Numbered Fifteen Hundred and Eighty-Two, Known as "the Election Law," as Amended By Section Eight of Act Numbered Two thousand and Forty-Five, By Providing that Inspectors of Election May Be Appointed to Any Other Office Under Certain Conditions.
Act No. 2329
February 23, 1914
An Act Amending Section Fourteen of Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred and Forty-Five, Entitled "An Act to Regulate the Practice of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery in the Philippine Islands," By Authorizing the Board of Veterinary Examiners to Issue Without Examination, Certificates for the Practice of Veterinary Medicine to Persons Who Were Qualified to Practice Before the Ratification of the Treaty of Peace With Spain.
Act No. 2328
February 20, 1914
An Act to Amend Articles Nineteen and Twenty-Two of Section Two of Act Numbered Two thousand and thirty-Four, Entitled "An Act Authorizing the Granting on Certain Conditions of a Franchise to Construct, Maintain, and Operate a street Railway in the Municipality of Cebu," By Extending the Time Within Which the Construction of the street Railway therein Provided for Shall Be Completed, and By Extending the Time for Repayment to the Grantee of the Money, Bonds or Other Securities Deposited With the Insular Treasury as Security for the Performance of the Obligations of Said Franchise.
Act No. 2327
February 19, 1914
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Two, as Amended By Act Numbered Two thousand and Ninety-One, By Providing that the Salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Province of Batanes Shall Be Two thousand Four Hundred Pesos Per Annum.
Act No. 2326
February 19, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Six, Entitled "the Special Provincial Government Act," By Providing that the Salaries of the Provincial Governor and Provincial Secretary-Treasurer of the Province of Palawan Shall Be Four thousand Eight Hundred and Four thousand Pesos, Respectively, Per Annum, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2325
February 19, 1914
An Act Amending Section thirteen of Act Numbered Nine Hundred and Twenty-Six, Known as "the Public Land Act," By Specifying the Manner in Which the Publication of the Notices of Sale of Lands Shall Be Made.
Act No. 2324
February 18, 1914
An Act Applying the Provisions of Act Numbered Two thou-Sand and Sixty-One, as Amended, to that Part of the Philippine Islands Under the Legislative Jurisdiction of the Philippine Legislature, and Appropriating the Sum of Eighty-Two thousand Pesos to Be Added to the Reimbursable Fund Created By Said Act for the Operation of the Sales Agency.
Act No. 2323
February 03, 1914
An Act Amending Section Six of Act Numbered Two thousand and Ninety-Five By Authorizing Reimbursement to Holders of Fellowships Appointed Under Said Act for Certain Expenses.
Act No. 2322
February 03, 1914
An Act Amending Section three, Subsection (B), of Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred and Sixty-Four, Substituting for the Word "Masaplud" the Word "Quinayan."
Act No. 2321
February 03, 1914
An Act Exempting the Amount of the Insurance on the Philippine Exposition Buildings From the Provisions of Act Numbered Seventeen Hundred and Twenty-Eight, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2320
January 31, 1914
An Act Abolishing the Office of Supervising Railway Expert Created By Act Numbered Fifteen Hundred and Seven, and Transferring the Duties of Said Office to the Board of Public Utility Commissioners, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2319
January 31, 1914
An Act Appropriating Funds for Sundry Expenses of the Insular Government for the Fiscal Year Ending December thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2318
January 27, 1914
An Act Amending Section Five of Act Numbered Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-Eight, Entitled "An Act to Provide for the Protection of Animal Life in the Philippine Islands," By Providing a Penalty for the VIolation of Certain Provisions of Said Act.
Act No. 2317
January 22, 1914
An Act to Amend Section Eight of Act Numbered Sixteen Hundred and Fifty-Five, Entitled "An Act for Preventing the Manufacture, Sale, or Transportation of Adulterated or Misbranded or Poisonous or Deleterious Foods, Drugs, Medicines, and Liquors, and for Regulating Traffic therein, and for Other Purposes."
Act No. 2316
January 22, 1914
An Act Amending Section Eight of Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred and Eight.
Act No. 2315
January 17, 1914
An Act Renewing Certain Appropriations in Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred and Eight, as Amended By Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred and Eighty-Five, Until Such Time as the Regular Appropriations for the Mountain Province and the Provinces of Nueva VIzcaya and Agusan, for the New Fiscal Year Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen, Shall Have Been Made.
Act No. 2314
January 16, 1914
An Act Transferring the Office of Consulting Architect to the Bureau of Public Works, and Providing that the Duties Heretofore Performed By Him Shall Be Performed By Him in Future as An Officer of the Bureau of Public Works, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2313
January 15, 1914
An Act Amending Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred and Seven, Entitled "An Act Creating a Board of Public Utility Commissioners and Prescribing Its Duties and Powers, and for Other Purposes."
Act No. 2312
January 15, 1914
An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Hundred thousand Pesos for the Construction and Reconstruction of that Part of the Naguilian—Baguio Road, Including Bridges and Culverts, Lying Within the Mountain Province for the New Fiscal Year Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen and Appropriating the Sum of thirty thousand Pesos for the Maintenance and Repair of the Benguet Road From Camp One to Baguio Including Bridges and Culverts, for the New Fiscal Year Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2311
January 07, 1914
An Act to Repeal Section three of Act Numbered Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-Five, Entitled "An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty thousand Pesos for the Purchase and Preparation of Land for Cattle Quarantine stations in the Cities of Manila, Cebu, and Iloilo. and Making Provision for the Reimbursement of the Insular Treasury for the Said Amount With the Proceeds of the Sale of the Singalong Experimental station, Malate, Manila," and Directing the Director of Agriculture to Take Charge of that Part of the Singalong Experimental station Not Already Sold.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation, Inc.