[ Act No. 2378, February 28, 1914 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:
Section 1. The following sums or so much thereof as may be necessary are hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Insular Treasury derived from the sale of public works or permanent improvement bonds, and in default thereof, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the following-named public works, permanent improvements, and other purposes of the Insular Government:
(a) For filling in the land at the intersectionf Calles Taft, San Luis, and Isaac Peral, sold to the Methodist Episcopal Church by the Government of the Philippine Islands in accordance with contract dated June thirteenth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, between the Government of the Philippine Islands and said church |
P10,000.00 |
(b) For the purchase of land on Calle Isaac Peral, interior, from the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church |
1,547.70 |
___________ |
Total for the Bureau of Lands |
11,547.70 |
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(c) For the repair of a launch for the use of the Bureau of Quarantine Service |
6,000.00 |
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Provided, That the sum of twenty-five thousand pesos appropriated for the purchase of a launch for the Bureau of Quarantine Service by Act Numbered Twenty-two hundred and sixty-four is hereby reverted to the general fund of the Insular Treasury.(awÞhi(
San Lazaro Hospital:
(d) For the construction and equipment of a new crematory for the San Lazaro |
6,000.00 |
Culion leper colony:
(e) For hospital buildings and houses |
35,000.00 |
(f) For improvements of the water systems and general repairs |
15,000.00 |
Bilibid sanitation division:
(g) For permanent sanitary improvements of the Bilibid sanitation division |
3,000.00 |
__________ |
Total for the Bureau of Health |
59,000.00 |
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(h) For the purchase of land as a site for the seismic station at Ambulong, Province of Batangas |
150.00 |
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Roads and bridges, general:
(i) For the construction, improvement, and where necessary, maintenance of roads and bridges in those provinces which shall accept the provisions of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and fifty-two, and which shall, by resolution of the provincial board, guarantee by continuing annual appropriations the establishment of such conservation system as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works on all first-class roads now or hereafter constructed and declared to be such by the Director of Public Works, including the construction, improvement and maintenance of roads and bridges in the Provinces of Palawan, Mindoro and Batanes, to be allotted in proportion to the number of inhabitants of each province |
450,000.00 |
Roads and bridges, special:
(j) For the construction, improvement, and where necessary, maintenance of roads and bridges in provinces which shall accept the provisions of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and fifty-two, and which shall, by resolution of the provincial board, guarantee by continuing : annual appropriations the establishment of such conservation system as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works on all first-class roads now or hereafter constructed and declared to be such by the Director of Public Works and in the provinces organized under the Special Provincial Government Act, to be allotted in the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Police |
200,000.00 |
Artesian wells and water supply water supply systems.
(k) For drilling artesian wells whenever the provinces or municipalities interested shall adopt resolutions for the appropriation of funds covering the cost of one-third of the work, to be allotted in the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Police: Provided, That the Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to drill wells for private individuals upon payment of one-third of the cost of the work on condition that the public be allowed the continuous use of the well: Provided, also, That any municipality or provincial board that may incur, under the provisions of this Act, the expense of an artesian well which proves a failure, shall be refunded the sums invested, if any, and are hereby declared released from the obligation contracted by them for their payment: Provided, also, That funds appropriated by provinces and municipalities for covering the cost of one-third of the work shall, unless otherwise herein provided, be paid into the Insular Treasury, upon the determination by the Director of Public Works of the amount thereof, and for the investigation and construction of municipal water supply systems whenever the provincial boards or municipalities interested shall adopt resolutions for the appropriation of funds covering the cost of one-third of the work, to be allotted in the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Police: Provided, That funds appropriated by provinces and municipalities for covering the cost of one-third of the work shall be paid into the Insular Treasury, upon the determination by the Director of Public Works of the amount thereof |
420,000.00 |
___________ |
Total for the Bureau of Public Works |
1,070,000.00 |
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(I) For aid to municipal governments in the construction of central and intermediate school buildings, to be allotted by the Secretary of Public Instruction |
135.000.00 |
(m) For the buildings at Central Luzon Agricultural School, Nueva Ecija |
15,000.00 |
__________ |
Total for the Bureau of Education. |
150,000.00 |
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(n) For general public works and improvements of the Bureau of Agriculture, to be allotted in the discretion of the Secretary of Public Instruction |
10,000.00 |
(o) For the construction of one pavilion at Bilibid Prison |
17,000.00 |
(p) For the construction of a small landing stage near pier numbered five, port of Manila, for unloading shipside deliveries |
2,000.00 |
(q) For the construction, repair, and maintenance of telegraph lines and cables |
20,000.00 |
(r) For the construction of a new laboratory building for the College of Agriculture at Los Bafios |
30,000.00 |
___________ |
Provided, That the unexpended balance of the sum heretofore appropriated for the building of a bridge at the said college is hereby reverted to the general fund of the Insular Treasury.
Total of appropriations for public works and permanent improvements, by this section |
1,375,697.70 |
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Section 2. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the following-named public works and permanent improvements: Provided, That no part of the appropriations herein made shall be available for use for any of the purposes herein' authorized without prior authorization of the Governor-General:
(a) For the improvement of the springs of Malbog, municipality of Gasan, Tayabas, and the construction of a small public bath in the same. |
6,000.00 |
(b) For the construction of a breakwater in the pore of Calbayog, Province of Samar |
30,000.00 |
(c) For dredging the Bicol River, in the Province of Ambos Camarines |
20,000.00 |
(d) For the establishment and construction of a lighthouse in the port of the municipality of Oroquieta, Province of Misamis |
500.00 |
(e) For the canalization and deviation of the course of the Guinali River, at Malinao, Albay |
10,000.00 |
(f) For the construction of a containing wall on the waterfront of the municipality of Casiguran, Sorsogon |
8,000.00 |
(g) For the construction of a wharf in the municipality of Silay, of another wharf in the municipality of Bacolod, and of another wharf in the municipality of Pulupandan, Occidental Negros |
30,000.00 |
(h) For port works at lloilo, Iloilo |
50,000.00 |
(i) For the extension and permanent improvement of the wharf established in the port of Catbalogan, Samar |
10,000.00 |
(j) For port works at Tacloban, Leyte |
25,000.00 |
___________ |
Total of appropriations for public works and permanent improvements, by this section |
189,500.00 |
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Total of appropriations by this Act |
1,565,197.70 |
Section 3. All balances remaining unexpended when any public work or permanent improvement appropriated for by this Act is completed, shall be reverted to the general fund of the Insular Treasury and shall not thereafter be available for withdrawal or disbursement except upon appropriation by the Legislature.
Section 4. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, February 28, 1914.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation