[ Act No. 2403, June 30, 1914 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the other Philippine Commission, that:
No. 2293. Passed November 8, 1913, entitled "An Act providing a penalty for willful destruction, injury, or taking or carrying away of any property of the Philippine Library."
No. 2297. Passed November 21, 1913, entitled "An Act amending the third paragraph of section seven hundred and ninety of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety, as amended, by exempting municipalities and individuals declared insolvent from the obligation to pay the fee in proceedings for nonpayment of the cedula tax."
No. 2298. Passed November 24, 1913, entitled "An Act amending articles eighty-one, four hundred and forty-three, and four hundred and forty-six of the Penal Code."
No. 2305. Passed December 19, 1913, entitled "An Act to make the fiscal year uniform for all branches of the Government and coincident with the calendar year and to fix the time for making annual reports for officers of the different branches of the Government, and for other purposes."
No. 2307. Passed December 19, 1913, entitled "An Act creating a Board of Public Utility Commissioners and prescribing its duties and powers, and for other purposes."
No. 2317. Passed January 22, 1914, entitled "An Act to amend section eight of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and fifty-five, entitled 'An Act for preventing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or mis-branded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traffic therein, and for other purposes.' "
No. 2318. Passed January 27, 1914, entitled "An Act amending section five of Act Numbered Seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, entitled 'An Act to provide for the protection of animal life in the Philippine Islands,' by providing a penalty for the violation of certain provisions of said Act."
No. 2320. Passed January 31, 1914, entitled "An Act abolishing the office of Supervising Railway Expert created by Act Numbered Fifteen hundred and seven, and transferring the duties of said office to the Board of Public Utility Commissioners, and for other purposes."
No. 2329. Passed February 23, 1914, entitled "An Act amending section fourteen of Act Numbered Twenty-two hundred and forty-five, entitled 'An Act to regulate the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in the Philippine Islands, by authorizing the Board of Veterinary Examiners to issue without examination, certificates for the practice of veterinary medicine to persons who were qualified to practice before the ratification of the treaty of peace with Spain."
No. 2331. Passed February 25, 1914, entitled "An Act amending chapter twenty-nine of Act Numbered One hundred and ninety, entitled 'An Act providing a Code of Procedure in Civil Actions and Special Proceedings in the Philippine Islands,' by providing for the summary settlement of estates of deceased persons in certain cases."
No. 2332. Passed February 26, 1914, entitled "An Act amending Act Numbered Eleven hundred and forty-seven by providing for the free registration and branding of large cattle under two years of age under certain conditions."
No. 2333. Passed February 26, 1914, entitled "An Act relative to untrue, deceptive, and misleading advertisements."
No. 2335. Passed February 27, 1914, entitled "An Act amending section three hundred and forty-eight of Act Numbered Three hundred and fifty-five, known as the 'Philippine Customs Administrative Act,' by providing that compensation to informers shall be paid with the approval of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, by punishing certain persons who fail to report to a collector of customs any information in their possession concerning any fraud upon the customs revenue, appropriating ten thousand pesos for carrying out the provisions hereof, and for other purposes."
No. 2337. Passed February 27, 1914, entitled "An Act declaring sections eighty-five and one hundred and ninety-four of Act Numbered Two thousand and thirty-one, entitled 'The Negotiable Instruments Law,' in full force and effect and repealing inconsistent provisions of law."
No. 2338. Passed February 27, 1914, entitled "An Act amending Act Numbered Twenty-two hundred and fifty-nine, entitled 'An Act providing certain special proceedings for the settlement and adjudication of land titles,' by providing for an additional method of payment of the cost of survey, monumenting, and registration proceedings, and for other purposes."
No. 2342. Passed February 27, 1914, entitled "An Act regulating the labeling, sale, and advertising of patent and proprietary medicines, fraudulent therapeutic appliances and devices, and for the protection of the people of the Philippine Islands against the exploitation of such articles."
No. 2352. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act providing for the taking of a new census of the Philippine Islands."
No. 2356. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act amending section one of Act Numbered Seventeen hundred and twenty-nine, entitled 'An Act making appropriations for the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of the bonds issued for public works under the provisions of Acts Numbered Thirteen hundred and one and Fourteen hundred and forty-four, and for the investment of such fund,' by extending the time limit for loans to provinces and municipalities and providing for additional purposes for which such loans may be made."
No. 2358. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act amending Act Numbered Twenty-one hundred and sixty-three, entitled 'An Act creating a commission to secure, organize, and make an exhibit of Philippine products, manufactures, art, ethnology, and education at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition to be held at San Francisco, California, in the United States, in nineteen hundred and fifteen, making an appropriation therefor, and for other purposes,' by authorizing the appropriation of money by provinces and municipalities for the preparation of provincial exhibits for the Philippine section of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition."
No. 2359. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act authorizing the loaning of funds deposited by municipalities with the provincial treasurer to other municipalities for the construction of school buildings under certain conditions."
No. 2362. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act amending certain sections of Act Numbered Twenty-three hundred and seven: 'An Act creating a Board of Public Utility Commissioners and prescribing its duties and powers, and for other purposes,' and for other purposes."
No. 2364. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act providing for the punishment of persons guilty of infidelity in the custody of prisoners detained for or convicted of a crime punished by the laws enacted by the Philippine Commission or by the Philippine Legislature."
No. 2368. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act amending section two of Act Numbered Seventeen hundred and forty-nine, entitled 'An Act making appropriations for the friar lands bonds sinking fund created by Act Numbered One thousand and thirty-four,' by extending the time limit for loans to provinces and municipalities and providing for additional purposes for which such loans may be made."
No. 2371. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act amending Act Numbered Fourteen hundred and seven by extending the provisions of subsection (b) of section nine thereof to religious, educational, and charitable institutions."
No. 2380. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act providing for the inspection, grading, and baling of abaca (Manila hemp), maguey (cantala), sisal, and other fibers."
No. 2381. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act restricting the use of opium and repealing Act Numbered Seventeen hundred and sixty-one."
No. 2382. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act amending Act Numbered Five hundred and ninety-seven, entitled 'An Act regulating the practice of pharmacy in the Philippine Islands,' as amended by Acts Numbered Nineteen hundred and twenty-one and Twenty-two hundred and thirty-six, determining the subjects in which persons desiring to practice pharmacy in the Philippine Islands shall be examined, and for other purposes."
No. 2383. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act designating certain duties to stenographers of the courts of justice, and for other purposes."
No. 2384. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act granting to the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America a franchise to construct, maintain, and operate in the Philippine Islands a station for the reception and transmission of wireless long distance messages."
No. 2385. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act amending subsection (d) of section two and section three of Act Numbered Eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, adding several paragraphs to the end of section four of said Act, providing for other purposes, and repealing Act Numbered Twenty-two hundred and fifty-eight."
No. 2389. Passed February 28, 1914, entitled "An Act to amend Act Numbered Twenty-one hundred and fifty-nine, entitled 'An Act to regulate motor vehicle traffic in the Philippine Islands, to provide for the registration of motor vehicles and the licensing of operators, and to require all vehicles on highways to carry lights, and for other purposes,' by fixing a maximum rate of speed, and for other purposes."
Enacted, June 30, 1914.