Republic Act No. 10924 December 22, 2016
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines From January One to December Thirty-One, Two Thousand and Seventeen, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10923 October 15, 2016
An Act Postponing the October 2016 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections, Amending for the Purpose Replublic Act No. 9164, as Amended By Republic Act No. 9340 and Republic Act No. 10656 Prescribing Additional Rules Governing the Conduct of Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10922 July 22, 2016
An Act Declaring the Second Week of November of Every Year as Economic and Financial Literacy Week
Republic Act No. 10921 July 21, 2016
An Act Separating the Conner Central National High School – ILI Annex IV in Barangay Ili, Municiaplity of Conner, Province of Apayao From the Conner Central National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Ili National High School and Appripriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10920 July 21, 2016
An Act Separating the Conner Central National High School – Cupis Annex II in Barangay Cupis, Municiaplity of Conner, Province of Apayao From the Conner Central National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National Technical-Vocational High School to Be Known as Cupis National High School and Appripriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10919 July 21, 2016
An Act Establishing the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTSP), Providing for the Purpose the Amalgamation of the Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST) and the Misamis Oriental State College of Agriculture and Technology (MOSCAT), and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10918 July 21, 2016
An Act Regulating and Modernizing the Practice of Pharmacy in the Philippines, Repealing for the Purpose Republic Act Numbered Five Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-One (R.A. No. 5921), Otherwise Known as the Pharmacy Law
Republic Act No. 10917 July 21, 2016
An Act Amending Certain Provisions of Republic Act No. 9547, Otherwise Known as An Act Strengthening and Expanding the Coverage of the Special Program for Employment of Students, Amending for the Purpose Provisions of Republic Act No. 7323, Otherwise Known as the Special Program for Employment of Students
Republic Act No. 10916 July 21, 2016
An Act Requiring the Mandatory Installation of Speed Limiter in Public Utility and Certain Types of Vehicles
Republic Act No. 10915 July 21, 2016
An Act Strengthening, Modernizing and Aligning the Practice of Agricultural Engineering in the Country Into the Internationally Recognized Practice of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10914 July 21, 2016
An Act Granting Philippine Citizenship to Hans-Peter Smit
Republic Act No. 10913 July 21, 2016
An Act Defining and Penalizing Distracted Driving
Republic Act No. 10912 July 21, 2016
An Act Mandating and Strengthening the Continuing Professional Development Program for All Regulated Professions, Creating the Continuing Professional Development Council, and Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Related Pruposes
Republic Act No. 10911 July 21, 2016
An Act Prohibiting Discrimination Against Any Individual in Employment on Account of Age and Providing Penalties Therefor
Republic Act No. 10910 July 21, 2016
An Act Increasing the Prescriptive Period for Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, Otherwise Known as the “Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act”, From Fifteen (15) Years to Twenty (20) Years, Amending Section 11 Thereof
Republic Act No. 10909 July 21, 2016
An Act Prohibiting Business Establishments From Giving Insufficient or No Change to Consumers and Providing Penalties Therefor
Republic Act No. 10908 July 21, 2016
An Act Mandating the Integration of Filipino-Muslim and Indigenous Peoples History, Culture and Identity in the Study of Philippine History in Both Basic and Higher Education
Republic Act No. 10907 July 21, 2016
An Act Declaring Tourism Development Areas in the Province of Camiguin, Organizing the Camiguin Tourism Council and Mandating Support for Tourism Development in the Province of Camiguin
Republic Act No. 10906 July 21, 2016
An Act Providing Stronger Measures Against Unlawful Practices, Businesses, and Schemes of Matching and Offering Filipinos to Foreign Nationals for Purposes of Marriage or Common Law Partnership, Repealing for the Purpose Republic Act No. 6955, Also Referred to as the “Anti-Mail Order Bride Law”
Republic Act No. 10905 July 21, 2016
An Act Requiring All Franchise Holders or Operators of Television Stations and Producers of Television Programs to Broadcast or Present Their Programs With Closed Captions Option, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10904 July 21, 2016
An Act Granting the Pilipinas Radio Waves Corp. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Radio And/or Television Broadcasting Stations Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 10903 July 21, 2016
An Act Granting the Megamanila Telecom Corp. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 10902 July 21, 2016
An Act Granting the Metro Connections and Telecom Corp. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 10901 July 21, 2016
An Act Granting the Pilipinas Asian Pearl Airways, Inc. a Franchise to Establish, Operate and Maintain Domestic and International Air Transport Services
Republic Act No. 10900 July 21, 2016
An Act Extending for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Bell Telecommunication Philippines, Inc., Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7692, Entitled “An Act Granting to Bell Telecommunication Philippines, Inc., a Franchise to Install, Operate and Maintain Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10899 July 21, 2016
An Act Granting Veritas Media Arts Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in the Province of Bohol and the Visayas
Republic Act No. 10898 July 21, 2016
An Act Granting the Infinivan, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 10897 July 21, 2016
An Act Granting the Ama Telecommunications, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Telecommunications Systems in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 10896 July 21, 2016
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to People’s Broadcasting Service, Inc. Under Republic Act No. 7477, as Amended By Republic Act No. 9213
Republic Act No. 10895 July 21, 2016
An Act Granting the Avocado Broadband Telecoms, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 10894 July 21, 2016
An Act Extending to Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to the Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (Pt&T) to Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate Wire And/or Wireless Telecommunications Systems, Lines, Circuits and Stations Throughout the Philippines for Public Domestic and International Communications Under Republic Act No. 4161, as Amended
Republic Act No. 10893 July 21, 2016
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Masbate Community Broadcasting Co., Inc. Under Republic Act No. 7510, Entitled “An Act Granting the Masbate Community Broadcasting Co., Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Install, Operate and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in the Islands of Masbate and Romblon and the Whole of the Visayas, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10892 July 21, 2016
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Ibaan Electric Corporation (Formerly Ibaan Electric and Engineering Corporation) to Construct, Operate, and Maintain an Electric Ligh, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Ibaan, Province of Batangas Under Republic Act No. 7578
Republic Act No. 10891 July 21, 2016
An Act Granting the First Bay Power Corp. (FBPC) a Franchise to Contruct, Install, Establish Operate and Maintain a Distribution System for the Conveyance of Electric Power to the End Users in the Municipality of Bauan, Province of Batangas
Republic Act No. 10890 July 17, 2016
An Act Granting the Mactan Electric Company, Inc. (MECO) a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain a Distribution System for the Conveyance of Electric Power to the End Users in the City of Lapu-Lapu and the Municipality of Cordova, Province of Cebu
Republic Act No. 10889 July 17, 2016
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Corona International, Inc. Under Republic Act No. 7398
Republic Act No. 10888 July 17, 2016
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Zoe Broadcasting, Inc., Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7297, Entitled “An Act Granting the Zoe Broadcasting Network, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Operate and Maintain Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations Throughout the Philippines, and for Other Purposes”, as Amended By Republic Act No. 7968
Republic Act No. 10887 July 17, 2016
An Act Amending the Franchise Granted to Byers Communications, Inc. Under Republic Act No. 8107, Expanding Its Scope Into National Coverage, and Renewing Its Term for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years
Republic Act No. 10886 July 17, 2016
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Kalayaan Broadcasting System, Incorporated Under Republic Act No. 7303, as Amended By Republic Act No. 8106, Entitled “An Act Granting the Kalayaan Broadcasting System, Incorporated, a Franchise to Construct, Install, Operate and Maintain Radio Broadcasting Stations in the Island of Mindanao and for Other Purposes”
Republic Act No. 10885 July 17, 2016
An Act Granting the Makinig Network, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Radio And/or Television Broadcasting Stations Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 10884 July 17, 2016
An Act Strengthening the Balanced Housing Development Program, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7279, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992
Republic Act No. 10883 July 17, 2016
An Act Providing for a New Anti-Carnapping Law of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 10882 July 17, 2016
An Act Exempting Surviving Children of Military Personnel Who Are Mentally Incapacitated From Termination of Benefits Upon Reaching the Age of Twenty-One (21), Amending for the Purpose Section 25 of Presidential Decree Numbered Sixteen Hundred and Thirty-Eight, Otherwise Known as the Afp Military Personnel Retirement and Separation Decree of 1979, as Amended
Republic Act No. 10881 July 17, 2016
An Act Amending Investment Restrictions in Specific Laws Governing Adjustment Companies, Lending Companies, Financing Companies and Investment Houses Cited in the Foreign Investment Negative List and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10880 July 17, 2016
An Act Creating An Additional Branch of the Regional Trial Court With Seat At Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro in the Fourth Judicial Region, Further Amending for the Purpose Atas Pambansa Blg. 129, Otherwise Known as the “The Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980”, as Amended, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10879 July 17, 2016
An Act Establishing the Southwestern Tagalog Region to Be Known as the Mimaropa Region
Republic Act No. 10878 July 17, 2016
An Act Strengthening and Institutionalizing Direct Credit Support of the Land Bank of the Philippines to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries, Small Farmers and Fisherfolk, Further Amending Republic Act No. 3844, Otherwise Known as the “Agricultural Land Reform Code”, as Amended
Republic Act No. 10877 July 17, 2016
An Act Separating the Gov. Alfredo Abueg Sr. National Technology and Vocational Memorial High School – Aribungos Extension in Barangay Aribungos, Municipality of Brooke’s Point, Province of Palawan From the Gov. Alfredo Abueg Sr. National Technology and Vocational Memorial High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Inil U. Taha National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10876 July 17, 2016
An Act Separating the Kalinga National High School – Ambato Tinglayan Annex in Barangay Ambato-Legleg, Municipality of Tinglayan, Province of Kalinga From the Kalinga National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Tinglayan National High School and Appropriate Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10875 July 17, 2016
An Act Establishing a National Science and Technology High School in Barangay San Jose, City of Antipolo, Province of Rizal to Be Known as Antipolo City National Science and Technology High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10874 July 17, 2016
An Act Separating the Pio Da Lim Memorial School of Arts and Trades - Tanglagan Annex in Barangay Tanglagan, Municipality of Calanasan, Province of Apayao from the Pio Da Lim Memorial School of Arts and Trades into an Independent National Technical-Vocational High School to be Known asTanglagan National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10873 July 17, 2016
An Act Separating the Conner Central National High School-Talifugo Annex in Barangay Talifugo, Municipality of Conner Province of Apayao from the Conner Province of Apayao from the Conner Central National High School, Converting it into an Independent National High School to be Known as Talifugo National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10872 July 17, 2016
An Act Separating the Cagasat National High School - Magsaysay Annex in Barangay Magsaysay, Municipality of Cordon, Province of Isabela From the Cagasat National High School, Convterting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Cordon National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10871 July 17, 2016
An Act Requiring Basic Education Students to Undergo Age-Appropriate Basic Life Support Training
Republic Act No. 10870 July 17, 2016
An Act Regulating the Philippine Credit Card Industry
Republic Act No. 10869 May 11, 2016
An Act Converting the Sadanga National High School in Barangay Poblacion, Municipality of Sadanga, Mountain Province Into a National Technical-Vocational High School to Be Known as Sadanga National Technical-Vocational and Skills Training High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10868 May 11, 2016
An Act Separating the Quezon Panitian National High School — Malatgao Extension in Barangay Malatgao, Municipality of Quezon, Province of Palawan From the Quezon Panitian National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Malatgao National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10867 May 11, 2016
An Act Separating the Parañaque National High School — Don Galo Annex in Barangay Don Galo, City of Parañaque, Metro Manila From the Parañaque National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Don Galo National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10866 June 23, 2016
An Act Declaring the Province of Batanes as a Responsible, Community-Basaed Cultural Heritage and Ecotourism Zone
Republic Act No. 10865 June 23, 2016
An Act Converting the Mayor Hilarion A. Ramiro Sr. Regional Training and Teaching Hospital in the Province of Misamis Occidental Into a Medical Center to Be Known as the Mayor Hilarion A. Ramiro Sr. Medical Center
Republic Act No. 10864 June 10, 2016
An Act Defining Raw Sugar or Raw Cane Sugar, Amending Section 109(A) and (F) of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as Amended, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10863 May 30, 2016
An Act Modernizing the Customs and Tariff Administration
Republic Act No. 10862 May 25, 2016
An Act Regulating the Practice of Nutrition and Dietetics in the Philippines, Repealing for the Purpose Presidential Decree No. 1286, Known as the “nutrition and Dietetics Decree of 1977”, Approriating Funds Therefore, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10861 May 23, 2016
An Act Establishing a Provincial Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Training, Development, and Product Center in Each of the Provinces of Leyte, Southern Leyte, Biliran, Eastern Samar, Samar, and Northern Samar, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10860 May 23, 2016
An Act Establishing a Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the Municipality of Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Province of Lanao Del Norte and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10859 May 23, 2016
An Act Establishing a Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the Municipality of Jose Dalman, Province of Zamboanga Del Norte and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10858 May 23, 2016
An Act Establishing a Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in Barangay Ata-Atahon, Municipality of Nasipit, Province of Agusan Del Norte and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10857 May 23, 2016
An Act Establishing Mangrove Crab Seed Banks, Nurseries and Grow-Out Production Farms in the Municipalities of Virac, Bato, Baras, Gigmoto, Viga, Panganiban, Bagamanoc, San Andres, Caramoran and Pandan, Province of Catanduanes and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10856 May 23, 2016
An Act Establishing a Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the Municipality of Bantayan, Province of Cebu and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10855 May 23, 2016
An Act Converting the Irosin North High School in Barangay Tinampo, Municipality of Irosin, Province of Sorsogon Into a National High School to Be Known as Irosin North National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10854 May 23, 2016
An Act Separating the Padada National High School - Malinao Extension in Barangay Lower Malinao, Municipality of Padada, Province of Davao Del Sur From the Padada National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Malinao National High School of Arts and Trade and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10853 May 23, 2016
An Act Separating the Banisilan National High School – Carugmanan Annex in Barangay Carugmanan, Municipality of Banisilan, Province of Cotabato From the Banisilan National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Carugmanan National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10852 May 23, 2016
An Act Establishing a National High School in Barangay Sto. Niño, Parañaque City to Be Known as Sto. Nino National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10851 May 23, 2016
An Act Converting the Judge Jose De Venecia Sr. Memorial National High School in Barangay Bolosan, City of Dagupan, Province of Pangasinan Into a National Technical-Vocational High School to Be Known as Judge Jose De Venecia Sr. Technical-Vocational Secondary School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10850 May 23, 2016
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the City of Baybay, Province of Leyte and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10849 May 23, 2016
An Act Changing the Name of Alcantara National Trade School to Romblon National Institute of Technology
Republic Act No. 10848 May 23, 2016
An Act Further Extending the Period of Implementation of the Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (ACEF), Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 8178, as Amended By Republic Act No. 9496, Entitled: “An Act Replacing Quantitative Import Restrictions on Agricultural Products, Except Rice, With Tariffs, Creating the Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, and for Other Purposes”
Republic Act No. 10847 May 23, 2016
An Act Lowering the Age Requirement for Applicants Taking the Board Examination for Social Workers, Providing for Continuing Social Work Education, and Upgrading the Sundry Provisions Relative to the Practice of Social Work
Republic Act No. 10846 May 23, 2016
An Act Enhancing the Resolution and Liquidation Framework for Banks, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 3591, as Amended, and Other Related Laws
Republic Act No. 10845 May 23, 2016
An Act Declaring Large-Scale Agricultural Smuggling as Economic Sabotage, Prescribing Penalties Therefor and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10844 May 23, 2016
An Act Creating the Department of Information and Communications Technology, Defining Its Powers and Functions Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10843 May 11, 2016
An Act Converting the Lakeview Elementary School and the Pedro E. Diaz High School - Lakeview Annex in Barangay Putatan, City of Muntinlupa, Metro Manila Into An Integrated School to Be Known as Lakeview Integrated School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10842 May 11, 2016
An Act Converting the Hulo Elementary School in Barangay Hulo, City of Mandaluyong Into An Integrated School to Be Known as Hulo Integrated School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10841 May 11, 2016
An Act Separating the Digos City National High School - Matti High School Annex in Barangay Matti, City of Digos, Province of Davao Del Sur From the Digos City National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Matti National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10840 May 11, 2016
An Act Converting the Saliok National High School in Barangay Saliok, Municipality of Natonin, Mountain Province Into a National Technical-Vocational High School to Be Known as Saliok National Technical-Vocational and Skills Training High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10839 May 11, 2016
An Act Converting the Sadanga National High School in Barangay Poblacion, Municipality of Sadanga, Mountain Province into a National Technical-Vocational High School to be Known as Sadanga National Technical-Vocational and Skills Training High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10838 May 11, 2016
An Act Separating the Quezon Panitian National High School — Malatgao Extension in Barangay Malatgao, Municipality of Quezon, Province of Palawan From the Quezon Panitian National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Malatgao National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10837 May 11, 2016
An Act Separating the Parañaque National High School — Don Galo Annex in Barangay Don Galo, City of Parañaque, Metro Manila From the Parañaque National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Don Galo National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10836 May 11, 2016
An Act Separating the Don Pablo Lorenzo Memorial High School – Pasonanca Annex in Barangay Pasonanca, Zamboanga City From the Don Pablo Lorenzo Memorial High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Pasonanca National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10835 May 11, 2016
An Act Separating the Ayala National High School - Tulungatung Annex in Barangay Tulungatung, Zamboanga City From the Ayala National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Tulungatung National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10834 May 11, 2016
An Act Separating the Dr. Rodolfo V. Pamor, Jr. Memorial National High School – Sangay Western High School Annex in Barangay Tinorongan, Municipality of Sangay, Province of Camarines Sur From the Dr. Rodolfo V. Pamor, Jr. Memorial National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Tinorongan National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10833 May 11, 2016
An Act Converting the Bentuco High School in Barangay Bentuco, Municipality of Gubat, Province of Sorsogon Into a National High School to Be Known as Bentuco National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10832 May 11, 2016
An Act Establishing a National High School in Barangay Camanga, Municipality of Malangas, Province of Zamboanga Sibugay to Be Known as Dionisio Lopez, Sr. National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10831 May 11, 2016
An Act Establishing a National High School in Barangay Balukbahan, Municipality of Bayog, Province of Zamboanga Del Sur to Be Known as Balukbahan National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10830 May 11, 2016
An Act Converting the Bakhaw Elementary School in Barangay Bakhaw, District of Mandurriao, Iloilo City Into An Integrated School to Be Known as Bakhaw Integrated School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10829 May 11, 2016
An Act Establishing a National Science High School in the City of Pasay to Be Known as Pasay City National Science High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10828 May 19, 2016
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office in the Province of Sarangani and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10827 May 19, 2016
An Act Converting the Satellite Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in District 2, Parañaque City Into a Regular LTO District Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10826 May 19, 2016
An Act Establishing a Multi-Species Marine Nursery in the Municipality of Kalamansig, Province of Sultan Kudarat and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10825 May 19, 2016
An Act Establishing Multi-Species Marine Hatcheries in Surigao City and the Municipality of Del Carmen in the Province of Surigao Del Norte and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10824 May 18, 2016
An Act Renaming the Milagros School of Fisheries, Popularly Known as the Masbate School of Fisheries in the Municipality of Milagros, Province of Masbate, as the Masbate Institute of Fisheries and Technology
Republic Act No. 10823 May 18, 2016
An Act Changing the Name of Kasibu National Agricultural School Being Administered By the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in Barangay Pudi, Municipality of Kasibu, Province of Nueva Vizcaya to Nueva Vizcaya Polytechnic Institute
Republic Act No. 10822 May 18, 2016
An Act Granting the Pipol Broadband and Telecommunications Corporation a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish, Operate and Maintain Telecommunications Systems Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 10821 May 18, 2016
An Act Mandating the Provision of Emergency Relief and Protection for Children Before, During, and After Disasters and Other Emergency Situations
Republic Act No. 10820 May 18, 2016
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Progressive Broadcasting Corporation Under Republic Act No. 7163, as Amended By Republic Act No. 8162
Republic Act No. 10819 May 18, 2016
An Act Renewing the Franchise Granted to Far East Broadcasting Company (Philippines), Inc. Under Republic Act No. 8115, Entitled “An Act Granting the Far East Broadcasting Company (Philippines), Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Non-Commercial Radio Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines”
Republic Act No. 10818 May 16, 2016
An Act Renewing the Franchise Granted to the Radio Mindanao Network, Inc. for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years or a Term That Shall Take Effect on April 18, 2016
Republic Act No. 10817 May 16, 2016
An Act Instituting the Philippine Halal Export Development and Promotion Program, Creating for the Purpose the Philippine Halal Export Development and Promotion Board, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10816 May 16, 2016
An Act Providing for the Development and Promotion of Farm Tourism in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 10815 May 16, 2016
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a Technical Education and Skills Development Center in the Municipality of Rizal, Province of Occidental Mindoro to Be Known as the Rizal, Occidental Mindoro TESDA Training and Accreditation Center, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10814 May 13, 2016
An Act Declaring June 23 of Every Year as a Special Working Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in the City of Bacoor to Commemorate Its Anniversary as a City
Republic Act No. 10813 May 11, 2016
An Act Establishing a Multi-Species Freshwater Hatchery in the Municipality of Jabonga, Province of Agusan Del Norte and Appropriating Funds Thererfor
Republic Act No. 10812 May 11, 2016
An Act Establishing a National High School in Barangay San Raque, Zamboanga City to Be Known as San Roque National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10811 May 10, 2016
An Act Changing the Name of Juan Lumosad Memorial National High School - Monte Alegre Annex in Barangay Monthe Alegre, Municipality of Aurora, Province of Zamboanga Del Sur to Monte Alegre National High School
Republic Act No. 10810 May 10, 2016
An Act Separating the Tarusan National High School - Malihud Extension in Barangay Malihud, Municipality of Bataraza, Province of Palawan From the Tarusan National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Malihud National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10809 May 10, 2016
An Act Converting Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as the Dupax Del Norte National High School the Dupax Del Norte National High School - Poblacion Annex in Barangay Poblacion of Malasin, Municipality of Dupax Del Norte, Province of Nueva Vizcaya, and Separating It From Its Mother School, the Dupax Dela Norte National High School in Barangay Lamo, Municipality of Dupax Del Norte, Province of Nueva Vizcaya, Hereinafter Renamed the Lamo National High School, Repealing for the Purpose Republic Act No. 9779 and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10808 May 10, 2016
An Act Converting the Payatan High School in Barangay Payatan, Municipal of Goa, Province of Camarines Sur Into a National High School to Be Known as Payatan National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10807 May 10, 2016
An Act Declaring February 13 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in the City of Parañaque, Metro Manila in Commemoration of Its Foundation Day Anniversary
Republic Act No. 10806 May 10, 2016
An Act Declaring October 31 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in the Municipality of Porac, Province of Pampanga in Commemoration of Its Founding Anniversary to Be Known as "Porac Day"
Republic Act No. 10805 May 10, 2016
An Act Declaring December 29 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in the Municipality of Leon, Province of Iloilo in Honor of Captain Jose Calugas Sr. to Be Known as "Jose Calugas Day"
Republic Act No. 10804 May 10, 2016
An Act Declaring September 29 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in the City of Bacoor, Province of Cavite in Commemoration of the "Araw Ng Bacoor"
Republic Act No. 10803 May 10, 2016
An Act Declaring June 30 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in the City of Imus, Province of Cavite in Commemoration of Its Founding Anniversary
Republic Act No. 10802 May 10, 2016
An Act Declaring July 4 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in the Province of Lanao Del Sur in Commemoration of Its Foundation Day
Republic Act No. 10801 May 10, 2016
An Act Governing the Operations and Administration of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration
Republic Act No. 10800 May 10, 2016
An Act Converting the Tarlac College of Agriculture (Tca) in the Municipality of Camiling, Province of Tarlac Into a State University to Be Known as the Tarlac Agricultural University and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10799 May 10, 2016
An Act Establishng a Regular District Office of the Land Transpoetation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of La Libertad, Province of Negros Oriental, Appropriating Funds Therefoe and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10798 May 10, 2016
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the City of Antipolo, Province of Rizal and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10797 May 10, 2016
An Act Renaming the Philippine Public Safety College - Regional Training School 7 (Ppsc-Rts 7) in Consolacion, Province of Cebu Into the Camp Jesse M. Robredo Regional Training Center 7, National Police Training Institute, Philippine Public Safety College |
Republic Act No. 10796 May 10, 2016
An Act Declaring the Balete Pass in Sta. Fe, Nueva Vizcaya as a National Shrine to Be Known as the Balete Pass National Shrine
Republic Act No. 10795 May 10, 2016
An Act Extending for a Period of Twenty-Five (25) Years the Term of the Franchise Granted to Tarlac Electric, Inc. (Formerly Known as Tarlac Enterprises, Inc.) to Construct, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the City of Tarlac, Province of Tarlac, Provided Under Republic Act No. 7606
Republic Act No. 10794 May 10, 2016
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years and Expanding to Radio/television Broadcasting, National in Scope, Throughout the Philippines, the Franchise Granted to Mabuhay Broadcasting System, Inc. Under Republic Act No. 7395, Entitled "An Act Granting the Mabuhay Broadcasting System, Inc., a Franchise to Construct, Install, Operate and Maintain Radio Broadcasting Stations in the Island of Luzon and for Other Purposes"
Republic Act No. 10793 May 10, 2016
An Act Renewing the Franchise Granted to Radio Veritas-Global Broadcasting System, Incorporated to Construct, Install, Operate and Maintain for Religious, Educational, Cultural and Commercial Purposes Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines, and for Other Purposes, Under Republic Act Numbered Seventy-Five Hundred and Seventy-Nine to Another Twenty-Five (25) Years
Republic Act No. 10792 May 10, 2016
An Act Renewing the Franchise of Contel Communications, Incorporated, Assignee of the Grantee Under Republic Act Numbered Thirty-Nine Hundred and Thirty-Two, as Amended By Republic Act Numbered Seventy-Four Hundred and One, Entitled "An Act Granting the Concepcion Industries, Incorporated a Franchise to Construct, Maintain, and Operate Radiotelephone Stations for the Transmission and Reception of Radio Communications Within the Philippines" for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years From the Effectivity of This Act and Ratifying the Assignment and Transfer of the Franchise From Concepcion Industries, Incorporated to Contel Communications, Incorporated
Republic Act No. 10791 May 3, 2016
An Act Separating the Atok National High School - Annex in Barangay Camp 30, Caliking, Municipality of Atok, Province of Benguet From the Atok National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Camp 30 National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10790 May 3, 2016
An Act Amending the Franchise of Aliw Broadcasting Corporation and Renewing/extending the Term Thereof to Another Twenty-Five (25) Years That Shall Take Effect on April 13, 2017
Republic Act No. 10789 May 3, 2016
An Act Amending Presidential Decree No. 442, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Labor Code of the Philippines By Adding a New Article 302-A Reducing the Retirement Age of Rachorse Jockeys From Sixty (60) to Fifty-Five (55)
Republic Act No. 10788 May 3, 2016
An Act Declaring April 16 of Every Year a Special Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in the City of Marikina in Commemoration of Its Founding Anniversary to Be Known as "Marikina City Day"
Republic Act No. 10787 May 3, 2016
An Act Establishing Multi-Species Marine Hatchery in the Municipality of Lingig, Province of Surigao Del Sur and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10786 May 3, 2016
An Act Declaring the Fourth Week of September of Every Year as the National Thyroid Cancer Awareness Week
Republic Act No. 10785 May 3, 2016
An Act Establishing a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Office in Bacolod City and Approriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10784 May 3, 2016
An Act Converting the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Extension Office Located in the City of Tagaytay, Province of Cavite, Into a Regular District Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10783 May 3, 2016
An Act Converting the Kabacan Land Transportation Office (LTO) Extension Office in the Municipality of Kabacan, Province of Cotabato Into a Regular LTO District Office
Republic Act No. 10782 May 3, 2016
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office in the Municipality of Orani, Province of Bataan and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10781 May 3, 2016
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the City of Imus, Province of Cavite and Appropriating Funds Therefor.
Republic Act No. 10780 May 3, 2016
An Act Separating the Panagaan National High School — Paraiso Annex in Barangay Panagaamn, Municipality of Mahayag, Province of Zamboanga Del Sur From the Panagaan National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Paraiso National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10779 May 3, 2016
An Act Separating the Lepanto National High School — Palatong Annex in Sitio Palatong, Barangay Tabio, Municipality of Mankayan, Province of Benguet From the Lepanto National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as Tabio National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10778 May 3, 2016
An Act Separating the Parañaque National High School — La Huerta Annex in Barangay La Huerta, City of Parañaque, Metro Manila From the Parañaque National High School, Converting It Into An Independent National High School to Be Known as La Huerta National High School and Apporiating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10777 May 3, 2016
An Act Declaring September 1 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in the Province of North Cotabato Commemoration of Its Founding Anniversary
Republic Act No. 10776 May 3, 2016
An Act Declaring May 8 of Every Year as Hermosa Day and a Special Working Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in the Municipality of Hermosa, Province of Bataan
Republic Act No. 10775 May 3, 2016
An Act Declaring June 21 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in Tagaytay City, Province of Cavite in Commemoration of Its Founding Day to Be Known as "Charter Day of Tagaytay City" or "Araw Ng Lungsod Ng Tagaytay"
Republic Act No. 10774 May 3, 2016
An Act Declaring March 9 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday and No Class Day in Schools in the Province of Abra in Commemoration of Its Foundation Anniversary and the Culmination of the Abrenian Kawayan Festival.
Republic Act No. 10773 May 3, 2016
An Act Renewing for Another Twenty-Five (25) Years the Franchise Granted to Eagle Broadcasting Corporation as Provided Under Republic Act No. 7299
Republic Act No. 10771 April 29, 2016
An Act Promoting the Creation of Green Jobs, Granting Incentives and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10770 April 26, 2016
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center, Located in Cebu City, From Eight Hundred (800) to One Thousand Two Hundred (1,200) Bed Capacity, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10769 April 26, 2016
An Act Converting the Extension Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Located in the Municipality of Sta. Maria, Province of Bulacan Into a Regular LTO District Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10768 April 26, 2016
An Act Declaring August 11 of Every Year a Special Working Holiday in the City of Iligan, Province of Isabela in Commemoration of Its Charter Day Anniversary to Be Known as “Iligan City Charter Day”
Republic Act No. 10767 April 26, 2016
An Act Establishing a Comprehensive Philippine Plan of Action to Eliminate Tuberculosis as a Public Health Problem and Appropriating Fund Therefor
Republic Act No. 10766 April 19, 2016
An Act Extending the Life of the Human Rights Victims Claims Board, Amending for This Purpose Section 29 of Republic Act No. 10368 Entitled, “An Act Providing for Reparation and Recognition of Victims of Human Rights Violations During the Marcos Regime, Documentation of Said Violations, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes”
Republic Act No. 10765 April 15, 2016
An Act Converting the Goa, Camarines Sur Extension Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Into a Regular LTO District Office to Be Located in the Municipality of Tigaon, Province of Camarines Sur
Republic Act No. 10764 April 15, 2016
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office in the Municipality of Malita, Province of Davao Occidental and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10763 April 15, 2016
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Carmona, Province of Cavite and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10762 April 15, 2016
An Act Converting the Extension Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Located in the City of Cabadbaran, Agusan Del Norte Into a Regular LTO District Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10761 April 15, 2016
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Municipality of Irosin, Sorsogon and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10760 April 15, 2016
An Act Establishing a Regular District Office of the Land Transportation Office in the Municipality of Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10759 April 15, 2016
An Act Converting the Extension Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Located in Bayawan City Into a Regular LTO District Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10758 April 15, 2016
An Act Converting the Extension Office of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Located in the Municipality of Agoo, Province of La Union Into a Regular LTO District Office and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 10757 April 8, 2016
An Act Reducing the Retirement Age of Surface Mine Workers From Sixty (60) to Fifty (50) Years, Amending for the Purpose Article 302 of Presidential Decree No. 442, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the “Labor Code of the Philippines”
Republic Act No. 10756 April 8, 2016
An Act Rendering Election Service Non-Compulsory for Public School Teachers, Authorizing the Appointment of Other Qualified Citizens, Providing for Compensation and Other Benefits
Republic Act No. 10755 March 29, 2016
An Act Authorizing the Punong Barangay to Administer the Oath of Office of Any Government Official, Including the President of the Republic of the Philippines, Amending for the Purpose Section 41 of Executive Order No. 292, Otherwise Known as the Administrative Code of 1987, as Amended By Republic Act No. 6733
Republic Act No. 10754 March 23, 2016
An Act Expanding the Benefits and Privileges of Persons With Disability (PWD)
Republic Act No. 10753 March 7, 2016
An Act Renewing the Franchise Granted to the Interactive Broadcast Media, Inc. to Another Twenty-Five (25) Years That Shall Take Effect on September 5, 2021
Republic Act No. 10752 March 7, 2016
An Act Facilitating the Acquisition of Right-Of-Way Site or Location for National Government Infrastructure Projects
Republic Act No. 10751 March 7, 2016
An Act Changing the Name of Saverona Elementary School in Barangay Saverona, Municipality of Talugtug, Province of Nueva Ecija to Alberto G. Bautista Elementary School
Republic Act No. 10750 March 7, 2016
An Act Changing the Name of Mahinog National High School in Barangay Hubangon, Municipality of Mahinog, Province of Camiguin to Sixto A. Abao National High School
Republic Act No. 10749 March 7, 2016
An Act Changing the Name of Baybay Elementary School in Barangay San Manuel Sur, Municipality of Agoo, Province of La Union to San Manuel Sur Elementary School
Republic Act No. 10748 March 7, 2016
An Act Changing the Name of San Manuel Norte Elementary School in the Municipality of Agoo, Province of La Union to Dr. Manuel T. Cases Sr. Elementary School
Republic Act No. 10747 March 3, 2016
An Act Promulgating a Comprehensive Policy in Addressing the Needs of Persons With Rare Disease
Republic Act No. 10746 March 3, 2016
An Act Changing the Name of San Manuel Norte National High School in the Municipality of Agoo, Province of La Union to Dr. Manuel T. Cases Sr. National High School
Republic Act No. 10745 February 26, 2016
An Act Allowing Natural Gas Power Generating Plants in the Country to Use Neat Diesel as An Alternative Fuel, Exempting Them From the Requirements of Paragraph 5.3, Section 5 of Republic Act No. 9367, Otherwise Known as the “Biofuels Act of 2006”
Republic Act No. 10744 February 26, 2016
An Act Providing for the Creation and Organization of Credit Surety Fund Cooperatives to Manage and Administer Credit Surety Funds to Enhance the Accessibility of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Cooperatives and Nongovernment Organizations to the Credit Facility of Banks and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10743 January 29, 2016
An Act Declaring the Fifth Day of October of Every Year as The National Teachers’ Day
Republic Act No. 10742 January 15, 2016
An Act Establishing Reforms in the Sangguniang Kabataan Creating Enabling Mechanisms for Meaningful Youth Participation in Nation-Building, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 10741 January 12, 2016
An Act Strengthening the Operations of the National Labor Relations Commission, Amending for This Purpose Articles 220 and 222 of Presidential Decree No. 442, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the “Labor Code of the Philippines”
Republic Act No. 10740 January 3, 2016
An Act Separating the Compostela National High School-Corazon C. Aquino High School Annex in Barangay Osmena, Municipality of Compostela, Province of Compostela Valley from the Compostela National High School, Converting it into an Independent National High School to be Known as Corazon C. Aquino National High School and Appropriating Funds Therefor
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation, Inc. |