Republic Act No. 4172 September 13, 1964
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation and Maintenance of Airports and Air Navigation Facilities
Republic Act No. 4171 September 13, 1964
An Act Providing for a Twenty-Year Public Elementary School Building Construction Program, Appropriating and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4170 August 8, 1964
An Act Appropriating Three Million Pesos for the Luneta Development Project and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4169 August 8, 1964
An Act to Amend Republic Act Numbered Three Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty-Eight, Entitled "An Act to Exempt the Ford Foundation and its Grants from the Payment of Gift, Franchise, Specific, Percentage, Real Property, and All Other Taxes, Duties and Fees and to Exempt Foreign Personnel Engaged in the Ford Foundation Program from the Payment of Income Tax," by Extending to the Rockefeller Foundation, Agricultural Development Council, Inc., Foster Parents Plan, Inc., and Their Foreign Personnel Engaged in Their Respective Programs Similar Exemptions
Republic Act No. 4168 August 8, 1964
An Act Appropriating Forty-Four Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos to Defray the Expenses for the Registration of Voters, the Holding of the Regular Elections for President and Vice-President of the Philippines, Eight Senators and Members of the House of Representatives to be Held on the Second Tuesday of November, Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Five and for Other Purposes Connected with the Administration and Enforcement of Election Laws
Republic Act No. 4167 August 5, 1964
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Eighteen Hundred Twenty-Eight Authorizing the Development, Exploitation and Utilization of the Mineral Deposits in the Surigao Reservation, as Amended by Republic Act Numbered Two Thousand Seventy-Seven
Republic Act No. 4166 August 4, 1964
An Act Changing the Date of Philippine Independence Day from July Four to June Twelve, and Declaring July Four as Philippine Republic Day, Further Amending for the Purpose Section Twenty-Nine of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 4165 August 4, 1964
An Act Creating the National Commission on Culture and Providing Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4164 July 24, 1964
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines During the Period From July First, Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Four to June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Five and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4163 July 22, 1964
An Act Appropriating Ten Million Pesos as Calamity Fund
Republic Act No. 4162 July 21, 1964
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Extend Economic and Technical Assistance to South Vietnam and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4161 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting the Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Corporation a Franchise to Establish, Install, Maintain and Operate Wire and/or Wireless Telecommunications Systems, Lines, Circuits and Stations Throughout the Philippines, for Public Domestic and International Communications
Republic Act No. 4160 June 20, 1964
An Act to Amend Section Six of Republic Act Numbered One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Five, Entitled "An Act to Provide for the Allocation, Reallocation and Administration of the Absolute Quota on Sugar"
Republic Act No. 4159 June 20, 1964
An Act Extending Further Under Certain Conditions the Term of the Franchise Granted in Pursuance of the Authority Under Acts Numbered Four Hundred Eighty-Four and One Thousand One Hundred Twelve by the Municipal Board of the City of Manila to Charles M. Swift and Later Assumed and Taken Over by the Manila Electric Company, as Contained in Ordinance Numbered Forty-Four, Parts Two and Three, as Amended of the Said Municipal Board of the City of Manila, to Construct, Maintain, and Operate an Electric Light, Heat and Power System for the Purpose of Generating and Distributing for Sale Electric Light, Heat and Power Throughout the City of Manila and its Suburbs, as Extended by Republic Act Numbered One Hundred Fifty
Republic Act No. 4158 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting the Tagum Electric Company, Inc. a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Tagum, Province of Davao
Republic Act No. 4157 June 20, 1964
An Act Standardizing the Salaries of Highway Engineering District Auditors and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4156 June 20, 1964
An Act Creating the Philippine National Railways, Prescribing its Powers, Functions and Duties, and Providing for the Necessary Funds for its Operation
Republic Act No. 4155 June 20, 1964
An Act to Promote and Strengthen the Virginia Tobacco Industry
Republic Act No. 4154 June 20, 1964
An Act to Amend Republic Act Numbered Fifteen Hundred and Fifty-Three, Entitled "An Act Granting Eliseo B. Lemia Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Radio Broadcasting Stations and Stations for Television in the Philippines"
Republic Act No. 4153 June 20, 1964
An Act to Standardize the Salaries of Officials in the Bureau of Public Highways
Republic Act No. 4152 June 20, 1964
An Act Amending Sections One and Two of Republic Act Numbered Two Thousand Seven Hundred Five, as Amended, Entitled "An Act Prescribing the Duties and Qualifications, and Fixing the Number and Salaries, of the Members of Legal Staff in the Office of the Secretary of Justice"
Republic Act No. 4151 June 20, 1964
An Act to Standardize the Salaries of Directors, Assistant Directors, Administrative Officers and Superintendents in the General Offices of the Bureau of Public Schools, Bureau of Vocational Education, Bureau of Private Schools the Board of National Education and the Department of Education
Republic Act No. 4150 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting the C & a Construction Co., Inc. a Temporary Permit to Construct, Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed, Point-to-Point, Land-Based, Land Mobile and Aeronautical Fixed Radio Stations, with Corresponding Relay and Land, Coastal, and Sea Mobile Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 4149 June 20, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Municipality of Langangan in the Province of Cagayan, to Santa Praxedes
Republic Act No. 4148 June 20, 1964
An Act Creating the Office of Agricultural Marketing News Service Under the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Providing for the Functions and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4147 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting a Franchise to Filipinas Orient Airways, Incorporated, to Establish and Maintain Air Transport Service in the Philippines and Between the Philippines and Other Countries
Republic Act No. 4146 June 20, 1964
An Act to Amend Section Two of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred and Seven, Entitled "An Act to be Known as 'The Philippine Overseas Shipping Act of Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Five"
Republic Act No. 4145 June 20, 1964
An Act Transferring to the City of Manila the Administration and Disposition of a Portion of Lot 62, Block 573, of the Cadastral Survey of Manila, and Converting Lot 76 into Alienable and Disposable Land for the Same Purpose
Republic Act No. 4144 June 20, 1964
An Act to Standardize the Salaries of Officials of the General Auditing Office and to Provide Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4143 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting U. Baņez Electric Light Company a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Bangued, Province of Abra
Republic Act No. 4142 June 20, 1964
An Act to Standardize the Salaries of Provincial and City Fiscals and Their Assistants, and Appropriating Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 4141 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting the Arayat Electric Plant a Franchise to Install, Operate and Maintain an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Arayat, Province of Pampanga
Republic Act No. 4140 June 20, 1964
An Act Amending Republic Act Numbered Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Three
Republic Act No. 4139 June 20, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Balayan, Province of Batangas, to be Known as Balayan Emergency Hospital, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4138 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting the San Luis Warehousing Corporation a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Floating Bonded Warehouses and Cold Storage Facilities in the Manila Bay and Other Navigable Waters in the Vicinity
Republic Act No. 4137 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting the Luzon Broadcasting Company, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Radio Broadcasting Stations Within the Philippines for Commercial Purposes
Republic Act No. 4136 June 20, 1964
An Act to Compile the Laws Relative to Land Transportation and Traffic Rules, to Create a Land Transportation Commission and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4135 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting Pablo R. Halili a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Cabiao, Province of Nueva Ecija
Republic Act No. 4134 June 20, 1964
An Act Fixing the Salaries of Constitutional Officials and Certain Other Officials of the National Government, Providing Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4133 June 20, 1964
An Act to Amend Sections One, Two, Three and Four of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Fifty-Two
Republic Act No. 4132 June 20, 1964
An Act Creating the Northern Samar Development Authority, Prescribing its Powers, Functions and Duties, Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4131 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting Arsenio Pascual a Franchise to Construct, Operate and Maintain an Ice Plant and Cold Storage in the Municipality of Navotas, Province of Rizal, and to Sell Ice and to Supply Cold Storage Within the Said Province of Rizal and the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 4130 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting the A.L. Sevilla & Associates, Inc. a Franchise to Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point, Private Coastal, Private Aeronautical and Land-Based and Land Mobile Radio Stations for the Transmission and Reception of Wireless Messages to and from Said Stations
Republic Act No. 4129 June 20, 1964
An Act Converting the Catbalogan School of Fisheries in the Municipality of Catbalogan, Province of Samar, into a Regional School of Fisheries to be Known as Samar Regional School of Fisheries, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4128 June 20, 1964
An Act Amending Republic Act Numbered Thirty-Four Hundred Seventy-Eight so as to Include All Public High Schools Except Those in the City of Manila and Quezon City Among Those to Benefit from It
Republic Act No. 4127 June 20, 1964
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Seven Hundred Sixty-Three, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the Mindanao Institute of Technology
Republic Act No. 4126 June 20, 1964
An Act Converting the Samar Institute of Technology in the Municipality of Catarman, Province of Samar, into a University to be Known as the University of Eastern Philippines, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4125 June 20, 1964
An Act Granting Manuel E. Galvez a Franchise to Establish, Maintain and Operate Radio Stations, Point to Point or with Relay and Central Exchange for Domestic Communications
Republic Act No. 4124 June 20, 1964
An Act Appropriating Annually the Sum of Nine Hundred Thousand Pesos as Aid to the Music Promotion Foundation to Organize, Develop and Maintain a Filipino Symphony Orchestra and a Filipino Opera Company
Republic Act No. 4123 June 20, 1964
An Act Authorizing the Director of Lands, Under the Direction of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, to Sell Certain Disposable and Alienable Lots Located at Pandacan, City of Manila, to its Present and Actual Occupants, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4122 June 20, 1964
An Act to Further Amend Section One Hundred Eighty-Five of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4121 June 20, 1964
An Act to Authorize the Establishment of the Northwestern Luzon Saltwater Fisheries Production Project at Raois Cove in the Municipality of Sto. Tomas, Province of La Union
Republic Act No. 4120 June 20, 1964
An Act to Authorize the Establishments of the Northwestern Luzon Fresh-Water Demonstration Fish Farm and Nursery in the Municipality of Bangar, Province of La Union, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4119 June 20, 1964
An Act to Further Amend Certain Sections of Act Numbered Thirty-Four Hundred and Twenty-Eight, Otherwise Known as the Workmen's Compensation Act, as Amended
Republic Act No. 4118 June 20, 1964
An Act Converting Certain Parcels of Land in the City of Manila, Which is Reserved as Communal Property, into Disposable or Alienable Land of the State and Providing for its Subdivision and Sale
Republic Act No. 4117 June 20, 1964
An Act to Further Amend Section Ten of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Five, as Amended, by Increasing the Monthly Pension Due the Widows and Minor Children or Indigent Parents of Deceased Veterans or Deceased Political Prisoners of World War II
Republic Act No. 4116 June 20, 1964
An Act to Amend Section Nine Hundred Twenty-Five of the Revised Administrative Code in Order to Fix a Period for the Opening of the School Year, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4115 June 20, 1964
An Act Converting the Internal Auditing Coordinating Staff of the General Auditing Office to a Department, Creating Additional Positions and Providing Funds for the Operation Thereof
Republic Act No. 4114 June 20, 1964
An Act to Further Amend the First Paragraph of Section Fifteen of Article Eight of Republic Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Thirty-Five, Entitled "An Act Establishing the Philippine Tobacco Administration, Defining its Objectives, Powers and Functions, and for Other Purposes," by Extending the Capitalization, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4113 June 20, 1964
An Act Repealing Proclamation Numbered Four Hundred Eleven, Dated September Eighteen, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Three, of the President of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 4112 June 20, 1964
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Re Public Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Eight, Otherwise Known as "The Foreign Service Act of the Philippines" Concerning Salaries, Allowances, per Diems, travel Expenses and Benefits in the Foreign Service, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4111 June 20, 1964
An Act to Amend Further Article Three Hundred and Thirty-Five of the Revised Penal Code
Republic Act No. 4110 June 20, 1964
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 4109 June 20, 1964
An Act to Convert the Division of Standards Under the Bureau of Commerce into a Bureau of Standards, to Provide for the Standardization and/or Inspection of Products and Imports of the Philippines and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4108 June 19, 1964
An Act to Authorize an Appropriation for the Development of the Mindanao State University, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4107 June 19, 1964
An Act to Amend Section Sixty, Chapter IX, Title III of the Public Land Act
Republic Act No. 4106 June 19, 1964
An Act to Further Amend Section Fourteen of Republic Act Numbered Seven Hundred Twenty, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Rural Banks' Act
Republic Act No. 4105 June 19, 1964
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Ten Million Pesos for the Implementation of Republic Act Numbered Thirty-Seven Hundred Ninety-Six for Which No Funds Had Been Previously Appropriated
Republic Act No. 4104 June 19, 1964
An Act Granting the Municipality of Agoo, Province of La Union, a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System
Republic Act No. 4103 June 19, 1964
An Act to Amend Section One Hundred Ninety of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred Sixty-Six, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 4102 June 19, 1964
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of Guihulngan Emergency Hospital in the Province of Negros Oriental, and Authorizing the Appropriations of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4101 June 19, 1964
An Act Converting Roxas Memorial Hospital in Roxas City into a National General Hospital, to be Known as Roxas Memorial General Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriations of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4100 June 19, 1964
An Act to Amend Section One of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Twenty-Nine, Entitled "An Act to Assure the Uniform Value of Philippine Coin and Currency"
Republic Act No. 4099 June 19, 1964
An Act to Provide for the Establishment of a Hospital in the Municipality of Bangui, Province of Ilocos Norte, to be Known as Northern Provincial Hospital, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4098 June 19, 1964
An Act Converting Pampanga Provincial Hospital into Central Luzon General Hospital and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4097 June 19, 1964
An Act to Amend Section One Hundred Twenty-Five and One Hundred Seventy-Four on Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred Sixty-Six Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4096 June 19, 1964
An Act Granting the Mindanao Estates Company a Temporary Permit to Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point Coastal Land-Based, Aeronautical and Land Mobile Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 4095 June 19, 1964
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Thirty-One Hundred Twenty-Seven, Authorizing the Exemption of Basic Industries from the Payment of Certain Taxes
Republic Act No. 4094 June 19, 1964
An Act Organizing the Technical Staff of the Secretary of Justice and Fixing the Compensation of Certain Personnel Therein
Republic Act No. 4093 June 19, 1964
Private Development Bank's Act
Republic Act No. 4092 June 19, 1964
An Act to Amend Sections Seven and Eight of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred Eighty-Six Entitled "An Act to Provide for the Revision of the System of Public Elementary Education in the Philippines Including the Financing Thereof", as Amended, to Provide for the Support and Maintenance of Intermediate Schools in All Chartered Cities by the National Government and for the Purpose of Abolishing the Matriculation Fees of Pupils Enrolled in the Intermediate Grades and Providing Funds for the Purchase of Supplementary Readers and Other Library Books and for Financing Athletic Activities in the Intermediate Classes, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4091 June 19, 1964
An Act Amending Certain Sections of the National Defense Act, as Amended, and Section Nineteen of Republic Act Numbered Eighteen Hundred Thirty-One
Republic Act No. 4090 June 19, 1964
An Act Providing for State Scholarships in Science, Arts, and Letters for Poor but Deserving Students; Creating a State Scholarship Council to Integrate, Systematize, Administer, and Implement All Programs of Scholarships; and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4089 June 19, 1964
An Act Making the City Health Officer of Bacolod City the Local Civil Registrar, Amending for the Purpose Section Forty-Three of the Charter of Said City
Republic Act No. 4088 June 19, 1964
An Act Amending Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered Three Hundred Twenty-Six, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the City of Bacolod
Republic Act No. 4087 June 18, 1964
An Act Appropriating Fifty Thousand Pesos to Defray the Expenses Incurred in Connection with the State Funeral for Emilio Aguinaldo and for the Erection of a Mausoleum to Contain His Remains
Republic Act No. 4086 June 18, 1964
An Act to Promote the Textile Industry of the Philippines by Exempting, Under Certain Conditions, Importations of Needed Raw Materials, Chemicals, Dyestuffs and Spare Parts and the Subsequent Manufacture and Sale of Products Derived Therefrom, from Duties and Taxes, by Creating a Special Fund for Vital Research, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4085 June 18, 1964
An Act to Create the United Nations Children's Fund National Committee
Republic Act No. 4084 June 18, 1964
An Act to Convert Batac Rural High School in the Municipality of Batac, Province of Ilocos Norte, into a College, to be Known as the Ilocos Norte Institute of Technology, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4083 June 18, 1964
An Act Appropriating Five Million Pesos from the General Fund as a Permanent Insurance Fund for the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation
Republic Act No. 4082 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Issuance of Postage Stamps in Spanish and the National Language for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Five to Commemorate the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Evangelization of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 4081 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Ramon Encarnacion and Company a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Radio Broadcasting Stations, Television Stations and Domestic and International Radio Telecommunications
Republic Act No. 4080 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Conchita A. Lualhati a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate an Electric Light, Heat and Power System and an Ice Plant in the Municipality of Mabini, Province of Batangas, and to Sell and Distribute Electric Light, Heat, Power and Ice Therein
Republic Act No. 4079 June 18, 1964
An Act Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Twenty-Three Hundred and Forty-One
Republic Act No. 4078 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a School of Fisheries in the Municipality of Concepcion, Province of Iloilo, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4077 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Alberto Valencia, Jr. a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Radio Broadcasting Station in the Municipality of Carcar, Province of Cebu, for Educational, Cultural and Commercial Purposes
Republic Act No. 4076 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Robert O. Phillips a Franchise to Establish, Maintain and Operate a Hydrofoil Ferry Service Within Manila Bay Including Waters Along Corregidor, Bataan, Cavite, Zambales and Other Neighboring Bay Areas
Republic Act No. 4075 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Teodoro N. Romasanta a Temporary Permit to Establish, Maintain and Operate Radiotelephone and Radiotelegraph Coastal Stations, with the Corresponding Relay Stations and Public Fixed and Public Based and Land Mobile Stations for the Transmission and Reception of Radiotelephone and Radiotelegraph Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 4074 June 18, 1964
An Act to Amend Section Five of Republic Act Numbered Thirty-Five Hundred and Eighty-Eight, Entitled "An Act to Provide for Permanent Registration of Voters and for This Purpose to Postpone the General Renewal of Registration of Voters Which is Set for Nineteen Hundred Sixty-Three"
Republic Act No. 4073 June 18, 1964
An Act Further Liberalizing the Treatment of Leprosy by Amending and Repealing Certain Sections of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 4072 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a Vocational Technical Department of the Eulogio Rodriguez Vocational High School in the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 4071 June 18, 1964
An Act Creating the Mountain Province Development Authority, Prescribing its Powers, Functions and Duties, Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4070 June 18, 1964
An Act to Amend Republic Act Numbered Twelve Hundred Twenty-Five, Entitled "An Act Granting the La Union Electric Company, Inc. a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipalities of San Fernando, Bauang and San Juan, Province of La Union"
Republic Act No. 4069 June 18, 1964
The Cattle Dispersal Act of 1964
Republic Act No. 4068 June 18, 1964
An Act Exempting From Payment of Special Import Tax, Specific Tax, Fees, Dues and Customs Duties, Importations and Local Sale of "Naphtha" When Used as a Raw Material By Chemical Industries and in the Direct Reduction of Iron Ores
Republic Act No. 4067 June 18, 1964
An Act to Convert the Central Luzon Agricultural College into the Central Luzon State University and Authorizing the Appropriation of Additional Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4066 June 18, 1964
An Act to Amend Paragraph (c) of Section Twenty-Two of Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred Eighty-Six, as Amended
Republic Act No. 4065 June 18, 1964
An Act Defining the Powers, Rights and Duties of the Vice-Mayor of the City of Manila, Further Amending for the Purpose Sections Ten and Eleven of Republic Act Numbered Four Hundred Nine, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Revised Charter of the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 4064 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Vicente M. Fortich Zerda a Franchise to Install, Maintain and Operate an Electric Light, Heat and Power System and an Ice Plant in the Municipality of Sison, Province of Surigao del Norte, and to Distribute Electric Light, Heat, Power and Ice for Sale Therein
Republic Act No. 4063 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Lazatin Incorporated a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Water Supply System in the Barrios of San Jose and Sto. Domingo, Angeles City
Republic Act No. 4062 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Certain Municipalities in the Province of Negros Oriental
Republic Act No. 4061 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Philippine Citizenship to Mrs. Gloria Padilla-Butt
Republic Act No. 4060 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Junior Chamber of the Philippines a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point and Land Based and Land Mobile Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 4059 June 18, 1964
An Act Establishing the Philippine Coconut Research Institute, Defining its Objectives, Powers and Functions, Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 4058 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Southern Farmers Cooperative Association a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Glan, Province of Cotabato
Republic Act No. 4057 June 18, 1964
An Act to Provide One Additional Judge for the Eighth Judicial District to Preside Over the Court of First Instance of Mindoro Oriental, Amending for the Purpose Sections Fifty, Fifty-Two and Fifty-Four of the Judiciary Act of 1948
Republic Act No. 4056 June 18, 1964
An Act Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds to Improve Medical Education by Providing Financial Assistance to Private Medical Schools
Republic Act No. 4055 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting the Nueva Vizcaya National Agricultural School in the Municipality of Bayombong, Province of Nueva Vizcaya, into a College to be Known as Nueva Vizcaya Agricultural College, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4054 June 18, 1964
An Act Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Twenty Hundred Thirty-Six, as Amended, Entitled "An Act Granting the Radio Communications of the Philippines a Franchise to Establish Radio Stations for Domestic Telecommunications"
Republic Act No. 4053 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Tacloban Electric and Ice Plants Company, Inc. a Franchise to Install, Maintain and Operate an Ice Plant in the City of Tacloban and to Sell and Distribute Ice in the City and in the Whole Province of Leyte
Republic Act No. 4052 June 18, 1964
An Act Amending Section One of Republic Act Numbered Twenty-Three Hundred Thirty-Nine, as Amended by Republic Act Numbered Twenty-Nine Hundred Ninety-Five, Authorizing the Tacloban Electric Light and Ice Plants Co., Inc. to Extend its Electric Light, Heat and Power System to the Municipalities of Palo and Tanauan, Both in the Province of Leyte
Republic Act No. 4051 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Sabani Estate Rural School in the Municipality of Gabaldon, Province of Nueva Ecija, into a College to be Known as the Nueva Ecija Institute of Agriculture, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4050 June 18, 1964
An Act Creating the Department of Social Welfare in the City of Manila, Further Amending for This Purpose, Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Four Hundred Nine, as Amended
Republic Act No. 4049 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Batanes High School in the Province of Batanes into a National High School, to be Known as Batanes National High School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4048 June 18, 1964
An Act to Convert the Southern Samar National Agricultural School in the Municipality of Salcedo, Province of Samar, into a College to be Known as Southern Samar Agricultural College, and to Authorize the Appropriation of the Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4047 June 18, 1964
An Act Amending Sections One and Two of Republic Act Numbered Three Thousand Four Hundred Eighty
Republic Act No. 4046 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Gabong, Community School in the Barrio of Pandanan, Municipality of Balabac, Province of Palawan, to Tuan Hadji Jiakaria General Community School
Republic Act No. 4045 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Lambunao Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Lambunao, Province of Iloilo, into a General Hospital, to be Known as Lambunao General Hospital, Increasing its Bed Capacity to Fifty, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4044 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Lubuagan Hospital in the Municipality of Lubuagan, Mountain Province, to Kalinga Hospital
Republic Act No. 4043 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting A. Lumanlan and Sons, Inc. a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Surigao, Province of Surigao del Norte
Republic Act No. 4042 June 18, 1964
An Act Creating a Branch Office of the Register of Deeds of Mountain Province with Permanent Station in Tabuk, Mountain Province
Republic Act No. 4041 June 18, 1964
An Act to Develop the Dairy Industry
Republic Act No. 4040 June 18, 1964
An Act Further Amend Section Two of Republic Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Fifty-One, as Amended by Republic Act Numbered Thirty-Eight Hundred and Seven, by Adjusting the Salaries of the Officials of the Land Registration Commission
Republic Act No. 4039 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a National Shrine in the Municipality of Kawit, Province of Cavite, to be Known as Freedom Shrine, and Authorizing the Appropriations of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4038 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Banago Elementary School in the Municipality of Balabagan, Province of Lanao del Sur, to Balabagan Elementary Community School
Republic Act No. 4037 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Itogon-Suyoc Mines, Inc. a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point and Land-Based Mobile Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 4036 June 18, 1964
An Act Creating a School of Home Industries in the Municipality of Paoay, Province of Ilocos Norte, to be Known as Ilocos Norte School for Craftsmen and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4035 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Municipality of Angaki, Province of Ilocos Sur, to Quirino
Republic Act No. 4034 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Mangi Elementary School in the Municipality of Upi, Province of Cotabato, to Pedro C. Dolores Elementary School
Republic Act No. 4033 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd., and the Las Arenas, Inc. a Permit to Construct, Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point and Land Based and Land-Mobile Radio Stations, with Corresponding Relay and Land and Sea Mobile Stations, for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 4032 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting the Tria Tirona Memorial High School in the Municipality of Kawit, Province of Cavite, into a National High School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4031 June 18, 1964
An Act to Provide for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipal District of Barlig, Bontoc, Mountain Province, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4030 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Standardization of Salaries of the Officials and Employees of the Office of the Solicitor General and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 4029 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Emilio B. Teves a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Bais, Province of Negros Oriental
Republic Act No. 4028 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Antonia L. Alisangco a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Bacnotan, Province of La Union
Republic Act No. 4027 June 18, 1964
An Act Establishing a School for Philippine Craftsmen in the Municipality of Puerto Princesa, Province of Palawan, to be Known as Palawan School for Philippine Craftsmen, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4026 June 18, 1964
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Provincial Hospital of Misamis Oriental in the City of Cagayan De Oro and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4025 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Dagupan Electric Corporation a Permit to Construct, Establish, and Operate Private Fixed Land-Based Land-Mobile Radio Stations for Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications in Dagupan City
Republic Act No. 4024 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting the Foreshore of the Barrio of Navotas, Municipality of Calapan, Province of Oriental Mindoro, into a Tourist Resort to be Known as Navotas Tourist Resort
Republic Act No. 4023 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting the Diffun Municipal High School in the Municipality of Diffun, Province of Nueva Vizcaya, into a National Agricultural High School, to be Called Northern Nueva Vizcaya National Agricultural High School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4022 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Benjamin Cuaresma a Franchise to Install, Maintain and Operate an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Bambang, in the Province of Nueva Vizcaya
Republic Act No. 4021 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Aglipay, Province of Nueva Vizcaya, to be Known as Aglipay Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4020 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Virginia Development Corporation a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point and Land Based and Land Mobile Radio Stations for Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 4019 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Tagbak Elementary School in the Municipality of Indanan, Province of Sulu, to Panglima Mammah Elementary School
Republic Act No. 4018 June 18, 1964
An Act to Further Amend Section Sixty-One of Republic Act Numbered Four Hundred Nine, Otherwise Known as the Revised Charter of the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 4017 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a Maternity and Children's Hospital in the Municipality of Bato, Province of Catanduanes, to be Known as Bato Maternity and Children's Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4016 June 18, 1964
An Act to Convert Iloilo National Agricultural School in the Municipality of Lambunao, Province of Iloilo, into a College to be Known as the Iloilo National College of Agriculture, and to Authorize the Appropriation of the Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4015 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Alno Elementary School in the Barrio of Alno, Municipality of La Trinidad, Subprovince of Benguet, Mountain Province, to Alno Kadoorie Elementary School
Republic Act No. 4014 June 18, 1964
An Act Declaring the Vicente Gustilo Memorial Hospital in the Municipality of Escalante, Province of Negros Occidental, a National Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4013 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Dagupan Electric Corporation a Franchise to Install, Maintain and Operate an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipalities of Sta. Barbara, San Jacinto and San Fabian, All in the Province of Pangasinan
Republic Act No. 4012 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Pototan Electric Light and Power Corporation a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Pototan, Province of Iloilo
Republic Act No. 4011 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Pangalalan Elementary School in Barrio Pangalalan, Municipality of Sindangan, Province of Zamboanga del Norte, to Juan Bugarin Elementary School
Republic Act No. 4010 June 18, 1964
An Act Creating a Branch Office of the Motor Vehicles Office in Mountain Province, with Permanent Station at the Municipality of Tabuk, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4009 June 18, 1964
An Act Establishing a National School of Arts and Trades to be Known as Batanes School of Arts and Trades in the Province of Batanes, and Authorizing the Appropriation of the Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4008 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company a Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point, Aeronautical and Land Based Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications to and from Said Stations
Republic Act No. 4007 June 18, 1964
An Act Amending Section Sixteen Hundred Eighty-Six of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended by Republic Act Numbered Twelve Hundred Seventy-Seven
Republic Act No. 4006 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Barotac Nuevo High School in the Municipality of Barotac Nuevo, Province of Iloilo, into a National High School to be Known as Barotac Nuevo General Comprehensive High School and Authorizing the Appropriation of Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4005 June 18, 1964
An Act to Change the Name of Caridad Elementary School in the City of Cavite to Ladislao Diwa Elementary School
Republic Act No. 4004 June 18, 1964
An Act Prescribing the Duties and Qualifications, and Fixing the Number and Salaries, of the Officials and Employees of the Board of Pardons and Parole in the Office of the Secretary of Justice
Republic Act No. 4003 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Altavas, Province of Aklan, to be Known as Altavas Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 4002 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Barrio Tiltilan in the Municipality of Tinambac, Province of Camarines Sur, to San Jose
Republic Act No. 4001 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Municipality of Calinog, Province of Iloilo, a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System
Republic Act No. 4000 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Cecilio Arcinas a Franchise to Construct, Operate and Maintain an Electric Light, Heat and Power System, and an Ice Plant and Cold Storage in the Municipality of Brooke's Point, Province of Palawan, and to Distribute and Sell Electric Light, Heat and Power and Supply Cold Storage Therein and to Sell Ice in the Whole Province of Palawan
Republic Act No. 3999 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Rene T. Hamoy a Franchise to Install, Operate and Maintain an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Pinan, Province of Zamboanga del Norte
Republic Act No. 3998 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting the Nueva Ecija School of Arts and Trades into Central Luzon Polytechnic College, Giving it Corporate Existence, Providing for a Board of Trustees and Defining its Powers, Duties and Responsibilities, Providing for Higher Vocational, Professional, and Technological Instruction and Training in Trade and Industrial Education, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 3997 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Municipality of Banna in the Province of Ilocos Norte, to Espiritu
Republic Act No. 3996 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Dumangas High School in the Municipality of Dumangas, Province of Iloilo, into a National High School to be Known as Dumangas General Comprehensive High School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3995 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting the Asingan High School in the Municipality of Asingan, Province of Pangasinan, into a School of Arts and Trades, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3994 June 18, 1964
An Act Approving Any Assignment, Sale and Transfer of the Franchise Granted to Butuan Sawmill, Inc. Under Republic Act Numbered Eighteen Hundred Forty-Nine, in Favor of the Municipal Government of Lianga, Province of Surigao del Sur
Republic Act No. 3993 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Albay High School in the Municipality of Polangui, Province of Albay, into a National School to be Known as Polangui General Comprehensive High School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3992 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Banilad Barrio School in the Municipality of Bacong, Province of Negros Oriental, to Nazario Tale Memorial School
Republic Act No. 3991 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Graciano A. Borja a Temporary Permit to Construct, Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point, Coastal, Land Based, Aeronautical and Land Mobile Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 3990 June 18, 1964
An Act to Establish a Central Experiment Station for the University of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 3989 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Ilocos Norte Provincial High School in the Province of Ilocos Norte into a National High School, to be Known as Ilocos Norte National High School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3988 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Mambulo Nuevo Elementary School in the Municipality of Libmanan, Province of Camarines Sur, to San Antonio Elementary School
Republic Act No. 3987 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a School of Home Industries in the Barrio of Amaya, Municipality of Tanza, Province of Cavite, to be Known as Amaya School of Home Industries, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3986 June 18, 1964
An Act to Amend Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Thirty-Two, Entitled "An Act Providing for the Maintenance and Operation of a Hospital in the Municipality of Tagudin, Province of Ilocos Sur, to be Known as the Southern Ilocos Sur Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor"
Republic Act No. 3985 June 18, 1964
An Act to Amend Sections Three and Eleven of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Fifty-Two, Otherwise Known as "The Pasture Land Act," and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 3984 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Segundo De La Cruz of Zamboanga City, Philippines, a Franchise to Construct, Install, Maintain and Operate Public Radiotelephone and Public Fixed and Public-Based and Land-Mobile Stations for the Reception and Radiotelegraph Coastal Stations, and Transmission of Radiotelephone and Radiotelegraph Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 3983 June 18, 1964
An Act Creating the Position of One Assistant City Fiscal for Cavite City, Amending for the Purpose Section Twenty-Four of the Charter of Said City
Republic Act No. 3982 June 18, 1964
An Act to Further Amend Section Twenty-One Hundred and Eighty-Four of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended, so as to Increase the Maximum Limit of Salaries of Municipal Officers
Republic Act No. 3981 June 18, 1964
An Act Authorizing the Palawan School of Arts and Trades to Offer Teacher Education Curricula Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Education, Major in Industrial Arts, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3980 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Anolid Barrio School in the Municipality of Malasiqui, Province of Pangasinan, to Genaro Armas Memorial School
Republic Act No. 3979 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Cabatuan Community Cooperative Service Association a Franchise to Install, Maintain and Operate an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Cabatuan, Province of Iloilo
Republic Act No. 3978 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Mangcruz-Pamorangon Elementary School in the Municipality of Daet, Province of Camarines Norte, to Gregorio Pimentel Memorial School
Republic Act No. 3977 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Badian Provincial High School into a National High School to be Known as Badian National High School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of the Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3976 June 18, 1964
An Act Establishing a Reception Center of the Social Welfare Administration in the City of Angeles
Republic Act No. 3975 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Pampanga High School to Jose Abad Santos High School
Republic Act No. 3974 June 18, 1964
An Act to Convert Ilocos Sur Provincial High School into a National High School, to be Known as Ilocos Sur National High School, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3973 June 18, 1964
An Act to Convert Sinait Provincial High School into a National High School to be Known as Sinait National High School, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3972 June 18, 1964
An Act Approving Any Assignment, Sale, and Transfer of the Franchise Granted to Rafael Consing Under Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred Ninety-Seven in Favor of Marcela S. Aquino of Butuan City
Republic Act No. 3971 June 18, 1964
An Act Approving Any Assignment, Sale, and Transfer of the Franchise Granted to Rafael Consing Under Republic Act Numbered Seven Hundred Fifty-Seven in Favor of Marcela S. Aquino
Republic Act No. 3970 June 18, 1964
An Act Increasing the Salary of the Chief of the Secret Service of the Police Department of the City of Cagayan De Oro, Amending for the Purpose Section Twenty-Seven of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Twenty-One, Otherwise Known as the "Charter of the City of Cagayan De Oro"
Republic Act No. 3969 June 18, 1964
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred and Twenty-One, Otherwise Known as "Charter of Cagayan De Oro City"
Republic Act No. 3968 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Calinog Maternity and Children's Hospital in the Municipality of Calinog, Province of Iloilo, into an Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3967 June 18, 1964
An Act to Establish an Agricultural High School in the Jolo Mainland and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3966 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Municipality of Claveria, Province of Misamis Oriental, a Franchise to Install, Maintain and Operate an Electric Light, Heat and Power System
Republic Act No. 3965 June 18, 1964
An Act to Change the Name of the Labor Hospital, a National Hospital in Quezon City, to Quirino Memorial General Hospital
Republic Act No. 3964 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting the Guiuan Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Guiuan, Province of Samar, into a General Hospital to be Known as Southern Samar General Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3963 June 18, 1964
An Act to Amend Section Six of Act Numbered One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy, as Amended, by Inserting Therein Subsection (k), Providing for the Power of the Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines to Fix the Tenure of its Faculty Members Under Specified Conditions
Republic Act No. 3962 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Calbayog Electric Powers, Inc. a Franchise to Install, Operate and Maintain an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the City of Calbayog and its Suburbs
Republic Act No. 3961 June 18, 1964
An Act Creating the San Juanico Strait Tourist Development Authority, Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 3960 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Enrique Navarro II a Franchise to Construct, Operate and Maintain an Electric Light, Heat and Power System and Ice Plant in the Island of Siargao, Province of Surigao del Norte
Republic Act No. 3959 June 18, 1964
An Act Amending Section One of Republic Act Numbered Seven Hundred Sixty-Two, Entitled "An Act Converting the Provincial Trade School in the City of Cagayan De Oro to a Regional National Vocational Trade School of the Philippine School of Arts and Trades Type, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor"
Republic Act No. 3958 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Jose de Leon Electric Plant a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of San Miguel, Province of Bulacan
Republic Act No. 3957 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a School of Fisheries in the Municipality of Siasi, Province of Sulu, to be Known as Siasi School of Fisheries, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3956 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of San Juan, Province of Batangas, to be Known as San Juan Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3955 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Calabagas Community School in the Barrio of Calabagas, Municipality of San Vicente, Province of Camarines Norte, to Orendain Community School
Republic Act No. 3954 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Mambalite Primary School in Barrio Mambalite, Municipality of Daet, Province of Camarines Norte, to Guito Pimentel Community School
Republic Act No. 3953 June 18, 1964
An Act Amending Section Fifteen of Republic Act Numbered Twenty-Three Hundred and Eight, Entitled "An Act Granting Evangelista and Company a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain a Telephone System in the Municipality of Angeles, Province of Pampanga"
Republic Act No. 3952 June 18, 1964
An Act Approving the Sale, Transfer, and Assignment by the Plywood Industries, Inc. Grantee of the Franchise Granted Under Republic Act Numbered Twenty Hundred and Twenty-Eight, Entitled "An Act Granting the Plywood Industries, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Point-to-Point Radio Stations in the Philippines," to the Mindanao Plywood Corporation
Republic Act No. 3951 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of San Jose Elementary School in the Municipality of Pili, Province of Camarines Sur, to Sagurong Elementary School
Republic Act No. 3950 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Tumauini, Province of Isabela, to be Known as Tumauini Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3949 June 18, 1964
An Act Establishing a School for Philippine Craftsmen in the Municipality of Merida, Province of Leyte, to be Known as Merida Vocational School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3948 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Municipality of Calolbon in the Province of Catanduanes to San Andres
Republic Act No. 3947 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Hijos de F. Escaņo, Inc. a Temporary Permit to Construct, Operate and Maintain Private Fixed Point-to-Point, Private Coastal, Private Ship-to-Shore and Land-Based and Land-Mobile Radio Stations for the Transmission and Reception of Wireless Messages to and from Said Stations
Republic Act No. 3946 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Laguna Tayabas Bus Company and Batangas Transportation Company a Franchise to Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point, Private Coastal, and Land-Based and Land Mobile Radio Stations for the Transmission of Wireless Messages to and from Said Stations
Republic Act No. 3945 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Gonzaga National Rural High School in the Municipality of Gonzaga, Province of Cagayan, into a National Agricultural and Vocational High School, to be Known as Gonzaga National Agricultural and Vocational High School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3944 June 18, 1964
An Act to Convert the Aklan National School of Fisheries in the Municipality of New Washington, Province of Aklan, into a College to be Known as the Aklan National College of Fisheries, and to Authorize the Appropriation of the Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3943 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a National High School in the Municipality of Agutaya, Province of Palawan, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3942 June 18, 1964
An Act to Further Amend Section Fifty-Eight of the Charter of the City of Iloilo, by Making the Clerk of Court of the Municipal Court at the Same Time the Sheriff of the City of Iloilo and Increasing the Compensation of Said Clerk of Court
Republic Act No. 3941 June 18, 1964
An Act Approving Any Assignment, Sale, and Transfer of the Franchise Granted to Rafael Consing Under Republic Act Numbered Thirty Hundred Three in Favor of the Municipal Government of Tago, in the Province of Surigao del Sur
Republic Act No. 3940 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting San Mariano Junior High School in the Municipality of San Mariano, Province of Isabela, into a National Agricultural High School and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3939 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Duluwan Central Elementary School in the Municipality of Datu Piang, Province of Cotabato, to Datu Gumbay Piang Central Elementary School
Republic Act No. 3938 June 18, 1964
An Act Establishing an Agricultural and Fishery School in the Municipality of Bontoc, Province of Southern Leyte, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3937 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Gumaca Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Gumaca, Province of Quezon, to Gumaca General Hospital
Republic Act No. 3936 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Taytay, Province of Palawan, to be Known as Taytay Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3935 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Orani, Province of Bataan, to be Known as Orani Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3934 June 18, 1964
An Act Requiring that Filipino Veterans Who Die Shall be Buried with Their Caskets Covered with the Filipino Flag
Republic Act No. 3933 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a Secondary Vocational School in the Municipality of Buenavista, Guimaras, Province of Iloilo, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3932 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Concepcion Industries, Incorporated, a Franchise to Construct, Maintain, and Operate Radiotelephone Stations for the Transmission and Reception of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 3931 June 18, 1964
An Act Creating the National Water and Air Pollution Control Commission
Republic Act No. 3930 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Barrio of Nabbayugan in the Municipality of Piat, Province of Cagayan, to Sto. Domingo
Republic Act No. 3929 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Barrio of Duldugan in the Municipality of Lasam, Province of Cagayan, to Cabatacan
Republic Act No. 3928 June 18, 1964
An Act Authoring the Davao School of Arts and Trades to Offer Teacher Education Curricula Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education and the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Arts, and to Offer Evening Classes in Such Courses and in Trade and Industrial Education, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 3927 June 18, 1964
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Agricultural Engineering in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 3926 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Dao, Province of Antique, to be Known as Dao Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3925 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of San Antonio, Province of Nueva Ecija, to be Known as San Antonio Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3924 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Cauayan, Province of Isabela, to be Known as Cauayan Isabela Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3923 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Mapoti Primary School in the Municipality of Nuling, Province of Cotabato, to Nibuaya Primary School
Republic Act No. 3922 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a Vocational and Industrial High School in the Municipality of Santiago, Province of Isabela, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3921 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Tinundan Elementary School in the Municipality of President Roxas, Province of Capiz, to Elizalde Memorial Elementary School
Republic Act No. 3920 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Dr. Leoncio Opulencia a Franchise to Construct, Operate and Maintain an Ice Plant and Cold Storage in the Municipality of Los Baņos, Province of Laguna, and to Sell Ice and Supply Cold Storage Within the Province of Laguna and the City of San Pablo
Republic Act No. 3919 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Siasi Central Elementary School in the Municipality of Siasi, Province of Sulu, to Panglima Julkanain Taup Elementary School
Republic Act No. 3918 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Seit Central Elementary School in the Municipality of Panamao, Province of Sulu, to Panglima Agga Central Elementary School
Republic Act No. 3917 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting the Don Severino National Agricultural School in the Municipality of Indang, Province of Cavite, into a College, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3916 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Altavas High School in the Municipality of Altavas, Province of Aklan, into a National School to be Known as Altavas National School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3915 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Karundong Elementary School in the Municipality of Luuk, Province of Sulu, to Hadji Maharaja Tawasil Elementary School
Republic Act No. 3914 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of Taglibi Central Elementary School in the Municipality of Patikul, Province of Sulu, to Datu Uddin Bahjin Central Elementary School
Republic Act No. 3913 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting the Cagayan Valley School of Arts and Trades in the Municipality of Tuguegarao, Province of Cagayan, into a College and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3912 June 18, 1964
An Act Extending the Term of the Electric Franchise Originally Granted to Natalio Digal but Subsequently Sold to Ocmis Electric Service Co., Inc.
Republic Act No. 3911 June 18, 1964
An Act Authorizing the Leyte Regional School of Arts and Trades to Offer Teacher Education Curricula Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education and the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Arts, to Offer Evening Classes in Such Courses and in Trade and Industrial Education, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 3910 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting Jose B. Jaucian a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Libmanan, Province of Camarines Sur
Republic Act No. 3909 June 18, 1964
An Act Authoring the Samar School of Arts and Trades in the Municipality of Catbalogan, Province of Samar, to Offer Courses Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education (BSIE) and the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Arts (BSIA) and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 3908 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Bautista Logging Company, Inc. a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point, Private Land-Based Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 3907 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Pioneer Electric and Ice Plant, Inc. a Franchise to Install, Operate and Maintain an Electric Light, Heat and Power System, and Ice Plant Service in the Municipality of Pagadian, Province of Zamboanga del Sur
Republic Act No. 3906 June 18, 1964
An Act to Establish a Pilot School for Philippine Craftsmen at San Vicente, Bacolor, Pampanga, to be Known as Central Luzon Pilot School for Philippine Craftsmen, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3905 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a School of Fisheries in the Municipality of Baliangao, Province of Misamis Occidental, to be Known as the Baliangao School of Fisheries and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3904 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the San Jose Cement Corporation a Temporary Permit to Construct, Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point, Private Coastal and Private Land-Based Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 3903 June 18, 1964
An Act to Provide for the Construction or Establishment of a Regional Hospital in the Municipality of Passi, Province of Iloilo, to be Known as Passi Regional Hospital, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3902 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Audience Incorporated, a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Radio Broadcasting and Television Stations Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 3901 June 18, 1964
An Act to Establish a National Agricultural School in the Municipality of Floridablanca, Province of Pampanga, to be Known as Floridablanca National Agricultural School, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3900 June 18, 1964
An Act to Convert the Catanduanes Secondary School in the Province of Catanduanes into a National High School and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3899 June 18, 1964
An Act Amending Republic Act Numbered Nineteen Hundred Twenty-Eight By Fixing the Compensation of the Officials of the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 3898 June 18, 1964
An Act Establishing a National Comprehensive High School in the Municipality of Roxas, Province of Palawan, to be Known as Roxas National Comprehensive High School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3897 June 18, 1964
An Act to Provide for the Establishment of a Fish and Marine Experimental and Demonstration Station in the Municipality of DARam, Province of Samar, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3896 June 18, 1964
An Act Declaring Certain Barrios in the Municipality of Libon, Province of Albay, as Duly Constituted Barrios Thereof
Republic Act No. 3895 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Camiling, Province of Tarlac, to be Known as the Camiling Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3894 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a Fresh-Water Demonstration Fish Farm and Nursery in the Municipality of Bayombong, Province of Nueva Vizcaya, and Authoring the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3893 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Southern Nueva Vizcaya Emergency Hospital into Magsaysay General Hospital, Increasing its Bed Capacity to Fifty, Establishing Therein a School of Nursing and Midwifery, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3892 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Gonzaga, Province of Cagayan, to be Known as Gonzaga Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3891 June 18, 1964
An Act Constituting the Province of Zamboanga del Norte into Two Engineering Districts
Republic Act No. 3890 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Hinatuan, Province of Surigao del Sur, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3889 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Zamboanga del Norte National Agricultural School in the Municipality of Liloy, Province of Zamboanga del Norte, into a College, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3888 June 18, 1964
An Act Establishing a National Emergency Hospital in Dipolog, Zamboanga del Norte, to be Known as Dipolog National Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3887 June 18, 1964
An Act to Establish a Natural Science Research Center in the University of the Philippines, to Provide for its Administration and Support, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 3886 June 18, 1964
An Act to Provide for the Establishment of a National Trade School in Bacolod City and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3885 June 18, 1964
An Act to Provide for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Samboan, Province of Cebu, to be Known as Samboan Cebu Emergency Hospital, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3884 June 18, 1964
An Act Establishing a Normal College in Dipolog, Zamboanga del Norte, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3883 June 18, 1964
An Act to Amend Item (13-c), Page 917, Title (f) of Republic Act Numbered Nineteen Hundred
Republic Act No. 3882 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting San Carlos Rural High School in the Municipality of San Carlos, Province of Pangasinan, into a National Agricultural School to be Known as Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3881 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Adjustment of Pensions of Public School Teachers and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3880 June 18, 1964
An Act to Establish a National Trade School in the City of Angeles, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3879 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a Provincial Hospital in the Province of Lanao del Norte, to be Known as Lanao del Norte Provincial Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3878 June 18, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Kolambugan, Province of Lanao del Norte, to be Known as Kolambugan Emergency Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3877 June 18, 1964
An Act to Provide for the Conversion of Alubijid Provincial High School in the Province of Misamis Oriental into a National Comprehensive High School and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3876 June 18, 1964
An Act Granting the Dipolog Ice Plant and Cold Storage Company, a Franchise to Maintain and Operate an Ice Plant and Cold Storage in the Municipality of Dipolog, Province of Zamboanga del Norte, and to Sell and Distribute Ice and Supply Cold Storage Therein
Republic Act No. 3875 June 18, 1964
An Act Converting Naval Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Naval, Province of Leyte, into a General Hospital to be Known as Naval General Hospital, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3874 June 18, 1964
An Act to Provide Additional Assistant Provincial Fiscals for the Province of Bulacan, Amending for the Purpose Section Sixteen Hundred Seventy-Four of the Administrative Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 3873 June 18, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Bureau of Public Libraries to the National Library
Republic Act No. 3872 June 18, 1964
An Act to Amend Sections Forty-Four, Forty-Eight and One Hundred Twenty of Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred Forty-One, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the "Public Land Act", and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 3871 June 18, 1964
An Act to Amend Section Five Hundred Eighty-Eight of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 3870 June 12, 1964
An Act Defining the Functions of the U.P. Law Center, Providing for its Financing and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 3869 June 12, 1964
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Doņa Gregoria Memorial Hospital in the Municipality of Agoo, Province of La Union, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3868 June 12, 1964
An Act to Amend Certain Provisions of Republic Act Numbered Thirteen Hundred and Eighty-Seven, as Amended by Republic Act Numbered Eighteen Hundred Ninety-Three, Relating to the Composition and Powers of the Board of Regents of the Mindanao State University, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 3867 June 12, 1964
An Act to Authorize the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office to Hold Annually a Lottery or Sweepstakes for the Expansion of the Philippine National Red Cross Blood Bank
Republic Act No. 3866 June 12, 1964
An Act Establishing a Ceramic Processing Plant in the City of Danao, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3865 June 12, 1964
An Act Amending Article XIV-A of Republic Act Numbered Four Hundred and Nine, Otherwise Known as the Revised Charter of the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 3864 June 12, 1964
An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of Allen Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Allen, Province of Samar, and Authorizing the Additional Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3863 June 12, 1964
An Act Declaring the Natural Hot Springs at Montelago, Municipality of Naujan, Province of Oriental Mindoro, a Tourist Resort
Republic Act No. 3862 June 12, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment, Operation, and Maintenance of an Emergency Hospital in the Municipality of Marikina, Province of Rizal, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3861 June 12, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Pampanga School of Arts and Trades in the Municipality of Bacolor, Province of Pampanga, to Don Honorio Ventura Memorial School of Arts and Trades
Republic Act No. 3860 June 12, 1964
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a School of Fisheries in Barrio Raois, Municipality of Santo Tomas, Province of La Union, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 3859 June 12, 1964
An Act Changing the Name of the Southern Samar National High School of Arts and Trades in the Municipality of Guiuan, Province of Samar, to Southern Samar National Regional School of Arts and Trades
Republic Act No. 3858 June 12, 1964
An Act Authorizing the Appropriation of a Sum of Money for the Salary of One Commercial Agent in the Province of Surigao del Sur
Republic Act No. 3857 June 10, 1964
An Act Revise the Charter of the City of Cebu
Republic Act No. 3856 June 1, 1964
An Act Creating the Panay Development Authority, Prescribing its Powers, Functions and Duties, Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 3855 May 30, 1964
An Act Granting Lopez and Sons Broadcasting System, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Radio Broadcasting Stations in the City of Zamboanga for Educational, Cultural as Well as Commercial Purposes
Republic Act No. 3854 May 22, 1964
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Incur, on Behalf of the Republic, a Loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to Finance the Development Program of the University of the Philippines at Los Baņos, Laguna, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 3853 May 13, 1964
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Sell a Certain Parcel of Land Owned by the Government to the Veterans Federation of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 3852 May 4, 1964
An Act to Amend Sections Two, Three, Four, Five and Seven of the Republic Act Numbered One Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty-Eight and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 3851 April 13, 1964
An Act Granting the Nation Broadcasting Corporation of the Philippines a Franchise to Establish Commercial Radio Stations for Domestic Communications, Broadcasting and Telecasting
Republic Act No. 3850 April 13, 1964
An Act to Create a Philippine Inventors Commission, Define its Powers, Functions and Duties, and for Other Purposes that Will Promote and Encourage Philippine Inventions and Their Manufacture
Republic Act No. 3849 April 13, 1964
An Act to Further Amend Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred Twenty-One, Entitled "An Act Creating United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization National Commission of the Philippines," as Amended
Republic Act No. 3848 April 13, 1964
An Act Providing for the Importation of Rice During the Calendar Year Nineteen Hundred Sixty-Four in the Event of Shortage in Local Supply
Republic Act No. 3847 April 07, 1964
An Act to Regulate Payment of Expenses of Government Officers and Employees When on Official Travel Within the Philippines.
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