An Act Appropriating Forty-Four Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos to Defray the Expenses for the Registration of Voters, the Holding of the Regular Elections for President and Vice-President of the Philippines, Eight Senators and Members of the House of Representatives to be Held on the Second Tuesday of November, Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Five and for Other Purposes Connected with the Administration and Enforcement of Election Laws
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled:
Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of forty-four million five hundred thousand pesos to be spent under the exclusive authority of the Commission of Elections, the of twenty-three million five hundred thousand pesos for payment of the expenses which may be incurred in connection with, and incidental to, the registration of voters and the sum of twenty-one million pesos for the holding of the regular elections on the second Tuesday of November, nineteen hundred and sixty-five, for President and Vice-President of the Philippines, for the eight Senators who will succeed those whose terms of office will expire on December thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixty-five, and Members of the House of Representatives: Provided, That this appropriation shall immediately available to the Commission on Elections for expenditure therefor, and shall continue to be available after June thirty, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and thereafter until all the expenses in connection with the registration and the said elections shall have been paid, and shall be given priority of release upon request of said Commission on Elections: Provided, further, That out of this appropriation, the sum of two hundred fifty thousand pesos shall be used for the purchase of new motor vehicles for use by Commission personnel and should there be any additional need for vehicles the Commission on Elections is authorized to commander government vehicles: Provided, That the Commission on Elections shall shoulder the repairs and maintenance of said vehicles including per diems of personnel needed to man and operate the same: Provided, further, That the unexpended balance thereof, if any, shall be used for the payment of prior years elections obligations and for purposes connected with the administration and enforcement of the election laws and the furtherance of free, clean and honest elections as the Commission on Elections may order: Provided, finally, That the Commission on Elections shall submit to Congress a quarterly report of the expenses incurred out of the funds appropriated in this Act.
Section 2. The provisions of Republic Act Numbered Thirty-five hundred and eighty-eight to the contrary notwithstanding, if by March thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixty-five, the total number of voters registered in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act Numbered Thirty-five hundred and eighty-eight, upon verification by and certification of the Commission on Elections, should be less than sixty per centum of the total number of registered voters in the elections of nineteen hundred and sixty-three, the Commission on Elections shall forthwith declare the registered voters in the elections of nineteen hundred and sixty-three as duly registered and qualified to vote in the elections of nineteen hundred and sixty-five: Provided, However, That should the registered voters of nineteen hundred and sixty-three be so declared the registered voters for nineteen hundred and sixty-five in accordance with the foregoing provision, new qualified voters shall likewise be allowed to register as provided for in Republic Act Numbered One hundred and eighty, as amended by Republic Act Numbered Five hundred and ninety-nine, exclusively for the elections of nineteen hundred and sixty-five at least sixty days preceding the date of the said elections: Provided, further, That the Commissioners on Elections shall simultaneously continue the work of registering voters under the provisions of Republic Act Numbered Thirty-five hundred and eighty-eight which register, when completed at least seventy days before elections and before the temporary registration of qualified voters for the elections of nineteen hundred and sixty-five as herein stipulated is started, shall then be used as the registered voters qualified to vote in the elections of nineteen hundred sixty-five: And Provided, finally, That after the elections of nineteen hundred and sixty-five only those voters duly registered in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act Numbered Thirty-five hundred and eighty-eight shall be qualified to vote.
Section 3. The Commission on Elections shall, for the purpose of the registration of voters, implement this Act down to precinct level as in the past and avail itself of the services of public school teachers to act as registration aides to perform ministerial functions under the immediate supervision of the municipal or city registrar: Provided, That teachers who have previously acted as election inspectors shall be given preference: Provided, further, That there are no pending administrative cases against said teachers, under the immediate supervision of the municipal or city registrar, and who shall each receive a reasonable rate of compensation to be fixed by the Commission for actual service to be paid from the appropriation authorized in this Act.
Section 4. The Commission on Elections is hereby authorized to use such sums as may be necessary from the appropriation authorized in this Act to standardize the salaries of its officials and employees in accordance with the rates fixed in its reorganization pursuant to Republic Act Numbered Three thousand eight hundred and eight: Provided, That such amount as may be necessary to cover the salaries and wages of regular officials and employee of the commission on Elections shall be included in the subsequent General Appropriations Act: Provided, further, That out of this appropriation, the sum of one hundred thousand pesos is released to the General Auditing Office for additional auditing services in order to augment the present personnel assigned in the Commission on Elections, the number of additional personnel and rates of compensation to be determined by the Auditor General.
Section 5. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Commission on elections may authorize the payment of compensation from the appropriation authorized in this Act to its officials and employees, and those assigned thereto, except the Chairman and Members of the said Commission, for overtime services to be rendered on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, or after twelve thirty o’clock post meridian during half day sessions and after five o’clock post meridian on regular working days, in connection with the registration of voters and the said elections, at rate to be fixed by the Commission on Elections which shall not exceed the rates of their regular monthly compensation. Such additional compensation shall not exceed, for any one month, the equivalent of one-half of their regular monthly compensation.1âшphi1
Section 6. It shall be deemed a violation less serious of the Revised Election Code for any person or persons to offer cash or commodities or free facilities in the form of transportation, food, drinks, filming, or photographing or other services in connection with the registration of any individual.
Section 7. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Approved: August 8, 1964.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation