Republic Act No. 972 June 21, 1953
An Act to Fix the Passing Marks for Bar Examinations From Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Six Up to and Including Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Five
Republic Act No. 970 June 20, 1953
An Act Granting Gratuity to the Widow or Legitimate Children of the Late Judge Claudio Sandoval and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 969 June 20, 1953
An Act An Act to Amend Subparagraph (B) of the First Paragraph of Section One Hundred Eighty-Eight of the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended, Regarding Transactions and Persons Not Subject to Percentage Tax
Republic Act No. 968 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Section Eleven of Act Numbered Three Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Revised Motor Vehicle Law
Republic Act No. 967 June 20, 1953
An Act Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds for the Construction, Equipment and Maintenance of a Leprosy Research Laboratory and Training Center.
Republic Act No. 966 June 20, 1953
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Nine Hundred Thousand Pesos to Carry Out the Provisions of Republic Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Three
Republic Act No. 965 June 20, 1953
An Act Providing for Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship By Persons Who Lost Such Citizenship By Rendering Service To, or Accepting Commission In, the Armed Forces of An Allied Foreign Country, and Taking An Oath of Allegiance Incident Thereto
Republic Act No. 964 June 20, 1953
An Act Changing the Name of the Barrio of Patay, in the City of Lipa, to San Jose
Republic Act No. 963 June 20, 1953
An Act Granting Philippine Citizenship to Colonel Pedro Diaz Dulay
Republic Act No. 962 June 20, 1953
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Three Hundred Thousand Pesos to Help Defray the Expenses for the Holding in the City of Manila From May Two to Nine, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-four, Inclusive, of the Second Asian Games and for the Training, Preparation, and Participation of Filipino Athletes Therein
Republic Act No. 961 June 20, 1953
An Act Transferring Certain Appropriations for Public Works Projects Under the Heading "Batangas," Subsection (A), Title "A. Miscellaneous," Section One of Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred Seventy
Republic Act No. 960 June 20, 1953
An Act Creating the Barrio of Baguidbirin in the Municipality of Sta. Cruz, Province of Marinduque
Republic Act No. 959 June 20, 1953
Act Creating the Position of Waterworks Superintendent Under the Engineering Department in the City of San Pablo, and Increasing the Salaries of the Assistant City Attorney and the Chief of the Secret Service Thereof, By Amending Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Twenty, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the City of San Pablo
Republic Act No. 958 June 20, 1953
An Act to Extend the Effectivity of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred and Eighty-eight, By Further Amending Section Eight Thereof, Entitled "An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code."
Republic Act No. 957 June 20, 1953
An Act to Convert the Sitio of Buco in the Barrio of Balas, Municipality of Talisay, Province of Batangas, Into a Barrio
Republic Act No. 956 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Item Numbered Twenty-two, Under "Batangas", Subsection (A), Heading "A. Miscellaneous," Section One, of Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred and Seventy
Republic Act No. 955 June 20, 1953
An Act to Extend the Effectivity of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred and Eighty-nine, By Further Amending Section Seven Thereof, Entitled "An Act to Amend Sections One Hundred and Thirty-three, One Hundred and Thirty-four, One Hundred and Thirty-five, One Hundred and Thirty-seven, One Hundred and Forty, and One Hundred and Forty-seven of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended."
Republic Act No. 954 June 20, 1953
An Act to Prohibit Certain Activities in Connection With Horse Races and Basque Pelota Games (Jai-alai), and to Prescribe Penalties for Its Violation
Republic Act No. 953 June 20, 1953
An Act to Provide for the Registration Of, With the Collector of Internal Revenue, and the Imposition of Fixed and Special Taxes Upon All Persons Who Produce, Import, Manufacture, Compound Deal In, Dispense, Sell, Distribute, or Give Away Opium, Marihuana, Opium Poppies, or Coca Leaves, or Any Synthetic Drugs Which May Hereafter Be Declared Habit Forming By the President of the Philippines, Their Salts, Derivatives or Preparations, and for Other Purposes.
Republic Act No. 952 June 20, 1953
An Act Amending Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred Seventy
Republic Act No. 951 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Republic Act Numbered One Hundred and Twenty-four
Republic Act No. 950 June 20, 1953
An Act Appropriating a Sum of Money for Salary of One Commercial Agent in the Province of Occidental Mindoro
Republic Act No. 949 June 20, 1953
An Act Changing the Name of the Municipality of Bitulok in the Province of Nueva Ecija to That of Sabani
Republic Act No. 948 June 20, 1953
An Act Appropriating Funds to Carry Out the Purposes of Various Enabling Acts, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 947 June 20, 1953
An Act Making It Unlawful for Any Person, Corporation or Association to Forcibly Enter or Occupy Public Agricultural Lands and Penalizing Violations Thereof
Republic Act No. 946 June 20, 1953
An Act to Prohibit Labor on Sunday, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Holy Thursday and Good Friday
Republic Act No. 945 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Section One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-nine of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 944 June 20, 1953
An Act to Increase the Fees Now Charged By the Securities and Exchange Commission and to Authorize It to Collect and Receive Fees for Certain Services
Republic Act No. 943 June 20, 1953
Act to Create the Barrio of San Teodoro in the Municipality of Bauan, Province of Batangas
Republic Act No. 942 June 20, 1953
An Act Creating the Barrio of Pagkilatan in the Municipality of Batangas, Province of Batangas
Republic Act No. 941 June 20, 1953
An Act Granting Mrs. Rhode E. Yonzon a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate An Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Calatrava, Negros Occidental
Republic Act No. 940 June 20, 1953
An Act to Empower Members of the Congress to Administer Oath of Office to Elective Public Officials
Republic Act No. 939 June 20, 1953
An Act Granting to the Associated Steamship Lines a Temporary Permit to Construct, Install, and Operate a Private Radio Station for the Reception and Transmission of Radio-telephone Communications With Off-shore Vessels in Philippine Waters
Republic Act No. 938 June 20, 1953
An Act Granting Municipal or City Boards and Councils the Power to Regulate the Establishment, Maintenance and Operation of Certain Places of Amusement Within Their Respective Territorial Jurisdictions
Republic Act No. 937 June 20, 1953
An Act Appropriating the Money Donated By the British Government
Republic Act No. 936 June 20, 1953
An Act to Convert Sitio Pili in the Municipality of Despujols, Province of Romblon, Into a Barrio With the Name of Dona Trinidad Roxas
Republic Act No. 935 June 20, 1953
An Act Granting the Kiamba Light and Power Company, Incorporated, a Franchise for An Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Kiamba, Province of Cotabato
Republic Act No. 931 June 20, 1953
An Act to Authorize the Filing in the Proper Court, Under Certain Conditions, of Certain Claims of Title to Parcels of Land That Have Been Declared Public Land, By Virtue of Judicial Decisions Rendered Within the Forty Years Next Preceding the Approval of This Act
Republic Act No. 930 June 20, 1953
An Act Changing the Name of the Barrio of "Alabang-baybay" in the City of Legaspi to "San Francisco"
Republic Act No. 929 June 20, 1953
An Act to Authorize Colonel Jaime C. Velasquez, of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, to Accept the Legion of Merit (Officer Grade) Conferred Upon Him By the United States Government
Republic Act No. 928 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Subsection "C" of Section One Hundred and Fourteen of Act Numbered Four Hundred and Ninety-six, Entitled "The Land Registration Act" as Amended By Republic Act Numbered One Hundred and Seventeen
Republic Act No. 927 June 20, 1953
An Act Converting the Bañga Rural High School in the Island of Panay, to a National Agricultural School to Be Known as the Panay National Agricultural School, Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 926 June 20, 1953
An Act to Authorize the President to Convey Public Land and Other Public Property in Payment of Landed Estates Acquired By the Government
Republic Act No. 925 June 20, 1953
An Act Amending Act Numbered Thirty-two Hundred Fifty-one, Entitled "An Act to Prohibit the Exportation to Foreign Countries of Seeds of Abaca and Its Derivatives."
Republic Act No. 924 June 20, 1953
An Act Standardizing the Salaries of Judges of Chartered Cities and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 923 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Executive Order Numbered Three Hundred Ninety-three, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the Central Luzon Agricultural College
Republic Act No. 922 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred and Forty
Republic Act No. 921 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixteen, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the Philippine Normal College
Republic Act No. 919 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Republic Act Numbered Four Hundred and One, as Amended By Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred and Seventy-one, Entitled, "An Act to Condone All Unpaid Interest Accruing From January First, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-two to December Thirty-first, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-five on All Obligations Outstanding on December Eight, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-one, and to Apply Payments of Interest Paid After February Twenty-eight, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-five, to the Principal Obligation If Still Outstanding, in Certain Cases."
Republic Act No. 918 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend the Revised Administrative Code So as to Insert Therein a New Section to Be Known as Section Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-eight-a, Standardizing the Salaries of Postmasters, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 917 June 20, 1953
An Act to Provide for An Effective Highway Administration, Modify Apportionment of Highway Funds and Give Aid to the Provinces, Chartered Cities and Municipalities in the Construction of Roads and Streets, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 916 June 20, 1953
Act Granting Faustino Nuyda a Franchise for An Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Camalig, Province of Albay
Republic Act No. 915 June 20, 1953
An Act to Make the Clerk of the Court of First Instance of a Province Ex Officio Sheriff Not Only of Such Province But Also of Any City Which, Before Conversion to a City, Formed Part of Such Province
Republic Act No. 914 June 20, 1953
An Act Fixing the Minimum Compensation of Dentists and Pharmacists Employed By the Government in Positions Requiring Dental and Pharmaceutical Knowledge Respectively to Two Thousand Four Hundred Pesos Per Annum
Republic Act No. 913 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Section One of Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred Six By Defining the Term "Lease" or "Charter" and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 912 June 20, 1953
An Act to Require the Use, Under Certain Conditions, of Philippine Made Materials or Products in Government Projects or Public Works Construction, Whether Done Directly By the Government or Awarded Thru Contracts
Republic Act No. 911 June 20, 1953
An Act Creating a Tariff Commission, Defining Its Powers, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 910 June 20, 1953
An Act to Provide for the Retirement of Justices of the Supreme Court and of the Court of Appeals, for the Enforcement of the Provisions Hereof by the Government Service Insurance System, and to Repeal Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Thirty-Six
Republic Act No. 909 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Sections Two Hundred and Forty-two, Two Hundred and Forty-three and to Repeal Section Two Hundred and Forty-four of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 908 June 20, 1953
An Act Converting the Bulacan Trade School in the Municipality of Malolos, Province of Bulacan, Into a National Trade School, to Be Known as the Bulacan National Trade School, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 907 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Section One of Act Numbered Five Hundred and Fifty-nine, Entitled "An Act Providing for the Sale of Lots Comprised in the Tondo Foreshore Land to Lessees of Said Lots or to Bona Fide Occupants Thereof."
Republic Act No. 906 June 20, 1953
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines During the Period From July First, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-three to June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-four, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 905 June 20, 1953
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Sell a Certain Parcel of Land of the Private Domain of the National Government to the National Press Club of the Philippines, and Likewise to Sell to Any Other Well Recognized National Association or Associations of Professionals With Academic Standing (Lawyers, Physicians, Engineers, Accountants, Dentists, Pharmacists, Nurses, Teachers and Others) and the Veterans, Parcels of Public Land Within the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 904 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred Thirty-two, Entitled "An Act to Fix the Salary of the Auditor General At Fifteen Thousand Pesos Per Annum."
Republic Act No. 902 June 20, 1953
An Act Appropriating Additional Sum of Twenty Million Pesos for "Counterpart Fund" to Carry Out the Purposes of Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred and Four
Republic Act No. 901 June 20, 1953
An Act to Revise Republic Act Numbered Thirty-five, Entitled "An Act Authorizing the Exemption of New and Necessary Industries From the Payment of the Internal Revenue Taxes."
Republic Act No. 900 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Section Twenty-eight of Republic Act Numbered Four Hundred Nine, Known as the Revised Charter of the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 899 June 20, 1953
An Act Creating a Revolving Fund for the Construction, Reconstruction or Improvement of Irrigation Systems
Republic Act No. 898 June 20, 1953
An Act Amending Republic Act Numbered Two Hundred Seventy-five Fixing the Salaries of the Insurance Commissioner and the Assistant Insurance Commissioner
Republic Act No. 897 June 20, 1953
An Act to Further Amend Republic Act Numbered Three Hundred and Four By Extending the Benefits of the Law to Member of the Philippine Army and of Recognized Guerrilla Forces and Officers of the Philippine Scouts and By Allowing the Use of Certificates of Indebtedness for the Purchase of Public Lands and Government Properties, and for Payment of Obligations Subsisting At the Time of Approval of This Act
Republic Act No. 896 June 20, 1953
An Act to Declare the Policy on Elementary Education in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 895 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Section Seven, Part C, Title IIi, of Republic Act Numbered Seven Hundred Eight, Regarding Conversion of Certain Positions in the Department of Foreign Affairs to Positions of Foreign Affairs Officers
Republic Act No. 894 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend the First Paragraph of Section One Hundred and Eighty-six, Chapter One, Title V, of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-six, Entitled "An Act to Revise, Amend and Codify the Internal Revenue Laws of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 893 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Further Section Nineteen Hundred Twenty-nine of the Revised Administrative Code, So as to Recreate the Position of Assistant Director of Posts, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 892 June 20, 1953
An Act to Amend Sections One, Two, Three and Six of Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred and Twenty-one By Transferring the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization National Commission of the Philippines From the Supervision of the Department of Foreign Affairs to the President of the Philippines, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 891 June 19, 1953
An Act Appropriating Additional Funds for the Operation and Maintenance of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines During the Period From July First, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-two to June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-three, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 890 June 19, 1953
An Act to Change the Name of the Barrio of Catmon, Municipality of Sibalom, Province of Antique, to Pajarito
Republic Act No. 889 June 19, 1953
An Act to Further Amend Act Numbered Three Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-eight, Entitled "An Act Prescribing the Compensation to Be Received By Employees for Personal Injuries, Death or Illness Contracted in the Performance of Their Duties", as Amended By Act Numbered Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Twelve, By Commonwealth Act Numbered Two Hundred and Ten and By Republic Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Seventy-two
Republic Act No. 888 June 19, 1953
An Act Granting Manuel Palacios a Franchise for An Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Culasi, Province of Antique
Republic Act No. 887 June 19, 1953
An Act to Amend Sections Three Hundred and Thirty-nine and Three Hundred and Fifty-six of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 886 June 19, 1953
An Act Changing the Name of the Camangaan Elementary School in the Barrio 28, Municipality of Laoag, Province of Ilocos Norte, to Plaridel Elementary School
Republic Act No. 885 June 19, 1953
An Act Granting the American Rubber Co., Inc., a Temporary Permit to Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-point Radiotelephone Stations for the Transmission and Reception of Wireless Messages to and From Said Stations
Republic Act No. 884 June 19, 1953
An Act to Change the Name of the Maasin Elementary School in the Municipality of Maasin, Province of Leyte, to Tomas Oppus Elementary School
Republic Act No. 883 June 19, 1953
An Act Changing the Name of the Jesus De La Pesa Barrio School in the Municipality of Marikina, Province of Rizal, to Leodegario Victorino Elementary School
Republic Act No. 882 June 19, 1953
An Act to Change the Name of the Olimpia Elementary School in the Municipality of Makati, Province of Rizal, to Francisco Benitez Elementary School
Republic Act No. 881 June 19, 1953
An Act Changing the Name of the Capalangan Elementary School in the Municipality of Apalit, Province of Pampanga, to Macario Arnedo Elementary School
Republic Act No. 880 June 19, 1953
An Act to Change the Name of Mariveles Elementary School in the Municipality of Mariveles, Province of Bataan, to "Antonio G. Llamas Elementary School."
Republic Act No. 879 June 19, 1953
An Act Reorganizing the Municipal Board of the City of San Pablo, By Amending Section Eleven of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Twenty, as Amended
Republic Act No. 878 June 19, 1953
An Act to Amend Section Ten of Republic Act Numbered Three Hundred and Forty Entitled "An Act to Establish a Uniform Retirement System for the Armed Forces of the Philippines, to Provide for Separation Therefrom, and for Other Purposes."
Republic Act No. 877 JUne 19, 1953
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Nursing in the Philippines, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 876 June 19, 1953
An Act to Authorize the Making of Arbitration and Submission Agreements, to Provide for the Appointment of Arbitrators and the Procedure for Arbitration in Civil Controversies, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 875 June 19, 1953
Industrial Peace Act An Act to Promote Industrial Peace and for other Purposes
Republic Act No. 874 June 16, 1953
An Act Granting to the Maria Cristina Chemical Industries, Inc., a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-point Private Coastal and Private Land Base Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 873 June 16, 1953
An Act Transferring the Franchise of the Mackay Radio and Telegraph Company of California to the Mackay Radio and Telegraph Company of Delaware
Republic Act No. 872 June 16, 1953
An Act Granting to Artemio G. Ilano a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain a Telephone System in the City of Cavite
Republic Act No. 871 June 16, 1953
An Act to Amend Sections One and Two of Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred and One, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Exchange Tax Law
Republic Act No. 870 June 16, 1953
An Act to Extend the Effectivity of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred and Sixty-seven, By Further Amending Section Seven Thereof, Entitled "An Act to Amend Title Six of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code."
Republic Act No. 869 June 16, 1953
An Act Appropriating Funds for Relief in the Provinces Visited By Typhoons, Floods, Droughts, Earthquakes and Volcanic Action During the Calendar Years Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-one and Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-two, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 868 June 16, 1953
An Act to Amend Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred, Entitled "An Act to Prescribe a Graduated Scale for the Income Tax on Corporations By Amending Sections Twenty-four and Fifty-four of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended, and for Other Purposes."
Republic Act No. 867 June 16, 1953
An Act to Amend Sections Seven, Fifty-nine, One Hundred and Four, One Hundred and Five, One Hundred and Twenty-one, and Subsections (B), (C) and (F) of Section One Hundred and Twenty-three, All of Republic Act Numbered One Hundred and Eighty, Otherwise Known as the Revised Election Code
Republic Act No. 866 June 16, 1953
An Act Granting to A. L. Ammen Transportation Company, Incorporated, And/Or Its Associates and Subsidiaries,A Temporary Permit to Construct, Install, Establish and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-point and Land-based Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Inter-office Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 863 June 16, 1953
An Act to Amend Section Two of Act Numbered Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-three, Entitled "An Act to Regulate the Use in Business Transactions of Names Other Than True Names, Prescribing the Duties of the Director of the Bureau of Commerce in Its Enforcement, Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof, and Other Purposes," and to Appropriate the Amount of Twenty-five Thousand Pesos to Carry Out the Purposes of This Act, as Amended
Republic Act No. 862 June 16, 1953
An Act Granting to the Philippine Tobacco Flue-curing and Redrying Corporation a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-point and Private Coastal Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communication Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 861 June 16, 1953
An Act to Amend Section Nine of Republic Act Numbered Three Hundred and Forty
Republic Act No. 860 June 16, 1953
An Act Granting the Basilan Lumber Company a Temporary Permit to Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-point Radiotelephone Stations for the Transmission and Reception of Wireless Messages to and From Said Stations
Republic Act No. 859 June 16, 1953
An Act to Amend the Last Paragraph of Section Forty-nine, the Last Paragraph of Section Fifty and the Penultimate Paragraph of Section Fifty-four of the Judiciary Act of Nineteen Hundred and Forty-eight
Republic Act No. 856 June 16, 1953
An Act to Amend Certain Provisions of the Private Employment Agency Law in Order to Give Added Protection to Applicants for Employment
Republic Act No. 855 June 11, 1953
An Act to Amend Section Five of Republic Act Numbered Ninety-five, Entitled "An Act to Incorporate the Philippine National Red Cross."
Republic Act No. 853 May 28, 1953
An Act Granting Mateo Auayan a Franchise for An Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Buenavista, Province of Iloilo
Republic Act No. 852 May 28, 1953
An Act Granting to Segundo Santos of Legaspi City, a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Radio Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 851 May 28, 1953
An Act Establishing the Antique School of Arts and Trades in the Municipality of Sibalom, Province of Antique, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 850 May 28, 1953
An Act to Amend Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Seventy-three in Order to Provide for the Extension of the Active Duty or Enlistment of Reserve Officers and Enlisted Men of the Philippine Expeditionary Force Provided for in Said Act
Republic Act No. 849 May 28, 1953
An Act Authorizing the Payment of the Unpaid Cost and Expenses of Cadastral Proceedings Completed and Assessed on or Before December Eight, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-one, Without Penalty Under Certain Conditions
Republic Act No. 848 May 27, 1953
An Act Establishing a National School of Arts and Trades of the Philippine School of Arts and Trades Type in the Province of Negros Occidental
Republic Act No. 847 May 23, 1953
An Act Transferring the Medical and Dental Services to the Department of Education
Republic Act No. 846 May 8, 1953
An Act Converting the Zamboanga City Trade School Into a Regional School of Arts and Trades to Be Known as Zamboanga City Regional School Arts and Trades and Authorizing Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 845 May 7, 1953
An Act to Convert the Nueva Ecija Trade School in the City of Cabanatuan Into a Regional School of Arts and Trades, to Be Known as the Central Luzon School of Arts and Trades, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 844 May 5, 1953
An Act Requiring Nautical or Maritime Schools to Have At Least One Training Ship Each
Republic Act No. 843 May 5, 1953
An Act to Amend Sections Eighty-two and Eighty-three Of, and Adding a New Section to Be Known as Section 98-a To, Republic Act Numbered Two Hundred Ninety-six, By Respectively, Increasing the Salaries of Justices of the Peace and Judges of Municipal Courts, and Providing for Their Vacation and Sick Leaves With Pay, and Appropriating the Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 842 May 1, 1953
An Act Providing for Compensation and Automatic Salary Increases for Public School Officials, Teachers, and Other School Personnel of the Government of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 840 April 7, 1953
An Act Classifying Chartered Cities, Except Manila, Baguio and Quezon Cities, According to Their Annual Revenues and Fixing the Salaries of the Officials Thereof
Republic Act No. 839 March 26, 1953
An Act to Condone All Debts Incurred By Provincial, City or Municipal Governments for the Purpose of Constructing Government Buildings, Waterworks Systems, Markets and Other Public Edifices Which Were Later Destroyed During World War II
Republic Act No. 838 March 26, 1953
An Act to Change the Name of Kawit High School to Emiliano T. Tirona Memorial High School
Republic Act No. 837 March 20, 1953
An Act Reorganizing the General Auditing Office
Republic Act No. 836 March 12, 1953
An Act Authorizing the Appropriation of the Sum of Twenty Million Pesos Annually for a Period of Five Years for the Construction, Reconstruction, Improvement And/or Repair of Public Elementary School Buildings
Republic Act No. 835 March 12, 1953
An Act Authorizing the Payment of Family Subsistence Allowance to Carry Out the Purposes of Section Five-A of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred and Seventy-Three, as Amended By Republic Act Numbered Eight Hundred and Fifteen
Republic Act No. 834 March 6, 1953
An Act to Gan Act to Amend Section Two Hundred Forty-Six of the National Internal Revenue Code By Providing That Five Per Centum of the Royalties on Mineral Lands Under Lease and of the Ad Valorem Taxes on the Output of Mineral Lands Not Covered By Lease Shall Accrue to the Municipality Where the Mines Are Situated
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