Section 1. The Auditor General is hereby authorized to reorganize with the approval of the President of the Philippines, the General Auditing Office within six months from the date of approval of this Act.
Section 2. The reorganization herein authorized shall be done within the limits of the appropriation of the General Auditing Office as provided in the General Appropriation Act in force at the time of such reorganization. The Auditor General is, however, authorized to use savings from said appropriation to carry out the provisions of this Act: Provided, That the Deputy Auditor General shall receive an annual salary not exceeding twelve thousand pesos and each head of department and his assistant, not exceeding seven thousand two hundred pesos and six thousand pesos, respectively.1awphil@alf
Section 3. Effective upon the approval of this Act, the salaries of provincial and city auditors shall be paid in the same manner as they are paid now from provincial and city funds, as the case may be, at rates not less than those fixed by law for provincial and city treasurers in the respective places where they are appointed.
Section 4. The reorganization to be made by the Auditor General pursuant to the provisions of this Act shall be reported, through the President of the Philippines, to the Congress not later than thirty days from the date it becomes effective and shall be valid and subsisting until Congress shall provide otherwise in its next regular session in connection with the annual appropriation law.
Section 5. All laws or parts of laws which are or may be in conflict with any of the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed.
Section 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Approved: March 20, 19531awphil@alf
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation