Republic Act No. 342 July 26, 1948
An Act to Provide for the Lifting of the Debt Moratorium as Regards Prewar Obligations Subject to Certain Conditions and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 341 July 26, 1948
An Act Creating the Municipality of Mercedes, Province of Camarines Norte
Republic Act No. 340 July 26, 1948
An Act to Establish a Uniform Retirement System for the Armed Forces of the Philippines, to Provide for Separation Therefrom, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 339 July 24, 1948
An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Million Pesos for the Construction, Repair or Reconstruction of Provincial Hospital Buildings
Republic Act No. 338 July 24, 1948
An Act Converting the Guinobatan Rural High School into an Agricultural School to be Known as the Roxas Memorial Agricultural School, and Placing at its Disposal All the Properties, Including Their Income, in Mauraro, Guinobatan, Albay, Which Formerly Belonged to Japanese Subjects and Now Belong to the Republic of the Philippines, for the Use, Maintenance, Operation and Improvement of Said Agricultural School
Republic Act No. 337 July 24, 1948
An Act Regulating Banks and Banking Institutions and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 336 July 20, 1948
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Use Any Savings from the Appropriations for the Executive Department in the General Appropriation Act for the Fiscal Year Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Nine for the Operation of All Existing Normal Schools, for the Establishment and Operation of Additional Normal Schools, and for the Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Upi Agricultural School in Cotabato, the Bukidnon Agricultural School in Bukidnon, the Lagangilang Farm School in Abra and the Cabagan Farm School in Isabela
Republic Act No. 335 July 20, 1948
An Act to Amend Section One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Nine of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 334 July 17, 1948
An Act Granting Monetary Reward to Any Person Who Shall Locate or Find the Remains of the Late Governor Hilario Abellana of Cebu
Republic Act No. 333 July 17, 1948
An Act to Establish the Capital of the Philippines and the Permanent Seat of the National Government, to Create a Capital City Planning Commission, to Appropriate Funds for the Acquisition of Private Estates Within the Boundary Limits of Said City, and to Authorize the Issuance of Bonds of the National Government for the Acquisition of Private Estates, for the Subdivision Thereof, and for the Construction of Streets, Bridges, Waterworks, Sewerage and Other Municipal Improvements in the Capital City
Republic Act No. 332 July 15, 1948
An Act to Amend Section Six of Republic Act Numbered Three Hundred and Nine, Entitled "An Act to Regulate Horse-Races in the Philippines"
Republic Act No. 331 July 15, 1948
An Act Appropriating One Million Pesos for the Construction, Repairs, Operation and Maintenance of Radio-Telegraph and Wire-Telegraph Stations and Installations
Republic Act No. 330 July 15, 1948
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Establish a System of Import Control by Regulating Imports of Non-Essential and Luxury Articles, Creating an Import Control Board, Authorizing the Issuance of Rules and Regulations to Carry into Effect Such Control and Penalizing Violations of This Act
Republic Act No. 329 July 15, 1948
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Chapter Sixty-One of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 328 July 15, 1948
An Act Creating the City of Calbayog
Republic Act No. 327 July 15, 1948
An Act Creating the City of Dumaguete
Republic Act No. 326 July 15, 1948
An Act Creating the Position of Assistant Attorney in the City of San Pablo, Amending for the Purpose Sections Nineteen and Twenty-Four of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Twenty
Republic Act No. 325 July 13, 1948
An Act Amending Item D-VI-9, Special Provisions for the Department of Foreign Affairs, Page Ninety-Three of Republic Act Numbered Three Hundred Twenty
Republic Act No. 324 July 13, 1948
An Act Amending Sections Three and Six of Republic Act Numbered Three Hundred Eleven Abolishing the People's Court and the Office of Special Prosecutors
Republic Act No. 323 June 19, 1948
An Act Converting the Annual Collections Made in Connection with Plant Quarantine Activities to a Revolving Fund
Republic Act No. 322 June 19, 1948
An Act Changing the Name of Plaza Guipit in the City of Manila to Cayetano Arellano
Republic Act No. 321 June 19, 1948
An Act Creating the City of Ozamiz
Republic Act No. 320 June 19, 1948
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines During the Period from July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 319 June 19, 1948
An Act to Lift the Prohibition to Export Fibers (Buntal) or Filaments of the Plant Commonly Known as "Buri", Amending Thereby Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Eighty-Five
Republic Act No. 318 June 19, 1948
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Chemical Engineering in the Philippines, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 317 June 19, 1948
An Act to Grant to the Municipality of Dingras, Ilocos Norte, a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat, and Power System Within its Territorial Jurisdiction
Republic Act No. 316 June 19, 1948
An Act to Grant to Vigan Electric Light Company a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipalities of Vigan, Caoayan, Bantay, San Vicente and Sta. Catalina, Province of Ilocos Sur
Republic Act No. 315 June 19, 1948
An Act to Amend Sections Eighty-Nine and Ninety-One of Commonwealth Act Numbered One, as Amended, and to Provide Additional Funds for the Increase in the Pay and Allowances of Enlisted Men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 314 June 19, 1948
An Act to Allot National Funds for the Repair, Maintenance, and Construction of Municipal Roads
Republic Act No. 313 June 19, 1948
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a School of Fisheries in Catbalogan, Samar, and Appropriating the Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 312 June 19, 1948
An Act Providing for Revised Salary Allocations and Automatic Salary Increases for Public School Officials, Teachers, and Other School Personnel of the Government of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 311 June 18, 1948
An Act Abolishing the People's Court and the Office of Special Prosecutors, Providing for the Trial and Disposition of Treason Cases not Embraced by Proclamation Numbered Fifty-One Granting Amnesty to Political and Economic Collaborators, Creating Positions of Special Attorneys in the Office of the Solicitor General and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 310 June 18, 1948
An Act Recreating the Revolving Fund, Known as "The Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund," Intended to Hasten the Subdivision of Public Agricultural Land as Provided for Under Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred Thirty, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 309 June 18, 1948
An Act to Regulate Horse-Racing in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 308 June 18, 1948
An Act to Amend Section Three of Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred and Fifty-Six, as Amended, to Specify What Horses May Participate in the Grand Derby Races Held by the Philippine Anti-Tuberculosis Society
Republic Act No. 307 June 18, 1948
An Act to Amend Sections Six and Ten of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Five
Republic Act No. 306 June 18, 1948
An Act Creating the City of Legaspi
Republic Act No. 305 June 18, 1948
An Act Creating the City of Naga
Republic Act No. 304 June 18, 1948
An Act to Provide for the Registration of the Claims of All Officers and Employees of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, its Branches and Instrumentalities and the Corporations Owned or Controlled by the Government and Those of the Free Local Civil Governments, Provincial and Municipal, Duly Organized for Purposes of Resistance Against the Enemy, to Salaries and Wages During the Enemy or Japanese Occupation of the Philippines and to Provide for the Manner of Their Settlement
Republic Act No. 303 June 17, 1948
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Four Hundred Thousand Pesos for the Maintenance of the Pili Agricultural School, Camarines Sur, the Guinobatan Rural High School, Albay, Sta. Maria Agricultural School, Ilocos Sur, Lombatan Agricultural School, Lanao, Upi Agricultural School, Cotabato, Indang Rural High School, Cavite, and the San Carlos Rural High School, Pangasinan
Republic Act No. 302 June 17, 1948
An Act to Appropriate the Sum of Three Million Pesos as Additional Capital for the National Tobacco Corporation
Republic Act No. 301 June 17, 1948
An Act to Establish, Organize and Maintain One National Junior Agricultural High School in Bunawan, Province of Agusan
Republic Act No. 300 June 17, 1948
An Act to Amend Sections Seven, Eight, Nine, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, and Thirty-Seven of Commonwealth Act Numbered Three Hundred Twenty-Six, as Amended
Republic Act No. 299 June 17, 1948
An Act Appropriating Two Hundred Thousand Pesos for the Prevention and Control of Schistosomiasis
Republic Act No. 298 June 17, 1948
An Act Appropriating Funds to Subsidize Charity Beds for Indigent Persons in Private Hospitals Located in Towns, Places, or Localities Far from Any Provincial Hospital
Republic Act No. 297 June 17, 1948
An Act Creating the Municipality of Madalag in the Province of Capiz
Republic Act No. 296 June 17, 1948
The Judiciary Act of 1948
Republic Act No. 295 June 16, 1948
An Act Exempting from the Payment of Specific Taxes Educational Films for Visual Education and Any Reversal Film Used in Amateur Photography by Amending Further Section One Hundred Forty-Six of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred Sixty-Six, as Amended by Section Twelve of Republic Act Numbered Fifty-Six
Republic Act No. 294 June 16, 1948
An Act to Amend Section Sixty-Six of Act Numbered Four Thousand Three, Entitled "An Act to Amend and Compile the Law Relating to Fish and Other Aquatic Resources of the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes" as Amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred Seventy-One
Republic Act No. 293 June 16, 1948
An Act Authorizing the Sale of Marshy Lands or Lands Under Water Bordering on Shores or Banks of Navigable Lakes or Rivers
Republic Act No. 292 June 16, 1948
An Act Creating the Municipality of Placer in the Province of Masbate
Republic Act No. 291 June 16, 1948
An Act to Provide for the Procurement, Promotion and Elimination of Regular Officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 290 June 16, 1948
An Act Creating the Municipality of Motiong, Province of Samar
Republic Act No. 289 June 16, 1948
An Act Providing for the Construction of a National Pantheon for Presidents of the Philippines, National Heroes and Patriots of the Country
Republic Act No. 288 June 16, 1948
An Act Creating the City of Basilan
Republic Act No. 287 June 16, 1948
An Act to Authorize the Reclamation of Foreshore and Marshy Lands by the Municipality of Catbalogan, Province of Samar
Republic Act No. 286 June 16, 1948
An Act Creating the Municipality of Molave in the Province of Zamboanga and Making Said Municipality the Capital of the Province
Republic Act No. 285 June 16, 1948
An Act Creating the Municipality of Tangalan in the Province of Capiz
Republic Act No. 284 June 16, 1948
An Act Amending Section Eleven Hundred and Fifty-One of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended by Act Numbered Thirty-One Hundred and Six, and Commonwealth Acts Numbered One Hundred and Seventy-Five, Six Hundred and Sixty-Eight and Six Hundred and Seventy-Seven, by Adding San Fernando, Province of La Union, as Port of Entry, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 283 June 16, 1948
An Act Amending Section One of Republic Act Numbered Fifty-Eight
Republic Act No. 282 June 16, 1948
An Act Further Amending Section Sixteen Hundred and Seventy-Four of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 281 June 16, 1948
An Act Creating the Municipality of San Policarpo in the Province of Samar
Republic Act No. 280 June 16, 1948
An Act Authorizing the Municipal Board of the City of Manila to Impose a Municipal Tax, not to Exceed One-Half of One Per Centum, on the Total Amount of Premiums Received by Fire Insurance Companies on Properties Situated in Manila, the Proceeds of Which Shall be Utilized Exclusively for the Acquisition of Fire-Fighting Equipment for the City Fire Department, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 279 June 16, 1948
An Act to Extend the Effects of the Provisions of Act Numbered Forty-One Hundred and Sixty-Six, Entitled "An Act to Provide for the Limitation, Regulation, and Allocation of Sugar Produced in the Philippine Islands, and for the Processing and Marketing Thereof, and for Other Purposes," as Amended
Republic Act No. 278 June 16, 1948
An Act to Rehabilitate the Ormoc Electric Company, Organized Under Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Seventy, by Extending the Term of its Franchise to Twenty-Five Years from the Date of its Expiration on March Four, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Three
Republic Act No. 277 June 16, 1948
An Act Further Amending Section Sixteen Hundred and Seventy-Five of the Revised Administrative Code, Fixing Salaries of Provincial Fiscals
Republic Act No. 276 June 15, 1948
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred and Fifty-Eight, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the City of Iloilo
Republic Act No. 275 June 15, 1948
An Act Changing the Name of the Bureau of Banking to that of the "Office of the Insurance Commissioner," Providing for the Assessment Upon Insurance Companies to Cover the Excess of the Expenses of the Office of the Insurance Commissioner Relating to Insurance Companies, Agents and Insurance Matters Over its Income from Certain Sources, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 274 June 15, 1948
An Act Authorizing the Director of Lands to Subdivide the Lands Within Military Reservations Belonging to the Republic of the Philippines Which are No Longer Needed for Military Purposes, and to Dispose of the Same by Sale Subject to Certain Conditions, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 273 June 15, 1948
An Act Amending Sections One Hundred Ninety-Seven and Two Hundred of Act Numbered Two Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Seven, Otherwise Known as "The Insurance Act," and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 272 June 15, 1948
An Act Further Amending Section Two Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-Five of the Revised Administrative Code, as Last Amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Thirty-Seven
Republic Act No. 271 June 15, 1948
An Act to Abolish the Merit and Trial Board in the City of Manila, to Restore the Police Department Thereof to its Status Prior to the Approval of Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred Ninety-Eight, Repealing for the Purpose Said Act, and Reviving the Provisions of the Administrative Code, Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred Seventy-Seven, and All Other Acts or Parts of Acts Which were Expressly or Impliedly Repealed by Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred Ninety-Eight
Republic Act No. 270 June 15, 1948
An Act to Amend Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and Forty-Seven Granting Maternity Leave to Women Who are in the Service of the Government or of Any of its Instrumentalities Under Temporary Appointments
Republic Act No. 269 June 15, 1948
An Act Creating the Municipality of Jiabong, Province of Samar
Republic Act No. 268 June 15, 1948
An Act Creating the Municipality of El Salvador, Province of Misamis Oriental
Republic Act No. 267 June 15, 1948
An Act Authorizing Cities and Municipalities to Contract Loans for the Purpose of Purchasing or Expropriating Homesites and Subdividing Them for Resale at Cost
Republic Act No. 266 June 15, 1948
An Act Appropriating Such Sums as May from Time to Time be Released by the Central Bank Representing Excess Monetary Reserves, and Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Issue Bonds, Certificates or Other Evidences of Indebtedness Covering Such Amounts
Republic Act No. 265 June 15, 1948
An Act Establishing the Central Bank of the Philippines, Defining its Powers in the Administration of the Monetary and Banking System, Amending the Pertinent Provisions of the Administrative Code with Respect to the Currency and the Bureau of Banking, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 264 June 15, 1948
An Act to Create the Municipality of Can-Avid in the Province of Samar
Republic Act No. 263 June 15, 1948
An Act Converting the Municipal Districts of Concord and Hinabangan, Province of Samar, into a Regular Municipality
Republic Act No. 262 June 15, 1948
An Act to Recreate the Former Municipality of Mercedes, Province of Samar
Republic Act No. 261 June 14, 1948
An Act to Amend Section One Hundred Eighty-Nine of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 260 June 14, 1948
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Fifty-Six Million Twenty Thousand Pesos for Public Works
Republic Act No. 259 June 14, 1948
An Act to Amend Section Five of Republic Act Numbered Thirty-Six
Republic Act No. 258 June 14, 1948
An Act Granting Domiciano B. De Jesus and Emilio Olores a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Bani, Province of Pangasinan
Republic Act No. 257 June 14, 1948
An Act Converting the Sitio of Tagcatong in the Municipality of Nasipit, Agusan, into a Barrio to be Known as "Barrio Tagcatong"
Republic Act No. 256 June 14, 1948
An Act Granting Felix Maronilla, Jr., a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in Libon, Albay
Republic Act No. 255 June 14, 1948
An Act Extending the Term of the Franchise in Pursuance to the Authority Granted Under Legislative Act Numbered Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifteen to Gabriel T. Hernandez, and Later Taken Over by the Cacho and Hidalgo Co-Partnership, to Construct, Maintain, and Operate an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Daet, Province of Camarines Norte
Republic Act No. 254 June 14, 1948
An Act Authorizing the Municipality of Catbalogan, Province of Samar, to Acquire Such Land or Lands as May be Necessary for the Establishment of a Workmen's Barrio and Boy's Town in Said Municipality
Republic Act No. 253 June 14, 1948
An Act Amending Sections One Hundred and Eighty-Three and One Hundred and Ninety of the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 252 June 14, 1948
An Act to Change the Name of the Municipality of Luzurriaga, Province of Negros Oriental, to that of "Valencia"
Republic Act No. 251 June 12, 1948
An Act Authorizing the Secretary of Finance to Designate Officers and Employees of the Department of Finance to Perform Special Duties Relating to the Administration of Customs and Revenue Laws
Republic Act No. 250 June 12, 1948
An Act Creating the Municipality of Burdeos in the Province of Quezon
Republic Act No. 249 June 12, 1948
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos for the Purpose of Canvassing, Locating, and Evaluating Deposits of Minerals Needed in the Development of Philippine Industries
Republic Act No. 248 June 12, 1948
An Act to Prohibit the Reprinting, Reproduction or Republication of Government Publications and Official Documents Without Previous Authority
Republic Act No. 247 June 12, 1948
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Thirty-Eight Hundred and Ninety-Three, Entitled "Bonded Warehouse Act," Extending the Scope and Purview Thereof, Providing Annual License Fee, Limiting the Use of the Word "Bonded," Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof, and Appropriating Funds Needed Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 246 June 12, 1948
An Act Appropriating Fifty Thousand Pesos to Defray the Expenses of a State Funeral for Manuel Roxas and for the Erection of a Temporary Mausoleum to Contain His Remains
Republic Act No. 245 June 12, 1948
An Act Authorizing the Secretary of Finance to Borrow to Meet Public Expenditures Authorized by Law, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 244 June 12, 1948
An Act to Amend the Charter of the City of Cebu
Republic Act No. 243 June 12, 1948
An Act to Amend Section Twenty-Nine of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven, Otherwise Known as the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended by Republic Act Numbered Fifty-Seven
Republic Act No. 242 June 12, 1948
An Act to Amend Certain Provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Eight, Otherwise Known as the Articles of War
Republic Act No. 241 June 12, 1948
An Act to Amend Section Twenty-Five of Act Numbered Thirty-Six Hundred and Thirteen, Otherwise Known as "The Marriage Law," by Extending the Period of the Exemption from the Formal Requirements of Marriage Granted Therein to Mohammedans and Pagans
Republic Act No. 240 June 12, 1948
An Act Providing for the Attachment of the Property of the Defendant in Criminal Action, by Amending for This Purpose the Rules of Court
Republic Act No. 239 June 10, 1948
An Act to Provide Free Emergency Dental Treatment for Employees and Laborers of Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural Establishments, and to Penalize the Violation Thereof
Republic Act No. 238 June 9, 1948
An Act to Revise the Procedure in the Adoption of Municipal Budgets, Amending Sections Twenty-Two Hundred and Ninety-Five, Twenty-Two Hundred and Ninety-Six, and Twenty-Two Hundred and Ninety-Seven of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 237 June 9, 1948
An Act to Amend Sections Fifty-Three, Ninety-One and Ninety-Two of the National Defense Act, as Amended
Republic Act No. 236 June 9, 1948
An Act Authorizing the President to Define the Boundaries of Nueva Vizcaya
Republic Act No. 235 June 9, 1948
An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Hundred Thousand Pesos to Defray the Expenses of the Special Elections to Fill Existing Vacancies in the House of Representatives Called in Proclamation Numbered Fifty-Three, Dated February Three, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Eight, of the President of the Philippines, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 234 June 9, 1948
An Act to Amend the Second Paragraph of Section Twenty-Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine of the Revised Administrative Code by Fixing the Salaries of Members of the Municipal Board of the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 233 June 9, 1948
An Act to Amend Section One of Republic Act Numbered Seventy
Republic Act No. 232 June 9, 1948
An Act to Separate the Barrios of Ungale, Tucdao, and Inasuyan from the Municipality of Caibiran, Province of Leyte, and to Merge These Barrios with the Municipality of Kawayan, of the Same Province
Republic Act No. 231 June 9, 1948
An Act to Raise the Fees on Transfer of Large Cattle Amending Therefor Section Five Hundred and Twenty-Eight of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 230 June 9, 1948
An Act to Further Amend Section Two Thousand and Nineteen of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered Three Hundred and Ninety-Four, Regarding Postal Savings Bank Special Withdrawals
Republic Act No. 229 June 9, 1948
An Act to Prohibit Cockfighting, Horse Racing and Jai-Alai on the Thirtieth Day of December of Each Year and to Create a Committee to Take Charge of the Proper Celebration of Rizal Day in Every Municipality and Chartered City, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 228 June 5, 1948
An Act Amending Section One Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety-Two of the Revised Administrative Code Regarding Data and Documents to be Supplied to the Bureau of Public Libraries
Republic Act No. 227 June 5, 1948
An Act to Exempt from the Payment of Income and Other Taxes the Amounts Collected by a Taxpayer for Damages Suffered During the War
Republic Act No. 226 June 5, 1948
An Act Prohibiting the Use of the Emblem, Official Seal, and Name of the United Nations for Commercial Purposes
Republic Act No. 225 June 5, 1948
An Act to Amend Sections Thirty-Seven and Seventy-Six of Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred and Thirty-Seven, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Mining Act
Republic Act No. 224 June 5, 1948
An Act to Create a Public Corporation to be Known as the "National Airports Corporation," to Define its Powers and Duties, to Appropriate the Necessary Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 223 June 5, 1948
An Act to Amend Section Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen, as Amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered Three Hundred and Sixty-Two, and Section Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen of the Administrative Code, Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven
Republic Act No. 222 June 5, 1948
An Act Authorizing the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, Through the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation, to Guarantee not More Than Fifty Per Cent of the Losses Which May be Sustained on Loans Granted by Banks and Credit Institutions to Finance Home Construction and/or Ownership, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 221 June 5, 1948
An Act to Transfer the Barrio of Tuburan-Solbud from the Municipality of Santa Barbara to the Municipality of Zarraga, Both of the Province of Iloilo
Republic Act No. 220 June 5, 1948
An Act Authorizing the Municipality of Tabaco, Province of Albay, to Acquire Such Land or Lands Necessary for the Establishment of a Workmen's Barrio in Said Municipality and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 219 June 5, 1948
An Act Amending Sections One Hundred Thirty-Three, One Hundred Thirty-Four, One Hundred Thirty-Five, and One Hundred Thirty-Seven of the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 218 June 1, 1948
An Act to Amend Section Two Hundred Eighty-Four and Section Two Hundred Eighty-Five-A of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 217 June 1, 1948
An Act to Amend Sections One Hundred and Eighty-Four and One Hundred and Eighty-Five of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 216 June 1, 1948
An Act to Authorize the Expenditure of the Proceeds of a Loan Now Being Applied for by the Government for the Construction of Certain Hydroelectric Power Projects and the Erection of a Fertilizer Plant
Republic Act No. 215 June 1, 1948
An Act to Amend Section One of the Republic Act Numbered Eighty-One Providing a New Time Limit for the Waiver Of, and/or Extension of the Period Within Which to Perform, Accomplish or Comply With, Any Term, Condition, or Stipulation Required of Locators, Holders, Lessees, Operators of Mining Claims or Concessions, and of Water Rights and Timber Concessions Connected with the Mining Industry, and the Condonation of Mining, Specific and Real Estate Taxes, Under Certain Terms and Conditions
Republic Act No. 214 June 1, 1948
An Act Granting Monetary Rewards to Any Person Who Shall Locate or Find the Remains of the Late Congressman Wenceslao Vinzons and Governor Roque Ablan
Republic Act No. 213 June 1, 1948
An Act to Amend Section One of Republic Act Numbered Sixteen Entitled "An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Obtain Such Loans or Incur Such Indebtedness with the Government of the United States, its Agencies and Instrumentalities as May be Necessary to Cover Budgetary Deficits and Other Expenditures of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines for Rehabilitation and Other Purposes, and Appropriating the Necessary Funds Therefor"
Republic Act No. 212 June 1, 1948
An Act Creating the Barrio of San Juan in the Municipality of Mabini, Province of Batangas
Republic Act No. 211 June 1, 1948
An Act Authorizing the Retirement and Redemption of the Circulating Notes Lawfully Issued by the Philippine National Bank and the Registration and Deposit of Such Notes Illegally Issued, Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 210 June 1, 1948
An Act Exempting Officers and Enlisted Men of the Army of the Philippines Who Served in the Armed Forces of the United States from the Payment of Income Tax on Their Compensation, Insurance, and Maintenance and Support Allowances Earned by Virtue of Such Service Corresponding to the Taxable Years Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Two to Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Five, Inclusive, and Providing for the Refund of Taxes Heretofore Collected on Income so Earned
Republic Act No. 209 June 1, 1948
An Act to Amend the Title and Sections One, Three, Seven, Eight, and Nine of Republic Act Numbered One Hundred and Thirty-Six
Republic Act No. 208 June 1, 1948
An Act Providing a Life Pension for Widows of Ex-Presidents of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 207 May 28, 1948
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines Within a Period of Two Years to Appoint Officers from the Reserve Force into the Regular Force of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Above the Grade of Second Lieutenant
Republic Act No. 206 May 28, 1948
An Act Allowing Mayors, Municipal Treasurers, Municipal Secretaries and Members of the Police Force of Municipalities in the Specially-Organized Provinces the Same Scale or Rates of Compensation Provided for the Said Municipal Officers and Members of the Police Force of the Municipalities in the Regularly-Organized Provinces
Republic Act No. 205 May 28, 1948
An Act to Remit the Interest Which Accrued from January First, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Two, to June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Six, on All Obligations Contracted by Provincial, City and Municipal Governments in Favor of the National Government or of Any of the Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations, and to Extend for a Period of Four Years and Six Months the Payment of Such Obligations
Republic Act No. 204 May 28, 1948
An Act Converting the Sitios of Angas, Biga, Kamandungan, Kilokilo and Makulapnit of the Municipality of Santa Cruz, Province of Marinduque, into Independent Barrios
Republic Act No. 203 May 12, 1948
An Act to Amend Subsection (g) of Section Twenty-Five of Commonwealth Act Numbered One, as Amended, by Establishing the Nurse Corps in the Medical Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 202 May 4, 1948
An Act Amending Section One of Republic Act Numbered Thirty-Six, Continuing in Full Force Sections Two to Thirty-Eight Thereof, and Appropriating the Additional Sum of Six and One-Half Million Pesos to Carry Out the Purpose of the Said Act and for Other Purpose
Republic Act No. 201 April 19, 1948
An Act to Provide for the Issuance By Corporations of New Certificates of Stock in Lieu of Those Lost, Stolen or Destroyed, After the Reconstitution of the Records of the Corporation in Accordance With Law, and to Fix a Period Within Which to Contest Such Issuance
Republic Act No. 200 March 29, 1948
An Act to Provide for the Disposition of the Proceeds of the Grand Derby Races Held By the Philippine Tuberculosis Society
Republic Act No. 199 March 29, 1948
An Act to Provide for the Retirement of Treasury Certificates of Pre-War Series and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 198 March 19, 1948
An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Hundred Thousand Pesos to Defray the Expenses of the Training, Preparation and Participation of a Filipino Athletic Delegation in the Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Eight Olympics in London
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