[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 315, June 19, 1948 ]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled;
Section 1. Section eighty-nine of Commonwealth Act Numbered One, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 89. The grades and pay of enlisted men shall be as follows:
a. Monthly base pay of enlisted men of the Regular Forces shall be as follows:
Master sergeant (chief petty officer) |
P120.00 |
First sergeant |
120.00 |
Technical sergeant (petty officer, 1st class) |
105.00 |
Staff sergeant (petty officer, 2nd class) |
85.00 |
Sergeant (petty officer, 3rd class) |
75.00 |
Corporal (seaman, 1st class) |
65.00 |
Private, 1st class (seaman, 2nd class) |
55.00 |
Private (apprentice seaman) |
50.00 |
An enlisted man of the Regular Force who shall reenlist within two months after his discharge by reason of the expiration of his enlistment shall receive a reenlistment bonus of one month's pay of the grade held at the time of his discharge: Provided, That due to the necessity for technically trained enlisted personnel to properly maintain flying equipment, qualified first, second and third class air mechanics, not exceeding fifteen per centum of the enlisted strength of the air force, when required to properly maintain flying equipment by competent authority, shall receive additional monthly pay of seventy-five pesos, fifty pesos and twenty-five pesos, respectively: Provided, also, That enlisted men of the Air Force, when participating in regular and frequent aerial flights pursuant to orders by competent authority, shall receive additional pay equivalent to fifty per centum of the base pay prescribed for their respective grades: Provided, further, That enlisted men of the naval patrol, when performing sea duty pursuant to orders by competent authority, shall receive additional pay equivalent to ten per centum of the base pay prescribed for their respective grades: Provided, further, That enlisted men except those in the air corps who are receiving flying pay, shall receive additional pay equivalent to fifty per centum of the base pay of their respective grades while actually engaged in hazardous duty as defined by regulations prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense: Provided, still further, That under such regulations as the Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe, enlisted men of any grade, except enlisted men of the air corps who are receiving flying pay or additional pay for qualified dir mechanics, may be rated as specialists and receive additional pay therefor per month as follows:
First class |
P75.00 |
Second class |
65.00 |
Third class |
55.00 |
Fourth class |
45.00 |
Fifth class |
35.00 |
Sixth class |
25.00 |
Seventh class |
20.00 |
Eighth class |
15.00 |
Ninth class |
10.00 |
And provided, finally: That nothing in this section shall operate to reduce the pay which any enlisted man is now receiving during his current enlistment and while he holds his present grade as a result of this classification.
Enlisted men shall, in addition, be entitled to rations, barracks accommodations, medical attendance, and clothing as may be prescribed in regulations. To each enlisted man not furnished rations in kind, there shall be granted, under such regulations as the Secretary of National Defense may prescribe, an allowance for subsistence, the value of which shall not be less than one peso per day: Provided, That chief petty officers and other enlisted men of the naval patrol shall receive additional subsistence allowance equivalent to one peso per day and fifty centavos per day, respectively, while performing sea duty pursuant to orders by competent authority. To each enlisted man not furnished quarters in kind adequate for himself and/or the immediate members of his family there shall be granted, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense, quarters allowance which shall not be less than the following monthly rates:
Master sergeant (chief petty officer) |
P20.00 |
First sergeant |
20.00 |
Technical sergeant (petty officer, 1st class) |
20.00 |
Staff sergeant (petty officer, 2nd class) |
12.00 |
Sergeant (petty officer, 3rd class) |
12.00 |
Corporal (seaman, 1st class) |
10.00 |
Private, 1st class (seaman, 2nd class) |
10.00 |
Private (apprentice seaman) |
10.00 |
Provided, further, That under such regulations as the Secretary of National Defense may prescribe, each enlisted man shall be granted clothing allowance the value of Which shall not be less than seventy-five pesos upon original enlistment or reenlistment, plus a monthly allowance of not less than ten pesos, and an additional twenty pesos upon each reenlistment entered into within two months after his discharge by reason of the expiration of his enlistment.
The total number of enlisted men authorized in each grade shall be as the President may direct.1awp++i1
b. Grades and pay of enlisted men of the Reserve shall be the same as those of the Regular Force, except that enlisted men shall receive no pay or allowance while on inactive status: Provided, That in time of emergency, where a partial or full mobilization has been declared by the President, reservists shall draw pay and allowances as may be prescribed by the President."
Section 2. Section ninety-one of Commonwealth Act Numbered One, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 91. Young men undergoing trainee instruction shall receive a monthly base pay of ten pesos, in addition to meals and barracks accommodations, medical attention, clothing and transportation: Provided, That under such regulations as the Secretary of National Defense may prescribe, each trainee shall receive clothing allowance the value of which shall not be less than seventy-five pesos: Provided, also, That any trainee who may serve with the colors longer than ten months, except for those who may be required by regulations to serve additional periods as a result of their misconduct or unauthorized absences during their normal trainee instruction, shall receive, over and above normal pay and allowances provided for trainees, the sum of five pesos for each additional month so served."
Section 3. In addition to the funds appropriated for the pay and allowances and maintenance of enlisted personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines for the fiscal year 1948-1949, the sum of three million six hundred thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any fund in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of the increased pay and allowances authorized by this Act.
Section 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Approved, June 19, 1948.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation