Acts - 1919

Act No. 2875
December 28, 1919
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Necessary Expenses of the Government of the Philippine Islands During the Fiscal Year Ending December thirty-First Nineteen Hundred and Twenty, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2874
November 29, 1919
An Act to Amend and Compile the Laws Relative to Lands of the Public Domain, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2873
November 24, 1919
An Act Granting to the National Development Company Certain Powers With Regard to Public Land, Mines or Mining Claims, Any Legal Provision to the Contrary Notwithstanding.
Act No. 2872
November 24, 1919
An Act to Amend Paragraph Two Hundred of Section Eight of the Act Entitled "An Act to Raise Revenue for the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes," Approved By the Congress of the United states on August Fifth, Nineteen Hundred and Nine, Exempting From All Customs Duties, in Certain Cases, Repairs on Boats and Other Water Craft Matriculated in the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2871
October 22, 1919
An Act to Repeal Act Numbered Sixteen Hundred and Ninety-Six, Entitled "An Act to Prohibit the Display of Flags, Banners, Emblems, or Devices Used in the Philippine Islands for the Purpose of Rebellion or Insurrection Against the Authority of the United states and the Display of Katipunan Flags, Banners, Emblems, or Devices, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2870
August 02, 1919
An Act to Authorize the Commutation and Payment in Cash of the Accrued Leave of Government Officers and Employees Detailed for Service in the United states or in Some Foreign Country, or Sent to Such Countries as Government students.
Act No. 2869
July 30, 1919
An Act Authorizing the Governor-General to Prohibit the Exportation of Rice.
Act No. 2868
July 30, 1919
An Act Penalizing the Monopoly and Hoarding Of, and Speculation In, Palay, Rice, and Corn Under Extraordinary Circumstances, Regulating the Distribution and Sale thereof, and Authorizing the Governor-General, With the Consent of the Council of state, to Issue the Necessary Rules and Regulations therefor, and Making An Appropriation for this Purpose.
Act No. 2867
March 14, 1919
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Twenty-Four Hundred and Twenty-Seven, Entitled "An Act Revising the Insurance Laws and Regulating Insurance Business in the Philippine Islands."
Act No. 2866
March 14, 1919
An Act to Amend Section One Hundred and Fourteen of Act Numbered Four Hundred and Ninety-Six, Entitled the Land Registration Act, as Amended, Fixing a New Schedule of Fees for Clerks of Courts and Registers of Deeds.
Act No. 2865
March 14, 1919
An Act Authorizing the Governor-General to Appoint a Committee to Take Charge of the Investigation of Controversies Between the Owners and Tenants of Large Estates, Appropriating Funds therefor, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2864
March 14, 1919
An Act to Amend Certain Provisions of the Administrative Code for the Purpose of Regulating in Certain Details the Service of the Bureau of Supply, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2863
March 13, 1919
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Twenty-Six Hundred and Ninety-Nine, Entitled "An Act to Provide Certain Facilities for the Administration of the Manila Railroad Company," Extending the Period of Tax Exemption of Said Company.
Act No. 2862
March 12, 1919
An Act Creating the National Iron Company and Appropriating Funds therefor.
Act No. 2861
March 12, 1919
An Act to Amend Section Two Hundred and Eighty-Five of the Administrative Code of the Philippine Islands, Granting Vacation Leave to the Craftsmen and Classified Apprentices of the Bureau of Printing.
Act No. 2860
March 12, 1919
An Act to Amend Sections Four. Ten. and Twenty-One of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Ninety-three, Entitled "An Act to Establish the Manner of Securing Patents for Inventions or Discoveries, and for Other Purposes."
Act No. 2859
March 12, 1919
An Act to Appropriate the Sum of Fifteen thousand Pesos for Forest Reconnaissances in the Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2858
March 12, 1919
An Act Extending to the Part of the Philippine Islands Inhabited By Moros or Other Non-Christians Certain Acts of the Philippine Legislature Relating to the Use of Water for Irrigation, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2857
March 12, 1919
An Act to Amend Section Two Hundred and Ninety-Nine of the Administrative Code, Eliminating the Prohibition that Per Diems or Subsistence Expenses Be Paid to Judges or Auxiliary Judges of Courts of First Instance.
Act No. 2856
March 12, 1919
An Act to Amend Subsection (1) of Section Two thousand and Twenty-Nine of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven, Known as the Administrative Code, Authorizing the Postal Savings Bank to Grant Loans to the Insular Government for the Purchase or Construction of Public Buildings, and Authorizing the Secretary of Commerce and Communications to Invest the Funds So Obtained.
Act No. 2855
March 12, 1919
An Act Creating the National Cement Company and Appropriating Funds therefor.
Act No. 2854
March 11, 1919
An Act to Appropriate the Sum of three Hundred thousand Pesos, or So Much thereof as May Be Necessary, for the Relief of Poor Sufferers From Earthquakes, Fires, Floods, Typhoons or Other Public Calamities.
Act No. 2853
March 11, 1919
An Act to Extend the Provisions of the Public-Bonding Law to Certain Employees of Companies the Majority of the stock of Which Is Held By the Government.
Act No. 2852
March 11, 1919
An Act to Amend Sections Eleven Hundred and Eighty-Four and Twelve Hundred and One of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven, Entitled the Administrative Code of the Philippine Islands of Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen, Relating to the Board of Marine Examiners and the Compensation of the Members of Said Board.
Act No. 2851
March 11, 1919
An Act Authorizing the Secretary of Justice to Acquire By Purchase the Papers, Documents, and Other Historical Objects Left By the Late Mariano Ponce, and Making the Necessary Appropriation therefor.
Act No. 2850
March 11, 1919
An Act to Appropriate the Sum of One Hundred thousand Pesos, Out of Any Insular Funds Not Otherwise Appropriated, for Continuing the Food Campaign.
Act No. 2849
March 08, 1919
An Act to Create the National Development Company.
Act No. 2848
March 08, 1919
An Act Granting to the Isabela Sugar Company, Incorporated, of the City of Manila, Its Successors and Assigns, a Franchise to Establish, Construct, Equip, Maintain, and Operate a Railroad in the Province of Occidental Negros, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2847
March 08, 1919
An Act Granting to B. A. Green a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Orion, Province of Bataan, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2846
March 08, 1919
An Act Granting to the Company "Magsasaka" a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Cabanatuan, Province of Nueva Ecija, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2845
March 08, 1919
An Act Granting to Felix M. Roxas a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipalities of San Fernando, Bacolor, Guagua, and Angeles, in the Province of Pampanga, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2844
March 08, 1919
An Act Granting to the Santa Cruz Electric Light Co. Inc., a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Santa Cruz, Province of Laguna, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2843
March 08, 1919
An Act Granting to Engracio Orense a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Guinobatan, Province of Albay, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2842
March 08, 1919
An Act Granting to Jose Hernandez a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Powder System in the Municipality of Capiz, Province of Capiz, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2841
March 08, 1919
An Act Granting to the Firm Oleaga Hermanos Y Corral, a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Aparri, Province of Cagayan, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2840
March 08, 1919
An Act Granting to Eduardo A. Barretto a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Calamba, in the Province of Lagnna, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2839
March 08, 1919
An Act Granting to Eduardo Gutierrez Repide a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Camiling. in the Province of Tarlac, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2838
March 08, 1919
An Act Authorizing the Municipality of Bangued, Province of Abra, to Issue Bonds in An Amount Not to Exceed Forty thousand Pesos, Philippine Currency, or Its Equivalent in Money of the United states, for the Purpose of Providing Funds for the Establishment of a Water Supply System for Public Use in Said Municipality.
Act No. 2837
March 08, 1919
An Act to Amend Section One Hundred and Ninety-Four of the Administrative Code, Concerning the Recording of Instruments Relating to Land Not Registered Under Act Numbered Four Hundred and Ninety-Six, Entitled "the Land Registration Act," and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2836
March 18, 1919
An Act Granting to the Manila Railroad Company of the Philippine Islands a Concession to Construct a Railroad in the Island of Luzon.
Act No. 2835
March 08, 1919
An Act to Amend the Internal Revenue Law, Chapter Forty of the Administrative Code, in the Part Referring to the Taxes on Playing Cards, Cigars, Cigarettes, and Inheritances; to Amend Likewise, Article Twelve of Chapter Sixty-Six of the Same Code, Relative to VIolations, and for Other Purposes in Relation to the Administration of Said Law.
Act No. 2834
March 08, 1919
An Act to Amend Section One Hundred and Seventy-Eight of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven, Known as the Administrative Code of Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen, Concerning the Appointment of Subordinate Employees of the General Land Registration Office.
Act No. 2833
March 07, 1919
An Act Establishing the Income Tax, Making Other Provisions Relating to Said Tax, and Amending Certain Sections of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven.
Act No. 2832
March 06, 1919
An Act Creating a Public Corporation Denominated the Metropolitan Water District, Prescribing Its Functions and Activities, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2831
March 06, 1919
An Act to Create a Corporation to Be Known as the Bohol Electric Light Company, and to Grant to the Same a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Province of Bohol, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2830
March 06, 1919
An Act to Amend Section Twelve of Act Numbered One Hundred and Ninety, as Amended, By Providing that Until January First, Nineteen Hundred and thirty, Both English and Spanish Shall Be Official Languages, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2829
March 05, 1919
An Act to Provide for the Adjustment of the Salaries of the Provincial Officers, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2828
March 05, 1919
An Act to Amend Section Twenty-One of Act Numbered One Hundred and Ninety, Known as the Code of Civil Procedure, Declaring that the Practice of Soliciting Cases At Law for the Purpose of Gain, Either Personally or through Agents, Constitute Malpractice.
Act No. 2827
March 05, 1919
An Act Making It Obligatory Upon Interisland Vessels to Provide Tonnage for the Shipment of Rice or Any Other Article of Prime Necessity Whenever Required to Do So By the Secretary of Commerce and Communications Under Certain Conditions.
Act No. 2826
March 05, 1919
An Act to Establish Provisions Additional to those Contained in Act Numbered One Hundred and Ninety With Regard to the Exercise of the Right of Eminent Domain in Cases in Which the Exercise of Said Right Is Resorted to in Favor of the Insular Government or of Any Province or Municipality.
Act No. 2825
March 05, 1919
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Twenty-three Hundred and Fifty-Two, Entitled "the Census Act, as Amended By Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Sixty-Six.
Act No. 2824
March 05, 1919
An Act Extending to the Provinces of Mindoro, Palawan, and Batanes, With Certain Exceptions, the Provisions of Chapters Sixty-three and Sixty-Four of the Administrative Code of Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen, Making the Office of Provincial Governor Elective in Palawan and Batanes, Abolishing Townships and Rancherias in Provinces Organized Under the General Provincial Law, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2823
March 05, 1919
An Act to Appropriate Funds for the Acquisition and Installation of An Electro-Cardiographic Apparatus for Use in the Philippine General Hospital.
Act No. 2822
March 05, 1919
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Five, Entitled "An Act to Create the National Coal Company.''
Act No. 2821
March 04, 1919
An Act Granting to the Romblon Light and Ice Plant Company, Limited, a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain An Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Romblon, in the Province of the Same Name, Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2820
March 04, 1919
An Act to Amend Subsection (B) of Section Four and Subsections (C) and (D) of Section Six of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Seventy-One, Entitled "An Act Granting to the Firm Lizarraga Hermanos, Its Successors and Assigns, a Franchise to Establish, Construct, Equip, Maintain, and Operate a Railroad Between the Municipalities of Kabankalan and Hog, in the Province of Occidental Negros."
Act No. 2819
March 04, 1919
An Act to Repeal and Amend Certain Provisions of the Administrative Code, Authorizing Municipalities, Cities, and Townships to Regulate Signs and Billboards and Fix License Fees therefor, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2818
March 04, 1919
An Act to Encourage the Increase of the Rice and Corn Production in the Philippine Islands, to Appropriate the Necessary Funds therefor, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2817
March 04, 1919
An Act to Amend Section Five of Act Numbered Twenty-Five Hundred and Eighty-One, Regulating the Sale of Certain Shares, stock, Bonds, and Other Securities of Corporations.
Act No. 2816
March 04, 1919
An Act to Amend Section Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Nine of the Administrative Code, Authorizing the Director of Posts to Collect storage on Postal Packages.
Act No. 2815
March 04, 1919
An Act to Reorganize the Government Orphanage Established in Accordance With Act Numbered Twenty-Six Hundred and Seventy-One Which Shall Hereafter Be Known as the Bureau of Dependent Children, to Define Its Functions and Authority, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2814
March 04, 1919
An Act to Create the National Petroleum Company.
Act No. 2813
March 04, 1919
An Act to Amend Sections Eight Hundred and Nine, Eight Hundred and Eleven, Eight Hundred and Seventeen, and Eight Hundred and Eighteen of the Administrative Code, Authorizing the Holding of a Special Examination for Opticians, Under Certain Conditions.
Act No. 2812
March 03, 1919
An Act to Prohibit the Cutting or Utilization of Fruit Trees and Bushes in the Public or Communal Forests Without a Special Permit By the Bureau of Forestry.
Act No. 2811
March 03, 1919
Act to Amend Certain Sections of the Administrative Code, to Define Auditing Districts, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2810
March 03, 1919
An Act Authorizing the Creation of a Commission to Take Charge of the Preliminary Work for the Celebration of the Fourth Centennial of the Discovery of the Philippine Islands By Fernando Magellan, and Providing Funds for the Same.
Act No. 2809
March 03, 1919
An Act to Authorize the Segregation of Camarines Norte From the Province of Ambos Camarines and Re-Establishment of the Former Province of Camarines Norte. and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2808
March 01, 1919
An Act Regulating the Practice of the Nursing Profession in the Philippine Islands.
Act No. 2807
February 28, 1919
An Act to Appropriate the Sum of Twenty-Eight thousand Pesos Out of Any Funds in the Insular Treasury Not Otherwise Appropriated, for the Construction of a Provincial Jail in the Province of Surigao.
Act No. 2806
February 28, 1919
An Act Authorizing Provincial Boards to Organize and Manage Agricultural Colonies on Public Land, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2805
February 28, 1919
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven, Known as the Administrative Code of the Philippine Islands, Authorizing the Postal Savings Bank, Under Certain Conditions, to Grant Loans to Municipalities and Provinces.
Act No. 2804
February 28, 1919
An Act to Amend Section Twenty-One of Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Twenty, as Amended By Section three of Act Numbered Twenty-Five Hundred and Nine, Authorizing the Cession, in Certain Cases, of Certain Limited Tracts of the So-Called Friar Lands and the Buildings thereon, to a Municipal Government.
Act No. 2803
February 28, 1919
An Act to Amend Certain Provisions of the Administrative Code, Regulating Certain Details of the Functions and Authority of the Executive Departments, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2802
February 28, 1919
An Act Authorizing the Heirs or Representatives of the Late Agustin De La Pena to Bring Suit Against the Government of the Philippine Islands, and Directing the Attorney General to Appear in Said Suit on the Behalf of the Said Government.
Act No. 2801
February 28, 1919
An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to Extend the Benefits and Activities of the Philippine General Hospital to Other Parts of the Archipelago.
Act No. 2800
February 28, 1919
An Act to Amend Section Seventeen of Act Numbered Twenty-Four Hundred and Eighty-Five, Entitled "An Act Granting Seņor VIcente Sotelo Y Matti, a Native and Resident of the City of Manila, Philippine Islands, and His Successors and Assigns, a Franchise to Establish, Construct, Equip, Maintain, and Operate a Railroad in the Southern Part of the Island of Negros, Philippine Islands."
Act No. 2799
February 28, 1919
An Act to Amend Section Two Hundred and Eighty-Five of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven, Entitled the Revised Administrative Code.
Act No. 2798
February 24, 1919
An Act Extending to the Mountain Province and the Province of Nueva VIzcaya the Laws and Other Legal Provisions Pertaining to the Provinces and Minor Political Subdivisions of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu.
Act No. 2797
February 24, 1919
An Act to Amend Section Two thousand One Hundred and Six of the Administrative Code, By Adding Subsection (F) At the End thereof.
Act No. 2796
February 20, 1919
An Act Designating a New Time Limit for the Filing of Applications for Retirement Under Act Numbered Twenty-Five Hundred and Eighty-Nine, Commonly Known as the Retirement Law for Public Officers and Employees, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2795
February 20, 1919
An Act to Appropriate the Sum of Sixty thousand Pesos, or So Much thereof as May Be Necessary, for the Preparation and Construction of a Mausoleum to Perpetuate the Memory of the Late Honorable William Atkinson Jones, Representative for VIrginia, United states of America, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2794
February 20, 1919
An Act to Appropriate the Sum of Fifteen thousand Pesos, to Be Added to Funds to Be Appropriated By the Provincial Board of Bulacan and the Municipality of Bulacan, of the Same Province, and Raised By Public Subscription, for the Purchase of a Lot and the Erection thereon of a Schoolliouse, in the Barrio of San Nicolas, Municipality of Bulacan, Province of Bulacan, Dedicated to the Memory of Marcelo H. Del Pilar; to Regulate the Investment of Said Funds, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2793
February 20, 1919
An Act to Establish the Manner of Securing Patents for Inventions or Discoveries, and for Other Porposes.
Act No. 2792
February 18, 1919
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of the Corporation Law, Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred and Fifty-Nine, Providing for the Publication of the Assets and Liabilities of Corporations Registering in the Bureau of Commerce and Industry, Determining the Liability of the Officers of Corporations With Regard to the Issuance of stock or Bonds, Establishing Penalties for Certain things, and for Other Purposes.
Act No. 2791
February 17, 1919
An Act Authorizing Provinces, Municipalities, Townships, and Other Subdivisions or Tranches of the Government of the Philippine Islands to Contract Indebtedness, Under Certain Conditions.
Act No. 2790
February 17, 1919
An Act to Provide Funds for the Extension of the Lines of the Manila Railroad Company.
Act No. 2789
February 08, 1919
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Seventy-Two, Entitled "An Act Authorizing the Merger or Consolidation of Certain Corporations, and for Other Purposes."
Act No. 2787
January 31, 1919
An Act to Amend Section One of Act Numbered Twenty-Six Hundred and Seventy-Two, Authorizing the Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines to Contract for Technical Services, Under Certain Conditions.
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