Today is Thursday, March 13, 2025


Administrative Order No. 168
December 22, 1941
Requiring Justice of the Peace Victoriano D. Azaña of Lagonoy, San Jose and Goa, Province of Camarines Sur, to resign his office for cause
Administrative Order No. 167
December 12, 1941
Authorizing the payment of three months’ salary in advance to officers and employees of the government
Administrative Order No. 166
December 10, 1941
Order of Issue, Philippines, 4½ per cent loan of 1942 (Due 1972), Commonwealth Act No. 618
Administrative Order No. 165
December 9, 1941
Dismissing Justice of the Peace Felipe Santa Juana of Santo Niño, Samar, for immorality
Administrative Order No. 164
December 9, 1941
Removing Justice of the Peace Vicente Caballero Talens of Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija, for cause
Administrative Order No. 163
December 6, 1941
Creating a committee to study and recommend the discontinuance of non-essential services during the period of the emergency and other means of realizing savings in the authorized appropriations in order to provide funds for the protection and defenses of the civilian population
Administrative Order No. 162
November 26, 1941
Creating an Inaugural Committee
Administrative Order No. 161
November 19, 1941
Revoking Administrative Order No. 142, dated June 24, 1941, creating a Committee to investigate and appraise the claim of the Laguna Water Power Company, Inc. relating to the Caliraya Project
Administrative Order No. 160
November 14, 1941
Prohibiting the expenditure and/or substitution of the amounts constituting the items of “Savings to be Made” required in the current General Appropriations Act
Administrative Order No. 159
November 5, 1941
Order of Issue, Philippines 4-1/2% Loan of 1942 (Due 1972/1952), Second Series, Metropolitan Water District – Commonwealth Act No. 528
Administrative Order No. 158
October 31, 1941
Further amending Administrative Order No. 123, dated April 15, 1940, as amended by Administrative Order No. 137, dated November 7, 1940, and Administrative Order No. 148, dated August 26, 1941, authorizing the issue and sale of bonds known as “City of Manila, Loan of 1940 (Due 1970) Third Series”
Administrative Order No. 157
October 27, 1941
Philippines 4-1/2 Collateral Loan of 1942 (Due 1972) Province and Twelve Municipalities of Rizal
Administrative Order No. 156
October 24, 1941
Requiring Justice of the Peace Arsenio Acurantes of Mati, Davao, to resign his office for cause
Administrative Order No. 155
September 24, 1941
Suspending Provincial Governor Saturnino Benito of Albay for abuse of authority
Administrative Order No. 154
September 22, 1941
Requiring Justice of the Peace Esteban Rivera of San Felipe, Zambales, to resign
Administrative Order No. 153
September 22, 1941
Requiring Auxiliary Justice of the Peace Teofilo Buzon of Hilongos, Leyte, to resign
Administrative Order No. 152
September 15, 1941
Enjoining strict compliance with the provisions of Paragraph 5 of Civil Service Rule IX in the matter of recommendations for promotions
Administrative Order No. 151
September 13, 1941
Requiring Justice of the Peace Rufino Gonzales of San Fabian, Pangasinan, to resign his office
Administrative Order No. 150
September 10, 1941
Authorizing the Far Eastern Surety and Insurance Co., Inc., to become a surety upon official recognizances, stipulations, bonds, and undertakings
Administrative Order No. 149
September 5, 1941
Creating a committee to study and devise measures that should be adopted for the protection of the archives of the national government in case of emergency
Administrative Order No. 148
August 26, 1941
Further amending Administrative Order No. 123, dated April 15, 1940, as amended by Administrative Order No. 137, dated November 7, 1940, authorizing the issue and sale of bonds known as “City of Manila, loan of 1940 (due 1970) third series.”
Administrative Order No. 147
July 25, 1941
Requiring Justice of the Peace Felisberto A. Broce of Calatrava, Negros Occidental, to resign his office
Administrative Order No. 146
July 24, 1941
Order of Issue, Philippines 4-1/2% Loan of 1941 (Due 1971), Commonwealth Act No. 618
Administrative Order No. 145
July 14, 1941
Abolishing the Committee created by Administrative Order No. 81, dated November 19, 1939, to arrange for and to take charge of the participation of the Commonwealth of the Philippines in the Golden Gate International Exposition, and transferring its assets to the Philippine Exposition Commission
Administrative Order No. 144
July 2, 1941
Authorizing the Committee created to investigate the matter of the use of rivers to also investigate and report on the pollution of streams, and revising, for this purpose, Administrative Order No. 103, as amended by Administrative Order No. 128
Administrative Order No. 143
June 27, 1941
Fixing uniform rate for meals to be authorized for National Government employees stationed in Manila rendering overtime work therein
Administrative Order No. 142
June 24, 1941
Creating a committee to investigate and appraise the claim of the Laguna Water Power Co., Inc., relating to the Caliraya project
Administrative Order No. 141
June 10, 1941
Prescribing regulations governing the handling of retirement papers and delivery of warrants covering the payment of retirement gratuities.
Administrative Order No. 140
February 19, 1941
Creating a committee to make studies of, and submit recommendations on, the preliminary plans prepared by the Bureau of Public Works for utilizing the old Bilibid Prison buildings and lots in the City of Manila.