[ IRR OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 11713, May 26, 2023 ]
The Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), and Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), in consultation with other relevant stakeholders hereby issue the following rules and regulations to effectively implement the provisions of the Act:
Section 1. Title.
These rules and regulations shall be referred to as the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Republic Act (RA) No. 11713, otherwise known as the "Excellence in Teacher Education Act".
Section 2. Scope and Application.
These IRR shall apply to teachers and school leaders to all public and private basic education institutions, and to all public and private Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs).
Section 3. Declaration of Policy.
These IRR shall be interpreted in light of the Declaration of Policy found in Section 2 of the Act.
"It is the declared policy of the State to protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and to take appropriate steps to make such education accessible and relevant to all. It is likewise universally recognized that the teacher is the key to effective teaching-learning processes by drawing out and nurturing the best in the learner as a human being and a worthy member of society. Further, the State recognizes the role of school leaders in supporting teachers by fostering an environment for effective teaching and a school culture that develops enthusiastic and independent learners who are committed to lifelong learning."
"Towards this end, the State shall ensure and enhance the quality education and training of teachers nationwide by establishing a scholarship program for deserving students pursuing teacher education degree programs, and for teachers and school leaders pursuing graduate degree programs, and providing a dynamic, modern, and equitable system through the national leadership of the Teacher Education Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council, which is mandated to carry out this vision through the development of teachers and school leaders who are of unquestionable integrity and competence, and who are committed to the pursuit of their continuing professional growth and obligation to help learners grow as responsible, competent and productive individuals and citizens of the Philippines and of the world.
Section 4. Definition of Terms.
The following terms shall mean or be understood as follows:
4.1 Administration of Licensure Examination refers to the examination cycle which covers the preparatory, conduct, and post-activity phases that the PRC needs to complete to ensure the successful administration of the licensure examinations. The pre-examination phase includes the crafting of the Table of Specifications (TOS) based on the CHED Policies, Standards, and Guidelines (PSGs), formulation of test questions, conduct of peer review and editing, encoding into the test question databank and random extraction of test items. Once completed, the licensure examination shall then be conducted. The post-examination phase includes the correction, item analysis, rating, and ends with the release of the examination results;
4.2 Assessment refers to a systematic collection, review, and use of information about wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students and for the purpose of improving their learning and development;
4.3 Council refers to the Teacher Education Council as institutionalized in the Act;
4.4 Excellence refers to the efficient, effective, and innovative delivery of relevant, functional, and quality programs in teacher education, training, curriculum development, instruction, research, and extension service;
4.5 Formal Education refers to the systematic and deliberate process of hierarchically structured and sequential academic learning from kindergarten to graduate education;
4.6 In-service Education refers to any professional development training given to education personnel, which include formal and informal activities that develop an individual's skills, knowledge, an expertise in the teaching profession;
4.7 Nonformal Education refers to any organized and systematic educational activity undertaken outside the framework of the formal educational system to provide selected types of learning to a segment of the population;
4.8 Other Teaching-Related Personnel refer to those who perform teaching-related functions such as guidance counselors and librarians, and other personnel to be determined by the Council;
4.9 Para-Teachers refer to those who have taken the licensure examination for teachers but were unable to qualify and have been issued by the PRC through its Board for Professional Teachers a special permit indicating their area of assignment where there is a shortage or absence of a professional teacher;
4.10 Pre-Service Teacher Education Programs refers to undergraduate degrees and certificates of teaching covering mandatory curriculum and practicum specifications;
4.11 Pre-Service Teachers refer to students enrolled in a teacher education degree program offered by Teacher Education Institutions (TEis);
4.12 Professional Standards refer to the set of standards established and used by the DepEd and other standards that set out expectations of professional practice for teachers and school leaders across their respective career stages. It shall be the basis for all learning and development programs for teachers and school leaders, as well as the benchmark for their selection and promotion. The integrity of these standards shall be ensured by the Council through rigorous reviews after five (5) years from the effectivity of the Act and every five (5) years thereafter, or within a shorter period, as the Council deems it necessary;
4.13 Roadmap refers to a strategic plan that defines the council's goal and desired outcome within a certain period which includes all of the major steps and milestones of the Council in collaboration with the different education agencies and stakeholders;
4.14 School Leaders refer to officials in the public school system who perform managerial and supervisory roles in their respective levels of governance, such as head teachers, department heads, principals and assistant principals, school district supervisors at the schools division and regional offices, schools division superintendents, regional directors and assistant regional directors, and their equivalent positions in the private school system;
4.15 Teacher refers to a person qualified to practice teaching under the law and engaged in the teaching of any subject, including technical-vocational (Tech-Voc) at the basic education level in all private or public basic education institutions. This may include teachers who may not actually be employed as such;
4.16 Teacher Education refers to formal pre-service and in-service education and training, including graduate education, in various areas of specialization undertaken by pre-service teachers and teachers; and
4.17 Teacher Education Center of Excellence (Teacher Education-COE) refers to a public or private college, institution, school or agency, which satisfy to the criteria for COEs and may exist by itself or within a university or college, that is engaged in providing academic training for both formal and nonformal pre-service and continuing education of students, teachers, school leaders, and teacher educators, that has established and continues to maintain an excellent track record in teacher education, instruction, faculty qualifications, research, extension services, linkages, ability to produce top caliber graduates, and others as specified in the criteria for identifying Teacher Education-COEs as provided for under the Act;
4.18 Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) refer to higher education institutions (HEIs) recognized by the CHED offering teacher education degree programs and certificates in teaching programs or their equivalent, as may be approved by the CHED;
4.19 Teacher Education Programs refer to recognized academic programs, such as undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including certificate of teaching education or its equivalent, that enable pre-service teachers to meet the requirements for entry into the teaching profession and provide in-service teachers with the knowledge, skills and practical experience to strengthen their professional practice;
4.20 Teacher Education refer to those in the education sector whose educate pre-service and in-service teachers.
Section 5. Teacher Education COE.
There shall be identified, designated, established, or developed in strategic places to each of the regions of the country, one or more Teacher Education COEs based on the criteria listed hereunder, assessed and adjudged by the Council.
Should the need arise, certain Teacher Education COEs at the provincial level may later be established, identified, or developed.
At least one (1) TEI from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, and in Metro Manila, Metro Cebu and Metro Davao shall be established as a Center of Excellence in Special Needs Education.ℒαwρhi৷
For the purposes of these IRR, the Council shall provide details for the following criteria in identifying schools and colleges as Teacher Education-COEs:
5.1 highly educated, professionally qualified and experienced faculty recognized in their fields of study, exhibiting best practices in excellence in the education sector, integrity, commitment, promotes Filipino culture, and dedicated to the philosophy, mission, vision and goals of the institution and education;
5.2 well-selected students who manifest the talent and commitment for teaching;
5.3 adequate library, research and study facilities;
5.4 competent administrative and support staff;
5.5 innovative, well-planned, and relevant curriculum development, instruction, mentoring, and research programs;
5.6 adequate student services and development programs;
5.7 relevant extension services, linkages, and outreach program;
5.8 percentage of graduates who pass the licensure examination for teachers and pursue a career in teaching;
5.9 graduates who become professionals in the education training and development sector, or leaders in the education sector or both; and
5.10 such other criteria as may be established and operationalized by the Council.
The Teacher Education Council shall form a Teacher Education-COEs national network which in turn shall engage with elementary schools, high schools, and/or a part thereof for laboratory school purposes while developing a shared vision, commitment, and mutual respect for each other's expertise.
Any designated Teacher Education-COE shall be reviewed and evaluated every three (3) years to ensure that it continues to possess the criteria prescribed under the Act.1aшphi1
Section 6. Objectives and Functions of a Teacher Education-COE.
The objectives and functions of a Teacher Education-COE shall be to:
6.1. Conduct innovative and relevant pre-service and in-service teacher education and/or NEAP recognized training programs, including alternative delivery programs, to ensure access to education, continuity of learning, and resilience of the education system that shall develop and produce teachers who shall provide quality education to learners;
6.2 Organize and coordinate collaborative research in identified areas for systematic investigation in teacher education as basis for improving teacher education programs, policies, standards and guidelines;
6.3 Serve as teacher resource center for the development of curricular or instructional materials, or both;
6.4 Act as the central learning hub for networking specific disciplines in teacher education in the region;
6.5 Provide professional assistance to TEIs as the need arises, including mentoring them in preparing for and pursuing appropriate pathways for quality assurance, and accelerating accreditation among TEIs;
6.6 Encourage mutual support among TEis in the region for upgrading and improving their programs;
6.7 Develop high standards of conduct in the field of research and innovation on teacher education, publish research papers thereon in local or international refereed journals and/or indexed journals, and facilitate their accessibility for knowledge creation and dissemination to TEIs and concerned agencies. Provided that, such local or international refereed journals or indexed journals are those with International Standard Serial Number (ISSN); and
6.8 Participate in the development and implementation of a national agenda for research in teacher education that should cover priority areas for the continuous enhancement of teacher education training, and development for purposes of local and international research and publication.
For purposes of these IRR, the Council will take the lead in the national agenda for research in teacher education together with the representatives from the different educational institutions and heads of the COEs.
Section 7. Teacher Education Council; Composition.
The Council shall be composed of nine (9) members. The COuncil, along with its Secretariat, shall be attached to the DepEd solely for budgetary coordination and related purposes.
It shall be composed of the following:
7.1 The following members of the Council shall serve in an ex officio member capacity by virtue of their respective offices:
7.1.1 Secretary of the DepEd, as Chairperson;
7.1.2 Chairperson of the CHED as Vice-Chairperson;
7.1.3 Director-General of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA);
7.1.4 Executive Director of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA); and
7.1.5 Chairperson of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
7.2 The following regular members shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of the Philippines based on their integrity, willingness to serve, and relevant expertise and experience in the education sector;
7.2.1 A teacher representative from a public basic education institution who is experiences and recognized as an expert nationally and internationally and whose personal and professional integrity as well as commitment to service are proven or well-accepted;
7.2.2 A representative from an organization of deans of colleges of education, professional teachers and educators;
7.2.3 A representative from a national organization of private basic education institutions; and
7.2.4 A representative from a national organization composed of school leaders from public or private basic education institutions.
The members of the Council shall serve without any compensation but shall reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred by them in carrying out their duties under the Act.
The Council shall meet at least four (4) times a year and hold such other meetings at the call of the Chairperson or a majority of the Council's members.
For purposes of there IRR, the ex officio may designate an authorized representatives to attend the quarterly meetings of the Council provided that said representative must be occupying a certain position that would enable the powers and functions. The level of representation shall be at least Undersecretary level, or its equivalent.
All regular members of the Council shall hold office for a period of three (3) years and may be reappointed once for another three (3) years.
Section 8. Powers and Functions of the Council.
The Council shall implement the provisions of the Act and shall continue to exercise the following powers and functions:
8.1 Establish a roadmap for teacher education which shall serve as guide for designating, delivering, monitoring, and evaluating relevant, responsive, innovative, creative, and collaborative program and policy development initiatives. Such roadmap shall, as far as practicable, be crafted with reference to similar roadmap of other agencies related to teacher education and development;
Provided that, this roadmap shall be submitted to the CHED for inclusion in the national higher education roadmap that serves as the human resource development plan for national development;
8.2 Strengthen the link between pre-service and in-service teacher education programs by collaborating with relevant government agencies and stakeholders, including the National Educator Academy of the Philippines (NEAP);
8.3 Set and mandate basic requirements for teacher education programs, monitor and quality assure compliance therewith to ensure a strong and transparent link between the outcomes of teacher education programs and the professional standards for teachers and school leaders, research, and international best practices. It shall likewise ensure that such minimum requirements are reasonably and effectively implemented by the CHED.
For purposes of these IRR, the TEIs shall train the Pre-service Teachers (PSTs) on Professional Standards before graduating from TEIs;
8.4 Identify and designate among existing private and public TEIs Teacher Education-COEs for the CHED's supervision, monitoring, and regulation;
8.5 Formulate a strategic plan to proactively develop Teacher Education-COEs in every region and province.
8.6 Uphold and maintain the integrity of professional standards for teachers and school leaders by formulating evidence-based policies and standards that shall strengthen and improve the system of teacher education and training both in pre-service and in-service, including prescribing a national examination to determine the eligibility for admission into a recognized TEI pre-service program, and any successive pre-qualifying examination thereafter, in order to determine whether the level of knowledge, skills, and readiness prior to taking the licensure examination for teachers are being met.
For purposes of these IRR, the Council shall formulate and issue guidelines that will ensure the validity and incorporating the professional standards in connection to the conduct of the national screening for teachers and school leaders such as but not limited to the filing and submission of requirements, schedules, and fees thereof.
Further, in collaboration with TESDA, the practice teaching of pre-service teachers under the Tech-Voc programs may be conducted in the Technical Vocational Institutions (TVI) to ensure the development of necessary skills required by the program;
8.7 Establish policies to implement a system of recognition affirming the career stages achieved by teachers and school leaders based on professional standards, including the institution, organization, and maintenance of a pool of national assessors for such recognition;
8.8 Support the teachers and school leaders through the setting and monitoring of systematic requirements to assure quality and uniformity of all career-stage recognition, processes being implemented, and linking professional standards across their professional life;
8.9 Establish a policy on an effective system of incentives such as scholarships, grants-in-aid, loan programs, subsidies, stipends and other similar benefits and incentives, to be implemented by the Unified Student Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education (UniFAST) Board, in order to attract and encourage outstanding basic education graduates both from public and private schools, and tertiary-level students in programs other than education, to pursue teacher education, as well as to encourage teachers to pursue graduate degrees in teacher education. Applicants who have benefited from other incentives under existing laws shall be ineligible to avail of the incentives under the Act;
8.10 Systematically monitor, evaluate, and report on the implementation of the professional standards, including professional development programs offered by the NEAP or other providers, to promote exemplary practices of teachers and school leaders and thereby contribute to the enhancement of the standing of the profession in the community;
8.11 Ensure that these system to professionalize teachers aligns with the professional standards and the Philippine Qualifications Framework, incorporates feedback mechanisms to stakeholders for the enhancements of pre-service teacher education in TEIs, and involves comprehensive analysis of factors affecting the performance of graduates in such professionalization. The conduct of a licensure examination shall guarantee transparency through the release of the most recent licensure examination questions and corresponding answers immediately after their administration by the PRC as well as the results of item analysis and other relevant test statistics to the Council.
Provided, that such licensure examination questions, and corresponding answers shall be released by the PRC immediately after the completion of the examination results. Provided further, that the examination questions and corresponding answers, results of the item analysis, and test statistics submitted by the PRC shall be used for policy formulation, research, conduct of constructive feedback on the licensure examination, and for such other purposes the Council may deem necessary. Provided finally, that a system for feedback mechanism to examinees shall be developed as a basis for the identification and analysis of the factors that affect the performance of graduates in the licensure examinations;
8.12 Recommend strategies to TEIs and HEIs for the implementation of programs under Republic Act No. 10647, otherwise known as the "Ladderized Education Act of 2014", to provide opportunities for educational and career advancement for pre-service and in-service teachers, including para-teachers and learning support aides. Learning support aides shall be persons who work together in collaboration with teachers and contribute to the provision of learning opportunities that promote achievement and progression of learners;
8.13 Recommend to the DepEd and the CHED strategies and policies related to attracting and recruiting outstanding high school graduates to pursue an education degree, and to ensure a seamless transition from higher education to employment in teaching. Other qualified professionals from different fields may also be recruited into the teaching profession, subject to existing laws, rules, and regulations;
8.14 Undertake, apply, and share research related to teaching and school leadership that shall serve as a central repository of literature on teacher education, and conduct, by itself or through third parties, relevant studies needed in the formulation of policies and in the planning and successful implementation of plans, programs and projects required in attaining the purposes of the Act;
8.15 Create, reorganize or abolish offices under the Secretariat which shall provide administrative and technical support to the Council in executing its policies and programs and form committees which shall render advice or assistance to the Council in connection with any of the functions stated in this section;
8.16 Encourage the establishment of consortia and other cooperative arrangements among public and private TEIs for greater efficiency and economy in the use of resources and to strengthen the complementary role of the public and private sectors in teacher education, learning, and development;
8.17 Review existing policies and recommend new legislation and policies in order to continuously improve, enhance and strengthen teacher education and promote the welfare of teachers and school leaders;
8.18 Call upon any department, bureau, office, or government corporation, local government unit and other concerned agencies for assistance in areas falling within their mandate;
8.19 Maintain a list of all TEIs in coordination with the CHED; and
8.20 Promulgate rules and regulations and exercise such other powers and functions as may be necessary to effectively carry out the purpose and objectives of the Act.
Section 9. Advisor to the Council.
The Philippine Normal University, the designated National Center for Teacher Education under Republic Act No. 9647, shall serve as the advisor to the Council by providing research-based, strategic, and innovative recommendations and technical support on teacher education.
For purposes of these IRR, the Advisor shall conduct high impact and applied research. In addition, the Council shall provide evidence-based policy advice and technical assistance on teacher education.
Notwithstanding that, the designation of the Advisor shall not present the Council to identify and commission other qualified individuals or organizations such designation of the qualified individuals or organizations shall be for the purpose of providing additional support in developing the priorities of the Council.
Section 10. Secretariat.
A Secretariat is hereby organized to assist the Council in executing the policies and programs and provide the necessary administrative and technical support.
The Secretariat shall be headed by an Executive Secretary who shall exercise general supervision and control over the technical and administration personnel of the offices under the Secretariat. The Executive Director shall be assisted by a Deputy Executive Director who shall coordinate and oversee the regional operations.
The Council shall fix the staffing pattern of the Secretariat and determine the qualifications, functions, and compensation scheme for the positions to be created. The Council shall further prepare the necessary budget for the operationalization of the Secretariat.
The Secretariat shall initially be composed of the following offices, each to be headed by a Director:
10.1 Quality Pre-Service Teacher Education Office. The Quality Pre-service Teacher Education Office shall perform the following functions:
10.1.1 Coordinate with the various TEIs for cooperative arrangement in the sharing of resources, best practices, research and other similar undertakings that will improve their respective teacher education programs;
10.1.2 Conduct study and evaluation for the intelligent assessment of the Council of the content of the licensure examination for teachers; and
10.1.3 Other functions as may be assigned by the Council through the Executive Director.
10.2 Quality Teaching Office. The Quality Teaching Office shall ensure that the professional standards for teachers and school leaders are applied fairly and consistently across the country and shall perform the following functions:
10.2.1 Formulate and recommend policies to the Council for the institution and continuing enhancements of a National Career Assessment Program for teachers and school leaders;
10.2.2 Assist the Council in the evaluation of teacher proficiency and in certifying the appropriate career stages achieved by teachers and school leaders;
10.2.3 Coordinate research studies and the development of proficiency-enhancing materials for teachers and school leaders; and
10.2.4 Other functions as may be assigned by the Council through the Executive Director.
10.3 Finance and Administration Office. The Finance and Administration Office shall oversee financial functions and operations, and human-resource related functions. It may perform other functions as may be assigned by the Council through the Executive Director.
Section 11. Establishment of a Teacher Education Scholarship Program.
A Teacher Education Scholarship Program (TESP) shall be established under the Act, for deserving basic education graduates both from public and private schools, and tertiary level students to pursue undergraduate teacher education degree program, in all Teacher Education-COEs which shall be implemented by the UniFAST Board.
The financial assistance under the TESP shall include the following depending on the needs of the student grantee:
11.1 Free tuition and other school fees;
11.2 Allowance for prescribed books, supplies and learning materials;
11.3 Research support grant;
11.4 Clothing or uniform allowance;
11.5 Allowance for dormitory or boarding house accommodation;
11.6 Transportation allowance;
11.7 Thesis/dissertation/project allowance;
11.8 Research publication fee, if applicable;
11.9 Licensure examination review fees;
11.10 Licensure fees; and
11.11 Other education-related miscellaneous subsistence or living allowances.
The TESP and the eligibility criteria and conditions for the acceptance and disqualification thereto, in addition in the minimum requirements and conditions prescribed by the UniFAST Board, shall be determined and incorporated by the Council in its policy on an effective system of incentives. Grantees of other incentives under existing laws shall be prohibited from availing of the incentives under the TESP.
Section 12. Student Incentives Support Office.
A Student Incentives Support Office shall be established to create and implement programs that shall attract and encourage top caliber students to the teaching profession and shall establish a scholarship program for qualified students which the UniFAST Board shall implement. Its function shall include the following:
12.1 In coordination with the DepEd, develop an annual implementation plan which shall include a thorough teacher demand analysis and recruitment campaign to attract incoming undergraduate students and program shifters to take on a teaching education program;
12.2 Establish a partnership program with private and public basic education schools for an annual career talk to orient and encourage top caliber students to join the teaching profession;
12.3 Provide screening guidelines for highly competent faculty and professionals from the TEIS who will quality and serve as mentors for the pre-service teachers; and
12.4 Establish and maintain a scholarship program for deserving students pursuing undergraduate teacher education degree program:
12.4.1 Develop and conduct an annual competitive examination and qualification standards for incoming undergraduate students who may be granted full benefits of the TESP;
12.4.2 Monitor and esnure that TESP scholars complete their course only in private or public TEIs designated as COEs;
12.4.3 Coordinate with regional offices to ensure regional support and coordination in the implementation of the TESP;
12.4.4 Ensure that TESP scholars shall be mentioned by highly competent faculty and professionals throughout the course of their study; and
12.4.5 Promulgate and periodically review for approval of the Council the qualification criteria for scholars and mentors.
Section 13. Appointments.
The Executive Director of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Council, upon the concurrence of the members. The Executive Director shall have a fixed term of five (5) years, unless sooner removed by the concurrence of the Council, and shall not be eligible for reappointment. The Executive Director must be engaged in the practice of teaching for at least ten (10) years, holder of at least a master's degree in education or any related field and has contributed to the improvement of teacher quality or teacher education in the country. The Executive Director shall have the rank, privileges, and emoluments of an Executive Director V.
The selection of Deputy Executive Director and the Directors shall be done by the Council in accordance with the relevant rules, standards and procedures on the selection and classification of members of the career executive services. Said positions shall be in accordance with the Compensation and Positions Classification System subject to the review and approval of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM).
Section 14. Policy Implementation Review and Assessment.
For the purpose of fully optimizing policy development on teacher education and reinforcing the role of the Council in linking pre-service and in-service education and training, the Secretary of the DepEd, the Chairperson of the CHED and the President of the Advisor to the Council shall conduct a comprehensive review and assessment of the DepEd and the CHED's implementation of policies on teacher education every five (5) years, in consultation with the teachers, school leaders and other stakeholders.
Section 15. Coordination with Other Government Agencies.
The Council shall closely coordinate with other agencies and stakeholders with regards to rights and welfare of the teachers including the following agencies involved in education programs for effective implementation of its powers and functions:
15.1 DepEd - shall provide the Council an annual report on the following areas:
15.1.1. Development and needs of learners in the basic education level;
15.1.2. Competencies and areas of learning that need to be given attention;
15.1.3. Performance of learners in international assessments;
15.1.4. Hiring and performance of teachers;
15.1.5. Training and career development of teachers;
15.1.6. Evaluation on the quality of professional learning courses for teachers; and
15.1.7. Other matters that the Council may need information on.
15.2 CHED - shall provide the Council an annual report on the status and performance of all TEIs in the implementation of the teacher education program, including the development of curriculum for teacher education programs, admission and performance of students in TEIs, potential TEIs which the Council may designate as Teacher Education-COE, performance of faculty members, researchers conducted and published, institutions applying for recognition, non-performing TEIs, and other matters regarding teacher education that must be brought to the attention of the Council;
15.3 PRC - shall provide the Council an annual report and analysis of the profesionalization of teachers, including the content and result of the licensure examination and periodic merit examination for teachers, the passing rate of TEIs, and other matters, as may be requested by the Council, that may be relevant to the improvement and development of the teacher education programs;
15.4 TESDA - shall provide the Council an annual report on the development of the Tech-Voc programs and Tech-Voc industries, status, and performance of public and private TESDA-accredited institutions, performance and employability of learners in senior high school in the Tech-Voc track, and such other integration as may be required by the Council;
15.5 NCC - shall provide the Council an annual report and update on the development in the creative industries, indigenous industries, and other matters relevant in the study of social sciences and history, national heritage, and creative arts, in aid of ensuring the teachers are provided with knowledge on the said subject areas, pursuant to its relevant policies and programs; and
15.6 UniFAST Board -shall, in coordination with the CHED and the Council, implement the TESP. It shall also provide the Council an annual report on the scholarships and other financial assistance made available, the number of beneficiaries and Teacher-Education-COEs involved, and other relevant information as the Council may require.
Section 16. Active Participation of Local Government Units.
Local government units shall include in their plans, programs, and projects the development and improvement of teacher education through the Teacher Education-COEs in their respective regions.
For purpose of these IRR, to facilitate the provision, the Council shall coordinate with any Local Government Units with identified Teacher Education-COEs as well as public and private basic education institutions.
Section 17. Institutionalizing the National Educators' Academy of the Philippines.
Pursuant to the State mandate to enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement and to protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education, the NEAP is hereby institutionalized to provide quality professional development programs on teacher education to in-service teachers, school leaders, and other teaching-related personnel in all public and private basic education institutions. It shall employ a world-class approach to professional development that is based on strong evidence and research.
The NEAP shall be a component unit of the DepEd. It shall be headed by an Executive Director to be appointed by the President, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the DepEd.
The Secretary of the DepEd shall establish the organizational structure of the NEAP, fix the staffing pattern, and determine the qualifications, functions, and compensation for the positions to be created.
Section 18. Powers and Functions of the NEAP.
For the continuing professional development of n-service teachers, school leaders, and other teaching-related personnel in all basic education institutions, the NEAP shall:
18.1 Collaborate with the Council to promote coherence and continuity between pre-service and in-service education and training;
18.2 Design, develop, and implement professional development programs to improve teaching expertise and effective school leadership over the course of a career in accordance with the professional standards and other potential partners and relevant stakeholders;
18.3 Coordinate, oversee and monitor the conduct of NEAP-recognized courses, seminars, workshops and other professional development programs provided by other DepEd bureaus, services or units, and public or private universities, colleges, and training institutions;
18.4 Conduct research and evaluation of the effectiveness of the professional development programs provided under sub-paragraph 18.3;
18.5 Ensure equitable access to these professional development programs for teachers and school leaders;
For purposes of these IRR, NEAP shall formulate in coordination with other relevant stakeholders the policy to ensure that all teachers and school leaders will be able to have equal access and opportunity to participate in professional development programs and courses;
18.6 Provide scholarships and fellowships for in-service teachers, school leaders, and other teaching-related personnel in public basic education institutions to pursue advanced studies in specialized fields subject to corresponding service obligations;
18.7 Ensure an effective link between the professional development of teachers, school leaders, and other teaching-related personnel with their career progression, For this purpose, the NEAP shall develop and maintain a professional development information system which shall contain the professional development programs recognized by the NEAP, the providers thereof, and the list of in-service teachers, school leaders, and other teaching-related personnel in attendance with their corresponding professional development credit units earned;
18.8 Strengthen collaboration with learning service providers and other stakeholders in providing professional development programs;
18.9 Coordinate with the PRC for the recognition of its programs in compliance with the requirements for continuing professional development;
18.10 Collaborate with TEIs in the delivery of their professional development programs for teachers, school leaders, and other teaching-related personnel;
18.11 Charge reasonable fees for the use of its facilities and for participation in professional development programs not adequately funded from the DepEd budget, receive in trust legacies, gifts, and donations of real and personal properties of all kinds, and record such fees, legacies, gifts, and donations as a special account or fund other than the general fund, to be known as the NEAP Fund, and administer the same exclusively for the benefit of the NEAP or for aid to teachers, school leaders, and other teaching-related personnel for their in-service professional development, subject to guidelines issued by the DepEd and other applicable rules and regulations;
18.12 Manage the amount to be received from the DepEd's appropriated budget, which shall be necessary to carry out its objectives, functions, operation, improvement, programs, projects, and activities; and
18.13 Exercise such other powers and functions as may be necessary to effectively implement the purpose ad objectives of the Act.
NEAP shall provide access to professional development programs for private school teachers, school leaders, and other teaching-related personnel. It may extend scholarships and fellowships as may be deemed necessary, subject to guidelines to be issued by the DepEd.
For purposes of these IRR, NEAP shall collaborate with relevant units or offices in DepEd and other private education organizations, and/or institutions in the design and delivery of professional development programs for private school teachers and school leaders including applicable scholarships, if any.
Section 19. Creation of New Items and Transitory Provisions.
The personnel of the existing Council shall, in a holdover capacity, continue to perform their respective duties and responsibilities until such time that the organizational structure and staffing pattern of the Secretariat shall have been approved: Provided, That the preparation and approval of the new organizational structure and staffing pattern shall, as far as practicable, respect and ensure the security of tenure and seniority rights of affected government employees.
Within three (3) months after the effectivity of the Act, the President shall, in consultation with the Secretary of the DepEd, appoint the regular members of the Council. The existing members of the Council shall serve in a holdover capacity until a full and permanent Council is constituted and functioning.
Within three (3) months after the appointment of the regular member of the Council, the Chairperson of the Council shall, upon the concurrence of the other members, appoint the Executive Director of the Secretariat.
Within three (3) months after the effectivity of the Act, the Council shall submit the organizational structure, staffing pattern, and compensation schedule of the Secretariat to the DBM for funding.
The existing personnel in the NEAP shall be transitioned to the organizational structure to be created by the Secretary of the DepEd. New items shall be created to augment the personnel complement of the NEAP, in coordination with the DBM.
The recruitment, selection, and hiring of new personnel shall be in accordance with Civil Service Commission rules and regulations on personnel action.
Within six (6) months after the effectivity of the Act, the PRC under Section 8.11 of this IRR, shall implement the immediate release of the mose recent licensure examination questions and answers after the administration by the PRC of said examination.
Section 20. Report to Congress.
The Council shall submit to Congress, on or before the fifteenth day of June of every year, its report on the status and progress of teacher education and teacher quality in the country, as well as its recommendation in promoting quality education through teacher education.
The report shall include the following topics pursuant to Section 20 of the Act:
21.1 Roadmap for teacher education and the regular progress thereon;
21.1 Issues and problems on teacher education and the solutions provided by the Council; and
21.3 Professionalism of the practice of teaching and the Council's initiatives to improve the same.
The submission of the annual report required under this section shall commence three (3) years from the constitution of the Council.
Section 21. Joint Congressional Oversight Committee on Teacher Education.
There is hereby created a Joint Congressional Oversight Committee (JCOC) on Teacher Education to oversee, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of the Act. The JCOC shall be composed of five (5) members each from the Senate and the House of Representatives with the Chairperson of the Committee on Basic Education of both houses as Ch-Chairpersons. The Chairpersons of the Committees on Higher and Technical Education of both houses shall likewise be designated as members of the JCOC. The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate shall deisgnate the other three (3) members of the JCOC ofmthe House and the Senate, respectively, from among the members of the Committees on Basic Education, one (1) member of which shall be from the Minority.
Section 22. Appropriations.
The Secretary of Education shall immediately include in the DepEd's budget the amount necessary for the effective implementation of the Act: Provided, that on the second year of implementation, and thereafter, the Council along with its Secretariat shall have its own budget in the annual General Appropriations Act, as an attached agency of the DepEd.
The budget of the NEAP shall continue to be part of the budget of the DepEd.
For purposes of these IRR, the transfer of funds to the UniFAST Board for the implementation of TESP shall be governed by the relevant guidelines to be issued by the Council.
Section 23. Additional Implementing Details/Policies and Guidelines.
DepEd, the CHED, the TESDA, the NCCA, and the PRC shall, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, issue the necessary rules and regulations for its effective implementation. The IRR issued pursuant to this section shall take effect thirty (30) days after its publication in a newspaper of general circulation.
Section 24. Amendments.
Amendments to these IRR shall be issued by DepEd, CHED, TESDA, NCCA, and the PRC, in consultation with relevant stakeholders.
Section 25. Separability Clause.
If any provision or part of the Act is declared invalid or unconstituional, the remaining parts not affected shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 26. Repealing Clause.
Republic Act No. 7784 and all other laws, executive orders, presidential decrees, administrative orders, rules and regulations, issuances, or parts thereof inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of the Act are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.
Section 27. Effectivity.
These IRR shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.
These IRR shall be registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR), University of the Philippines Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City.
Done this 26th day of May, 2023.
Secretary, Department of Education
TEC Ex-officio Chairman
Chairperson, Commission on Higher Education
TEC Ex-officio Vice-Chairman
(SGD.) HON. DANILO P. CRUZ Director General, TESDA TEC Ex-officio Member |
(SGD.) HON. CHARITO A. ZAMORA Chairperson, PRC TEC Ex-officio Member |
(SGD.) HON. OSCAR G. CASAYSAY Executive Director, NCCA TEC Ex-officio Member |
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both parties have hereunto set their hands this 26th day of May, 2023, at Pasig City, Philippines.
Signed in the presence of:
(SGD.) DR. FELINA P. ESPIQUE Luzon Representativ TEC Regular Membere |
(SGD.) DR. JESTONI P. SABIA Visayas Representative TEC Regula Member |
(SGD.) DR. ANNABEL J. CASUMPA Mindanao Representatives TEC Regular Member |
(SGD.) DR. THOMAS EDISON E. DELA CRUZ Science Representative TEC Regular Member |
(SGD.) DR. GARRY C. CACHUELA Mathematics Representative TEC Regular Member |
(SGD.) DR. ARCHIE B. RESOS Social Studies Representative TEC Regular Member |
(SGD.) DR. JENNIE V. JOCSON Language Representative TEC Regular Member |
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation