Seventeenth Congress
Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thousand eighteen.
An Act Converting The West Visayas State University (WVSU)-Extension in the City of Himamaylan, Province of Negros Occidental, into a Regular Campus of the West Visayas State University to be Known as the West Visayas State University-Himamaylan City Campus and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress assembled:
Section 1. Conversion. -The West Visayas State University (WVSU)-Extension in the City of Himamaylan, Province of Negros Occidental, is hereby converted into a regular campus of the West Visayas State University to be known as the West Visayas State University-Himamaylan City Campus (WVSU-HCC).
Section 2. Curricular Offerings. -The WVSU-HCC shall offer undergraduate and graduate degree programs in advanced education, higher technological, professional instruction and training in the fields of arts, science and technology, education, short-term technical-vocational education and training (TVET), and other related and relevant fields of study within its areas of specialization to meet the needs of the province and of the region. It shall also undertake research, extension services and production activities in support of the socioeconomic development of the province and of the region, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization: Provided, That the WVSU-HCC shall retain its original primary mandate as an arts and science institution: Provided, further, That the WVSU-HCC shall offer master’s and doctorate degree programs and courses related to food production.
Section 3. Board of Regents. -The governance of the WVSU-HCC shall be vested exclusively in the Board of Regents (BOR) created under Presidential Decree No. 2019 and Republic Act No. 8292 that govern the WVSU. All policies, rules and regulations approved by the WWSU-BOR shall be applied to WVSU-HCC.
Section 4. The Campus Administrator. -The administration of the WVSU-HCC shall be the responsibility of the Campus Administrator who shall be appointed by the WVSU President and confirmed by the BOR.
The Campus Administrator shall serve on a full-time basis and shall hold office for a term of two (2) years and shall be eligible for reappointment for another term: Provided, That the Campus Administrator shall not be over sixty-two (62) years old at the time of appointment to qualify for reappointment or term extension: Provided, further, That the Campus Administrator shall not have reached the age of sixty-five (65) years old. He must have at least an academic rank of associate professor and at least three (3) years of experience as Department Chair, Director or Vice President of a College/Unit.
In case of vacancy in the Office of the Campus Administrator by reason of death, compulsory retirement, resignation, removal for cause or incapacity to perform the functions of the office, the WVSU President shall have the authority to designate a new Campus Administrator.
Section 5. Power sand Duties of the Campus Administrator. -The powers and duties of the Campus Administrator of the WVSU-HCC shall be similar to the powers and duties of the Campus Administrators in other WVSU campuses.
The Campus Administrator of the WVSU-HCC shall represent the WVSU-HCC in the Administrative Council and Academic Council of the University.
Section 6. The Establishment of the West Visayas State University-Himamaylan City Campus shall ensure that the minimum requirements for its operation and program offerings have been complied with as duly prescribed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
Section 7. The provisions of Republic Act No. 8292, otherwise known as the "Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997", shall form an integral part of this Act and together shall serve as the governing charter of the University.
Section 8. All other powers, functions, privileges, responsibilities and limitations to state universities and/or its officials under existing laws shall be deemed granted to or imposed upon the University and/or its officials whenever appropriate.
Section 9. Assets, Liabilities and Personnel. -All assets, real and personal, personnel and records of the WVSU-Extension in Himamaylan, City, as well as liabilities or obligations, are hereby transferred to the WVSU-HCC. The positions, rights and security of tenure of faculty members and personnel therein employed under existing laws prior to the conversion into a regular campus shall be respected.
All parcels of land belonging to the government occupied by the WVSU-Extension in Himamaylan City are hereby transferred to the WVSU-HCC, and shall be titled under that name: Provided, That should the campus or the University cease to exist or be abolished or should such aforementioned parcels of land be no longer needed by the University, the same shall revert to the local government units concerned.
Section 10. Appropriations. -The amount necessary to carry out the initial implementation of this Act shall be charged against the current year’s funding of the WVSU-Extension provided by the City of Himamaylan, Negros Occidental. The City of Himamaylan shall continue to provide the same funding to the WVSU-Extension School corresponding to the funding given before the same is integrated into the WVSU until such time that the full funding requirement of the WVSU-HCC is included in the annual General Appropriations Act.
Section 11. Development Plan, Management Audit, Organizational/Administrative/Academic Structure. -Within one hundred twenty (120) days after the approval of this Act, the WVSU-HCC shall accomplish the following:
(a) Submit a five (5)-year development plan, including its corresponding program budget to the CHED, for corresponding recommendation to the Department of Budget and Management;
(b) Undergo a management audit in cooperation with the CHED;
(c) Set up its organizational, administrative as well as academic structure, including the appointment/designation of the WVSU-HCC officials; and
(d) Set in motion the establishment of at least two (2) separate degree-granting units, one of which is in the arts and sciences, and another at the graduate level.
Section 12. Implementing Rules and Regulations. -Within ninety (90) days from the approval of this Act, the Board of the WVSU shall, in consultation with the CHED, promulgate the rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this Act. The implementing rules and regulations issued pursuant to this Act shall take effect thirty (30) days after the effectivity of this Act.
Section 13. Separability Clause. -If any provision of this Act is declared unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act or provisions not affected thereby shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 14. Repealing Clause. -All parts of Presidential Decree No. 2019 and other laws or parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this Act shall be deemed repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 15. Effectivity. -This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of general circulation.
President of the Senate
Speaker of the House of Representatives
This Act which originated in the House of Representatives was passed by the House of Representatives on July 31, 2018, amended by the Senate of the Philippines on February 4, 2019, and which amendments were concurred in by the House of Representatives on February 7, 2019.
Secretary of the Senate
Acting Secretary General
House of Representatives
President of the Philippines
Approved: April 17, 2019.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation