Eighth Congress
Republic Act No. 6764             October 13, 1989
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
Section 1. The present Tarlac College of Technology is hereby converted into a state university to be known as the Tarlac State University (TSU).
Section 2. The University shall provide advanced instruction in literature, philosophy, the sciences, and the arts, and shall also offer professional and technical training courses.
Section 3. The government of the University shall be vested in a board of regents to be known as the Board of Regents of the Tarlac State University. It shall be composed of the following:
Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports, |
chairman |
President of the University, |
vice-chairman |
Chairman of the Committee on Education of the Senate, |
member |
Chairman of the Committee on Education of the House of Representatives, |
member |
Representative of the NEDA, |
member |
Representative of the faculty association of the University, |
member |
Representative of the supreme student council of the University, |
member |
Representative of the alumni association of the University, |
member |
Representative of the employee association of the University, |
member |
Two (2) prominent citizens who have distinguished themselves in their professions or fields of specialization of the University chosen from among those qualified in the province where the school is located, members: Provided, That the representatives of the alumni association and of the employee association as well as the two (2) prominent citizens shall be elected by the Board when deemed necessary who shall have the same powers, authority and privileges as the regular members of the Board: Provided, however, That the Department of Education, Culture and Sports Secretary, the President of the University, the Education Committee Chairmen of the Senate and the House, and the NEDA representative shall have an ex officio term of office, while the representatives of the faculty association, supreme student council and when deemed necessary the representatives of the alumni association and employees association shall serve for one (1) year, and when likewise necessary the two (2) prominent citizens shall serve for four (4) years and two (2) years, respectively.
Section 4. The Board of Regents shall have the following specific powers and duties:
(a) To prescribe rules for its own government, and to enact for the government of the University such rules and regulations not contrary to law, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and functions of the University;
(b) To receive, appropriate, and disburse for purposes specified by law such sums as may be provided for the support of the University;
(c) To receive legacies, gifts, and donations, real and personal property of all kinds and to administer the same for the benefit of the University, or for aid to any student in accordance with the direction and instruction of the donor and, in default thereof, in such manner as the Board of Regents may, in its discretion, determine;
(d) To provide for the continuation of the present curricular offerings of the Graduate School, Colleges of Engineering, Architecture, Technological and Vocational Education, Business Administration, Computer Science, Education, Rural Life Technology, and the establishment of the College of Arts and Sciences, Fine Arts, Social Work, Criminology, Law, Medicine and such other colleges as the Board of Regents may deem necessary;
(e) To confer upon successful candidates for graduation baccalaureate or appropriate degrees; to award honorary degrees upon persons in recognition of learning, statesmanship or eminence in literature, science or art; and to authorize the President of the University to award certificates for completion of non-degree programs;
(f) To approve the curricula and rules of discipline drawn by the Administrative and Academic Councils as hereinafter provided;
(g) To confirm appointments of vice-presidents, deans, directors, heads of departments, professors, instructors, and other officials and employees of the University made by the President; and to remove them for cause after investigation and hearing;
(h) To establish chairs in the University and to provide fellowship for qualified faculty members and scholarship for deserving students; and
(i) To fix tuition fees and such other necessary school charges as the Board of Regents may deem proper to impose. Such fees and charges, including other income generated by the University, shall constitute a fund for the exclusive use of the University, the provisions of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding.
Section 5. The following income, receipts, and fees, accruing to or derived by the Tarlac State University (TSU) shall, upon their collection, be automatically released to the Tarlac State University (TSU):
(a) Tuition, matriculation, registration, late registration, entrance, laboratory, medical, library, athletic, school organ, cultural, graduation, diploma fees and all other fees that the Tarlac State University (TSU) is authorized to fix and collect;
(b) Income from land grants that may be ceded to the Tarlac State University (TSU);
(c) Income from the operation of service facilities like canteens, dormitories, clinics, etc.;
(d) Income from trusts, legacies, gifts, and donations of real and personal property of all kinds, which shall continue to be administered in accordance with the instructions of the trustor, testator, or donor;
(e) Income from extension services, such as, but not limited to, similar fees; and
(f) All other income classified as special or fiduciary funds.
Section 6. A quorum of the Board of Regents shall consist of a majority of all members holding office at the time of the meeting: Provided, however, That among those present is the Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports who shall be the Chairman of the Board, or the President of the University who shall act as presiding officer in the former's absence. The Board of Regents shall convene regularly once every two (2) months. The Chairman of the Board of Regents may call a special meeting whenever necessary. All processes against the University shall be served on the President of the University or his duly authorized representative.
Section 7. On or before the fifteenth day of July, the Board of Regents shall submit to the Office of the President of the Philippines, through the Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports, and to both Houses of Congress, an annual report setting forth the programs, conditions and needs of the University.
Section 8. The head of the University shall be the President of the Tarlac State University (TSU). He shall be appointed by the Board of Regents and shall hold office for a term of six (6) years without reappointment, unless he reaches the age of retirement or earlier removed for cause of incapacitated to discharge the duties of the office. In case of vacancy by reason of death, resignation, removal for cause or incapacity of the President to perform the functions of his office, the Board shall have the authority to designate an officer-in-charge of the University pending the appointment of a new President.
In case of vacancy in the office of the President as mentioned in the immediately preceding paragraph, his successor shall hold office for the unexpired term but in no case shall his term be more than six (6) years.
The incumbent President of the College, if qualified, shall be the first President of the Tarlac State University (TSU).
The powers and duties of the President of the University shall be those usually pertaining to the office of a president of a university.
Section 9. There shall be a University Academic Council consisting of the President of the University and all professors, assistant professors and associate professors. The Council alone shall have the power to recommend students or others to be recipients of degrees. Through its president or committee, it shall have disciplinary power over the students within the limits prescribed by the rules of discipline approved by the Board of Regents.
Section 10. The body of instructors of each college shall constitute its faculty and, as presiding officer in each faculty, there shall be a dean selected from the members of each faculty appointed by the President of the University and confirmed by the Board of Regents.
Section 11. Professors, instructors and other academic personnel of the University shall be exempt from any civil service examination or regulation as a requirement to appointment.
Section 12. There shall be an Administrative Council of the University consisting of the President of the University, as Chairman; the vice-presidents, deans, directors and other officials of equal rank, as members, whose duty shall be to implement policies governing the administration, management and development planning of the University, subject to the approval by the Board of Regents.
Section 13. There shall be a Secretary of the University, appointed by the Board of Regents. He shall be the Secretary of such Board and the University, and shall keep such records of the University as may be assigned to him by the Board.
Section 14. The Treasurer of the Philippines shall be ex officio Treasurer of the University and all accounts and expenses thereof shall be audited by the Auditor General of the Commission on Audit or his duly authorized representative.
Section 15. The President of the Philippines, the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall constitute a Board of Visitors of the University whose duty shall be: to attend the commencement exercises of the University and to make visits at such time as they may deem proper; to examine the property, course of study, discipline, and the state of finances of the University; to inspect all books of accounts of the institution; and to make a report to the Congress of the Philippines upon the same with such recommendations as it favors.
Section 16. The present faculty and employees of the Tarlac College of Technology, as well as all the funds, assets, real or personal, including the present buildings, equipment and facilities shall be absorbed by the new University. Salaries of the personnel shall be adjusted at the discretion of the Board of Regents within the amounts available for appropriation: Provided, however, That no personnel of the converted College shall be laid off, demoted in rank or suffer a reduction in salary. In order not to interrupt the operation of the institution as well as of the present curricula of the Tarlac State University, the incumbent President shall act as President until such time that a President is so appointed in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
Section 17. The amount needed to carry out the provisions of this Act is hereby authorized to be appropriated in the General Appropriations Act of the year following its enactment into law, in addition to the amount appropriated for the Tarlac College of Technology.
Section 18. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Approved: October 13, 1989
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation