Section 1. The following parcels of public land in Residence Section "B", Baguio Townsite, City of Baguio, shall be sold to the occupants-claimants in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act Numbered Seven hundred and thirty:
Parcel I
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Northeast along lines 1-2-3 by Yangco Road (10.00 meters wide); on the Southwest along line 3-4 by awarded lots; and on the Northwest along lines 4-5-1 by awarded lot. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 53 deg. 52'E, 459.37 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence S 56 deg. 00'E 15.00 m. to point 2;
Thence S 10 deg. 11'E 53.72 m. to point 3;
Thence N 57 deg. 34'W 52.50 m. to point 4;
Thence N 34 deg. 01'E 20.00 m. to point 5;
Thence N 34 deg. 00'E 20.00 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of one thousand three hundred thirty-nine (1,339) square meters.
Parcel II
A parcel of public land situated in the Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Northeast along lines 1-2 and 6-1 by awarded lot; on the Northeast along lines 2-3-4 by awarded lots; and on the Southeast along lines 4-5-6 by awarded lots. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 51 deg. 19'E, 385.54 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence N 34 deg. 57'E 24.95 m. to point 2;
Thence S 55 deg. 53'E 16.55 m. to point 3;
Thence S 56 deg. 01'E 7.10 m. to point 4;
Thence S 34 deg. 00'W 32.50 m. to point 5;
Thence N 76 deg. 13'W 26.05 m. to point 6;
Thence N 34 deg. 57'E 16.75 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of eight hundred eighty-eight (888) square meters.
Parcel III
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Northeast along lines 1-2-3-4 and 5-6 by awarded lots; on the Southeast along lines 2-3, 4-5 and 6-7-8 by road (10.00 meters wide); on the West along lines 8-9-10-11 by creek and on the Northwest along lines 11-12-1 by road (10.00 meters wide). Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 45 deg. 33'E, 350.23 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence S 56 deg. 00'E 25.00 m. to point 2;
Thence S 34 deg. 00'W 40.00 m. to point 3;
Thence S 56 deg. 00'E 7.50 m. to point 4;
Thence S 34 deg. 00'W 17.25 m. to point 5;
Thence S 56 deg. 00'E 27.50 m. to point 6;
Thence S 54 deg. 40'W 7.00 m. to point 7;
Thence S 73 deg. 49'W 34.00 m. to point 8;
Thence N 32 deg. 31'W 13.50 m. to point 9;
Thence N 9 deg. 30'E 24.00 m. to point 10;
Thence N 9 deg. 22'W 26.15 m. to point 11;
Thence N 84 deg. 18'E 6.14 m. to point 12;
Thence N 34 deg. 00'E 40.00 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of two thousand five hundred forty-five (2,545) square meters.
Parcel IV
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Northeast along lines 1-2-3 by awarded lot and 3-4 by Laubach Road (10.00 meters wide); on the Southwest along line 4-5 by road (10.00 meters wide); on the Southwest along line 5-6 by alley (4.00 meters wide) and creek; and on the Northwest along lines 6-7-1 by road (10.00 meters wide). Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 87 deg. 51'E, 339.43 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence S 86 deg. 06'E 16.00 m. to point 2;
Thence S 86 deg. 07'E 14.00 m. to point 3;
Thence S 10 deg. 48'E 16.82 m. to point 4;
Thence S 34 deg. 00'W 31.00 m. to point 5;
Thence N 40 deg. 30'W 40.00 m. to point 6;
Thence N 38 deg. 04'E 4.57 m. to point 7;
Thence N 38 deg. 01'E 30.00 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of one thousand one hundred sixty seven (1,167) square meters.
Parcel V
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Northwest along lines 1-2-3 and 22-1 by road (10.00 meters wide); 11-12 and 13-14 by alley (4.00 meters wide); 19-20-21 by awarded lots; on the Northeast along lines 3-4-5-6-7-8 by awarded lot; 15-16-17-18-19 by alley (4.00 meters wide) and on the Southwest along lines 12-13 and 14-15 by alley (4.00 meters wide); 21-22 by awarded lot. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 35 deg. 54'E, 272.05 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence N 71 deg. 59'E 19.99 m. to point 2;
Thence N 33 deg. 02'E 24.50 m. to point 3;
Thence S 41 deg. 19'W 17.25 m. to point 4;
Thence S 45 deg. 00'E 15.00 m. to point 5;
Thence S 9 deg. 24'E 14.00 m. to point 6;
Thence S 9 deg. 22'E 23.50 m. to point 7;
Thence S 9 deg. 21'E 12.49 m. to point 8;
Thence S 73 deg. 49'W 12.84 m. to point 9;
Thence S 52 deg. 28'W 4.84 m. to point 10;
Thence N 32 deg. 31'W 12.50 m. to point 11;
Thence N 52 deg. 00'E 4.00 m. to point 12;
Thence N 32 deg. 31'W 27.50 m. to point 13;
Thence N 35 deg. 07'E 19.10 m. to point 14;
Thence N 61 deg. 10'W 4.00 m. to point 15;
Thence S 38 deg. 23'W 21.21 m. to point 16;
Thence S 57 deg. 29'W 13.00 m. to point 17;
Thence S 65 deg. 20'W 9.32 m. to point 18;
Thence S 80 deg. 06'W 40.96 m. to point 19;
Thence N 58 deg. 42'E 25.16 m. to point 20;
Thence N 44 deg. 58'E 11.55 m. to point 21;
Thence N 67 deg. 56'W 29.60 m. to point 22;
Thence N 84 deg. 37'E 35.13 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of two thousand nine hundred sixty two (2,962) square meters.
Parcel VI
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Southeast along lines 1-2-3 by road (10.00 meters wide); on the Southwest along line 5-1 by awarded lot; on the Northwest along line 4-5 by creek (6.00 meters wide). Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 35 deg. 18'E, 368.68 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence S 12 deg. 15'W 8.00 m. to point 2;
Thence S 30 deg. 12'W 22.03 m. to point 3;
Thence N 58 deg. 58'W 24.31 m. to point 4;
Thence N 30 deg. 12'E 32.00 m. to point 5;
Thence S 43 deg. 48'E 23.19 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of seven hundred forty-eight (748) square meters.
Parcel VII
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Northeast along lines 1-2-3-4 and 13-1 by alley (4.00 meters wide); 11-12 by creek (6.00 meters wide); on the Southeast along lines 4-5-6 by road (10.00 meters wide); on the Southwest along lines 6-7-8 by alley (4.00 meters wide) and creek (6.00 meters wide); 9-10-11 by awarded lot and on the Northwest along lines 8-9 by awarded lot; 11-12-13 by creek (6.00 meters wide). Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 27 deg. 34'E, 397.97 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence S 36 deg. 19'E 16.50 m. to point 2;
Thence S 72 deg. 00'E 21.50 m. to point 3;
Thence S 84 deg. 11'E 17.25 m. to point 4;
Thence S 44 deg. 57'W 17.00 m. to point 5;
Thence S 21 deg. 15'W 14.28 m. to point 6;
Thence N 53 deg. 48'W 23.19 m. to point 7;
Thence N 72 deg. 21'W 15.47 m. to point 8;
Thence N 9 deg. 36'E 15.75 m. to point 9;
Thence N 68 deg. 10'W 39.70 m. to point 10;
Thence N 67 deg. 35'E 9.35 m. to point 11;
Thence S 62 deg. 30'E 12.86 m. to point 12;
Thence N 54 deg. 40'E 14.58 m. to point 13;
Thence S 36 deg. 22'E 9.51 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of one thousand two hundred seventy-one (1,271) square meters.
Parcel VIII
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Southwest along lines 1-2-3 and 7-8-9-1 by alley (4.00 meters wide); on the Northwest along line 3-4 by creek (6.00 meters wide); on the Northeast along line 4-5 by road (10.00 meters wide); on the East along line 5-6 by awarded lot and on the Southeast along line 6-7 by road (10.00 meters wide). Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 30 deg. 22'E, 395.02 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence N 84 deg. 11'W 5.50 m. to point 2;
Thence N 36 deg. 19'W 25.00 m. to point 3;
Thence N 13 deg. 34'E 32.50 m. to point 4;
Thence S 80 deg. 27'E 56.50 m. to point 5;
Thence S 0 deg. 55'W 37.64 m. to point 6;
Thence S 44 deg. 56'W 13.00 m. to point 7;
Thence N 84 deg. 11'W 21.00 m. to point 8;
Thence N 72 deg. 00'W 14.80 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of two thousand seven hundred eighty-six (2,786) square meters.
Parcel IX
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Southwest along lines 1-2-3 by Andres Bonifacio Street, 14-15 by awarded lots; 15-16 by alley (4.00 meters wide) and 17-18-1 by Andres Bonifacio Street; on the Northwest along lines 3-4-5 by Andres Bonifacio Street, and 6-7 by Honeymoon Subdivision; on the Northeast, along lines 5-6 and 7-8 by Honeymoon Subdivision, 8-9-10 by creek (6.00 meters wide), 10-11 by road (10.00 meters wide), 11-12-13 by creek (6.00 meters wide); and on the Southeast along lines 13-14 by awarded lots, 16-17 by awarded lot. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 1 deg. 43'E, 482.92 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence N 44 deg. 17'W 14.12 m. to point 2;
Thence N 0 deg. 30'W 5.66 m. to point 3;
Thence N 30 deg. 15'E 6.05 m. to point 4;
Thence N 56 deg. 31'E 21.26 m. to point 5;
Thence S 79 deg. 43'E 26.98 m. to point 6;
Thence N 43 deg. 23'E 21.00 m. to point 7;
Thence S 62 deg. 00'E 24.75 m. to point 8;
Thence S 31 deg. 00'E 15.50 m. to point 9;
Thence S 72 deg. 07'E 23.50 m. to point 10;
Thence S 26 deg. 18'E 67.20 m. to point 11;
Thence S 13 deg. 34'W 18.75 m. to point 12;
Thence S 26 deg. 18'E 11.00 m. to point 13;
Thence S 45 deg. 20'W 17.50 m. to point 14;
Thence N 26 deg. 18'W 71.50 m. to point 15;
Thence N 36 deg. 46'W 42.25 m. to point 16;
Thence S 53 deg. 20'W 35.30 m. to point 17;
Thence N 70 deg. 48'W 38.69 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of six thousand five hundred thirty-two (6,532) square meters.
Parcel X
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the South along line 1-2 by creek (6.00 meters wide); on the Northwest along line 2-3 by road (10.00-12.00 meters wide) and 13-14-15 by creek (6.00 meters wide); on the Northeast, Southeast and Southwest along lines 3-4-5-6, 6-7-8-9-10-11-12 and 12-13 by road (10.00-12.00 meters wide). Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 12 deg. 28'E, 526.45 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence S 61 deg. 13'E 25.22 m. to point 2;
Thence N 70 deg. 00'E 35.50 m. to point 3;
Thence S 79 deg. 46'E 22.45 m. to point 4;
Thence S 68 deg. 51'E 13.25 m. to point 5;
Thence S 32 deg. 46'E 4.00 m. to point 6;
Thence S 15 deg. 00'W 7.50 m. to point 7;
Thence S 7 deg. 12'W 15.10 m. to point 8;
Thence S 34 deg. 16'W 3.00 m. to point 9;
Thence S 33 deg. 37'W 32.50 m. to point 10;
Thence S 33 deg. 36'W 13.48 m. to point 11;
Thence S 71 deg. 20'W 4.00 m. to point 12;
Thence N 65 deg. 32'W 12.60 m. to point 13;
Thence N 31 deg. 30'E 32.00 m. to point 14;
Thence N 27 deg. 54'E 10.00 m. to point 15;
Thence N 48 deg. 00'W 26.00 m. to point 16;
Thence Due West 26.50 m. to point 17;
Thence N 72 deg. 07'W 40.00 m. to point 18;
Thence N 22 deg. 41'W 15.64 m. to point 19;
Thence N 15 deg. 32'E 15.21 m. to point 20;
Thence S 38 deg. 19'E 30.00 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of two thousand seven hundred sixty-five (2,765) square meters.
Parcel XI
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Southwest along line 1-2 by road (10.00 meters wide); and on the Northwest, Northeast and Southeast along lines 2-3-4-5 by creek (6.00 meters wide). Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 18 deg. 57'E, 471.14 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence N 26 deg. 18'W 45.75 m. to point 2;
Thence N 85 deg. 47'E 27.38 m. to point 3;
Thence S 39 deg. 25'E 16.75 m. to point 4;
Thence S 31 deg. 11'E 35.25 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of eight hundred seventy-one (871) square meters.
Parcel XII
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Southeast and Southwest along lines 1-2-4-5 by awarded lots; on the Southwest, South, West and Northwest along lines 5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21 by road (10.00 meters wide) and public land; on the Northwest and Southeast along lines 21-22, 23-24-25-26-27-28-29, 29-30, 30-31, 31-32 and 32-33-34-31 by public land, Lot No. 12 (Holy Ghost Servant) and Lot No. 38 (Holy Ghost Servant), respectively. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 49 deg. 06'E, 505.14 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence S 81 deg. 43'W 38.68 m. to point 2;
Thence N 14 deg. 44'W 23.44 m. to point 3;
Thence N 56 deg. 00'W 17.00 m. to point 4;
Thence S 34 deg. 00'W 40.00 m. to point 5;
Thence N 56 deg. 00'W 18.00 m. to point 6;
Thence N 10 deg. 46'W 10.96 m. to point 7;
Thence N 32 deg. 00'E 29.00 m. to point 8;
Thence N 15 deg. 11'W 4.50 m. to point 9;
Thence N 56 deg. 25'W 29.84 m. to point 10;
Thence N 80 deg. 27'E 26.00 m. to point 11;
Thence N 80 deg. 27'E 56.50 m. to point 12;
Thence N 38 deg. 10'W 24.50 m. to point 13;
Thence N 33 deg. 37'E 61.00 m. to point 14;
Thence N 7 deg. 12'E 30.00 m. to point 15;
Thence N 32 deg. 46'W 11.00 m. to point 16;
Thence N 68 deg. 51'W 19.50 m. to point 17;
Thence N 20 deg. 00'W 12.20 m. to point 18;
Thence N 70 deg. 00'W 53.50 m. to point 19;
Thence N 48 deg. 50'W 46.25 m. to point 20;
Thence N 1 deg. 34'W 264.42 m. to point 21;
Thence S 51 deg. 48'E 55.85 m. to point 22;
Thence S 64 deg. 44'E 38.93 m. to point 23;
Thence S 73 deg. 08'E 23.45 m. to point 24;
Thence S 68 deg. 56'E 39.95 m. to point 25;
Thence S 15 deg. 48'W 57.48 m. to point 26;
Thence S 59 deg. 31'E 87.04 m. to point 27;
Thence S 28 deg. 30'W 75.00 m. to point 28;
Thence S 12 deg. 00'E 120.00 m. to point 29;
Thence S 68 deg. 40'W 40.00 m. to point 30;
Thence S 26 deg. 10'E 29.11 m. to point 31;
Thence S 80 deg. 50'W 31.05 m. to point 32;
Thence S 76 deg. 01'E 67.20 m. to point 33;
Thence S 64 deg. 06'E 40.90 m. to point 34;
Thence S 52 deg. 00'E 68.25 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of forty-eight thousand three (48,003) square meters.
Parcel XIII
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the East and Southeast along lines 1-2-3 by creek (6.00 meters wide); on the Southwest along line 3-4 by awarded lots and on the Northwest along line 4-5 by awarded lot and 5-1 by creek (6.00 meters wide). Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 29 deg. 49'E, 366.27 meters from the Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence S 30 deg. 00'W 37.00 m. to point 2;
Thence S 57 deg. 30'W 29.00 m. to point 3;
Thence N 23 deg. 53'W 26.00 m. to point 4;
Thence N 55 deg. 20'E 20.50 m. to point 5;
Thence N 71 deg. 36'E 38.60 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of one thousand one hundred twenty (1,120) square meters.
Parcel XIV
A parcel of public land situated in Residence Section "B", City of Baguio. Bounded on the Northwest along lines 1-2-3 by road (10.00 meters wide); on the Northwest along line 3-4 by creek (6.00 meters wide); on the Southeast along line 4-5 by private property and 5-6-7 by road (10.00 meters wide); and on the Southwest along line 7-1 by awarded lot. Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being N 56 deg. 04'E, 241.58 meters from Triangulation Station Sunday, Baguio City,
Thence N 89 deg. 10'E 12.00 m. to point 2;
Thence N 73 deg. 49'E 22.00 m. to point 3;
Thence S 32 deg. 31'E 13.70 m. to point 4;
Thence S 27 deg. 15'W 30.40 m. to point 5;
Thence S 89 deg. 10'W 12.67 m. to point 6;
Thence S 47 deg. 51'W 12.67 m. to point 7;
Thence N 5 deg. 08'W 14.14 m. to point of
beginning; containing an area of one thousand one hundred ninety-two (1,192) square meters.
All the foregoing parcels and their corners are PS Cyl. Conc. Mons. Surveyed on August to December, 1966.
Section 2. Except those contrary to the provisions of Republic Act Numbered Seven hundred and thirty, all other provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred and forty-one governing the procedure of issuing titles shall apply in the disposition of the parcels above-described to the beneficiaries of this Act.
Section 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Approved: August 4, 1969.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation