An Act Increasing the Salaries of Officers and Employees of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, and for Other Purposes
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled:
Section 1. Any provision of existing law, executive order, rule or regulations to the contrary notwithstanding, the annual salaries of internal revenue officers and employees occupying positions mentioned in this Section shall be fixed as follows:
Title of Positions | Annual Salary Rate |
Commissioner of Internal Revenue | ₱24,000 |
Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue | 20,580 |
Revenue Operations Head II | 16,860 |
Revenue Regional Director | 16,860 |
Assistant Revenue Operations Head | 15,264 |
Assistant Revenue Regional Director II | 15,264 |
Field Revenue Service Superintendent | 15,264 | 1âшphi1
Revenue Regional Director I | 15,264 |
Assistant Revenue Regional Director I | 11,904 |
Personnel Officer III | 11,904 |
Fiscal Controller II | 11,904 |
Administrative Officer V | 11,904 |
Chief Tax Registrar | 11,904 |
Chief Accountant IV | 11,904 |
Budget Officer IV | 11,904 |
Supervising Management Analyst II | 11,904 |
Records Officer V | 11,904 |
Trial Attorney IV | 11,904 |
Chief National Supervisor | 11,904 |
Chief Statistician | 11,904 |
Chief Revenue Cashier | 11,904 |
Chief Tax Census Examiner | 11,904 |
Supply Officer IV | 11,904 |
Tobacco Regulations Superintendent | 11,904 |
Supervising Analytical Chemist | 11,904 |
Chief Legal Officer | 11,904 |
Chief Revenue Examiner | 11,904 |
Chief Revenue Inspector | 11,904 |
Chief Special Investigator | 11,904 |
Head Internal Auditor | 11,904 |
National Revenue Collection Supervisor | 11,904 |
Chief Information Officer II | 11,904 |
Senior Executive Assistant II | 11,328 |
Supervising Revenue Examiner III | 11,328 |
Fiscal Controller I | 10,776 |
Assistant Fiscal Controller II | 10,776 |
Administrative Officer IV | 10,776 |
Assistant Chief Statistician | 10,776 |
Supervising Tax Registrar | 10,776 |
Budget Planner | 10,776 |
Assistant Chief National Supervisor | 10,776 |
Assistant Chief Revenue Cashier | 10,776 |
Supervising Management Analyst I | 10,776 |
Supervising Statistician | 10,776 |
Senior Trial Attorney | 10,776 |
Assistant Chief Tax Census Examiner | 10,776 |
Supervising Audit Examiner II | 10,776 |
Supply Officer III | 10,776 |
Assistant Tax Adviser | 10,776 |
Supervising Revenue Inspector III | 10,776 |
Assistant Chief Legal Officer | 10,776 |
Assistant Chief Revenue Inspector | 10,776 |
Assistant Chief Special Investigator | 10,776 |
Supervising Revenue Investigator II | 10,776 |
Assistant Chief Accountant IV | 10,776 |
Assistant National Collection Supervisor | 10,776 |
Supervising Revenue Collector III | 10,776 |
Supervising Revenue Examiner II | 10,776 |
Personnel Officer II | 10,776 |
Assistant Chief Information Officer | 10,776 |
Hearing Officer IV | 10,776 |
Senior Tax Registrar | 10,260 |
Supervising EDP Programmer | 9,756 |
Supervising Revenue Investigator | 9,756 |
Supervising Revenue Collection Officer II | 9,756 |
Revenue Collection Supervisor II | 9,756 |
Supervising Audit Examiner I | 9,756 |
Supervising Revenue Inspector II | 9,756 |
Tax Registrar | 9,756 |
Chief Accountant III | 9,288 |
Administrative Officer III | 8,832 |
Internal Auditor IV | 8,832 |
Budget Officer III | 8,832 |
National Supervisor III | 8,832 |
Assistant Tax Registrar | 8,832 |
Chief Tabulating Equipment Operator II | 8,832 |
Chief Accountant II | 8,400 |
Supervising Revenue Examiner I | 8,400 |
Supervising Revenue Collection Officer I | 8,400 |
Senior Audit Examiner | 8,400 |
Collection Coordinator IV | 8,400 |
Revenue Collection Supervisor I | 8,400 |
Supervising Revenue Inspector I | 8,400 |
Supervising Revenue Inspector | 8,400 |
Senior Legal Officer | 8,400 |
Senior Revenue Investigator | 8,400 |
Trial Attorney III | 8,400 |
Administrative Officer II | 8,400 |
Cashier V | 8,400 |
Chief Drug Inspector | 8,400 |
Audio-Visual Administrator | 8,400 |
Senior EDP Programmer | 7,992 |
Senior Revenue Examiner | 7,992 |
Collection Analyst | 7,992 |
Collection Coordinator III | 7,992 |
Senior Revenue Collection Officer | 7,992 |
Audit Examiner II | 7,992 |
Supervising Special Investigator | 7,992 |
Hearing Officer III | 7,992 |
Budget Officer II | 7,992 |
National Supervisor II | 7,992 |
Senior Management Analyst | 7,992 |
Internal Auditor III | 7,992 |
Chief Tobacco Inspector | 7,992 |
Legal Officer IV | 7,992 |
Senior Research Attorney | 7,992 |
Senior Executive Assistant I | 7,992 |
Chief Accountant I | 7,992 |
Revenue Investigator II | 7,992 |
Supervising Information Officer II | 7,992 |
Regional Revenue Collection Supervisor | 7,236 |
Audit Examiner I | 7,236 |
Collection Coordinator II | 7,236 |
Supervising Revenue Collector II | 7,236 |
Revenue Collection Officer III | 7,236 |
Public Relations Officer II | 7,236 |
Senior Statistician | 7,236 |
Cashier IV | 7,236 |
Supervising Appointment Examiner | 7,236 |
Chief Tabulating Equipment Operator I | 7,236 |
Revenue Investigator I | 7,236 |
Assistant Chief Drug Inspector | 7,236 |
Senior Training Officer | 6,552 |
Revenue Examiner II | 6,552 |
Revenue Collection Officer II | 6,552 |
EDP Programmer | 6,552 |
Supervising Revenue Collector I | 6,552 |
Senior Special Investigator | 6,552 |
Legal Officer III | 6,552 |
Research Attorney II | 6,552 |
Trial Attorney II | 6,552 |
Administrative Officer I | 6,552 |
Internal Auditor II | 6,552 |
Supervising Tobacco Inspector | 6,552 |
Assistant Chief Tabulating Equipment Operator | 6,552 |
Accountant III | 6,552 |
Budget Examiner III | 6,552 |
Budget Officer I | 6,552 |
Records Officer IV | 6,552 |
Supervising Tax Census Examiner | 6,552 |
Management Analyst II | 6,552 |
Supervising Information Officer I | 6,552 |
Revenue Enforcement Officer II | 5,928 |
Collection Coordinator I | 5,928 |
Hearing Officer II | 5,928 |
Senior Revenue Collector | 5,928 |
Executive Assistant | 5,928 |
Cashier III | 5,928 |
Internal Auditor I | 5,928 |
Statistician III | 5,928 |
Accountant II | 5,928 |
Personnel Officer I | 5,928 |
Supply Officer II | 5,928 |
Head Key Punch Operator | 5,928 |
Junior EDP Programmer | 5,928 |
Supervising Tabulating Equipment Operator | 5,928 |
Revenue Examiner I cd i | 5,376 |
Revenue Appraiser Agent | 5,376 |
Senior Revenue Inspector | 5,376 |
Senior Revenue Seizure Agent | 5,376 |
Special Investigator | 5,376 |
Revenue Collector III | 5,376 |
Revenue Enforcement Officer I | 5,376 |
Senior Tobacco Inspector | 5,376 |
Administrative Assistant II | 5,376 |
Hearing Officer I | 5,376 |
Legal Officer II | 5,376 |
Trial Attorney I | 5,376 |
Information Editor II | 5,376 |
Budget Examiner II | 5,376 |
Management Analyst I | 5,376 |
Records Officer III | 5,376 |
Training Officer | 5,376 |
Auditing Examiner II | 5,376 |
Statistician II | 5,376 |
Accountant I | 5,376 |
Cashier II | 5,376 |
Senior Tabulating Equipment Operator | 5,376 |
Senior Tax Census Examiner | 5,376 |
Supervising Drug Inspector | 5,376 |
Operator EDPM | 5,376 |
Revenue Seizure Agent II | 5,112 |
Chief, Liquidation, Abstracting & Reporting Unit | 5,112 |
Chief Processing Unit | 5,112 |
Tobacco Inspector II | 5,112 |
Administrative Assistant I | 5,112 |
General Construction Foreman | 5,112 |
Tabulating Equipment Operator II | 4,860 |
Legal Officer I | 4,860 |
Research Attorney I | 4,860 |
Bookkeeper II | 4,860 |
Records Officer II | 4,860 |
Senior Librarian | 4,860 |
Supervising Accounting Clerk | 4,860 |
Supervising Accounting Machines Operator | 4,860 |
Supervising Clerk II | 4,860 |
Supervising Key Punch Operator | 4,860 |
Revenue Inspector II | 4,404 |
Revenue Seizure Agent I | 4,404 |
Assistant Collection Agent | 4,404 |
Tax Census Examiner II | 4,404 |
Drug Inspector | 4,404 |
Statistician I | 4,404 |
Cashier I | 4,404 |
Revenue Examination Aide II | 4,404 |
Revenue Collector II | 4,404 |
Auditing Examiner I | 4,188 |
Accountable Forms Custodian | 4,188 |
Analytical Chemist | 4,188 |
Bookkeeper I | 4,188 |
Supply Checker II | 4,188 |
Supply Officer I | 4,188 |
Stenographic Reporter | 4,188 |
Legal Aide II | 4,188 |
Budget Examiner I | 4,188 |
Junior Management Analyst | 4,188 |
Records Officer I | 4,188 |
Supervising Clerk I | 4,188 |
Information Editor I | 4,188 |
Tabulating Equipment Operator I | 4,188 |
Information Editor Translator | 4,188 |
Revenue Collector I | 3,984 |
Revenue Inspector I | 3,984 |
Tax Census Examiner I | 3,984 |
Tobacco Inspector I | 3,984 |
Senior Offset Press Operator | 3,984 |
Junior Statistician | 3,984 |
Accounting Clerk III | 3,984 |
Reference Librarian | 3,984 |
Revenue Examination Aide I | 3,984 |
Auditing Aide I | 3,792 |
Supply Checker I | 3,792 |
Senior Stenographer | 3,792 |
Key Punch Operator | 3,792 |
Senior Coder Verifier | 3,792 |
Legal Aide I | 3,612 |
Carpenter Foreman | 3,612 |
Statistical Aide II | 3,612 |
Senior Clerk | 3,612 |
Storekeeper II | 3,612 |
Illustrator II | 3,612 |
Offset Press Operator II | 3,612 |
Accounting Clerk II | 3,612 |
Senior Cash Clerk | 3,612 |
Senior Welder | 3,612 |
Stenographer | 3,612 |
Draftsman | 3,612 |
Information Writer | 3,612 |
Senior Automotive Mechanic | 3,432 |
Budget Aide | 3,432 |
Clerk II | 3,432 |
Personnel Aide | 3,432 |
Senior Painter | 3,432 |
Coder Verifier | 3,432 |
Offset Press Operator I | 3,432 |
Statistical Aide I | 3,432 |
Accounting Clerk I | 3,432 |
Cash Clerk | 3,432 |
Welder II | 3,432 |
Field Electrician | 3,432 |
Photographer I | 3,432 |
Automotive Mechanic II | 3,264 |
Illustrator I | 3,264 |
Clerk I | 3,264 |
Painter | 3,264 |
Plumber | 3,264 |
Storekeeper I | 3,264 |
Telephone Operator | 3,108 |
Security Guard | 3,108 |
Automotive Mechanic I | 3,108 |
Driver | 3,108 |
Photostat Machine Operator | 3,108 |
Carpenter | 3,108 |
Senior Janitor | 3,108 |
Cashier Aide aisa dc | 2,952 |
Clerical Aide | 2,952 |
Messenger | 2,952 |
Carpenter Helper | 2,952 |
Janitor | 2,952 |
Laborer | 2,952 |
Groundsman-Gardener | 2,952 |
Section 2. Upon approval of this Act, the respective officer or employee actually occupying any of the positions herein above mentioned shall be entitled to the salary provided for said position without need of new appointment: Provided, That in the implementation of this Act and/or in the event that a controversy will arise as to which positions in the Bureau of Internal Revenue were meant to be included in Section 1 hereof, the itemization of Personal Services of the Bureau of Internal Revenue in the latest line budget of the President and/or the classification of the positions as attested in the approved appointments of the official or employee shall be used as the basis in identifying the individual positions in the Bureau of Internal Revenue: Provided, further, That in the case of lump sum items, the itemization of the same as contained in their respective latest approved special budget at the time of the approval of this Act and/or the classification of the positions as attested in the approved appointments of the official or employee shall be used to identify the positions contained in the said lump sum items.
Section 3. The payment of salary differentials resulting from the adjustment in salaries as provided for in this Act shall be implemented proportionally out of savings realized by the Bureau of Internal Revenue from its annual appropriations of the fiscal year 1967-1968 and subsequent fiscal years.
Section 4. Any provisions of existing law, executive order, rule, or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding, the rates of salaries provided for in this Act shall be given effect.
Section 5. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 1967.
Approved: June 17, 1967.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation