Section 1. Classification of Provinces and Cities. Provinces and cities, except Manila, Quezon City and the City of Trece Martires are divided into seven classes according to their average income during the last four fiscal years, as follows:
(a) First Class: The provinces and cities that have obtained an average total revenue of one million five hundred thousand pesos or more per annum;
(b) Second Class: The provinces and cities that have obtained an average total revenues of one million pesos or more but less than one million five hundred thousand pesos per annum;
(c) Third Class: The provinces and cities that have obtained an average total revenue of seven hundred thousand pesos or more but less than one million pesos per annum;
(d) Fourth Class: The provinces and cities that have obtained an average total revenue of five hundred thousand pesos or more but less than seven hundred thousand pesos per annum;
(e) Fifth Class: The provinces and cities that have obtained an average total revenue of three hundred thousand pesos or more but less than five hundred thousand pesos per annum;
(f) Sixth Class: The provinces and cities that have obtained an average total revenue of one hundred fifty thousand pesos or more but less than three hundred thousand pesos per annum; and
(g) Seventh Class: The provinces and cities that have obtained an average total revenue of less than one hundred fifty thousand pesos per annum: Provided, That revenue as used in this Act shall be interpreted to mean all revenues and receipts accruing to the province or city except proceeds from bond issues, proceeds from or repayment of loans, aids from the National Government, private contributions or donations, return of advances to economic enterprises, sales of fixed assets, income from sale of real property, prior year's adjustment, inventory adjustment, and other receipts not regularly recurring each fiscal year.
Section 2. Classification under this Act. Upon approval of this Act and for each period of four consecutive fiscal years thereafter, the Secretary of Finance shall classify all provinces and cities except Manila, Quezon City and the City of Trece Martires, on the basis of the average total revenue of each province or city during the last four consecutive fiscal year immediately preceding such classification according to the provisions of this Act as certified by the Auditor General: Provided, That the first classification shall take effect July first, nineteen hundred and sixty-five: Provided, further, That a province or city which has been in existence for a period of less than four full fiscal years immediately preceding the initial classification herein provided shall be classified on the basis of its average income during such lesser number of full fiscal years or year immediately following its organization as such province or city: And provided, finally, That no readjustment of classification shall be made oftener than once in four consecutive fiscal years after the first classification provided in this Act, except in cases of diminishing revenues when the Secretary of Finance may, in his discretion, order at any time the readjustment of the classification of any province or city in accordance with the foregoing schedule.
Section 3. Section twenty hundred sixty-seven-B of the Administrative Code, as amended by Republic Act Numbered Thirty-seven hundred nineteen, is further amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 2067-B. Salaries of provincial officials. The annual salaries of the provincial officials and their assistants herein mentioned shall be as hereinbelow fixed:
"In first-class provinces: For provincial governors, eighteen thousand pesos; for provincial vice-governors, fourteen thousand pesos; for members of the provincial board, nine thousand pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, fifteen thousand pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant district engineers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers, assistant superintendents of schools, and assistant provincial assessors, ten thousand two hundred pesos; and for principals of secondary public schools in provincial capitals, seven thousand eight hundred pesos;
"In second-class provinces: For provincial governors, sixteen thousand two hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, twelve thousand pesos; for members of the provincial board, eight thousand four hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, thirteen thousand eight hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant district engineers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers, assistant superintendents of schools, and assistant provincial assessors, nine thousand three hundred pesos; and for principals of secondary public schools in provincial capitals, seven thousand two hundred pesos;
"In third-class provinces: For provincial governors, fifteen thousand pesos; for provincial vice-governors, ten thousand two hundred pesos; for members of the provincial board, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, twelve thousand six hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant district engineers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers, assistant superintendents of schools, and assistant provincial assessors, eight thousand seven hundred pesos; and for principals of secondary public schools in provincial capitals, six thousand six hundred pesos;
"In fourth-class provinces: For provincial governors, thirteen thousand eight hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, nine thousand pesos; for members of the provincial board, seven thousand two hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, twelve thousand pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant district engineers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers, assistant superintendents of schools, and assistant provincial assessors, eight thousand four hundred pesos; and for principals of secondary public schools in provincial capitals, six thousand pesos;
"In fifth-class provinces: For provincial governors, twelve thousand six hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; for members of the provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, eleven thousand four hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant district engineers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers, assistant superintendents of schools, and assistant provincial assessors, eight thousand one hundred pesos; and for principals of secondary public schools in provincial capitals, five thousand seven hundred pesos;
"In sixth-class provinces: For provincial governors, twelve thousand pesos; for provincial vice-governors, six thousand six hundred pesos; for members of the provincial board, five thousand four hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, ten thousand eight hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial health officers, assistant superintendents of schools, and assistant provincial assessors, seven thousand five hundred pesos; and for principals of secondary public schools in provincial capitals, five thousand one hundred pesos; and
"In seventh-class provinces: For provincial governors, eleven thousand four hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, six thousand pesos; for members of the provincial board, four thousand eight hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, ten thousand two hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial health officers, assistant superintendents of schools, and assistant provincial assessors, seven thousand five hundred pesos; and for principals of secondary public schools in provincial capitals, five thousand one hundred pesos; Provided, That if after the salaries of the provincial governor and the other provincial officials mentioned in this Act have been increased by virtue of the provisions hereof, the province concerned incurs an overdraft in its general fund or the operating expenses thereof exceed the revenue collections, the provincial board shall make the corresponding proportional reduction of such salaries, or the President of the Philippines, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Finance, shall reduce the salaries of said officials to the maximum rates fixed for them in the next lower class of province, or to such further lower rates as are within the capacity of the province to pay: Provided, further, That if such salaries shall be reduced by reason of one or both of the cause herein mentioned, a uniform percentage of reduction shall be applied on all the salaries affected.
"The lieutenant governors, subprovincial district engineers, subprovincial assessors and other officials in the subprovince having counterparts in the provincial government level, shall receive the salaries of the classification of the province of which their respective subprovinces would belong were these subprovinces classified as independent and separate.
"The salary of the district engineer and the superintendent of schools shall be paid out of national funds and that of the chief of hospitals, out of the funds created under Republic Act Numbered Nineteen hundred thirty-nine, One-half of the salary of the provincial auditor, of the provincial health officer, of the assistant provincial auditor and of the assistant provincial health officer shall be paid out of the national funds and the other half shall be paid out of the funds of the province concerned: Provided, however, That the increase in the salary of the provincial auditor, provincial health officer, assistant provincial auditor and assistant provincial health officer shall be borne by the province until the share thereof of the National Government shall have been provided for in the General Appropriations Act.
"In provinces where there are more than one hospital the salaries of the chiefs of hospitals shall be as follows:
"(a) If the bed capacity is twenty-five to fifty beds, the chief of hospital shall receive the salary corresponding to the chief of hospital of a fifth-class province.
"(b) If the bed capacity is from fifty-one to one hundred beds, the chief of hospital shall receive the salary corresponding to the chief of hospital of a fourth-class province.
"(c) If the bed capacity is from one hundred one to one hundred fifty beds, the chief of hospital shall receive the salary corresponding to the chief of hospital of a third-class province.
"(d) If the bed capacity is from one hundred fifty-one to three hundred beds, the chief of hospital shall receive the salary corresponding to the chief of hospital of a second-class province.
"(e) If the bed capacity is from one hundred fifty to three hundred beds, and said hospital is a training and teaching hospital with a school of nursing, the chief of hospital shall receive the salary corresponding to the chief of hospital of a first-class province."
Section 4. Section two of Republic Act Numbered Eight hundred forty, as amended by Republic Act Numbered Thirty-seven hundred nineteen, is further amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 2. Unless the corresponding charter of a city or other special law provides for higher salaries, the annual salaries of the city officials and their assistant mentioned herein shall be as hereinbelow fixed:
"In first-class cities that have obtained during the next preceding fiscal year a total annual revenue of three million pesos or more (First Class-A): For city mayors, eighteen thousand pesos; for city vice-mayors, fourteen thousand pesos; for members of the municipal board, nine thousand pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, city judges, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, fifteen thousand pesos; for chiefs of police, twelve thousand pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, ten thousand eight hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor, eight thousand four hundred pesos; for secretary of the municipal board, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; for assistant city health treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers, assistant city superintendents of schools, assistant city engineers, and assistant city assessors, ten thousand two hundred pesos; and for secondary school principals, seven thousand eight hundred pesos;
"In other first-class cities: For city mayors, sixteen thousand two hundred pesos; for city vice-mayors, twelve thousand pesos; for members of the municipal board, eight thousand four hundred pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, city judge, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, thirteen thousand eight hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, ten thousand eight hundred pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, nine thousand six hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor, seven thousand two hundred pesos; for secretary of the municipal board, six thousand six hundred pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers, assistant city superintendents of schools, assistant city engineers, and assistant city assessors nine thousand three hundred pesos; and for secondary school principals, seven thousand two hundred pesos;
"In second-class cities: For city mayors, fifteen thousand pesos; for city vice-mayors, ten thousand two hundred pesos; for members of the municipal board, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, city judges, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, twelve thousand six hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, ten thousand two hundred pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, nine thousand pesos; for secretary to the mayor, six thousand six hundred pesos; for secretary of the municipal board, six thousand pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers, assistant city superintendents of schools, assistant city engineers, and assistant city assessors, eight thousand seven hundred pesos; and for secondary school principals, six thousand six hundred pesos;
"In third-class cities: For city mayors, thirteen thousand eight hundred pesos; for city vice-mayors, nine thousand pesos; for members of the municipal board, seven thousand two hundred pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, city judges, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, twelve thousand pesos; for chiefs of police, nine thousand six hundred pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, eight thousand seven hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor and secretary of the municipal board, five thousand four hundred pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant and city auditors, assistant city health officers, assistant city superintendents of schools, assistant city engineers, and assistant city assessors, eight thousand four hundred pesos; and for secondary school principals, six thousand pesos;
"In fourth-class cities: For city mayors, twelve thousand six hundred pesos; for city vice-mayors, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; for members of the municipal board, six thousand pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, city judges, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, eleven thousand four hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, nine thousand pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, eight thousand four hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor and secretary of the municipal board, four thousand eight hundred pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers, assistant city superintendents of schools, assistant city engineers, and assistant city assessors, eight thousand one hundred pesos; and for secondary school principals, five thousand seven hundred pesos;
"In fifth-class cities: For city mayors, twelve thousand pesos; for city vice-mayors, six thousand six hundred pesos; for members of the municipal board, five thousand four hundred pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, city judges, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, ten thousand eight hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, eight thousand four hundred pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, eight thousand one hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor and secretary of the municipal board, four thousand two hundred pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers, assistant city superintendents of schools, assistant city engineers, and assistant city assessors, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; and for secondary school principals, five thousand four hundred pesos;
"In sixth-class cities: For city mayors, eleven thousand four hundred pesos; for city vice-mayors, six thousand pesos; for members of the municipal board, four thousand eight hundred pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, city judges, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, ten thousand two hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, seven thousand five hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor and secretary of the municipal board, three thousand six hundred pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers, assistant city superintendents of schools, assistant city engineers, and assistant city assessors, seven thousand two hundred pesos; and for secondary school principals, five thousand one hundred pesos; and
"In seventh-class cities: For city mayors, ten thousand eight hundred pesos; for city vice-mayors, five thousand four hundred pesos; for members of the municipal board, four thousand five hundred pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, city judges, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, nine thousand six hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, seven thousand two hundred pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, six thousand nine hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor and secretary of the municipal board, three thousand three hundred pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers, assistant city superintendents of schools, assistant city engineers, and assistant city assessors, six thousand six hundred pesos; and for secondary school principals, four thousand eight hundred pesos: Provided, That if after the salaries of the city mayor and the other city officials mentioned in this Act have been increased by virtue of the provisions hereof, the city concerned incurs an overdraft in its general fund or the operating expenses thereof exceed the revenue collections, the municipal board or city board shall make the corresponding proportional reduction of such salaries, or the President of the Philippines, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Finance, shall reduce the salaries of said officials to the maximum rates fixed for them in the next lower class of city, or to such further lower rates as are within the capacity of the city to pay: Provided, further, That if such salaries shall be reduced by reason of one or both of the causes herein mentioned, a uniform percentage of reduction shall be applied on all the salaries affected.
"The salary of the chief of city hospitals shall be paid out of the funds created under Republic Act Numbered Nineteen hundred thirty-nine. The difference between the salary authorized under Republic Act Numbered Thirty-three hundred forty-five for the city judge and that herein fixed shall be paid out of the funds of the National Treasury; one half of the salary of the city auditor shall likewise be paid out of the national funds and the other half shall be paid out of the funds of the city concerned: Provided, however, That the increase in the salary of the city auditor shall be borne by the city until the share thereof of the National Government shall have been provided for in the General Appropriations Act."
Section 5. General limitation upon amount expendable for salaries and wages. Except as hereinbelow provided, the amount expendable for salaries and wages of provincial and city officials and employees shall not exceed the following percentages of the ordinary and regular income that accrued to the general fund during the preceding fiscal year, exclusive of all balances carried forward from preceding fiscal years, transfers from other funds, and all receipts from loans, aid or gifts from government or private funds:
Class | Provinces | Cities |
First | Fifty per centum | Fifty-five per centum |
Second | Fifty-five per centum | Sixty per centum |
Third and Fourth | Sixty per centum | Sixty-five per centum |
Fifth | Sixty-five per centum | Seventy per centum |
Sixth | Seventy per centum | Seventy-five per centum |
Seventh | Eighty per centum | Eighty-five per centum |
In case the current income of the general fund is less than that which accused to the same fund during the preceding fiscal year, the percentages fixed in the preceding paragraph shall be based on the reduced income for the current fiscal year.
The Secretary of Finance may authorize any province or city to exceed the percentages hereinabove fixed under such conditions as he may impose.
Section 6. The rates of salaries fixed herein for the city officials in First Class-A cities as provided in Section four hereof shall be applicable to Quezon City in cases where such rates of salaries are higher than those now provided by existing laws for the officials of said city: Provided, That this Act shall not apply to the cities of Manila and Trece Martires.
Section 7. The incumbent provincial and city officials mentioned in this Act, whose appointments have already been confirmed by the Commission on Appointments prior to the approval of this Act, shall automatically be entitled to the benefits hereof: Provided, That the incumbent provincial and city officials temporarily designated by the President of the Philippines under the provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five hundred eighty-eight shall, unless otherwise stated in their subsisting appointments or designations, likewise be entitled to the full benefits of this Act.
Section 8. All Acts, executive orders, administrative orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof, inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 9. This Act shall take effect on July first, nineteen hundred and sixty-five.
Approved: June 19, 1965
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation