Section 1. Section twenty hundred sixty-seven-B of the Administrative Code, as amended by Republic Act Numbered Thirty-two hundred sixty-six, is further amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 2067-B. Salaries of provincial officials. The annual salaries of the provincial officials and their assistants herein mentioned shall be hereinbelow fixed:
"In first-class provinces: For provincial governors, fourteen thousand pesos; for provincial vice-governors, ten thousand pesos; for members of the provincial board, seven thousand two hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chief of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, eleven thousand four hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers, and assistant provincial assessors, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; and for principals of secondary public schools in provincial capitals, six thousand pesos;
"In second-class provinces: For provincial governors, twelve thousand pesos; for provincial vice-governors, eight thousand four hundred pesos; for members of the provincial board, six thousand pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendent of schools, and provincial assessors, ten thousand two hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers and assistant provincial assessors, seven thousand eight hundred pesos;
"In third-class provinces; For provincial governors, eleven thousand six hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, seven thousand two hundred pesos; for members of the provincial board, six thousand pesos; for provincial treasurers, direct engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, nine thousand four hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers, and assistant provincial assessors, seven thousand five hundred pesos;
"In fourth-class provinces; For provincial governors, ten thousand four hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, five thousand seven hundred pesos; for members of the provincial board, four thousand eight hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chief of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, nine thousand one hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers and assistant provincial assessors, seven thousand three hundred pesos;
"In fifth-class provinces: For provincial governors, nine thousand two hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, five thousand four hundred pesos; for members of the provincial board, four thousand eight hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, eight thousand eight hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers, and assistant provincial assessors, six thousand nine hundred pesos;
"In sixth-class provinces: For provincial governors, eight thousand six hundred pesos; for provincial vice-governors, four thousand eight hundred pesos; for members of the provincial board, four thousand two hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, eight thousand two hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers, and assistant provincial assessors, six thousand eight hundred eighty pesos; and
"In seventh-class provinces: For provincial governors, eight thousand pesos; for provincial vice-governors, four thousand eight hundred pesos; for members of the provincial board, four thousand pesos two hundred pesos; for provincial treasurers, district engineers, provincial auditors, provincial health officers, chiefs of hospitals, superintendents of schools, and provincial assessors, seven thousand six hundred pesos; for assistant provincial treasurers, assistant provincial auditors, assistant provincial health officers, and assistant provincial assessors, six thousand seven hundred pesos; Provided, That if after the salary of a provincial governor, provincial treasurer, district engineer, provincial fiscal, provincial auditor, provincial health officer, provincial assessor, assistant provincial treasurer, assistant provincial assessor has been increased by virtue of the provisions hereof, the province concerned incurs an overdraft in its general fund or the operating expenses thereof exceed the revenue collections, the President of the Philippines, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Finance, shall reduce the salary of said officials to the maximum rates fixed for them in the next lower class of province.
"The lieutenant governors, sub-provincial district engineers, sub-provincial assessors and other officials in the subprovince having counterparts in the provincial government level, shall receive the salaries of the classification of the province to which their respective subprovinces would belong were these subprovinces classified as independent and separate.
"The salary of the district engineer and the superintendent of schools shall be paid out of national funds and that of the chief of hospitals, out of the funds created under Republic Act Numbered Nineteen hundred thirty-nine. One-half of the salary of the provincial auditor, of the provincial health officer, of the assistant provincial auditor and of the assistant provincial health officer shall be paid out of the national funds and the other half shall be paid out of the funds of the province concerned: Provided, however, That the increase in the salary of the provincial auditor, provincial health officer, assistant provincial auditor and assistant provincial health officer shall be borne by the province until the share thereof of the National Government shall have been provided for in the General Appropriation Acts.
"In provinces where there are more than one hospital the salaries of the chiefs of hospitals shall be as follows:
"(a) If the bed capacity is 25 to 50 beds, the chief of hospital shall receive the salary corresponding to the chief of hospital of a fifth-class province.
"(b) If the bed capacity is from 51 to 100 beds, the chief of hospitals shall receive the salary corresponding to the chief of hospitals of a fourth-class province.
"(c) If the bed capacity is from 101 to 150 beds, the chief of hospital shall receive the salary corresponding to the chief of hospital of a third-class province.
"(d) If the bed capacity is from 151 to 300 beds, the chief of hospital shall receive the salary corresponding to the chief of hospital of a second-class province.
"(e) If the bed capacity is from 150 to 300 beds, and said hospital is a training and teaching hospital with a school of nursing, the chief of hospital shall receive the salary corresponding to the chief of hospital of a first-class province."
Section 2. Section two of Republic Act Numbered Eight hundred forty, as amended, is further amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 2. Unless the corresponding charter of a city or other special law provides for higher salaries, the annual salaries of the city officials and their assistants mentioned herein shall be as hereinbelow fixed:
"In first-class cities that have obtained during the next preceding fiscal year a total annual revenue of two million five hundred thousand pesos or more (first class-A): For city mayors, fourteen thousand pesos; for city vice-mayors, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; for members of the municipal board, six thousand six hundred pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, judges of the municipal courts, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, eleven thousand four hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, nine thousand pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, eight thousand four hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor, six thousand six hundred pesos; for secretary of the municipal board, six thousand pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers, assistant city engineers, and assistant city assessors, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; and for secondary school principals, six thousand pesos;
"In other first-class cities: For city mayors, twelve thousand pesos; for city vice-mayors, seven thousand five hundred pesos; for members of the municipal board, six thousand pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, judges of the municipal courts, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, ten thousand two hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, eight thousand seven hundred pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, eight thousand one hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor, six thousand pesos; for secretary of the municipal board, five thousand four hundred pesos; for assistant city treasurer, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers and assistant city assessors, seven thousand eight hundred pesos;
"In second-class cities: For city mayors, eleven thousand four hundred pesos; for city vice-mayors, six thousand six hundred pesos; for members of the municipal board, five thousand four hundred pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, judges of the municipal court, city health officers chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, nine thousand four hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, eight thousand four hundred pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor and secretary of the municipal board, four thousand two hundred pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers and assistant city assessors, seven thousand five hundred pesos;
"In third-class cities: For city mayors, ten thousand four hundred pesos; for city vice-mayors, five thousand seven hundred pesos; for members of the municipal board, four thousand eight hundred pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, judges of the municipal courts, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers and city assessors, nine thousand one hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, eight thousand one hundred pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, seven thousand five hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor and secretary of the municipal board, three thousand six hundred pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers and assistant city assessors, seven thousand three hundred pesos;
"In fourth-class cities: For city mayors, nine thousand two hundred pesos; for city vice-mayors, five thousand four hundred pesos; for members of the municipal board, four thousand two hundred pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, judges of the municipal courts, city health officers, chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, eight thousand eight hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, seven thousand eight hundred pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, seven thousand two hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor and secretary of the municipal board, three thousand three hundred pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers and assistant city assessors, six thousand nine hundred pesos; and
"In fifth-class cities: For city mayors, eight thousand six hundred pesos; for city vice-mayors, four thousand eight hundred pesos; for members of the municipal board, four thousand two hundred pesos; for city treasurers, city auditors, judges of the municipal courts, city health officers chiefs of hospitals, city superintendents of schools, city engineers, and city assessors, eight thousand two hundred pesos; for chiefs of police, six thousand six hundred pesos; for chiefs of fire departments, six thousand three hundred pesos; for secretary to the mayor and secretary of the municipal board, three thousand pesos; for assistant city treasurers, assistant city auditors, assistant city health officers and assistant city assessors, six thousand pesos: Provided, That if after the salary of the city mayor or any of the city officials named in this Act has been increased by virtue of the provisions hereof, the city concerned incurs an overdraft in its general fund or the operating expenses thereof exceed the revenue collections, the municipal board or city council may, in its discretion, make the corresponding proportional reduction of salaries or the President of the Philippines shall reduce the salary of said mayor or other officials in the lower class of city."
Section 3. The annual salaries of provincial and city fiscals, city attorney and their assistants shall be hereinbelow fixed:
(a) In provinces and cities that have obtained during the next preceding fiscal year a total annual revenue of five million pesos or more: For the provincial and city fiscals, eleven thousand four hundred pesos; for the first assistant provincial and city fiscals, ten thousand eight hundred pesos; for the second assistant provincial and city fiscals, ten thousand pesos; for the third assistant provincial and city fiscals, nine thousand six hundred pesos; for the fourth assistant provincial and city fiscals, eight thousand four hundred pesos; and for the fifth and remaining assistant provincial and city fiscals, seven thousand two hundred pesos.
(b) In first class provinces and in first class cities that have obtained during the next preceding fiscal year a total annual revenue of one million five hundred thousand pesos or more but less than five million pesos: For the provincial and city fiscals, eleven thousand four hundred pesos; for the first assistant provincial and city fiscals, nine thousand pesos; for the second assistant provincial and city fiscals, eight thousand one hundred pesos; for the third assistant provincial and city fiscals, seven thousand two hundred pesos; for the fourth assistant provincial and city fiscals, six thousand six hundred pesos; and for the fifth and remaining assistant provincial and city fiscals, six thousand three hundred pesos;
(c) In second class provinces and in other first class cities: For the provincial and city fiscals, ten thousand two hundred pesos; for the first assistant provincial and city fiscals, eight thousand one hundred pesos; for the second assistant provincial and city fiscal, six thousand nine hundred pesos; for the third assistant provincial and city fiscals, six thousand three hundred pesos; and for the fourth and remaining assistant provincial and city fiscals, five thousand seven hundred pesos;
(d) In third class provinces and in second class cities: For the provincial and city fiscals, nine thousand four hundred pesos; for the first assistant provincial and city fiscals, six thousand nine hundred pesos; and for the second and remaining assistant provincial and city fiscals, five thousand seven hundred pesos;
(e) In fourth class provinces and in third class cities: For the provincial and city fiscals, nine thousand one hundred pesos; for the first assistant provincial and city fiscals, six thousand three hundred pesos; and for the second and remaining assistant provincial and city fiscals, five thousand seven hundred pesos;
(f) In fifth class provinces and in forth class cities: For the provincial and city fiscals, eight thousand eight hundred pesos; for the first assistant provincial and city fiscals, five thousand seven hundred pesos; and for the second and remaining assistant provincial and city fiscals, five thousand one hundred pesos;
(g) In sixth class provinces and in fifth class cities: For provincial and city fiscals, eight thousand two hundred pesos; for the first assistant provincial and city fiscals, five thousand four hundred pesos; and for the remaining assistant provincial and city fiscals, four thousand five hundred pesos; and
(h) In seventh class provinces: For provincial fiscals, seven thousand six hundred pesos; and for their assistants, four thousand eight hundred pesos.
Section 4. The present salaries of the incumbent provincial fiscals and city attorneys and their assistants will continue to be paid by their respective provinces and cities, and the difference between their present salaries and those provided for in this Act shall be paid out of national funds and, for the purpose, there is hereby appropriated the sum of seven hundred eighty thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary, effective the fiscal year nineteen hundred sixty-three-nineteen hundred sixty-four, out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and such amounts as may be found needed for this purpose in subsequent years shall hereafter be included annually in the General Appropriation Acts.
Section 5. Subject to the provisions of Section seven hereof, the incumbent provincial and city officials and their assistants mentioned in this Act, whose appointments have already been confirmed by the Commission on Appointments of the Congress of the Philippines prior to the approval of this Act, shall automatically be entitled to the benefits of this Act, without further need of another appointment and confirmation: Provided, That no incumbent provincial and city officials or any of their assistants shall suffer any diminution in their salaries by virtue of the provisions hereof: Provided, further, That nothing herein provided shall be construed as creating new positions which on the approval of this Act are not authorized by law or ordinance.
Section 6. This Act shall not apply to the cities of Manila and Trece Martires.
Section 7. No salary increases as contemplated in this Act shall be made unless and until all the employees and other subordinates of the province or city concerned are actually receiving salaries in accordance with the Minimum Wage Law.
Section 8. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the designation of the positions of city attorneys in chartered cities of the Philippines, is hereby changed to that of city fiscal for purposes of uniformity.
Section 9. All Acts, executive orders, administrative orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof, inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 10. This Act shall take effect on July first, nineteen hundred and sixty-three.
Approved: June 22, 1963.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation