An Act to Provide Maximum Employment in Public Economic Development Projects, Creating an Emergency Employment Administration, and for Other Purposes
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled:
Section 1. This Act shall be known as the Emergency Employment Act of 1962.
Section 2. It is hereby declared to be the continuing policy and responsibility of the State to utilize every possible means to create maximum employment opportunities for all who are able, willing and seeking to work but cannot find employment, thus increasing mass purchasing power, developing income in rural areas, and stimulating economic activity in general.
It shall be part of the policy to de-mechanize construction and maintenance operations of the government as much as possible by utilizing man-power and draft-animal power instead of labor-saving machines, whatever permissible, if such a policy is not uneconomic.
Section 3. There is hereby created the Emergency Employment Administration, hereafter called the Administration, under the Office of the President of the Philippines, which shall be responsible for planning out and helping to execute an emergency public employment program designed to create maximum employment opportunities in the following government-financed projects: large-scale land clearance and establishment of agricultural estates; agricultural extension; promotion of cottage industries; conservation and reforestation of forest resources; public works projects which promote economic growth, such as power development projects, national and communal irrigation, river control and drainage; airports and ports construction and improvements; shore protection; construction and maintenance of highways and feeder roads connecting agricultural areas with market centers: Provided, That the planning and execution of the emergency employment program shall give priority to projects authorized under the Public Works Appropriation Acts and other Acts of Congress and projects which will promote economic growth, which are already stated but requiring additional funds for completion, such as the Manila South Road from Quezon Province to Camarines Norte; Tambo-Calo irrigation project, Hermosa, Bataan; Bongabon irrigation project, Nueva Ecija; Bago irrigation project, Negros Occidental; Zambales-Tarlac to Dingalan Bay road; Agoo irrigation project, La Union; Malalag-Malita road; Mati-Manay-Caraga-Baganga road; for the construction of the Nagtahan-Pandacan bridge and dredging of esteros and other flood control works in Manila; Camiling, Tarlac irrigation; Sta. Ignacia, Tarlac irrigation; Pura, Tarlac-Guimba, Nueva Ecija road; San Mariano-Palanan road, Isabela; Cagayan Valley road, Cagayan-Mt. Province-Abra-Ilocos Sur road; Abulog-Mt. Province irrigation project; Pangasinan-Nueva Vizcaya road; Zambales to Tarlac via Mangatarem road; to complete the unfinished buildings at the Capitol site portions of which are already completed and which are now rusting; to complete the circumferential road around Manila; to complete the construction of the national highway of the Dalaguete-Badian road, Cebu; to complete the construction of Malalay-Buangon road, Cebu; the completion of the Baguio waterworks; Davao waterworks; and the road system around the Island of Basilan; circumferential road around Lake Taal; the construction of a new concrete bridge across the Pasig river in barrio Rosario, Pasig, along Ortigas Avenue and the cementing of the national highway from Ortigas Avenue running northwards to Pililia, Rizal, and national roads in Bulacan: Provided, However, That at least sixty per cent of the annual available funds shall be spent for self-liquidating and revenue-producing projects: Provided, further, That in no case shall the expenditure for labor and tools exceed the certified engineer’s estimate for such expense item: Provided, finally, That the Administration shall, in the planning, framing and execution of the projects mentioned in the law, act in consultation with the officials of the provinces, chartered cities and municipalities affected by these projects.1âшphi1
Section 4. The Administration shall have the following powers and duties:
a. To authorized the expenditure of such amounts from the appropriation provided for in this Act as are necessary for the employment of unemployed workers in the projects specified in Section three;
b. The recommend to the office concerned projects to be undertaken which projects shall be distributed on a nationwide basis: Provided, That preference shall be given to projects in which not less than sixty per cent of the total expenditures shall be for wages of emergency employees;
c. To recruit and hire, on a project-to-project basis such personnel as may be required: Provided, That preference shall be given to the most needy in the locality where the projects will be undertaken;
d. To coordinate the activities of the different government offices and agencies performing functions and duties relating to or in furtherance of the objectives of this Act; and
e. To perform all functions necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act within the appropriation provided for in this Act and for purposes herein indicated.
Section 5. The Administration shall be composed of an Emergency Employment Board of seven members, as follows: an Administrator, preferably an economist or a civil engineer of recognized competence; the Secretary of Public Works and Communications; the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources; the Secretary of Labor; the Chairman of the National Economic Council; one representative from the minority party to be nominated by the president of the party; and one representative from the majority party.
The Board shall elect its Chairman. The Administrator shall implement and carry out the decisions of the Board.
The Administrator and a Deputy Administrator, who shall assist him, shall both be appointed by the President of the Philippines with the consent of the Commission on Appointments.1awp++i1 They shall receive the salaries of eighteen thousand pesos and twelve thousand pesos per annum, respectively, and shall serve at the pleasure of the President.
The Administrator, with the previous approval of the Board, shall appoint such personnel as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this Act.
Section 6. The Administrator is also authorized to employ any number of unemployed able-bodied youth below the age of majority.
Section 7. During the effectivity of this Act, the compensation of the laborers, technicians, helpers and employees to be employed for the projects herein authorized shall be in accordance with the salary and wage schedule prescribed by the Administration as approved by the President.
Section 8. The Administration shall transmit to the President of the Philippines and to Congress an annual economic report setting forth: (1) the levels of employment, production and purchasing power generated by the projects undertaken by the Administration and such levels as may be needed to carry out the declared policy in Section two of this Act; (2) current and foreseeable trends in the levels of employment, production and purchasing power; (3) a review of the economic situation affecting employment in the Philippines; (4) a progress report showing in detail the projects undertaken and the corresponding expenditure thereof; and (5) a program for carrying out the policy together with such recommendations for legislation as it may deem necessary or desirable.
Section 9. The Administrator shall promulgate, with the written approval of the President, rules and regulations to implement this Act.
Section 10. There is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred million pesos or so much thereof as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act: Provided, That the Administration may, with the guarantee of the Republic of the Philippines, negotiate for long term loans from foreign financial institutions, such as the Industrial Development Assistance (IDA) to finance preferential development projects: And Provided, finally, That the provisions of any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, within forty-five days before every general or special election other than for barrio officials, no laborer shall be employed in, or money spent for, any project under this Act even if the money is actually released before or within such period except for:
(a) Ordinary maintenance of existing and/or completed projects: Provided, That no more than the number of employees or laborers already employed therein sixty days prior to the beginning of the forty-five day period shall be permitted to work: Provided, further, That no extra laborers are employed within the said period of forty-five days;
(b) Payment for the usual cost of preparation of working drawings, specifications, bills of materials, estimates, and other procedures preparatory to actual construction, including the purchase of materials and equipment, and all incidental expenses for wages of watchmen and other laborers employed for such work in the central offices and field storehouses before the beginning of such period.
No payment should be made five days before the date of election to laborers who rendered service in projects that were overdraft at the time the work was rendered, except those laborers falling under subsections (a) and (b) of this section.
Any violation of the foregoing provisions shall constitute a serious offense punishable under the provisions of the Revised Penal Code.
This sum may also be taken from the sale of the bonds which may be floated for this purpose: Provided, That the proceeds from the sale of said bonds shall be used solely and exclusively for self-liquidating projects.
Section 11. This Act shall take effect upon its approval and shall be in force for a period of five years therefrom.
Approved: June 16, 1962.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation