An Act Providing for the Construction of the Jalaur Multi-Purpose Project in the Province of Iloilo and Governing its Operation After its Completion
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled:
Section 1. There shall be constructed at the Jalaur River in the Province of Iloilo, based on plans and specifications duly approved by the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, a multi-purpose project, to be known as the Jalaur Multi-Purpose Project, hereinafter called the Project, for the purposes of regulating and controlling floods caused by the Jalaur River, storing its waters and using them to irrigate agricultural lands in the Jalaur Valley, and generating and transmitting electric power and energy.
Section 2. The construction of the irrigation system and flood control of the Project, including the high dam and impounding reservoir, shall be undertaken by or under the Bureau of Public Works, but the construction of the high dam and impounding reservoir shall be undertaken in such a manner as to enable the National Power Corporation to construct a hydro-electric powerhouse below the high dam, which hydro-electric powerhouse shall be constructed by or under the National Power Corporation as a part of the Project. The release of water from the reservoir shall be through said hydro-electric powerhouse, except during floods when excess water shall be released through spillways constructed for the purpose. After the completion of the construction of the Project, the Bureau of Public Works shall administer the operation of the irrigation system and flood control, including the high dam and impounding reservoir, and the National Power Corporation Project.
Section 3. In order to coordinate the activities of the Bureau of Public Works and the National Power Corporation in the survey, designing, planning, construction and subsequent operation of the Project, there is hereby created a coordinating committee, which shall be known as the Jalaur Multi-Purpose Project Committee, hereinafter called the Committee, and which shall be composed of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, as chairman and the General Manager of the National Power Corporation, the Director of Public Works, the Director of the National Planning Commission and the Chairman of the National Economic Council, as members.
The Committee shall determine the actual cost of the Project after the construction of the original structure and/or any addition thereto and make the final allocation of the shares of the Bureau of Public Works and the National Power Corporation in the cost of the Project. For purposes of pre-determination of the depreciation and amortization and interest charges that must be considered in the determination of the expected unit of production cost of (1) electric power and (2) irrigation water, the Committee shall also make an allocation of the over-all construction cost estimates to every phase of the Project prior to or during the course of construction as the need for such allocation may arise, taking into consideration the value of the economic and social benefits to be derived from flood control, but the cost of the dam shall be allocated to flood control and irrigation.
The Committee shall, after the completion of the construction of the Project, prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the efficient operation and maintenance thereof, including the appropriation, delivery and use of the stored water for the generation of electric power and energy, for industrial and municipal water supply, for irrigation, for flood control, or for other uses.
Section 4. Such sum as may be necessary for the construction by or under the Bureau of Public Works of the irrigation system, flood control, and the high dam and impounding reservior is hereby authorized to be appropriated from the proceeds of the bonds issued under Republic Act Numbered One thousand, but such sum shall be paid from the proceeds of the reparations payments under the provisions of Republic Act Numbered seventeen hundred eighty-nine. Such sum as may be necessary for the construction of the hydro-electric powerhouse and appurtenant works by or under the National Power Corporation shall be raised by the said corporation under the authority granted it by its charter.
Section 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Approved: June 18, 1960.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation