Section 1. The Sugar Quota Administrator shall allocate annually the quota for unrefined sugar which is a Philippine article as defined in subparagraph (f) of paragraph 1 of the Protocol to the Revised Agreement on Trade and Related Matters between the Republic of the Philippines and the United States of America dated September six, nineteen hundred fifty-five (hereinafter referred to as the Revised Agreement), which may be entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, in the United States for consumption in any calendar year, or part thereof, during the period from January first, nineteen hundred fifty-six to July third, nineteen hundred seventy-four, inclusive, including that required to manufacture the refined sugar, to the sugar-producing mills and plantation owners in the Philippines in the calendar year nineteen hundred forty whose sugars were exported to the United States During such calendar year, or to their successors in interest, proportionately on the basis of their average annual production (or in the case of a successor in interest, the average annual production of his predecessor in interest) for the calendar years nineteen hundred thirty-one, nineteen hundred thirty-two and nineteen hundred thirty-three, and the amount of sugars which may be so exported shall be allocated in each year between each mill and the plantation owners on the basis of the proportion of sugars to which each mill and the plantation owners are respectively entitled.
Section 2. The Sugar Quota Administration shall allocate annually the quota for refined sugar as defined in section 101 of the United States Sugar Act of nineteen hundred thirty-seven, as amended, and which is a Philippine article as defined in subparagraph (f) of paragraph 1 of the Protocol to the Revised Agreement which may be entered or withdrawn from warehouse, in the United States for consumption in any calendar year or part thereof during the period from January first, nineteen hundred fifty-six to July third, nineteen hundred seventy-four, inclusive, to the manufacturers of refined sugars in the Philippines in the calendar year nineteen hundred forty whose refined sugars were exported to the United States during such calendar year, or to their successors in interest, proportionately on the basis of the amount of refined sugars produced by each such manufacturer (or in the case of a successor in interest, the amount of refined sugars produced by his predecessor in interest) which was exported to the United States during the calendar year nineteen hundred forty.
Section 3. If after the termination of milling in each sugar central in any milling season, the holder of any production allowance or quota is not able to mill enough sugar to fill the same for that year, that amount of such production allowance or quota which he cannot fill during such milling season shall be reallocated without compensation by the Sugar Quota Administration to other quota holders first within the same district, and thereafter the remainder, if any, of such unfilled production allowance or quota shall be reallocated to quota holders in other mill districts in such manner as would insure the filling of the total export quota for that year: Provided, That no reallocation under the provision of this section shall diminish the production allowance or quota to which the holder may be entitled in any subsequent crop year.
Section 4. The production allowance or quota corresponding to each piece of land under the provisions of this Act shall be deemed to be an improvement attaching to the land entitled thereto. In the absence of a milling contract or contracts, or where such milling contract or contracts shall have expired, such production allowance or quota shall be transferable preferably within the same district in accordance with such rules and regulations as may be issued by the Sugar Quota Office: Provided, That a plantation owner may transfer his production allowance or quota from one district to another when the following conditions exist: (a) when there is no milling contract between the planter and miller or when said contract shall have expired; and (b) when the mill of the district in which the land of the planter lies is not willing to give him the participation laid down in section one of Republic Act Numbered Eight hundred nine regarding the division of shares between the sugar mill and plantation owner.
Section 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sections of this Act, any export sugar quota holder actually registered in the Sugar Quota Administration, who does not actually plant and produce sugar in an amount not less than twenty per cent of his production allowance or quota during any crop year after the approval of this Act, unless such failure to plant and produce is due to circumstances or conditions beyond his control, shall have his production allowance or quota permanently cancelled and such production allowance or quota shall be reallocated to other quota holders, firstly, within the same district, and secondly, to other districts in such manner as would insure the filling of the total export quota: Provided, however, That the provision regarding the cancellation of production allowance or quota shall become effective beginning with the crop year nineteen hundred fifty-seven and nineteen hundred fifty-eight.
Section 6. Any increase in the U.S.-Philippine export quota for sugar which may be allocated by the United States Government to the Philippines shall be pro-rated among the export quota holders in proportion to their allotments as determined under this Act.
Section 7. All provisions of existing Acts which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed.
Section 8. This Act shall take effect beginning January first, nineteen hundred fifty-six.
Approved: June 22, 1957.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation