An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines During the Period from July First, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Seven to June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Eight, and for Other Purposes
General Appropriations Act of 1957–1958
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled:
Section 1. Appropriation of Funds. -The following sums or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated out of any funds in the Philippine Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines during the period from July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, except where otherwise specifically provided:
[For the sake of brevity, the itemization under this Section of the funds appropriated for the operation of the Government had been deleted. Please refer to the unabridged version of the pertinent General Appropriations Act for the details.]
General Provisions
Section 2. Authority to pay salaries not in conformity with the prescribed grades or rates of compensation. -Payment to incumbent employees of salaries the rates of which are not in conformity with the schedule of grades or rates of compensation provided in section three of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two, as amended is hereby authorized: Provided, That new appointments, whether original or promotional, to positions not carrying the salary rates prescribed in Commonwealth Act Numbered Four hundred and two, as amended, shall be made only at the rates authorized in the said Act.
Section 3. Personnel in the classified Civil Service not to be affected by the adoption of the Performance Budget. -The adoption of the budgetary system based on functions, activities and projects in terms of expected results shall neither result in any manner in the laying off of personnel in the classified Civil Service except for cause as provided by law nor in the reduction of actual salaries of incumbents or demotion in rank or change of status.
Section 4. Appendix covering Plantillas of Personnel.— The appendix containing the plantillas of personnel in the different bureaus and offices whose budgets are presented pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 992, is hereby made part of this Act.
Section 5. Authority to use savings in appropriations to cover deficits. -Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any savings in the regular appropriations authorized in this Act for the Executive Departments for "personal services," for "maintenance and other operating expenses," and for "furniture and equipment" of the bureaus and offices under any Department may, with the approval of the President, be used to cover a deficit in any other item of the regular appropriations except for personal services, under the same Department: Provided, That whenever authorized positions are transferred from one program to another, the corresponding amounts appropriated for personal services are also deemed transferred, without increasing the total outlay for personal services of the office concerned. In no case, however, shall any item of appropriations be augmented, pursuant to the authority granted in this section, by more than forty per centum of the original appropriation provided in this Act for such item.
Section 6. Quarterly report to Congress on transfers of appropriations and accomplishments of bureaus and offices. -The Auditor General and the Commissioner of the Budget shall submit separately to the Congress a quarterly report of any transfer of appropriation made to cover a deficit, the report to specify the items and the amounts involved and shall furnish copies to each member of Congress in his office.1avvphi1 The heads of bureaus or offices whose appropriations are based on the Performance Budget shall likewise submit separately to the Congress a quarterly report of their accomplishments.
Section 7. Authority to use savings for other purposes. -The President of the Philippines is authorized to use any savings in the appropriations provided in this Act for the Executive Departments for the settlement of the following obligations incurred during the current fiscal year and/or previous fiscal years, the limitation in section 7-I(27) of Commonwealth Act Numbered Two hundred forty-six, as amended, notwithstanding: (1) claims under section 699 of the Revised Administrative Code and the Workmen’s Compensation Act, whichever is applicable, of officers, employees and laborers who died or were injured in line of duty; (2) commutation of the money value of the additional leave, extended leave and accrued leave earned by American and deceased Filipino officers and employees, or by Filipino officers and employees separated from the service except for cause, for service rendered prior to November twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and thirty-six; (3) purchase of furniture and equipment to replace those that may be lost through accident, fire or other calamity, or may have been damaged through the same cause, the disposal of which is deemed reasonable and necessary, it would be more expensive to have them repaired, and purchase, with the approval of the President, of furniture and equipment to replace unserviceable ones condemned by the Auditor General; (4) payment of salaries of suspended employees who have subsequently been exonerated; (5) payment of the share of the National Government in the salaries of national officials in newly created cities and provinces where no appropriation has been provided therefor; (6) three per cent contribution of the Government to the Government Service Insurance System for the employees’ insurance premiums corresponding to the period from December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and forty-one to February twenty-eight, nineteen hundred and forty-five, pursuant to section four of Republic Act Numbered One hundred thirty-two, the provisions of section 7(c) of Commonwealth Act Numbered One hundred eighty-six, as amended, to the contrary notwithstanding; (7) commutation of vacation and sick leave of employees who may be retired under existing laws; (8) additional compensation to government nurses assigned to the public health nursing at ₱50 a month in lieu of quarters, subsistence and laundry allowances as provided under section three of Republic Act Numbered Six hundred forty-nine; (9) purchase or rental of accounting machines to carry out the plan of mechanizing the accounting system of the Government; (10) obligation of the National Government under the provisions of subsection (a) of section 2553 of the Revised Administrative Case; (11) cash commutation of the accumulated vacation and sick leave of employees who voluntarily resign or are separated from the service thru no fault of their own, in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act Numbered Six hundred eleven, as amended by Republic Act Numbered One thousand eighty-one; (12) printing of briefs in cases appealed by the Government; (13) improvement of food rations in government hospitals and leprosaria; (14) rural improvement; (15) payment of premiums for the insurance of government properties; (16) payment of gratuities of employees who are laid off as a result of the elimination of their positions in this Act and the government reorganization under Republic Act No. 997, as amended, at a rate equivalent to one month salary for every year of continuous satisfactory service rendered but not exceeding twelve months, on the basis of the last salary received; (17) unpaid claims for commutation of maternity leave of absence due women employees under the provisions of Rep. Act No. 1564; (18) opening of additional primary classes; (19) adjustment of salaries of national officials and employees resulting from the reclassification of provinces and municipalities; (20) adjustment of salaries of nurses and physicians of the Department of Health, pursuant to the provisions of duly registered and recognized pre-war obligations of the different offices of the government in favor of private individuals and/or entities.
Section 8. Suspension of expenditures of appropriations. -Except as otherwise provided in this Act and whenever in his judgment the public interest so requires, the President is authorized to suspend or otherwise stop the expenditure of any amount herein appropriated in any item or items for the Executive Departments for any purpose, except amounts for salaries of positions with incumbents, and thereupon the funds affected by such action shall become available for any other expenditures authorized in this Act for the Executive Departments as the President may determine, except for personal services; Provided, That whenever authorized positions are transferred from one program to another, the corresponding amounts appropriated for personal services are also deemed transferred without increasing the total outlay for personal services of the office concerned. In no case, however, shall any item of appropriation be augmented, pursuant to the authority granted in this section, by more than forty per centum of the original appropriation provided in this Act for such item. The Auditor General and the Commissioner of the Budget shall report separately to the Congress within a period of thirty days any suspension or transfer of funds made by the President during the previous quarter and shall furnish copies to each member of Congress in his office.
Section 9. Failure on the part of the Auditor General and the Commissioner of the Budget to make report. -Failure on the part of the Auditor General and the Commissioner of the Budget to make the report herein required under section 8 of this Act within the period specified therein shall automatically cause the suspension of the payment of their salaries until they shall have complied therewith.
Section 10. Provision for "excess of actual salary." -Appropriations provided in this Act may be used for payment of excess of actual salaries to the incumbent of a position to which said "excess" pertains who is actually receiving the same "excess" as part of the salary granted to him upon his appointment to the said position before the reduction of the basic pay thereof to the amount provided: Provided, HOWEVER, That if the position be vacated and the successor to its previous incumbent shall have previously received an equal salary plus the "excess of actual salary" in the same or any other branch of the government service, such excess shall be allowable to him.
Section 11. Purchase of locally manufactured furniture, equipments, parts, accessories, supplies and materials. -All appropriations for the purchase of furniture, equipment, supplies and materials authorized in this Act shall be available only for locally manufactured furniture, equipment, parts, accessories, supplies and materials, except when none is available in the market, or when the prices of the locally manufactured article exceed those determined by the Flag Law by ten per cent.
Section 12. Renting of automobiles, jitneys or trucks for a continuous period exceeding fifteen days prohibited. -No appropriation provided in this Act for the Executive Departments shall be used for renting automobiles, jitneys or trucks on the monthly basis nor on the daily basis for a continuous period exceeding fifteen days.
Section 13. Authority to purchase motor vehicles. -No appropriation authorized in this Act shall be used for the purchase of automobiles, jitneys, jeeps, station wagons, motorcycles and other motor vehicles unless otherwise specifically provided in this Act.
Section 14. Officials entitled to government motor transportation. -The following officials are entitled to use government motor transportation chargeable against the appropriations authorized in this Act.
(1) The President of the Philippines,
(2) The Vice-President of the Philippines,
(3) The President of the Senate,
(4) The Speaker of the House of Representatives,
(5) The President Pro-Tempore of the Senate,
(6) The Majority Floor Leader of the Senate,
(7) The Chairman, Committee on Finance of the Senate,
(8) The Chairman, Committee on Accounts of the Senate,
(9) The Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate,
(10) The Chairman, Committee on Public Works of the Senate,
(11) The Minority Floor Leader of the Senate,
(12) The Secretary of the Senate,
(13) The Speaker Pro-Tempore of the House of Representatives,
(14) The Majority Floor Leader of the House of Representatives,
(15) The Chairman, Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives,
(16) The Chairman, Committee on Accounts of the House of Representatives,
(17) The Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives,
(18) The Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives,
(19) The Chairman, Committee on Public Works of the House of Representatives,
(20) The Minority Floor Leader of the House of Representatives,
(21) The Secretary of the House of Representatives,
(22) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,
(23) The Presiding Judge of the Court of Appeals,
(24) The Auditor General,
(25) The Ambassadors, Ministers Plenipotentiary and Consuls in charge of consulates while in their respective stations abroad, and
(26) The Chief of Staff and the Vice-Chief of Staff and the Commanding Officers of the other Major Services and the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Section 15. Officials entitled to transportation allowance. -The Department Heads, including the Administrator of Economic Coordination, the Commissioner of the Budget, the Press Secretary, the Chairman of the Presidential Complaints and Action Committee, the Technical Assistant on Local Governments and Civil Affairs, the Chairman, National Economic Council, the Chairman of the Commission on Elections, the Social Welfare Administrator and the Chairman of the House Electoral Tribunal are hereby granted a commutable transportation allowance of two hundred fifty pesos each per month; the Undersecretaries of Departments and officials with the same rank, the Executive Judge of the Court of Agrarian Relations, the Legislative Secretary, the Legislative Liaison Officer, the Presiding Judge of the Court of Industrial Relations, the Presiding Judge of the Court of Tax Appeals, the Commissioner, Land Registration Commission, the Public Service Commissioner, the Presiding Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, the Chairman of Land Tenure Administration, the Judicial Superintendent and the Chief Prosecuting Attorney, Office of the Secretary of Justice, the Commissioner of Immigration, the Administrator of the Social Security Commission, the Director of Labor Standards, as ex-officio Chairman of the Labor Standards Commission, the Director of Workmen’s Compensation, as ex-officio Chairman of the Workmen’s Compensation Commission, and the Technical Assistant (Chairman), Agricultural Tenancy Commission, two hundred pesos each per month, and the following officials, directors or chiefs of bureaus and offices, and the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Representatives, one hundred pesos each per month, chargeable against the appropriations authorized in this Act for their respective offices:
(1) The Director of Printing,
(2) The Director, National Media Production Center,
(3) The Chairman, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF),
(4) The Commissioner of Civil Service,
(5) The Civil Defense Administrator,
(6) The Commissioner of Customs,
(7) The Collector of Internal Revenue
(8) The Treasurer of the Philippines,
(9) The Purchasing Agent, Bureau of Supply,
(10) The Insurance Commissioner,
(11) The two Associate Commissioners, Public Service Commission,
(12) The Members, Land Tenure Administration,
(13) The two Associate Judges, Court of Tax Appeals,
(14) The Director, National Bureau of Investigation,
(15) The Director of Prisons,
(16) The Chairman, Code Commission,
(17) The Director of Plant Industry,
(18) The Director of Animal Industry,
(19) The Director of Forestry,
(20) The Director of Lands,
(21) The Director of Mines,
(22) The Director of Fisheries;
(23) The Director of Soil Conservation,
(24) The Director of Agricultural Extension,
(25) The Director of Parks and Wildlife,
(26) The Chief, Fiber Inspection Service,
(27) The Director of Public Works,
(28) The Director of Posts,
(29) The Director of Telecommunications,
(30) The Chief, Motor Vehicles Office,
(31) The Commissioner of Public Highways,
(32) The Director of Public Schools,
(33) The Director of Public Libraries,
(34) The Director, Institute of National Language,
(35) The Director of National Museum,
(36) The Director of Private Schools,
(37) The Director of Labor Relations,
(38) The two Associate Commissioners, Workmen’s Compensation Commission,
(39) The two Associate Commissioners, Labor Standards Commission,
(40) The Director of Coast and Geodetic Survey,
(41) The Chairman, Philippine Veterans Board,
(42) The Chairman, Board on Pensions for Veterans,
(43) The Director, Veterans Memorial Hospital,
(44) The Chief of Special Claims Office,
(45) The Director of Quarantine,
(46) The Director of Hospitals,
(47) The Director of Health,
(48) The Director of Public Health Research Laboratories,
(49) The Director of Nutrition,
(50) The Director of Commerce,
(51) The Administrator, Sugar Quota Administration,
(52) The Director, Philippine Patent Office,
(53) The Commissioner, Securities and Exchange Commission,
(54) The Administrator, Civil Aeronautics Administration,
(55) The Director, Weather Bureau,
(56) The Director of the Census and Statistics,
(57) The Administrator, Cooperative Administration Office,
(58) The Administrator, No-Dollar Import Office,
(59) The Director, Institute of Science and Technology,
(60) The Director, Philippine General Hospital,
(61) The Counselors in the Department of Foreign Affairs,
(62) The Chief, Irrigation Service Unit,
(63) The Assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and
(64) The Clerk of Court of the House Electoral Tribunal.
Section 16. Bureaus and offices entitled to use, operate and maintain government motor vehicles and launches. -No bureau or office shall use, operate or maintain from the appropriations authorized in this Act government service cars, jeeps, station wagons, vans, service trucks, pickup trucks, launches, speedboats, motorcycles, etc., except the following:
(1) The House of Representatives, for general service purposes;
(2) The Senate, for general service purposes;
(3) Malacañang, for general service purposes;
(4) The National Intelligence Coordinating Agency, in the coordination of the national intelligence activities and in carrying out its functions in the interest of national security;
(5) The Civil Defense Administration, for general service purposes in connection with the establishment and administration of the national civil defense program;
(6) The Radio Station DZFM, for covering special events for delayed broadcasts, servicing of sponsored programs, contacting artists, fetching "sign on" personnel and conducting home those, "signing off";
(7) The National Media Production Center, for delivery of different media of mass communications, such as press releases, handbills, pamphlets, posters, motion pictures, film-strips, etc., and for motion picture and photoessay coverage of different projects of the government;
(8) The UNICEF Programmes of the Philippines for use in connection with the supervision and inspection of feeding agencies in the cities and rural areas;
(9) The Social Welfare Administration, for ministering relief, during military actions against dissidents, to evacuees, the injured and incapacitated and to the victims of typhoons, earthquakes, fires, floods, tidal waves and volcanic eruptions; and for conducting the inmates of Welfareville to and from the Courts, hospitals and other offices, procuring materials and food supplies for their subsistence, and delivering food to the various units within the Welfareville compound, including collection and disposal of garbage;
(10) The Budget Commission, for gathering from the various government offices and instrumentalities of such data and information as are essentially material or pertinent to the exercise of authority over budget operations and control, for the performance of duties connected with the preparation of the National Budget, and for wage and position classification survey;
(11) The Department of Foreign Affairs, for carrying out protocol duties, including those connected with the arrival or visit in the Philippines of high dignitaries and officials or accredited representatives of foreign governments, and for general service purposes particularly in relation to the delivery of diplomatic pouches to and from points of embarkation or shipment;
(12) The Bureau of Customs, for use as the Collector of Customs may recommend and the Commissioner of Customs may approve;
(13) The Bureau of Internal Revenue, including its Regional Offices, for strict enforcement of the internal revenue laws and regulations and detection of violations thereof;
(14) The Bureau of the Treasury, for transportation of cash from the Central Bank of the Philippines to the Bureau of the Treasury, and vice versa;
(15) The Office of the Insurance Commissioner, for examination of the financial condition and methods of doing business of insurance companies, and for the inspection of buildings in the different blocks of Manila and its neighboring cities and municipalities and other risks in connection with the supervision of said office over the fixing of premium rates on non-life insurance;
(16) The National Bureau of Investigation, for detection and investigation of crimes and criminals and other law violations;
(17) The Bureau of Immigration, for the enforcement of immigration laws;
(18) The Court of Tax Appeals, for transportation of its personnel whenever the Court hold its hearing outside of the City of Manila pursuant to Section 6 of Republic Act No. 1125;
(19) The Land Tenure Administration and the Court of Agrarian Relations, for transportation of their personnel whenever they go out to hear cases or take evidence in places other than their headquarters, or make settlement pursuant to the decisions of the court;
(20) The Bureau of Prisons, for conducting prisoners to and from the Bureau of Prisons inspection of prison institutions and stations, procuring food supplies and materials, and delivering products and/or manufacturers of the Prison Industries in Muntinlupa and in the penal colonies;
(21) The Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, for conducting to and from the court, dependent or neglected children or juvenile delinquents committed to the care of persons or institutions and for inspection and supervision thereof;
(22) The Office of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, for gathering agricultural statistics for researches and analysis in agriculture, for distribution of agricultural information materials for guidance of farmers in improving their farming methods, and for conducting inspection trips to coordinate agricultural programs;
(23) The Agricultural Tenancy Commission, for the administration and implementation of Rep. Act 1199, particularly mediation and legal aid activities, distribution of information materials conducting rallies, researches, and farm management investigations in the different regions of the country;
(24) The Bureau of Plant Industry, for the control of abaca mosaic and other plant pests and diseases, and for supervision of agricultural experiment stations and seed farms;
(25) The Bureau of Animal Industry, for the distribution of animal products and transportation of animals and feeds, including insemination work;
(26) The Bureau of Forestry, for forest protection, reforestation, land classification, research and general administration including transportation of cinchona barks, equipment, and supplies and materials;
(27) The Bureau of Lands, for the survey and subdivision of public agricultural lands and land management;
(28) The Bureau of Mines, for the transportation of mineral samples to and from the office for the geological, mineralogical and mineral land survey parties operating in the different parts of the Philippines;
(29) The Bureau of Fisheries, for the collection of marine specimens, inspection of experimental fish farms and distribution of seedlings;
(30) The Bureau of Soil Conservation for carrying out soil survey and conservation work in the different regions of the country;
(31) The Bureau of Agricultural Extension, for carrying out its extension work and diffusing among the people, particularly those in rural areas, useful and practical information on agriculture, soil conservation, livestock, fisheries, forest conservation, public lands and natural resources laws, home economics and rural life by means of field demonstrations, lecturers, conferences, publications and other means of disseminating information;
(32) The Parks and Wildlife Office, for the supervision of parks and recreational centers, and enforcement of regulations to conserve wildlife, game, fish, etc.;
(33) The Fiber Inspection Service, for carrying out its work of inspection and supervision of fiber grading-baling establishments, fiber improvement and demonstration work;
(34) The Department of Public Works and Communications, for gathering from its bureaus, offices and agencies, including those of other government offices and instrumentalities, of such data and information as are essentially material or pertinent to the formulation of long range public works programs and in evaluation and checking of accomplishments and expenditures against duly approved programs of work;
(35) The Bureau of Public Works, for undertaking the construction of public works projects, inspection and supervision thereof, and for the procurement of construction supplies and materials;
(36) The Bureau of Public Highways, for carrying out its functions of construction and maintenance of roads and bridges and those activities connected therewith, inspection and supervision of highway and bridge construction and maintenance projects, and for the procurement of construction supplies and materials;
(37) The Bureau of Posts, for the transportation of strictly mail matters;
(38) The Bureau of Telecommunications, for the construction, repair, transfer and maintenance of telegraph, telephone and radio stations and circuits and the delivery of telegrams and radiograms;
(39) The Motor Vehicles Office, for the enforcement of the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Law and for general service purposes;
(40) The Office of the Secretary of Education, for the inspection of public and private schools, public libraries, investigation of cases which require immediate attention, and performance of its supervisory functions;
(41) Trade and industrial, agricultural, rural and farm schools and other vocational schools, for instructional purposes requiring the use, demonstration and/or operation of motor or other powered vehicles and for transporting and marketing their finished products for public consumption;
(42) The Bureau of Private Schools, for the inspection of private schools that are out-of-the-way places, and for undertaking rush investigation of complaints from various sources;
(43) The Department of Labor, for the use of field personnel in the enforcement of labor laws throughout the Philippines and for the use of its headquarters entities in making field inspections, special investigations and economic surveys necessary for the administration of labor laws;
(44) The Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, for carrying out field reconnaissance, triangulations, precise leveling and magnetic and gravity measurements, ship servicing, canvass, procurement and delivery of supplies, and delivery or receipt of official publications documents and shipments;
(45) The Armed Forces of the Philippines, when on military operations or on active duty in the restoration and maintenance of peace and order;
(46) The Department of Health, for the use of the Division of Tuberculosis in BCG Vaccination and Traveling X-ray Examination Units, the Division of Health Education and Information in exhibiting health films and dissemination of health information in rural areas, the Public Health Research Laboratories in connection with health research including the distribution of vaccines, sera and other biological preparations;
(47) The Bureau of Hospitals and government hospitals, for ambulance service and procuring food supplies and materials for the subsistence of patients and personnel entitled thereto;
(48) The Bureau of Health, for health, sanitation and prevention and control of epidemics;
(49) The Bureau of Quarantine, whenever used by quarantine officers exclusively for quarantine work;
(50) The Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Industry, for the promotion of retail trade;
(51) The Civil Aeronautics Administration, for the operation and maintenance of its landing fields including supervision and reconstruction or repair of signaling equipment located thereat;
(52) The Weather Bureau, for the maintenance, operation and inspection of its meteorological stations, including the Manila International Airport Forecasting Center and the Diliman Geophysical and Astronomical Station, and delivery of supplies thereto;
(53) The Office of Economic Coordination, for use in inspecting projects being undertaken by government corporations, including private industrial establishments applying for tax exemption under Republic Act Numbered Thirty-five, and in gathering and transmitting data and information necessary for the efficient supervision and coordination of the activities of the said corporations;
(54) The Institute of Science and Technology, for visit and inspection of factories, for the collection of forest, plant, animal and marine by-products and agricultural wastes for use in research and laboratory investigations, including survey of sources of raw materials in different regions;
(55) The General Auditing Office, for the inspection of the delivery of equipment and supplies and materials to the various bureaus and offices of the Government, as well as to sites of public works construction, and for surprise examinations of disbursing officers;
(56) The Commission on Volcanology, for inspecting and observing volcanoes and warning people in danger areas; and
(57) The National Economic Council, including the Office of the Chairman, Office of National Planning, Office of Foreign Aid Coordination, and Office of Statistical Coordination and Standards, for use in the follow up and execution of certain phases of the national program of economic and social development and the gathering of data and information for studies and research work being undertaken for the formulation of economic policies, including tariff structure and international commercial relations; for use in inspecting projects being undertaken by the Government jointly with the International Cooperation Administration and in gathering and transmitting data necessary for the efficient supervision and coordination of the activities of projects; for use in conducting surveys of statistical services of the Government with a view to reviewing, appraising and allotting activities among the statistical agencies; and for use by the ranking officials of the NEC in attending conferences, and for gathering and compiling of data for the preparation of the agenda of the Council meetings and the distribution of notices of meetings to the different council members.
Section 17. Authority to pay representation allowance out of savings. -Heads of Departments and other members of the Cabinet and the Auditor General are hereby granted representation allowance at the rate of not exceeding two hundred pesos per month commutable monthly; and the Undersecretaries of Departments and officials with the same rank including the Judicial Superintendent of the Department of Justice at the rate of not exceeding one hundred pesos per month also commutable monthly: Provided, That the said allowance shall be paid out of the savings in the appropriations provided in this Act for the respective departments and offices of the officials concerned.
Section 18. Proper use of government motor vehicles. -The use of government motor vehicles by bureaus and offices for the purpose enumerated in section sixteen hereof shall be authorized only through the issuance for each trip of a serially numbered ticket, duly signed by the chief or the administrative officer of the bureau or office concerned. These motor vehicles shall be used strictly for official business, bear government plates only and after office hours kept in the garage provided therefor by the bureau or office to which they belong, except when in use for strictly official business outside office hours.
Section 19. Use of more than one motor vehicle prohibited. -With the exception of the President, no government official or employee authorized to use any vehicle operated and maintained from the funds appropriated in this Act shall be allowed to use more than one such motor vehicle: Provided, However, That the Vice-President, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives may be allowed to use two motor vehicles each: Provided, further, That no official who has been furnished motor transportation by any government corporation shall be allowed to use motor vehicle transportation operated and maintained from funds appropriated in this Act. The Auditor General is hereby empowered to issue rules and regulations for the proper implementation and enforcement of the provisions of this section and sections 15, 16 and 18.
Section 20. Disposition of motor vehicles not used by a bureau or office. -All motor vehicles owned by or assigned to the different department, bureaus, offices and branches of the National Government not needed by the officials and for the purposes enumerated in sections fourteen and sixteen of this Act shall be disposed of to the highest bidder at public auction sales announced in newspapers of general circulation at least ten days before the sale: Provided, That the former user thereof shall be given preference if he offers and pays a price equal to that of the highest bid by others.
Section 21. Prohibition against the use of appropriation for the payment of salaries and wages of officers or employees engaged in a strike against the Government. -Subject to existing civil service rules and regulations and the proper administrative proceedings, no part of the funds of, or available for expenditures by, any agency included in this Act shall be used to pay the salary or wages of any officer or employee who engages in a strike against the Government of the Republic of the Philippines or who is a member of an organization of government employees that in the opinion of the Secretary of Justice asserts the right to strike against the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, or who in the opinion of said Secretary of Justice advocates, or is a member of an organization that advocates, the overthrow of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines by force or violence: Provided, That for the purposes hereof an affidavit shall be considered sufficient evidence that the person making the affidavit has not, contrary to the provisions of this section, engaged in a strike against the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, is not a member of any organization of government employees that asserts the right to strike against the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, or that such person does not advocate, and is not a member of an organization that advocates, the overthrow of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines by force or violence.
Section 22. Per diems outside of the Philippines. -No per diems in excess of fifty pesos shall be paid to any official or employee traveling outside of the Philippines.
Section 23. No transfer of salary savings to the Government Service Insurance System. -The provisions of Republic Act No. 660 to the contrary notwithstanding, no savings from personal services under the general fund and the special, revolving, trust, depository and other funds shall be transferred to the Government Service Insurance System.
Section 24. Reinsurance of government buildings to be equitably distributed among private insurance companies in the Philippines. -In all cases where appropriations are provided in this Act for payment of premiums covering the insurance of government buildings with the Property Insurance Fund, reinsurance shall be equitably distributed among private insurance companies doing business in the Philippines at least sixty per cent of the capital stock of which are owned by citizens of the Philippines on uniform terms, conditions and rates of premiums.
Section 25. Prohibition against the transfer of appropriations of the Department of National Defense. -The provisions of section eight of this Act to the contrary notwithstanding, no amount appropriated for the Department of National Defense shall be transferred to any other Executive Department.
Section 26. Authority to harmonize the appropriation structure with new terminology of classification of accounts. -The Commissioner of the Budget is hereby authorized to harmonize the appropriation structure with the new terminology of classification of accounts that may be prescribed by law or regulations: Provided, That such reclassification shall not increase or decrease the aggregate sum appropriated in this Act for the various objects affected under each Department, bureau, or office.
Section 27. The Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives authorized to look into all matters relating to public expenditures. -The Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives are hereby authorized to look at any time into all matters relating to funds for the expenditures of the National Government and for the payment of public indebtedness; auditing of accounts and expenditures of the National Government including government owned or controlled Corporations; claims against the Government; and in general all matters relating to public expenditures. The authority herein granted shall be without prejudice to the right of any member of the Congress to request the Committee on Finance of the Senate or the Committee on Appropriations of the House as the case may be to look at any time into matters referred to in this section either as member of the aforementioned committees or as a member of the Congress.
Section 28. Expenditure and disbursement of special funds. -No expenditure shall be incurred, nor any disbursement made, out of the appropriations authorized in this Act from special, revolving and trust funds and from receipts automatically appropriated which will exceed at any one time either the fund itself or the cash in the National Treasury pertaining to such fund, except when, in the opinion of the President, such expenditure or disbursement is required by the exigency of the service, and sufficient income or receipts are expected to accrue to such funds to cover said expenditures or disbursement, in which case the necessary amount may be advanced from the general fund.
Section 29. Appropriations chargeable against the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Fund. -The appropriations provided in this Act for carrying out the activities heretofore financed from the receipts of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Fund shall continue to be charged against the said Fund, and the Board of Directors of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes shall allot the amounts thereof in the distribution of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Fund.
Section 30. Immediate payment of accounts. -In order to insure the immediate collection of income due any bureau or office for services rendered or sale of any commodity or article produced or manufactured by the same, no such service shall be rendered or sale made except on the cash basis. Any official or employee who allows such service to be rendered or sale to be made on account shall be held personally liable therefore and such act shall be considered sufficient ground for his removal from office: Provided, That the provisions of this section shall apply only to transactions of the Government with private parties: AND Provided, further, That government-owned or controlled corporations, and officials and employees of the Government holding regular positions shall not be considered as private parties.
Section 31. Remittance of premiums for life and retirement insurance with the Government Service and Insurance System. -The provisions of Republic Act Numbered Six hundred sixty, as amended, to the contrary, notwithstanding, the premiums, for life and retirement insurance of the employees of the National Government and its instrumentalities shall be remitted monthly to the Government Service Insurance System as they are due and collected.
Section 32. Authority to change designations of positions and assignments of personnel. -The heads or chiefs of bureaus and offices are hereby authorized to change the designations of positions and to make changes in the assignments of personnel as the exigencies of the service may require: Provided, However, That such changes shall not affect the tenure of office of incumbents of positions, shall not constitute a demotion, either in rank or salary, nor result in a change of status, and shall in all cases be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Civil Service.
Section 33. Maximum Number of Permanent Positions in a Bureau or Office. -Except as otherwise provided by law the maximum number of permanent positions in a bureau or office shall not exceed the number of permanent positions included in the schedules for the said bureau or office in the budget document.
Section 34. Adjustment of Appropriations for Reorganized Agencies and Salaries of Personnel Thereof.— The appropriations herein provided for agencies to be reorganized in accordance with the approved reorganization plans are deemed appropriated for the agencies as reorganized in case the Reorganization Implementation Reports are approved and promulgated by the President. The Commissioner of the Budget is hereby authorized to make necessary adjustments in the appropriations to carry out the foregoing provisions of this section. Furthermore, the department head concerned, with the approval of the Commissioner of the Budget, is hereby authorized to make necessary salary adjustments resulting from final selection of personnel to fill the positions in the staffing patterns of reorganized agencies in order that no incumbent receives a reduction in salary to make necessary salary adjustments resulting from new appointments promotions or salary increases made in the interim, and to make necessary salary adjustments resulting from changes in the staffing patterns authorized by the Commissioner of the Budget to correct mistakes, discriminations or injustices that may, in his opinion, have been committed in the preparation thereof.
No provision of this act shall be construed as repealing or modifying in any way the approved reorganization plans under Republic Act No. 997, as amended.
Section 35. Limitation of Special Details of Officials and Employees. -Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Act, no portion of any appropriation provided in this Act shall be made available for the payment of salaries of officials or employees who are not actually performing the duties and functions pertaining to their positions and assigned to the place of employment as specified in this Act: Provided, That this shall not apply to special assignments for a period not exceeding one hundred eighty days which shall not be renewed or extended. Any official who shall allow the payment of salaries to officials or employees who are not in their designated place of employment and performing their assigned tasks shall be required to refund to the Government such sums as may have been paid to such officials or employees.
Section 36. Effective date. -This Act shall Take effect on July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, except where otherwise provided.
Approved: June 22, 1957.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation