Republic Act No. 1613 August 24, 1956
An Act Appropriating Funds for Public Works
Republic Act No. 1612 August 24, 1956
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Title V of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1611 August 23, 1956
An Act to Convert the Philippine Mission in Tokyo, Japan, into the Philippine Embassy, Providing Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 1610 August 23, 1956
An Act Granting the Negros Electric Power Corporation a Franchise to Develop, Construct, Maintain and Operate a Hydroelectric Power Plant in Bago River, Province of Negros Occidental
Republic Act No. 1609 August 23, 1956
An Act to Encourage Agricultural Production by Making Fertilizers Available to Farmers at Reasonable Prices
Republic Act No. 1608 August 23, 1956
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Title IV of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1607 August 23, 1956
An Act Declaring Intramuros a Commercial, Residential and Educational District, Repealing for that Purpose Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred Seventy-One and Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Ninety-Seven
Republic Act No. 1606 August 23, 1956
An Act to Promote Scientific, Engineering and Technological Research, Invention and Development
Republic Act No. 1605 August 23, 1956
An Act to Increase the Number of Justices of the Court of Appeals and for Other Purposes, Amending for This Purpose Republic Act Numbered Two Hundred and Ninety-Six, as Amended, Otherwise Known as “The Judiciary Act of Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Eight”
Republic Act No. 1604 August 23, 1956
An Act Authorizing Philippine Membership in the Proposed International Finance Corporation and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 1603 August 23, 1956
An Act to Amend Section Four, Article Three, Chapter One, Section Five, Article One, Chapter Two, and Sections Twelve and Fourteen, Article Three, Chapter Two, of Act Numbered Thirty-Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two, Otherwise Known as the Motor Vehicle Law, as Amended
Republic Act No. 1602 August 23, 1956
An Act to Provide for the Allocation, Reallocation and Administration of Quotas for Cordage, Buttons of Pearl or Shell, Cigars, Scrap and Filler Tobacco and Coconut Oil, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1601 August 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Republic Act Numbered Thirteen Hundred Forty-Five, Entitled “An Act Creating the National Marketing Corporation and Dissolving the Price Stabilization Corporation, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1600 July 11, 1956
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines During the Period from July First, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Six to June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Seven, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1599 June 17, 1956
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered One Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Two
Republic Act No. 1598 June 17, 1956
An Act Granting the Philippine National Exposition, Inc. a Franchise to Hold, Conduct and Operate National Expositions and Carnivals in the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 1597 June 16, 1956
An Act Providing for the Subdivision of the Tondo Foreshore Land into Lots and the Sale of Said Lots to Their Lessees or to Bona Fide Occupants of Said Land, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1596 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Four Hundred One, so as to Extend the Period Within Which Voluntary Payment Without Interests of Pre-War Obligations May be Made as Well as the Period Within Which Interests Paid Shall be Applied in Payment of the Principal Obligation
Republic Act No. 1595 June 16, 1956
An Act Converting the Lambunao High School in the Municipality of Lambunao, Province of Iloilo, into a Regional Vocational High School to be Known as the Iloilo Vocational High School, and Authorizing the Appropriations Therefor
Republic Act No. 1594 June 16, 1956
An Act Appropriating as Additional Appropriation for the Construction of the Pototan Public Library and Boy Scout Building in the Municipality of Pototan, Province of Iloilo, the Unexpended Balance of the Appropriation for the Construction of the Pototan Municipal Building Under Republic Act Numbered Twelve Hundred
Republic Act No. 1593 June 16, 1956
An Act Creating Municipality of Dumalinao in the Province of Zamboanga del Sur
Republic Act No. 1592 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend an Item in Republic Act Numbered Twelve Hundred Pertaining to the Province of Capiz
Republic Act No. 1591 June 16, 1956
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Four Hundred Thousand Pesos Annually for Two Years as Additional Fund to Carry Out the Purposes of Republic Act Numbered Ten Hundred Eighty-Two
Republic Act No. 1590 June 16, 1956
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos as Aid to the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation for the Expenses it Will Incur in the Olympics of Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Six Which Will be Held in Melbourne, Australia
Republic Act No. 1589 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting the Binalbagan-Isabela Sugar Company, Inc. a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 1588 June 16, 1956
An Act Condoning the Liquidated Damages in the Amount of Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Pesos Imposed on Engineer-Contractor Andres Bolinas, Jr., of DARaga, Albay, Due to His Failure to Finish Within the Contract Period the Construction of the Legaspi Slaughterhouse
Republic Act No. 1587 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting Florendo P. Aquino a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Radio Broadcasting Station in the City of Baguio
Republic Act No. 1586 June 16, 1956
An Act to Convert the Leodegario Victorino High School in the Municipality of Marikina, Province of Rizal, into an Industrial School of Arts and Trades to be Known as the Marikina School of Arts and Trades, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 1585 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting the Philippine Steam Navigation Company a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point and Land Based Radio Stations and Land Mobile Service for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 1584 June 16, 1956
An Act Creating the Municipal District of Wao in the Province of Lanao
Republic Act No. 1583 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Section Three of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred Sixty-Seven
Republic Act No. 1582 June 16, 1956
An Act to Repeal and Replace Section Twenty-Four of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Forty-Four, Entitled “An Act to Regulate the Practice of Civil Engineering in the Philippines”
Republic Act No. 1581 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Section Thirty-Four of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Forty-Five, Entitled “An Act to Regulate the Practice of Architecture in the Philippines”
Republic Act No. 1580 June 16, 1956
An Act Converting the Nueva Vizcaya Rural High School in the Municipality of Bayombong, Province of Nueva Vizcaya, to a National Agricultural School to be Known as the Nueva Vizcaya National Agricultural School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 1579 June 16, 1956
An Act to Convert the Negros Oriental Trade School in the City of Dumaguete into a Regional School of Arts and Trades, to be Known as East Visayan School of Arts and Trades and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 1578 June 16, 1956
An Act Consolidating the Activities Now Carried Out Under Act Numbered Two Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty-Eight, as Amended, Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred Eighteen and Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred Ninety-Nine, and the Fees Collected Thereunder into One Special Reimbursable Fund to be Known as the “Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund”, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1577 June 16, 1956
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Sixty-Three Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-Two Pesos to Enable the Government of the Philippines to Meet its Commitments with the South East Asia Treaty Organization
Republic Act No. 1576 June 16, 1956
An Act to Add New Section to be Known as Section Nine-A to Republic Act Numbered One Thousand and Three Hundred, Entitled “An Act Revising the Charter of the Philippine National Bank”
Republic Act No. 1575 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend and Repeal Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Thirty-Seven, Otherwise Known as the Revised Charter of Quezon City
Republic Act No. 1574 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Item One, Paragraph Thirty-Two, for the Province of Mindoro Oriental, Subsection “f” Section Two of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1573 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred Eighty-Six as Amended by Republic Acts Numbered Six Hundred Sixty, Seven Hundred Twenty-Eight and Eleven Hundred Twenty-Three
Republic Act No. 1572 June 16, 1956
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos as Additional Fund to Pay Back Compensation of Craftsmen and Apprentices Working in the Technical Divisions in the Bureau of Printing Who are Entitled to Such Benefit Under Section One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Seven of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 1571 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Four Hundred Nine, Otherwise Known as the Revised Charter of the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 1570 June 16, 1956
An Act Providing for the Retirement of the Present Secretary of the House of Representatives
Republic Act No. 1569 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Section One of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Ninety-Seven, Entitled “An Act to Declare Fort Santiago a National Shrine and to Provide for the Preservation of Historical Monuments in the Walled City of Manila.” and to Authorize the Sale of the Former Site of the Ayuntamiento to the Central Bank of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 1568 June 16, 1956
An Act to Provide Life Pension to the Auditor General and the Chairman or Any Member of the Commission on Elections
Republic Act No. 1567 June 16, 1956
An Act Converting the Lanao Provincial High School Located in the City of Dansalan, into a National School of Arts and Trades to be Known as the Lanao School of Arts and Trades and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 1566 June 16, 1956
An Act Providing for the Acquisition of Buildings and Grounds in Foreign Countries for the Use of Diplomatic and Consular Establishments and Other Agencies of the Philippine Government and for the Sale or Lease in the Government Interest of Such Buildings and Grounds and Like Properties
Republic Act No. 1565 June 16, 1956
An Act to Convert the Katipunan High School in the Province of Zamboanga del Norte to a National Rural High School of the Batac Rural High School Type, to be Known as the Katipunan National Rural High School, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 1564 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting Maternity Leave to Women in Government Service Under Temporary Appointments Who Have Rendered Less Than Two Years of Service, by Amending Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and Forty-Seven, as Amended
Republic Act No. 1563 June 16, 1956
An Act Providing for the Establishment of an Abaca Seed Farm in the Municipality of Boac, Marinduque, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds for the Purposes
Republic Act No. 1562 June 16, 1956
An Act Converting the Iligan City High School in the City of Iligan to a National Technical School, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 1561 June 16, 1956
An Act to Convert the Leyte Trade School in the City of Tacloban to a Regional School of Arts and Trades, of the Philippine School of Arts and Trades Type, to be Known as the Leyte Regional School of Arts and Trades, and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 1560 June 16, 1956
An Act to Establish a National Agricultural School in the Province of Rizal and to Authorize the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 1559 June 16, 1956
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a School of Fisheries in Ambulong, Tanauan, Province of Batangas, and Authorizing the Appropriation of the Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 1558 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting Members of the Philippine Army, Recognized Guerrilla Forces and Philippine Scouts, Who Failed to Establish Their Backpay Rights Under Republic Act Numbered Three Hundred and Four, Amended by Republic Acts Numbered Eight Hundred and Eight Hundred Ninety-Seven, an Additional Period of One Year Within Which to File Their Applications Thereunder, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1557 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend, Repeal, and Add New Sections to Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Eighty, Otherwise Known as the Home Financing Act, to Enable the Home Financing Commission Carry Out its Functions Effectively and to Correct the Deficiencies of the Act in Order to Make it More Responsive to Peculiar Local Needs and Requirements
Republic Act No. 1556 June 16, 1956
An Act to Regulate and Control the Manufacture, Importation, Labelling, Advertising and Sale of Livestock and Poultry Feeds
Republic Act No. 1555 June 16, 1956
An Act to Grant to Labason Electric Light Company a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Labason, Province of Zamboanga del Norte
Republic Act No. 1554 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend the Insurance Act so as to Make the Adjusters of Fire Insurance Claims Subject to the Supervision of the Insurance Commissioner
Republic Act No. 1553 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting Eliseo B. Lemi, a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Radio Broadcasting Stations and Stations for Television in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 1552 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend the Charter of the City of Dansalan so as to Change its Name to Marawi and Make Elective its Mayor, Vice-Mayor and Councilors, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1551 June 16, 1956
An Act Providing for the Appointment by the Municipal Mayor of All Employees Paid Out of the General Funds of the Municipality
Republic Act No. 1550 June 16, 1956
An Act to Grant to Domingo Veloso of Tabango, Leyte, a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Tabango, Province of Leyte
Republic Act No. 1549 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting Antonio Macias of Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte, a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Liloy, Province of Zamboanga del Norte
Republic Act No. 1548 June 16, 1956
An Act to Change the Name of Siaton Elementary School in the Municipality of Siaton, Province of Negros Oriental, to Felipe Tayko Memorial Elementary School
Republic Act No. 1547 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Section Forty-Two of Republic Act Numbered Seven Hundred Sixty, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the City of Tacloban
Republic Act No. 1546 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting the Essel, Incorporated, a Temporary Permit to Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point Radiotelephone Stations for the Transmission and Reception of Wireless Messages to and from Said Stations
Republic Act No. 1545 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Seventeen, Entitled “An Act Granting Eduardo Lopez a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Commercial Radio Broadcasting Station in the Philippines”
Republic Act No. 1544 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Item 21(s), Ilocos Sur, Paragraph (e), Subsection B, Section One of Republic Act Numbered Nine Hundred Twenty
Republic Act No. 1543 June 16, 1956
An Act Converting into Barrios Certain Sitios in the Province of Surigao, and Dividing the Barrio of Macalaya into Two Barrios, Municipality of Placer, in the Same Province
Republic Act No. 1542 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Sections Twenty-One and Eighty-Four of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Twenty-Five, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the City of Iligan
Republic Act No. 1541 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting Zoilo E. Masculino a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Radio Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 1540 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting Mr. Benjamin Andrada a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Radio Broadcasting Station in the City of Iligan, Philippines
Republic Act No. 1539 June 16, 1956
An Act Requiring Certain Vessels of Philippine Register to be Equipped with Radio Apparatus and to Employ Radio Telegraph Operators, and Increasing the Penalty for the Violation Thereof, by Amending Act Numbered Thirty-Three Hundred and Ninety-Six, as Amended
Republic Act No. 1538 June 16, 1956
An Act Requiring the Presentation of Proof of the Filing of Income Tax Returns and Certification of the Payment of Taxes During the Preceding Year Before Issuing Any License or Permit to Engage in Any Trade, Business or Occupation or Practice a Profession
Republic Act No. 1537 June 16, 1956
An Act Creating the Municipal District of Tangcal in the Province of Lanao
Republic Act No. 1536 June 16, 1956
An Act Creating the Municipal District of Dingalan in the Municipality of Baler, Subprovince of Aurora, Province of Quezon
Republic Act No. 1535 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Sections One, Two, Three and Four of Republic Act Numbered Four Hundred Twenty-Eight, Entitled “An Act to Declare Illegal the Possession, Sale or Distribution of Fish or Other Aquatic Animals Stupefied, Disabled or Killed by Means of Dynamite or Other Explosive or Toxic Substances and Providing Penalties Therefor”
Republic Act No. 1534 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Section Twenty-One Hundred Eighty-Seven of the Administrative Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 1533 June 16, 1956
An Act to Authorize the Central Bank of the Philippines to Issue Duplicate Copies of Interest-Bearing Securities Destroyed, Defaced, Lost or Stolen, Issued by the Government of the Philippines, or Any or its Political Subdivisions, Instrumentalities or Wholly-Owned Government Corporations, the Principal and/or Interest of Which is Guaranteed by the National Government, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1532 June 16, 1956
An Act Transferring to the City of Baguio Certain Portions of the Public Domain Within the Baguio Townsite and Ordering the Issuance of Titles Thereto
Republic Act No. 1531 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Certain Items in Republic Act Numbered One Thousand Four Hundred Eleven, Entitled, “An Act Appropriating Funds for Public Works”
Republic Act No. 1530 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven, Otherwise Known as “The Public Works Appropriation Act of 1956”
Republic Act No. 1529 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Item 1, Under “ad. Mindoro Occidental,” Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred and Eleven, Entitled “An Act Appropriating Funds for Public Works”
Republic Act No. 1528 June 16, 1956
An Act Converting the Sitio of Bagongbayan in the Barrio of Ilian, Municipality of Roxas, Province of Palawan, into a Barrio
Republic Act No. 1527 June 16, 1956
An Act Constituting the Sitios of Calagbenguen, Tarabanan, Bendoyan, Talabigan, Tagbuan and Langogan, Municipality of Puerto Princesa, Province of Palawan, into a Barrio to be Known as Concepcion
Republic Act No. 1526 June 16, 1956
An Act Converting the Sitio of Calatan, Municipality of Taytay, Province of Palawan, into a Barrio to be Known as Barrio Sandoval
Republic Act No. 1525 June 16, 1956
An Act Converting the Sitio of Bambanan, Municipality of Taytay, Province of Palawan, into a Barrio of Said Municipality
Republic Act No. 1524 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting the Manila Times Publishing Company a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Radio Broadcasting and Television Stations in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 1523 June 16, 1956
An Act to Create the Barrio of Bungahan in the Municipality of Ibaan, Province of Batangas
Republic Act No. 1522 June 16, 1956
An Act to Extend the Effectivity of Republic Act Numbered Eleven Hundred Sixty-Four Otherwise Known as the “Emergency Gold Mining Assistance Act of the Philippines” by Amending Section Seven Thereof and to Amend Section Two, Paragraph (A), and Section Four of Said Law
Republic Act No. 1521 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of the Charter of the City of Butuan
Republic Act No. 1520 June 16, 1956
An Act Creating the Barrio of San Rafael in the Municipality of Guagua, Province of Pampanga
Republic Act No. 1519 June 16, 1956
An Act Creating the Barrio of Mesalipit in the Municipality of Bacolor, Province of Pampanga
Republic Act No. 1518 June 16, 1956
An Act Creating the Barrio of San Miguel in the Municipality of Bauan, Province of Batangas
Republic Act No. 1517 June 16, 1956
An Act Regulating the Collection, Processing and Sale of Human Blood, and the Establishment and Operation of Blood Banks and Blood Processing Laboratories
Republic Act No. 1516 June 16, 1956
An Act Fixing a New Period for the Surrender of Treasury Certificates and Central Bank Notes of the Denomination of Over One Hundred Pesos, by Amending Section Two of Republic Act Numbered Eleven Hundred Ninety-One for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 1515 June 16, 1956
An Act Providing for a More Autonomous Government for Municipal Districts, Amending for the Purpose Article Six, Chapter Sixty-Four of the Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 1514 June 16, 1956
An Act Changing the Name of the Barrio of Bayan-Bayanan, Municipality of Marikina, Province of Rizal, to Concepcion
Republic Act No. 1513 June 16, 1956
An Act Converting the Sitio of Ponsod, in the Municipality of Maribojoc, Province of Bohol, to a Barrio to be Known as Barrio Ponsod
Republic Act No. 1512 June 16, 1956
An Act Converting the Sitios of Bayugo, Palay-Palay, and Sipsipin, Municipality of Jalajala, Province of Rizal, into Barrios of Said Municipality
Republic Act No. 1511 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Paragraph (B) of Section One Hundred Eighty-Three, and Section One Hundred Ninety of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 1510 June 16, 1956
An Act to Further Amend Section Two Hundred Forty-Six of the National Internal Revenue Code by Providing that Ten Per Centum of the Royalties on Mineral Lands Under Lease and of the Ad Valorem Taxes on the Output of Mineral Lands not Covered by Lease Shall Accrue to the Municipality and Ten Per Centum to the Province Where the Mines are Situated
Republic Act No. 1509 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend and Repeal Certain Items in Republic Acts Numbered Twelve Hundred and Fourteen Hundred Eleven Regarding Public Works Projects
Republic Act No. 1508 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting to Damaso P. Perez a Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Radio Broadcasting Stations in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 1507 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Section Seven of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred and Sixty-Seven, Entitled “An Act to Amend Title Vi of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended,” to Make the Rates Prescribed Therein Permanent
Republic Act No. 1506 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Section Eight of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred and Eighty-Eight, Entitled “An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended,” to Make the Rates Prescribed Therein Permanent
Republic Act No. 1505 June 16, 1956
Amend Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred, Entitled “An Act to Prescribe a Graduated Scale for the Income Tax on Corporations by Amending Sections Twenty-Four and Fifty-Four of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended, and for Other Purposes,” to Make the Rates Prescribed Therein Permanent
Republic Act No. 1504 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 1503 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred Sixty-Five, Otherwise Known as the Residence Tax Law, as Amended
Republic Act No. 1502 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Republic Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Sixty-Nine Providing for Charity Sweepstakes Horse Races and Lotteries
Republic Act No. 1501 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting the Naic Electric Company a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Naic, Province of Cavite
Republic Act No. 1500 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting the Philippine National Bank a Temporary Permit to Operate and Maintain Radiotelephone Stations
Republic Act No. 1499 June 16, 1956
An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Million Pesos from the Proceeds of the Sale of Bond Issues Under Republic Act Numbered One Thousand for the Purchase of Animals to be Used for “Operation Livestock Dispersal”
Republic Act No. 1498 June 16, 1956
An Act to Convert the Sitio of San Marcelo, Municipality of Malabon, Province of Rizal, into a Barrio to be Known as Barrio Acacia of the Same Municipality and Separating it from the Barrio of Tugatog of the Same Municipality
Republic Act No. 1497 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Appendix A, Title J, Projects J-000.30 and J-000.20 of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1496 June 16, 1956
An Act Creating the Barrio of San Pedro in the Municipality of Puerto Princesa, Province of Palawan
Republic Act No. 1495 June 16, 1956
An Act Converting the Sitio of Danawan, Municipality of Cuyo, Province of Palawan, into a Barrio of Said Municipality
Republic Act No. 1494 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Item B-031.13, Appendix a of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1493 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Certain Items of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven, and Inserting Therein Certain New Items
Republic Act No. 1492 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Items (g) and (h), Group II, Subparagraph Thirty-Six, Paragraph (a), Title E, Section One, Republic Act Numbered Nine Hundred Twenty, Entitled “An Act Appropriating Funds for Public Works”
Republic Act No. 1491 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Item Ninety, Group II, Paragraph “m,” for the Province of Camarines Sur, Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1490 June 16, 1956
An Act Declaring Shortages in Certain Construction Materials and Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Reduce Tariff Rates for Such Construction Materials
Republic Act No. 1489 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting Bartolome E. San Diego, a Franchise to Construct, Operate and Maintain an Ice Plant and Cold Storage in the City of Manila, and to Sell Ice and to Supply Cold Storage Therein
Republic Act No. 1488 June 16, 1956
An Act Granting the Monserrat Transportation, Inc. a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point and Land Based and Land Mobile Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications in the Cities of Manila, Quezon, and Pasay and in the Provinces of Rizal, Bulacan, Laguna, and Cavite
Republic Act No. 1487 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Certain Items of Republic Acts Numbered Twelve Hundred and Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1486 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Item (b), Group I, Paragraph Seventeen, for the Province of Cebu, Subsection “f,” Section Two of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1485 June 16, 1956
An Act Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred, Otherwise Known as the “Land Reform Act of 1955”
Republic Act No. 1484 June 16, 1956
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Seventy-Five Thousand Pesos as Aid to the Philippine Public School Teachers Association, Inc. in Sponsoring the Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Six Delegate Conference of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession (Wcotp), to be Held in the City of Manila and the City of Baguio in August, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Six
Republic Act No. 1483 June 16, 1956
An Act Appropriating the Amount of Sixty Thousand Pesos to Carry Out the Provisions of Republic Act Numbered Eight Hundred Forty-Two with Respect to Officials and Employees of the Bureau of Private Schools for the Fiscal Year Nineteen Hundred Fifty-Five-Nineteen Hundred Fifty-Six
Republic Act No. 1482 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Sections One, Three, Four and Five of Republic Act Numbered Six Hundred Thirteen, Otherwise Known as the Export Control Law, as Re-Enacted and Amended by Republic Acts Numbered Eight Hundred Twenty-Four and Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine
Republic Act No. 1481 June 16, 1956
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Two Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Seven, Otherwise Known as the Insurance Act, as Amended, by Adding After Section One Hundred Sixty-Four Thereof, Section One Hundred Sixty-Four-A, Making Obligatory the Insertion in the Policy of Fire Insurance a Clause on Prima Facie Evidence of Arson, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1480 June 15, 1956
An Act Authorizing the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation and the Philippine National Bank to Grant Loans to Graduates of Trade, Agricultural and Technical Schools and Colleges in the Philippines Who are Filipino Citizens
Republic Act No. 1479 June 15, 1956
An Act to Amend Section One Hundred and Thirty-Seven of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 1478 June 15, 1956
An Act to Create a Board of Travel and Tourist Industry, Defining its Powers, Duties and Responsibilities, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1477 June 15, 1956
An Act Amending Section One of Republic Act Numbered Fifty-Three, Entitled “An Act to Exempt the Publisher, Editor, Columnist or Reporter of Any Publication from Revealing the Source of Published News or Information Obtained in Confidence”
Republic Act No. 1476 June 15, 1956
An Act Repealing Sections Two Hundred Ninety-Six, Two Hundred Ninety-Seven, Two Hundred Ninety-Eight, Two Hundred Ninety-Nine, and Three Hundred of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred Sixty-Six, as Amended
Republic Act No. 1475 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending Title F of Section One of Republic Act Numbered One Thousand Two Hundred
Republic Act No. 1474 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Republic Act Numbered Eight Hundred Forty-Two Entitled “An Act Providing for Automatic Salary Increases for Public School Officials, Teachers, and Other School Personnel of the Government of the Philippines”
Republic Act No. 1473 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Section Two, ap. Quezon, Item Thirty-Three, Page Five Hundred Seventy-Eight, of Republic Act Numbered Twelve Hundred
Republic Act No. 1472 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending Item G-038.10 Under the Province of Nueva Vizcaya, Title G, Appendix a of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred and Eleven
Republic Act No. 1471 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Item (i), Page One Hundred Twenty-Five, Section Two-43 (Quezon) of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1470 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend and Repeal Certain Items in Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven, Regarding Public Works Projects for the Province of Bohol
Republic Act No. 1469 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Item Twenty-Five, Title A, Page One Hundred Seventeen, Section One of Republic Act Numbered Twelve Hundred
Republic Act No. 1468 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending Certain Items of Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1467 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Item (e) Page One Hundred Twenty-Five, Section Two-43 (Quezon) of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1466 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending Items Eighty-One, Eighty-Two, Eighty-Three, and Eighty-Four, Subsection d, for the Province of Antique, Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1465 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending Item (Six), Paragraph Aj, for the Mountain Province, Title B, Section One, Page Two Hundred Sixty-Eight, of Republic Act Numbered Twelve Hundred
Republic Act No. 1464 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending Item One, Subparagraph I, Under Provincial Capitols, Paragraph Four, Section One of Republic Act Numbered Twelve Hundred
Republic Act No. 1463 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Item Six, ab. Marinduque, Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1462 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Item Ten, ab. Marinduque, Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1461 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Certain Items in Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven, Regarding Public Works Projects for the Province of Negros Oriental
Republic Act No. 1460 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered One Hundred Eighty-Three Otherwise Known as the Charter of Pasay City, as Amended
Republic Act No. 1459 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending Item Three and Repealing Item Four, Group III, Subsection Aa for the Province of Leyte, Section Three of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1458 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending and Repealing Certain Items of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1457 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Section Three of Republic Act Numbered One Thousand Four Hundred Eleven to Provide for the Construction of a Shop Building in the Municipality of Quezon, Province of Quezon
Republic Act No. 1456 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Republic Act Numbered Nine Hundred Eighty Which Grants to the Lyceum of the Philippines a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate a Radio Broadcasting Station in Manila
Republic Act No. 1455 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending the Project Number and Location of the Project in Appendix A, Title G, of Republic Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Eleven
Republic Act No. 1454 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Certain Provisions of Republic Act Numbered Twelve Hundred
Republic Act No. 1453 June 14, 1956
An Act Granting A.S. Diaz Electric Service a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain an Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the City of Bacolod and its Suburbs
Republic Act No. 1452 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending Sub-Item Ten of Item al, Subsection One, Title B of Section One, Republic Act Numbered Twelve Hundred, Entitled “An Act Appropriating Funds for Public Works and Amending Republic Act Numbered Nine Hundred and Twenty”
Republic Act No. 1451 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending Section Eighty-Six of Republic Act Numbered Three Hundred Twenty-Eight, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the City of Calbayog
Republic Act No. 1450 June 14, 1956
An Act Granting the Notre Dame Broadcasting Corporation a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate Radio Broadcasting Stations in the Province of Cotabato for Religious, Educational and Cultural as Well as for Commercial Purposes
Republic Act No. 1449 June 14, 1956
An Act Granting A. Soriano y Cia., a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point Coastal, Aeronautical, Land Based and Land Based and Land Mobile Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 1448 June 14, 1956
An Act Granting the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of the Philippine Islands, Inc. a Temporary Permit to Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point and Private Base Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications to and from Said Stations
Republic Act No. 1447 June 14, 1956
An Act Granting T.H. Valderrama and Sons, Incorporated, a Temporary Permit to Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point Radiotelephone Stations for the Transmission and Reception of Wireless Messages to and from Said Stations
Republic Act No. 1446 June 14, 1956
An Act to Provide Scholarships for the Study of Veterinary Science in the University of the Philippines, Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 1445 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred Twenty-Six, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the City of Cabanatuan
Republic Act No. 1444 June 14, 1956
An Act to Grant to Ventura P. Marilao a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Palompon, Province of Leyte
Republic Act No. 1443 June 14, 1956
An Act Granting the Victorias Milling Co., Inc. a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point and Land Based and Land Mobile Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 1442 June 14, 1956
An Act Changing the Name of Barrio Soledad in the Municipality of Binalbagan, Province of Negros Occidental, to Barrio Payao
Republic Act No. 1441 June 14, 1956
An Act Amending Certain Provisions of Republic Act Numbered Three Hundred Twenty-One, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the City of Ozamis
Republic Act No. 1440 June 14, 1956
An Act Granting Messrs. Demetrio P. Correa and Guillermo Confesor a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Cabatuan, Province of Iloilo
Republic Act No. 1439 June 14, 1956
An Act Granting Leoncio Limpiado a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Naval, Province of Leyte
Republic Act No. 1438 June 14, 1956
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Seventy Thousand Pesos for the Yearly Expenses of the Philippine Representatives and Their Advisers to the International Labour Conference
Republic Act No. 1437 June 14, 1956
An Act Changing the Name of Manila Boulevard in the City of Cavite to Rafael Palma Boulevard
Republic Act No. 1436 June 14, 1956
An Act Granting the Province of Catanduanes Franchise for Electric Light, Heat and Power Systems in All Municipalities in the Province of Catanduanes
Republic Act No. 1435 June 14, 1956
An Act to Provide Means for Increasing the Highway Special Fund
Republic Act No. 1434 June 14, 1956
An Act to Establish the Samar Institute of Technology
Republic Act No. 1433 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Items Nineteen and Twenty, aa. La Union, Paragraph I, Title B, of Section One of Republic Act Numbered One Thousand Two Hundred
Republic Act No. 1432 June 14, 1956
An Act Granting to the Farmers’ Cooperative Marketing Association a Franchise to Install, Operate, and Maintain an Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Solano, Province of Nueva Vizcaya
Republic Act No. 1431 June 14, 1956
An Act Granting to Rosiano Rodano a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Malaybalay, Province of Bukidnon
Republic Act No. 1430 June 14, 1956
An Act to Amend Section Eleven Hundred Fifty-One of the Administrative Code, as Amended, by Adding Batangas, Province of Batangas, as Port of Entry, and Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 1429 June 14, 1956
An Act to Convert the Alicia Agricultural and Fishery School in the Province of Catanduanes into a National Agricultural and Industrial School to be Known as the Catanduanes Agricultural and Industrial School, Authorizing the Appropriation of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 1428 June 14, 1956
An Act to Create the Municipality of Lapinig in the Province of Samar
Republic Act No. 1427 June 12, 1956
An Act Appropriating Funds to Carry Out the Purposes of the Jose Rizal National Centennial Commission Created by Executive Order Numbered Fifty-Two, Dated August Ten, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Four
Republic Act No. 1426 June 12, 1956
An Act Granting Mr. Enrique Zobel, of Forbes Park, Makati, Rizal, a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point and Land-Based and Land-Mobiled Radio Stations and Private Aeronautical Land Stations for Communication with Grantee’s Own Plane or Planes for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 1425 June 12, 1956
An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities Courses on the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 1424 June 10, 1956
An Act Further Amending Section Seven of Commonwealth Act Numbered Three Hundred Twenty-Six, Otherwise Known as “The Charter of the City of Bacolod”
Republic Act No. 1423 June 10, 1956
An Act Changing the Name of the Sabang Elementary School in the Barrio of Sabang, City of Lipa, to G.B. Lontok Memorial Elementary School
Republic Act No. 1422 June 10, 1956
An Act to Change the Name of the Kabankalan Elementary School, Situated at Kabankalan, Negros Occidental, to Esteban R. Abada Memorial School
Republic Act No. 1421 June 10, 1956
An Act Changing the Name of the Municipal District of Gata, Province of Lanao, to Municipal District of Poona Bayabao
Republic Act No. 1420 June 10, 1956
An Act Changing the Name of the Municipal District of Maguing, Province of Lanao, to Municipal District of Lumba Bayabao
Republic Act No. 1419 June 10, 1956
An Act Changing the Name of the Municipal District of Watu, Province of Lanao, to Municipal District of Balindong
Republic Act No. 1418 June 7, 1956
An Act to Transfer to the Municipality of Talisay, Province of Batangas, its Former Barrios of Caloocan and Birinayan Which were Annexed to the City of Tagaytay
Republic Act No. 1417 May 17, 1956
An Act Changing the Name of the Municipality of Longos, Province of Laguna, to Municipality of Kalayaan
Republic Act No. 1416 May 14, 1956
An Act Amending Section Nine of Republic Act Numbered Two Hundred Ninety-One so as to Confer the Grades of Lieutenant General and Major General Upon the Officers Holding the Positions of Chief of Staff and Vice-Chief of Staff, Respectively
Republic Act No. 1415 May 10, 1956
An Act Creating the Municipality of Bacolod in the Province of Lanao
Republic Act No. 1414 April 25, 1956
An Act to Create the Province of Aklan
Republic Act No. 1413 April 21, 1956
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos for the Employment of Temporary Personnel in the Bureau of Posts During the Period from February to June, Nineteen Hundred Fifty-Six
Republic Act No. 1412 March 28, 1956
An Act Providing for the Transmission Free of Charge Within the Philippines of Mail Matter and Telegrams of the Office of the President of the Philippines
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