Republic Act No. 590 September 22, 1950
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, and to Add to Title II Thereof a Supplement Providing for the Withholding of the Income Tax on Wages, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 589 September 22, 1950
An Act to Amend Sections One Hundred and Thirty-Three, One Hundred and Thirty-Four, One Hundred and Thirty-Five, One Hundred and Thirty-Seven, One Hundred and Forty, and One Hundred and Forty-Seven of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended.
Republic Act No. 588 September 22, 1950
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 587 September 22, 1950
An Act to Amend Subsections (a) and (b) of Section Three, Article Two of Chapter One; Subsections (b) and (d) of Section Five, Subsections (a), (b), (c), (i), (j), (m) and (n) of Section Seven of Article One, Section Eight, Subsections (a) and (d) of Section Nine, and Section Ten, Article Two of Chapter Two, and Insert a New Section Between Sections Eight and Nine of This Article to Be Known as Section Eight-A With New Subsections (a), (b), (c) and (d) and Amend, Further, Subsection (a) of Section Thirteen, Sections Fourteen and Nineteen, Article Three of Chapter Two; Sections Twenty-Four, Thirty-One and Thirty-Five, Article One, Section Thirty-Eight, Article Two of Chapter Three; and Section Sixty-Seven of Article One and Subsection (b) of Section Seventy of Article Two of Chapter Four of Act Numbered Thirty-Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two, as Amended By Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred and Twenty-Three, and as Further Amended By Commonwealth Acts Numbered Five Hundred and Fifty-Six and Six Hundred and Fifty-Two
Republic Act No. 586 September 22, 1950
An Act to Insert a New Section Between Sections Two Hundred and Sixty and Two Hundred and Sixty-One of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, and to Amend Section Two Hundred Sixty-One of the Same Code.
Republic Act No. 585 September 18, 1950
An Act to Amend Section Six of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Five, Otherwise Known as the Residence Tax Law.
Republic Act No. 584 September 18, 1950
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Thirty-Eight Hundred and Forty-Six By Adding a New Section Between Sections One and Two Thereof and to Amend Sections Three, Twelve and Thirteen of the Same Act.
Republic Act No. 583 September 18, 1950
An Act to Constitute a Small Farmers' Cooperative Loan Fund for the Purpose of Providing Credit Facilities to Small Farmers and Farm Tenants.
Republic Act No. 582 September 18, 1950
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Make Disbursements From the "Sugar Adjustment and Stabilization Fund" Created By Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Sixty-Seven for the Establishment and Operation of Sugar Experiment Stations and the Undertaking of Researches With a View to Adjusting and Stabilizing the Sugar Industry.
Republic Act No. 581 September 18, 1950
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Make Disbursements From the "Sugar Adjustment and Stabilization Fund" Created By Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Sixty-Seven for the Establishment and Operation of Sugar Experiment Stations and the Undertaking of Researches With a View to Adjusting and Stabilizing the Sugar Industry.
Republic Act No. 580 September 15, 1950
An Act to Create the Home Financing Commission, to Stimulate Home Building and Land Ownership and to Promote the Development of Land for That Purpose, Provide Liberal Financing Through An Insured Mortgage System, and Develop Thrift Through the Accumulation of Savings in Insured Institutions.
Republic Act No. 579 September 15, 1950
An Act to Amend Sections Eighty-Five, Eighty-Six, Eighty-Nine, One Hundred and Nine and One Hundred and Ten of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended.
Republic Act No. 578 September 15, 1950
An Act to Amend Sections One, Ten and Twelve of Republic Act Numbered Five Hundred and Sixty-Two, Otherwise Known as "The Alien Registration Act of 1950."
Republic Act No. 577 September 12, 1950
An Act to Amend Sections Two and Three of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Five
Republic Act No. 576 September 8, 1950
Act Appropriating Additional Funds for the Armed Forces of the Philippines During the Period From September First, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty to June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-One.
Republic Act No. 574 September 8, 1950
An Act to Amend Section Six of Act Numbered Forty-One Hundred and Thirty, as Amended
Republic Act No. 573 September 7, 1950
An Act to Provide for the Organization, Equipping and Maintenance of a Philippine Expeditionary Force for Service in the Enforcement of United Nations Sanctions and Policies, to Prescribe Rates of Pay and Allowances for Officers and Enlisted Men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines While Engaged in Such Service, to Establish Compensation for Death or Disability in Connection Therewith, Appropriating Funds for the Foregoing Purposes, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 572 September 5, 1950
An Act to Impose a Fee for the Issuance of An Import License, Amending Section Sixteen of Republic Act Numbered Four Hundred Twenty-Six and Ratifying Fees Heretofore Collected
Republic Act No. 571 September 5, 1950
An Act to Amend Paragraph Twenty-Two of Section Eight of the Philippine Tariff Act of Nineteen Hundred and Nine Which Is Continued in Force By Republic Act Numbered Three
Republic Act No. 570 August 31, 1950
An Act to Amend Section Fifteen of Republic Act Numbered Fifty-Six Relative to the Tax on Mineral Oils Used in Aviation
Republic Act No. 569 August 31, 1950
An Act to Provide That Internal Revenue Stamps of the Philippines May in Certain Cases Be Affixed in Foreign Countries to Tobacco Products Manufactured in Such Countries Before Importation Into the Philippines, By Amending for the Purpose Section One Hundred and Thirty-Seven of the National Internal Revenue Code as Amended
Republic Act No. 568 August 31, 1950
An Act to Raise Revenue By Raising From Two to Five Pesos the Charge for the Certificate of Transfer of Large Cattle, By Amending Further Section Five Hundred Twenty-Eight of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 567 August 31, 1950
An Act to Amend Title VI of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 566 August 31, 1950
An Act to Provide That Bonds, Certificates and Other Evidences of Indebtedness Issued By the President of the Philippines Under the Provisions of Republic Act Numbered Two Hundred Sixty-Six, Shall Be Exempt From Taxation or Assessment
Republic Act No. 565 August 11, 1950
An Act to Amend Sections Two Hundred and Ninety-Six and Two Hundred and Ninety-Seven of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 564 August 11, 1950
An Act to Amend Section Two Hundred and Fifty-Eight of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 563 June 17, 1950
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines During the Period from July First, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty to June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-One, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 562 June 17, 1950
Alien Registration Act of 1950
Republic Act No. 561 June 17, 1950
An Act to Convert the Tolong High School in the Municipality of Sta. Catalina, Province of Negros Oriental, to a National Rural School
Republic Act No. 560 June 17, 1950
An Act to Create the Municipality of Busuanga in the Province of Palawan
Republic Act No. 559 June 17, 1950
An Act Providing for the Sale of Lots Comprised in the Tondo Foreshore Land to Lessees of Said Lots or to Bona Fide Occupants Thereof
Republic Act No. 558 June 17, 1950
An Act to Transfer a Certain Barrio From the Territorial Jurisdiction of the Municipality of Batad, Province of Iloilo to the Municipality of Balasan, Same Province
Republic Act No. 557 June 17, 1950
An Act Providing for the Suspension or Removal of Members of the Provincial Guards, City Police and Municipal Police By the Provincial Governor, City Mayor or Municipal Mayor
Republic Act No. 556 June 17, 1950
An Act Authorizing the Clavecilla Radio System to Continue Operating for a Limited Period Its Radio Stations in Manila, Cebu and Iloilo
Republic Act No. 555 June 17, 1950
An Act to Create the Municipality of Dimataling in the Province of Zamboanga
Republic Act No. 554 June 17, 1950
An Act to Amend Sections Twenty-One Hundred and Seventy, Twenty-One Hundred and Eighty-Four, Twenty-Two Hundred and Seventy-Three, and Twenty-Two Hundred and Ninety-Nine of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended, Reclassifying Municipalities, Increasing the Maximum Limit of the Salaries of Municipal Officials and Members of the Police Force Thereof, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 553 June 17, 1950
An Act Granting the Manila Times Publishing Company, Inc., a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-To-Point and Land Mobile Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 552 June 17, 1950
An Act Granting to the Elizalde & Co., Inc., a Temporary Permit to Construct, Install, Establish and Operate Private Fixed Point-To-Point and Private Coastal Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 551 June 17, 1950
An Act to Grant the Associated Press a Temporary Permit to Establish a Radio Receiving Station for the Purpose of Copying for Publication Press Messages From Radio Stations Exterior to the Philippines
Republic Act No. 550 June 17, 1950
An Act Granting to the North Camarines Lumber Co. a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-To-Point and Private Coastal Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communication Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 549 June 17, 1950
An Act Granting to the Philippine Oil Development Co., Inc., a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate in the Philippines Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Wireless Long Distance Messages
Republic Act No. 548 June 17, 1950
An Act Granting to the San Miguel Brewery, Inc., a Temporary Permit to Construct , Establish, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-To-Point and Private Coastal Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communication Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 547 June 17, 1950
An Act Granting to the Fernandez Hermanos, Inc., a Temporary Permit to Construct, Maintain and Operate Private Fixed Point-To-Point and Private Coastal Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 546 June 17, 1950
An Act to Amend Section Ten of Act Numbered Four Thousand and Seven, Known as "The Reorganization Law of Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-Two
Republic Act No. 545 June 17, 1950
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Architecture in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 544 June 17, 1950
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Civil Engineering in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 543 June 17, 1950
An Act Re-Creating the Municipality of San Sebastian, Province of Samar
Republic Act No. 542 June 17, 1950
An Act Creating the Municipality of Kananga in the Province of Leyte
Republic Act No. 541 June 17, 1950
An Act to Provide Life Pensions for Uniformed Officers, Sergeants, Corporals, Patrolmen and Detectives of the Police Department as Well as Uniformed Officers and Firemen of the Fire Department of the Chartered Cities; to Appropriate Funds Therefor; and to Regulate the Disbursement of Said Funds
Republic Act No. 540 June 17, 1950
An Act Granting the Girl Scouts of the Philippines Ten Thousand Hectares of Public Agricultural Land for Additional Support and Maintenance of Said Corporation
Republic Act No. 539 June 17, 1950
An Act to Amend Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and Five Entitled “An Act to Provide Pensions for Veterans of the Past Philippine Revolutions or Wars, to Create a Board on Pensions for Veterans and to Appropriate Funds Thereof”
Republic Act No. 538 June 16, 1950
An Act Authorizing Municipal Councils to Provide for the Insurance of the Life of Barrio Lieutenants Against Accidents and Other Causes, Amending for the Purpose Section Twenty-Two Hundred and Forty-Three of the Administrative Code as Amended
Republic Act No. 537 June 16, 1950
An Act to Revise the Charter of Quezon City
Republic Act No. 536 June 16, 1950
An Act Authorizing the Appropriation of the Sum of Seventy-Two Thousand Pesos for the Adjustment of the Salaries of Chiefs of Divisions, Superintendents, Supervisors, and Other Personnel of the Bureau of Private Schools
Republic Act No. 535 June 16, 1950
An Act to Convert the Barrio of Pamplona, Municipality of Tanjay, Province of Oriental Negros, to a Municipality With the Same Name
Republic Act No. 534 June 16, 1950
An Act to Nationalize the La Union Trade School
Republic Act No. 533 June 16, 1950
An Act to Convert the Municipal District of Tabuk, Sub-Province of Kalinga, Mountain Province, Into a Regular Municipality to Be Known as the Municipality of Tabuk
Republic Act No. 532 June 16, 1950
An Act Creating a Pension Commission to Study a Pension Plan for Employees and Laborers of Private Business and Industry
Republic Act No. 531 June 16, 1950
An Act to Convert the Municipal District of La Trinidad, Subprovince of Benguet, Mountain Province, Into a Regular Municipality to Be Known as the Municipality of La Trinidad
Republic Act No. 530 June 16, 1950
An Act Making Additional Provisions for Naturalization
Republic Act No. 529 June 16, 1950
An Act to Assure Uniform Value to Philippine Coin and Currency
Republic Act No. 528 June 16, 1950
An Act to Amend Section Two Thousand Eighty-One of the Administrative Code So as to Authorize the Provincial Governor to Appoint All Subordinate Officers and Employees in the Provincial Service Whose Salaries, Compensation or Wage Are Paid From Provincial Funds, With Certain Limitations.
Republic Act No. 527 June 16, 1950
An Act to Amend Section Two Thousand and Ninety-Seven of the Administrative Code So as to Increase the Compensation of the Members of the Provincial Board.
Republic Act No. 426 May 19, 1950
An Act to Regulate Imports and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 425 January 6, 1950
An Act Appropriating Additional Funds for the Operation and Maintenance of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines During the Period From July First, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Nine to June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 424 January 6, 1950
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines During the Period From July One, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Nine to June Thirty, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 423 January 6, 1950
An Act to Amend Sections One, Two and Seven of Republic Act Numbered Three Hundred Thirty
Republic Act No. 422 January 6, 1950
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Reorganize Within One Year the Different Executive Departments, Bureaus, Offices, Agencies and Other Instrumentalities of the Government, Including the Corporations Owned or Controlled By It
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