Republic Act No. 421 June 18, 1949
An Act Authorizing His Excellency, Elpidio Quirino, President of the Republic of the Philippines, to Accept the Decoration of “Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor of the Republic of France” Conferred Upon Him When He was Vice-President of the Philippines by the Government of the Republic of France
Republic Act No. 420 June 18, 1949
An Act to Grant the “Opon Electric Service Company” a Franchise to Operate an Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Opon, Province of Cebu
Republic Act No. 419 June 18, 1949
An Act to Amend Section One Hundred Thirty-Seven of the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended by Republic Acts Numbered Fifty-Six and Two Hundred and Nineteen
Republic Act No. 418 June 18, 1949
An Act to Amend Sections Two Hundred Fifty-Nine and Two Hundred Sixty of the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended by Sections Seven and Eight, Respectively, of Republic Act Numbered Thirty-Nine
Republic Act No. 417 June 18, 1949
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Dentistry in the Philippines, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 416 June 18, 1949
An Act for the Purpose of Converting the Present Philippine Normal School into the Philippine Normal College, Conferring the Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Master of Arts in Education, Providing for a Board of Trustees, Defining the Board’s Responsibilities and Duties, Providing Professional and Technical Instruction, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 415 June 18, 1949
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos for the Operation and Maintenance of the Teacher Training Departments of the Existing National Schools of Arts and Trades and the Creation of Teacher Training Departments in the Central Luzon Agricultural School, Baybay National Agricultural School, Bukidnon National Agricultural School, and the Philippine School of Commerce, for the Training of Teachers of Industrial Arts, Trades, Agriculture, and Business, Respectively, for Both the Elementary and the Secondary Schools
Republic Act No. 414 June 18, 1949
An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos for the Promotion of Home Industries and the Revival as Well as Operation and Maintenance of the Craftsman Section of the Vocational Education Division in the Bureau of Public Schools
Republic Act No. 413 June 18, 1949
An Act Appropriating Three Hundred Thousand Pesos for Additional Personnel of the Bureau of Fisheries in Connection with the Campaign Against Illegal Fishing, the Establishment of Provincial Administrative Stations, Fishery Technological Stations, Fishery Biological Stations, Experimental and Demonstration Fish Farms, and Other Fishery Projects
Republic Act No. 412 June 18, 1949
An Act Providing for the Establishment of a School of Fisheries in the Municipality of Tabaco, Province of Albay, and Appropriating the Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 411 June 18, 1949
An Act to Provide for the Establishment, Operation and Maintenance of Municipal Libraries Throughout the Philippines, Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 410 June 18, 1949
An Act to Amend Section Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-Two of the Revised Administrative Code, so as to Provide for the Assignment and Fixing of Compensation of Inspectors of the Bureau of Posts, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 409 June 18, 1949
An Act to Revise the Charter of the City of Manila, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 408 June 18, 1949
An Act to Amend Paragraph F of Section One of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Two
Republic Act No. 407 June 18, 1949
An Act Granting Nilda E. Martinez a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in Masbate, Masbate
Republic Act No. 406 June 18, 1949
An Act Creating a Mines Special Fund in the Bureau of Mines to be Used for the Canvassing and Evaluation of Mineral Deposits Needed in the Development of Philippine Industries, and the Publication of Mining Statistics and Data, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 405 June 18, 1949
An Act Granting Maria De La Rosa a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipalities of Cataingan and Placer, Province of Masbate
Republic Act No. 404 June 18, 1949
An Act Granting to the Luzon Stevedoring Company, Inc. a Franchise to Construct, Install, Establish and Operate Private Fixed Point-to-Point and Private Coastal Radio Stations for the Reception and Transmission of Radio Communications Within the Philippines
Republic Act No. 403 June 18, 1949
An Act Granting Dominador S. Iñigo a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in the Municipality of Bato, Province of Catanduanes
Republic Act No. 402 June 18, 1949
An Act Granting the Clavecilla Radio System a Franchise to Establish Radio Stations for Broadcasting, Telecommunication, and Television
Republic Act No. 401 June 18, 1949
An Act to Condone All Unpaid Interests Accruing from January First Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Two to December Thirty-First Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Five on All Obligations Outstanding on December Eight, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-One, and to Apply Payments of Interests Paid After February Twenty-Eight, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Five, to the Principal Obligation if Still Outstanding, in Certain Cases
Republic Act No. 400 June 18, 1949
An Act to Grant to the Inabanga Electric Service Company a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the Municipality of Inabanga, Province of Bohol
Republic Act No. 399 June 18, 1949
An Act Granting the Butuan Sawmill, Incorporated, a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System at Butuan and Cabadbaran, Province of Agusan
Republic Act No. 398 June 18, 1949
An Act Granting Roberto S. Iñigo a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in Calalbon, Catanduanes
Republic Act No. 397 June 18, 1949
An Act Granting the Boy Scouts of the Philippines Ten Thousand Hectares of Public Agricultural Land for Additional Support and Maintenance of Said Corporation
Republic Act No. 396 June 18, 1949
An Act to Further Amend Sections One Hundred and Eighty-Four and One Hundred and Eighty-Five of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 395 June 18, 1949
An Act Making the Positions of Mayor and Vice-Mayor in the City of Bacolod Elective
Republic Act No. 394 June 18, 1949
An Act Authorizing for a Period of Twenty Years Divorce Among Moslems Residing in Non-Christian Provinces in Accordance with Moslem Customs and Practices
Republic Act No. 393 June 18, 1949
An Act Condoning the Payment of Interests Due on Friar Lands Within the Talisay-Minglanilla Estate, Province of Cebu, for the Period from January One, Nineteen Hundred Forty-Two to March Ten, Nineteen Hundred Forty-Five
Republic Act No. 392 June 18, 1949
An Act to Amend Section Three of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Two, as Amended, Redefining the Boundaries of Quezon City
Republic Act No. 391 June 18, 1949
An Act Authorizing the Secretary of Education to Open in the Roxas Memorial Agricultural School at Guinobatan, Albay, Courses of Collegiate Level if the Income of the Properties of Said School so Warrants
Republic Act No. 390 June 18, 1949
An Act Concerning the Guardianship of Incompetent Veterans, Other Incompetents and Minor Beneficiaries of the Veterans Administration
Republic Act No. 389 June 18, 1949
An Act Amending the Last Paragraph of Section Sixteen Hundred and Seventy-Four of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 388 June 18, 1949
An Act to Create the Positions of Commercial Agents Under the Domestic Trade Division in the Bureau of Commerce, Appropriating the Necessary Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 387 June 18, 1949
An Act to Promote the Exploration, Development, Exploitation, and Utilization of the Petroleum Resources of the Philippines; to Encourage the Conservation of Such Petroleum Resources; to Authorize the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources to Create An Administration Unit and a Technical Board in the Bureau of Mines; to Appropriate Funds Therefor; and Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 386 June 18, 1949
An Act to Ordain and Institute the Civil Code of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 385 June 17, 1949
An Act to Authorize Certain Officials of the Government of the United States or Any Agency Thereof to Administer Oaths and Affirmations in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 384 June 17, 1949
An Act to Amend the Fifth Paragraph of Article Three Hundred and Sixty-Five of the Revised Penal Code
Republic Act No. 383 June 17, 1949
An Act to Amend Section Twenty-One Hundred and Seventy-Six of the Revised Administrative Code of Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen as Amended
Republic Act No. 382 June 18, 1949
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery in Philippines
Republic Act No. 381 June 15, 1949
An Act Creating the Municipality of Malay in the Province of Capiz
Republic Act No. 380 June 15, 1949
Act Creating the Municipality of Carmen in the Province of Agusan
Republic Act No. 379 June 14, 1949
An Act to Amend Article One Hundred and Seventy-Seven of the Revised Penal Code
Republic Act No. 378 June 14, 1949
An Act to Amend Section Two of Republic Act Numbered Two Hundred Fifty-Five
Republic Act No. 377 June 14, 1949
An Act to Amend Section Two of Republic Act Numbered Two Hundred and Eighty-Six
Republic Act No. 376 June 19, 1949
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered Fifty-Eight, Known as the Charter of the City of Cebu, So as to Increase the Salaries Certain Officials and to Create a Department of Health
Republic Act No. 375 June 14, 1949
An Act to Change the Name of the Sara High School to Victorino Salcedo High School
Republic Act No. 374 June 14, 1949
An Act to Create the Municipality of President Roxas in the Province of Capiz
Republic Act No. 373 June 14, 1949
An Act Increasing the Penalty in Certain Cases of Robbery, By Amending Article Two Hundred Ninety-Five of the Revised Penal Code
Republic Act No. 372 June 14, 1949
An Act to Appropriate the Sum of Two Million Pesos for the Rehabilitation of Stock Farms, Breeding Stations and Breeding Centers and for the Establishment and Operation of New Farms
Republic Act No. 371 June 14, 1949
An Act Providing for An Equal Distribution Between the National Government and the City, Municipality or Municipal District Concerned, of All Fines and Surcharges Collected for Violations of Forest Laws and Regulations
Republic Act No. 370 June 14, 1949
An Act to Amend Section Eighteen Hundred and Twenty-One of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven, Known as the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 369 June 10, 1949
An Act to Create the Bureau of Industrial Safety
Republic Act No. 368 June 10, 1949
An Act to Fix the Salaries of Provincial Governors, Provincial Treasurers, Provincial Auditors, District Health Officers, and Provincial Assessors
Republic Act No. 367 June 10, 1949
An Act to Create the Bureau of Industrial Safety
Republic Act No. 366 June 9, 1949
An Act Granting to the Municipality of Leganes, Province of Iloilo, the Usufruct of a Certain Parcel of Land of the Public Domain Situated in the Said Province, for Communal Purposes
Republic Act No. 365 June 9, 1949
An Act to Amend Article II and Section Fourteen of Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred and Fifty-Eight, as Amended, Entitled "An Act Establishing a Form of Government for the City of Iloilo
Republic Act No. 364 June 9, 1949
An Act Authorizing All Vocational Schools to Collect Tuition Fees, Receive Contributions From Private Persons and Contract Loans From Government or Private Banks and Other Financial Institutions, and Creating a Special Trust Fund for Each Such School
Republic Act No. 363 June 9, 1949
An Act Authorizing the Director of Public Schools to Add a Surcharge to the Price of Government-Published Anthologies Used as Textbooks to Be Paid to the Copyright Owners of the Selections So Used
Republic Act No. 362 June 9, 1949
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Three Hundred Thousand Pesos for the Study, Control and Eradication of the "Kadang-Kadang" and Other Diseases Pests of Coconut Trees
Republic Act No. 361 June 9, 1949
An Act Amending Section One Hundred and Ninety of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 360 June 9, 1949
An Act Exempting From Assignment, Taxation, Claims of Creditors, Attachment, Levy or Seizure, Benefits Derived By Beneficiaries Residing in the Philippines Under Laws of the United States Administered By the United States Veterans Administration
Republic Act No. 359 June 4, 1949
An Act to Provide for Uniform Taxes and Fees Payable in Respect to the Wireless Reception And/or Transmission of Wordage, Pictures or Other Matter Intended for Publication
Republic Act No. 358 June 4, 1949
An Act to Amend Section Two (K) of Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred Twenty Entitled "An Act Creating the National Power Corporation, Prescribing Its Powers and Activities, Appropriating the Necessary Funds Therefor, and Reserving the Unappropriated Public Waters for Its Use" and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 357 June 4, 1949
An Act to Authorize the National Power Corporation to Contract Loans From Time to Time From the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Negotiate and Contract the Same for and on Behalf of the National Power Corporation and to Guarantee the Same for and on Behalf of the Republic of the Philippines, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 356 June 4, 1949
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Three Thousand Pesos to Grant a Monetary Reward to the Persons Who Found the Remains of the Late Governor Juan Agudo of Batanes and for Burial Expenses of Said Remains
Republic Act No. 355 June 4, 1949
An Act to Increase the Salaries of Certain Officials of the City of Basilan, Amending for This Purpose Sections Six, Seventeen, Thirty-Five and Thirty-Six of Republic Act Numbered Two Hundred Eighty-Eight
Republic Act No. 354 June 4, 1949
An Act to Amend the First Paragraph of Section Thirteen of Commonwealth Act Numbered Three Hundred Twenty-Six, as Amended
Republic Act No. 353 June 4, 1949
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Rehabilitation of Domestic Insurance Companies
Republic Act No. 352 June 4, 1949
An Act Further Amending Act Numbered Two Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-Eight, Converting the "School of Forestry" of the University of the Philippines Into the "College of Forestry."
Republic Act No. 351 June 4, 1949
An Act Appropriating the Additional Amount of Ten Million Pesos to Carry Into Effect the Purposes of Numbered Sixty-Five, as Amended, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 350 May 17, 1949
An Act to Amend Section Two of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Two, Extending the Time Limit for the Reconstruction of Corporate and Partnership Records
Republic Act No. 349 May 17, 1949
An Act to Legalize Permissions to Use Human Organs or Any Portion or Portions of the Human Body for Medical, Surgical, or Scientific Purposes, Under Certain Conditions
Republic Act No. 348 March 24, 1949
An Act Authorizing His Excellency, Elpidio Quirino, President of the Republic of the Philippines, to Accept the Order of the "Grand Cordon of the Order of Propitious Clouds" Offered to Him By the Chinese Government When He Was Vice-President of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 347 March 19, 1949
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Twelve Million Pesos for the Adjustments of the Salaries of Public School Officials, Teachers and Other School Personnel of the Bureau of Public Schools
Republic Act No. 346 March 19, 1949
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Thirty-Three Million Six Hundred Ninety-Eight Thousand and Nine Hundred Eighty-Eight Pesos to Cover the Deficiency in the Current Appropriation for the Bureau of Public Schools for the Operation and Maintenance of Existing Elementary Classes Authorized in Item J-IV-1 of Republic Act Numbered Three Hundred Twenty
Republic Act No. 345 March 14, 1949
An Act Authorizing the Director of Public Libraries to Compile and Publish in Book Form the Speeches, Messages, and Other Writings of the Late President Manuel A. Roxas, Which Shall be Distributed Without Charge to All Public Libraries, Schools and Colleges, and Sold to the Public at Cost
Republic Act No. 344 March 14, 1949
An Act Repealing Section Ten of Republic Act Numbered Fifty-Six
Republic Act No. 343 February 26, 1949
An Act Including the Teaching of Spanish Language in High Schools of the Philippines
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