Republic Act No. 197 June 22, 1947
An Act Creating the Municipality of Lemery in the Province of Iloilo
Republic Act No. 196 June 22, 1947
An Act to Grant to the Municipality of Basey, Samar, a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat, and Power System
Republic Act No. 195 June 22, 1947
An Act Granting the “Municipal Government of Janiuay, Province of Iloilo” a Franchise for an Electric Light, Heat and Power System in Said Municipality
Republic Act No. 194 June 22, 1947
An Act Creating the Municipality of Tagana-An, Province of Surigao
Republic Act No. 193 June 22, 1947
An Act Creating the Municipality of General Mcarthur in the Province of Samar
Republic Act No. 192 June 22, 1947
An Act to Create the Municipality of Talalora in the Province of Samar
Republic Act No. 191 June 22, 1947
An Act Creating the Municipality of Isabel, Province of Leytean Act to Create the Municipality of Talalora in the Province of Samaran Act Creating the Municipality of Isabel, Province of Leyte
Republic Act No. 190 June 22, 1947
An Act Creating the Barrio of Bucal in the Municipality of Rosario, Province of Batangas
Republic Act No. 189 June 22, 1947
An Act Changing the Name of Barrio Sambat, in the Municipality of Rosario, Province of Batangas, to Lumangbayan
Republic Act No. 188 June 21, 1947
An Act Creating the Municipality of Tubay, Province of Agusan
Republic Act No. 187 June 21, 1947
An Act to Provide for an Additional Appropriation of Four Hundred Eighty Thousand Pesos to Meet Expenses of Enumeration in a General Census-Taking Authorized by Republic Act Numbered Thirty-Six
Republic Act No. 186 June 21, 1947
An Act to Consider Teachers and Other Civil Service Employees with Certain Educational Qualifications Who Have Been in the Government Service Continuously for Ten Years as Civil Service Eligibles Without Taking Any Civil Service Examination
Republic Act No. 185 June 21, 1947
An Act Amending Sections One, Four and Five of Commonwealth Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Four
Republic Act No. 184 June 21, 1947
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Electrical Engineering in the Philippines, to Provide for the Licensing and Registration of Electrical Engineers and Electricians and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 183 June 21, 1947
An Act Creating the Rizal City
Republic Act No. 182 June 21, 1947
An Act to Require Publication in a Tagalog Newspaper of Applications for Licenses to Conduct First and Second Class Bars
Republic Act No. 181 June 21, 1947
An Act Prescribing the Order of Presidential Succession
Republic Act No. 180 June 21, 1947
The Revised Election Code
Republic Act No. 179 June 21, 1947
An Act Creating Ormoc City
Republic Act No. 178 June 21, 1947
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred Forty-Six, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Public Service Act, so as to Increase the Number of Commissioners in the Public Service Commission and to Create an Office to be Known as the Office of the People’s Counsel in the Public Service Commission
Republic Act No. 177 June 20, 1947
An Act to Create the Bureau of Fisheries
Republic Act No. 176 June 20, 1947
An Act to Create a National Commission on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Matters
Republic Act No. 175 June 20, 1947
An Act to Amend the Last Paragraph of Sections Two and Nine, of Act Numbered Thirty-Three Hundred and Seventy-Seven, Entitled “An Act to Provide for the Promotion of Agricultural and Vocational Education; to Provide for Cooperation with Provinces, Cities, and Municipalities in the Promotion of Such Education in Agriculture, Commerce, Trades, and Industries; to Provide for Cooperation with the University of the Philippines and Other Insular Institutions in the Preparation of Teachers of Vocational Subject; to Appropriate Funds and Regulate Their Expenditures, and for Other Purposes,” and to Insert a New Section in Said Act to be Known as Section Eleven-A
Republic Act No. 174 June 20, 1947
An Act to Authorize the Printing and Issuance of Semi-Postal Stamps for the Rehabilitation of the National Library
Republic Act No. 173 June 20, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Two Hundred and Sixty-Six of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Known as the National Internal Revenue Code, Relative to Charges Collectible on Forest Products Gathered from Unregistered Private Lands
Republic Act No. 172 June 20, 1947
An Act to Amend Articles One Hundred Eighty-Eight and One Hundred Eighty-Nine of Act Numbered Thirty-Eight Hundred and Fifteen, Otherwise Known as the Revised Penal Code, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 171 June 20, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Forty-Seven and Subsection (b) of Section One Hundred Eighty-Four of Act Numbered Twenty-Four Hundred and Twenty-Seven Otherwise Known as “The Insurance Act”
Republic Act No. 170 June 20, 1947
An Act Creating the City of Dagupan
Republic Act No. 169 June 20, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Thirty-Eight of Commonwealth Act Numbered Fifty-Eight Known as the Charter of the City of Cebu, as Amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred and Twenty-Nine and by Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Seven
Republic Act No. 168 June 20, 1947
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred and Fifty-Eight, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the City of Iloilo
Republic Act No. 167 June 20, 1947
An Act to Provide for the Transfer of the Powers, Duties and Functions Relating to the Registration and Protection of Copyrights from the National Library to the Patent Office, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 166 June 20, 1947
An Act to Provide for the Registration and Protection of Trade-Marks, Trade-Names and Service-Marks, Defining Unfair Competition and False Marking and Providing Remedies Against the Same, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 165 June 20, 1947
An Act Creating a Patent Office, Prescribing its Powers and Duties, Regulating the Issuance of Patents, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 164 June 20, 1947
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of the Administrative Code Relative to Offices of Register of Deeds
Republic Act No. 163 June 20, 1947
An Act to Amend Sections Seven, Ten, Eleven, Thirteen, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Nine, Seventy-Five, Eighty-Three, and Eighty-Seven of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Twenty, Entitled “An Act Creating the City of San Pablo”
Republic Act No. 162 June 20, 1947
An Act Creating the City of Lipa
Republic Act No. 161 June 20, 1947
An Act to Authorize the Reclamation of Foreshore Lands by the City of Bacolod
Republic Act No. 160 June 20, 1947
An act to provide a Scale of Salaries for members of the Police Force of Municipalities, amending for the purpose Section Twenty-Two Hundred and Seventy-Three of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 159 June 20, 1947
An Act to Recreate the Former Municipality of Caramoran, Province of Catanduanes
Republic Act No. 158 June 19, 1947
An Act to Amend Subsection (d), Section Seven of Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred and Sixty-Eight, Known as the “Civil Aviation Law,” and to Grant Licenses for Airmen to Nationals of Any Country Under Certain Conditions
Republic Act No. 157 June 19, 1947
An act creating a Bureau of Investigation, providing funds therefor, and for other purposes
Republic Act No. 156 June 14, 1947
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines During the Period from July First, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Seven to June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Eight, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 155 June 14, 1947
An Act to Authorize the Printing and Issue of Semi-Postal Stamps in Order to Raise Funds for the Philippine National Red Cross
Republic Act No. 154 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Eight of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Five, Granting Certain Privileges to Veterans in Taking the Civil Service Examinations and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 153 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Two Hundred and Sixty-Five of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Known as the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 152 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Eighteen Hundred and Twenty-Nine of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 151 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Two Hundred and Sixty-Three of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Known as the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 150 June 14, 1947
An Act Extending Under Certain Conditions the Term of the Franchise Granted by the Municipal Board of the City of Manila to Charles M. Swift, and Later Taken Over by the Manila Electric Company, to Construct, Maintain, and Operate an Electric Light, Heat, and Power System in the City of Manila and its Suburbs
Republic Act No. 149 June 14, 1947
An Act Reappropriating and Making Available All Balances of the Appropriation Authorized Under Items J-IV-2 and J-IV-14 of Republic Act Numbered Eighty Remaining Unexpended on June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Seven, for the Opening of New or Additional Elementary Classes in the Public Schools Throughout the Philippines
Republic Act No. 148 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Paragraph “C”, Section One of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Two
Republic Act No. 147 June 14, 1947
An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Million Pesos to Defray the Expenses of the National Government in Connection with the Election of Elective Provincial, City and Municipal Officials and of the Eight Senators to be Held on November Eleven, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Seven
Republic Act No. 146 June 14, 1947
An Act Providing Sufficient Notice to the Veterans Administration of Motions or Petitions Filed in Any Court of the Philippines Relative to Guardianship Proceedings of Any Person or His Estate, or Both, When the Whole or Part of the Estate Under Guardianship is Derived from the United States Veterans Administration
Republic Act No. 145 June 14, 1947
An Act Penalizing Unlawful Solicitation Of, or Contract For, Fees Relative to Claim or Benefits Under Statutes of the United States Being Administered by the United States Veterans Administration, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 144 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Sections Six, Thirty-Seven, Forty-Two, Forty-Four, Forty-Five and Forty-Six of Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and Thirteen, Entitled “An Act to Control and Regulate the Immigration of Aliens into the Philippines,” and to Insert a New Section in Said Act to be Known as Section Twenty-Two-A
Republic Act No. 143 June 14, 1947
An Act Appropriating Twenty-Five Million Pesos for Public Works
Republic Act No. 142 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Sections Eighteen and Nineteen of the Philippine Tariff Act of August Five, Nineteen Hundred and Nine, as Amended
Republic Act No. 141 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Section One of Act Numbered Thirty-Five Hundred, as Amended
Republic Act No. 140 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Thirty Hundred and Two Entitled “An Act to Create a Harbor Board for the Port of Manila,” as Amended by Act Numbered Thirty-Eight Hundred and Fifty-One and Commonwealth Act Numbered Two Hundred and Eighty-Five
Republic Act No. 139 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Act Numbered Twenty-Nine Hundred and Fifty-Seven, Entitled “An Act Creating a Board to Have Charge of the Selection and Approval of the Textbooks to be Used by the Colleges and Schools of the Government, and for Other Purposes,” as Amended by Act Numbered Thirty-One Hundred and Eighty-Five, Thirty-Four Hundred and Two, and Thirty-Seven Hundred and Seventy-Two
Republic Act No. 138 June 14, 1947
An Act to define the Pay Status of Personnel in the Armed Forces of the Philippines and for other purposes
Republic Act No. 137 June 14, 1947
An act to Prohibit Cockfighting, Horse Racing and Jai-Alai Games on the Fourth of July of Each Year
Republic Act No. 136 June 14, 1947
An Act Providing for the Immediate Payment of Monies Due to Deceased Filipino Members of the United States Army, United States Navy, Philippine Scouts, Philippine Army, Including Duly Recognized Guerrilla Organizations, and Deceased Civilian Employees of the War and Navy Departments and Other Departments of the United States Government and of the Philippine Army, and Deceased Civilians with Claims for Supplies Furnished or Services Rendered Under the Laws of the United States and/or to the Philippine Army, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 135 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Subsection (A) of Section Forty-Two of Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and Thirteen, Entitled “An Act to Control and Regulate the Immigration of Aliens into the Philippines,” and to Repeal Subsections (X) and (Y) of Section Fourteen Hundred and Fourteen of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 134 June 14, 1947
An act to amend Sections One, Two and Two-A of Commonwealth Act numbered One Hundred and Eight, entitled "An Act to Punish Acts of Evasion of the Laws on the Nationalization of Certain Rights, Franchises or Privileges," As Amended, And To Insert Between Sections Three and Four thereof a new section to be known as Section Three-A
Republic Act No. 133 June 14, 1947
An act to authorize the Mortgage of Private Real Property in favor of any individual, corporation, or association subject to certain conditions
Republic Act No. 132 June 14, 1947
An act to allow the members of the Government Service Insurance System option to convert their policies into paid-up policies and apply for new Insurance
Republic Act No. 131 June 14, 1947
An Act Amending Section Two Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Four (a) of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 130 June 14, 1947
An Act Continuing the Existing Classifications of Provinces and Municipalities and Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Make Partial Readjustments Thereof
Republic Act No. 129 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Fifteen of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Twenty Authorizing the City of San Pablo to Establish and Maintain a Telephone System
Republic Act No. 128 June 14, 1947
An Act Requiring District Health Officers or Their Authorized Representatives to Inspect the Sanitary Condition of Coastwise Passenger Vessels Calling at Ports in Their District and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 127 June 14, 1947
An Act to Repeal Section Twenty-One of Act Numbered Twenty-Four Hundred and Seventy-Two, Otherwise Known as the Locust Act
Republic Act No. 126 June 14, 1947
An Act Amending the Third Paragraph of Section Sixteen Hundred and Thirty-Seven of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 125 June 14, 1947
An Act Governing the Use of Air Navigation Facilities and Providing the Payment of the Use Thereof
Republic Act No. 124 June 14, 1947
An Act to Provide for the Medical Inspection of Children Enrolled in Private Schools, Colleges and Universities in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 123 June 14, 1947
An Act Prescribing the Reorganization and Operation of the Bureau of Quarantine Service and Promulgating Regulations Thereof
Republic Act No. 122 June 14, 1947
An Act to Amend Certain Provisions of Act Numbered Thirty-Nine Hundred and Fifteen, Entitled “An Act Providing for the Establishment of National Parks, Declaring Such Parks as Game Refuges, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 121 June 14, 1947
An Act to Further Amend Section Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-Eight of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven, Known as the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended by Act Numbered Thirty-Eight Hundred and Twenty and Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred
Republic Act No. 120 June 7, 1947
An Act Amending Article Three Hundred and Ten of Act Numbered Thirty-Eight Hundred and Fifteen, Otherwise Known as the Revised Penal Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 119 June 7, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Nineteen Hundred Sixty-Eight of the Revised Administrative Code so as to Change in Terms of Pesos, Philippine Currency, Instead of Dollars, United States Currency, the Maximum Amount for Which a Money Order May be Issued
Republic Act No. 118 June 7, 1947
An Act Requiring Aliens Seeking to Enter the Philippines to Pay the Sum of Fifty Pesos for Each Certificate of Residence, Thereby Amending Item (10) of Paragraph (A) of Section Forty-Two of Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and Thirteen
Republic Act No. 117 June 7, 1947
An Act to Amend Section One Hundred and Fourteen of Act Numbered Four Hundred and Ninety-Six, Entitled “The Land Registration Act,” as Amended, Fixing a New Schedule of Fees for Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs and Registers of Deeds
Republic Act No. 116 June 7, 1947
An Act to Amend Section One Hundred and Ninety-Eight of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 115 June 7, 1947
An Act to Provide Funds for Reforestation and Afforestation of Denuded Areas and Cogon or Open Lands Within Forest Reserves, Communal Forest, National Parks, Timber Lands, Sand Dunes, and Other Public Forest Lands in the Philippines, Providing Penalties for Violation of the Provisions Thereof and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 114 June 7, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Six Hundred Seventy-One Subsection (h) of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven as Amended, Known as the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 113 June 7, 1947
An Act Authorizing the Register of Deeds to Use the Seal of His Office, Instead of that of the Court of First Instance in Certificates of Title and Other Papers Which Require a Seal and Which are Issued by His Office
Republic Act No. 112 June 2, 1947
An Act Appropriating the Sum of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos for the Improvement of the Port of Manila by Dredging the Harbors, the Pasig River, and the Navigable Esteros
Republic Act No. 111 June 2, 1947
An Act Amending Section Nine of Act Numbered Three Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Two, Entitled “An Act to Regulate the Sale, Transfer, Mortgage or Assignment of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Provisions or Materials, in Bulk, and Prescribing Penalties for the Violation of the Provisions Thereof”
Republic Act No. 110 June 2, 1947
An Act to Authorize the Printing and Issue of Semi-Postal Stamps for Certain Purposes
Republic Act No. 109 June 2, 1947
An Act Amending Section Ten, Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and Fifty-Three, by Increasing the Documentary Stamp to be Affixed by an Alien to Certificate of Registration
Republic Act No. 108 June 2, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Sixteen Hundred and Twenty-Six of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven, Known as the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 107 June 2, 1947
An Act Setting a New Time Limit Within Which Imperfect or Incomplete Titles Covering Lands of the Public Domain May be Judicially Confirmed, Amending for This Purpose Sections Forty-Five and Forty-Seven of the Public Land Act, As Amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered Two Hundred And Ninety-Two
Republic Act No. 106 June 2, 1947
An Act Setting a New Time Limit Within Which Imperfect or Incomplete Titles Covering Lands of the Public Domain May be Judicially Confirmed, Amending for This Purpose Sections Forty-Five and Forty-Seven of the Public Land Act, as Amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered Two Hundred and Ninety-Two
Republic Act No. 105 June 2, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Thirteen of Act Numbered Twenty-One Hundred and Fifty-Two, as Amended, Increasing the Funds for the Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Systems
Republic Act No. 104 June 2, 1947
An Act Requiring Corporations, Agencies or Instrumentalities Owned or Controlled by the Government to Pay Taxes, Duties, Fees, and Other Charges
Republic Act No. 103 June 2, 1947
An Act Increasing the Maximum Limit of the Salaries of Mayors, Secretaries and Treasurers of Municipalities in Regularly Organized Provinces, Amending for This Purpose Section Twenty-One Hundred and Eighty-Four of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 102 June 2, 1947
An Act to Amend Section Twenty-Seven Hundred and Fifty of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven Known as the Revised Administrative Code, Making the Provisions of Said Section More Effective and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 101 May 30, 1947
An Act to Amend Act Numbered One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Entitled, “An Act for the Purpose of Founding a University for the Philippine Islands, Giving it Corporate Existence, Providing for a Board of Regents, Defining the Board’s Responsibilities and Duties, Providing Higher and Professional Instruction, and for Other Purposes,” as Amended by Eliminating the Provisions Excluding the Alumni of the University of the Philippines Among Persons Who May be Conferred Honorary Degrees by the University
Republic Act No. 100 April 16, 1947
An Act to Authorize Any Commissioner of the Philippine War Damage Commission Who is a Citizen of the Philippines, and Certain Officers and Employees Thereof, Attorneys of the Legal Aid Office of the Department of Justice and Public School Teachers and Other Public School Officials, to Administer Oaths on Claim Papers to be Submitted to the Philippine War Damage Commission
Republic Act No. 99 March 24, 1947
An Act Further Amending Section Sixteen Hundred and Seventy-Four of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 98 March 24, 1947
An Act Prescribing a New Scale of Salaries Allowable for Certain Civil Service Examinations
Republic Act No. 97 March 24, 1947
An Act Exempting from the Technical Examination Applicants for Certificate as Third Mates Who are Graduates of the Philippine Nautical School Who Have Served as Agregado a Piloto in a Seagoing Sailing Vessel or in a Seagoing Steamer, by Amending Subsection (D) of Section Eleven Hundred and Ninety-One of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 96 March 24, 1947
An Act to Amend Sections Thirty-One and Thirty-Two of Act Numbered Four Hundred and Ninety-Six, and Sections Seven and Eight of Act Numbered Twenty-Two Hundred and Fifty-Nine
Republic Act No. 95 March 22, 1947
An Act to Incorporate the Philippine National Red Cross
Republic Act No. 94 March 17, 1947
An Act to Amend Section One Hundred and Eighty-Two of the Revised Administrative Code so as to Allow the General Land Registration Office to Use its Own Seal Instead of that of Courts of First Instance in All Processes Issued by or Through Said Office
Republic Act No. 93 March 17, 1947
An Act to Further Amend Section Fifty-Eight of Act Numbered Four Hundred and Ninety-Six, Otherwise Known as the Land Registration Act, as Amended by Act Numbered Forty Hundred and Twenty-Nine, and to Provide for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 92 March 4, 1947
An Act Amending Sections One And Seven Of Republic Act Numbered Seventeen, Entitled "An Act To Provide For The Circulation Of Treasury Certificates With The Official Seal Of The Republic Of The Philippines Stamped, Printed Or Superimposed Thereon, And For Other Purposes"
Republic Act No. 91 March 4, 1947
An Act To Provide For The Holding Of A Special Election To Fill Existing Vacancies In The House Of Representatives Called In Proclamation Numbered Nineteen, Dated January Six, Nineteen Hundred And Forty-Seven, Of The President Of The Philippines, And For Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 90 February 26, 1947
An Act Creating The Municipality Of Gamay, Province Of Samar
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