Republic Act No. 89 October 30, 1946
An Act to Amend Section Four of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Sixty-Five by Withdrawing the Exemption Granted in Favor of Co-Operative Associations Referred to Therein from the Payment of Taxes
Republic Act No. 88 October 29, 1946
An Act Appropriating Fifty-Seven Million Sixty-Five Thousand Pesos for Public Works
Republic Act No. 87 October 29, 1946
An Act Appropriating the Net Proceeds from the Sales of Surplus Property and Properties Acquired from Such Proceeds or Exchanges with Surplus Property to Pay for Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation
Republic Act No. 86 October 29, 1946
An act authorizing the Secretary of Finance to withdraw from the treasury certificate fund such sums as are in excess of the legal reserve requirement, and appropriating the same to pay for subscriptions of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines to the Capital Stock of the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation
Republic Act No. 85 October 29, 1946
"Charter of the Development Bank of the Philippines"
An act Creating the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation
Republic Act No. 84 October 29, 1946
An Act to Amend Sections Two Hundred and Ninety-One, Two Hundred and Ninety-Two, Two Hundred and Ninety-Seven, Two Hundred and Ninety-Nine, and Three Hundred and Two of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Relative to the Firearms Tax, Radio Fees and Tobacco Inspection Fees
Republic Act No. 83 October 29, 1946
An Act to Amend Sections Eighty-Six, Eighty-Nine, One Hundred and Ten, One Hundred and Twelve, One Hundred and Sixteen and One Hundred and Twenty-Two of Title III of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six
Republic Act No. 82 October 29, 1946
An Act to Amend Sections Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-Four, Fifty-Three, Fifty-Four, and to Repeal Subsection (U) of Section Eighty-Four of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, as Amended
Republic Act No. 81 October 29, 1946
An act to aid the Mining Industry by providing for the waiver of, and/or extension of the period within which to perform, accomplish or comply with any term, condition, or stipulation required of locators, holders, lessees, or operators of mining claims or concessions, and of water rights and timber concessions connected with the Mining Industry, and the Condonation of Mining, Specific and Real Estate Taxes, under certain terms and conditions
Republic Act No. 80 October 22, 1946
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines During the Period from July First, Nineteen Hundred Forty-Six to June Thirty, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Seven and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 79 October 21, 1946
An act to authorize the holding by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office of Horse Races, with betting, on Saturday Afternoons, for charitable, relief and civic purposes
Republic Act No. 78 October 21, 1946
An Act to Create an Advance Fund of Five Million Pesos to Finance a General Revision of Real Property Assessments in the Provinces and Chartered Cities
Republic Act No. 77 October 21, 1946
An Act to Amend Section Six of This Act, Entitled “An Act to Raise Revenue for the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes,” Approved by the Congress of the United States on August Fifth, Nineteen Hundred and Nine, as Amended by Act Numbered Forty Hundred and Thirty-Four of the Philippine Legislature, by Providing a Method of Conversion Based on the Current Rates of Exchange
Republic Act No. 76 October 21, 1946
An Act to Repeal Laws or Provisions of Laws Granting Rights to American Citizens, Corporations, and Associations, Unless They Affect Rights Already Vested Under the Constitution or Extended by Treaty, Agreement or Convention with the United States of America
Republic Act No. 75 October 21, 1946
An Act to Penalize Acts Which Would Impair the Proper Observance By the Republic and Inhabitants of the Philippines of the Immunities, Right, and Privileges of Duly Accredited Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Agents in the Philippines
Republic Act No. 74 October 21, 1946
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Six as Amended by Act Numbered Thirty Hundred and Seventy-Five and Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred and Eighty Providing for Additional Expenses in the Supervision and Regulation of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities and for a Revolving Fund for the Purchase and Sale of Textbooks to Private School Students, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 73 October 21, 1946
An Act to Submit to the Filipino People, for Approval or Disapproval, the Amendment to the Constitution of the Philippines to be appended as an Ordinance thereto, Proposed by the Congress of the Philippines in a Resolution of both Houses, adopted on September Eighteen, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Six, and to Appropriate Funds Therefor
Republic Act No. 72 October 21, 1946
An Act to Further Amend Act Numbered Forty-One Hundred and Thirty, as Amended, Regarding the Apportionment and Distribution of the Proceeds from Sweepstakes Races
Republic Act No. 71 October 21, 1946
An Act Requiring Price Tags or Labels to be Affixed on All Articles of Commerce Offered for Sale at Retail and Penalizing Violations of Such Requirement
Republic Act No. 70 October 21, 1946
An Act to Make Obligatory the Employment of a Physician in Certain Vessels Engaged in Coastwise Trade
Republic Act No. 69 October 21, 1946
An Act Providing for the Transmission Free of Charge Within the Philippines of Mail Matter of Senators and of Members of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Republic Act No. 68 October 21, 1946
An Act Regulating the Prices of Admission to Theaters, Cinematographs, Horse Races, Jai-Alai and Other Places of Amusement, and Appropriating Funds
Republic Act No. 67 October 21, 1946
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Commonwealth Act Numbered Fifty-Eight, Known as the Charter of the City of Cebu, as Amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred and Twenty-Nine
Republic Act No. 66 October 18, 1946
An Act to Amend Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and Eighty-Nine, Entitled “An Act to Penalize Speculation on Rents of Buildings Destined for Dwelling Purposes”
Republic Act No. 65 October 18, 1946
An Act Providing for a Bill of Rights for Officers and Enlisted Men of the Philippine Army and of Recognized or Deserving Guerrilla Organizations, and Veterans of the Philippine Revolutions, Creating Therefor a Philippine Veterans Board in the Department of National Defense, and for other purposes
Republic Act No. 64 October 18, 1946
An Act Amending Commonwealth Act Numbered Seven Hundred and Twenty-Six by Extending the Provisions Thereof to Mutual Building and Loan Associations Under Certain Conditions
Republic Act No. 63 October 17, 1946
An Act to Amend Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred Ninety-One Entitled "An Act to Provide for the Free Distribution, Under Certain Conditions, of Lots of Twenty-Four Hectares Each of Agricultural Land of the Public Domain"
Republic Act No. 62 October 17, 1946
An Act to Require the Presentation of Proof of Ownership of Securities and the Reconstruction of Corporate and Partnership Records, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 61 October 17, 1946
An Act to Recreate the Former Municipality of Quinapondan, Province of Samar
Republic Act No. 60 October 17, 1946
An Act Amending Section Twenty-Five Hundred Six-A Under Article XI-A of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 59 October 17, 1946
An Act to Make Elective the Offices of Provincial Governor and Members of the Provincial Board, and to Fix the Compensation of the Provincial Officials, of Bukidnon, Cotabato, Lanao, Sulu and Mountain Province
Republic Act No. 58 October 17, 1946
An Act Creating the Municipality of Tubod, Province of Lanao
Republic Act No. 57 October 17, 1946
An Act to Amend Section Twenty-Nine of Act Numbered Twenty-Seven Hundred and Eleven, Known as the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 56 October 15, 1946
An Act Amending or Repealing Certain Sections of Title IV of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six Relative to Specific Taxes
Republic Act No. 55 October 15, 1946
An act to Impose a War Profits Tax
Republic Act No. 54 October 10, 1946
An Act to Repeal Executive Order Numbered Four Hundred Dated January Two Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Two and Executive Order Numbered Fifty-Eight Dated July Twenty-Six, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Five
Republic Act No. 53 October 5, 1946
An Act to Exempt the Publisher, Editor or Reporter of Any Publication from Revealing the Source of Published News or Information Obtained in Confidence
Republic Act No. 52 October 4, 1946
An Act to Repeal Executive Order Numbered Thirty-Seven, Dated the Tenth of March, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Five, and to Revive, with Certain Amendments, Sections One Hundred and Forty-Five-A to One Hundred and Forty-Five-Q of the Revised Administrative Code as Herein Amended, so as to Recreate the Court of Appeals
Republic Act No. 51 October 4, 1946
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Reorganize Within One Year the Different Executive Department, Bureaus, Offices, Agencies and Other Instrumentalities of the Government, Including the Corporations, Owned or Controlled By It
Republic Act No. 50 October 4, 1946
An Act to Convert the Suburb of Lucena of the Municipality of Santa Barbara, Province of Iloilo, into a Regular Municipality
Republic Act No. 49 October 3, 1946
An Act to Amend Section Fourteen Hundred and Fourteen of the Revised Administrative Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 48 October 3, 1946
An Act to Amend Certain Administrative Provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six, Otherwise Known as the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 47 October 3, 1946
An Act to Amend Article Eighty of the Revised Penal Code, as Amended
Republic Act No. 46 October 3, 1946
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Thirty-Nine Hundred and Sixty-One, Entitled, "An Act to Provide Free Emergency Medical Treatment for Employees and Laborers of Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural Establishments, in Certain Cases Provide Penalties for the Violation Hereof, and for Other Purposes"
Republic Act No. 45 October 3, 1946
An act to fix the date of the Regular Elections for Elective Provincial, City and Municipal Offices, and of the election of the Eight Senators who will succeed those whose term of office will expire on December Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Seven
Republic Act No. 44 October 3, 1946
An act to Revise Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-One entitled, "An Act to Regulate the Relations Between Landowner and Tenant and to Provide for Compulsory Arbitration of any Controversy Arising Between Them," as amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and Eight
Republic Act No. 43 October 2, 1946
An act to Establish, Organize and Maintain One National Agricultural School in the Province of Negros Occidental and to appropriate certain sums of money for the purpose
Republic Act No. 42 October 1, 1946
An Act to Amend Sections One Hundred and Eighty-Two, One Hundred and Ninety-Three, Subsections (o), (r), and (s) of Section One Hundred and Ninety-Four and Section Two Hundred and One of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Six
Republic Act No. 41 October 1, 1946
An Act Amending or Repealing Certain Sections of Title V of the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 40 October 1, 1946
An Act to Amend Certain Sections of the National Internal Revenue Code, Relative to Documentary Stamp Taxes
Republic Act No. 39 October 1, 1946
An Act Amending or Repealing Certain Sections of Titles V and VIII of the National Internal Revenue Code
Republic Act No. 38 October 1, 1946
An Act Repealing Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Eighty-One, Entitled, "An Act Abolishing the Existing Municipal Governments and the Provincial Government of Romblon, and Creating Instead Four Special Municipalities," Restoring the Regular Provincial Government and Municipalities of the Province of Romblon, and Creating the Municipality of Santa Fe
Republic Act No. 37 October 1, 1946
An Act Granting Preference to Filipino Citizens in the Lease of Public Market Stalls
Republic Act No. 36 September 30, 1946
Census Act of Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Six
Republic Act No. 35 September 27, 1946
An Act Authorizing the Exemption of New and Necessary Industries from the Payment of Internal Revenue Taxes
Republic Act No. 34 September 30, 1946
An act amending certain sections of Act Numbered Four Thousand Fifty-Four, as amended, otherwise known as "The Philippine Rice Share Tenancy Act"
Republic Act No. 33 September 27, 1946
An Act to Approve the Agreement Entered into Between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the United States of America, Dated September Eleventh, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Six; to Authorize the Acceptance, Administration, Sale, and Disposition of the Surplus Property Acquired Thereunder; and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 32 September 25, 1946
An Act to Amend Act Numbered Four Thousand and Thirty-Five of the Philippine Legislature Entitled, "An Act to Prevent Dumping of Imported Articles, Wares, or Merchandise, to Discourage Unfair Practices or Methods in the Import Trade, to Impose Special Customs Duties Therefor, and for Other Purposes"
Republic Act No. 31 September 25, 1946
An act to Amend Sections Six, Seven and Fourteen of Act Numbered Twenty-Six Hundred and Thirteen, otherwise known as the Tobacco Inspection Law
Republic Act No. 30 September 25, 1946
An act authorizing the payment, under certain conditions, of a Gratuity to the Widow and/or Children, and in their absence to the other heirs, of a deceased officer or member of any Police Force or Similar Governmental Organization engaged in the Maintenance of Peace and Order, appropriating funds therefor
Republic Act No. 29
An Act Authorizing Provincial and Municipal Governments and Chartered Cities to Grant Living Bonus
Republic Act No. 28 September 25, 1946
An act Authorizing Municipalities to Contract Loans from the Agricultural and Industrial Bank for the Construction of Public Markets and Slaughterhouses
Republic Act No. 27 September 25, 1946
An Act to Repeal Act Numbered Two Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven, as Amended by Acts Numbered Two Thousand Three Hundred and One, Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-Three, and Four Thousand and Ninety-Six
Republic Act No. 26 September 25, 1946
An act providing a Special Procedure for the Reconstitution of Torrens Certificates of Title Lost or Destroyed
Republic Act No. 25 September 25, 1946
An Act to Increase the Compensation of Flight officers and Enlisted Men of the Air Corps of the Philippine Army
Republic Act No. 24 September 25, 1946
An Act Providing for the Payment of the Salary of the City Auditor of Manila from the funds of said City at the rate of Eight Thousand Pesos per annum
Republic Act No. 23 September 25, 1946
An Act to Amend Sections Twelve Hundred and Fifty-Six, Thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Five, Subsection (c), and Thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 22 September 25, 1946
An Act Providing for the Creation of an Emergency Currency Board, the Registration, Deposit and Outlawing of Emergency Currency Notes, and for other purposes
Republic Act No. 21 September 25, 1946
An Act Authorizing the Legitimate Father, or, in his default, the Mother, of any Minor or Incompetent Person Having a Claim or Share in a claim against the Government of the Philippines or of the United States, to receive payment of said claim or share when the amount thereof does not exceed Five Hundred Pesos or its equivalent in Dollars
Republic Act No. 20 September 25, 1946
An Act to Amend Sections Twelve Hundred and Fifty-Six, Thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Five, Subsection (c), and Thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight of the Revised Administrative Code
Republic Act No. 19 September 25, 1946
An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Hundred Thousand Pesos for the Improvement of the Maternity and Children’s Hospital in the City of Manila
Republic Act No. 18 September 25, 1946
An Act to Amend Articles Sixty-Two, Two Hundred and Sixty-Seven, Two Hundred and Sixty-Eight, Two Hundred and Seventy, Two Hundred and Seventy-One, Two Hundred and Ninety-Four, and Two Hundred and Ninety-Nine of the Revised Penal Code
Republic Act No. 17 September 25, 1946
An Act to Provide for the Circulation of Treasury Certificates with the Official Seal of the Republic of the Philippines Stamped, Printed or Superimposed Thereon, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 16 September 18, 1946
An Act Authorizing the President of the Philippines to obtain such loans or incur such indebtedness with the Government of the United States, its Agencies and Instrumentalities, as may be necessary to cover budgetary deficits and other expenditures of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines for rehabilitation and other purposes, and appropriating the necessary funds therefor
Republic Act No. 15 September 18, 1946
An Act Providing that in Any Criminal Proceeding Before a Justice of the Peace No Cost De Oficio Shall be Taxed Against the Municipality Concerned When the Case is Dismissed or the Defendant Acquitted
Republic Act No. 14 September 7, 1946
An Act to Change the Name of the Province of Tayabas to Quezon
Republic Act No. 13 September 5, 1946
An Act to Amend Sections Five and Six of Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and Seventy-Two, Entitled "An Act to Rehabilitate the Philippine National Bank"
Republic Act No. 12 September 5, 1946
An Act Amending Articles One Hundred Forty-Six, Two Hundred Ninety-Five, Two Hundred Ninety-Six and Three Hundred Six of the Revised Penal Code
Republic Act No. 11 September 18, 1946
An Act to Prohibit the Slaughtering of Male and Female Carabaos, Horses, Mares, and Cows
Republic Act No. 10 September 2, 1946
An Act Penalizing Usurpation of Public Authority
Republic Act No. 9 September 2, 1946
An Act to Authorize the President of the Philippines to enter into an agreement or agreements with the Government of the United States pursuant to United States Public Act Numbered Four Hundred and Fifty-Four, commonly called the "Republic of the Philippines Military Assistance Act," and to issue the necessary rules and regulations to implement said act, and providing penalties for violations thereof
Republic Act No. 8 August 9, 1946
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines from January One to December Thirty One, Two Thousand and Fifteen, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 7 August 9, 1946
An Act to establish the Foreign Funds Control Office, and for other purposes
Republic Act No. 6 August 5, 1946
An Act to Provide That as of the Date of the Proclamation of the Republic of the Philippines the Present Congress of the Philippines Shall Be Known as the First Congress of the Republic of the Philippines, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 5 August 1, 1946
An Act to Amend Sections Two and Five of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred Eighteen, Entitled "An Act to Establish the National Coconut Corporation, and to Appropriate Additional Operating Capital for Said Corporation"
Republic Act No. 4 July 19, 1946
An Act to Amend Section Twenty-Six Hundred and Ninety-Two of the Revised Administrative Code, and to Exempt From Responsibility Those Who Should Surrender Firearms Under Certain Conditions, and for Other Purposes
Republic Act No. 3 July 19, 1946
An Act to Continue in Force and Effect the Act of the Congress of the United States, Approved on August 5, 1909, Entitled "An Act to Raise Revenue for the Philippine Islands, and for Other Purposes," Otherwise Known as "The Philippine Tariff Law of 1909," as Amended
Republic Act No. 2 July 19, 1946
An Act Appropriating Fifty Thousand Pesos to Defray the Expenses of a State Funeral for Manuel L. Quezon and for the Erection of a Mausoleum to Contain His Remains
Republic Act No. 1 July 15, 1946
An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines Beginning July First, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Six Until the General Appropriations Act for the Fiscal Year Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Seven Is Approved
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