Presidential Decree No. 1610 February 28, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1609 Entitled Authorizing As An Emergency Measure The Importation, Free Of Duties, Of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Presidential Decree No. 1607 December 10, 1978
Revising Presidential Decree No. 1487 Creating The Office Of The Ombudsman, To Be Known As Tanodbayan
Presidential Decree No. 1606 December 10, 1978
Revising Presidential Decree No. 1486 Creating A Special Court To Be Known As "Sandiganbayan" And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1605 November 21, 1978
Granting The Metropolitan Manila Commission Certain Powers Related To Traffic Management And Control In Metropolitan Manila, Providing Penalties, And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1604 July 21, 1978
Granting Franking Privilege To Members Of The Batasang Pambansa
Presidential Decree No. 1603 June 11, 1978
Authorizing Ministries, Bureaus And Offices Of The Government To Issue Implementing Rules And Regulations
Presidential Decree No. 1602 June 11, 1978
Prescribing Stiffer Penalties On Illegal Gambling
Presidential Decree No. 1600 June 11, 1978
Increasing The Salaries Of The Chief Justice And Associate Justices Of The Supreme Court
Presidential Decree No. 1599 June 11, 1978
Establishing An Exclusive Economic Zone And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1598 June 11, 1978
Increasing The Salary Of The Speaker Of The National Assembly And Fixing The Salary Of The Deputy Prime Minister
Presidential Decree No. 1597 June 11, 1978
Further Rationalizing The System Of Compensation And Position Classification In The National Government
Presidential Decree No. 1595 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree Number Six Hundred Eighty-One Entitled "Creating The Farm Systems Development Corporation Prescribing Its Powers And Activities Providing Funds Therefor And For Other Purposes"
Presidential Decree No. 1594 June 11, 1978
Prescribing Policies, Guidelines, Rules And Regulations For Government Infrastructure Contracts
Presidential Decree No. 1593 June 11, 1978
Amending Certain Sections Of Presidential Decree No. 1297 Centralizing The Importation Of Ruminants For Breeding, Slaughter And Beef
Presidential Decree No. 1592 June 11, 1978
Authorizing The Creation Of The Position Of Assistant Secretary For Finance And Management In Executive Departments
Presidential Decree No. 1591 June 11, 1978
Exempting From All Taxes The Earnings Of Investments Of The Foundation For Youth Development In The Philippines, Inc.
Presidential Decree No. 1590 June 11, 1978
An Act Granting A New Franchise To Philippine Airlines, Inc. To Establish, Operate, And Maintain Air-Transport Services In The Philippines And Other Countries
Presidential Decree No. 1589 June 11, 1978
Excluding Certain Areas From The Operation Of Proclamation No. 87 DatedAugust 9, 1966, Under Republic Act No. 3092, And Opening The Same For Mining Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1588 June 11, 1978
Establishing A National Cartography, Photogrammetry And Remote-Sensing Center, Defining Its Powers And Functions, Appropriating Funds Therefor, And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1587 June 11, 1978
"Instituting The "Administrative Code Of 1987"
Presidential Decree No. 1586 June 11, 1978
Establishing An Environmental Impact Statement System, Including Other Environmental Management Related Measures And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1585 June 11, 1978
Prescribing Certain Standard Conditions For Government Contracts, Concessions, Licenses, Permits, Leases Or Similar Privileges Involving The Exploration, Development Exploitation Or Utilization Of Natural Resources
Presidential Decree No. 1584 June 11, 1978
Further Amending The Fiscal Incentives Administered By The Board Of Investments
Presidential Decree No. 1583 June 11, 1978
Improving The Tenurial Arrangements Between The Landowner And Tenants In Private Agricultural Lands Devoted To Crops Other Than Rice And Corn
Presidential Decree No. 1582 June 11, 1978
Granting To The Chairman And Members Of The Civil Service Commission The Retirement Benefits Extended To Chairmen And Members Of The Commission On Audit And The Commission On Elections Under Republic Act No. 3595 And Pertinent Laws
Presidential Decree No. 1581 July 1, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 847, Entitled "Adopting A Compensation Scheme For The Career Executive Service And Related Matters"
Presidential Decree No. 1580 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1011 Creating The Municipality Of South Upi In The Province Of Maguindanao
Presidential Decree No. 1579 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 461 To Create Ministry-Wide Regional Offices In The Ministry Of Agriculture
Presidential Decree No. 1578 January 1, 1978
Granting Energy Incentive Allowance To Certain Personnel Of The National Museum And Providing Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1577 June 11, 1978
Prescribing The Manner Of Calling A Plebiscite Or A Referendum And The Manner Of Recall Of Local Elective Officials
Presidential Decree No. 1576 June 11, 1978
Providing For The Appointment, Removal Or Suspension Of Local Elective Officials During The Transition Period
Presidential Decree No. 1575 June 11, 1978
Requiring Practitioners Of Dentistry To Keep Records Of Their Patients
Presidential Decree No. 1574 June 11, 1978
Transferring, Ceding And Conveying To The Philippine Tourism Authority Certain Parcels Of Land Of The Public Domain Of The Government Located In The Ternate, Cavite, For Tourism Development Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1573 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1206 Creating The Department Of Energy
Presidential Decree No. 1572 June 11, 1978
Empowering The Secretary Of Trade To Regulate And Control The Operation Of Service And Repair Enterprises For Motor Vehicles, Heavy Equipment And Engines And Engineering Works; Electronics, Electrical, Airconditioning And Refrigeration; Office Equipment; Medical And Dental Equipment; And Other Consumer Mechanical And Industrial Equipment, Appliances Or Devices, Including The Technical Personnel Employed Therein
Presidential Decree No. 1571 June 11, 1978
Granting Incentive And Other Allowances To Certain Personnel Of The Philippine Atomic Energy Commission And Providing Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1570 June 11, 1978
Regulating The Practice Of Aeronautical Engineering In The Philippines
Presidential Decree No. 1569 June 11, 1978
Strengthening The Barangay Nutrition Program By Providing For A Barangay Nutrition Scholar In Every Barangay, Providing Funds Therefor, And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1568 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Presidential Decree No. 1183, As Amended By Presidential Decree No. 1205, Entitled "Amending And Consolidating The Provisions On Travel Tax Of Republic Act No. 1478 As Amended And Republic Act No. 6141, Prescribing The Manner Of Collection Thereof, Providing Penalties For Violation Thereof, And For Other Purposes"
Presidential Decree No. 1567 June 11, 1978
Establishing A Day Care Center In Every Barangay And Appropriating Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1566 June 11, 1978
Strengthening The Philippine Disaster Control, Capability And Establishing The National Program On Community Disaster Preparedness
Presidential Decree No. 1565 June 11, 1978
Providing For A National Program For Social Services And Development For The Filipino Children And Youth
Presidential Decree No. 1564 June 11, 1978
Amending Act No. 4075, Otherwise Known As The Solicitation Permit Law
Presidential Decree No. 1563 June 11, 1978
Establishing An Integrated System For The Control And Eradication Of Mendicancy, Providing Penalties, Appropriating Funds Therefor, And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1562 June 11, 1978
Establishing The Infrastructure Computer Center In The Department Of Public Works, Transportation And Communications
Presidential Decree No. 1561 June 11, 1978
Further Amending The Provisions Of Presidential Decree Numbered Seven Hundred One By Increasing The Allotment For Maintenance Of Barangay Roads
Presidential Decree No. 1560 June 11, 1978
Amending Section 16 Of Presidential Decree No. 97, Entitled "Regulating The Practice Of The Marine Profession In The Philippines"
Presidential Decree No. 1559 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Presidential Decree No. 705, Otherwise Known As The "Revised Forestry Code Of The Philippines"
Presidential Decree No. 1558 June 11, 1978
Granting Emergency Incentive Allowance To Classified Employees In The Bureau Of Mines Not Covered By Presidential Decree No. 398
Presidential Decree No. 1557 June 11, 1978
Amending Sections 5 And 6 Of Presidential Decree No. 1003-A Creating The National Academy Of Science And Technology
Presidential Decree No. 1556 June 11, 1978
Implementing The Cotabato-Agusan River Basin Development Program Creating For This Purpose The Cotabato-Agusan River Basin Program Office And Providing Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1555 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Presidential Decree No. 742 As Amended By Presidential Decree No. 773 Transferring The Regional Center Of Region Ix From Jolo To Zamboanga City
Presidential Decree No. 1554 June 11, 1978
Amending Republic Act No. 5631, Which Declared The Paoay Lake And Its Extremities Situated In The Province Of Ilocos Norte A National Park, By Excluding A Certain Portion Of The Land Embraced Therein And Declaring The Same Open For Disposition Under Existing Laws
Presidential Decree No. 1553 June 11, 1978
Amending Certain Provisions Of Presidential Decree Number Nine Hundred Twenty-Six Entitled "Modifying The Organizational Structure For The Bicol River Basin Program, Providing Funds Therefore And For Other Purposes", Including Sorsogon Province And The Efficient Coordination, Supervision And Control Of The Bicol River Basin Development Program
Presidential Decree No. 1552 June 11, 1978
Transferring To The Provincial Government Of Tawi-Tawi Certain Parcels Of Land Of The Public Domain Situated In The Barrio Of Tubig Boh, Municipality Of Bongao, Province Of Tawi-Tawi
Presidential Decree No. 1551 June 11, 1978
Creating The Municipality Of Pantar In The Province Of Lanao Del Norte
Presidential Decree No. 1550 June 11, 1978
Creating The Municipality Of Sarangani In The Province Of Davao Del Sur
Presidential Decree No. 1549 June 11, 1978
Creating The Municipality Of Limasawa In The Province Of Southern Leyte
Presidential Decree No. 1548 June 11, 1978
Creating Municipality Of Tagoloan In The Province Of Lanao Del Sur
Presidential Decree No. 1547 June 11, 1978
Creating Barangay Tab A, In The Municipality Of Tubo, Province Of Abra
Presidential Decree No. 1546 June 11, 1978
Creating Barangay Don Antonio In The Municipality Of Enrile, Province Of Cagayan
Presidential Decree No. 1545 June 11, 1978
Creating Barangay General Aguinaldo, In The Municipality Of Ramon, Province Of Isabela
Presidential Decree No. 1544 June 11, 1978
Creating Barangay Bulakin Ii In The Municipality Of Dolores, Quezon Province
Presidential Decree No. 1543 June 11, 1978
Establishing A Foundation For Respiratory Diseases Of Children
Presidential Decree No. 1542 June 11, 1978
Providing For The Registration And Licensing Of Dental Prosthetic Laboratories
Presidential Decree No. 1541 June 11, 1978
Establishing The Lungsod Silangan Mental Health Center And Providing For The 5-Year Decentralization Program Of The National Mental Hospital And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1540 June 11, 1978
Amending Section 24 (B) (1) Of The National Internal Revenue Code, For The Imposition Of A Special Rate Of Withholding Tax For Rental, Lease Or Charter Payments For Foreign Owned Vessels Under Charter Or Leased To Philippine Nationals
Presidential Decree No. 1539 June 11, 1978
Repealing Sections Nine And Section Twelve (C) Of Republic Act Numbered Three Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy-Nine, As Amended, Otherwise Known As "The Savings And Loan Association Act"
Presidential Decree No. 1538 June 11, 1978
Providing For Microfilming Of Paid Treasury Warrants And Checks Chargeable Against Treasury Checking Account For Agencies (Tcaa), And The Disposal Of Their Originals
Presidential Decree No. 1537 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1277 DatedJanuary 4, 1978 Entitled "Providing For The Preservation Of The Walls Of Intramuros And The Restoration Of Its Original Moat And Esplanade" By Including Preservation And Restoration Of The Walled City
Presidential Decree No. 1536 June 11, 1978
Regulating The Practice Of The Metallurgical Engineering Profession In The Philippines And Providing For The Licensing And Registration Of Metallurgical Engineers
Presidential Decree No. 1535 June 11, 1978
Extending The Period Within Which To Conform With The Zoning Requirements, Prescribed By Presidential Decree No. 449, Otherwise Known As The "Cockfighting Law Of 1974"
Presidential Decree No. 1534 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Republic Act No. 5527 As Amended By Presidential Decree No. 498 Otherwise Known As The Philippine Medical Technology Act Of 1969
Presidential Decree No. 1533 June 11, 1978
Establishing A Uniform Basis For Determining Just Compensation And The Amount Of Deposit For Immediate Possession Of The Property Involved In Eminent Domain Proceedings
Presidential Decree No. 1532 June 11, 1978
Providing For The Ex-Officio Membership Of Cabinet Ministers In Appropriate Government Boards And Bodies Or Membership In Other Bodies In Representation Of The Government
Presidential Decree No. 1531 June 11, 1978
Reorganizing The Natural Resources Management Center And Redefining Its Functions And Objectives, Revising For This Purpose Presidential Decree 1041
Presidential Decree No. 1530 June 11, 1978
Instituting A System Of Voluntary Contributions For Housing Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1529 June 11, 1978 |
Amending And Codifying The Laws Relative To Registration Of Property And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1528 June 11, 1978
Increasing The Franchise Tax Of The Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company From One Per Cent To Two Per Cent
Presidential Decree No. 1527 June 11, 1978
Granting Personnel Of The Integrated National Police Hazardous Duty Pay During Certain Conditions
Presidential Decree No. 1526 June 11, 1978
Amending Heading 56.02, Chapter 56 Of The Revised Tariff And Customs Code Of The Philippines
Presidential Decree No. 1525 June 11, 1978
Establishing A School Of Nursing And Midwifery In The Mariano Marcos Memorial Regional Hospital And Medical Center In Batac, Ilocos Norte
Presidential Decree No. 1524 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Certain Sections Of Republic Act Numbered Four Thousand Seventy-Two Entitled "An Act Providing For The Establishment Of A Vocational Technical Department Of The Eulogio Rodriguez Vocational High School In The City Of The Manila" As Amended By Republic Act Numbered Five Thousand Eighty-Eight Entitled "An Act Converting Eulogio Rodriguez Vocational High School Into Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Memorial School Of Arts And Trades" By Providing For A Board Of Trustees, Defining The Board's Powers And Duties, And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1523 June 11, 1978
Converting The Iloilo Regional School Of Fisheries In Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo Into A State College To Be Known As The Iloilo State College Of Fisheries, Providing A Chapter For The Purpose, Expanding Its Curricular Offerings, Redirecting Its Objectives And Appropriating Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1521 June 11, 1978
The Ship Mortgage Decree Of 1978
Presidential Decree No. 1520 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Part Ix Of The Integrated Reorganization Plan, As Amended By Presidential Decrees 488 And 769 Creating The Department Of Industry
Presidential Decree No. 1519 June 11, 1978
Revising The Philippine Medical Care Act Of Nineteen Hundred And Sixty Nine
Presidential Decree No. 1518 June 11, 1978
Converting The Philippine College Of Arts And Trades Into The Technological University Of The Philippines, Defining Its Objectives, Organizational Structure And Functions, And Expanding Its Programs
Presidential Decree No. 1517 June 11, 1978
Proclaiming Urban Land Reform In The Philippines And Providing For The Implementing Machinery Thereof
Presidential Decree No. 1516 June 11, 1978
Further Amending The Charter Of The Philippine National Oil Company As Provided For In Presidential Decree No. 334, As Amended
Presidential Decree No. 1515 June 11, 1978
Vesting The Jurisdiction And Control Over Watershed Reservations In The Ministry Of Energy And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1514 June 11, 1978
Providing For Succession To The Offices Of The President And The Prime Minister In The Implementation Of The Constitutional Provisions On The Matter
Presidential Decree No. 1513 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1275 Entitled "Reorganizing The Prosecution Staff Of The Department Of Justice And The Offices Of The Provincial And City Fiscals, Regionalizing The Prosecution Service, And Creating The National Prosecution Service"
Presidential Decree No. 1512 June 11, 1978
Decree Granting An Exclusive Franchise To Construct, Operate And Maintain A Community Antenna Television System (Catv) In The Philippines In Favor Of Sining Makulay, Incorporated
Presidential Decree No. 1511 June 11, 1978
Increasing The Salaries Of The Chairmen And Commissioners Of The Constitutional Commissions
Presidential Decree No. 1510 June 11, 1978
Ratifying The Tax Convention Between The Government Of The Republic Of The Philippines And The Government Of Canada For The Avoidance Of Double Taxation And The Prevention Of Fiscal Evasion With Respect To Taxes On Income
Presidential Decree No. 1509 June 11, 1978
Creating The National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1508 June 11, 1978(repealed by R.A. 7160)
Establishing A System Of Amicably Settling Disputes At The Barangay Level
Presidential Decree No. 1507 June 11, 1978
An Act Granting The Philippine Games And Holidays Corporation A Franchise To Operate, Construct And Maintain A Fronton For Basque Pelota And Similar Games Of Skill In The City Of Cebu
Presidential Decree No. 1506 June 11, 1978
Transferring To The Tarlac College Of Agriculture Certain Parcels Of Land Of The Public Domain In The Municipalities Of
Mayantoc And San Clemente, Province Of Tarlac
Presidential Decree No. 1505 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 260, As Amended, By Prohibiting The Unauthorized Modification, Alteration, Repair And Destruction Of Original Features Of All National Shrines, Monuments, Landmarks And Other Important Historic Edifices
Presidential Decree No. 1504 June 11, 1978
Extending The Franchise Of The Philippine Radio Educational And Information Center, Inc. And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1503 June 11, 1978
Excluding An Area From The Operation Of Proclamation No. 217 DatedFebruary 16, 1929, And Operating The Same To Mining Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1502 June 11, 1978
Providing For Incentives And Administrative Reform To Promote Efficiency And Productivity Of Scientific And Technological Research
Presidential Decree No. 1501 June 11, 1978
A Decree Retaining The Complaints And Investigation Office As An Agency Directly Under The Office Of The President
Presidential Decree No. 1500 June 11, 1978
The New Revised Administrative Code of 1978
Presidential Decree No. 1498 June 11, 1978
Promulgating A National Security Code Of The Philippines
Presidential Decree No. 1497 June 11, 1978
Establishing A State University In The Province Of Pangasinan To Be Known As The Pangasinan State University By Transferring All College Level Courses Of The State-Supported Institutions Of Higher Learning Thereat Into Said Institution/University, Providing A Charter For This Purpose, And Appropriating Funds Thereto
Presidential Decree No. 1496 June 11, 1978
Establishing New Rates Of Burial Allowance Of Officers And Men Of The Armed Forces Of The Philippines While In The Active Duty In Case Of Death From Injuries Received Or Sickness Contracted In The Performance Of Duty
Presidential Decree No. 1495 June 11, 1978
Entitling Offices And Enlisted Personnel Of The Armed Forces Of The Philippines To Accumulate And Commute, Subject To Certain Conditions, Leave Credits, And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1494 June 11, 1978
Creating The Western Pangasinan State College Of Agriculture And Appropriating Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1493 June 11, 1978
Increasing The Salaries Of Ministers In The Executive Branch Of The National Government
Presidential Decree No. 1492 June 11, 1978
Creating The Municipality Of Ferrol In The Province Of Romblon
Presidential Decree No. 1491 June 11, 1978
Amending Section 8 Of Presidential Decree Numbered Five Hundred Thirty-Eight
Presidential Decree No. 1490 June 11, 1978
Creating Barangay Sta. Lucia In The Municipality Of Pasig, Metro-Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1489 June 11, 1978
Creating Barangay Marikina Heights In The Municipality Of Marikina, Metro-Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1488 June 11, 1978
Creating Barangay Concepcion Dos In The Municipality Of Marikina, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1487 June 11, 1978
Creating The Office Of The Ombudsman, To Be Known As Tanodbayan
Presidential Decree No. 1486 June 11, 1978
Creating A Special Court To Be Known As "Sandiganbayan" And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1485 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Certain Provisions Of The National Grains Industry Development Act
Presidential Decree No. 1484 June 11, 1978
Amending Certain Sections Of Republic Act Numbered Fifty-Two Hundred And Seven Entitled "An Act Providing For The Licensing And Regulation Of Atomic Energy Facilities And Materials, Establishing The Rules On Liability For Nuclear Damage, And For Other Purposes"
Presidential Decree No. 1483 June 11, 1978
Authorizing The Importation Of Foreign Cigar Leaf Tobacco For Blending Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1482 June 10, 1978
Further Amending The Judiciary Act Of 1948, Republic Act No. 296, As Amended, By Increasing The Number Of Associate Justices Of The Court Of Appeals To Forty-Four
Presidential Decree No. 1481 June 11, 1978
Governing And Regulating Trading Of Locally Grown Virginia Leaf Tobacco
Presidential Decree No. 1480 June 11, 1978
Providing For The Restructuring Of The National Computer Center
Presidential Decree No. 1479 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Presidential Decree No. 198 Otherwise Known As The "Provincial Water Utilities Act Of 1973", As Amended By Presidential Decree No. 768
Presidential Decree No. 1478 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 694 Providing For The 1975 Revised Charter Of The Philippine National Bank
Presidential Decree No. 1477 June 11, 1978
Granting Philippine Citizenship To Ronald Ian Laing With All The Rights, Privileges And Prerogatives Appurtenant Thereto
Presidential Decree No. 1476 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Presidential Decree No. 230, As Amended.
Presidential Decree No. 1475 June 11, 1978
Defining The Status Of The Asian Institute Of Aquaculture And Appropriating Funds For The Purpose.
Presidential Decree No. 1474 June 11, 1978
Declaring The San Pedro Tunasan Estate Of The Department Of Agrarian Reform Suitable For Residential, Commercial Or Industrial, Or Other Non-Agricultural Purposes.
Presidential Decree No. 1473 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1190 By Cancelling The Titles Of Lot Purchasers At The Malaya-East Avenue Subdivision, Quezon City, And To Reconvey The Same To The National Housing Authority For Housing Purposes.
Presidential Decree No. 1472 June 11, 1978
Amending Republic Acts Nos. 4852 And 6026 By Providing Additional Guidelines In The Utilization, Disposition And Administration Of All Government Housing And Resettlement Projects.
Presidential Decree No. 1471 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 604 Entitled "Integrating Nationwide Youth Development, Physical Fitness And Amateur Sports Development Programs And Creating For This Purpose The Department Of Youth And Sports Development" And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1470 June 11, 1978
Upgrading And Strengthening Amateur Sports And Providing Incentives Therefor.
Presidential Decree No. 1469 June 11, 1978
Amending Sections 187 And 202 Of The National Internal Revenue Code, As Amended, And Providing For The Registration Of Export Produces And Trades With The Philippine Export Councils.
Presidential Decree No. 1467 June 11, 1978
Creating The "Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation" Prescribing Its Powers And Activities, Providing For Its Capitalization And For The Required Government Premium Subsidy, And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1466 June 11, 1978
A Decree Amending Presidential Decree No. 894, As Amended
Presidential Decree No. 1465 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 492, As Amended, Entitled "Creating The Metro Manila Transit Corporation, Appropriating The Funds Therefor And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1464 June 11, 1978
A Decree To Consolidate And Codify All The Tariff And Customs Laws Of The Philippines
Presidential Decree No. 1463 June 11, 1978
Revising Presidential Decree No. 189, Dated May 11, 1973, as Amended, Creating The Department of Tourism
Presidential Decree No. 1462 June 11, 1978
Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act Seven Hundred and Seventy-Six
Presidential Decree No. 1461 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Certain Provisions of Republic Act No. 85, As Amended Otherwise Known as the DBP Charter
Presidential Decree No. 1460 June 11, 1978
A Decree To Consolidate And Codify All The Insurance Laws Of The Philippines
Presidential Decree No. 1459 June 8, 1978
Authorizing The Secretary of Energy to Enter Into and Conclude Service Contracts, or Re-Negotiate and Modify Existing Contracts Subject to Certain Limitations
Presidential Decree No. 1458 June 11, 1978
Creating The Finance Department Intelligence and Investigation Bureau (FDIIB), Prescribing Its Powers and Functions, Appropriating Funds for Its Operations, and Amending for This Purpose Portions of the Integrated Reorganization Plan on Finance and National Security
Presidential Decree No. 1457 June 11, 1978
Amending Certain Sections of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, as Amended, and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1456 June 11, 1978
Amending Section 268 of The National Internal Revenue Code of 1977
Presidential Decree No. 1455 June 11, 1978
Amending Certain Sections of Presidential Decree No. 612 Otherwise Known as The Insurance Code
Presidential Decree No. 1454 June 11, 1978
Amending Republic Act No. 5631, Which Declared The Paoay Lake and its Extremities Situated in the Province of Ilocos Norte a National Park, By Excluding a Certain Portion of The Land Embraced Therein and Declaring the Same Open for Disposition Under Existing Laws
Presidential Decree No. 1453 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Republic Act Numbered 6426, as Amended, Otherwise Known as The Foreign Currency Deposit Act of The Philippines
Presidential Decree No. 1452 June 11, 1978
Further Amending Section 7 of Republic Act Numbered Seven Hundred Twenty, as Amended, Otherwise Known as The Rural Banks' Act
Presidential Decree No. 1451 June 11, 1978
Amending Republic Act Numbered Three Thousand Five Hundred Ninety-One, as Amended, Entitled "An Act Establishing The Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation, Defining Its Powers and Duties and For Other Purposes"
Presidential Decree No. 1450 June 11, 1978
Reorganizing The Investments Coordination Committee and Instituting a Mechanism for the Reorganization of All Committees Attached to The National Economic and Development Authority; Amending For this Purpose Article Five, Chapter One, Part Six of the Integrated Reorganization Plan
Presidential Decree No. 1449 June 11, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 260 to Include the Petroglyps in the Caves at the Tao't-Bato Area in Barangay Ransang, Quezon, Palawan
Presidential Decree No. 1448 June 11, 1978
A Decree Re-Enacting Presidential Decree No. 867 and Amending Certain Provisions Thereof
Presidential Decree No. 1447 June 11, 1978
Instituting a Procedure for the Management of Proceeds of Taxes and Fees Earmarked For or Administered By The Philippine Tourism Authority
Presidential Decree No. 1446 June 11, 1978
Providing For The Imposition of an Additional Tax on Idle Lands and Amending for the Purpose the Pertinent Provisions of Presidential Decree Numbered Four Hundred and Sixty-Four, Otherwise Known as The Real Property Tax Code
Presidential Decree No. 1445 June 11, 1978
Ordaining and Instituting a Government Auditing Code of the Philippines
Presidential Decree No. 1444 June 10, 1978
Further Amending Presidential Decree No. 15 as Amended By Presidential Decree No. 179, Entitled "Creating the Cultural Center of the Philippines, Defining Its Objectives, Powers and Functions and For Other Purposes"
Presidential Decree No. 1443 June 11, 1978
Amendment to Section 5 (B) of Republic Act No. 6395 as Amended, By Presidential Decree Nos. 380, 395, 758 and 1360
Presidential Decree No. 1442 June 11, 1978
An Act to Promote the Exploration and Development of Geothermal Resources
Presidential Decree No. 1441 June 10, 1978
A Decree Returning the Seat of Government of Sto. Tomas Pampanga to the Barangay of San Vicente
Presidential Decree No. 1440
June 10, 1978
Presidential Decree No. 1439 June 10, 1978
Creating Additional Branches of The Courts of First Instance and City Courts, and New and Additional Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts, In Certain Provinces and Cities
Presidential Decree No. 1438 June 10, 1978
Amending Republic Act 910 Providing for the Retirement of Justices and All Judges in the Judiciary as Amended
Presidential Decree No. 1437 June 10, 1978
Defining The Composition and Powers of the Governing Boards, The Appointment and Term of Office of The President of Chartered State Universities and Colleges, and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1436 June 10, 1978
Merging The Cagayan Valley College of Arts and Trades and Northern Luzon College of Agriculture Into a State University to Be Known as The Cagayan State University Transferring The College Level Courses of Aparri College of Fisheries, Bukig National Agricultural and Technical School, Cagayan Valley Agricultural Colleges, Sanches-Mira Rural Vocational School, Aparri School of Arts and Trades, Gonzaga National Agricultural Vocational School, and Western Cagayan School of Arts and Trades Into Said University, Providing a Charter For This Purpose, and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1435
June 10, 1978
Presidential Decree No. 1434 June 10, 1978
Merging The Isabela State College of Agriculture and Cagayan Valley Institute of Technology Into a State University to Be Known as The Isabela State University, Transferring The College Level Courses of Isabela School of Arts and Trades, Jones Rural School, Roxas Memorial Agricultural and Industrial School, and San Mateo Vocational and Industrial School Into Said University, Providing a Charter for This Purpose, and Appropriate Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1433 June 6, 1978
Promulgating The Plant Quarantine Law of 1978, Thereby Revising and Consolidating Existing Plant Quarantine Laws to Further Improve and Strengthen The Plant Quarantine Service of The Bureau of Plant Industry
Presidential Decree No. 1432 June 10, 1978
Establishing The Cotton Research and Development Institute
Presidential Decree No. 1431 June 10, 1978
Converting The Mindanao School of Arts and Trades in Cagayan De Oro City Into Don Mariano Marcos Memorial Polytechnic State College of Northern Mindanao, Giving it Corporate Existence, Providing for a Board of Trustees and Defining Its Powers, Duties and Responsibilities, Providing for Higher Vocational, Professional, and Technological Education and Appropriating Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1430 June 10, 1978
Amending Section 4 of Presidential Decree No. 757 to Increase the Capitalization of The National Housing Authority and Creating a National Housing Fund
Presidential Decree No. 1429 June 10, 1978
Revising Presidential Decree No. 124, as Amended By Presidential Decree No. 1182
Presidential Decree No. 1428 June 10, 1978
Amending Republic Act No. 6629 Changing the Name of The Burauen Agro-Industrial High School to Don Vicente Orestes Romualdez Agricultural College and Authorizing The Secretary of Education and Culture to Determine the Site of the School
Presidential Decree No. 1427 June 10, 1978
Converting the Zamboanga State College Into The Western Mindanao State University, Defining Its Powers, Functions, and Duties and Appropriating Funds Therefor, and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1426 June 10, 1978
Granting Emergency Monthly Incentive Allowance To Lawyers in the Bureau of Agrarian Legal Assistance and in the Regional and Field Offices of the Department of Agrarian and Providing Appropriate Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1425 June 10, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1040 By Strengthening the Prohibition Against Agricultural Share Tenancy and Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof
Presidential Decree No. 1424 June 9, 1978
Further Amending Republic Act No. 1243, as Amended By Republic Act No. 2251, Otherwise Known as The Hospital Residency Law
Presidential Decree No. 1423 June 9, 1978
Amending Republic Act Numbered Three Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty, Otherwise Known as The "Philippine Inventors Incentive Act"
Presidential Decree No. 1422 June 9, 1978
Confirming and Expanding the Scope of the Authority and Functions of the National Cancer Control Center of the Department of Health
Presidential Decree No. 1421 June 9, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1177, Known as The Budget Reform Decree of 1977
Presidential Decree No. 1420 June 9, 1978
Amending P.D. No. 899 Reorganizing The Budget Commission
Presidential Decree No. 1419 June 9, 1978
Prescribing Incentives For The Establishment of Multinational Regional Warehouses By Multinational Companies Supplying Spare Parts or Manufactured Components and Raw Materials to the Asia-Pacific Area
Presidential Decree No. 1418 June 9, 1978
Further Amending Section 114 (C) of Act No. 496, Otherwise Known As "The Land Registration Act", As Amended By Republic Act No. 928, By Increasing the Fees Payable to Registries of Deeds
Presidential Decree No. 1417 June 9, 1978
Further Amending Section 198 of The Revised Administrative Code As Amended By Republic Act Nos. 116 and 2711, By Increasing The Fees Collectible in Connection With Registration of Chattel Mortgages
Presidential Decree No. 1416 June 9, 1978
Granting Continuing Authority to the President of the Philippines to Reorganize The National Government
Presidential Decree No. 1415 June 9, 1978
Defining the Powers and Functions of the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel, Adjusting the Compensation of Personnel and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1414 June 9, 1978
Further Defining the Powers, Functions and Duties of the Office of the Presidential Assistant on National Minorities and For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1413 June 9, 1978
Declaring the Theme "Isang Bansa, Isang Diwa" As The National Motto of the Republic of the Philippines, and Incorporating It in the National Seal
Presidential Decree No. 1412 June 9, 1978
Further Amending Certain Provisions of Book I, Presidential Decree No. 442, Otherwise Known as The Labor Code of the Philippines
Presidential Decree No. 1411 June 9, 1978
Dissolving the GSIS Hospital Inc., and Transferring All Its Assets, Liabilities and Properties to the Department of Health and Appropriating Funds for its Operations and For Other Purposes.
Presidential Decree No. 1410 June 9, 1978
Creating The Population/Family Planning Office in the Department of Labor
Presidential Decree No. 1409 June 8, 1978
Creating The Merit Systems Board
Presidential Decree No. 1408 June 8, 1978
Conferring Civil Service Eligibility on Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Specialists on the Bases of their Qualifications and the Requirements of Public Service.
Presidential Decree No. 1407 June 8, 1978
Ratifying The Agreement Between The World Tourism Organization and The Government of the Republic of the Philippines Concerning The Legal Status of The World Tourism Organization and Its Regional Secretariat at Manila, Philippines.
Presidential Decree No. 1406 June 7, 1978
Further Amending Republic Act 6243, Entitled "An Act Creating The Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage and For Other Purposes," As Amended
Presidential Decree No. 1405 June 11, 1978
Converting The Budget Commission and The National Science Development Board Into Ministries
Presidential Decree No. 1404 June 9, 1978
Further Amending Article 125 of The Revised Penal Code, As Amended.
Presidential Decree No. 1403 June 6, 1978
Amending Further Republic Act Numbered Seven Hundred Twenty, Otherwise Known As The Rural Banks' Act.
Presidential Decree No. 1402 June 6, 1978
Creating The Philippine National Iron And Steel Corporation, Defining Its Powers And Functions, Providing Funds Therefor, And For Other Purposes.
Presidential Decree No. 1401 June 5, 1978
Transferring, Ceding And Conveying To The Philippine Tourism Authority Certain Parcels Of Land Of The Public Domain Of The Government Located In Calarian, Zamboanga City, For Tourism Development Purposes.
Presidential Decree No. 1400 June 5, 1978
Further Amending Presidential Decree 564, As Amended, Otherwise Known As The Revised Charter Of The Philippine Tourism Authority, And For Other Purposes.
Presidential Decree No. 1399 June 2, 1978
Amending Certain Sections Of Presidential Decree No. 1067-A DatedJanuary 1, 1977, Entitled "Creating The Philippine Amusements And Gaming Corporation, Defining Its Powers And Functions, Providing Funds Therefor And For Other Purposes," And Presidential Decree No. 1067-B DatedJanuary 1, 1977, Entitled, "Granting The Philippine Amusements And Gaming Corporation A Franchise To Establish, Operate, And Maintain Gambling Casinos On Land Or Water Within The Territorial Jurisdiction Of The Republic Of The Philippines."
Presidential Decree No. 1398 June 2, 1978
Amending Section Five Of Presidential Decree Numbered Nine Hundred Sixty One.
Presidential Decree No. 1397 June 2, 1978
Providing For The Conversion Of Departments Into Ministries And For The Senior Administrative Organization Therefore.
Presidential Decree No. 1396 June 2, 1978
Creating The Department Of Human Settlements And The Human Settlement Development Corporation, Appropriation Funds Therefor, And Accordingly Amending Certain Presidential Decrees.
Presidential Decree No. 1395 May 31, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1352.
Presidential Decree No. 1394 May 31, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1193 By Authorizing The Tourist Duty Free Shops, Inc. To Establish Only The Customs Bonded Warehouse, Exempting It From The Duties And Taxes Imposed By Presidential Decrees Nos. 1352 And 1395, And For Other Purposes.
Presidential Decree No. 1393 May 31, 1978
Amending Title Iv (Specific Taxes) Of The National Internal Revenue Code Of 1977, By Adding A New Section Thereto Providing For A Flexibility Clause, And Further Amending Section 193 (C). Title V (Taxes On Business), By Providing For Additional Conditions And Specific Limitations On The Exercise Of The Power Under The Flexibility Clause.
Presidential Decree No. 1392 May 30, 1978
Authorizing Philippine Navy Officers While Assigned With The Philippine Marines To Use The Officer Rank Designation Of The Group And Air Forces.
Presidential Decree No. 1391 May 29, 1978
Amending Book V Of The Labor Code Of The Philippines To Insure Speedy Labor Justice And Further Stabilize Industrial Peace.
Presidential Decree No. 1390 May 30, 1978
Amending Section 14 Of Presidential Decree No. 1352
Presidential Decree No. 1389 May 29, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 928 For The Purpose Of Adjusting Existing Statutory Minimum Wages.
Presidential Decree No. 1388 May 26, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1349 DatedApril 13, 1978.
Presidential Decree No. 1387 May 25, 1978
Further Amending Republic Act One Thousand Entitled "An Act Authorizing The President Of The Philippines To Issue Bonds To Finance Public Works And Projects For Economic Development, Authorized By Law And For Other Purposes ," As Amended.
Presidential Decree No. 1386 May 25, 1978
Revising Presidential Decree No. 941, Creating The Philippine Export Council, Defining Its Powers And Duties, And Appropriating Funds Therefor.
Presidential Decree No. 1385 May 25, 1978
Amending Certain Sections Or Presidential Decree No. 463, Otherwise Known As The "Mineral Resources Development Decree Of 1974".
Presidential Decree No. 1384 May 25, 1978
Extending The Period For The General Revision Of Real Property Assessments In Calendar Year 1978 Up To
June 30, 1979 And Fixing The Date Of Accrual Of The Real Property Tax Based On The Revised Property Valuations.
Presidential Decree No. 1383 May 25, 1978
Amending Sections Three, Paragraphs (M); Six; Twenty; Eighty-Eight; Ninety And One Hundred Four Of Presidential Decree Numbered Four Hundred Sixty Four, As Amended, Otherwise Known As The Real Property Tax Code.
Presidential Decree No. 1382 May 25, 1978
Creating A Consulting Group In The Office Of The Secretary Of Finance And Appropriate Funds Therefor.
Presidential Decree No. 1381 May 24, 1978
Authorizing The National Grains Authority To Engage In Insurance General Agency And Create A Subsidiary For The Purpose, Provide Funds Therefor And For Other Purposes.
Presidential Decree No. 1380 May 24, 1978
Creation Of A National Post-Harvest Institute For Research And Extension (NAPHIRE).
Presidential Decree No. 1379 May 17, 1978
Granting Citizenship To Deserving Aliens Who Have Applied For Naturalization And For Other Purposes.
Presidential Decree No. 1378 May 17, 1978
Creating The National Council On Integrated Area Development In Lieu Of The Cabinet Coordinating Committee On Integrated Rural Development Projects.
Presidential Decree No. 1377 May 17, 1978
Further Amending The Provisions Of Presidential Decree Numbered Four Hundred Fifty-Eight, As Amended, To Create A Manpower Development Service In The Department Of Public Highways.
Presidential Decree No. 1376 May 16, 1978
Delineating Primary And Joint Responsibilities Of Government Wide Service Agencies And Establishing The Mechanism Thereof.
Presidential Decree No. 1375 May 16, 1978
Transferring To The Budget Commission The Functions Of Local Government Budget Administration.
Presidential Decree No. 1374 May 16, 1978
Authorizing The Reversion To The General Fund Of Dormant Or Unnecessary Special Fiduciary Funds.
Presidential Decree No. 1373 May 5, 1978
Converting The Don Honorio Ventura Memorial School Of Arts And Trades Into The Don Honorio Ventura College Of Arts And Trades.
Presidential Decree No. 1372 May 8, 1978
Amendment To Presidential Decree No. 480 Which Created The Radiation Health Office Of The Department Of Health.
Presidential Decree No. 1371 May 2, 1978
Amending Certain Sections Of Presidential Decree No. 932 Otherwise Known As The "Educational Assistance Act Of 1976".
Presidential Decree No. 1370 May 2, 1978
Amending Section 6 Of Chapter II Of Presidential Decree No. 269 In Order To Increase The Capitalization Of The National Electrification Administration.
Presidential Decree No. 1369 May 1, 1978
Creation Of A National Maritime Polytechnic.
Presidential Decree No. 1368 May 1, 1978
Amending Further Certain Provisions Of Title II, Book Four Of The Labor Code Of The Philippines (Pd 442, As Amended).
Presidential Decree No. 1367 May 1, 1978
Further Amending Certain In Provisions Of Book V Of Presidential Decree No. 442, Otherwise Known As The Labor Code Of The Philippines, As Amended.
Presidential Decree No. 1366 May 1, 1978
Creating A Free Legal Assistance Office In The Department Of Labor
Presidential Decree No. 1364 May 1, 1978
Abolishing Exemptions Under Presidential Decrees Nos. 525, 1123, 851 And 928.
Presidential Decree No. 1363 May 2, 1978
Amending Section 18, 25 And 39 Of Republic Act No. 5921, More Commonly Known As The Pharmacy Law.
Presidential Decree No. 1362 March 27, 1978
Allowing Radio Broadcasting And Television Stations To Import Radio Or Television Equipment, Spare Parts And Allied Technical And Program Materials To Be Used Exclusively In Their Broadcast Operations Subject To Certain Conditions.
Presidential Decree No. 1361 April 26, 1978
Further Amending The Provisions Of Section One Hundred Twelve Or Commonwealth Act Numbered One Hundred Forty-One, As Amended By Presidential Decree Numbered Six Hundred Thirty-Five
Presidential Decree No. 1360 April 25, 1978
Further Amending Certain Sections Of Republic Act Numbered Sixty-Three Hundred Ninety-Five Entitled "An Act Revising The Chapter Of The National Power Corporation," As Amended By Presidential Decree Nos. 380, 395, 758 And 938.
Presidential Decree No. 1359 April 21, 1978
Amending Section 134 Of The National Internal Revenue Code Of 1977.
Presidential Decree No. 1358 April 21, 1978
Further Amending Certain Sections Of Title V Of The National Internal Revenue Code, As Amended
Presidential Decree No. 1357 April 1, 1978
Amending Section 195 Of The National Internal Revenue Code Of 1977 To Provide For A More Realistic And Equitable Sales Tax System For Automobiles.
Presidential Decree No. 1356 April 21, 1978
Amending Section 16 Of The National Internal Revenue Code By The Authorizing The Commissioner Of Internal Revenue Under Certain Conditions To Place Natural Or Juridical Persons Under Surveillance For Two Months For The Purpose Of Establishing A Prima Facie Basis For Assessing Taxes For The Other Months Of The Same Or Different Taxable Years.
Presidential Decree No. 1355 April 21, 1978
Amending Section 24(B) (2) Of The National Internal Revenue Code To Provide A Statutory Definition Of The Term "Gross Philippine Billings."
Presidential Decree No. 1354 April 21, 1978
Imposing Final Income Tax On Subcontractors And Alien Employees Of Service Contractors And Subcontractors Engaged In Petroleum Operations In The Philippines Under Presidential Decree No. 87
Presidential Decree No. 1353 January 1, 1978
Amending Section 30 Of The Tax Code To Allow Accelerated Deduction Under Certain Conditions Of Exploration And Development Expenditures
Presidential Decree No. 1352 April 21, 1978
Imposing A Five Percent Customs Duty And Five Percent Internal Revenue Tax In Lieu Of The Duty And/Or Tax-Free Importation Privilege
Presidential Decree No. 1351 April 17, 1978
Amending Sections 30 And 53 Of The National Internal Revenue Code Of 1977 To Authorize The Secretary Of Finance To Require Withholding Of Creditable Income Taxes From Certain Income Taxes From Certain Income Payments And To Require Proof Of Such Withholding As An Additional Condition For Deductions From Gross Income
Presidential Decree No. 1350 April 17, 1978
Allowing Applicants For Naturalization As Citizens Of The Philippines To Conditionally Take Any Board Examination, Except The Bar Examinations, If Otherwise Qualified, Pending Approval Of Their Said Applications
Presidential Decree No. 1349 April 13, 1978
Constituting The Museum Of Philippine Costumes Into A Body Corporate And Providing Government Assistance Thereto
Presidential Decree No. 1348 April 10, 1978
Amending The 1978 Election Code By Inserting New Provisions Therein Providing For Substitution Of A Candidate Who Dies, Fails To Qualify Or Is Incapacitated After The Election But Before Proclamation Or Before Assumption Of Office
Presidential Decree No. 1347 April 11, 1978
Integrating The Investigation And Recovery Office Into The Office Of The Solicitor General, Providing Means To Make The Solicitor General's Investigate Jurisdiction More Effective, Adjusting The Compensation Of Personnel And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1346 April 11, 1978
Conveying The Land Reclaimed In The Foreshore And Offshore Of Cebu City, Beginning From Pier 3 And Extending To Subangdaku, As Property Of The Public Estates Authority
Presidential Decree No. 1345 April 2, 1978
Empowering The Metropolitan Waterworks And Sewerage System (MWSS) To Take Over The Centralized Water Supply Systems In Residential Subdivisions Within Its Territorial Jurisdictions
Presidential Decree No. 1344 April 2, 1978
Empowering The National Housing Authority To Issue Writ Of Execution In The Enforcement Of Its Decision Under Presidential Decree No. 957
Presidential Decree No. 1343 April 4, 1978
Amending Paragraph (III) (1), Sec. 178 Of Election Code
Presidential Decree No. 1342 April 4, 1978
Appropriating Funds For Infrastructure Development, Synchronizing The Same With Previous Public Works, Appropriations
Presidential Decree No. 1341 April 1, 1978
Converting The Philippine College Of Commerce Into A Polytechnic University, Defining Its Objectives, Organizational Structure And Functions, And Expanding Its Curricular Offerings
Presidential Decree No. 1340 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Pilar Village In The Municipality Of Las Piñas, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1339 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Almanza Dos In The Municipality Of Las Piñas, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1338 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Talon Singko In The Municipality Of Las Piñas, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1337 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Talon Kuatro In The Municipality Of Las Piñas, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1336 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Talon Tres In The Municipality Of Las Piñas, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1335 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Talon Dos In The Municipality Of Las Piñas, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1334 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay BF International Village In The Municipality Of Las Piñas, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1333 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Pamplona Tres In The Municipality Of Las Piñas, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1332 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Pamplona Dos In The Municipality Of Las Piñas, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1331 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Manuyo Dos In The Municipality Of Las Piñas, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1330 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Pulang-Lupa Dos In The Municipality Of Las Piñas, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1329 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay San Antonio In The Municipality Of Parañaque, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1328 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Marcelo Green In The Municipality Of Parañaque, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1327 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Vitalez In The Municipality Of Parañaque, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1326 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Sun Valley In The Municipality Of Parañaque, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1325 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Merville In The Municipality Of Parañaque, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1324 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay San Martin Be Porres In The Municipality Of Parañaque, Metro-Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1323 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay San Isidro In The Municipality Of Parañaque, Metro-Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1322 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Don Bosco In The Municipality Of Parañaque, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1321 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay Moonwalk In The Municipality Of Parañaque, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1320 April 3, 1978
Creating Barangay BF Homes In The Municipality Of Parañaque, Metro Manila
Presidential Decree No. 1319 March 28, 1978
Providing For The Development And Accreditation Of Certain Trading Companies And Prescribing Incentives Therefor
Presidential Decree No.1318 March 29, 1978
Further Amending Republic Act No. 3779, As Amended, Otherwise Known As "The Savings And Loan Associations Act"
Presidential Decree No. 1317 March 29, 1978
Further Amending Republic Act No. 337, As Amended, Otherwise Known As "The General Banking Act"
Presidential Decree No. 1316 March 26, 1978
Creating Barangay Balong-Bato In Quezon City
Presidential Decree No. 1315 March 26, 1978
Providing For The Expropriation Of A Landed Estate Registered Under Act No. 70298, 73960, Portion Of 71357, 2017 And 2018 And All Transfer Certificates Of Title Derived Therefrom, In Bagong Barrio, Caloocan City For The Upgrading And The Disposal Of Lots Therein To Their Present Bonafide Occupants And Other Qualified Squatter Families And Authorizing The Appropriation Of Funds For The Purpose
Presidential Decree No. 1314 March 20, 1978
Repealing Presidential Decree No. 814, Redefining The Policies Of Land Tenure In The Tondo Foreshore Dagat-Dagatan Urban Development Project
Presidential Decree No. 1313 March 20, 1978
Further Amending Paragraph 3 Of Presidential Decree No. 1224 As Amended By Presidential Decree No. 1259, Defining The Policy On The Expropriation Of Private Property For Socialized Housing Upon Payment Of Just Compensation
Presidential Decree No. 1312 March 13, 1978
Converting The Mindanao Institute Of Technology Into The University Of Southern Mindanao.
Presidential Decree No. 1311 March 10, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1271 Entitled "An Act Nullifying Decrees Of Registration And Certificates Of Title Covering Lands Within The Baguio Townsite Reservation Issued In Civil Reservation Case No. 1, GLRO Record No. 211 Pursuant To Republic Act No. 931, As Amended, But Considering As Valid Certain Titles Of Such Lands That Are Alienable And Disposable Under Certain Conditions And For Other Purposes"
Presidential Decree No. 1310 March 6, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 449, Otherwise Known As "The Cockfighting Law Of 1974"
Presidential Decree No. 1309 March 3, 1978
Authorizing The Central Bank Of The Philippines To Engage In Special Borrowing And Lending Operations
Presidential Decree No. 1308 March 2, 1978
Regulating The Practice Of The Profession Of Environmental Planning In The Philippines
Presidential Decree No. 1307 March 2, 1978
Further Amending Presidential Decree No. 1183, As Amended By Presidential Decree No. 1205
Presidential Decree No. 1306 March 1, 1978
Amending Section 2 Of Presidential Decree No. 810 Entitled: "An Act Granting The Philippine Jai-Alai And Amusement Corporation A Franchise To Operate, Construct And Maintain A Fronton For Basque Pelota And Similar Games Of Skill In The Greater Manila Area".
Presidential Decree No. 1305 February 27, 1978
Creating The Mineral Reservations Development Board, Defining Its Powers And Functions, Providing Funds Therefor, And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1304 February 24, 1978
Amending Section 2 Of Presidential Decree No. 967
Presidential Decree No. 1303 February 15, 1978
Establishing A Vocational School In The Province Of Basilan To Be Known As The Basilan National Agro-Industrial School And Authorizing The Appropriation Of Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1302 February 15, 1978
Creating The Philippine Pilgrimage Authority
Presidential Decree No. 1301 February 14, 1978
Postponing The Date For Filing Certificate Of Candidacy For Sectoral Representatives To The Interim Batasang Pambansa And Prescribing Rules To Govern Multiple Candidacies
Presidential Decree No. 1300 February 11, 1978
Appropriations For The Refund Of Customs Duties Paid On Imports Of Hot-Rolled Coils For Rerolling And On Imports Of Tin Ingots For Tinplate Processing
Presidential Decree No. 1299 February 8, 1978
Amending Section 206 (Caterer's Tax) And Section 268 (Amusement Taxes) Of The National Internal Revenue Code Of 1977
Presidential Decree No. 1298 February 2, 1978
Implementing The Rural Infrastructure Project
Presidential Decree No. 1297 January 30, 1978
Centralizing The Importation Of Ruminants For Breeding And Slaughter And Beef
Presidential Decree No. 1296-A March 14, 1978
Amending Section 74 Of The 1978 Election Code For The Purpose Of Authorizing Government Officials And Employees, Including Members Of The Armed Forces, To Vote In Their Place Of Assignment
Presidential Decree No. 1296 February 7, 1978
Enacting "The 1978 Election Code"
Presidential Decree No. 1295 January 27, 1978
Creating The National Engineering Center
Presidential Decree No. 1294 January 27, 1978
An Act Amending The Act Granting A Franchise To Philippine Airlines, Inc. Otherwise Known As Public Act No. 4271, As Amended
Presidential Decree No. 1293 January 27, 1978
Creating A Katarungan Pambarangay Commission To Study The Feasibility Of Resolving Disputes At The Barangay Level
Presidential Decree No. 1292 January 25, 1978
Creating Barangays San Martin, Sta. Cruz, Fatima, San Pedro, San Rafael, Sto. Niño And Citrus In The Municipality Of San Jose Del Monte, Province Of Bulacan.
Presidential Decree No. 1291 January 25, 1978
Enlarging The Membership Of The Regional Development Councils
Presidential Decree No. 1290 January 25, 1978
Repealing Presidential Decree No. 1052
Presidential Decree No. 1289 January 25, 1978
Creating The National Youth And Sports Development Foundation Of The Philippines, Defining Its Objectives, Powers, Functions And Responsibilities And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1288 January 24, 1978
Amending Section 7 Of Republic Act No. 3019, As Amended, Otherwise Known As The Anti-Graft And Corrupt Practices Act
Presidential Decree No. 1287 January 20, 1978
Creating The Philippine High School For The Arts
Presidential Decree No. 1286 January 28, 1978
Regulating The Practice Of Nutrition And Dietetics In The Philippines, And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1285 January 13, 1978
Rationalizing The Compensation Structure Of The Foreign Service Of The Philippines With The Adoption Of A Foreign Service Compensation Plan
Presidential Decree No. 1284 January 16, 1978
Granting Authority To The Philippine Ports Authority To Plan, Construct, Develop And Maintain In All Port Terminal Facilities In The International Port North Harbor, Manila Bay, To Supervise The Operation And Management Of Such Facilities, Amending For The Purpose Presidential Decree No. 634, Dated 7
January 1975, Repealing Presidential Decree No. 802 Dated 18
September 1975, And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1283 January 16, 1978
Amending Presidential Decree No. 175
Presidential Decree No. 1282 January 16, 1978
Further Amending Section Eighty-Eight Of Republic Act Numbered Two Hundred Sixty-Five, As Amended, Otherwise Known As The Central Bank Act
Presidential Decree No. 1281 January 16, 1978
Revising Commonwealth Act No. 136, Creating The Bureau Of Mines, And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. 1280 January 6, 1978
Amending Title 17, Chapter III, Of Presidential Decree No. 612, Otherwise Known As The Insurance Code, On The Mutualization Of Stock Life Insurance Companies
Presidential Decree No. 1279 January 6, 1978
Merging The Mariano Marcos Memorial College Of Science And Technology And Northern Luzon State College Into A State University To Be Known As The Mariano Marcos State University, Transferring The College Level Courses Of Ilocos Norte Agricultural College And Ilocos Norte College Of Arts And Trades Into Said University, Providing A Charter For The Purpose, And Appropriating Funds Therefor
Presidential Decree No. 1278 January 5, 1978
Amending Sections 12 And 34 Of Republic Act No. 776
Presidential Decree No. 1277 January 3, 1978
Authorizing Central Bank Of The Philippines To Continue Implementation Of Its Reward System For Information Leading To The Confiscation Of Gold And Foreign Exchange
Presidential Decree No. 1276 January 3, 1978
Authorizing Central Bank Of The Philippines To Continue Implementation Of Its Reward System For Information Leading To The Confiscation Of Gold And Foreign Exchange
Presidential Decree No. 1275 April 11, 1978
Reorganizing The Prosecution Staff Of The Department Of Justice And The Offices Of The Provincial And City Fiscals, Regionalizing The Prosecution Service, And Creating The National Prosecution Service
Presidential Decree No. 1256 January 1, 1978
Exempting The Municipal Governments From Contributing Funds For The Field Agricultural Extension Work And Rural Health And Sanitation Services Of The Provincial Governments
Presidential Decree No. 1202 January 1, 1978
Further Amending Republic Act No. 1161 Otherwise Known As Social Security Law
Presidential Decree No. 1201 September 26, 1977
Creating The Philippine Institute for Development Studies
Presidential Decree No. 1200 January 1, 1978
Approving And Adopting The Five-Year Philippine Development Plan For 1978 To 1982 And Promulgating A Ten-Year Development Plan For 1978 To 1987 And A Long-Term Development Plan Up To The Year 2000
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