[ Commonwealth Act No. 627, June 07, 1941 ]
Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines:
Section 1. Appropriation of funds. - The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated out of the collections that accrued and shall accrue to the Coconut Oil Excise Tax Fund in the Philippine Treasury on and after January first, nineteen hundred and thirtynine, for the purposes hereunder specified, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fortytwo, unless otherwise stated:
1. For scholarship in the United States, or in foreign countries, along scientific and technical lines related to the development of agriculture, commerce, and industries, and other activities, and for expenses of an economic commission to go abroad to survey economic projects and practices, that may help in the adjustment of Philippine economy to a position independent of trade preferences in the United States and otherwise prepare the Philippines for the assumption of the responsibilities of an independent state...................... |
P 150,000.00 |
2. For the promotion and development of the tourist trade in the Philippines to be undertaken by any department, corporation, agency, or instrumentality of the Government which the President of the Philippines may designate ........................ |
100,000.00 | ℒαwρhi৷
Total for the Office of the President............................................... |
P 250,000.00 |
3. Additional appropriation to continue the agronomical survey of the Philippines in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 418 ........................ |
P168,000.00 |
4. Additional appropriation for the establishment, improvement, development, maintenance, and operation of agricultural experiment and demonstration stations under the provisions of section 1754 of the Administrative Code .................................... |
400,000.00 |
5. Additional appropriation to continue the reforestation and afforestation of open lands within forest reserves, communal forests, national parks and timberlands, sand dunes, and such other areas already certified as public forest lands, in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 304 ......................... |
540,000.00 |
6. Additional appropriation for the classification, survey, and subdivision of agricultural lands of the public domain, especially those lying along national highways, in accordance with provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 347 ................................ |
1,350,000.00 |
7. For the organization, maintenance and operation of a School of Fisheries under the Division (Bureau) of Fisheries ....ℒαwρhi৷ |
333,000.00 |
8. For the creation of a special fund to be known as the "Cinchona Plantation Revolving Fund" for the establishment, cultivation, development, maintenance, and operation of cinchona plantations, in public forest lands to be administered by the Bureau of Forestry................................................... |
150,000.00 |
Total for the Department of Agriculture and Commerce.................... |
P2,941,000.00 |
9. For the construction of flood control works on the Agno River System and the Pampanga River System as authorized in items D(w) and D(x) under section 1 of Commonwealth Act No. 330 .................... |
P250,000.00 |
10. For the construction of irrigation systems as authorized by Commonwealth Act No. 369 ...................................... |
2,520,000.00 |
11. Additional appropriation for the construction, maintenance, and operation of irrigation systems, in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 2940 ..................... |
2,000,000.00 |
12. For the construction of a Central Airport for Manila ........................................ |
1,000,000.00 |
Total for the Department of Public Works and Communications ......... |
P5,770,000.00 |
13. Additional appropriation for expenses of the Philippine Army, including those for augmenting and strengthening the Philippine Constabulary, as recommended by the Civilian Emergency Planning Board, subject to authorization by the President of the Philippines, this appropriation to be available upon approval of this Act ....................................................... |
P3,000,000.00 |
Total for the Department of National Defense ......................................... |
P3,000,000.00 |
14. Additional appropriation for the special fund created in Commonwealth Act No. 521 for the establishment, equipment, maintenance, and operation of textile mills by any government-owned corporation, agency, or instrumentality of the Government which the President of the Philippines may designate ...................................... |
P1,500,000.00 |
15. For a geological and geophysical survey of mineral oil deposits to be undertaken by any government-owned corporation, agency, or instrumentality of the Government which the President of the Philippines may designate .................................... |
P500,000.00 |
16. Additional appropriation for the special fund created in Commonwealth Act No. 521 for the promotion of the abaca industry by the National Abaca and Other Fibers Corporation, or any agency or instrumentality of the Government which the President of the Philippines may designate, whose aims shall be to improve the quality of abaca and to lower its cost of production and marketing so as to adequately meet the requirements of local industry and foreign markets, with a view to placing this product in a position independent of trade preferences in the United States and otherwise to develop and adjust the abaca industry as to contribute effectively in strengthening the national economy of the Philippines preparatory to the assumption of the responsibilities of an independent state ............................. |
500,000.00 |
17. Additional appropriation for the special fund created in Commonwealth Act No. 521 for the acquisition, settlement, and cultivation of undeveloped agricultural lands, for providing opportunity to own farms to tenant farmers and small farmers from congested areas, and for encouraging migration to sparsely populated regions and facilitating the amalgamation of the people in different sections of the Philippines, for the purpose of developing new crops that could take the place of the present export crops which may suffer from the loss of preferences which they enjoy in the American markets and otherwise help in the adjustment of the national economy of the Philippines so as to prepare the latter for the assumption of the responsibilities of an independent state, such activities to be undertaken by the National Land Settlement Administration, or any agency or instrumentality of the Government which the President of the Philippines may designate ......................... |
P2,500,000.00 |
18. Additional appropriation for the special fund created in Commonwealth Act No. 521 under the administration of the Agricultural and Industrial Bank of the Philippines, for carrying out the following objectives: (1) to grant agricultural loans; (2) to grant industrial loans; (3) to establish and operate bonded warehouses ; (4) to subscribe for, underwrite, purchase, or guarantee bonds issued by non-governmental agricultural or industrial concerns; and (5) to grant loans for the purchase or charter of vessels to be operated in the foreign trade: Provided, That in accomplishing the above enumerated objectives the purpose shall be to adjust Philippine economy to a position independent of trade preferences in the United States and otherwise prepare the Philippines for the assumption of the responsibilities of an independent state .......................... |
10,000,000.00 |
19. Additional appropriation for the special fund known as the "Coconut Industry Promotion Fund" created by Commonwealth Act No. 518, entitled "An Act to establish the National Coconut Corporation" |
2,000,000.00 |
20. Additional appropriation for the special fund known as the "Tobacco Industry Promotion Fund" created by Commonwealth Act No. 519, entitled "An Act to establish the National Tobacco Corporation" ...................................................... |
500,000.00 |
21. Additional appropriation for the Sinking Fund Reserve for the amortization of the outstanding bonded debt of the Manila Railroad Company created in item 18, section one of Commonwealth Act No. 552 .............................................. |
P3,000,000.00 |
22. Additional appropriation for the Alabang Laboratories Revolving Fund to defray the expenses for the construction, repair, and improvement of the buildings, and the acquisition of fixtures and equipment, and other facilities that may be necessary to convert the Alabang Laboratories of the Institute of Hygiene, University of the Philippines, into a modern State Public Health Laboratory: Provided, That this appropriation or any part thereof may be used for the establishment, acquisition, or leasing of similar laboratories if in the judgment of the President of the Philippines such action is necessary to insure an adequate supply of vaccine, sera, and other biological products needed for the protection of the public health in times of emergency: Provided, further, That this appropriation shall be available for expenditure upon approval of this Act........................................ |
200,000.00 |
Total for Government Corporations |
P20,700,000.00 |
GRAND TOTAL ........................ |
P32,661,000.00 |
Section 2. Reduction of appropriations previously authorized for the same purposes. - The appropriations authorized in Commonwealth Acts Numbered Three hundred thirty, Three hundred sixty-nine, and Four hundred fifty-nine for the same purpose for which appropriations made in this Act are intended are reduced to the extent of the amounts of the latter.
Section 3. Investment of Sinking Fund Reserve. -
The Treasurer of the Philippines is authorized to invest the whole or any part of the appropriation for the sinking Fund Reserve authorized in item 21 of section one hereof in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Three thousand fourteen. All expenses in connection with such investment shall be charged against the said sinking fund reserve.
Section 4. Reversion of unexpended balances. - Any balance of the appropriations herein provided remaining unexpended at the end of the fiscal year for which authorized shall continue to be available for expenditure for the same purposes during the subsequent fiscal years until exhausted, or the work or purpose for which the appropriation was made has been completed or accomplished. In the latter case, such unexpended balance shall revert to the unappropriated surplus of the fund.
Section 5. Authority of the President to transfer amounts. - The President of the Philippines is authorized to transfer any amount appropriated for any item or portion thereof in any purpose to any other item or items under the same purpose.
Section 6. Suspension of expenditures of appropriations. - The President of the Philippines is authorized to suspend or otherwise stop the expenditure of any amount herein appropriated for any purpose, or any portion thereof, whenever in his opinion the public interest so requires, and thereupon the funds affected by such action shall become available for expenditure in connection with the national defense of, and the protection of the civilian population in, the Philippines in case of any national mergency, including increases in the expenses of the Philippine Army and the Philippine Constabulary as well as expenses for the organization of volunteer or home guards, or for any other expenditure authorized in this Act, as the President may determine, the provisions of this Act or any other Act to the contrary notwitstanding.
Section 7. Authority to purchase automobile, auto-jitneys, or station wagons. - When expressly authorized by the President of the Philippines, the appropriation authorized in items 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 22 of section one hereof may be used for the purchase of automobiles, auto-jitneys, or station wagons.
Section 8. Purpose for which appropriations may be used. - The amounts appropriated in this Act shall be disbursed in conformity with the provisions of this Act and of the Act of Congress of March twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and thirty-four (Public Act No. 127, 73rd Congress), as amended by the Act of Congress of August seventh, ninteen hundred and thirty-nine (Public Act No. 300, 76th Congress).
Section 9. Effective date. - This Act shall take effect on July first, nineteen hundred and forty-one, except where otherwise stated.
APPROVED, June 7, 1941.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation