[ Act No. 2605, February 04, 1916 ]


By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:

Section 1. A cadet academy is hereby created in the Philippine Islands for the purpose of educating and training the students thereof for service as officers in the Philippine Constabulary or in any other similar institution which may hereafter be created. This academy shall be under the direct control of the Chief, Philippine Constabulary, subject to the general supervision of the Secretary of Commerce and Police.

Section 2. This school shall be denominated "Academy for officers of the Philippine Constabulary."

U. 3. The academy hereinbefore referred to shall be established at Baguio, capital of the subprovince of Benguet, Mountain Province, in such Insular Government building or buildings as the Governor-General shall designate for the purpose.

Section 4. The establishment and administration of the academy shall be under

the charge of a superintendent.

Section 5. The personnel of the academy shall be composed of:

(a) One superintendent, who shall be a major of Constabulary or other officer;

(b) One assistant superintendent and instructor with the rank of captain of Constabulary;

(c) One adjutant and instructor with the rank of first lieutenant of Constabulary;

(d) One supply officer and instructor with the rank of first lieutenant of Constabulary;

(e) One instructor and surgeon with the rank of first lieutenant of Constabulary;

(f) Such additional instructors as may from time to time be necessary; and such enlisted men of the Constabulary and employees as may, in the discretion of the superintendent, with the approval of the Chief of Constabulary, be necessary for service at the academy: Provided, That when suitable officers of the above rank are not available, others may be detailed from the Philippine Constabulary: And provided further, That officers of the Philippine Constabulary on duty at the academy shall receive an additional compensation of three hundred pesos per annum.

Section 6. The superintendent, assistant superintendent and instructors of the academy shall be appointed by the Chief, Philippine Constabulary, with the consent of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, and may be either officers of the Philippine Constabulary or graduates of military academies or colleges, provided such persons have the legal status required to hold positions under the Government of the Philippine Islands at the time of their appointment: Provided, however, That in case of appointment of instructors who are not members of the Philippine Constabulary or who are aliens, they shall be considered officers with the rank corresponding to the positions they hold in the academy.

Section 7. There shall be appointed, annually, not to exceed sixty cadets to be selected, after an examination, from -amongst nominees named as hereinafter provided. Such nominees shall be unmarried graduates of the University of the Philippines, or of a college or higher institute approved by the Government: Provided, That the right to name such cadets shall be apportioned as follows: Three -by the Governor-General; three by the Speaker of the Philippine Assembly; two by each member of the Upper House of the Philippine Legislature; and one by each member of the Philippine Assembly: Provided further, That if the full quota of candidates is not nominated thirty days before the examination, the Chief of Constabulary may designate a number of candidates at large sufficient to secure sixty cadets: And Provided further, That the Chief of Constabulary may detail for actual service as cadets, not to" exceed five non-commissioned officers of the Philippine Constabulary of more than two years' service, who, while so detailed, shall receive a cadet's pension, but shall not receive an enlisted man's pay and allowances.

Section 8. The training of cadets shall extend over a period d of two years, the studies to be determined by the Chief of Constabulary, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Police; the arrangement of the studies in the courses to be determined by the faculty, with the approval of the Chief of Constabulary: Provided, however, That the two-year course of study may be shortened, according to the requirements and needs of the service, whenever in the judgment of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, such can be done without detriment to the knowledge, experience and practice required of the students for the officer's examination : Provided further, That cadets who fail to satisfactorily pass the examinations at the close of the first year "may, upon recommendation of the faculty, with the approval of the Chief of Constabulary be turned back to the next succeeding class: And. provided, further, That the superintendent may, upon recommendation of the majority of the faculty, approved by the Chief of Constabulary, discharge cadets for misconduct or deficiency in studies.

The course of study at the academy shall include the following :

1. Military'art.

2. Constabulary manual; criminal law of the Philippines; military law; international law.

3. Municipal, provincial and Insular Governments.

4. Topography.

5. Equitation; athletics.

Section 9. The superintendent and the heads of the departments of instruction shall constitute the faculty.

Section 10. Upon the completion of the two years' course and satisfactory examination, cadets shall be appointed to fill vacancies in the grade of third lieutenant, Philippine Constabulary, or, in the lowest commissioned grade in any other similar organization which may hereafter be created, being commissioned by the Governor-General in the order of their final class standing.

Section 11. Cadets shall live in barracks during the annual courses of instruction, and shall receive such pension and allowances as may be provided by the Legislature, said pension to be disbursed by the superintendent of the academy: Provided, That the Chief of Constabulary may authorize vacations, with pay and allowances, not to exceed two and one-half months during the calendar year.

Section 12. The arms, ammunition, military equipment needed by the students for their practical instruction shall be furnished by the Chief of the Philippine Constabulary by order of the Governor-General. The equipment of the existing Constabulary academy, or so much as may be necessary, shall be turned over to the academy created by this Act.

Section 13. The Government property and funds of the academy shall be accounted for through the Bureau of Constabulary.

Section 14. The funds necessary for the enforcement of this Act, shall be made available by legislative enactment, upon estimates submitted from time to time by the Chief of Constabulary, approved by the Secretary of Commerce and Police.ℒαwρhi৷

Section 15. All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed.

Section 16. This Act shall take effect on its passage.

Enacted, February 4, 1916.

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