[ Act No. 2589, February 04, 1916 ]


By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippines Legislature, that:

Section 1. Whenever a regulary and permanent appointed officer or employee in the Philippine civil is actually in the service and who has rendered faithful and satisfactory service for at applies to the Governor-General for retirement said service and the Governor-General shall find, after receiving the recommendation of the Director of Civil Service and the chief of the Bureau of Office concerned, that such officer or employee making the application has in every way been effecient up to and including the date of retirement , and the retirement applied for will not prejudice or obstruct the regular and efficient operation of the Bureau affected, the Governor-General, in his discretion, may grant such retirement, and in consideration of the services rendered, an annual gratuity for three consecutive years according to the following schedule; An officer or employee who at the time of retirement shall have rendered at least ten years of continous service may receive annual gratuity of thirty-three and one-third per centum of the salary last received; thirty per centum of such salary when nine but less than ten years of continous service have been rendered; twenty-six and two-thirds per centum of such salary when eight but less than nine years of continous service have been rendered; twenty-three an done third per centum of such salary when six but less than seven years of continous service have been rendered. The gratuities herein provided for may be paid in the Philippine or in the United States as the retired official or employee may desire, in monthly installments, and in the event of death shall be payable in his estate: Provided, however, that any officer or employee entitled to the benefits of this Act, and who is entitled to any benefits from any pension fund created by authority of the Philippines Legislature, shall be required to designate which of such benefits he desire to tke advantage of, and in such case he shall be entitled only to the benefits so chosen: And provided further, That if he elects the benefits of this law he shall have refunded to him amounts deducted from his salary for the benefit of any other retirement fund: And provider further, That following officers and employees shall not be entitled to the benefits of this Act: Officers and employees whose full time is not given to the Government service ; professional officersor employees who practice their profession for profit; officers and employees detailed from the Army and Navy, or civil service of the United States; and persons now receiving a pension or retirement pay from the Government of the United States.

Section 2.Vacancies occuring in the service as a result of retirements according to the provisions of the next proceeding section, shall not be filled, and the positions corresponding thereto shall be considered abolished ipso facto except when such position is that of Chief Justice or Associate Justice of the Supreme Court or a judge of First Instance, chief of assistant chief of Bureau, chief of clerk or chief of division: Provided, however, That upon the request of the chief of Bureau or Office, affected based the exegencies of the service and favorably reccomended the proper head of Department, the Governor-General authorize, in his discretion, after hearing by the Emergency Board created by section two Act Numbered five hundred and forty, in lieu of the positionabolished such position or positions as may redeemed necessary, but the aggregate of the salaries thus assigned to such position shall not exceed two-thirds of the salaray authorized by law for the position abolished by reason of retirement.ℒαwρhi৷ The vacancies of Chief Justice or Associate Justice of the Supreme Court or judge of First Instance, chief of assistant chief of Bureau, chief of clerk, or chief of division occasioned by retirement may gain filled, but, unless the law provides otherwise, the salary of the new officers or employees shall be understood to have been reduced to two-thirds of the salary received by the officer or employee retired at the time of his retirement but in the case of the Chief Justice or Associate Justice of the Supreem Court or of a judge of First Instance, the salary of the vacant position shall not be reduced because of the operation of this Act: Provided, however, That in no case the salaryn assigned to a director, assistant director, chief clerk of chief of divisionbe less than that appropriated for the assistant director, chief clerk, assistant chief clerk, or assistant chief of division, respectively but in such case the chief of Bureau shall make such reductions in the expenses of the Bureau as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this without the necessity of an additional appropriation.

Section 3. Future reductions in salaries of officers and employees of the Government of the Philippine Islands, if such reductions are agreed upon, as well as any provision of law abolishing the positions of officers or employees, or reducing or abolishing accrued leave, shall in no mannerafect officers or employees who have retired or entitled to such retirement under section six of this Act, who shall continue, during the time provided in section one of this Act to received this gratuities the same as if their positions had not been reduced in salary or abolished , in addition to the accrued leave authorized at the time of their application for retirement: Provided, however, That excepting by reason of legislative action reducing his salary or accrued have allowances, if any officer, or employee entitled to retirement under the provisions of this Act shall apply therefor, and after being advised that his services are necessary ; insist upon the acceptance of his resignation , he shall not in such case be entitled to the retirement gratuity herein provided.

Section 4. Such sums as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act are hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, however, That no fund shall be set up in the books of the Auditor by virtue of this Act until the sum necessary for the current year shall have been determined.

Section 5. No person retired under the provisions of this ACt shall be reappointed or reemployed under the Government of the Philippine Islands, until he shall have first refunded the entire amount of his retirement gratuities and in case of reappointment or reemployment under this condition his salary for a period of at least three years thereafter shall not exceed the salary at the time of retirement; and by accepting such reappointment or reemployment and refunding the gratuities he shall want all future claim to the provisions of this ACt and to the payment of such gratuities as were refunded when he again shall retire or resign.

Section 6. This Act shall take effect immediately and the provisions hereof shall apply only to such officials and employees as may request retirement on or before the thirtieth day of JUne, nineteen hundred and sixteen: Provided, however, That, should an application for retirement be presented to the Governor-General prior to July first nineteen hundred and sixteen, and such application not be granted on account of exigencies of the service, the retirement applied for may be granted by the Governor-General at such future date as in his opinion the requirements of the service may warrant, and for this purpose he may make such administrative orders with reference to the appropriation for the position to be vacated as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Act.

Enacted, February 4, 1916.

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation