[ Act No. 2583, February 04, 1916 ]


By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:

Section 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury from the sale of bonds for public works or permanent improvements, and in default thereof, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for public works and permanent improvements as mentioned hereunder, and for


(a) For the extension of permanent improvements on the property of the "Gota de Leche" P4,000.00

(b) For the purchase of the land and buildings situated thereon and at present used as a leper station at Cebu 15,000.00

Provided, nevertheless, That in consideration of said sum the Government shall have the right to take over the buildings and land mentioned in so far as such right refers to the title of the present possessors, who shall renounce expressly to the Government all claims of every sort, including unpaid rentals during the last fifteen years and payments made by said possessors to the Bureau of Lands.

(c) For the construction of a dispensary building for the Southern Islands Hospital, Cebu 5,000.00

(d) For the construction of a hospital building at

Cuyo, Palawan 9,000.00


(e) For the construction of an annex to the Dispensary of the Philippine General Hospital 25,000.00


(f) For the completion of the administrative building of the Forest School at Los Banos and the purchase of necessary equipment 10,000.00

(g) For the construction of quarters for the students of the School of Forestry at Los Banos 8,000.00


(h) For the construction, improvement, and, where necessary, for the maintenance of roads and bridges in such provinces as shall accept the provisions of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and fifty-two, which by a resolution of the provincial board shall guarantee by continuing annual appropriations the establishment of such a system of maintenance as may be necessary in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, on all first-class roads at present constructed or which in future may be constructed, and are so declared by the Director of Public Works, including the construction, improvement, and maintenance of roads and bridges in the Provinces of Mindoro, Palawan and Batanes organized under the Special Provincial Government Act, and in the provinces organized under Act Numbered Twenty-four hundred and eight, to be apportioned in proportion to the number of inhabitants of each province 1,000,000.00

For the construction, improvement, and, where necessary, the maintenance of roads and bridges in the provinces accepting the provisions of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and fifty-two, and that by resolution of the provincial board shall guarantee by continuing annual appropriation the establishment of such a system of maintenance as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works on all first-class roads now constructed or which may be constructed in the future and declared as such by the Director of Public Works and in the Provinces of Mindoro, Palawan and Batanes, organized under the Special Provincial Government Act, and in the provinces organized under Act Numbered Twenty-four hundred and eight, to be apportioned in the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Police 400,000.00

Provided, That such amounts as may be necessary shall be allotted to those provinces having already received their regular allotment under the provisions of Act Numbered Twenty-five hundred and thirty-four to cover the excess of their apportionment under subsection (h) of this Act.

For the construction, improvement and, where necessary, for the maintenance of interprovincial roads and bridgfes between the provinces accepting the provisions of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and fifty-two, and that by resolutions of the provincial boards concerned shall guarantee by continuing annual appropriations the establishment of such a system of maintenance as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works on all first-class roads now constructed or which may be constructed in the future and declared as such by the Director of Public Works, and in the provinces organized under Act Numbered . Twenty-four hundred and eight, to be apportioned in the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Police ...... 100,000.00

Provided, That the appropriations made by paragraphs (h), (i) and (j) of this section may be made available with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of second and third-class roads, trails and temporary bridges wherever they may be most useful and proper for the public interest.

(k) For the construction, reconstruction, improvement, investigations and surveys of ports, wharves, piers, retaining walls, jetties, dams and dredgings in the different districts of the Archipelago, including the purchase of necessary equipment, the continuation of wharves and other improvements projected by former laws, construction and maintenance of roads across Insular lands adjacent to wharves and of roads leading to such lands, to be apportioned in the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Police ..... 400,000.00

(l) For the drilling of artesian wells including the purchase of necessary equipment; for the study and construction of municipal systems of waterworks and for the investigation, construction, reconstruction, or extension of baths and other sanitary improvements for the development and exploitation of properly tested and approved mineral springs in places of public resort, whenever the provinces or municipalities concerned including those organized under Act Numbered Twenty-four hundred and eight and under the Special Provincial Government Act shall adopt resolutions for the appropriation of funds covering the cost of one-third part of the work, to be apportioned in the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Police: Provided, That the funds appropriated by provinces or municipalities to cover the cost of one-third part of the work shall be covered into the Insular Treasury when the Director of Public Works shall have fixed the amount thereof: Provided further, That any municipality or province which by virtue of the provisions of this Act shall incur the expense of an artesian well resulting in a failure shall have the amounts expended returned to it: And provided, finally, That the Secretary of Commerce and Police shall in no case assign to any municipality or project as Insular aid a sum in excess of twenty-five thousand pesos 250,000.00

(m) For the expenses in the investigation of applications for irrigation or water rights submitted to the Irrigation Council 15,000.00


For the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of telegraph lines and submarine cables and for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of wireless telegraph stations and buildings 100,000.00

Provided, That the appropriation of fifty thousand pesos for the purchase of cable and the construction of cable lines authorized under Act Numbered Twenty-four hundred and ninety-four shall be likewise available for the maintenance of cable lines: Provided further, That whenever it may be more desirable for the public interest, and the provincial boards of provinces organized under Act Numbered Eighty-three, including the Provinces of Batanes, Mindoro and Palawan shall appropriate funds for the establishment of telephone lines, the appropriation herein made shall be available to aid such provinces in a sum not to exceed fifty per centum of the cost of each project.


(o) For the construction and reconstruction of lighthouse-station buildings, lighthouses and beacons, the purchase and placing of buoys and the substitution of acetylene apparatus for oil lights 25,000.00


For the construction of central and intermediate school buildings in municipalities organized under Act Numbered Eighty-two in provinces organized under Act Numbered Eighty-three, to be allotted in the discretion of the Secretary of Public Instruction:

Provided, That in very special cases this item may be employed for the construction or reconstruction of farm and high school buildings in the regularly organized provinces 150,000.00

(q) As aid to the municipalities and barrios for the construction of school buildings of Philippine woods with galvanized iron roof to be distributed in the discretion of the Secretary of Public Instruction 50,000.00

(r) For the construction of buildings at the Central Luzon Agricultural School, Nueva Ecija25,000.00


(s) For the construction of an agronomy laboratory building for the College of Agriculture, Los Banos, Laguna 30,000.00

Total appropriation made by this section 2,621,000.00

Section 2. Subsection (u) of section one and section two ' of Act Numbered Twenty-four hundred and ninety-four, in relation with subsections (c), (d) and (e) of section two of Act Numbered Twenty-three hundred and seventy-eight, are hereby continued in force, so that the appropriations made in the said subsections (c), (d), (e) and (u) by the said Acts shall be available as if they had been made by this Act: Provided, however, That the appropriation made in said subsection (c) may be set aside for the expenses of the construction of a waterworks system in the municipality of Naga, Ambos Camarines, provider" the said municipality covered one-third of the cost of the project.

Section 3. All balances of the different appropriations made by this Act unexpended on the thirtieth of June, nineteen hundred and seventeen, shall be reverted to the unappropriated funds in the Insular Treasury, and thereafter shall not be available for withdrawal or expenditure except upon appropriation by the Legislature.

Section 4. Whenever the Governor-General shall believe that the probable revenues of the Insular Government will not be sufficient to cover the projects provided for in this Act, he may suspend in whole or in part temporarily or definitely to the end of the fiscal year the construction of any specified project, or projects provided for in this Act until otherwise ordered by the Legislature.

Section 5. This Act shall take effect on its passage.ℒαwρhi৷

Enacted, February 4, 1916.

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation