[ Act No. 2548, January 17, 1916 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:
Section 1. Whenever rinderpest infection exists in any province and the provincial board has, by resolution, determined the immunization of cattle in said province, the Director of Agriculture is hereby authorized to require that all cattle and carabaos within, imported into, or exported from an infected area shall be immunized against rinderpest by simultaneous inoculation at such time and place as the provincial board, upon agreement with the Director of Agriculture, may deem necessary, but not outside of the limits of the municipality in which the cattle are found, in order to prevent the spread of said disease within the Philippine Islands.
Section 2. The province concerned shall be responsible for the construction and maintenance on sites designated by the Director of Agriculture, of the necessary sheds and buildings in accordance with plans furnished by said Director.
Section 3. The provincial government concerned is hereby authorized to charge three pesos for each animal subject to immunization, to cover the expense of construction and maintenance of the sheds and buildings including payment of salaries and wages of employees in charge thereof, and to insure the owners of the animals against loss resulting from the immunization: Provided, That in case any immunized animal dies at any time within the inclosure or n" without the inclosure during the immunization month, the provincial board shall pay to the owner of the animal seventy-five per cent of its value, which the provincial board shall be authorized to appraise.
Section 4. No owner of work animals shall be compelled to have his animals immunized against his will outside of the infected zone, but any person who applies to have his cattle immunized may be admitted, upon the payment of two pesos per head; Provided, That in case any cattle owner or owners having more than fifty head desire or request their cattle to be immunized and bind themselves to provide the necessary sheds prescribed by the Director of Agriculture, the provincial board, upon agreement with the Bureau of Agriculture, shall take the necessary measures to have such immunization effected within said stock farms, for a consideration of two pesos per head.
Section 5. The owner, or his agent, of each animal undergoing immunization shall provide it with proper food, water, and attendance, and shall keep the portion of the station assigned to him in a sanitary condition, subject to such regulations as may be issued from time to time by the Director of Agriculture or authorized agent. Should the owner, or his agent, fail to comply with this requirement, the province concerned shall furnish the supplies and attendance needed, and the reasonable cost of such supplies and attendance shall be collectible from the owner or his agent.
Section 6. No person or persons, except the representatives of the Director of Agriculture and the attendants of them animals, will be admitted within the boundaries of any immunizing station unless they have specific permission from the Director of Agriculture or his authorized agent and conform to the rules and regulations in force at the station.ℒαwρhi৷
Section 7. The attendants of the animals shall conform to m all rules and regulations that may be issued from time to time by the Director of Agriculture or his authorized agent, upon agreement with the provincial board.
Section 8. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction the Director of Agriculture is hereby authorized to maintain immunization stations for cattle and carabaos in the interprovincial trade at such places as he may from time to time deem necessary, and to charge three pesos per animal to cover the expense of construction and maintenance of each station and insure the owners against the loss of the animals immunized. "'
Section 9. No animal shall be released from any immunizing station except with the written permission of the Director of Agriculture or his authorized agent.
Section 10. Each animal immunized shall be marked with a distinctive brand and the owner of said animal shall be furnished with a certificate of immunization; any animal so branded and for which a certificate of immunization has been duly issued shall not be subject to quarantines enforced against rinderpest-infected areas.
Section 11. Upon the death or slaughter of any immunized. animal, the owner, or his agent, of said animal shall return the certificate of immunization to the Director of Agriculture, through the municipal president of the municipality in which the animal has died or been slaughtered. In case of the loss or theft of any immunized animal, the owner, or his agent, will immediately deposit the certificate of immunization of such animal with the municipal president of the municipality in which the animal was located. In case the animal has not been recovered within a period of ninety days, the municipal president will forward the certificate of immunization to the Director of Agriculture. If the animal is subsequently recovered, the certificate of immunization can be obtained on the presentation of proof satisfactory to the Director of Agriculture that the animal in question is the one for which the certificate of immunization was originally issued.
Section 12. (a) Every person who fails to present his -animal for immunization within a reasonable length of time after receiving the proper notification; or who fails to conform with the rules and regulations in force at an immunization station after receiving proper warning; or who unlawfully removes or permits or cooperates in the removal of any animal from an immunization station; or who fails to return a certificate of immunization to the proper authorities upon the death, loss or slaughter of any immunized animal, shall be liable for misdemeanor and, upon conviction shall be punished for each offense by a fine of not more than twenty-five pesos, or by imprisonment of not more than twenty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.
(b) Every person who alters or changes in any way a certificate of immunization or the distinctive brand provided for in section ten of this Act; or who presents or exhibits a forged or false certificate, or a certificate falsely or fraudulently obtained, knowing such certificate to be false or to have been obtained in a false or fraudulent manner; or who sells a, certificate, or lends or permits another to have or use a certificate with a false or fraudulent purpose or intent, or knows or has cause or reason to know or believe that said certificate is intended for a false or fraudulent purpose; or who buys a certificate or borrows the same with false or fraudulent intent or purpose, or steals the same, or acquires the same in a false, fraudulent, or unlawful manner; or who, with intent to deceive, presents as or for his own any certificate issued to another person; or who falsely or fraudulently brands or marks, or permits to be branded or marked, a non-immunized animal with any distinctive brand employed by th£ Director of Agriculture to designate immunized animals, shall be liable for misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished for each offense by a fine of not more than two hundred pesos, or by imprisonment of not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.
Section 13. The sum of fifty thousand pesos is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be carried in an account denominated "immunized cattle insurance fund," which shall be disbursed by the Director of Agriculture for the purpose of covering any deficit that may occur in any of the immunization stations created in accordance with sections three and nine of this Act: Provided, That any unexpended balance of the charges made, existing at any of said immunization stations, shall be covered into the Insular Treasury and credited to the fund above mentioned.
Section 14. This Act shall take effect on its passage.
Enacted, January 17, 1916.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation