[ Act No. 2540., December 18, 1915 ]
By authority of the United States, be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature, that:
Section 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be respectively necessary, are hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in compensation of the service of the Insular Government for the fiscal year ending December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, unless otherwise stated.
For salaries and wages as follows: |
President of the Commission, at P9,000 per annum.... |
P9,000.00 |
Four Commissioners, at P9,000 per annum each. |
36,000.00 |
Four Commissioners not Secretaries of Departments, at P13,500 per annum each......... |
54,000.00 |
Secretary of the Commission, class one............. |
6,000.00 |
Four private secretaries, at ¥=2,800 per annum each .............................. |
11,200.00 |
Four messengers, at P480 per annum each..... |
1,920.00 |
Division of legislative records. |
Chief of division, whose duties shall be performed by the Secretary of the Commission without additional compensation. |
Two messengers, at "P420 per annum each.............................................. |
840.00 |
For temporary employees................................... |
3,360.83 |
For reimbursement to Executive Bureau appropriation of salaries for telephone operators and janitor service................................... |
2,586.00 |
For reimbursement to the Executive appropriation of one-third of the total amount paid to clerks and messengers for salaries and wages......................................................... |
11,940.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel....................... |
2,500.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service................ |
150.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.............................. |
10,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service...... |
1,500.00 |
Illumination and power service........................... |
650.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service.................................. |
600.00 |
Contingent service................................................... |
75.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials.............................. |
1,450.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.................................. |
16,925.00 |
Furniture and equipment........................ |
1,431.57 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
148,046.83 |
Total for contingent expenses.............. |
16,925.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment...... |
1,431.57 |
Total available for the Philippine Commission ................................................. |
166,403.40 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Speaker of the Philippine Assembly, at P16,000 per annum . |
16,000.00 |
Secretary of the Philippine Assembly, class one .................................... |
6,000.00 |
Provided, That in case this office becomes vacant during the recess of the Legislature by- death, resignation, or other cause, the Speaker may fill the office by appointment until a successor shall have been duly elected. |
One private secretary to the Speaker, at tP4,800 per annum........................... |
4,800.00 |
Additional salaries for secretaries to Resident Commissioners . |
2,000.00 |
Per diems of thirty pesos to eighty Delegates for ninety days of session, and per diems of thirty pesos for the chairman of Committee on Accounts, for each day of work and service as such during the recess of the Philippine Legislature, in case his services are expressly required by the Speaker of the Assembly, who shall fix the minimum hours of work for said chairman as well as the manner in which he shall perform his duties ....................... |
222,360.00 |
One assistant private secretary, whose duties shall be performed by the chief clerk, without additional compensation. |
One chief clerk, at P3,400 per annum................ |
One stenographer, class nine............................ |
One stenographer, Class D ............................ |
One clerk, Class H ............................................ |
One special messenger, at P420 per annum.... |
One messenger, at P360 per annum................ |
One clerk, Class J............................................ |
One messenger, at P240 per annum................ |
Office of the secretary. |
One stenographer, at PI,320 per annum......... |
P1,320.00 |
Two clerks, Class 1................................... |
1,200.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum................... |
300.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum................. |
240.00 |
Office of the chief clerk. |
One chief clerk, class five................................... |
4,000.00 |
One stenographer, Class B.............................. |
1,680.00 |
One stenographer, Class G................................. |
840.00 |
Two clerks, Class I......................................... |
1,200.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum................. |
300.00 |
Stenographers for the committees. One supervising stenographer, at P1,560 per annum ........................................ |
1,560.00 |
One stenographer, Class C................................ . |
1,440.00 |
One stenographer, at P1,248 per annum......... |
1,248.00 |
Two stenographers, Class F............................. |
1,920.00 |
Two stenographers, Class G............................... |
1,680.00 |
Two stenographers, Class H.............................. |
1,440.00 |
Journal division. |
Chief of division, at P2,760 per annum............. |
2,760.00 |
Two stenographers, at P2,640 per annum each. |
5,280.00 |
One stenographer, at 1*2,208 per annum........... |
2,208.00 |
One stenographer, at PI,848 per annum......... |
1,848.00 |
One stenographer, at PI,560 per annum......... |
1,560.00 |
One stenographer, Class D................................. |
1,200.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum................. |
240.00 |
Bill and index division. |
Chief of division, at P2,580 per annum............. |
2,580.00 |
One clerk, Class A......................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class D.......................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class G............................................ |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class I............................................ |
600.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum................. |
360.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum................... |
240.00 |
Records division. |
Chief of division, at P2,980 per annum............. |
2,980.00 |
One clerk, Class A.......................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class C ......................................... |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, Class E.......................................... |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class F ........................................ |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class H ........................................... |
720.00 |
One clerk, at P540 per annum.......................... |
540.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum.................. |
300.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum.................. |
240.00 |
One mail carrier, at P240 per annum................ |
240.00 |
Disbursing officer, class nine.............................. |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, at P1,500 per annum........................ |
1,500.00 |
Two clerks, Class D............................................ |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, Class G............................................ |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class I ............................................. |
600.00 |
Two clerks, Class J............................................ |
960.00 |
Two clerks, at P360 per annum each................ |
720.00 |
Two messengers, at P240 per annum each...... |
480.00 |
Law and library division. |
Chief of division, at P5,400 per annum............ |
P5,400.00 |
One legislative clerk and librarian, class nine.. |
2,400.00 |
One translator, at P2,040 per annum.............. |
2,040.00 |
One clerk, at P1,584 per annum........................ |
1,584.00 |
One clerk, Class E ............................................ |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class G ............................................. |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class H............................................... |
720.00 |
Two clerks, Class J.............................................. |
960.00 |
Two clerks, at P420 per annum each................ |
840.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum.................. |
360.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum.................... |
240.00 |
Janitor service. |
One janitor, Class F........................................... |
960.00 |
One telephone operator, Class J.......................... |
480.00 |
One janitor, at P360 per annum........................ |
360.00 |
Two laborers, at P300 per annum each............ |
600.00 |
Five laborers, at P240 per annum each............ |
1,200.00 |
One chauffeur, at P720 per annum.................... |
720.00 |
Supplementary force. |
Officers appointed in accordance with Act No. 2292; employees rendering service several days before, during, and several days after a session and employees within and outside the Philippine Islands .......................... |
20,000.00 |
Officers and employees of other departments of the Government, who, at the request of the Assembly, of the Speaker, or of the Secretary thereof, and with the consent of their respective chiefs, have rendered or may render services to the Assembly............ |
1,440.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
365,888.00 |
Maintenance and repair of automobiles............ |
600.00 |
Maintenance and repair of land transportation equipment...... |
500.00 |
Maintenance and repair of office furniture and equipment |
2,600.00 |
Building repair and maintenance...................... |
500.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel, including traveling expenses of the Speaker while on tours of inspection in the provinces and transportation expenses in Manila; traveling expenses of Delegates and their actual and necessary expenses for board and lodging in Manila until the eve of the opening of a session if they arrive in this capital by the steamer, conveyance, or train immediately preceding such opening; for expenses of board and lodging in Manila during the time that sessions are suspended if such suspension has been authorized by ' concurrent resolution of the Legislature, and during the interval between a regular and special session, provided such suspension or interval is less than fifteen days in either case; for subsistence and lodging in Manila until the departure of the first steamer, conveyance, or train for return to the province where their official residence is located; expenses of authorized investigations by the Assembly of committees or members thereof on official business, and traveling expenses of officers and employees within and outside of the Philippine Islands |
Rental of buildings.................................. |
10,080.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service.............. |
200.00 |
Printing and binding of reports, documents and publications, including printing of Dia-rio de Sesiones, and the reprinting of United |
States Congressional documents.. |
22,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service, including expenses of dispatches sent or received by the Speaker and officers of the Assembly from each of the Resident Commissioners to the United States. |
18,000.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
2,600.00 |
Contingent service, including funeral expenses of Delegates..... |
6,500.00 |
Consumption of supplies, materials, and so forth, including stationery and postage for Delegates, not exceeding fifty pesos per annum each. 17,000.00 |
Discretionary expenditures.............................. |
2,312.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.............. |
98,492.00 |
Furniture and equipment, including the purchase of books for the Assembly, furniture, equipment, including uniforms for officers, pages, and messengers, and for the purchase of means of transportation and other equipment....... |
5.620.00 |
Total for per diems, salaries and wages........ |
365,888.00 |
Total for contingent expenses......................... |
98,492.00 |
Total-for furniture and equipment................... |
5,620.00 |
Total available for the Philippine Assembly.......... |
470,000.00 |
Provided, That nothing herein provided shall be construed as limiting the powers of the Speaker to create, abolish, or consolidate positions or items in the interest of the efficiency of the service |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Governor-General, at P27,000 per annum.... |
P27,000.00 |
Four Secretaries of executive departments, at P18.900 per annum each |
One secretary to the Governor-General, at P10,000 per annum.... |
10,000.00 |
Three private secretaries, one each for the Secretary of Finance and Justice, the Secretary of Commerce and Police, and the Secretary of the Interior, at P4,800 per annum each...... |
P14,400.00 |
One assistant private secretary to the Secretary of the Interior, whose duties shall be performed by such officer of his department as he may designate, but without additional compensation. |
One private secretary for the Secretary of Public Instruction, at P4,000 per annum...... |
4,000.00 |
One assistant private, secretary for the Secretary of Public Instruction, at P3,600 per annum ....... |
3,600.00 |
One assistant private secretary for the Secretary of Finance and Justice, at P2.400 per annum .. |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, class four............................ |
4,500.00 |
One clerk, class five............................ |
4,000.00 |
One clerk, class six............................ |
3,600.00 |
Two clerics, class seven......................... |
6,400.00 |
Two clerks, class eight.......................... |
5,600.00 |
Two clerks, class nine........................... |
4,800.00 |
One clerk, class ten............................. |
2,000.00 |
One clerk, Class H................................. |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class I.............................. |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class J................................. |
480.00 |
Two messengers, at P480 per annum each...... |
960.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum.................. |
360.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum.................. |
300.00 |
One caretaker of Malacanang Palace,at P3,000 per annum.... |
3,000.00 |
For per diems of ten pesos for the officer of the Army, Navy, or Philippine Constabulary, detailed as aide-de-camp to the Governor-General, at P3,660 per annum... |
3,660.00 |
For payment to .officers of the United States Army detailed as aide-de-camp to the Governor-General, of amounts equivalent to such sums representing increased foreign service pay, commutation of quarters, and allowance for heat and light prescribed by the Army regulations, as may be lost to them by reason of such detail, including the payment to Lieutenant J. W. Teague of the amount equivalent to the increased pay for foreign service, commutation of quarters, and allowances lost while detailed as aide-de-camp to the Governor-General from the first of February to the twentieth of July, nineteen hundred and thirteen..... |
2,404.56 |
For payment of salaries of officers and employees of the Bureau of Justice detailed by the Governor-General to make administrative investigations in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and ninety-seven........ |
3,000.00 |
For temporary employees............... |
7,653.33 |
For reimbursement to the appropriation for the Executive Bureau for salaries and wages of telephone operators and janitor service.. |
P2,586.00 |
Total......................................... |
193,623.89 |
For reimbursement from the appropriation for the Philippine Commission of one-third of the amount paid to clerks and messengers for salaries and wages (deduction) |
11,940.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................. |
181,683.89 |
Traveling expenses of personnel..................... |
25,000.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service.............. |
400.00 |
Printing and binding of reports, documents and publications... |
7,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.. |
12,000.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
5,000.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service.................... |
1,800.00 |
Contingent expenses........................................ |
600.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
' 5,000.00 |
Contributions and gratuities.............................. |
750.00 |
For a fund to be expended in the discretion of the Governor-General |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
87,550.00 |
Furniture and equipment............................... |
2,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages....................... |
181,683.89 |
Total for contingent expenses........................ |
87,550.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment................... |
2,000.00 |
Total available for Executive................ |
271,233.89 |
The Executive Bureau shall have charge of the disbursement of the appropriations for the Executive. |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Executive Secretary, at Pl3,500 per annum. |
P13,500.00 |
Second, Third, and Fourth Assistant Executive Secretaries, at P8,000 per annum each: Provided, That in case the office of Fourth Assistant Executive Secretary becomes vacant, the vacancy shall not be filled...... |
24,000.00 |
Office of the chief clerk. |
Chief clerk, class one ................................... |
6,000.00 |
One assistant chief clerk, class three: Provided, That in case of vacancy the position of assistant chief clerk shall be filled at a salary not exceeding P4,000 per annum........ |
5,000.00 |
One clerk, class five............... |
4,000.00 |
One clerk, class six................ |
3,600.00 |
Two clerks, class eight........... |
5,600.00 |
Three clerks, class nine............ |
7,200.00 |
One clerk at P1.992 per annum............ |
1,992.00 |
One clerk, at P1,560 per annum.............. |
P1,560.00 |
Two clerks, at P1,320 per annum each........ |
2,640.00 |
Two clerks, Class D.......................... |
2,400.00 |
Three clerks, Class E ....................... |
3,240.00 |
One clerk, Class F........................... |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class H ............................ |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class I............................. |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class J............................. |
480.00 |
One messenger, at P600 per annum............... |
600.00 |
One messenger, at P540 per annum.............. |
540.00 |
Six special messengers, at P480 per annum each ....... |
2,880.00 |
Six messengers, at P420 per annum each........ |
2,520.00 |
Six messengers, at P360 per annum each........ |
2,160.00 |
Four messengers, at P300 per annum each .... |
1,200.00 |
Two messengers, at P240 per annum each........ |
480.00 |
One telephone operator, at P540 per annum.... |
540.00 |
One telephone operator, at P420 per annum... |
420.00 |
Translating division. |
Chief of division, at P7,500 per annum ........ |
7,500.00 |
One assistant chief of division, class two........ |
5,500.00 |
One clerk, at P3,760 per annum........................ |
3,760.00 |
One clerk, class six ................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, at P3,000 per annum........................ |
3,000.00 |
One clerk, at P1,992 per annum........................ |
1,992.00 |
One clerk, Class H ....................................... |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class I....................................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class J........................................ |
480.00 |
Miscellaneous division |
Chief of division, class three ......................... |
5,000.00 |
Two clerks, class nine.................................. |
4,800.00 |
One clerk, class ten.................................... |
2,000.00 |
One clerk, Class A...................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class B ..................................... |
1,680.00 |
One clerk, at P1,560 per annum........................ |
1,560.00 |
Two clerks, Class C .................................... |
2,880.00 |
Two clerks, Class D..................................... |
2,400.00 |
One special employee, at P720 per annum........ |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class H........................................ |
720.00 |
Four clerks, Class I ................................... |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, Class J....................................... |
480.00 |
Provincial |
division. |
Chief of division, class three ........................ |
5,000.00 |
One clerk, class eight.................................. |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, class nine................................... |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, class ten................................... |
2,000.00 |
One clerk, Class A..................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class D...................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class E...................................... |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class F..................................... |
960.00 |
Two clerks, Class G..................................... |
1,680.00 |
Two clerks, Class H..................................... |
1,440.00 |
Records |
division. |
Chief of division, class three.......................... |
5,000,00 |
Assistant chief of division, class four: Provided, That in case of a vacancy said position of assistant chief of records division shall be filled at a salary not exceeding P2,400 per annum......... |
P4,500.00 |
Two clerks, class eight.................................... |
5,600.00 |
One clerk, at P1,920 per annum........................ |
1,920.00 |
One clerk, at P1,320 per annum................. |
1,320.00 |
Two clerks, Class D ....................................... |
2,400.00 |
Three clerks, Class E...................................... |
3,240.00 |
One clerk, Class F......................................... |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class G.......................................... |
840.00 |
Two clerks, Class H....................................... |
1,440.00 |
Four clerks, Class I....................................... |
2,400.00 |
Two clerks, Class J.......................................... |
960.00 |
Two clerks, at P300 per annum each................ |
600.00 |
Division of archives, patents, copyrights, and, trade-marks. |
One chief of division, whose duties shall be performed by the Second Assistant Executive Secretary without additional compensation. |
Two clerks, at P2,796 per annum each............ |
5,592.00 |
One clerk, class ten..................................... |
2,000.00 |
One clerk, Class A....................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, at P1,560 per annum........................ |
1,560.00 |
One clerk, Class C ...................................... |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, at P1,380 per annum........................ |
1,380.00 |
Three clerks, Class D.................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, Class H....................................... |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class I......................................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class J......................................... |
480.00 |
One clerk, at P420 per annum............................ |
420.00 |
Custodian force. |
One janitor, at P1,824 per annum..................... |
1,824.00 |
Two watchmen, at P720 per annum each........ |
1,440.00 |
One laborer (mechanic), at P840 per annum.. |
840.00 |
One laborer (carpenter), at P600 per annum... |
600.00 |
Two laborers at P360 per annum each............ |
720.00 |
Ten laborers, at P300 per annum each............ |
3,000.00 |
Four laborers, at P240 per annum each............ |
960.00 |
Total ................................................ |
228,940.00 |
Deductions: |
Five per cent for vacancies...... |
P11,447 |
Reimbursement from the appropriation for the Philippine Commission and the Executive for salaries and wages of telephone operators and laborers ........ |
5,172 |
------------- |
16,619.00 |
Total................................................ |
212,321.00 |
For temporary employees............................... |
20,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
232,321.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
6,000.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service............ |
200.00 |
Printing and binding of reports, documents and publications.... |
P3,500.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service.... |
11,000.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
1,225.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service................ |
2,000.00 |
Contingent service..................................... |
26,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
10,000.00 |
Contributions and gratuities.............................. |
350.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
60,275.00 |
Furniture and equipment................................. |
2,500.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.......................... |
232,321.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.......................... |
60,275.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................... |
2,500.00 |
Total available for the Executive Bureau.............. |
295,096.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Insular Auditor, at P12,000 per annum.......... |
12,000.00 |
Deputy Insular Auditor, at P7,500 per annum..... |
7,500.00 |
Assistant Auditor, at P7,000 per annum.......... |
7,000.00 |
Chief District Auditor, at P7,000 per annum... |
7,000.00 |
Three clerks, class two.............................. |
16,500.00 |
Six clerks, class three................................ |
30,000.00 |
Five clerks, class four................................ |
22,500.00 |
Ten clerks, class five................................. |
40,000.00 |
Six clerks, class six.................................. |
21,600.00 |
Five clerks, class seven............................... |
16,000.00 |
Two clerks, class eight................................. |
5,600.00 |
Two clerks, class nine.................................. |
4,800.00 |
Two clerks, class ten................................... |
4,000.00 |
Six clerks, at P1,56O per annum each................ |
9,360.00 |
Five clerks, Class C.................................... |
7,200.00 |
Seven clerks, at P1,320 per annum each........ |
9,240.00 |
Eleven clerks, Class D................................. |
13,200.00 |
Nine clerks, Class E.................................... |
9,720.00 |
Thirteen clerks, Class F............................... |
12,480.00 |
Twenty-one clerks, Class G............................. |
17,640.00 |
Twenty-three clerks, Class H........................... |
16,560.00 |
Twelve clerks, Class I.................................. |
7,200.00 |
Nine clerks, Class J.................................... |
4,320.00 |
Six messengers, at P360 per annum each........ |
2,160.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum................ |
300.00 |
Total of salaries and wages.................... |
303,880.00 |
Less two per cent deduction for vacancies.... |
6,077.60 |
Net total for salaries and wages............ |
297,802.40 |
Provided, That the payment of efficiency bonuses to employees below the grade of Class B not to exceed in the aggregate one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six pesos, the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and forty-eight to the contrary notwithstanding, is hereby authorized out of the amount available for salaries and wages. |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
P18,950.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service............ |
150.00 |
Printing and binding of reports, documents and publications........ |
10,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service... |
4,600.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
3,000.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service................ |
2,000.00 |
Contingent service.......................................... |
5,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
7,600.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
51,300.00 |
Furniture and equipment.................................. |
3,500.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................ |
297,802.40 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
51,300.00 |
Total for office furniture and. equipment........ |
3,500.00 |
Total available for Bureau of Audits.... |
352,602.40 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Director, at P7,600 per annum............................ |
7,600.00 |
One Assistant Director, at P6,000 per annum... |
6,000.00 |
Two employees .............................................. |
11,500.00 |
One employee, class four................................... |
4,500.00 |
One employee, at P3,000 per annum................ |
3,000.00 |
Two employees, Class A...................................... |
3,600.00 |
One employee, Class B........................................ |
1,680.00 |
Three employees, at P1,560 per annum each.... |
4,680.00 |
Four employees, Class C.................................... |
5,760.00 |
One employee, at Pl,320 per annum................. |
1,320.00 |
Three employees, Class D............................... |
3,600.00 |
Three employees, Class E................................... |
3,240.00 |
Three employees, Class F.................................... |
2,880.00 |
Two employees, Class G.................................... |
1,680.00 |
Two employees, Class H..................................... |
1,440.00 |
Two employees, Class J...................................... |
960.00 |
Four employees, at P360 per annum each........ |
1,440.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum.................... |
240.00 |
Wages of special examiners................................ |
200.00 |
Care of building. |
One janitor, Class I........................................... |
600.00 |
Six laborers, at P300 per annum each................ |
1,800.00 |
One watchman, Class J........................................ |
480.00 |
One watchman, at P420 per annum.................... |
420.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
68,620.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
P1,600.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service; for street-car tickets, transportation by express of examination papers, hire of public carromatas and other minor transportation.. |
235.00 |
Printing and binding of reports, documents and publications... |
2,600.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service.. |
1,700.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
250.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service: For repair of office equipment and furniture.... |
75.00 |
Contingent service: For care of offices; ice and laundry; subscription to the Official Gazette, and minor incidental expenses...... |
850.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials: For blanks, office supplies, stationery, minor articles, etc........................ |
2,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
9,310.00 |
Furniture and equipment................................ |
2,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.......................... |
68,620.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.......................... |
9,310.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................... |
2,000.00 |
Total available for Bureau of Civil Service.... |
79,930.00 |
Provided, That the Bureau of Civil Service shall have charge of the janitor hire of the Santa Potenciana Building, without compensation from other Bureaus now or hereafter occupying said building. |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Chairman, at P12,600 per annum...................... |
P12,600.00 |
Two members of the Board, at P12,000 per annum each....... |
24,000.00 |
Secretary of the Board, at P6,500 per annum..... |
6,500.00 |
One stenographer, class seven....;....................... |
3,200.00 |
One stenographer, class eight............................ |
2,800.00 |
One interpreter, at P1,444 per annum............ |
1,444.00 |
One clerk, Class E......................................... |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class F......................................... |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class H........................................... |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class J........................................... |
480.00 |
For technical assistance and temporary employees.......... |
2,500.00 |
Engineering division. |
Two supervising engineers, at P6,000 per annum each....... |
12,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
68,284.00 |
Less 2 per cent deduction for vacancies............ |
1,365.68 |
Net total for salaries and wages.......... |
66,918.32 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
P1,000.00 |
Rental of office.............................................. |
1,800.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service.............. |
100.00 |
Printing and binding of reports, documents and publications..... |
2,500,00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service........ |
1,200.00 |
Contingent service............................................ |
500.00 |
Equipment repair service.................................... |
100.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
500.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
7,700.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.............................. |
66,918.32 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
7,700.00 |
Total available for Board of Public Utility Commissioners........ |
74,618.32 |
Provided, That the foregoing appropriation shall be available for the payment of any amounts in excess of the amounts herein appropriated which may be required to cover the cost of inspection of materials or special examinations or investigations made by or in behalf of the Board of Public Utility Commissioners, the cost of which is to be charged ultimately to the public utility concerned. |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
President, at P13,000 per annum...................... |
P13,000.00 |
Four members, at P12,000 per annum each.... |
48,000.00 |
Chief clerk, class four..................................... |
4,500.00 |
One clerk, at P1,560 per annum........................ |
1,560.00 |
Two clerks, Class H......................................... |
1,440.00 |
Two clerks, Class I......................................... |
1,200.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum.................. |
240.00 |
One janitor, at P300 per annum........................ |
300.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
70,240.00 |
Rental of offices......................................... |
1,800.00 |
Incidental expenses ........................................... |
500.00 |
Illumination and power service......................... |
300.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.. |
200.00 |
Maintenance and repair service........................ |
100.00 |
Printing and binding of reports, documents, and publications........ |
1,600.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
600.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
5,100.00 |
Furniture and equipment.................................... |
400.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................ |
70,240.00 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
5,100.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................... |
400.00 |
Total available for the Code Committee ' |
75,740.00 |
Provided, That the time fixed by Act Numbered Nineteen hundred and forty-one for the determination of the te work of the Code Committee is hereby extended to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, during which time the members of said Committee shall discharge the same duties, receive the same salaries, and enjoy the same rights and privileges as heretofore imposed or conferred upon them by law. |
For salaries and wages as follows: |
Director of Health, at P10,800 per annum...... |
P10,800.00 |
One assistant surgeon, at P3,600 per annum... |
3,600.00 |
One Assistant Director, chief of division at 6,000 per annum... |
6,000.00 |
Two chiefs of division, at P6,000 per annum each ...... |
12,000.00 |
One chief of division, whose duties shall be performed by the Assistant Director, without additional compensation. |
Twelve deputy chiefs of division, at P4,000 per annum each...... |
48,000.00 |
Eleven medical inspectors, at P3,000 per annum each ..... |
33,000.00 |
Thirty-one senior surgeons, at P2,000 per annum each........ |
62,000.00 |
Nine junior surgeons, at 1,600 per annum each ......... |
14,400.00 |
For the readjustment and equalization of salaries, in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Twenty-four hundred and sixty-eight: |
For the 10 per cent increase.... |
P22,420.00 |
For equalization of salaries |
9,668.00 |
----------------- |
32,088.00 |
For assistant surgeons and temporary physicians for emergency cases.... |
40,500.00 |
Provided, That the privilege of additional ten per centum of pay for each five years of service, provided by Act Numbered Twenty-four hundred and sixty-eight to physicians at present occupying a regular position in the Philippine Health Service shall, in the case of any future promotion, begin to be computed from the date of their promotion and not from the date of their entrance in the Health Service. |
Clerical division. |
One chief clerk, class four............................ |
4,500.00 |
One stenographer, class six............................ |
3,600.00 |
One chief of records, class seven...................... |
3,200.00 |
One chief of accounts, at P3,000 per annum.... |
3,000.00 |
One clerk, class eight...................................... |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, Class A......................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class D.......................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class F............................................ |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class G............................................ |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class E.......................................... |
1,080.00 |
Three clerks, Class G....................................... |
2,520.00 |
Two clerks, at P540 per annum each................ |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, at P594 per annum............................ |
594.00 |
Five clerks, Class J ...................................... |
2,400.00 |
Two clerks, at P360 per annum each................ |
720.00 |
Seven messengers at P30 per month each.......... |
2,520.00 |
Statistical division. |
One clerk, class eight.................................... |
2,800.00 |
Two clerks, Class C......................................... |
2,880.00 |
One clerk, Class D......................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class H.......................................... |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class J.......................................... |
480.00 |
One messenger, at P30 per month.................... |
360.00 |
Property division. |
One chief of property, class five....................... |
4,000.00 |
One assistant chief, class nine............................ |
2,400.00 |
One inventory clerk, Class E.......................... |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class I..................................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class J............................................. |
480.00 |
One chauffeur, at P60 per month........................ |
720.00 |
Two chauffeurs, at P45 per month each............ |
1,080.00 |
One employee, at P40 per month ...................... |
480.00 |
Four laborers................................................ |
1,620.00 |
One messenger, at P30 per month.................... |
360.00 |
Sanitary engineering division. |
One chief sanitary engineer, class one............ |
6,000.00 |
One assistant sanitary engineer, class four..... |
4,500.00 |
One sanitary inspector, class nine.................... |
2,400.00 |
Two sanitary inspectors, at P2,280 per annum each............ |
4,560.00 |
One clerk at P660 per annum............................ |
660.00 |
Two junior draftsmen, Class I.......................... |
1,200.00 |
One assistant sanitary inspector, Class J........ |
480.00 |
One clerk, Class J............................................. |
480.00 |
One messenger, at P30 per month.................. |
360.00 |
Council of Hygiene. |
President of the Council of Hygiene....... |
2,400.00 |
Six members, at P20 for each meeting attended, not to exceed P600 per annum each.. |
3,000.00 |
Division of general inspection. |
One sanitary inspector...................................... |
2,400.00 |
Examining boards. |
For salaries of secretary-treasurers and fees of members of the Boards of Dental, Medical, and Pharmaceutical Examiners............ |
3,500.00 |
Division of sanitation in Manila. |
Six sanitary inspectors, at P2,280 per annum each ........ |
13,680.00 |
One sanitary inspector, at P2,112 per annum.... |
2,112.00 |
One sanitary inspector, at P1,200 per annum.. |
1,200.00 |
One chief disinfector, class nine........................ |
2,400.00 |
Two assistant disinfectors, Class H.................. |
1,440.00 |
One assistant disinfector, Class J.................... |
480.00 |
Six assistant disinfectors.................................... |
2,760.00 |
For assistant sanitary inspectors, at P900, P720, P600, P480, and P360 per annum...... |
42,000.00 |
Provided, That sanitary inspectors of the Philippine Health Service shall be on the same basis as to pay and promotion as patrolmen and firemen of the city of Manila; entrance salary, one thousand eight hundred pesos per annum; after one year's service, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two pesos; after two years' service two thousand one hundred and sixty pesos; after three years' service, two thousand two hundred and eighty pesos: Provided, further, That assistant sanitary inspectors and assistant disinfectors shall be due for promotion to the next higher salary as follows: those receiving three hundred and sixty pesos per annum, after six months' satisfactory service from date of entry; those receiving four hundred and eighty pesos after one year's service; those receiving six hundred pesos after two years' service; those receiving seven hundred and twenty pesos after three years' service, and those receiving nine hundred pesos after five years' service . from date of last promotion: And provided further, That without express authorization by the Governor-General, no officer of the Philippine Health Service regularly appointed or appointed as assistant surgeon and receiving a salary of P3,000 or more per annum shall be allowed to engage in the private practice of his profession, for compensation. |
One chief district nurse, with quarters............ |
1,800.00 |
Four nurses, at P720 per annum each............ |
2,880.00 |
Vaccination. |
For vaccinators at not to exceed P30 per month each and chief vaccinators at not to exceed P50 per month each......................... |
12,000.00 |
Emergency employees |
For hire of necessary non-medical employees for the suppression of epidemic diseases and for other temporary and emergency purposes ...... |
25,000.00 |
Health work in the Mountain Province, and the Province of Nueva Vizcaya. Seven nurses-sanitary inspectors, at Pl,500 per annum each.. |
10,500.00 |
Two sanitary inspectors, at P720 per annum each............. |
1,440.00 |
Three assistant sanitary inspectors, at P300 per annum each... |
900.00 |
For the hire of temporary emergency employees ............... |
5,000.00 |
Health work in the Provinces of Agusan and Bukidnon. |
For hire of temporary employees and other emergency purposes........ |
2,500.0 |
Health work in the Province of Palawan. |
Two nurses-sanitary inspectors, at P1,500 per annum each....... |
3,000.00 |
Provided, That the hospital at the penal colony of Iwahig may be utilized by the Philippine Health Service when necessary. |
Division of hospitals, sanitaria, and dispensaries. |
Two internes, at P1,000 per annum each (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).... |
2,000.00 |
Two internes, at P600 per annum each (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).... |
1,200.00 |
Four internes, at P300 per annum each (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).. |
1,200.00 |
Provided, That the Director of Health may fill the positions of said internes after competitive examination to be prescribed by him, the provisions of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and ninety-eight to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Sibul Springs sanitarium. |
One bath attendant, at P20 per month.............. |
240.00 |
One attendant, at P15 per month..................... |
180.00 |
San Lazaro Hospital. |
One superintendent, at P3,000 per annum (with subsistence and quarters)..... |
3,000.00 |
One nurse, at P2,040 per annum (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry)... |
2,040.00 |
One nurse, at P1,440 per annum (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).... |
1,440.00 |
Six hospital attendants, Class C (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).... |
8,640.00 |
One nurse, Class F (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).... |
960.00 |
Nine nurses, Class II (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).... |
6,480.00 |
One foreman, steam laundry, at P660 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).. |
660.00 |
Two watchmen, at P50 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
1,200.00 |
One pharmacist, Class G (with subsistence and quarters)... |
840.00 |
One ambulance driver, at P50 per month........ |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class I... ,.................................... |
600.00 |
One cook, Class I (with subsistence and quarters) ........ |
600.00 |
One matron, at P576 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).. |
576.00 |
Two carpenters, at P48 per month each........ |
1,152.00 |
One female teacher, Class J.............................. |
480.00 |
One cochero, at P360 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).. |
360.00 |
One engineer, Class J..................................... |
480.00 |
One cook, Class J (with subsistence and quarters) ........ |
480.00 |
One employee, Class J..................................... |
480.00 |
Three ambulance drivers, at P40 per month each.......... |
1,440.00 |
One morgue attendant, Class J (with subsistence and quarters).. |
480.00 |
One employee, at P360 per annum (with subsistence and quarters)....... |
360.00 |
Two assistant cooks, at P30 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
720.00 |
One servant, at P300 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).. |
300.00 |
Four laborers, at P25 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
1,200.00 |
One seamstress, at P240 per annum.................. |
240.00 |
Nine servants, at P20 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
2,160.00 |
Four laborers, at P20 per month each (with subsistence quarters).. |
960.00 |
Six laundresses, at P15 per month each.......... |
1,080.00 |
Twenty-two servants, at PI5 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
3,960.00 |
Leper department, San Lazaro Hospital. |
One nurse, at P60 per month (with subsistence, quarters and laundry).... |
720.00 |
One employee, at P360 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).. |
360.00 |
One female attendant, at P240 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).. |
240.00 |
Three servants, at P15 per month each............ |
540.00 |
Four servants, at 8 per month each................ |
384.00 |
Twelve leper police, at P0.20 per day each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
876.00 |
Six leper nurses, P3 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
216.00 |
Southern Islands Hospital. |
One superintendent and cashier, class nine (with subsistence and quarters).... |
2,400.00 |
One chief nurse, at P2,040 per annum (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).. |
2,040.00 |
Two internes, Class D (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).. |
2,400.00 |
One pharmacist, Class D (with subsistence and quarters) |
1,200.00 |
Two nurses, at P900 per annum each (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).. |
1,800.00 |
One nurse, Class G (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry)...... |
840.00 |
One dietist, Class G (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry). |
840.00 |
Eight nurses, Class H (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).. |
5,760.00 |
One cook, Class I (with subsistence and quarters) ......... |
600.00 |
One employee, at P420 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).... |
420.00 |
Three attendants, at P35 per month each (with subsistence and quarters) |
1,260.00 |
One cook, at P360 per annum (with subsistence)............. |
360.00 |
Two laborers, at P20 per month each (with subsistence and quarters)... |
480.00 |
One watchman, at P240 per annum (with subsistence.............. |
240.00 |
One messenger, at P180 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).. |
180.00 |
Twelve muchachos, at P12 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
1,728.00 |
Culion Leper Colony. |
One steward of the colony, class eight (with subsistence and quarters)... |
2,800.00 |
One superintendent of construction, class seven (with subsistence and quarters).... |
3,200.00 |
One assistant foreman, at P1,200 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).. |
1,200.00 |
Chaplains, at 150 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
3,600.00 |
One assistant steward, at P960 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).. |
960.00 |
Sisters of Charity (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).... |
9,000.00 |
One cook, Class G (with subsistence and quarters) ............ |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class H (with subsistence and quarters) ............. |
720.00 |
One engineer and plumber, Class H (with subsistence and quarters).. |
720.00 |
One matron, at P960 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).. |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class I (with subsistence and quarters) ........... |
600.00 |
One baker, Class I (with subsistence and quarters) ......... |
600.00 |
One sanitary inspector, Class H (with subsistence and quarters).. |
720.00 |
One assistant engineer, at P30 per month (with subsistence and quarters).. |
360.00 |
Two assistant bakers, at P20 per month each.. |
480.00 |
Two servants, at 15 per month each (with subsistence and quarters)... |
360.00 |
Five servants, at P12 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
720.00 |
One messenger, at 144 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).. |
144.00 |
Two sailors, at P12 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
288.00 |
Six servants, at P10 per month each (with subsistence and quarters)..... |
720.00 |
Three laundrymen, at P10 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
360.00 |
Twenty laborers, at P10 per month each (with subsistence and quarters).. |
2,400.00 |
Leper employees (Culion Leper Colony). |
One leper foreman, at P30 per month.............. |
360.00 |
One cook, at P30 per month.............................. |
360.00 |
One cook, at P20 per month.............................. |
240.00 |
One chief of police, at P15 per month.............. |
180.00 |
One plumber, at P10 per month........................ |
120.00 |
One caretaker, at P10 per month...................... |
120.00 |
One crematory attendant, at P8 per month.... |
96.00 |
Four capataces, at P8 per month each............ |
384.00 |
Five hospital attendants, at P6 per month each ........ |
360.00 |
One sanitary inspector, at P8 per month.......... |
96.00 |
Fourteen kitchen attendants, at P6 per month each..... |
1,008.00 |
Twenty-four hospital attendants, second class, at P5 per month each... |
1,440.00 |
One cemetery inspector, at P6 per month........ |
72.00 |
Twenty policemen, at P5 per month each........ |
1,200.00 |
Three employees, at P5 per month each............ |
180.00 |
Three laundresses, at P4 per month each........ |
144.00 |
Three laundresses, at P2 per month each........ |
72.00 |
Eighteen attendants at P3 per month each........ |
648.00 |
Three sanitary inspectors, at P3 per month each ....... |
108.00 |
Ten laborers, at P3 per month each.................. |
360.00 |
Eight servants, at P1 per month each............ |
96.00 |
Two attendants, at P0.15 per day each............ |
108.00 |
For temporary employees for emergencies........ |
800.00 |
One chief musician, at P9 per month................ |
108.00 |
Twenty-four musicians at P2 per month each.. |
576.00 |
Culion stock breeding. |
One agricultural superintendent, Class G.......... |
840.00 |
Two guards for cattle, at P5 per month each... |
120.00 |
Culion store. |
One storekeeper, at P30 per month...................... |
360.00 |
One assistant storekeeper, at P15 per month.... |
180.00 |
Baguio Hospital. |
One superintendent and cashier, Class A (with subsistence and quarters).... |
1,800.00 |
One chief nurse, Class C (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).. |
1,440.00 |
One nurse, Class F (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).. |
960.00 |
One nurse, Class G (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry)... |
840.00 |
One cook, at P740 per annum (with subsistence and quarters)... |
740.00 |
Five nurses. Class H (with subsistence, quarters, and laundry).. |
3,600.00 |
Bayombong Hospital. |
Two nurses, Class H (with subsistence, quarters and laundry). ......................................... |
1,440.00 |
' Bontoc Hospital. |
One superintendent and cashier, at 1*2,244 per annum (with subsistence, quarters and laundry) ....................................................................... |
2,244.00 |
One pharmacist, Class E (with subsistence and quarters) ........................... |
1,080.00 |
Two nurses, Class G (with subsistence, quarters and laundry) ...................... |
1,680.00 |
Five nurses, Class H (with subsistence, quarters and laundry) .................... |
3,600.00 |
One cook, Class H (with subsistence and quarters) ...................................... |
720.00 |
One practicante, Class H ..................................... |
720.00 |
Thirteen employees, at 1*12 per month each |
(with subsistence and quarters)...................... |
1,872.00 |
Butuan Hospital. |
Two nurses, Class G (with subsistence, quarters and laundry).............................................. |
1,680.00 |
One employee and pharmacist, Class I (with subsistence and quarters)................................ |
600.00 |
One employee, at P300 per annum (with subsistence and quarters).................................... |
300.00 |
Five employees, at P10 per month each (with |
subsistence and quarters)................................ |
600.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
623,878.00 |
Deduction of provincial salaries. |
Salaries of district health officers refunded by the provinces to the Philippine Health Service (deduction) |
83,888.00 |
539,990.00 |
Less deduction for vacancies ........................ |
75,000.00 |
Net total for salaries and wages............ |
464,990.00 |
For work of the sanitary commissions, including salaries and wages, contingent expenses, purchase of equipment, and so forth... |
35,000.00 |
Cuyo Hospital. |
For the maintenance of hospital in Cuyo, Palawan, including salaries and wages, contingent expenses, purchase of equipment, and so forth.... |
13,000.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds, including payment of rental of quarters of personnel, stations, dispensaries, and so forth........... |
P2,000.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service, including transportation of equipment and supplies, cargadores for such property, storage, hauling, forwarding or transshipment expenses, all freight or express charges, and |
hire of trucks or carretelas for moving property, street-car tickets for messengers, and so forth................ |
15,000.00 |
Contingent service, including all minor items of expense, such as garbage service, vault cleaning, laundry services, janitor charges, |
shoeing horses, bond premium, subscriptions, advertisements, electric current charges for trucks, construction of models for educational purposes, losses, depreciation or deterioration, including laundry for |
employees entitled thereto, and for expenses for sanitation of fiestas and other sanitary purposes................................... |
30,000.00 |
Illumination and power service, including cost of electric fluid used for lighting in offices of Santa Potenciana Building, hospitals, quarters for personnel, service buildings, electric current for heating purposes, power |
plants, and so forth........................... |
6,500.00 |
Gratuities to lepers and payment for leper service, in the discretion of the Director of Health .................. |
30,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service, including purchase of postage stamps, registration charges, postal insurance, parcel post charges, rental of post-office boxes, money order fees, telegrams, cable charges, switch board and telephone rentals.............. |
5,000.00 |
Alterations and repairs of buildings including cost of keeping buildings, painting, varnishing and papering of buildings............ |
5,000.00 |
Maintenance and repair of plant and equipment, including expenses for keeping them in a fair state of preservation, shop charges, expendable repair parts, cleaning and overhauling of equipment, automobiles, and trucks, cost value of equipment condemned or destroyed, losses accruing from sales of fixed assets at less than cost, loss by re-appraisement of value of plant or equipment, and so forth................... |
10,000.00 |
Traveling expenses of other than Government employees, including expenses for hiring of cutters for the collection and segregation of lepers, transportation of indigent sick residing outside of Manila to be treated in Government hospital, insane, and so forth.. |
15,000.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications, including printer's charges for binding, publication of pamphlets, notices, circulars, circular letters, examination questions, and so forth.............. |
P8,000.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel, including street-car tickets, for inspection, transportation, subsistence, lodging, per diems, horse, bicycle or motor vehicle allowances, forage, ferriage, oil, gasolene, and similar supplies purchased in the field and immediately consumed, transportation of baggage of persons, or household effects; all expenses such as railroad and steamship fare, tips, transfers, etc., of employees en route from the United States, under section twenty-nine (d), Act Sixteen hundred and ninety-eight, charter of boats and launches for inspections, also transportation and subsistence of chaplains and Sisters of Charity between Manila and Culion when sick, and so forth.. |
50,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials, including cost of all materials and supplies used, such as fuel, soap, oil, gasolene, nails, boxes, lumber, water, ice, vaccine virus, sera, stationery and office supplies, medicines, medical and surgical supplies, subsistence supplies, clothing for lepers, insane, and patients, including subsistence of officers and employees or commutation thereof when entitled thereto......... |
570,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.............. |
746,500.00 |
Furniture and equipment. |
For the purchase of surgical instruments, equipment and furniture of hospitals and offices, motor vehicles, and so forth.......... |
10,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................ |
464,990.00 |
Total for sanitary commission......................... |
35,000.00 |
Total for Cuyo Hospital.................................... |
13,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.......................... |
746,500.00 |
Total for. furniture and equipment.................... |
10,000.00 |
Total available for the Philippine Health Service ........ |
1,269,490.00 |
Provided, That the Director of Health may require the city of Manila to pay, at rates approved by the Secretary of the Interior, for the maintenance of all insane persons committed after the date of this Act, who shall have resided in Manila for a period of one or more years prior to the date of the application for commitment, so long as the number of insane maintained at the expense of the Insular Government, on account of the City of Manila, shall exceed the latter's pro-rata share of such persons on a basis of population: Provided further, That receipts resulting from the sale of medicines and supplies over and above the actual cost thereof shall be deposited in the Insular Treasury: Provided further, That subject to the restrictions imposed by this appropriation, the Director of Health shall be authorized to furnish subsistence and quarters to the persons confined in communicable disease hospitals or camps; to commute laundry at the rate of eight pesos per month per employee: Provided further, That the absence of an appropriation for all positions provided for by Act Numbered Twenty-four hundred and sixty-eight shall not be construed as abolishing said positions nor as affecting promotions in the Health Service: Provided further, That the charges charges in Baguio of the Baguio Hospital as fixed by. law prior to November HospiU1-first, nineteen hundred and five, may be changed by the Director of Health with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior; that all persons serving in any hospital of the Health Service are under the direction of the' Director of Health; that the Director of Health is authorized to assign officers and employees of any division of the Health Service to any other division of the Service: Provided, finally, That the Director of Health shall have authority to commute subsistence, quarters, and laundry to persons entitled thereto, while traveling and when in the discretion of the Director such action is for the interest of the Government. |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Office of the director. |
One director of the hospital with subsistence, quarters, and laundry, additional compensation, at Pl,800 per annum.................. |
P1,800.00 |
One assistant director, additional compensation,P1,200....... |
1,200.00 |
One executive officer, additional compensation, at P80 per month...... |
960.00 |
One stenographer, Class F.................................. |
960.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum (with bicycle) ......... |
360.00 |
Physical therapy department. |
One chief of department (medical electrician) part time.2,400.00 |
Dental department. |
One dentist, class nine................................... |
2,400.00 |
Attending physicians and surqeons for .Government employees. |
One attending surgeon, class one................. |
6,000.00 |
One attending physician, class three................ |
5,000.00 |
One attending surgeon, additional compensation, at P20 per month.. |
240.00 |
One attending physician, additional compen-tion, at P20 per month.... |
240.00 |
One attending obstetrician, additional compensation, at P20 per month... |
240.00 |
One attending ophthalmologist, additional compensation, at P20 per month.. |
240.00 |
One attending pediatrician, additional compensation, at P20 per month.. |
240.00 |
Clinical laboratory. |
One chief of division, class six.......................... |
P3,600.00 |
One microscopist, at P1,600 per annum........ |
1,600.00 |
One microscopist, Class D, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry.. |
1,200.00 |
One microscopist Class F, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry.. |
960.00 |
Free dispensary department. |
One dispensary clerk, Class G............................. |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class I...................................... |
600.00 |
Two clerks, Class J..................................... |
960.00 |
School of Nursing. |
One superintendent of nurses and principal of the School of Nursing, class seven, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry..... |
3,200.00 |
One assistant superintendent of female nurses, Class E, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry .......................... |
1,080.00 |
Three supervisors, at P3,000 per annum each.. |
9,000.00 |
Ten supervisors, Class F, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry.. |
9,600.00 |
Ten supervisors, Class G, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry.. |
8,400.00 |
Forty head nurses, Class H, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry.. |
28,800.00 |
Fourteen graduate nurses, Class I, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry.. |
8,400.00 |
Fifteen graduate student nurses, at P30 per month each, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry.......... |
5,400.00 |
Student nurses (seniors at P20, juniors at P18, and probationers at P16 per month each; all with subsistence and quarters)... |
45,092.00 |
One Spanish teacher, Class I................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, School of Nursing, Class I............... |
600.00 |
One chief cook, Class G, with subsistence and quarters ... |
840.00 |
One cook, at P45 per month, with subsistence and quarters...... |
540.00 |
Two cooks, at P40 per month each, with subsistence......... |
960.00 |
Two assistant cooks, at P35 per month each.... |
840.00 |
One assistant cook, at P30 per month............. |
360.00 |
One baker, Class J......................................... |
480.00 |
Financial and records department. |
One accountant and disbursing officer, class seven......... |
3,200.00 |
One cashier, Class D..................................... |
1,200.00 |
One assistant accountant, Class F.................... |
960.00 |
One bookkeeper, Class E.................................. |
1,080.00 |
One collecting clerk, Class H............................ |
720.00 |
One junior stenographer, Class H.................... |
720.00 |
One record clerk, Class H.................................. |
720.00 |
One mail clerk, Class H.................................... |
720.00 |
Three clerks, Class I.................................... |
1,800.00 |
Two clerks, Class H..................................... |
Pl,440.00 |
One clerk, Class I................................... |
600.00 |
Property and supplies department. |
One property clerk and chief of department, at P3,480 per annum.. |
3,480.00 |
One assistant property clerk, Class H................ |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class I................................................ |
600.00 |
Five clerks, Class J............................................. |
2,400.00 |
Pharmacy department. |
One pharmacist, Class A...................................... |
1,800.00 |
Two pharmacists, Class C.................................. |
2,880.00 |
One pharmacist, Class D.................................... |
1,200.00 |
One pharmacist, Class F.................................... |
960.00 |
One pharmacist, at P800 per annum................ |
800.00 |
Graduate student pharmacists............................ |
1,800.00 |
Two clerks, Class J ...................................... |
960.00 |
Provided, That the functions, duties and obligations heretofore pertaining to the free dispensary of the Philippine Health Service are hereby transferred to the pharmacy department of the Philippine General Hospital. |
Engineering department. |
One engineer and chief of department, class nine ..... |
2,400.00 |
One assistant engineer, Class E.......................... |
1,080.00 |
One mechanic, Class H....................................... |
720.00 |
One plumber, Class I......................................... |
600.00 |
One carpenter, Class I....................................... |
600.00 |
One painter, Class I......................................... |
600.00 |
One mechanic, Class J....................................... |
480.00 |
One carpenter, at P540 per annum.................. |
540.00 |
One plumber, at P35 per month........................ |
420.00 |
One instrument sharpener, at P30 per month.. |
360.00 |
General service department. |
One chief of department, at P1,716 per annum 1,716.00 |
Two information clerks, Class H........................ |
1,440.00 |
One information clerk, Class I.......................... |
600.00 |
Three telephone operators, at P30 per month each .... |
1,080.00 |
One gardener, at P660 per annum.................... |
660.00 |
One foreman, at P540 per annum.................... |
540.00 |
One assistant gardener, at P360 per annum.... |
360.00 |
Two ambulance drivers, Class I....................... |
1,200.00 |
Three ambulance drivers, at P540 per annum each...... |
1,620.00 |
Four litter bearers, at P30 per month each...... |
1,440.00 |
Two watchmen, at P540 per annum each........ |
1,080.00 |
Messengers, doormen, laborers, and other temporary and unclassified employees: Provided, That no salary shall be paid from this fund in excess of P40 per month.... |
28,500.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
235,028.00 |
Less deduction for vacancies.......................... |
5,170.96 |
Net total for salaries and wages............ |
229,857.04 |
Laundry allowances.................................... |
9,000.00 |
Subsistence of student nurses........................ |
45,000.00 |
Subsistence of nurses and physicians.............. |
38,000.00 |
Subsistence of cooks and other employees........ |
3,500.00 |
Light, water, fuel, and necessaries for furnishing quarters... |
2,200.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds...................... |
4,000.00 |
Contingent service.................................. |
36,000.00 |
Illumination and power service...................... |
30,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, and telephone service.......... |
2,700.00 |
Repair of plant and equipment........................ |
2,000.00 |
Traveling expenses of persons not Government employees.. |
100.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications..... |
2,500.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel...................... |
2,400.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials, including medicines, drugs, and subsistence of patients.. |
126,500.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
303,900.00 |
Furniture and equipment, including the acquisition of machinery, land transportation equipment, hand tools, office furniture, equipment, and medical, surgical, and laboratory apparatus, and equipment for the General Hospital and for the School of Nursing ....... |
20,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................... |
229,857.04 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
303,900.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................... |
20,000.00 |
Total available for General Hospital and School of Nursing.. |
553,757.04 |
Provided, That the funds available for the Philippine hospital funds. General Hospital under this Act are under the control of and shall be disbursed by authority of the Director of the Hospital. |
Director of the Hospital shall have authority to purchase the uniforms or the materials necessary therefor, from the funds available for the consumption of supplies and materials, which shall be given free to the employees of the Hospital: Provided, That with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, the Director of the Hospital may authorize subsistence and quarters to be furnished to physicians, pharmacists and nurses not belonging to the General Hospital, but serving in the same, when such action seems advisable for the best interests of the public service. |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Office of the Director. |
One Director, at P10,800 per annum.................. |
P10,800.00 |
One clerk, class nine................................... |
2,400.00 |
Office of the Assistant Director. |
One Assistant Director, at P7,125 per annum.... |
P7,125.00 |
One clerk, class ten................................ |
2,000.00 |
Office of the chief clerk. |
One chief clerk, class three............................. |
5,000.00 |
Two messengers, at P360 per annum each...... |
720.00 |
Three messengers, at P300 per annum each.... |
900.00 |
Law division. |
One clerk, class three.................................. |
5,000.00 |
One clerk, Class B................................. |
1,680.00 |
One clerk, Class C.................................... |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, Class G.................................... |
840.00 |
Accounting and property division. |
One clerk, class six.................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, at P1,320 per annum........................ |
1,320.00 |
One clerk, Class D................................... |
1,200.00 |
Three clerks, Class G................................. |
2,520.00 |
One clerk, Class H...................................... |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class I...................................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, at P588 per annum.......................... |
588.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum.......................... |
360.00 |
Property section. |
One clerk, at P1,320 per annum.......................... |
1,320.00 |
Two clerks, Class F................................... |
1,920.00 |
Two clerks, at P420 per annum each................ |
840.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum............................ |
360.00 |
Records division. |
One clerk, at P1,320 per annum....................... |
1,320.00 |
Two clerks, Class G................................... |
1,680.00 |
Two clerks, Class I................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class J..................................... |
480.00 |
Public lands division. |
One clerk, class three................................. |
5,000.00 |
Two inspectors, class six............................. |
7,200.00 |
One inspector, class seven............................ |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, at P3,000 per annum....................... |
3,000.00 |
One clerk, class eight................................ |
2,800.00 |
Two inspectors, class eight........................... |
5,600.00 |
One inspector, class nine............................. |
2,400.00 |
One inspector, at P1,988 per annum................ |
1,988.00 |
One inspector, Class A................................ |
1,800.00 |
One inspector, at P1,320 per annum................ |
1,320.00 |
Five inspectors, Class D.............................. |
6,000.00 |
Two inspectors, Class E............................... |
2,160.00 |
Two inspectors, Class F............................... |
1,920.00 |
Four inspectors, Class G.............................. |
3,360.00 |
Five employees, Class H.............................. |
3,600.00 |
Five employees, Glass I............................... |
3,000.00 |
One employee, Class J .................................. |
480.00 |
Friar lands division. |
One clerk, class three.................................. |
5,000.00 |
One clerk, class six.................................. |
3,600.00 |
Provided, That in the event of the positions of one clerk, class three and one clerk, class six, in this division becoming vacant, the same shall be filled, respectively, by one clerk, class five and one clerk, class nine. |
One clerk, at Pl,320 per annum......................... |
P1,320.00 |
One clerk, Class D.................................... |
1,200.00 |
Three clerks, Class E......................... |
3,240.00 |
Three clerks, Class G................................. |
2,520.00 |
Four clerks, Class H.................................. |
2,880.00 |
Four clerks, Class I................................. |
2,400.00 |
Four clerks, Class J.................................. |
1,920.00 |
Seven clerks, at P360 per annum each............ |
2,520.00 |
Six clerks, at P240 per annum each ................ |
1,440.00 |
San Lazaro estate section. |
One clerk, Class A.................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class I...................................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class J...................................... |
480.00 |
Surveying and drafting division. |
One chief surveyor, class one........................... |
6,000.00 |
One assistant chief surveyor, class two............ |
5,500.00 |
One inspecting surveyor, class three................ |
5,000.00 |
Four inspecting surveyors, class four ............ |
18,000.00 |
Fourteen surveyors, class five....................... |
56,000.00 |
Seventeen surveyors, class six....................... |
61,200.00 |
Two triangulators, class six......................... |
7,200.00 |
Twenty surveyors, class seven.................... |
64,000.00 |
Five surveyors, class nine........................... |
12,000.00 |
Three surveyors, class ten............................ |
6,000.00 |
Five surveyors, Class A............................... |
9,000.00 |
Five surveyors, Class B............................... |
8,400.00 |
Ten surveyors, Class C............................... |
14,400.00 |
Ten surveyors, at P1,320 per annum each........ |
13,200.00 |
Eighteen surveyors, Class D.......................... |
21,600.00 |
Thirteen junior surveyors, Class G................... |
10,920.00 |
Twenty junior surveyors, Class H.................... |
14,400.00 |
Twenty junior surveyors, Class I..................... |
12,000.00 |
Twenty surveyors, Class J............................. |
9,600.00 |
Twenty junior surveyors, at P360 per annum each ...... |
7,200.00 |
Forty apprentice surveyors, at P240 per annum each.... |
9,600.00 |
Computing section. |
One chief computer, class three....................... |
5,000.00 |
One computer, class five.............................. |
4,000.00 |
One computer, class seven............................. |
3,200.00 |
One computer, class eight............................. |
2,800.00 |
One computer, at P1,560 per annum................ |
1,560.00 |
Two junior computers, class C........................ |
2,880.00 |
One junior computer, at P1,320 per annum...... |
1,320.00 |
Four junior computers, Class D........................ |
4,800.00 |
Seven junior computers, Class E.................... |
7,560.00 |
Eight junior computers, Class F....................... |
7,680.00 |
Twelve junior computers, Class G.................... |
10,080.00 |
Two junior computers, Class H........................ |
1,440.00 |
Twenty-two junior computers, Class I............ |
13,200.00 |
Seven junior computers, Class J.................... |
3,360.00 |
Thirty junior computers, at P360 per annum each ..... |
10,800.00 |
Drafting Section. |
One chief draftsman, class four........................ |
P4,500.00 |
One draftsman, class five............................. |
4,000.00 |
One cartographer, class six.......................... |
3,600.00 |
One draftsman, Class C................................ |
1,440.00 |
One draftsman, at Pl,320 per annum................ |
1,320.00 |
Three draftsmen, Class D.............................. |
3,600.00 |
Three draftsmen, Class E.............................. |
3,240.00 |
Six draftsmen, Class F................................ |
5,760.00 |
Six draftsmen, Class G................................ |
5,040.00 |
Ten draftsmen, Class H................................ |
7,200.00 |
Twenty-one draftsmen, Class I........................ |
12,600.00 |
Fourteen draftsmen, at P360 per annum each |
5,040.00 |
Miscellaneous section. |
One clerk, class seven.................................. |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, at P1,560 per annum..................... |
1,560.00 |
One clerk, Class E.................................... |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class G...................................... |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class H...................................... |
720.00 |
Two clerks, Class I................................... |
1,200.00 |
Three clerks, Class J................................. |
1,440.00 |
Three clerks, at P360 per annum each............ |
1,080.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
663,041.00 |
Less 6 per cent deduction for vacancies.......... |
39,782.46 |
Net total for salaries and wages............ |
623,258.54 |
Salaries of inspectors, watchmen, and laborers for irrigation ditches, chainmen, semiskilled and unskilled laborers for survey parties, |
and for salaries of temporary employees...... |
250,000.00 |
Total available for salaries and wages.. |
873,258.54 |
Traveling expenses of personnel..................... |
120,000.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service............ |
18,000.00 |
Rental of buildings.................................. |
16,500.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications.... |
500.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service.. |
11,000.00 |
Light and power service.............................. |
3,000.00 |
Repair of Insular buildings............................. |
100.00 |
Maintenance and repair of the irrigation system of the friar lands.. |
30,000.00 |
Repair of plant and equipment.......................... |
3,600.00 |
Contingent service ................................... |
11,500.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
60,000.00 |
Administration, San Lazaro estate.................. |
5,450.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
279,650.00 |
Furniture and equipment: |
Furniture and equipment............................... |
2,000.00 |
Surveying and drafting equipment.......... |
18,000.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment........ |
20,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages........................ |
P873,258.54 |
Total for contingent expenses....................... |
279,650.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................. |
20,000.00 |
Total for Bureau of Lands...................... |
1,172,908.54 |
Administration of San Lazaro estate (deduction) ....... |
8,330.00 |
Total available for the Bureau of Lands .......... |
1,164,578.54 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
One Director, at P10,800 per annum.................. |
10,800.00 |
One chief clerk, class four............................ |
4,500.00 |
Two employees, class four........................... |
9,000.00 |
One employee, class six................................ |
3,600.00 |
One employee, at P3,400 per annum................... |
3,400.00 |
One employee, class eight.............................. |
2,800.00 |
One employee, class nine............................... |
2,400.00 |
One employee, Class B................................. |
1,680.00 |
Two employees, Class C................................. |
2,880.00 |
One employee, Class D.................................. |
1,200.00 |
One employee, Class E.................................. |
1,080.00 |
One employee, at P840 per annum.................... |
840.00 |
One employee, Class H.................................... |
720.00 |
One employee, Class G.................................... |
840.00 |
One employee, Class H.................................... |
720.00 |
Two employees, Class I................................. |
1,200.00 |
Two employees, at P540 per annum each........ |
1,080.00 |
One employee, Class J.................................... |
480.00 |
One employee, at P420 per annum.................... |
420.00 |
Six employees, at P360 per annum each............ |
2,160.00 |
One employee, class one................................ |
6,000.00 |
One employee, chief of biological laboratory, at P9,000 per annum.. |
9,000.00 |
One employee, class one................................ |
6,000.00 |
Two employees, class three............................ |
10,000.00 |
One employee, class five............................... |
4,000.00 |
Two employees, class four............................. |
9,000.00 |
One employee, class seven.............................. |
3,200.00 |
One employee, at P2,160 per annum................ |
2,160.00 |
One employee, at P1,680 per annum................ |
1,680.00 |
One employee, Class C.................................. |
1,440.00 |
One employee, at P420 per annum.................... |
420.00 |
One employee, class three.............................. |
5,000.00 |
One employee, class four............................... |
4,500.00 |
One employee, Class D.................................. |
1,200.00 |
One employee, at P1,020 per annum................ |
1,020.00 |
One chief, inorganic chemistry, class one........ |
6,000.00 |
One employee, class five............................... |
4,000.00 |
Three employees, class seven........................... |
9,600.00 |
One employee, class eight.............................. |
2,800.00 |
One employee, class nine.............,................. |
2,400.00 |
Two employees, class ten.........................;..... |
4,000.00 |
One employee, Class D.................................. |
1,200.00 |
One employee, Class H.................................... |
720.00 |
One employee, Class I................................. |
P600.00 |
One chief, organic chemistry, class one............ |
6,000.00 |
Two employees, class three............................ |
10,000.00 |
Three employees, class five........................... |
12,000.00 |
One employee, class eight.............................. |
2,800.00 |
One employee, class nine............................... |
2,400.00 |
One employee, Class C.................................. |
1,440.00 |
One employee, at tP760 per annum.................... |
760.00 |
One chief, division of mines, class one............. |
6,000.00 |
One employee, class three.............................. |
5,000.00 |
One employee, class five............................... |
4,000.00 |
One employee, Class C................................. |
1,440.00 |
One chief power engineer, class six.................... |
3,600.00 |
One employee, class five............................... |
4,000.00 |
One employee, Class A................................. |
1,800.00 |
Two employees, at Pl,320 per annum each.... |
2,640.00 |
One librarian, class five.............................. |
4,000.00 |
One employee, at 3,000 per annum................ |
3,000.00 |
One employee, Class E.................................. |
1,080.00 |
One employee, at P900 per annum.................... |
900.00 |
One employee, Class I.................................... |
600.00 |
One botanist, class three.............................. |
5,000.00 |
One employee, class five............................... |
4,000.00 |
One employee, at P3,400 per annum................ |
3,400.00 |
One employee, Class D.................................. |
1,200.00 |
For temporary employees............................... |
40,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
274,800.00 |
Less deduction for vacancies.......................... |
23,824.00 |
Net total for salaries and wages.............. |
250,976.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel....................... |
10,000.00 |
Rental of buildings...................................... |
800.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service............ |
1,000.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.. |
25,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.. |
4,000.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
2,000.00 |
Contingent service..................................... |
9,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
50,000.00 |
Maintenance and repair of furniture, equipment, and so forth... |
4,200.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.................. |
106,000.00 |
Furniture and equipment: museum specimens, industrial, mechanical, and scientific equipment, office and library equipment, cattle and horses, books, motor vehicles and accessories, and so forth... |
15,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.......................... |
250,976.00 |
Total for contingent expenses......................... |
106,000.00 |
Total for acquisition of fixed assets.................. |
15,000.00 |
Total available for the Bureau of Science |
371,976.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
One Director of Forestry, at P7,600 per annum ....... |
P7,600.00 |
One forester, class one................................ |
6,000.00 |
One wood technologist, class three................... |
5,000.00 |
Two lumber inspectors.................................. |
5,000.00 |
Two foresters, class four.............................. |
9,000.00 |
Four foresters, class five............................ |
16,000.00 |
Four foresters, class six .......................... |
14,400.00 |
One instructor in forestry, class six................ |
3,600.00 |
One wood expert, class six............................. |
3,600.00 |
One forest nurseryman, class six .................... |
3,600.00 |
One forest nurseryman, Class I........................ |
600.00 |
Two assistant foresters, class ten ................... |
4,000.00 |
Fifty rangers and forest guards, at not less than P240 nor more than P1,680 per annum each... |
27,000.00 |
One hundred graduate rangers ........................ |
76,000.00 |
One draftsman, Class D ................................. |
1,200.00 |
One draftsman, at P660 per annum................ |
660.00 |
One draftsman, at P540. per annum ................ |
540.00 |
Two draftsmen............................................ |
960.00 |
One draftsman, at P300 per annum ................ |
300.00 |
One chief clerk, class four ............................ |
4,500.00 |
One clerk, class six ................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, class seven ................................. |
3,200.00 |
Two clerks............................................. |
2,000.00 |
One clerk, at P1,320 per annum........................ |
1,320.00 |
One clerk, Class D ..................................... |
1,200.00 |
Four clerks............................................. |
3,120.00 |
One clerk, Class G..................................... |
840.00 |
Five clerks ............................................ |
3,480.00 |
Two clerks.............................................. |
1,320.00 |
Four clerks............................................. |
1,980.00 |
Three clerks............................................ |
1,620.00 |
Three clerks .......................................... |
1,440.00 |
One clerk................................................ |
480.00 |
Two employees ............................................ |
600.00 |
Three employees, at P240 per annum each...... |
720.00 |
One laborer, at P360 per annum........................ |
360.00 |
Temporary employees, including assistant forest guards.... |
14,000.00 |
Additional compensation not to exceed P10 per month for each ranger detailed as officer in charge of a district.............. |
900.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
231,740.00 |
Less 2 per cent deduction for vacancies............ |
4,634.80 |
Net total for salaries and wages............ |
227,105.20 |
Rental of buildings and grounds............. |
2,500.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service.............. |
1,200.00 |
Contingent service....................................... |
2,500.00 |
Contributions and gratuities: Salaries and traveling expenses of pensionados to and from their homes........... |
P14,200.00 |
Illumination and power service.......................... |
1,500.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service |
4,500.00 |
Maintenance and repair of equipment.............. |
1,200.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications.. |
1,500.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
36,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
11,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
76,100.00 |
Furniture and equipment.................................. |
5,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages........................... |
227,105.20 |
Total for contingent expenses........................... |
76,100.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment...................... |
5,000.00 |
Total available for the Bureau of Forestry...... |
308,205.20 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
For the salaries, allowances, and commutation of quarters of officers of the Public Health Service as provided by the regulations of said service.... |
44,173.00 |
One chief clerk, cashier, and pharmacist, at P4,400 per annum.. |
4,400.00 |
One superintendent, at P3,000 per annum........ |
3,000.00 |
One engineer, class nine................................ |
2,400.00 |
One clerk and disinf ector, at P1,920 per annum |
1,920.00 |
One clerk at P1,800 per annum........................ |
1,800.00 |
One vaccinator and disinfector, Class F........ |
960.00 |
Two employees, Class H................................. |
1,440.00 |
Five clerks and disinfectors, Class I................ |
3,000.00 |
Eighteen attendants, at P360 per annum each.. |
6,480.00 |
One carpenter, at P300 per annum.................... |
300.00 |
Seven employees, at P240 per annum each........ |
1,680.00 |
Launch crews. |
One patron, at P1,320 per annum...................... |
1,320.00 |
One engineer, at P1,320 per annum.................... |
1,320.00 |
One patron, Class G................................... |
840.00 |
One patron, Class H.................................... |
720.00 |
One engineer, Class G.............................. |
840.00 |
One engineer, Class H.................................. |
720.00 |
One assistant engineer, at P648 per annum.... |
648.00 |
One quartermaster, at P540 per annum............ |
540.00 |
Two firemen, at P420 per annum each............ |
840.00 |
One sailor, at P360 per annum........................ |
360.00 |
Three sailors, at P300 per annum each............ |
900.00 |
Two quartermasters, at P300 per annum each.. |
600.00 |
Four firemen, at P300 per annum each............ |
1,200.00 |
Six sailors, at P240 per annum each................ |
1,440.00 |
For temporary employees, assistant disinfectors and laborers assisting the regular force in the disinfection work, or handling supplies, or necessitated by the presence of quarantinable diseases; and for the payment of necessary fees, not to exceed twenty pesos per vessel, to qualified physicians for quarantine inspection of vessels at ports of entry where no regular officer of the United States Public Health Service is available; and for labor for the maintenance of grounds and quarantine stations and the equipment thereof |
3,200.00 |
For subsistence of employees: Provided, That commutation of subsistence, fuel and ice, at rates to be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, may be paid in lieu of subsistence, fuel, and ice in kind: And provided further, That all funds collected for subsistence sold shall be a refund to this appropriation and be available for expenditure for subsistence supplies .. |
4,632.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
91,673.00 |
Deduction for vacancies............................. |
3,000.00 |
Net total for salaries and wages............ |
88,673.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds........................ |
980.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service............ |
600.00 |
Contingent service........................................ |
600.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
100.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service., 700.00 Maintenance and repair: For the maintenance and repair of equipment, furniture, launches, boats, machinery, pipe lines, sewers, wharves, buildings, and structures........ |
6,800.00 |
Provided, That the Bureau of Quarantine Service is hereby permanently authorized to conduct the construction and repair work at the quarantine stations without the intervention of the Bureau of Public Works, existing law to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Printing and binding publications...................... |
100.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel on official business in the Philippines, from the United States or in foreign countries, and for hire and upkeep of official transportation at stations.................. |
1,500.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials: Supplies for the maintenance and operation of quarantine stations, offices, launches, and boats; fuel, uniforms, ice, blank forms, and stationery ......... |
13,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
24,360.00 |
For the acquisition' of fixed assets: For the purchase of apparatus, equipment, tools, furniture, machinery, and boats for office, station, launch, and general service uses.... |
1,800.00 |
Total for salaries and wages......................... |
P88,673.00 |
Total for contingent expenses......................... |
24,360.00 |
Total for fixed assets................................. |
1,800.00 |
Total available for the Bureau of Quarantine Service.... |
114,833.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Administrative division. |
One Director, class one.................................. |
6,000.00 |
One secretary, class seven............................. |
3,200.00 |
One chief clerk, class nine......................... |
2,400.00 |
One assistant chief clerk, Class G....................... |
840.00 |
One janitor, at P420 per annum........................ |
420.00 |
One porter, at P420 per annum........................ |
420.00 |
One messenger, at P420 per annum................ |
420.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum.................. |
360.00 |
Meteorological division. |
One chief of meteorological division, class six 3,600.00 |
One observer, class nine.................................. |
2,400.00 |
Two calculators, class ten.............................. |
4,000.00 |
One calculator, Class A............................... |
1,800.00 |
One observer, class ten................................. |
2,000.00 |
One assistant observer, Class B........................ |
1,680.00 |
One draftsman, Class B.................................. |
1,680.00 |
One assistant observer, at P1,560 per annum.. |
1,560.00 |
One assistant observer, Class C...................... |
1,440.00 |
One draftsman, Class D.................................. |
1,200.00 |
Eight first-class observers, Class D................ |
9,600.00 |
One assistant observer, Class F........................ |
960.00 |
One assistant calculator, Class F...................... |
960.00 |
Two telegraph operators, Class E.................... |
2,160.00 |
Two assistant calculators, Class G.................... |
1,680.00 |
Seven second-class observers, Class H............ |
5,040.00 |
Six second-class observers, Class I.................... |
3,600.00 |
Two third-class observers, Class J.................... |
960.00 |
Twenty-six third-class observers, at P360 per annum each.... |
9,360.00 |
One assistant observer at P300 per annum... |
300.00 |
Seven assistant observers, at P200 per annum each ..... |
1,400.00 |
Twelve rain observers, at 180 per annum each............ |
2,160.00 |
Seismic and magnetic division. |
One assistant director and chief of the seismic and magnetic divisions, class six...... |
3,600.00 |
One observer, class nine............................. |
2,400.00 |
One calculator, at P1,320 per annum................ |
1,320.00 |
One seismic observer, Class I............................ |
600.00 |
One assistant observer, at P300 per annum.... |
300.00 |
Astronomical division. |
One chief of astronomical division, class six...... |
3,600.00 |
One observer, class nine................................ |
2,400.00 |
Mechanic section. |
One employee (chief mechanic), Class B.......... |
1,680.00 |
One employee (mechanic), at P1,260 per annum .. |
1,260.00 |
Two employees (mechanics), Class F.............. |
1,920.00 |
One employee (mechanic), at P660 per annum........... |
660.00 |
One employee (mechanic), Class I.............. |
600.00 |
For temporary observers and employees.......... |
2,080.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
96,020.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel, including an allowance of P360 to the Director in lieu of transportation in Manila..... |
2,000.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds..................... |
9,000.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service ............ |
300.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications |
19,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service.. |
68,000.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
400.00 |
Plant and equipment repairs ............................ |
1,500.00 |
Upkeep of the launch on Lake Bombon (Taal)........ |
500.00 |
Contingent service............................................ |
400.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
1,220.00 |
Total for contingent expenses............... |
102,320.00 |
Acquisition of fixed assets: Furniture and equipment.......... |
3,705.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................ |
96,020.00 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
102,320.00 |
Total for acquisition of fixed assets................ |
3,705.00 |
Total available for the Weather Bureau.................. |
202,045.00 |
For salaries and wages: |
Pay of Army officers. |
For difference between pay and allowances of brigadier-general and colonels, respectively, and that of their respective ranks in the United States Army of the officers detailed as Chief and Assistant Chiefs of the Philippine Constabulary, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congress of the United States, entitled "An Act to promote the efficiency of the Philippine Constabulary, to establish the rank and pay of its commanding officers, and for other purposes," approved January thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, notwithstanding the provisions to the contrary contained in Act Numbered Fourteen hundred and seven........ |
P17,536.00 |
Provided, That, in the event of the vacation of the position of Chief of Constabulary by an Army officer, the Governor-General may fill the position by the appointment of a civilian, at a salary of twelve thousand pesos: And provided further, That, upon the vacation of the position of assistant chief now occupied by an Army officer, the Governor-General may fill the position by the appointment of a civilian at seven thousand pesos per annum. Per diems of twelve pesos for the Army officer detailed as inspector, Philippine Constabulary...... |
4,380.00 |
Field and line officers. |
Three colonels and assistant chiefs, at P7,000 per annum each 21,000.00 |
Five lieutenant-colonels and assistant chiefs, class one......... |
30,000.00 |
Nineteen majors, class five................................ |
76,000.00 |
Twenty-eight captains, class six........................ |
100,800.00 |
Twenty-seven captains, class seven.................. |
86,400.00 |
Seventy first lieutenants, class eight................ |
196,000.00 |
Ninety-one second lieutenants, at P2,450 per annum each........ |
222,950.00 |
Provided, That the officers of this rank shall receive two thousand six hundred pesos per annum each upon the termination of two years' continuous and satisfactory service as such....................... |
4,000.00 |
Ninety third lieutenants, class nine. ............. |
216,000.00 |
Additional compensations. |
Additional compensation of one hundred pesos per annum for each officer of the Constabulary, not a native of the Philippine Islands, who proves his ability to speak and read one of the native dialects, and to officers, natives of the Philippine Islands, who prove their ability to speak and read the English language, as provided in Act Numbered Thirteen hundred ninety-four..... |
12,500.00 |
Provided, That officers who may qualify in the English language or Filipino dialects on and after January first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, shall not be entitled to the extra dialect compensation provided in Act Numbered Thirteen hundred ninety-four. |
Additional compensation of three hundred and sixty pesos per annum for each officer detailed as district adjutant........ |
1,800.00 |
Additional compensation for senior inspectors and officers detailed as inspecting officers or as staff officers when not above the rank of major, not to exceed fifty pesos per month in any case: Provided, That no officer shall receive additional compensation as district as adjutant and senior inspector at the same time.... |
P7,500.00 |
Additional compensation to officers who have completed five, tenand fifteen years' service under the provisions of Act Numbered two rhousand and sixty......... |
100,000.00 |
For rent and commutation of rent of officers' quarters, under the provisions of Acts Numbered Seven hundred and six and Eight hundred and seven.......... |
45,00.00 |
Information division. |
One colonel and Assistant Chief, superintendent, at P7,000 per annum. |
7,000.00 |
One assistant superintendent, not over the rankof major, class four...... |
4,500.00 |
Executive division |
One major and executive inspector, class three........ |
5,000.00 |
Supply division. |
One major and chief supply officer, class three 5,000.00 |
One major and property officer, class four 4,500.00 |
Band |
One conductor, with rank of captain, class four....... |
4,500.00 |
Provided, that in case the position of of conductor of the band should become vacant, the same shall be filled by a conductor with the rank and compensationof second lieutenant. |
Medical division. |
One superintendent, with rank of lieutenant-colonel class one |
6,000.00 |
Six physicians and surgeons, with rank of of captain, class five |
24,000.00 |
Six medical inspectors, with rank of second lieutenant, class six |
21,600.00 |
Six medicals inspectors, with rank of second lieutenant, class seven |
19,200.00 |
Noncommissioned officers and privates. |
Band: |
One assistant conductor, Class D |
1,200.00 |
Six professors, soloist, class H |
4,320.00 |
Twenty-seven first class musicians, at P540 per annum each |
14,580.00 |
Forty-six second-class musicians, Class J |
22,080.00 |
Medical division: |
Five first class sergeants, at P45 per month each |
2,700.00 |
Ten sergeants, at P33 per month each |
3,960.00 |
Fifteen corporals, at P28 per month each |
5,040.00 |
Eighty-five privates, at P20 per month each |
20,400.00 |
Enlisted men of the line: Pay of noncommissioned officers and privates of the line, in accordance with the provisions of ACt Numbered Twenty-two hundred and thirty-seven |
978,096.00 |
Provided, That the number of Constabulary enlisted men of the line shall not exceed five thousand two hundred: And provided further, That each enlisted man who shall reenlist within two months after his discharge by reason of expiration of term of enlistment shall receive two pesos per month additional pay for his second enlistment and one peso per month for each subsequent reenlistment............... |
P95,000.00 |
For the subsistence of noncommissioned officers and privates, except members of the band, at the rate of twenty-one centavos per diem... |
390,000.00 |
For clothing allowance of noncommissioned officers and privates... |
299,000.00 |
Provided, That articles of clothing, equipage, and equipment may be sold to officers and enlisted men for their personal use, at cost price, under such restrictions as the Chief of Constabulary may prescribe, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Police. |
Clerks and messengers. |
Office of the Chief: |
One clerk, class seven ................................ |
3,200.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum ........ |
360.00 |
Executive division: |
Two clerks, class six.................................. |
7,200.00 |
One clerk, class eight .............................. |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, class nine................................ |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, at P1,560 per annum................ |
1,560.00 |
One clerk, at Pl,320 per annum................ |
1,320.00 |
One clerk, Class E................................... |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class F..................................... |
960.00 |
One clerk, at P780 per annum.................... |
780.00 |
One clerk, Class H..................................... |
720.00 |
Six clerks, at P660 per annum each............ |
3,960.00 |
One clerk, Class I.................................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, at P420 per annum.................... |
420.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum..................... |
360.00 |
Two clerks, at P240 per annum each........ |
480.00 |
One messenger, Class J................................ |
480.00 |
One messenger, at P420 per annum.......... |
420.00 |
Two messengers, at P360 per annum each |
720.00 |
Inspectors' division: One clerk, Class G.......... |
840.00 |
Information division: |
One clerk, class six................................. |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, at P540 per annum.................... |
540.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum........ |
360.00 |
Medical division: |
One clerk, Class F....................................... |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class I..................................... |
600.00 |
Supply division: |
One clerk, class eight................................ |
2,800.00 |
One messenger, Class J.. ,........................... |
480.00 |
One clerk, Class A.................................. |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, at P900 per annum.................... |
900.00 |
One clerk, at P660 per annum................... |
660.00 |
Two clerks, Class I.................................. |
1,200.00 |
Two clerks, Class J.................................... |
960.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum........ |
300.00 |
One clerk, class four................................ |
4,500.00 |
One clerk, class seven............................... |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, Class A................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class D................................... |
1,200.00 |
Two clerks, Class E.................................. |
2,160.00 |
Two clerks, Class F.................................. |
1,920.00 |
Four clerks, Class G................................. |
3,360.00 |
Three clerks, Class H................................ |
2,160.00 |
Eleven clerks, Class I............................... |
6,600.00 |
Eight clerks, Class J................................ |
3,840.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum........ |
300.00 |
District Northern Luzon: |
One clerk, Class E..................................... |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class F..................................... |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class G..................................... |
840.00 |
Two clerks, Class H.................................. |
1,440.00 |
District Central Luzon: |
One clerk, class eight................................. |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, Class F..................................... |
960.00 |
Three clerks. Class H................................ |
2,160.00 |
One clerk, Class J..................................... |
480.00 |
Provided, That the District of Southern Luzon is hereby abolished and that beginning July first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, the Districts of Central and Northern Luzon may be consolidated into one in the discretion of the Governor-General. |
District of Visayas: |
One clerk, class eight................................. |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, Class G...................................... |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class H...................................... |
720.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum.......... |
240.00 |
District of Mindanao: |
One clerk, class seven.................................. |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, Class F.................................... |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class-G...................................... |
840.00 |
Three clerks, Class H....................... |
2,160.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum......... |
300.00 |
Miscellaneous: |
For hire of emergency clerical labor,provided that additional compensation shall not be paid hereunder.... |
2,000.00 |
Supply division: |
One ordnance storekeeper, class eight........ |
2,800.00 |
One storekeeper, at P1,680 per annum... |
1,680.00 |
One assistant storekeeper, at P782.50 per annum |
782.50 |
One assistant ordnance storekeeper, at P782.50 per annum... |
782.50 |
One corral foreman, class ten.................... |
2,000.00 |
One chauffeur, at P660 per annum............ |
660.0 |
Secret service. |
Information division: |
One technical assistant, class five.............. |
P4,000.00 |
One agent, class six................................... |
3,600.00 |
One agent, class nine.................................. |
2,400.00 |
One agent, Class A..................................... |
1,800.00 |
Two agents, at P1,600 per annum each.... |
3,200.00 |
One agent, at Pl,400 per annum................ |
1,400.00 |
Three agents, Class D................................ |
3,600.00 |
One agent, Class E..................................... |
1,080.00 |
Four agents, at P900 per annum each |
3,600.00 |
Two agents, Class I.................................... |
1,200.00 |
Four agents, Class J................................... |
1,920.00 |
For the hire of temporary agents as required from time to time, at varying rates of pay.... |
10,000.00 |
For hire of temporary employees in connection with the enforcement of the Opium Law, Act Numbered Twenty-three hundred and eighty-one |
14,000.00 |
For hire of agents at various district headquarters as required from time to time, at varying rates of pay, not to exceed... |
3,000.00 |
For hire of unskilled labor........................ |
24,612.00 |
Constabulary Academy (Baguio). |
Pension for sixty cadets, at P35 per month each.............. |
16,800.00 |
For clothing allowances for sixty cadets........ |
5,400.00 |
One cook, at P720 per annum............................ |
720.00 |
One butler, Class I.......................................... |
600.00 |
One gardener, Class J........................................ |
480.00 |
Three janitors, at P180 per annum each............ |
540.00 |
Provided, That the Chief of Constabulary is hereby authorized to appoint, after examination and subject to the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, sixty unmarried graduates of the University of the Philippines, or other institution of learning accredited by the Government, to cadetships in the Constabulary Academy, who shall each receive a pension not to exceed thirty-five pesos a month, with transportation from Manila to Baguio and return and an allowance of ninety pesos for clothing, while pursuing a course of probationary instruction therein for a period not to exceed one year, at the expiration whereof such of them as shall pass a physical and mental examination to determine their fitness for the service shall be entitled to appointment as third lieutenants in the Philippine Constabulary: Provided further, That the nominations to such cadetships shall be apportioned as follows: three by the Governor-General, three by the Speaker of the Philippine Assembly, and two by each member of the Philippine Commission and the Philippine Assembly: And provided further. That the Chief of Constabulary may designate as candidates for such cadetships, under the same conditions, not more than five sergeants of the corps, who while on such detail shall each receive a cadet's pension in lieu of pay as sergeant: And provided finally, That the Chief of Constabulary may reappoint as cadets for the year nineteen hundred and sixteen such members of the class of nineteen hundred and fifteen, not to exceed twenty in number, as in his judgment may have given sufficient evidence of aptitude and proficiency but failed to pass the prescribed examination. |
For reimbursement to Major John B. Bennet, United States Army, of the amount of his foreign service pay for the period from March first to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, at the rate of sixty-six pesos and sixty-six centavos per month |
P266.64 |
Total for salaries and wages........... |
3,294,105.64 |
Deduction for vacancies................ |
145,378.64 |
Net total for salaries and wages..... |
3,148,727.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel. |
To be available for the transportation of officers, cadets, enlisted men, and employees, including the hire of launches and cutters and allowances to officers and employees for the maintenance of private means of transportation used in the public service; shoeing of animals and veterinary attendance, and per diems of officers and employees while traveling under orders: Provided, That the Chief of Constabulary, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, may authorize an allowance of ten centavos per kilometer, not to exceed fifty pesos per month, for each officer who uses in the public service his personal automobile or motor boat; and an allowance of five centavos per kilometer, not to exceed thirty pesos per month, for each officer who uses in the public service his personal motorcycle: And provided further, That the subsistence and traveling expenses of officers and the traveling expenses of enlisted men on escort duty shall be paid by the Philippine Constabulary, and not by the Bureau or province at whose request the escort is furnished, notwithstanding the provisions to the contrary contained in section one of Act Numbered Four hundred and four: And provided further, That the Philippine Constabulary shall pay the cost of transportation of prisoners from the place of arrest to the place where they are turned over to the province or to a court official for trial, and that thereafter, and until turned over to the Bureau of Prisons, all necessary transportation shall be paid by the province concerned: And provided further, That forage in kind and shoeing for one private animal used in the public service may be furnished the officer owning it, on his certificate approved by his senior inspector and district chief. |
P212,000.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds. |
To be available for the rental of offices, guardhouses, arsenals, barracks, hospitals, storehouses, stables, and parade or drill grounds.... |
29,400.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service. |
To be available for the transportation of supplies and equipment, including the hire of transportation from the city of Manila and the subsistence and pay of cargadores.... |
49,000.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications....... |
4,900.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service.. |
24,500.00 |
Travel expenses of persons not Government employees. |
To be available for deportation of vagrants and violators of the Opium Law; for transportation of prisoners; and for travel expense of persons necessarily required by the chief and assistant chiefs in the transaction of public business, subject to approval by the Secretary of Commerce and Police |
4,000.00 |
Illumination and. poiver service. |
To be available for electric current for the offices, barracks, and quarters of the Philippine Constabulary |
5,500.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service. |
To be available for the repair and maintenance of water and land transportation, ordnance equipment, stationary and portable machinery, tools and implements, medical and surgical equipments, office furniture and fixtures, musical instruments, and miscellaneous equipment |
29,400.00 |
Contingent service. |
To be available for medical treatment of officers and enlisted men, subsistence of enlisted men; officers, and other employees of the Insular Government, a,nd officers and enlisted men of the United States Army sick in Constabulary hospitals, at forty cen-tavos per diem each: Provided, That all collections, at rates fixed by the Chief of Constabulary, for the treatment of employees of the Government, and employees and members of the United States Army, excepting enlisted men of the Constabulary, shall be deposited in the Insular Treasury as a credit to the general funds; for subsistence of prisoners and destitute witnesses; for reimbursement upon the authority of the Secretary of Commerce and Police to enlisted men for subsistence lost. through unavoidable causes; for rewards for the apprehension of deserters; for newspapers and professional publications; ice, water, laundry, etc.; bond premiums; burial of officers, enlisted men, and secret service agents, including the purchase of cemetery lots; losses and deterioration, and miscellaneous expenses |
P24,500.00 |
Consumption of supplies and material. |
To be available for consumption of supplies and materials, including ammunition; medical supplies; fuel; mineral oil; stationery; blank forms and office supplies; forage, salt, medicines and incidentals for animals; supplies for water and land transportation; care of buildings, grounds and equipment; construction and repair of temporary buildings, and other Constabulary purposes |
127,800.00 |
Discretionary expenditures. |
To be available in the discretion of the Chief of Constabulary, for secret service purposes, and for the payment of rewards authorized under the provisions of Act Numbered Five hundred and twenty-two as amended: Provided, That the discretionary expenditures herein authorized shall not be subject to review by the Insular Auditor. |
12,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses............ |
523,000.00 |
Acquisition of fixed assets: For the purchase of water and land transportation, including motor vehicles, ordnance equipment, portable machinery, tools and equipment, office furniture and fixtures, medical and surgical equipment, musical instruments and miscellaneous equipment.... |
93,910.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................ |
3,148,727.00 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
523,000.00 |
Total for fixed assets..................................... |
93,910.00 |
Total available for the Philippine Constabulary |
3,765,637.00 |
Administrative division. One Director of Public Works, at P13,000 per annum ............................................................. |
13,000.00 |
One Assistant to the Director, at P7,000 per annum |
7,000.00 |
One chief accountant, class three...................... |
5,000.00 |
One cashier and disbursing officer, class five.... |
4,000.00 |
One assistant accountant, at P4,800 per annum.............. |
4,800.00 |
One second assistant to the Director, class four ......... |
4,500.00 |
One property clerk, class five............................ |
4,000.00 |
One cashier and accountant, class six................ |
3,600.00 |
Two clerks, class six...................................... |
7,200.00 |
One property clerk, class six............................ |
3,600.00 |
Four employees, class seven................................ |
12,800.00 |
One clerk, class eight...................................... |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, class nine......................................... |
2,400.00 |
Three clerks, Class A......................................... |
5,400.00 |
One custodian, Class A.................................... |
1,800.00 |
Four clerks, Class B.......................................... |
6,720.00 |
One chief clerk, Class B................. |
1,680.00 |
Four clerks, Class C........................................ |
5,760.00 |
One watchman, Class C...................................... |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, at P1,320 per annum........................ |
1,320.00 |
Three clerks, Class D......................................... |
3,600.00 |
Three clerks, Class E......................................... |
3,240.00 |
Five clerks, Class F.......................................... |
4,800.00 |
One storekeeper, at P900 per annum................ |
900.00 |
Twelve clerks, Class G....................................... |
10,080.00 |
One storekeeper, at P780 per annum................ |
780.00 |
Thirteen clerks, Class H.................................... |
9,360.00 |
One janitor, Class H............................................ |
720.00 |
Three storekeepers, Class H.............................. |
2,160.00 |
Ten clerks, Class I........................................... |
6,000.00 |
One junior compositor, at P540 per annum.... |
540.00 |
Thirteen clerks, Class J..................................... |
6,240.00 |
Two storekeepers, Class J.................................... |
960.00 |
Ten clerks, at P360 per annum each................. |
3,600.00 |
One assistant storekeeper, at P300 per annum |
300.00 |
Seven clerks, at P240 per annum each............ |
1,680.00 |
Division of automobiles and machinery. |
One foreman, Class D.......................................... |
1,200.00 |
One chauffeur, Class D........................................ |
1,200.00 |
One chauffeur, Class G........................................ |
840.00 |
Three chauffeurs, Class H.................................. |
2,160.00 |
Three chauffeurs, Class I.................................... |
1,800.00 |
Two chauffeurs, Class J...................................... |
960.00 |
Registration and regulation of motor vehicle traffic. |
One superintendent, class three.......................... |
5,000.00 |
One examiner, class eight.................................... |
2,800.00 |
Two clerks, Class C........................................... |
2,880.00 |
One employee, Class H........................................ |
720.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum............................ |
360.00 |
Division of architecture. |
One consulting architect, at P10,000 per annum. |
10,000.00 |
One assistant architect, at P7,000 per annum.... |
7,000.00 |
One structural engineer, class one.................... |
6,000.00 |
One chief draftsman, class one........................ |
6,000.00 |
Two architectural draftsmen, class three....... |
10,000.00 |
One architectural draftsman, class four.......... |
4,500.00 |
One architectural draftsman, class six............ |
3,600.00 |
One calculator, class six.................................... |
3,600.00 |
Two architectural draftsmen, class eight........ |
5,600.00 |
One architectural draftsman, class ten............ |
2,000.00 |
One architectural draftsman, Class A............ |
1,800.00 |
Three junior draftsmen, Class D........................ |
3,600.00 |
Four junior draftsmen, Class G....................... |
3,360.00 |
One clerk, Class H............................................ |
720.00 |
One junior draftsman, Class I.................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class J............................................. |
480.00 |
One clerk, at P420 per annum............................ |
420.00 |
Designing division. |
One chief designing engineer, at P11,000 per annum |
11,000.00 |
One designing engineer, at P8,000 per annum |
8,000.00 |
One designing engineer, at P7,000 per annum |
7,000.00 |
One hydraulic engineer, at P7,000 per annum |
7,000.00 |
One electrical and mechanical engineer, class one ........... |
6,000.00 |
One assistant engineer, class one. .................. |
6,000.00 |
One assistant engineer, class two...................... |
5,500.00 |
One designing engineer, class three.............. |
5,000.00 |
Three assistant engineers, class three.............. |
15,000.00 |
One assistant engineer, class four.............. |
4,500.00 |
One irrigation engineer, class four........ |
4,500.00 |
Two assistant engineers, class five.................... |
8,000.00 |
One assistant engineer, class six.......... |
3,600.00 |
One division clerk, class nine......................... |
2,400.00 |
One assistant engineer, class eight.................... |
2,800.00 |
One assistant engineer, Class A ............ |
1,800.00 |
One assistant engineer, at P1,600 per annum.. |
1,600.00 |
One clerk, at P1,320 per annum........................ |
1,320.00 |
One draftsman, Class C...................................... |
1,440.00 |
One junior draftsman, at P1,320 per annum.... |
1,320.00 |
One photographer, Class D............................... |
1,200.00 |
Four draftsmen, Class D.................................... |
4,800.00 |
Two junior draftsmen, Class E.............. |
2,160.00 |
Three clerks, Class F......................................... |
2,880.00 |
Three draftsmen, at P900 per annum each... |
2,700.00 |
One photographer, at P900 per annum........... |
900.00 |
Four clerks, Class G........................ |
3,360.00 |
Three clerks, Class H................................... |
2,160.00 |
Eight clerks, Class I......................................... |
4,800.00 |
Four clerks, Class J.......................................... |
1,920.00 |
One clerk, at P420 per annum............................ |
420.00 |
Two clerks, at P360 per annum each................ |
720.00 |
Constructing division. |
One chief constructing engineer, at P12,000 per annum....... |
P12,000.00 |
One supervising engineer, at P8,000 per annum .............. |
8,000.00 |
One supervising engineer, at P7,000 per annum ............. |
7,000.00 |
One supervising engineer, at P6,500 per annum.. |
6,500.00 |
One supervising engineer, class one.................. |
6,000.00 |
One constructing engineer, class one................ |
6,000.00 |
One highway engineer, class one...................... |
6,000.00 |
Four district engineers, class one...................... |
24,000.00 |
One superintendent of artesian wells, class two.............. |
5,500.00 |
Nine district engineers, class three.................. |
45,000.00 |
Two district engineers, class four.................... |
9,000.00 |
One assistant engineer, class three.................... |
5,000.00 |
One assistant superintendent of artesian wells,class four..... |
4,500.00 |
Six district engineers, class four........................ |
27,000.00 |
One district engineer, class five........................ |
4,000.00 |
One compiler of statistics, class four................ |
4,500.00 |
One assistant engineer, class four.................... |
4,500.00 |
Two district superintendents of artesian wells, class four |
9,000.00 |
One dredge superintendent, at P4,200 per annum............ |
4,200.00 |
Five district engineers, class five...................... |
20,000.00 |
Five district engineers, class six...................... |
18,000.00 |
One clerk, class five...... ,................................. |
4,000.00 |
One superintendent of buildings, class six...... |
3,600.00 |
One engineer, superintendent of construction, class six..... |
3,600.00 |
One surveyor, class six....................................... |
3,600.00 |
One plumber, at P3,400 per annum................ |
3,400.00 |
One clerk, class seven........................................ |
3,200.00 |
One machinery inspector, class six.................... |
3,600.00 |
One overseer, class seven................................... |
3,200.00 |
One overseer, class eight.................................... |
2,800.00 |
One overseer, class nine.................................... |
2,400.00 |
Seven district engineers, at P3,000 per annum each.... |
21,000.00 |
One shop superintendent, class seven............... , |
3,200.00 |
One inspector, class eight................................ |
2,800.00 |
One bookkeeper, class eight................................ |
2,800.00 |
One foreman, class nine...................................... |
2,400.00 |
One plumber, Class A........................................ |
1,800.00 |
One overseer, Class A................... .................... |
1,800.00 |
One electrician, Class D.................................... |
1,200.00 |
One cement tester, Class C................................ |
1,440.00 |
One transitman, Class D.................................... |
1,200.00 |
One stenographer, at P1,320 per annum.......... |
1,320.00 |
One foreman, Class D........................................ |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class E............................................ |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class F.............................................. |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class G.............................................. |
840.00 |
Two clerks, Class H........................................... |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, Class I.............................................. |
600.00 |
Two clerks, Class J.......................................... |
960.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum ........................ |
360.00 |
Two clerks, at P300 per annum each................ |
600.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
692,880.00 |
Less 5 per cent deduction for vacancies.......... |
34,644.00 |
Net total for salaries and wages.......... |
658,236.00 |
For the hire of such acting district engineers as may be required from time to time to serve during the absence of district engineers on accrued leave.. |
12,000.00 |
For salaries of skilled and semiskilled laborers..... |
35,000.00 |
Total available for salaries and wages.. |
705,236.00 |
Provided, That on the vacation thereof by the present incumbents the salary of the position of Director of Public Works shall be twelve thousand pesos per annum and those of the positions of chief designing engineer and chief constructing engineer shall be ten thousand pesos per annum each. |
Contingent expenses. |
Traveling expenses of personnel....................... |
38,000.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds .................... |
14,000.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents and publications... |
10,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.. |
11,000.00 |
Illumination and power service....................... : |
8,000.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service ................ |
25,000.00 |
Contingent expenses ....................................... |
15,000.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service ............ |
1,800.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
40,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
162,800.00 |
For the purchase of furniture and equipment, including the purchase of equipment necessary for public works |
15,000.00 |
Maintenance of Manila Harbor and Pasig River to Bridge of Spain, together with appurtenant wharves and walls |
140,000.00 |
Maintenance of channel of Iloilo River, together with appurtenant wharves and walls |
25,000.00 |
Maintenance of Cebu Harbor, together with appurtenant wharves and walls. ............................................................ |
20,000.00 |
Maintenance of Manila esteros, together with appurtenant walls |
35,000.00 |
Maintenance of Pasig River from Bridge of Spain to Laguna de Bay.. |
15,000.00 |
Maintenance of Cagayan River........................ |
10,000.00 |
Maintenance of miscellaneous harbors not specifically set forth above ..................................................... |
5,000.00 |
Maintenance, repair and alteration of lighthouses......... |
50,000.00 |
Maintenance, repair and alteration of harbor equipment .. |
50,000.00 |
Total .................................................. |
365,000.00 |
Provided, however, That in case of emergency, the Secretary of Commerce and Police is hereby authorized to transfer funds from one of the items above set forth to another, without exceeding the total sum of P365,000. |
Maintenance, alteration, and repair of public buildings, to be alloted in the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Police ....... |
P160,000.00 |
For contingent expenses, including the furnishing of number plates, the printing of licenses, the purchase of office supplies, the purchase, rental; repair and maintenance of equipment, and miscellaneous expenses .......................................................... |
4,000.00 |
All moneys received for permits and licenses and all other moneys received as the result of the operation of Act Numbered Twenty-one hundred and fifty-nine, and Acts amendatory thereof, shall be covered into the general fund of the Insular Treasury for appropriation in the same manner as other Insular revenues. |
For the regulation and safeguarding of traffic on first-class highways . ..... |
6,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................ |
705,236.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.......................... |
162,800.00 |
Total for acquisition of fixed assets................ |
15,000.00 |
Total for Bureau of Public Works........ |
883,036.00 |
Maintenance of port works and public waterways |
365,000.00 |
Maintenance, alteration, and repair of public buildings |
160,000.00 |
Registration and regulation of motor vehicle traffic |
4,000.00 |
Regulation and safeguarding of traffic............ |
6,000.00 |
Total available for Bureau of Public Works . |
1,418,036.00 |
For direct operating charges, including superintendence, labor, materials, and all other items properly entering into the direct cost of authorized projects undertaken by the Bureau of Public Works, not to exceed four million pesos: Provided, That the total herein appropriated for administrative expenses and direct charges shall be offset by the automatic reversion to the general unappropriated surplus of all income and receipts of whatever nature resulting from the correct allotment of costs to each project: Provided, hoivever, That when the services of the Bureau of visory services. public Works in connection with any provincial or municipal project are purely administrative or supervisory, the charges for said services shall be computed upon the basis of not to exceed three per centum of the total cost of said services: And provided, further, That in case the amount thus derived is insufficient to cover the cost of said services, the difference shall be borne by the appropriation for the Bureau of Public Works.
All Insular and provincial public works projects shall be supervision over carried out under the supervision of the Bureau of Public works projects. Works unless otherwise directed by the Secretary of Commerce and Police: Provided, That the compensation due to employees used temporarily on any special project shall be paid only from the funds of such special project.
Officers and employees of the Bureau of Public Works assigned to duty outside of the city of Manila who have heretofore been entitled to quarters and subsistence may, during a period of such assignment, be allowed quarters in kind and subsistence in accordance with the following schedule: Those receiving a salary of less than one thousand eight hundred pesos per annum under temporary appointment, thirty pesos per month; those receiving a salary of one thousand eight hundred pesos or more per annum under regular appointment, one peso and eighty-three centavos per day; those receiving a salary of one thousand eight hundred pesos or more per annum under temporary appointment, sixty pesos per month.
Employees of the Bureau of Public Works shall be entitled to medicines and medical attendance while engaged on any authorized public works at places where usual medical attendance is not accessible and the Director of Public Works may, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, appoint such physicians at fixed monthly salaries as may be, in his judgment, for the best interest of the service, when such medical attendance and supplies cannot be furnished by the Philippine Health Service or the Bureau of Constabulary.
The subsistence and traveling expenses of district engineers assigned to provinces and projects, as well as medicine and medical attendance for such personnel, supplying them with suitable office quarters, office furniture, supplies, and other local office expenses, shall be paid from the funds available for authorized work within the province, under accounting regulations to be prescribed by the Insular Auditor.
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Director of Posts, at P10,800 per annum............ |
P10,800.00 |
Assistant Director of Posts, at P125 per annum ......... |
7,125.00 |
One superintendent telegraph division, at P6,500 per annum.. |
6,500.00 |
Provided, That when this position is vacated by the present incumbent, the salary thereof shall not exceed P6,000 per annum. |
One superintendent postal division, class one.... |
6,000.00 |
One superintendent postal savings bank division, class one.... |
6,000.00 |
One superintendent of administration division, class two.. |
5,500.00 |
One superintendent of accounting division, class two..... |
5,500.00 |
One superintendent Manila post office, class two ......... |
5,500.00 |
One cashier Manila post office, class two.......... |
5,500.00 |
Two clerks, class four................................ |
9,000.00 |
Three clerks, class five................................. |
12,000.00 |
Two clerks, class six.................................... |
7,200.00 |
Two clerks, class seven................................... |
6,400.00 |
Two clerks, class eight.................................. |
5,600.00 |
Four clerks, class nine.................................. |
9,600.00 |
One clerk, class ten...................................... |
2,000.00 |
Four clerks, Class A...................................... |
7,200.00 |
Seven clerks, Class B.................................... |
11,760.00 |
One clerk, at P1,560 per annum........................ |
1,560.00 |
Six clerks, Class C....................................... |
8,640.00 |
Nine clerks, at P1,320 per annum each............ |
11,880.00 |
Eighteen clerks, Class D............................. |
21,600.00 |
Seventeen clerks, Class E........................... |
18,360.00 |
Twenty-three clerks, Class F............................ |
22,080.00 |
Thirty-one clerks, Class G.............................. |
26,040.00 |
Forty-four clerks, Class H.............................. |
31,680.00 |
Sixty-two clerks, Class I............................... |
37,200.00 |
Sixteen clerks, Class J.................................. |
7,680.00 |
One post-office inspector, class three................ |
5,000.00 |
One post-office inspector, class four................ |
4,500.00 |
Five post-office inspectors, class five................ |
20,000.00 |
One post-office inspector, at P3,960 per annum |
3,960.00 |
Four post-office inspectors, class six................ |
14,400.00 |
Three post-office inspectors, class seven............ |
9,600.00 |
One postmaster or operator, class four............ |
4,500.00 |
Three postmasters or operators, class fiye........ |
12,000.00 |
Seven postmasters or operators, class six........ |
25,200.00 |
Eleven postmasters or operators, class seven.. |
35,200.00 |
Six postmasters or operators, class eight........ |
16,800.00 |
Four postmasters or operators, class nine........ |
9,600.00 |
One postmaster or operator, Class A................ |
1,800.00 |
Two postmasters or operators, Class B............ |
3,360.00 |
Four postmasters or operators, at P1,560 per annum each... |
6,240.00 |
Seven postmasters or operators, Class C.......... |
10,080.00 |
Eight postmasters or operators, at P1,320 per annum each |
10,560.00 |
Fifteen postmasters or operators, Class D........ |
18,000.00 |
Fourteen postmasters or operators, Class E.... |
15,120.00 |
Eighteen postmasters or operators, Class F:..... |
17,280.00 |
Thirty-one postmasters or operators, Class G.. |
26,040.00 |
Sixty-five postmasters or operators, Class H.... |
46,800.00 |
One hundred ten postmasters or operators, Class I |
66,000.00 |
One hundred thirty-three postmasters or operators, at P540 per annum each..................................................... |
71,820.00 |
Twenty-five postmasters or operators, Class J |
12,000.00 |
Forty postmasters or operators, at P420 per annum each.. |
16,800.00 |
Seventy-nine postmasters or operators, at P360 per annum each. |
P28,440.00 |
Ten postmasters or operators, at P240 per annum each............. |
2,400.00 |
Thirty-five postmasters or operators, at P180 per annum each..... |
6,300.00 |
Sixty postmasters or operators, at P144 per annum each........... |
8,640.00 |
Five postmasters or operators, at P120 per annum each............ |
600.00 |
One hundred seventy-five postmasters or operators, at P108 per annum each............................................. |
18,900.00 |
One hundred twenty-five postmasters or operators, at P72 per annum each. .................................................. |
9,000.00 |
One hundred nine postmasters or operators for eight months only, at P72 per annum each........................................ |
5,232.00 |
Five linemen, class eight....................... |
14,000.00 |
Thirteen linemen, class nine..................... |
31,200.00 |
Eight linemen, at P2,200 per annum each........ |
17,600.00 |
Nine linemen, class ten.......................... |
18,000.00 |
Two linemen, Class A............................ |
3,600.00 |
One lineman, at P900 per annum..................... |
900.00 |
Linemen, at not exceeding P600 per annum each, and other semiskilled, skilled, emergency or temporary employees........ |
90,000.00 |
One wireless engineer, class six.................. |
3,600.00 |
One cable engineer, class eight................... |
2,800.00 |
One cable seaman, class nine...................... |
2,400.00 |
One cable splicer, class nine.................... |
2,400.00 |
One engineman, class nine......................... |
2,400.00 |
Two enginemen, Class F............................ |
1,920.00 |
Two enginemen, Class G........................ |
1,680.00 |
Two enginemen, Class H............................ |
1,440.00 |
Three enginemen, Class I.......................... |
1,800.00 |
Three railway postal clerks, Class D.............. |
3,600.00 |
Two railway postal clerks, Class E................ |
2,160.00 |
Three railway postal clerks, Class F.............. |
2,880.00 |
Two railway postal clerks, Class G................ |
1,680.00 |
Two railway postal clerks, Class H................ |
1,440.00 |
Twenty stamp agents, at P10 per month each.. |
2,400.00 |
One driver, at P60 per month....................... |
720.00 |
Two drivers, at P45 per month each................ |
1,080.00 |
Two drivers, at P35 per month each................ |
840.00 |
Nine drivers, at P30 per month each............... |
3,240.00 |
Seven letter carriers, Class D.................... |
8,400.00 |
Two letter carriers, Class E...................... |
2,160.00 |
Five letter carriers, Class F.................... |
4,800.00 |
Two letter carriers, Class G...................... |
1,680.00 |
Six letter carriers, Class H..................... |
4,320.00 |
Six letter carriers, Class I...................... |
3,600.00 |
Three letter carriers, Class J.................... |
1,440.00 |
Letter carriers for other offices at rates of compensation to be fixed by the Director of Posts with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Police, not to exceed one hundred and three thousand pesos |
103,000.00 |
One master mechanic, class six........................ |
3,600.00 |
Two mechanics, at P720 per annum each........ |
1,440.00 |
Four mechanics, at P600 per annum each...... |
P2,400.00 |
Three mechanics, at P480 per annum each.... |
1,440.00 |
Twenty-one employees, at P35 per month each |
8,820.00 |
Sixty-two employees, at P30 per month each.. |
22,320.00 |
Twenty employees, at P25 per month each.... |
6,000.00 |
Twenty-five employees, at P20 per month each........ |
6,000.00 |
Forty employees, at P15 per month each........ |
7,200.00 |
Ten employees, at P12 per month each............ |
1,440.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
1,283,917.00 |
Less 2.½per cent deduction for vacancies........ |
32,097.93 |
Net total for salaries and wages............ |
1,251,819.07 |
Traveling expenses of personnel ...................... |
59,500.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds...................... |
30,000.00 |
Freight, express and delivery service.............. |
315,768.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications, including the purchase of stamps |
9,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service |
2,000.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
12,500.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service................. |
25,000.00 |
Building repair service........................................ |
5,000,00 |
Contingent service including the expenses of witnesses other than Government employees, such payments being hereby expressly authorized .............................................................. |
16,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
80,500.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
555,268.00 |
Motor vehicles and accessories ........................ |
8,500.00 |
Land transportation equipment........................ |
200.00 |
Industrial machinery and implements ............ |
300.00 |
Hand tools.................................................... |
1,000.00 |
Furniture and office equipment........................ |
10,000.00 |
Miscellaneous equipment.................................... |
5,000.00 |
Total for fixed assets............................... |
25,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.............................. |
1,251,819.07 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
555,268.00 |
Total for fixed assets..................................... |
25,000.00 |
Total for Bureau of Posts...................... |
1,832,087.07 |
Reimbursement postal savings bank................ |
85,840.00 |
Total available for Bureau of Posts...... |
1,746,247.07 |
Provided, That the Director of Posts shall act as postmaster of Manila ex officio: And provided further, That the cashier of the Manila post office, class two, shall receipt and account in the name of the postmaster for all money which may be received in transaction of the. postal, money order, telegraph, telephone, and postal savings bank business at said office, and shall sign, in the name of said postmaster, such accounts and official papers, including money orders, as the Director of Posts may direct: And provided further, That the Director of Posts is hereby wances. authorized to advance to post-office inspectors and linemen, not to exceed seventy-five pesos for the purchase of each bicycle, one hundred and twenty-five pesos for the purchase of each native horse or four hundred pesos for the purchase of each Australian horse or motorcycle required for transportation, such advance to be reimbursed to the Government by monthly deductions of twenty per centum of the purchase price in each case, from the respective employees' salaries: And provided further, That the title of the chief, postal savings bank, shall on and after January first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, be superintendent, postal savings bank, all provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: And provided further, That the appropriation for the Bureau of Posts shall be available not only for the operation of the telegraph and cable service, but also shall be available as an operating appropriation for purposes of conducting such work of construction and repair as may be under the administrative jurisdiction of the Bureau of Posts. |
The Secretary of Commerce and Police is hereby authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Insular Government with companies operating vessels engaged in the coastwise trade of the Philippine Islands to secure the carriage of mails, freight and passengers for the Government over such routes and upon such terms as may be agreed upon: Provided, That such contracts shall not extend beyond December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and sixteen |
P52,600.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Per diems of P10 for the officer of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey detailed as Director of the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey..................................................... |
3,660.00 |
Two employees, class five ............................. |
8,000.00 |
One employee, at P1,600 per annum.................. |
1,600.00 |
Two employees, at P1,320 per annum each.... |
2,640.00 |
Five employees, at P1,260 per annum each.... |
6,300.00 |
Five employees, Class D................................ |
6,000.00 |
One employee, Class E................................. |
1,080.00 |
Two employees, at P1,020 per annum each.... |
2,040.00 |
One employee, at Pl,000 per annum................. |
1,000.00 |
One employee, at P900 per annum.................... |
900.00 |
One employee, Class G.................................... |
840.00 |
Two employees, Class H................................. |
1,440.00 |
Two employees, Class I............................... |
1,200.00 |
Two employees, Class J................................... |
960.00 |
One messenger, at P40 per month.................... |
480.00 |
Pay and rations of petty officers and crews of vessels on Insular rolls; pay of laborers in the field and special shore parties; uniforms for petty officers and crews of Insular vessels............... |
84,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
122,140.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
250.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds........................ |
175.00 |
To be available for rentals of storerooms and houses for the use of survey parties in the field. |
Freight, express and delivery service................ |
180.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents and publications |
2,000.00 |
To be available for printing topographic maps of the interior of the Philippine Islands; to include cost of lithography in the United States and cost of delivery at Manila. |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service.... |
400.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
120.00 |
Contingent service .................................. |
3,000.00 |
For payment of minor services not otherwise classified. |
Consumption of supplies and materials.............. |
45,000.00 |
Including necessary supplies for the operation of vessels and launches, materials for building signals, and materials for field and office use |
Plant and equipment repair service.................. |
30,000.00 |
To be available for repairs of vessels and of office, field, and ships' equipment: Provided, That minor and emergency repairs may be made at the nearest available point when the vessels are away from Manila |
Total for contingent expenses.................. |
81,125.00 |
For the acquisition of fixed assets.................. |
5,000.00 |
To be available for purchase of office, field, and ships' equipment, including blankets and mosquito bars for use of parties in the field |
Total for salaries and wages.............................. |
122,140.00 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
81,125.00 |
Total for the acquisition of fixed assets............ |
5,000.00 |
Total available for the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey... |
208,265.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Office of the Director. |
Director, at P6,650 per annum.......................... |
P6,650.00 |
One translator and interpreter, Class B.......... |
1,680.00 |
One stenographer, Class H................................ |
720.00 |
Office of the Assistant Director. |
One Assistant Director, class five...................... |
4,000.00 |
One clerk, Class G........................................ |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class I......................................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum............................ |
360.00 |
Office of the chief clerk. |
One chief clerk, at P3,800 per annum.............. |
3,800.00 |
One clerk, Class G......................................... |
840.00 |
Office of the law clerk. |
One law clerk, class six................................... |
3,600.00 |
Statistical division. |
One chief of division, Class A............................. |
1,800.00 |
One assistant chief of division, Class D............ |
1,200.00 |
Two clerks, Class H...................................... |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, Class J......................................... |
480.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum............................ |
360.00 |
One inspector, Class G..................................... |
840.00 |
One inspector, Class H.................................... |
720.00 |
Accounting and property division. |
One chief of division, at P1,320 per annum.... |
1,320.00 |
One clerk, at P480 per annum............................ |
480.00 |
Archives division. |
One chief of division, Class F........................... |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class I.......................................... |
600.00 |
General employees. |
One messenger, at P300 per annum.................. |
300.00 |
Two messengers, at P240 per annum each........ |
480.00 |
One operator, at P300 per annum.................... |
300.00 |
One chauffeur, at P720 per annum.................. |
720.00 |
One janitor, at P360 per annum........................ |
360.00 |
Two watchmen, at P300 per annum each........ |
600.00 |
Two laborers, at P240 per annum each............ |
480.00 |
Employment agency (Manila). |
One superintendent, Class A.............................. |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class G.......................................... |
840.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum.................. |
240.00 |
Employment agency for seamen (Manila). |
One official shipper, Class ten.......................... |
2,000.00 |
One clerk, Class J.......................................... |
480.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum................ |
240.00 |
Employment agency (Cebu, Bohol, and Oriental Negros). |
One superintendent, Class D............................ |
1,200.00 |
Two recruiting agents, at P360 per annum each |
720.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum................ |
240.00 |
Employment agency (Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Cagayan, and Isabela). |
One superintendent, at P620 per annum.......... |
P620.00 |
One recruiting agent, at P360 per annum........ |
360.00 |
Employment agency (Iloilo, Capiz, Occidental Negros, and Antique). |
One superintendent, Class D.............................. |
1,200.00 |
One recruiting agent, at P360 per annum........ |
360.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum................ |
240.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
47,070.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel....................... |
6,000.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds........................ |
4,000.00 |
Printing and binding of reports, documents, and publications |
1,000.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service............ |
150.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service |
1,500.00 |
Traveling expenses of persons not Government employees.. |
1,000.00 |
Illumination and power service ........................ |
400.00 |
Equipment repair service.................................. |
200.00 |
Contingent service........................................ |
800.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
2,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
17,050.00 |
Furniture and equipment................................. |
1,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages........................... |
47,070.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.......................... |
17,050.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................... |
1,000.00 |
Total available for Bureau of Labor.... |
65,120.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Attorney-General, at P11,000 per annum.......... |
11,000.00 |
Two assistant attorneys, at P6,650 per annum each |
13,300.00 |
Two assistant attorneys, class one.................... |
12,000.00 |
One assistant attorney, class two.................... |
5,500.00 |
Two assistant attorneys, class three................ |
10,000.00 |
Two assistant attorneys, class four................ |
9,000.00 |
Three assistant attorneys, class five................ |
12,000.00 |
Two assistant attorneys, class six.................... |
7,200.00 |
One chief clerk, at P4,800 per annum............ |
4,800.00 |
One clerk, class five................................... |
4,000.00 |
One clerk, class six.................................... |
3,600.00 |
Two clerks, class seven................................ |
6,400.00 |
One clerk, class eight............ |
2,800.00 |
Two clerks, class nine.................................. |
4,800.00 |
Three clerks, Class A................................... |
5,400.00 |
One clerk, at P1,560 per annum.................... |
1,560.00 |
One clerk, Class C...................................... |
1,440.00 |
Two clerks, Class D..................................... |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, Class E...................................... |
1,080.00 |
Two clerks, Class F..................................... |
1,920.00 |
One clerk, Class G........................................ |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class H................................... |
720.00 |
Two clerks, Class I..................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, at P588 per annum.......................... |
588.00 |
Two clerks, Class J....................................... |
960.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum................ |
360.00 |
Two messenger, at P300.00 per annum each |
600.00 |
Two messengers, at P300.00 per annum................ |
240.00 |
One janitor, at P600 per annum.................... |
600.00 |
One janitor, at P300 per annum........................ |
300.00 |
Two janitors, at P240 per annum each............ |
480.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
127,088.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
1,500.00 |
Rental of building and grounds........................ |
2,400.00 |
Freight, express and delivery service................ |
50.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications |
1,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.. |
2,800.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
1,300.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service.................... |
350.00 |
Contingent service......................... |
1,300.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
2,500.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................. |
13,200.00 |
For purchase of furniture and equipment........ |
2,200.00 |
Total of salaries and wages............................. |
127,088.00 |
Total for contingent expenses......................... |
13,200.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................... |
2,200.00 |
Total available for the Bureau of Justice ............. |
142,488.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Office of the Insular Collector of Customs. |
One Insular Collector of Customs, at P10,800 per annum... |
10,800.00 |
One clerk, class nine..................................... |
2,400.00 |
Division of cash, property and accounts. |
One cashier, class one..................................... |
6,000.00 |
One accountant, at P4,240 per annum............ |
4,240.00 |
One property clerk, at P3,000 per annum........ |
3,000.00 |
One teller, class six .................................... |
3,600.00 |
One assistant teller, class nine.......................... |
2,400.00 |
Two clerks, at P1,668 per annum each............ |
3,336.00 |
One clerk, at P1,560 per annum.................... |
1,560.00 |
Two clerks, at P1,320 per annum each............ |
2,640.00 |
One clerk, Class E ...................................... |
1,080.00 |
Two clerks, Class F....................................... |
1,920.00 |
One clerk, at P828 per annum............................ |
828.00 |
Two clerks, Class H....................................... |
1,440.00 |
Two clerks, Class I ...................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, at P300 per annum............................ |
300.00 |
Two messengers, at P240 per annum each........ |
480.00 |
One employee, at P540 per annum.................... |
540.00 |
Two employees, at P420 per annum each........ |
840.00 |
Two drivers, at P420 per annum each.............. |
840.00 |
One chauffeur, Class H...................................... |
720.00 |
Board of protests and appeals. |
One clerk, at P4,340 per annum........................ |
4,340.00 |
One clerk, Class G ......................................... |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class H.......................................... |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class I.......................................... |
600.00 |
Interior ports. |
One coast district inspector of customs, at P2,900 per annum.. |
2,900.00 |
One clerk, Class I.............................................. |
600.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum............................ |
360.00 |
Office of the Insular Deputy Collector of Customs. |
One Insular Deputy Collector of Customs, at P7,600 per annum.. |
7,600.00 |
One clerk, class seven........................................ |
3,200.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum................. |
360.00 |
Marine division. |
One Deputy Collector, class three.................... |
5,000.00 |
One clerk, class six.......................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, class seven........................................ |
3,200.00 |
Four clerks, Class C.......................................... |
5,760.00 |
One clerk, at P1,320 per annum........................ |
1,320.00 |
One clerk, Class D............................................ |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Clase E............................................ |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class F.............................................. |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class G.............................................. |
840.00 |
Two clerks, Class H........................................... |
1,440.00 |
Two clerks, Class I........................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum............................ |
360.00 |
One clerk, at P240 per annum............................ |
240.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum.................. |
240.00 |
Appraisers' division. |
One appraiser of the port, class one............... |
6,000.00 |
One assistant appraiser, class three.................. |
5,000.00 |
One assistant appraiser, class four.................... |
4,500.00 |
One assistant appraiser, class five.................... |
4,000.00 |
Five examiners, class six................................... |
18,000.00 |
Three examiners, class seven............................ |
9,600.00 |
Six examiners, class eight.................................. |
16,800.00 |
One examiner, class nine.................................... |
2,400.00 |
One assistant examiner, Class B........................ |
1,680.00 |
One assistant examiner, at P1,560 per annum.. |
1,560.00 |
Three assistant examiners, Class C................ |
4,320.00 |
Two assistant examiners, at P1,320 per annum each......... |
2,640.00 |
Five assistant examiners, Class D.................... |
6,000.00 |
Two assistant examiners, Class F.................... |
1,920.00 |
Two assistant examiners, Class G.................... |
1,680.00 |
One assistant examiner, Class H.................... |
720.00 |
Two assistant examiners, Class I.................... |
1,200.00 |
One calculator, class ten..................................... |
2,000.00 |
Two calculators, at P1,320 per annum each... |
2,640.00 |
One calculator, Class G........................................ |
840.00 |
Two calculators, Class H.................................... |
1,440.00 |
One calculator, Class I........................................ |
600.00 |
One clerk, class six.......................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, Class G........................................... |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class I.............................................. |
600.00 |
Two clerks, at P540 per annum each................ |
1,080.00 |
Five employees, at P300 per annum each........ |
1,500.00 |
Two employees, at P240 per annum each........ |
480.00 |
One messenger, at P420 per annum................ |
420.00 |
Two messengers, at P180 per annum each........ |
360.00 |
One weigher, at P588 per annum.................... |
588.00 |
Three weighers, at P540 per annum each........ |
1,620.00 |
Two weighers, Class J........................................ |
960.00 |
Two weighers, at P420 per annum each............ |
840.00 |
One weigher, at P360 per annum.................... |
360.00 |
Immigration division. |
One chief of division, class three.................... |
5,000.00 |
One assistant chief of division, class six........ |
3,600.00 |
One inspector, at P3,000 per annum................ |
3,000.00 |
One inspector, class eight ................................ |
2,800.00 |
One inspector, at P2,600 per annum................ |
2,600.00 |
Two inspectors, Class D.................................... |
2,400.00 |
One Chinese interpreter, Class D.................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, at P540 per annum.......................... |
540.00 |
One employee, at P360 per annum.................... |
360.00 |
Two employees, at P240 per annum each........ |
480.00 |
One messenger, at P180 per annum.................. |
180.00 |
One watchman, Class H...................................... |
720.00 |
Two watchmen, Class J.................................... |
960.00 |
Hull and boiler section. |
One supervising inspector, class two................ |
5,500.00 |
One boiler inspector, class five.......................... |
4,000.00 |
Two boiler inspectors, at P3,000 per annum each 6,000.00 |
One hull inspector, class six................................ |
3,600.00 |
One hull inspector, class nine............................ |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, Class E............................................ |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class I..................................... |
600.00 |
Office of the surveyor of the port. |
One surveyor of the port, at P7,125 per annum 7,125.00 |
One clerk, class six.......................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, Class E............................................ |
1,080.00 |
One bay and river guard, Class H.................... |
720.00 |
Two bay and river guards, Class I.................. |
1,200.00 |
Two bay and river guards, Class J.................. |
960.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum................ |
360.00 |
One storekeeper, Class D.................................. |
1,200.00 |
One watchman, at P360 per annum................ |
360.00 |
Semaphore section. |
One superintendent, Class C.......................... |
P1,440.00 |
One assistant superintendent, Class F............ |
960.00 |
Three messengers, at P400 per annum each.... |
1,200.00 |
Inspectors' division. |
One deputy surveyor, class four........................ |
4,500.00 |
One inspector, class six...................................... |
3,600.00 |
Two inspectors, class nine.................................. |
4,800.00 |
Three inspectors, class ten................................ |
6,000.00 |
Three inspectors, Class A.................................... |
5,400.00 |
One inspector, Class B........................................ |
1,680.00 |
One inspector, Class C....................................... |
1,440.00 |
Two inspectors, at P1,320 per annum each.... |
2,640.00 |
One inspector, Class D........................................ |
1,200.00 |
One inspector, Class F........................................ |
960.00 |
Eight inspectors, Class G.................................... |
6,720.00 |
Four inspectors, Class H.................................... |
2,880.00 |
One clerk, Class F.............................................. |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class G.............................................. |
840.00 |
Five guards, Class H..................................... |
3,600.00 |
Twenty-five guards, Class I................................ |
15,000.00 |
Fifty-five guards, Class J................................... |
26,400.00 |
Two employees, at P360 per annum each........ |
720.00 |
Five watchmen, Class I........................................ |
3,000.00 |
Correspondence and records division. |
One chief of division, at P4,240 per annum...... |
4,240.00 |
One assistant chief of division, at P3,400 per annum 3,400.00 |
One clerk, class seven........................................ |
3,200.00 |
Two clerks, at P2,600 per annum each............ |
5,200.00 |
One clerk, at P1,560 per annum........................ |
1,560.00 |
Two clerks, Class C........................................... |
2,880.00 |
One clerk, Class D............................................ |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class E............................................ |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class F.............................................. |
960.00 |
Two clerks, Class G........................................... |
1,680.00 |
Three clerks, Class H........................................ |
2,160.00 |
Three clerks, Class I......................................... |
1,800.00 |
Two clerks, Class J............................................ |
960.00 |
One employee, Class J........................................ |
480.00 |
One employee, at P360 per annum.................... |
360.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum................ |
360.00 |
Two messengers, at P300 per annum each..... |
600.00 |
Three messengers, at P240 per annum each.... |
720.00 |
Three messengers, at P180 per annum each.... |
540.00 |
Statistical division. |
One chief of division, class five........................ |
4,000.00 |
One clerk, class six........................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, class eight........................................ |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, at P2,200 per annum........................ |
2,200.00 |
Two clerks, Class B............................................ |
3,360.00 |
Two clerks, Class C........................................... |
2,880.00 |
Two clerks, Class D............................................ |
2,400.00 |
Two clerks, Class E............................................ |
2,160.00 |
Two clerks, Class F............................................ |
1,920.00 |
Two clerks, Class G............................................ |
1,680.00 |
Three clerks, Class H........................................ |
2,160.00 |
Two clerks, Class I............................................ |
1,200.00 |
Superintendent of building section. |
One chief watchman, Class D............................ |
P1,200.00 |
One watchman, Class I...................................... |
600.00 |
Three watchmen. Class J.................................... |
1,440.00 |
One laborer, Class G............................................ |
840.00 |
One telephone operator, Class H........................ |
720.00 |
One night telephone operator, at P360 per annum |
360.00 |
One chief janitor, Class H................................ |
720.00 |
Two janitors, at P420 per annum each.............. |
840.00 |
Six janitors, at P360 per annum each.............. |
2,160.00 |
Two janitors, at P300 per annum each............ |
600.00 |
lloilo customhouse. |
One collector of customs, at P7,600 per annum 7,600.00 |
One deputy collector of customs, class five........ |
4,000.00 |
One appraiser, at P3,400 per annum................ |
3,400.00 |
One clerk, class six.......................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, class seven........................................ |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, class eight........................................ |
2,800.00 |
Three clerks, Class D......................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, Class G.............................................. |
840.00 |
One storekeeper, Class C.................................... |
1,440.00 |
One chief inspector, Class C.......................... |
1,440.00 |
One inspector and assistant appraiser, Class D |
1,200.00 |
One junior boarding officer, Class H................ |
720.00 |
Five guards, Class I 3,000.00 |
Fourteen guards, Class J.................................... |
6,720.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum.................. |
360.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum.................. |
300.00 |
One laborer, at P300 per annum........................ |
300.00 |
One laborer, at P180 per annum........................ |
180.00 |
Two lookouts, at P300 per annum each............ |
600.00 |
One engineer, Class G........................................ |
840.00 |
One patron, Class H............................................ |
720.00 |
One assistant engineer, Class J.......................... |
480.00 |
Two firemen, at P240 per annum each............ |
480.00 |
One quartermaster, Class J................................ |
480.00 |
Two sailors, at P240 per annum each................ |
480.00 |
One janitor, at P360 per annum...................... |
360.00 |
One janitor, at P180 per annum........................ |
180.00 |
Cebu customhouse. |
One collector of customs, at P7,600 per annum 7,600.00 |
One deputy collector of customs, class five...... |
4,000.00 |
One appraiser, class six..................................... |
3,600.00 |
One surveyor, class seven.................................... |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, at P3,000 per annum........................ |
3,000.00 |
One clerk, Class C............................................ |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, Class D. .......................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class E............................................ |
1,080.00 |
Two clerks, Class G........................................... |
1,680.00 |
One clerk, Class H.............................................. |
720.00 |
One inspector, Class A........................................ |
1,800.00 |
One inspector, Class H........................................ |
720.00 |
Six guards, Class I........................................... |
3,600.00 |
Eleven guards, Class J........................................ |
5,280.00 |
One employee; at P360 per annum.................... |
360.00 |
Two employees, at P240 per annum each........ |
480.00 |
Two employees, at P180 per annum each........ |
360.00 |
One patron, Class G............................................ |
840.00 |
One engineer, Class G.......................................... |
840.00 |
One engineer, Class I.......................................... |
600.00 |
Two firemen, Class J............................................ |
960.00 |
One fireman, at P360 per annum.................... |
360.00 |
Three sailors, at P360 per annum each............ |
1,080.00 |
One waterman, at P300 per annum................ |
300.00 |
One waterman, at P240 per annum................ |
240.00 |
One wharf night patrol, Class I........................ |
600.00 |
One watchman, at P360 per annum................ |
360.00 |
Balabac customhouse. |
One deputy collector of customs, class six.... |
3,600.00 |
One engineer, Class I ........................................ |
600.00 |
Three boatmen, at P240 per annum each........ |
720.00 |
Jolo customhouse. |
One collector of customs, class three................ |
5,000.00 |
One examiner, class six .................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, class eight ....................................... |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, at P1,992 per annum........................ |
1,992.00 |
One clerk, Class F ............................................ |
960.00 |
Two guards, Class I........................................... |
1,200.00 |
Two guards, Class J........................................ |
960.00 |
One janitor, at P240 per annum........................ |
240.00 |
Two watchmen, at P300 per annum each........ |
600.00 |
One patron, Class I ............................................ |
600.00 |
One engineer, Class H........................................ |
720.00 |
One boatman, at P300 per annum.................... |
300.00 |
One boatman, at P240 per annum.................... |
240.00 |
Two sailors, at P240 per annum each................ |
480.00 |
Zamboanga customhouse. |
One collector of customs, class three................ |
5,000.00 |
One examiner, class seven ................................ |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, class eight ....................................... |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, Class E............................................ |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class H ............................................ |
720.00 |
Two guards, Class J ........................................ |
960.00 |
Four guards, at P420 per annum each............ |
1,680.00 |
One employee, at P300 per annum.................... |
300.00 |
One motor boat engineer, Class I .................... |
600.00 |
One boatman, at P240 per annum.................... |
240.00 |
One watchman, at P300 per annum................ |
300.00 |
Albay customhouse (Tabaco). |
One deputy collector of customs, class six........ |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, Class D............................................ |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class H.............................................. |
720.00 |
One guard, Class J.............................................. |
480.00 |
Three guards, at P420 per annum each............ |
1,260.00 |
One boatman, at P360 per annum...................... |
360.00 |
Two boatmen, at P240 per annum each............ |
480.00 |
Secret service division. |
One chief customs secret service, class two...... |
15,500.00 |
One assistant chief customs secret service, class five ....... |
4,000.00 |
For a fund to be expended in the discretion of the Insular Collector of Customs, for the hire of secret agents engaged in the apprehension of violators of the customs, immigration and revenue laws...... |
40,500.00 |
Provided, That should a Constabulary officer be detailed as chief or as assistant chief of the customs secret service he may, during the time he is so detailed, receive, in the discretion of the Insular Collector of Customs, the pay authorized for the chief or assistant chief of the customs secret service, in lieu of pay as a Constabulary officer. |
Arrastre division. |
One deputy surveyor, class three........................ |
5,000.00 |
One chief wharfinger, class five........................ |
4,000.00 |
One wharfinger, class six.................................... |
3,600.00 |
One wharfinger, class seven.............................. |
3,200.00 |
One assistant wharfinger, at P1,992 per annum 1,992.00 |
One clerk, class six.......................................... |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, Class C............................................ |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, at P1,188 per annum........................ |
1,188.00 |
Three clerks, Class F......................................... |
2,880.00 |
One clerk, at P780 per annum.......:.................... |
780.00 |
Two clerks, at P588 per annum each................ |
1,176.00 |
One clerk, Class J.............................................. |
480.00 |
One assistant disbursing officer, Class C.......... |
1,440.00 |
One timekeeper, at P1,320 per annum............ |
1,320.00 |
One chief storekeeper, Class C........................ |
1,440.00 |
Four storekeepers, Class D................................ |
4,800.00 |
Three storekeepers, Class F.............................. |
2,880.00 |
One supervising checker, Class F................... |
960.00 |
Two supervising checkers, Class G.................. |
1,680.00 |
Five checkers, Class H........................................ |
3,600.00 |
Ten checkers, Class I......................................... |
6,000.00 |
Fifteen checkers, at P540 per annum each. |
8,100.00 |
Fifteen checkers, Class J.................................. |
7,200.00 |
Eight checkers, at P420 per annum each.......... |
3,360.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum.................. |
360.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum................ |
300.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum................ |
240.00 |
One engineer, Class F........................................ |
960.00 |
One engineer, Class H........................................ |
720.00 |
One engineer, Class I........................................ |
600.00 |
Two engineers, at P540 per annum each........ |
1,080.00 |
One engineer, Class J........................................ |
480.00 |
One labor foreman, Class E................................ |
1,080.00 |
One labor foreman, Class F.............................. |
960.00 |
One labor foreman, at P660 per annum.......... |
660.00 |
Three cabos, Class I.......................................... |
1,800.00 |
One cabo, at P540 per annum.......................... |
540.00 |
Six cabos, Class J............................................ |
2,880.00 |
Eight cabos, at P420 per annum each............ |
3,360.00 |
Eleven openers, at P420 per annum each........ |
4,620.00 |
Three openers, at P360 per annum each........ |
1,080.00 |
Three gatekeeper inspectors, Class F................ |
2,880.00 |
Three gatekeepers, Class J................................ |
1,440.00 |
One gatekeeper, at P420 per annum................ |
420.00 |
One chief of police, Class H.............................. |
720.00 |
One policeman, at P540 per annum.................. |
540.00 |
Four policemen, Class J................................. |
1,920.00 |
Four policemen, at P420 per annum each........ |
1,680.00 |
Two policemen, at P360 per annum each........ |
720.00 |
One chauffeur, Class H.................................... |
720.00 |
One electrician Class H................................... |
720.00 |
One electrician, Class J.................................. |
480.00 |
One electric hoist operator, at P360 per annum 360.00 |
Two electric hoist operators, at P300 per annum each.... |
600.00 |
One messenger, at P420 per annum................ |
420.00 |
Two watchmen, Class I................................... |
1,200.00 |
One watchman, at P540 per annum.................. |
540.00 |
Three watchmen, Class J................................. |
1,440.00 |
For payment of laborers and other persons employed by the day, and so forth.. |
70,000.00 |
For extra service of regular employees............ |
500.00 |
Division Of Vessels. |
One chief of division for vessels, lighthouses, marine railway and repair shops, class three.. |
5,000.00 |
One chief clerk, class five............................. |
4,000.00 |
One superintendent of supplies, class four........ |
4,500.00 |
One pay clerk, class nine.............................. |
.2,400.00 |
One clerk, class nine................................... |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, Class A...................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class C ..................................... |
1,440.00 |
Two clerks, Class G.................................... |
.1,680.00 |
Five clerks, Class H.................................... |
3,600.00 |
Two clerks, Class I..................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, at P540 per annum........................ |
540.00 |
Three clerks, Class J................................... |
1,440.00 |
One storekeeper, class nine............................. |
2,400.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum................ |
360.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum.................. |
300.00 |
One messenger, at P240 per annum................ |
240.00 |
Personnel of the fleet. |
One captain, class two.................................. |
5,500.00 |
One captain, at P4,024.80 per annum................ |
4,024.80 |
Two captains, at P3,960 per annum each........ |
7,920.00 |
Five captains, class six.............................. |
18,000.00 |
One first officer, at P3,000 per annum............ |
3,000.00 |
Eight first officers, class nine....................... |
19,200.00 |
One second officer, at P2,040 per annum..... |
2,040.00 |
Eight second officers, Class B......................... |
13,440.00 |
One third officer, Class B.............................. |
1,680.00 |
One chief engineer, class four......................... |
.4,500.00 |
One chief engineer, class six........................... |
3,600.00 |
Six chief engineers, class seven...................... |
19,200.00 |
One chief engineer, class nine............................ |
2,400.00 |
One assistant engineer, at P3,000 per annum.. |
3,000.00 |
Nine assistant engineers, at P2,040 per annum each .... |
18,360.00 |
One assistant engineer, Class B...................... |
1,680.00 |
One assistant engineer, Class C........................ |
l,440.00 |
One assistant accountant, Class H.................... |
720.00 |
Twelve machinists, at P852 per annum each.. |
10,224.00 |
Fourteen machinists, Class G............................ |
11,760.00 |
Three oilers, at P732 per annum each............ |
2,196.00 |
Nine oilers, Class H.......................................... |
6,480.00 |
Three oilers, Class J......................................... |
1,440.00 |
Four firemen, at P420 per annum each............ |
1,680.00 |
Five firemen, at P400 per annum each............ |
2,000.00 |
Twelve firemen, at P372 per annum each........ |
4,464.00 |
Thirty-six firemen, at P360 per annum each .. |
12,960.00 |
Eighteen coal-passers, at P264 per annum each ....... |
4,752.00 |
Two boatswains, Class I.................................... |
1,200.00 |
One quartermaster, at P420 per annum........ |
420.00 |
Three boatswains, at P492 per annum each.... |
1,476.00 |
Five boatswains, Class J.................................... |
2,400.00 |
One carpenter, Class I....................................... |
600.00 |
One carpenter, at P492 per annum.................... |
492.00 |
Five carpenters, Class J.................................... |
2,400.00 |
One quartermaster, at P432 per annum............ |
432.00 |
Two quartermasters, at P360 per annum each |
720.00 |
Four quartermasters, at P312 per annum each |
1,248.00 |
Twenty-seven quartermasters, at P300 per annum each.......... |
8,100.00 |
One coxswain, Class J........................................ |
480.00 |
Three coxswains, at P360 per annum each...... |
1,080.00 |
One coxswain, at P390 per annum.................... |
390.00 |
Two coxswains, at P276 per annum each........ |
552.00 |
Ten coxswains, at P264 per annum each........ |
2,640.00 |
Two sailors, at P372 per annum each................ |
744.00 |
Nine sailors, at P360 per annum each............ |
3,240.00 |
Eleven sailors, at P252 per annum each........ |
2,772.00 |
One hundred and one sailors, at P240 per annum each........ |
24,240.00 |
One steward, at P900 per annum.................... |
900.00 |
Two stewards, Class I........................................ |
1,200.00 |
Six stewards, Class J....................................... |
2,880.00 |
One cook, Class H............................................... |
720.00 |
Nine cooks, Class J........................................... |
4,320.00 |
One cook, at P312 per annum.............................. |
312.00 |
Seven cooks, at P300 per annum each............ |
2,100.00 |
One pantryman, Class J.................................... |
480.00 |
One storekeeper, at P360 per annum................ |
360.00 |
Nine mess boys, at P240 per annum each........ |
2,160.00 |
Twenty-three mess boys, at P192 per annum each... |
4,416.00 |
Two mess boys, at P180 per annum each........ |
360.00 |
One engineer, Class E........................................ |
1,080.00 |
Two engineers, at P972 per annum each........ |
1,944.00 |
Four engineers, Class F.................................... |
3,840.00 |
One engineer, at P852 per annum.................... |
852.00 |
Three engineers, Class H................................ |
2,160.00 |
One engineer, at P612 per annum.................... |
612.00 |
Two engineers, Class I........................................ |
1,200.00 |
One assistant engineer, Class I........................ |
600.00 |
One assistant engineer, at P492 per annum... |
492.00 |
One assistant engineer, Class J........................ |
480.00 |
One patron, Class D........................................... |
1,200.00 |
Four patrons, Class F........................................ |
3,840.00 |
Three patrons, Class G.................................... |
2,520.00 |
One patron, Class H ......................................... |
720.00 |
One patron, Class I............................................ |
600.00 |
One patron, at P420 per annum........................ |
420.00 |
One oiler, at P492 per annum............................ |
492.00 |
One wireless operator, class nine.................... |
2,400.00 |
One motor boat engineer, at P660 per annum.. |
660.00 |
One launch foreman, class nine........................ |
2,400.00 |
One assistant launch foreman, at P1,560 per annum 1,560.00 |
One night captain of the yard, at P2,160 per annum.......... |
2,160.00 |
For clothing allowance to crews of vessels.... |
4,200,00 |
For subsistence of personnel: Sixteen officers, at P2 per diem; thirty-seven officers, at P1.50 per diem; four hundred and four petty officers and crews, at P0.30 per diem... |
76,384.20 |
For a ten per centum increase in salary allowed to officers and crews of the cutter assigned to duty transporting lepers... |
2,600.00 |
Lighthouse division. |
One lighthouse inspector, class four................ |
4,500.00 |
One assistant lighthouse inspector, at P3,000 per annum....... |
3,000.00 |
Two lightkeepers, Class D................................. |
2,400.00 |
Two lightkeepers, Class F................................ |
1,920.00 |
Nineteen lightkeepers, at P852 per annum each ............. |
16,188.00 |
Eighteen lightkeepers, at P732 per annum each............... |
13,176.00 |
Twenty-one lightkeepers, at P612 per annum each..... |
12,852.00 |
Forty-six lightkeepers, at P492 per annum each...... |
22,632.00 |
Twenty first-class apprentices, at P240 per annum each........ |
4,800.00 |
Pay of keepers of lesser classes, boatmen and laborers.. |
40,000.00 |
For rations in kind furnished employees at Ambolon, Apo Reef, La Monja, Mataja, San Bernardino, San Miguel, Sialat Point, Suluan, Tanguingui, Ungay Point and such other light stations as it may in the opinion of the Insular Collector of Customs be necessary to ration, and for newly appointed keepers and apprentices |
5,500.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
Less 2 per cent deduction for vacancies............ |
27,104.48 |
Net total for salaries and wages............ |
For temporary and emergency employees of |
all divisions of the Bureau of Customs |
15,000.00 |
Total available for salaries and wages.. |
1,343,119.52 ============ |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
P10,000.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds................... |
3,700.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service.............. |
1,000.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 5,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service 10,000.00 |
Traveling expenses of persons not Government employees, including transportation of wives and children of lightkeepers transferring from one station to another 3,000.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
16,000.00 |
Repairs of buildings.......................................... |
7,000.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service................ |
260,000.00 |
Contingent service.......................................... |
40,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
275,000.00 |
Discretionary expenses .................................... |
21,500.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.............. |
652,200.00 |
Lighthouse apparatus and equipment............ |
20,000.00 |
Watercfaft and its equipment............................ |
40,000.00 |
Purchase of all other equipments.................... |
20,000.00 |
Total for fixed assets.............................. |
80,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................ |
1,343,119.52 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
652,200.00 |
Total for fixed assets....................................... |
80,000.00 |
Total available for Bureau of Customs.. |
2,075,319.52 |
The marine railway and repair shops shall continue being operated by the Bureau of Customs as provided in Act Numbered Twenty-three hundred and sixteen: Provided, That the authorized personnel for the operation of the division of marine railway and repair shops, exclusive of laborers, mechanics, and so forth, below the minimum daily wage of seven pesos, shall be as follows: |
Marine engineer and superintendent of marine railway and repair shops, at P7,000 per annum | ℒαwρhi৷
7000 |
One medical inspector, at P2,200 per annum |
2200 |
One clerk, class six |
3600 |
One dispensary assistant, Class J |
480 |
One foreman, at P15 per day |
p.d. 15.00 |
Two foremen, at P14 per day each |
p.d. 28.00 |
One foreman, at P12 per day |
p.d. 12.00 |
One foreman, at P11 per day |
p.d. 11.00 |
One foreman, at P9 per day |
p.d. 9.00 |
One foreman, at P8.50 per day |
p.d. 8.50 |
One assistant to shop clerk, at P8 per day |
p.d. 8.00 |
One foreman, at P7 per day |
p.d. 7.00 |
Two junior draftsmen, Class F |
1920 |
One clerk, Class J |
480 |
One employee, at P360 per annum |
360 |
Two boatmen, at P360 per annum each |
720 |
One assistant storekeeper, at P1,020 per annum |
1020 |
One assistant storekeeper, Class H |
720 |
One clerk, Class I |
600 |
One watchman, Class I |
600 |
One watchman, at P540 per annum |
540 |
One watchman, at P510 per annum |
510 |
One watchman, at P450 per annum |
450 |
Six watchmen, at P420 per annum each |
2520 |
For proportionate share of expenses of employees of division of vessels in handling of supplies |
10000 |
Provided, That the net income received from the operation of the division of marine railway and repair shops and all income of the arrastre division shall revert to the unappropriated surplus in the Insular Treasury in the same manner as the other Insular revenue: Provided further, That the funds appropriated for the division of vessels shall be available for the purchase of medals and other rewards when authorized by resolution of the Philippine Legislature, for officers and employees of the Bureau who display special bravery or render distinguished service in saving life and property: And provided further, That the officers assigned to duty aboard the cableship and the cutter designated by the Insular Collector of Customs as subject to emergency service requirements shall be allowed two pesos per diem each for subsistence: And provided finally, That, if the Philippine Government cableship "Rizal" should be disposed of by sale, such portion of the proceeds of said sale, not to exceed the sum of seventy-five thousand pesos, may be expended for the purchase, repair, alteration and equipment of a vessel suitable to maintain the Government submarine cables in Philippine waters, including the installation of a wireless outfit, subject to the approval of the Governor-General. |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Collector of Internal Revenue, at P10,800 per annum |
P10,800.00 |
Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, at P7,125 per annum..... |
7,125.00 |
Clerical division. |
One chief clerk, class two.................................. |
5,500.00 |
One clerk, class seven ...................................... |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, class nine ........................................ |
2,400.00 |
Two clerks, Class A......................................... |
3,600.00 |
One mechanic, Class A........................................ |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class E............................................ |
1,080.00 |
Two clerks, Class B.......................................... |
3,360.00 |
One clerk, Class E............................................ |
1,080.00 |
Three clerks, Class G...................................... |
2,520.00 |
Two clerks, Class H........................................... |
1,440.00 |
Four clerks, Class I.......................................... |
2,400.00 |
One watchman, Class I........................................ |
600.00 |
One janitor, Class I............................................ |
600.00 |
Five clerks, Class J.......................................... |
2,400.00 |
Three clerks, at P360 per annum each............ |
1,080.00 |
Three messengers, at P360 per annum each.... |
1,080.00 |
One watchman, at P360 per annum................ |
360.00 |
One clerk, at P300 per annum............................ |
300.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum................ |
300.00 |
One clerk, at P240 per annum ........................ |
240.00 |
Law division. |
One clerk, class seven......................................... |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, class eight........................................ |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, class nine........................................ |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, at P1,320 per annum...................... |
1,320.00 |
One clerk, Class D............................................ |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class F............................................ |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class J............................................... |
480.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum.......................... |
360.00 |
Accounting division |
One chief division, class two............................ |
5,500.00 |
One clerk, Class B............................................ |
1,680.00 |
Three clerks, Class C........................................ |
4,320.00 |
Four clerks, Class D.......................................... |
4,800.00 |
Eight clerks, Class E........................................ |
8,640.00 |
Seven clerks, Class G........................................ |
5,880.00 |
Six clerks, Class H............................................ |
4,320.00 |
Seven clerks, Class I.......................................... |
4,200.00 |
Four clerks, Class J.......................................... |
1,920.00 |
Two clerks, at P360 per annum each................ |
720.00 |
One messenger, at P360 per annum................ |
360.00 |
One clerk, at P300 per annum.......................... |
300.00 |
Cash division. |
One cashier, class two........................................ |
5,500.00 |
Two clerks, Class A............................................ |
3,600.00 |
Two clerks, Class B............................................ |
3,360.00 |
Three clerks, Class C........................................ |
4,320.00 |
One clerk, Class D............................................. |
1,200.00 |
Three clerks, Class E........................................ |
3,240.00 |
Four clerks, Class F.......................................... |
3,840.00 |
Two clerks, Class G.......................................... |
1,680.00 |
Three clerks, Class H........................................ |
2,160.00 |
Eight clerks, Class I.......................................... |
4,800.00 |
Six clerks, Class J............................................ |
2,880.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum............................ |
360.00 |
Two clerks, at P300 per annum each................ |
600.00 |
Real estate division. |
One chief of division, class ten.......................... |
2,000.00 |
One assistant chief of division, class ten.......... |
2,000.00 |
One clerk, Class C............................................. |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, at P1,320 per annum........................ |
1,320.00 |
Four clerks, Class D........................................... |
4,800.00 |
Five clerks, Class E........................................... |
5,400.00 |
Five clerks, Class F........................................ |
4,800.00 |
Two clerks, Class G......................................... |
1,680.00 |
Two clerks, Class I............................................ |
1,200.00 |
Four clerks, Class J........................................... |
1,920.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum............................ |
360.00 |
One clerk, at P300 per annum............................ |
300.00 |
License division. |
One clerk, Class B............................................. |
1,680.00 |
Two clerks, Class C............................................. |
2,880.00 |
Three clerks, Class D.......................................... |
3,600.00 |
Two clerks, Class E............................................ |
2,160.00 |
Three clerks, Class F.......................................... |
2,880.00 |
Two clerks, Class G............................................ |
1,680.00 |
Seven clerks, Class H.............:............................ |
5,040.00 |
Three clerks, Class I.......................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class J............................................. |
480.00 |
Two clerks, at P360 per annum each................ |
720.00 |
Two clerks, at P300 per annum each................ |
600.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum.................. |
300.00 |
Six clerks, at P240 per annum each............. |
1,440.00 |
Income-tax division. |
One chief of division, class six............................ |
3,600.00 |
One clerk, Class C............................................. |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, at P1,320 per annum........................ |
1,320.00 |
One clerk, Class D............................................. |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class G............................................... |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class H............................................... |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class I............................................... |
600.00 |
Six clerks, Class J............................................ |
2,880.00 |
Inspection division. |
One chief agent, class two.................................. |
5,500.00 |
One assistant chief agent, class four................ |
4,500.00 |
One agent, class four.......................................... |
4,500.00 |
Eight agents, class five...................................... |
32,000.00 |
One clerk, class five.......................................... |
4,000.00 |
Fourteen agents, class six.................................. |
50,400.00 |
Two agents, class seven...................................... |
6,400.00 |
One assistant agent, class ten............................ |
2,000.00 |
Eleven assistant agents, at P1,500 per annum each |
16,500.00 |
One clerk, Class B............................................. |
1,680.00 |
Eighteen assistant agents, Class D.................... |
21,600.00 |
Eighteen assistant agents, at P900 per annum each............ |
16,200.00 |
One clerk, Class G............................................... |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class H............................................... |
720.00 |
One clerk, Class I............................................. |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class J............................................... |
480.00 |
Temporary clerks and storekeepers.................. |
62,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
441,165.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel: For transportation of supplies and employees, including allowance of twenty pesos per month each to agents in the provinces for each authorized horse furnished and maintained by said agents for official transportation: Provided, That the Collector of Internal Revenue is hereby authorized, with the prior approval of the Secretary of Finance' and Justice, to advance from this appropriation to agents not to exceed P125 for the purchase of each native horse or P400 for the purchase of each Australian horse or motorcycle required for transportation, such advance to be reimbursed to the Government by monthly deductions of ten per centum in case of the purchase of a native horse and twenty per centum in case of the purchase of an Australian horse or motorcycle from the agents' salaries; per diems and street-car fares ............................................................ |
P50,000.00 |
Freight, expresses and delivery service.......... |
1,200.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications |
4,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.. |
9,000.00 |
Traveling expenses of persons not Government employees ..... |
400.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
2,600.00 |
Contingent service, including bond premiums, laundry, and newspapers |
2,800.00 |
Consumption of equipment and supplies........ |
80,000.00 |
Discretionary expenses .................................... |
2,000.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service.................. |
2,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
154,000.00 |
Water craft and appurtenances........................ |
3,000.00 |
Motor vehicles and accessories........................ |
3,000.00 |
Land transportation equipment, other than motor ....... |
200.00 |
Hand tools...................................................... |
200.00 |
Office furniture and equipment........................ |
9,000.00 |
Miscellaneous equipment .................................. |
400.00 |
Total for acquisition of fixed assets...... |
15,800.00 |
Provided, That minor and emergency repairs may be made at the nearest available point when vessels are away from Manila. |
Total for salaries and wages.............................. |
441,165.00 |
Total for contingent expenses............................. |
154,000.00 |
Total for fixed assets....................................... |
15,800.00 |
Total available for the Bureau of Internal Revenue.... |
610,965.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Insular Treasurer, at P12,000 per annum........ |
12,000.00 |
Assistant Insular Treasurer, at P7,500 per annum............. |
7,500.00 |
Chief of division of banks and currency, at P6,650 per annum. 6,650.00 |
One paying teller, class one ............................... |
6,000.00 |
One receiving teller, class two............................ |
5,500.00 |
One accountant, class three............................ |
5,000.00 |
One cashier, class four.................................... |
4,500.00 |
One chief clerk, class five................................... |
4,000.00 |
One clerk, class five......................................... |
4,000.00 |
Three clerks, class six...................................... |
10,800.00 |
One clerk, class seven........................................ |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, class eight ....................................... |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, class nine......................................... |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, Class A........................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, at Pl,560 per annum........................ |
1,560.00 |
One clerk, at P1,020 per annum........................ |
1,020.00 |
One clerk, at P1,000 per annum........................ |
1,000.00 |
One clerk, at P900 per annum ........................ |
900.00 |
One clerk, Class G.............................................. |
840.00 |
Four clerks, at P660 per annum each................ |
2,640.00 |
Four clerks, Class I.......................................... |
2,400.00 |
Four clerks, at P588 per annum each............ |
2,352.00 |
One clerk, Class J.............................................. |
480.00 |
Eight watchmen, at P2,400 per annum each.... |
19,200.00 |
Three watchmen, at P600 per annum each.... |
1,800.00 |
Five watchmen, at P480 per annum each........ |
2,400.00 |
For temporary employees ................................ |
4,940.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
117,682.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
2,000.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service.............. |
50.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents and publications........ |
100.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service |
2,000.00 |
Illumination and power service.......................... |
1,500.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service................ |
400.00 |
Contingent service............................................ |
4,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
4,500.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
14,550.00 |
Furniture and equipment.................................. |
2,100.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.............................. |
117,682.00 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
14,550.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................... |
2,100.00 |
Total available for Bureau of the Treasury ................. |
134,332.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Director of Education, at P10,800 per annum.. |
10,800.00 |
Assistant Director, at P7,000 per annum.... |
7,000.00 |
Second Assistant Director, at P6,000 per annum |
6,000.00 |
One employee, class one.................................... |
6,000.00 |
Six employees, class two............................. |
33,000.00 |
Fifteen employees, class three.......................... |
75,000.00 |
Twelve employees, class four. ........................ |
54,000.00 |
Twenty-one employees, class five..................... |
84,000.00 |
Forty-five employees, class six....................... |
162,000.00 |
Ninety-seven employees, class seven............... |
310,400.00 |
Seventy-eight employees, at P3,000 per annum each .......... |
234,000.00 |
One hundred and forty-six employees, class eight |
408,800.00 |
Seventy-eight employees, at P2,600 per annum each |
202,800.00 |
One hundred and nine employees, class nine.. |
261,600.00 |
Four employees, at P2,200 per annum each.. |
8,800.00 |
Eighteen employees, Class ten.......................... |
36,000.00 |
Seventeen employees, Class A............................ |
30,600.00 |
Five employees at P1,620 per annum each.... |
8,100.00 |
Eight employees, at P1,500 per annum each.... |
12,000.00 |
Five employees, Class C...................................... |
7,200.00 |
Twenty-five employees, at PI,320 per annum each |
33,000.00 |
Sixty-nine employees, Class D............................ |
82,800.00 |
Seventy employees, Class E................................ |
75,600.00 |
One hundred and forty-one employees, Class F . |
135,360.00 |
Ten employees, at P900 per annum each......... |
9,000.00 |
One hundred and forty-five employees, Class G.... |
121,800.00 |
Ten employees, at P780 per annum each........ |
7,800.00 |
Two hundred and fifty-five employees, Class H |
183,600.00 |
Twenty-two employees, at P660 per annum each |
14,520.00 |
Four hundred and ten employees, Class I........ |
246,000.00 |
For student labor in Insular schools, under the provisions of Act Numbered Seventeen hundred and ninety-five |
4,000.00 |
For additional compensation for salaries of teachers in connection with the operation of the night school in the Philippine School of Commerce: Provided, That salaries of teachers shall not exceed three pesos per night each and salary of the principal shall not exceed four pesos per night . |
6,000.00 |
For honoraria to be paid to teachers giving instruction in the annual vacation assemblies at the rate of not to exceed three-fourths of the authorized salary within a maximum of one hundred twenty pesos per month for any one teacher, Act Numbered One hundred and forty-eight to the contrary notwithstanding |
2,000.00 |
For miscellaneous labor, including salaries and wages of messengers, storehouse laborers, janitors, watchmen, and other sundry laborers . .. |
42,000.00 |
Provided, That the Director of Education may detail or assign any teacher to perform such duties in any branch or division of the Bureau of Education as the service may require, the provisions of Act Numbered Four hundred and thirty to the contrary notwithstanding : Provided further, That the Director of Education may designate certain teachers for continuous duty throughout school vacation periods in cases where the good of the service makes this action advisable, such teachers to be entitled to the leave privileges provided in section twenty-three (a) of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and ninety-eight in lieu of the vacation privileges granted to teachers in section twenty-three (d) of said Act: And provided further, That the Director of Education shall detail a teacher for such time as may be necessary for giving instruction in English to the nurses in the Philippine General Hospital. |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
P2,921,580.00 |
Deduction for vacancies.................................... |
171,580.00 |
Net total for salaries and wages............ |
2,750,000.00 |
Provided, That any or all savings in the allotment for salaries and wages by reason of vacancies, or absences, or any other reason, may be used for the employment of teachers or other employees not to exceed three hundred and twenty-six in number and whose salaries shall not exceed five hundred and forty pesos each per annum: And provided further, That with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, any or all of the amount herein appropriated for salaries may be transferred as aid to provinces or municipalities for school revenues. |
In the discretion of the Director of Education teachers assigned to dormitory duty may be allowed subsistence in kind equal to that provided to students at such dormitories, and quarters in kind, in addition to salaries above provided. |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
225,000.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds .................... |
6,600.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service.............. |
23,000.00 |
Traveling expenses of persons not Government employees...... |
1,500.00 |
Printing and binding of reports, documents, and publications |
18,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service..... |
25,000.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
9,000.00 |
Maintenance and repairs to buildings................ |
6,000.00 |
Maintenance and repairs to plant and equipment 7.500.00 |
Contingent service..................... |
15,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
500,000.00 |
Provided, That in the event of crop failure or other unforeseen contingency whereby the receipts from the sale of farm products of the Central Luzon Agricultural School are insufficient to meet the cost of subsistence to subsistence. pupils, as hereinafter provided, additional subsistence supplies may be furnished from the above allotment: And provided further, That of the above sum the amount of twenty thousand pesos or so much thereof as may be necessary shall be devoted to the purchase of a suitable reference textbook in Philippine history and economics. |
Contribution and gratuities. |
To be available for expenditure for actual and necessary cost of education and maintenance, and incidental expenses including traveling expenses to and from their homes of Government pensionados in the United States already appointed under the provisions of Act Numbered Eight hundred and fifty-four, as amended |
P6,000.00 |
For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of Act Numbered Nineteen hundred and eighty-four, entitled "An Act authorizing the creation of special classes of superior instruction for municipal and Insular teachers and appropriating the sum of fifty thousand pesos for such purposes," as amended, to provide for not to exceed one hundred and forty pensionados for the period January first to December thirty-first nineteen hundred and sixteen. These provisions are extended to include the entire Philippine Islands and to provide for provincial teachers |
50,000.00 |
For the support of the School of Household Industries created by Act Numbered Twenty-one hundred and ten (exclusive of salaries of superintendents and assistants and rental of buildings otherwise provided for) |
27,000.00 |
For industrial exhibits and samples of products of the Philippine public schools furnished gratis on request of corporations, individuals, or foreign governments, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, and other miscellaneous contributions and gratuities |
1,000.00 |
Aid to local governments. |
To be allotted by the Director of Education with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction and expended under the direction of the Director of Education or his representatives as aid to provinces and municipalities for schools |
491,020.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
1,411,620.00 |
Furniture and equipment.................................. |
40,000.00 |
Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the amount of sales by the Director of Education, and the said Director is hereby empowered to sell books, supplies, and materials in such quantities as in his opinion the situation may warrant at such prices as may be fixed by him and approved by the Secretary of Public Instruction: Provided further, That the Director of Education is hereby authorized to furnish to pupils of the School for the Deaf and Blind, Manila, subsistence and other living expenses in kind while in attendance at the school, payment to be effected from the funds provided by this appropriation. |
For subsistence and other living expenses furnished in the discretion of the Director of Education to the pupils of the Central Luzon Agricultural School who are pursuing a course in agriculture: Provided, That the total amount expended for such allowances shall not exceed the receipts derived from the growth and marketing of farm products: And provided further, That the total receipts accruing from the sale of such products shall revert to the general unappropriated surplus of the Insular Treasury: And provided further, That in lieu of such subsistence, certain of the students in attendance at the school may be granted in the discretion of the Director of Education the free use of animals and equipment and the use of not to exceed one and one-half hectares of land. |
For operating expenses of the commercial and industrial department of the Philippine School of Arts and Trades including payment of student labor under the provisions of Act Numbered Seventeen hundred and ninety-five, materials and supplies used in operation, light, power, fuel, repair of equipment, and so forth: Provided, That the total expenses above enumerated shall not exceed the total receipts derived from the sale of services and manufactured articles to other branches of the Government, or to private concerns, or to individuals: And provided further, That all receipts of whatever nature resulting from such commercial operations of the Philippine School of Arts and Trades shall revert to the general unappropriated surplus of the Insular Treasury. |
Total for salaries and wages.............................. |
P2,750,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
1,411,620.00 |
Total, for furniture and equipment.................... |
40,000.00 |
total available for the Bureau of Education |
4,201,620.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Office of the Director. |
Director, at P10,000 per annum...................... |
l0,000.00 |
Assistant Director, at P7,000 per annum...... |
7,000.00 |
Assistant Director and chief of the administrative division, at P6,000 per annum |
6,000.00 |
Demonstration and agricultural extension division.(This division will be in charge of the Assistant Director.) |
Two employees, class three................................ |
10,000.00 |
One employee, class four.................................... |
4,500.00 |
One employee, class five.................................... |
4,000.00 |
One employee, class seven.................................. |
3,200.00 |
Eight employees, class eight............................... |
22,400.00 |
Seven employees, class nine............................. |
16,800.00 |
Six employees, Class A..................................... |
10,800.00 |
One employee, Class B...................................... |
1,680.00 |
Two employees, Class C.................................... |
2,880.00 |
Five employees, Class D.................................... |
6,000.00 |
Two employees, Class E.................................... |
2,160.00 |
Four employees, Class F................................. |
3,840.00 |
Ten employees, Class G...................................... |
8,400.00 |
Three employees, Class H................................ |
2,160.00 |
Six employees, Class I....................................... |
3,600.00 |
Twenty-two employees, Class J........................ |
10,560.00 |
Five employees, at P360 per annum each...... |
1,800.00 |
Division of plant industry. |
One chief of division, class three...................... |
5,000.00 |
Two employees, class four................................ |
9,000.00 |
Two employees, class five.................................. |
8,000.00 |
Two employees, class six.................................... |
7,200.00 |
Four employees, class eight.............................. |
11,200.00 |
One employee, class nine.................................... |
2,400.00 |
Two employees, Class A.................................... |
3,600.00 |
One employee, Class B........................................ |
1,680.00 |
Two employees, Class C...................................... |
2,880.00 |
Four employees, Class D.................................... |
4,800.00 |
Two employees, Class F...................................... |
1,920.00 |
Two employees, Class I...................................... |
1,200.00 |
One employee, Class J........................................ |
480.00 |
Division of animal husbandry. |
One chief of division, class four........................ |
4,500.00 |
One employee, class five..................................... |
4,000.00 |
One employee, class eight.................................... |
2,800.00 |
Three employees, class nine.............................. |
7,200.00 |
One employee, Class B........................................ |
1,680.00 |
Four employees, Class C.................................... |
5,760.00 |
One employee, Class F........................................ |
960.00 |
One employee, Class H........................................ |
720.00 |
Administrative division. |
One chief clerk, class four................................ |
4,500.00 |
One employee, class four................................... |
4,500.00 |
Two employees, class six.................................... |
7,200.00 |
One employee, class seven.................................. |
3,200.00 |
One employee, class nine.................................... |
2,400.00 |
Three employees, Class C.................................... |
4,320.00 |
Five employees, Class D.................................... |
6,000.00 |
Two employees, Class E.................................... |
2,160.00 |
Four employees, Class F.................................... |
3,840.00 |
Four employees, Class G.................................... |
3,360.00 |
Three employees, Class H................................ |
2,160.00 |
Three employees, Class I.................................... |
1,800.00 |
Six employees, Class J....................................... |
2,880.00 |
One employee, at P360 per annum.................... |
360.00 |
Veterinary division. |
One chief of division, class one.......................... |
6,000.00 |
Four employees, class four................................ |
18,000.00 |
Four employees, class five................................ |
18,000.00 |
Three employees, class six................................ |
10,800.00 |
Six employees, class seven.................................. |
19,200.00 |
Three employees, class eight............................ |
8,400.00 |
Four employees, Class A.................................... |
7,200.00 |
One employee, Class D........................................ |
1,200.00 |
One employee, Class F........................................ |
960.00 |
One employee, Class I........................................ |
600.00 |
Fiber division. |
Chief of division, class one................................ |
6,000.00 |
Four employees, class five................................. |
16,000.00 |
Six employees, class six................................... |
21,600.00 |
Four employees, class eight................................ |
11,200.00 |
Two employees, class nine.................................. |
4,800.00 |
Eighteen employees, Class A............................. |
32,400.00 |
One employee, Class D......................................... |
1,200.00 |
Four employees, Class F.................................... |
3,840.00 |
One employee, Class G........................................ |
840.00 |
Three employees, Class H.................................... |
2,160.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
461,840.00 |
Less 4 per cent deduction for vacancies............ |
18,473.60 |
Net total for salaries and wages............ |
443,366.40 |
Temporary employees........................................ |
110,000.00 |
Total available for salaries and wages.. |
553,366.40 |
Traveling expenses of personnel.................... |
90,000.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds........................ |
2,500.00 |
Freight, express and delivery service.............. |
8,000.00 |
Printing and binding of reports, documents and publications |
10,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.. |
12,000.00 |
Travel expenses of persons not Government employees ........ |
1,500.00 |
Illumination and power service..................... |
4,500.00 |
Repair of buildings ......................................... |
5,000.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service................ |
15,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials, including the harvesting and purchase of seeds and plants for experimental purposes and for free distribution, the purchase of cattle, utensils, stable supplies, forage, station and farm supplies, and medical supplies and medicines |
60,000.00 |
Contributions and gratuities............................ |
60,000.00 |
Incidental expenses ........................................... |
5,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
273,500.00 |
For furniture and equipment, including construction of a copra dryer and making experiments therewith |
35,500.00 |
Total for salaries and wages ...................... |
553,366.40 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
273,500.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................... |
35,500.00 |
Total available for the Bureau of Agriculture...... |
862,366.40 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Director of Prisons, at P7,500 per annum...... |
7,500.00 |
Assistant Director of Prisons, at P6,000 per annum |
6,000.00 |
Second Assistant Director of Prisons, at P4,000 per annum |
4,000.00 |
Clerical section. |
One chief clerk, class five.................................... |
4,000.00 |
One stenographer, class eight............................ |
2,800.00 |
One interpreter and clerk, at P1,992 per annum... |
1,992.00 |
One compensation clerk, Class C........................ |
1,440.00 |
One clerk for court documents, at P1,428 per annum...... |
1,428.00 |
One clerk, prisoners conduct and summary court, Class H....... |
720.00 |
One clerk, court documents and reports, Class D.... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, cedula and release of prisoners, Class F... |
960.00 |
One clerk, prisoners' mail, Class H.................... |
720.00 |
One messenger, Class J........................................ |
480.00 |
Record section. |
One clerk, chief record division, Class C.......... |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, Class F.............................................. |
960.00 |
One clerk, Class G................................. |
840.00 |
One clerk, Class H.............................................. |
720.00 |
Identification section. |
One chief of section, at Pl,428 per annum...... |
1,428.00 |
One clerk, Class F............................................... |
960.00 |
Accounting section. |
One accountant, cashier and paymaster, class four |
4,500.00 |
One property clerk, class five............................ |
4,000.00 |
One equipment clerk, Class A............................ |
l,800.00 |
One cashier's clerk, at Pl,560 per annum...... |
1,560.00 |
One bookkeeper, at P1,320 per annum............ |
1,320.00 |
One clerk, Class E............................................. |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class I............................................. |
600.00 |
One commissary clerk, Class C........................ |
1,440.00 |
One clerk, prisoners' trust funds, at P588 per annum..... |
588.00 |
Miscellaneous section. |
One chaplain, Class D........................................ |
1,200.00 |
One band leader, Class F.................................. |
960.00 |
One kitchen inspector and baker, class nine.... |
2,400.00 |
One matron, Class F.......................................... |
960.00 |
Guards section. |
One chief inspector of the guard, class seven.. |
3,200.00 |
Two inspectors of the guard, class eight........ |
5,600.00 |
Thirty-one first-class guards: Provided, That the pay of first-class guards shall be at the rate of Pl,800 per annum each for the first year of service, P2,000 per annum each for the second year, P2,160 per annum each for the third year, and P2,280 per annum each for the fourth year |
70,680.00 |
Three sergeants of the guards: Provided, That the pay of sergeants shall be at the rate of P720 per annum each for the first year of service, P800 per annum each for the second year, and P900 per annum each for the third year ... |
2,700.00 |
One overseer, at P1,320 per annum................ |
1,320.00 |
One overseer, Class E........................................ |
1,080.00 |
Sixteen keepers: Provided, That the pay of keepers shall be at the rate of P600 per annum each for the first year of service, P750 per annum each for the second year, P824 per annum each for the third year, and P900 per annum each for the fourth year |
14,400.00 |
Forty-five second-class guards: Provided, That the pay of second-class guards shall be at the rate of P540 per annum each for the first year of service, P600 per annum each for the second year, P660 per annum each for the third year, and P720 per annum each for the fourth year |
32,400.00 |
Additional compensation for executioner, at P20 per execution... |
500.00 |
Sanitation section. |
One chief nurse, Class A, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry |
1,800.00 |
One nurse, Class H, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry.... |
720.00 |
One hospital attendant, Class C, with subsistence and quarters |
1,440.00 |
One pharmacist, at P1,560.00 per annum |
1,560.00 |
One practicante, Class I |
600.00 |
Three practicantes, at P40 per month each |
1,440.00 |
Internes, nurses and practicantes shall be entitled to subsistence, quarters, and laundry. |
Total for salaries and wages for Bilibid division |
201,436.00 |
Less 4 per cent for vacancies............................ |
8,057.44 |
Net total for salaries and wages for Bilibid division.... |
193,378.56 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
One superintendent, class three........................ |
5,000.00 |
One assistant superintendent and civil engineer, class four...... |
4,500.00 |
One farming instructor, class five.................... |
4,000.00 |
One chief clerk, at P3,000 per annum............ |
3,000.00 |
Two foremen, class nine....,............................... |
4,800.00 |
One foreman, saw mill, at P1,500 per annum.. |
1,500.00 |
One engineer, Class D........................................ |
1,200.00 |
One clerk and cashier, Class E........................ |
1,080.00 |
One storekeeper and commissary clerk, Class E.......... |
1,080.00 |
One chaplain, Class D........................................ |
1,200.00 |
One overseer settlers' division, at P1,560 per annum.. |
1,560.00 |
One overseer, constructing division, at P900 per annum...... |
900.00 |
One overseer, road division, Class H................ |
720.00 |
One assistant overseer, Class J.......................... |
480.00 |
Two foremen, at P120 per annum each.............. |
240.00 |
Total for salaries and wages. |
31,260.00 |
Less 4 per cent for vacancies... |
1,250.40 |
Net total for salaries and wages for Iwahig penal colony division |
30,009.60 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
One superintendent, class three.......................... |
5,000.00 |
One assistant superintendent and chief of the guard, class five. |
4,000.00 |
One chief clerk, cashier, and property officer, Class A... |
1,800.00 |
One veterinarian, at P1,200 per annum: Provided, That this position shall be filled by a graduate of the College of Veterinary Science or the University of the Philippines or of another of similar standing. |
1,200.00 |
One nurse, Class H, with subsistence, quarters, and laundry.. |
720.00 |
One copra foreman, Class J................................ |
480.00 |
One sergeant, Class I.......................................... |
600.00 |
One provost sergeant, at P420 per annum........ |
420.00 |
Three duty sergeants, at P360 per annum each |
1,080.00 |
Six corporals, at P300 per annum each............ |
1,800.00 |
Fifty privates, at P240 per annum each............ |
12,000.00 |
Longevity pay for sixty privates........................ |
732.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
29,832.00 |
Less 4 per cent for vacancies............................ |
1,193.28 |
Net total for salaries and wages for |
San Ramon penal colony division |
28,638.72 |
Total available for salaries and wages: |
Bilibid division............................................ |
193,378.56 |
Iwahig penal colony division...................... |
30,009.60 |
San Ramon penal colony division................ |
28,638.72 |
For hire of temporary employees for all divisions....... |
5,000.00 |
Total available for salaries and wages, Bureau of Prisons.. |
257,026.88 |
Provided, That all employees of the Bureau of Prisons shall be entitled to laundry at government expense: And provided further, That employees of the Bureau of Prisons may be given furnished quarters when in.the discretion of the Director of Prisons such is found necessary, and that any action taken heretofore to furnish the said laundry and furnished quarters is hereby ratified and confirmed: And provided further, That such laundry and furnished quarters shall not be commuted in cash in any case. |
Bilibid division. |
Freight, express, and delivery service............ |
500.00 |
Contingent service, including maintenance ofjuveniles, burial of deceased prisoners, prisoners' laundry, and so forth, hospital incidental expenses ... |
25,500.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
20,500.00 |
Contributions and gratuities for furnishing discharged prisoners an outfit of clothing not to exceed ten pesos and an allowance not to exceed twenty pesos for each prisoner on his release and for furnishing to deported prisoners an outfit of clothing not to exceed forty pesos for each deported prisoner on his release when in the discretion of the Director of Prisons such clothing and allowances are necessary |
1,500.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service |
2,500.00 |
Maintenance and repair of equipment............ |
4,000.00 |
Traveling expenses of persons not Government employees, including transportation of released prisoners. |
5,000.00 |
Printing and binding reports............................ |
100.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel...................... |
1,500.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials, including : |
(1) Subsistence of 4,100 prisoners........ |
200,000.00 |
(2) Prisoners' supplies, including clothing, bedding, tobacco, mess kits, footwear, etc. |
46,600.00 |
(3) Ammunition for target practice...... |
200.00 |
(4) Supplies for band.............................. |
100.00 |
(5) Supplies for hospital, including ice.. |
3,000.00 |
(6) Medical supplies for hospital............ |
8,400.00 |
(7) Supplies for kitchen ....................... |
1,200.00 |
(8) Office supplies and stationery, including ice for offices |
4,500.00 |
(9) Supplies for maintenance of insane prisoners.... |
3,500.00 |
(10) Library, athletic and entertainment supplies: Provided, That the Director of Prisons is hereby authorized to charge P0.10 for each person who attends the retreat in Bilibid and P0.50 for each person who visits Bilibid Prison |
300.00 |
(11) Sanitary supplies, crude oil for limiting dust nuisance.. |
1,000.00 |
(12) Subsistence of nurses and practicantes ................... |
5,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses, Bilibid division...... |
334,900.00 |
Iwahig penal colony division. |
Freight, express, and delivery service.............. |
3,500.00 |
Contingent service, including payment of settlers' holdings, bond premiums, subscriptions to publications, and burial of deceased prisoners.. |
800.00 |
Illumination and power service ........................ |
5,000.00 |
Contributions and gratuities, for gratuity payments to colonists holding positions of trust at an allowance not to exceed ten pesos per month each |
4,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.. |
600.00 |
Maintenance and repair of equipment ............ |
4,000.00 |
Traveling expenses of persons not Government employees, including transportation of prisoners to and from the colony: Provided, That when in the judgment of "the Director of Prisons a prisoner merits consideration, his wife, family or fiancee may be permitted, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, to join him, and that the transportation from their homes to Iwahig and return thereto may be paid from this appropriation: And provided further, That the transportation of free colonists and their families, and the transportation of the families of employees receiving less than seven hundred and twenty pesos per annum from the colony to their homes and return, may be paid from this appropriation when in the judgment of the Director of Prisons such free colonists and employees merit this consideration |
7,000.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
600.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials, as follows: |
(1) Subsistence of 1,400 colonists.......... |
60,000.00 |
(2) Prisoners' supplies, including clothing, bedding, soap, tobacco, mess kits, and so forth |
18,000.00 |
(3) Laundry supplies................................ |
500.00 |
(4) Office supplies.................................... |
1,200.00 |
(5) Forage and other supplies for animals.................. |
5,000.00 |
(6) Supplies for ice plant........................ |
1,000.00 |
(7) Supplies for fishery........................... |
200.00 |
(8) Supplies for sawmill.......................... |
1,400.00 |
(9) Launch supplies ................................ |
2,000.00 |
(10) Farming supplies.............................. |
900.00 |
(11) Hospital supplies (not medical) |
1,000.00 |
(12) Medical supplies................................ |
3,500.00 |
(13) Supplies for settlers and their families...... |
4,500.00 |
Total for contingent expenses, Iwahig penal colony division.. |
124,700.00 |
San Ramon penal colony division. |
Freight, express, and delivery service................ |
2,000.00 |
Contingent service, including bond premiums,advertising, subscriptions to publications, burial of deceased prisoners, shoeing horses, photographing prisoners, and so forth |
490.00 |
Illumination and power service........................... |
700.00 |
Contributions and gratuities, for furnishing one suit of clothing not to exceed ten pesos in value and a gratuity not to exceed ten pesos to each prisoner upon release, when in the discretion of the superintendent such clothing and gratuities are necessary |
500.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service |
300.00 |
Maintenance and repair of equipment............ |
1,000.00 |
Traveling expenses of persons not Government employees, including transportation of prisoners upon their release |
1,000.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
350.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials, as follows: |
(1) Subsistence of 71 members of the prison guards, at twenty-one centavos per diem each |
5,442.15 |
(2) Subsistence of 500 colonists............ |
35,000.00 |
(3) Prisoners'supplies, including "clothing, bedding, tobacco, mess kits, barber supplies, laundry, soap, and so forth. |
7,500.00 |
(4) Hospital supplies, including ice...... |
500.00 |
(5) Medical supplies................................ |
2,000.00 |
(6) Farming supplies, including seeds.. |
3,500.00 |
(7) Supplies for trusties' families.......... |
1,000.00 |
(8) Forage and other supplies for animals....................... |
500.00 |
(9) Fishing supplies................................ |
500.00 |
(10) Office supplies.................................... |
400.00 |
(11) Ammunition for target practice.... |
200.00 |
Total for contingent expenses, San Ramon penal colony division |
62,882.15 |
Total available for contingent expenses: |
Bilibid prison division................................ |
334,900.00 |
Iwahig penal colony division...................... |
124,700.00 |
San Ramon penal colony division.............. |
62,882.15 |
Total available for contingent expenses, Bureau of Prisons.... |
522,482.15 |
Bilibid Prison division. |
Equipment for offices, prisoners' brigades, kitchen, bakery, medical instruments, and band |
3,500.00 |
Iwahig penal colony division. |
Equipment of machinery, office, prisoners' brigade, kitchen, bakery, hospital, and band. |
5,500.00 |
For purchase of breeding cattle........................ |
2,000.00 |
San Ramon penal colony division. |
Equipment for offices, prisoners' brigade, kitchen, bakery, hospital, and band |
2,000.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment........ |
13,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................ |
257,026.88 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
522,482.15 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................... |
13,000.00 |
Total available for Bureau of Prisons.. |
792,509.03 |
Provided, That all of the receipts of the Bureau of Prisons shall be reverted to the unappropriated surplus in the Insular Treasury. |
The industrial division of the Bureau of Prisons shall continue on its present reimbursable basis until otherwise provided by law: Provided, That the entire personnel of this division, exclusive of laborers, shall be as follows: |
Sales division. |
One sales clerk, class seven................................ |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, Class D............................................ |
1,200.00 |
One sales clerk, Class G....................................... |
840.00 |
Accounting division. |
One cost clerk, at P1,560 per annum................ |
1,560.00 |
One assistant cost clerk, Class F...................... |
960.00 |
One storekeeper, Class D.................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class D............................................ |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class E............................................ |
1,080.00 |
One typewriter, Class H.................................... |
720.00 |
One checker, at P72 per month, per annum... |
864.00 |
Transportation division. |
One superintendent, class nine.......................... |
2,400.00 |
One shipping agent, at P72 per month, per annum |
864.00 |
One chauffeur, Class I........................................ |
600.00 |
Manufacturing division. |
Machine and vehicle shop (Department A): One superintendent, at P15 per diem, per annum |
4,650.00 |
One foreman, at P10, per diem, per annum. |
3,100.00 |
One machinist, at P7.25 per diem, per annum ........... |
2,248.00 |
One carriage painter, at P4 per diem, per annum.............. |
1,240.00 |
One upholsterer, at P4 per diem, per annum . |
1,240.00 |
One tinsmith, at P3.25 per diem, per annum ...... |
1,010.00 |
One motorcycle mechanic, at P3 per diem, per annum...... |
930.00 |
One foreman, Class G................................ |
840.00 |
Hardwood furniture shop (Department B): One superintendent, class five ... |
4,000.00 |
One finisher, at P3.50 per diem, per annum .. |
1,085.00 |
One wood carver, at P3 per diem, per annum..... |
930.00 |
Building construction and repairs (Department C): One superintendent, at P12 per diem, per annum |
3,720.00 |
Rattan and bamboo furniture shop (Department D): One superintendent, class eight. |
2,800.00 |
Silverware shop (Department E): One engraver, at P4.50 per diem |
1,400.00 |
Tailor shop (Department F): One foreman, at P4 per diem........ |
1,240.00 |
Laundry shop (Department G): One superintendent, class eight... |
2,800.00 |
One foreman, at P4 per diem..................... |
1,240.00 |
One checker, at P2.40 per diem................ |
864.00 |
Embroidery shop (Department H): One embroidery instructor, Class |
1600.00 |
Temporary employees ................................ |
1,500.00 |
Provided, That the amount herein appropriated for the industrial division shall be offset by the reversion to the general unappropriated surplus of the Insular Government of all income derived from the activities of this division during the year. |
For saiaries and wages, as follows: |
Librarian, at P6,000 per annum........................ |
6,000.00 |
Assistant Librarian and chief of division, at P3,600 per annum.......................................... |
3,600.00 |
Filipiniana division. |
Chief of division, whose duties shall be performed by the Assistant Librarian without additional compensation. |
Assistant chief of division Class D.................. |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum............................. |
360.00 |
Two messengers, at P300 per annum each 600.00 |
Circulating division (American library). |
One chief of division, at P3,500 per annum.... |
3,500.00 |
One library assistant, at P2,600 per annum.... |
2,600.00 |
One library assistant Class D............................ |
1,200.00 |
One library assistant Class F............................ |
960.00 |
Two clerks, at P360 per annum each................ |
720.00 |
One messenger, at P300 per annum.................... |
300.00 |
Catalogue division. |
One chief of division, at P3,500 per annum.... |
3,500.00 |
One assistant chief of division class nine........ |
2,400.00 |
One assistant cataloguer, at P780 per annum.. |
780.00 |
One assistant cataloguer Class I...................... |
600.00 |
One accessioner Class I...................................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class I............................................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class J............................................... |
480.00 |
Two card filers, at P360 per annum each........ |
720.00 |
One book mender Class J.................................... |
480.00 |
One book mender, at P420 per annum............ |
420.00 |
One catalogue typist, at P0.50 per hour, per annum...... |
500.00 |
Public documents division. |
One chief of division class eight........................ |
2,800.00 |
Two clerks, at P480 per annum each....,........... |
960.00 |
Reference and periodical division. |
One clerk in charge Class H.............................. |
720.00 |
One reading room assistant, at P360 per annum............ |
360.00 |
Two reading room assistants, at P300 per annum each .. |
600.00 |
Two check boys, at P144 per annum each.... |
288.00 |
Office of the chief clerk. |
One chief clerk, collecting and disbursing officer, Class A.... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class I............................................... |
600.00 |
One clerk, Class J............................................... |
480.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum............................ |
360.00 |
Two messengers, at P300 per annum each.... |
600.00 |
Property and accounting division. |
One accountant and property clerk, Class E.... |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, at P360 per annum............................ |
360.00 |
Janitor's force. |
One janitor, Class I............................................. |
600.00 |
Six laborers, at P300 per annum each............ |
1,800.00 |
Miscellaneous. |
Two bookbinders, at P750 per annum each.... |
1,500.00 |
Six apprentices, at P0.20 per hour each........ |
1,800.00 |
Two guards, Class J............................................ |
960.00 |
Two watchmen, at P420 per annum each........ |
840.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
50,628.00 |
Traveling expenses and per diems of personnel.............. |
200.00 |
Freight, express and delivery service............ |
200 00 |
Printing service................................................ |
2,500.00 |
Postal, telephone, telegraph, and cable service |
850.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
3,500.00 |
Repair of plant and equipment......................... |
500.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials.......... |
2,500.00 |
Contingent expenses, available for various contingent expenses not otherwise classified, including subscriptions to periodicals and memberships in societies........................ |
2,500.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
12,750.00 |
Purchase of books (not Filipiniana)................ |
5,000.00 |
Purchase of books (Filipiniana)....................... |
4,000.00 |
Purchase of furniture and equipment.............. |
2,500.00 |
Purchase of land transportation equipment.... |
120.00 |
Total for purchase of furniture and equipment ...... |
11,620.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.............................. |
50,628.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.......................... |
12,750.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................. |
11,620.00 |
Total available for the Philippine |
Library ................................................ |
74,998.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Purchasing agent, at P10,000 per annum........ |
10,000.00 |
Assistant purchasing agent, at P6,000 per annum 6,000.00 |
Chief buyer, at P5,250 per annum.................... |
5,250.00 |
Chief, division of accounts, at P5,250 per annum............. |
5,250.00 |
Division of supplies. |
One clerk, class four........................................ |
4,500.00 |
One clerk, class seven.......................................... |
3,200.00 |
One clerk, Class A.............................................. |
1,800.00 |
Two clerks, Class C.......................................... |
2,880.00 |
Two clerks, at P1,320 per annum each.............. |
2,640.00 |
Two clerks, Class D............................................ |
2,400.00 |
Two clerks, Class E....................................... |
2,160.00 |
Two clerks, Class F............................................ |
1,920.00 |
Three clerks, Class G.......................................... |
2,520.00 |
Six clerks, Class H............................................. |
4,320.00 |
Six clerks, Class I............................................. |
3,600.00 |
Two employees, at P588 per annum each........ |
1,176.00 |
Two employees, Class J........................................ |
960.00 |
Division of supplies. |
Chief, division of supplies, at P5,250 per annum................ |
5,250.00 |
One clerk, class four........................................... |
4,500.00 |
Five clerks, class five........................................ |
20,000.00 |
Three clerks, class six........................................ |
10,800.00 |
Two clerks, class seven........................................ |
6,400.00 |
One clerk, class eight.......................................... |
2,800.00 |
One clerk, Class A.............................................. |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class C.............................................. |
1,440.00 |
Two clerks, Class E............................................ |
2,160.00 |
Three clerks, Class F.......................................... |
2,880.00 |
Seven clerks, Class G...................................... |
5,880.00 |
Six clerks, Class H............................................ |
4,320.00 |
Five clerks, Class I............................................ |
3,000.00 |
Four clerks, at P588 per annum each................ |
2,352.00 |
Eleven clerks, Class J........................................ |
5,280.00 |
Temporary and emergency employees, watchmen, laborers, assistant foremen, chauffeurs, and so forth, including one representative of the Purchasing Agent in New York for the year nineteen hundred and sixteen only...................................................... |
85,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
224,438.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
3,000.00 |
Freight, express and delivery service................ |
11,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.. |
10,000.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
8,000.00 |
Plant and equipment repair service................ |
18,000.00 |
Contingent expenses.......................................... |
5,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
22,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
77,000.00 |
Furniture and equipment.................................. |
7,500.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.............................. |
224,438.00 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
77,000.00 |
Total for office furniture and equipment........ |
7,500.00 |
Total available for the Bureau of Supply...................... |
308,938.00 |
For purchase of sales stock, an amount not exceeding three million pesos. |
For service rendered and supplies furnished, the Bureau of Supply shall charge the original cost thereof, plus not exceeding five per centum, and the earnings thus derived shall automatically revert to the general unappropriated surplus, as an offset to the amount hereby appropriated: Provided, That the total expenditures of the Bureau of Supply during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen shall not exceed the total of the revenue derived from surcharges by said Bureau during said fiscal year. |
Division of cold storage. |
The division of cold storage and ice plant will continue on its present reimbursable basis until otherwise provided by law: Provided, That the personnel of the division of cold storage and ice plant shall be limited as follows: |
One engineer, at P4,800 per annum................ |
4,800.00 |
One electrician, at P4,250 per annum............ |
4,250.00 |
One clerk, class seven...................................... |
3,200.00 |
One engineer, at P2,600 per annum................ |
2,600.00 |
Two clerks, at P1,992 per annum each.............. |
3,984.00 |
One machinist, Class A.................................... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk, Class D.......................................... |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, Class E.......................................... |
1,080.00 |
One clerk, Class H............................................ |
720.00 |
Three clerks, Class I....................................... |
1,800.00 |
Two clerks, Class J.................................... |
960.00 |
Three assistant engineers, at P5 per day each.. |
5,400.00 |
One assistant electrician, at P5 per day.......... |
1,800.00 |
Temporary emergency and unclassified employees...... |
71,000.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Office of the Director of Printing. |
Director, at P9,000 per annum......................... |
9,000.00 |
One messenger, at P1.25 per diem.................... |
375.00 |
Office of the Assistant Director of Printing. |
One Assistant Director and superintendent of work, at P6,000 per annum. ... |
6,000.00 |
One accountant, class three................................ |
5,000.00 |
Two junior estimators and computers, at P1,530 per annum each.. |
3,060.00 |
Three work-order writers, at P1,320 per annum each.......... |
3,960.00 |
Two work-order writers, at P870 per annum each............ |
1,740.00 |
One clerk, Class B.......................................... |
1,680.00 |
Two clerks, Class I......................................... |
1,200.00 |
Two clerks, Class J........................................... |
962.22 |
Helpers and messengers................................ |
2,025.00 |
Office of the receiver of work. |
Receiver of work, at P5,600 per annum.......... |
5,600.00 |
One craftsman instructor, class three.............. |
5,000.00 |
Accounting division. |
One clerk in charge, class nine.......................... |
2,400.00 |
Two clerks, class ten....................................... |
4,000.00 |
One clerk, Class F............................................ |
960.00 |
Two clerks, Class G......................................... |
1,680.00 |
One clerk, Class H............................................ |
720.00 |
Five clerks, Class I........................................ |
3,000.00 |
Four clerks, Class J........................................ |
1,920.00 |
One messenger, at P1.00 per diem.................... |
300.00 |
Files division. |
One stenographer, class five.............................. |
4,000.00 |
One messenger, at P1.50 per diem.................... |
450.00 |
Composing division (including copy-editing and proof section). |
Five craftsmen instructors, class three............ |
25,000.00 |
One assistant to the foreman, Class ,,C................ |
1,440.00 |
Craftsmen, junior craftsmen, machinists, apprentices, helpers, and messengers |
75,000.00 |
Press division. |
One craftsman instructor, class three................ |
5,000.00 |
One assistant to the foreman, Class C............ |
1,440.00 |
Craftsmen, junior craftsmen, press feeders, and helpers... |
28,000.00 |
Bindery division. |
One craftsman instructor, class three................ |
5,000.00 |
One assistant to the foreman, Class C................ |
1,440.00 |
Craftsmen, junior craftsmen, apprentices, helpers, and laborers |
53,000.00 |
Photo-engraving division. |
One craftsman instructor, class four................ |
4,500.00 |
One craftsman instructor.................................. |
1,800.00 |
One assistant to the foreman, Class C................ |
1,440.00 |
Craftsmen, junior craftsmen, apprentices, and helpers |
14,000.00 |
Foundry division. |
One electrotyper in charge, Class C.................. |
1,440.00 |
Craftsmen, junior craftsmen, apprentices, and helpers |
9,300.00 |
Power division. |
One craftsman instructor, class four.................. |
4,500.00 |
One craftsman instructor, class six.................... |
3,600.00 |
Craftsmen, junior craftsmen, apprentices, and helpers .... |
10,500.00 |
Stores division. |
One employee in charge of stores, Class A.... |
1,800.00 |
Junior craftsmen and helpers............................ |
3,200.00 |
Delivery division. |
One employee in charge of laborers, class nine |
2,400.00 |
One clerk, Class E.......................................... |
1,080.00 |
Helpers..................................................... |
3,300.00 |
Stables division. |
Six cocheros................................................ |
2,160.00 |
Buildings division. |
One employee in charge of buildings and bodega, at P2,280 per annum |
2,280.00 |
One employee in charge of transportation |
equipment, at P160 per month |
1,920.00 |
Two watchmen, at P50 per month each............ |
1,200.00 |
Carpenters, painters, and laborers.................. |
7,000.00 |
Miscellaneous. |
Extra compensation under the provisions of Act Numbered Fourteen hundred and forty |
24,000.00 |
Night and overtime work and temporary employees ......... |
2,000.00 |
Provided, That whenever the positions of employees in charge of laborers, employee in charge of buildings and bodega, and employee in charge of transportation equipment, shall become vacant, the places that have so become vacant shall be filled by employees of Class D, at one thousand two hundred pesos per annum each: Provided further, That no extra compensation shall be earned under the provisions of Act Numbered Fourteen hundred and forty by the employees who become entitled to accrued and vacation leave under the provisions of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and ninety-eight because of their appointment to positions the salaries of which are provided for at a per annum rate by the provisions of this or any other Act; and all extra compensation earned by them prior to their appointment at a per annum rate shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Fourteen hundred and forty the same as if the change in their salaries from a per diem to a per annum basis had not been made. |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
363,770.00 |
Less 5 per cent deduction for vacancies.......... |
18,188.50 |
Net total for salaries and wages........ |
345,581.50 |
Freight, express, and delivery service............ |
3,000.00 |
Contingent service ......................................... |
6,000.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
250.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service 400.00 |
Maintenance and repair...................................... |
1,200.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
1,200.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
220,000.00 |
For free distribution of public documents that may be authorized by the Secretary of Public Instruction in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and sixty |
2,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
234,050.00 |
Furniture and equipment .................................. |
10,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................... |
345,581.50 |
Total for contingent expenses............................ |
234,050.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................... |
10,000.00 |
Total available for the Bureau of Printing..... |
589,631.50 |
Provided, That the product of the Bureau of Printing shall be sold to Bureaus and Offices at cost and the amount thus derived shall automatically revert to the general unappropriated surplus: Provided further, That the total expenditures of the Bureau of Printing during the year nineteen hundred and sixteen shall not exceed the total income secured during the year. |
For contribution to the University of the Philippines to be expended by the Board of Regents of said University, for the end specified by law, in accordance with section six (a), of Act Numbered Eighteen hundred and seventy; and for the support of five fellowships provided by Act Numbered Two thousand and ninety-five, to be expended by the Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines and including the payment of pensionados for the College of Veterinary Science in accordance with the provisions of Act Numbered Two thousand and forty |
725,000.00 |
Provided, That the Board of Regents is hereby authorized, with the consent and approval of the Director of the Bureau and Secretary of the Department concerned, to appoint officers and employees of the Departments and Bureaus of the Government to positions in the University of the Philippines at such compensation as may be fixed by said Board of Regents, which compensation shall be paid to such officers and employees from the contribution for the University of the Philippines, the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and forty-eight notwithstanding, and said contribution to be disbursed in accordance with section thirteen of Act Numbered Eighteen hundred and seventy. |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Chief Justice, at P20,000 per annum............ |
:. 20,000.00 |
Six Associate Justices, at P20,000 per annum each |
120,000.00 |
One Clerk of Court, class one............................ |
6,000.00 |
One Reporter, class three................................. |
5,000.00 |
One deputy clerk of court, class five................ |
4,000.00 |
Seven law clerks, at P3,000 per annum each.. |
21,000.00 |
One clerk, class five..................................... |
4,000.00 |
Five clerks, class six................................... |
18,000.00 |
Two clerks, class seven................................... |
6,400.00 |
One clerk, class nine..................................... |
2,400.00 |
Three clerks, Class A.................................... |
5,400.00 |
One clerk, at P1,548 per annum............. |
1,548.00 |
One clerk, at Pl,320 per annum...................... |
1,320.00 |
One clerk, at Pl,308 per annum........................ |
1,308.00 |
Four clerks, Class D......................... |
4,800.00 |
Two clerks, Class F....................................... |
1,920.00 |
Three clerks, Class G........................ |
2,520.00 |
One clerk, Class H.......................................... |
720.00 |
Three clerks, Class I.............................. |
1,800.00 |
Three clerks, Class J..................................... |
1,440.00 |
Six messengers, at P300 per annum each...... |
1,800.00 |
Two messengers, at P240 per annum each.... |
480.00 |
Total for salaries and wages................ |
231.856.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel........................ |
900.00 |
Rental of buildings and grounds........................ |
376.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service............ |
100.00 |
Printing and binding of reports, documents and publications. |
500.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service.. |
2,100.00 |
Illumination and power service.......................... |
700.00 |
Repair of buildings......................................... |
100.00 |
Repair of plant and equipment..................... |
400.00 |
Contingent service, including the cost of conducting bar examinations: Provided, That each member of the committee appointed by the Supreme Court to conduct the bar examinations, when not an officer or employee of the Government, shall be entitled to a fee of thirty pesos for each day of actual service as a member of the committee, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding |
3,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
3,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses................ |
11,176.00 |
Furniture and equipment, including books for the Supreme Court Library . . |
3,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................ |
231,856.00 |
Total for contingent expenses. ......................... |
11,176.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment.................... |
3,000.00 |
Total available for the Supreme Court.. |
246,032.00 |
For salaries and wages, as follows: |
Court of First Instance of the First District. |
One judge, at P7,000 per annum........................ |
7,000.00 |
One stenographer, class seven.......................... |
3,200,00 |
One clerk of court, Class D............................... |
1,200.00 |
One interpreter, Class H............................... |
720.00 |
One deputy clerk of court, Class I................... |
600.00 |
One employee, Class J....................................... |
480.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum .................. |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Second District. |
One judge, at P7,000 per annum......................... |
7,000.00 |
One clerk of court (Isabela), at P1,400 per annum...... |
1,400.00 |
One stenographer, Class D................................. |
1,200.00 |
One clerk of court (Nueva Vizcaya), at P800 per annum....... |
800.00 |
One interpreter, Class I.................................... |
600.00 |
One employee, Class I....................................... |
600.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum.................... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Third District. |
One judge, at P9,000 per annum...................... |
9,000.00 |
One clerk of court (Ilocos Norte), Class A.... |
1,800.00 |
One stenographer, at P1,560 per annum........ |
1,560.00 |
One clerk of court (Ilocos Sur), Class C........ |
1,440.00 |
One interpreter, Class C.................................. |
1,440.00 |
One employee (Ilocos Norte), Class I............ |
600.00 |
One employee (Ilocos Sur), Class I................ |
600.00 |
One employee (Ilocos Sur), at P420 per annum............... |
420.00 |
One employee (Ilocos Norte), Class J........... |
480.00 |
One employee (Ilocos Norte), at P240 per annum......... |
240.00 |
One employee (Ilocos Sur), at P240 per annum............... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Fourth District. |
One judge, at P8,000 per annum.................... |
8,000.00 |
One stenographer, Class A................................ |
1,800.00 |
One clerk of court (La Union), Class E........ |
1,080.00 |
One clerk of court (Benguet), Class D............ |
1,200.00 |
One interpreter, Class H.................................... |
720.00 |
One clerk of court (Bontoc), Class I................ |
600.00 |
One employee (La Union), at P420 per annum |
420.00 |
One employee (La Union), at P240 per annum.......... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Fifth District. |
One judge, at P10,000 per annum...................... |
10,000.00 |
One clerk of court, class nine............................ |
2,400.00 |
One stenographer, at P1,992 per annum........ |
1,992.00 |
One interpreter, at P1,500 per annum............ |
1,500.00 |
One deputy clerk of court, Class F.................... |
960.00 |
One employee, Class G ...................................... |
840.00 |
One employee, Class I....................................... |
600.00 |
Two employees, Class J.................................... |
960.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum.................... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Sixth District. |
One judge, at P9,000 per annum........................ |
9,000.00 |
One clerk of court (Nueva Ecija), Class A.... |
1,800.00 |
One clerk of court (Tarlac), Class A................ |
l,800.00 |
One stenographer, Class B................................ |
1,680.00 |
One interpreter, Class F................................... |
960.00 |
One deputy clerk of court, Class F.................... |
960.00 |
One employee (Nueva Ecija), at P540 per annum |
540.00 |
One employee (Tarlac), Class J........................ |
480.00 |
One employee (Tarlac), at P240 per annum.. |
240.00 |
One employee (Nueva Ecija), at P240 per annum............. |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Seventh District. |
One judge, at P10,000 per annum.................... |
10,000.00 |
One stenographer, class nine............................ |
2,400.00 |
One clerk of court (Bulacan), class ten.......... |
2,000.00 |
One clerk of court (Pampanga), Class A........ |
1,800.00 |
One deputy clerk of court (Bulacan), Class F............... |
960.00 |
One interpreter, Class G................................... |
840.00 |
One deputy clerk of court (Pampanga) at P588 per annum..... |
588.00 |
One clerk (Pampanga), Class J........................ |
480.00 |
One employee (Bulacan), Class J.................... |
480.00 |
One employee (Bulacan), at P240 per annum.. |
240.00 |
One employee (Pampanga), at P240 per annum |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Eighth District. |
One judge, at P7,000 per annum........................ |
7,000.00 |
One stenographer, at P1,560 per annum........ |
1,560.00 |
One clerk of court (Zambales), Class C.......... |
1,440.00 |
One clerk of court (Bataan), Class E............ |
1,080.00 |
One interpreter, Class I................................... |
600.00 |
One employee (Bataan), Class I................. |
600.00 |
One employee (Zambales), Class J.................. |
480.00 |
One employee (Bataan), at P240 per annum.. |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Ninth District. |
Four judges, at P10,000 per annum each........ |
40,000.00 |
One clerk of court, class five........................... |
4,000.00 |
Four stenographers, Class seven........................ |
12,800.00 |
One stenographer, Class A............................... |
.1,800.00 |
One property clerk, class eight........................ |
2,800.00 |
One assistant clerk of court, class eight............ |
2,800.00 |
Two stenographers, class nine.......................... |
4,800.00 |
One interpreter class nine.............................. |
.2,400.00 |
One interpreter, class ten.............................. |
.2,000.00 |
One deputy clerk of court, class ten................ |
2,000.00 |
One deputy clerk of court (cashier), at P2,100 per annum |
2,100.00 |
Two deputy clerks of court, at P1,500 per annum each..... |
3,000.00 |
One interpreter, Class A................................. |
1,800.00 |
One interpreter, at P1,320 per annum............ |
1,320.00 |
One employee, Class F...................................... |
960.00 |
One employee, Class G...................................... |
840.00 |
Five employees.......................................... |
3,900.00 |
One employee, Class H....................................... |
720.00 |
Two employees, Class J |
960.00 |
Six employees, at 300 per annum each |
1,800.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Tenth District. |
One judge, at P7,000 per annum |
7,000.00 |
One clerk of court (Cavite), Class A |
1,800.00 |
One interpreter, Class A |
1,800.00 |
One stenographer, Class D |
1,200.00 |
One clerk, of court (Palawan), Class I |
600.00 |
One employee (Cavite), at P552 per annum |
552.00 |
One employee (Cavite), Class J |
480.00 |
One employee (Cuyo), Class J |
480.00 |
One employee (Cavite), at P240 per annum |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Eleventh District. |
One judge, at P9,000 per annum |
9,000.00 |
One clerk of court, Class A |
1,800.00 |
One stenographer, Class B |
1,680.00 |
One deputy clerk of court, Class D |
1,200.00 |
One interpreter, Class F |
960.00 |
One employee, Class H |
720.00 |
One employee, Class I |
600.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Twelfth District. |
One judge, at P9,000 per annum |
9,000.00 |
One clerk of court, Class A |
1,800.00 |
One interpreter, Class E |
1,080.00 |
One stenographer, Class F |
960.00 |
Two employees, Class I |
1,200.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Thirteenth District. |
One judge, at P9,000 per annum |
9,000.00 |
One clerk of court (Batangas), at P2,200 per annum |
2,200.00 |
One stenographer, Class A |
1,800.00 |
One interpreter, Class A |
1,800.00 |
One clerk of court (Mindoro), Class H |
720.00 |
One deputy clerk of court (Batangas), Class I |
600.00 |
Two employees (Batangas), Class I |
1,200.00 |
One employee (Batangas), at P240 per annum |
240.00 |
One employee (Mindoro), at P240 per annum. |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Fourteenth District. |
One judge, at P9,000 per annum |
9,000.00 |
One clerk of court (Tayabas), class ten |
2,000.00 |
One stenographer, Class B |
1,680.00 |
One interpreter, Class F |
960.00 |
One deputy clerk of court, Class I |
600.00 |
One deputy clerk of court (Marinduque), Class I. |
600.00 |
One employee (Tayabas), at P540 per annum |
540.00 |
One employee (Tayabas), at P240 per annum |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Fifteenth District. |
One judge, at P10,000 per annum.................... |
10,000.00 |
One stenographer, class seven............................ |
3,200.00 |
One clerk of court (Albay), at P1,900 per annum......... |
1,900.00 |
One clerk of court (Ambos Camarines), Class A ......... |
1,800.00 |
One interpreter, Class C................................. |
1,440.00 |
One deputy clerk (Albay), Class G.................... |
840.00 |
One employee (Ambos Camarines), Class H.... |
720.00 |
One employee (Albay), Class I........................ |
600.00 |
One employee (Ambos Camarines), Class I.... |
600.00 |
One employee (Albay), at P360 per annum.... |
360.00 |
One employee (Albay), at P240 per annum.... |
240.00 |
One employee (Ambos Camarines), at P240 per annum......... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Sixteenth District. |
One judge, at P7,000 per annum........................ |
7,000.00 |
One clerk of court (Sorsogon), at P1,600 per annum....... |
1,600.00 |
One stenographer, Class C.............................. |
1,440.00 |
One clerk of court (Masbate), at P800 per annum....... |
800.00 |
One interpreter, Class H................................... |
720.00 |
One employee (Sorsogon), Class I.................... |
600.00 |
One employee (Masbate), Class J.................... |
480.00 |
One employee (Sorsogon), at P240 per annum....... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Seventeenth District. |
One judge, at P8,000 per annum........................ |
8,000.00 |
One clerk of court (Capiz), Class A................ |
1,800.00 |
One clerk of court (Antique), at P1,600 per annum ....... |
1,600.00 |
One stenographer, Class E................................ |
1,080.00 |
One clerk of court (Romblon), at P1,000 per annum........ |
1,000.00 |
One employee, Class G...................................... |
840.00 |
One employee (Capiz), Class I........................ |
600.00 |
One employee (Antique), at P480 per annum......... |
480.00 |
One employee (Capiz), at P360 per annum.... |
360.00 |
One employee (Capiz), at P240 per annum.... |
240.00 |
One employee (Romblon), at P240 per annum ............... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Eighteenth District. |
One judge, at P7,000 per annum...................... |
7,000.00 |
One stenographer, class nine........................... |
2,400.00 |
One clerk of court, Class A:............................. |
1,800.00 |
One deputy clerk of court, Class H.................. |
720.00 |
One employee, Class I.................................... |
,.600.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum.................... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Nineteenth District. |
One judge, at P9,000 per annum.................... |
9.000.00 |
One stenographer, Class A................................ |
1,800.00 |
One clerk of court, at P1,668 per annum........ |
1,668.00 |
One interpreter, at P1,560 per annum............ |
1,560.00 |
One clerk of court (Maasin), Class D............ |
1,200.00 |
One deputy clerk of court, Class I.................... |
600.00 |
One employee (Maasin), at P540 per annum.. |
540.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum................ |
240.00 |
Two employees, at P240 per annum each........ |
480.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Twentieth District. |
One judge, at P10,000 per annum.................. |
10,000.00 |
One stenographer, class eight............................ |
2,800.00 |
One clerk of court, class nine........................... |
2,400.00 |
One interpreter, Class F................................... |
960.00 |
One deputy clerk of court, Class F.................... |
960.00 |
One employee, Class G...................................... |
840.00 |
One employee, Class H...................................... |
720.00 |
One employee, Class I ..................................... |
600.00 |
One employee, at P540 per annum.................... |
540.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum.................... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Twenty-first District. |
One judge, at P8,000 per annum...................... |
8,000.00 |
One stenographer, Class nine............................ |
2,400.00 |
One clerk of court (Bohol), class ten................ |
2,000.00 |
One clerk of court (Oriental Negros), at P1,320 per annum |
1,320.00 |
One employee, Class H ..................................... |
720.00 |
One employee (Bohol), Class I.......................... |
600.00 |
One employee (Oriental Negros), Class I........ |
600.00 |
One employee (Bohol), at P240 per annum.... |
240.00 |
One employee (Oriental Negros), at P240 per annum ........ |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Twenty-second District. |
One judge, at P9,000 per annum....................... |
9,000.00 |
One clerk of court, at P2,200 per annum........ |
2,200.00 |
One stenographer, Class C................................ |
1,440.00 |
One interpreter, Class E................................. |
1,080.00 |
One employee, Class I...................................... |
600.00 |
One employee, Class J...................................... |
480.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum.................... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Twenty-third District. |
One judge, at P10,000 per annum.................... |
10,000.00 |
One stenographer, class seven.......................... |
3,200.00 |
One clerk of court, class nine........................... |
2,400.00 |
One interpreter, Class A................................. |
1,800.00 |
One employee, at P1,320 per annum................ |
1,320.00 |
One employee, Class G...................................... |
840.00 |
One employee, Class H ..................................... |
720.00 |
Two employees, Class J..................................... |
960.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum.................... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Twenty-fourth District. |
One judge, at P7,000 per annum....................... |
7,000.00 |
One clerk of court, at P1,560 per annum........ |
1,560.00 |
One stenographer, Class C................................ |
1,440.00 |
One interpreter, Class I................................... |
600.00 |
One employee, Class J...................................... |
480.00 |
One employee, at P240 per annum.................... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Twenty-fifth District. |
One judge, at P8,000 per annum...................... |
8,000.00 |
One stenographer, class seven............................ |
200.00 |
One clerk of court (Misamis), Class A............ |
1,800.00 |
One interpreter, Class E................................. |
1,080.00 |
One clerk of court (Lanao), Class H................ |
720.00 |
One clerk of court (Bukidnon), Class I............ |
600.00 |
One employee (Misamis), at P360 per annum.. |
360.00 |
One employee (Misamis), at P240 per annum.. |
240.00 |
One employee (Lanao), at P240 per annum... |
240.00 |
Court of First Instance of the Twenty-sixth District. |
One judge, at P9,000 per annum.................... |
9,000.00 |
One stenographer, Class seven........................ |
3,200.00 |
One clerk of court (Zamboanga), class nine. |
2,400.00 |
One interpreter, Class F................................... |
960.00 |
One deputy clerk of court (Sulu), at P900 per annum ...... |
900.00 |
One deputy clerk (Zamboanga), Class I........ |
600.00 |
One deputy clerk of court (Dapitan), at P500.00 per annum.. |
500.00 |
One deputy clerk of court (Cotabato), Class L. |
600.00 |
One deputy clerk (Davao), Class I................ |
600.00 |
One employee (Zamboanga), at P420 per annum........ |
420.00 |
Three employees, at P240 per annum each..... |
720.00 |
Auxiliary judges and employees at large. |
One judge of the first group, at P7,000 per annum...... |
7,000.00 |
One judge of the second group, at P7,000 per annum....... |
7,000.00 |
One fudge of the third group, at P7,000 per annum |
7,000.00 |
One judge of the fourth group, at P7,000 per annum ..... |
7,000.00 |
One judge of the fifth group, at P7,000 per annum ....... |
7,000.00 |
One judge of the sixth group, at P7,000 per annum ........... |
7,000.00 |
One judge of the seventh group, at P7,000 per annum..... |
7,000.00 |
One disbursing officer, class four.................... |
4,500.00 |
One stenographer, class seven.......................... |
3,200.00 |
One stenographer, class nine............................ |
2,400.00 |
One stenographer, class ten.............................. |
2,000.00 |
One stenographer, Class C................................ |
1,440.00 |
One stenographer, Class E................................ |
1,080.00 |
One stenographer, third group, class nine... |
2,400.00 |
One stenographer, second group, Class A........ |
1,800.00 |
One stenographer, fourth group, Class A........ |
1,800.00 |
One stenographer, first group, Class D.......... |
1,200.00 |
One stenographer, fifth group, Class D.......... |
1,200.00 |
One stenographer, sixth group, Class D........ |
1,200.00 |
One stenographer, seventh group, Class D.... |
1,200.00 |
One interpreter, first group, Class I................ |
600.00 |
One interpreter, fourth group, Class F.......... |
960.00 |
One interpreter, fifth group, Class G............. |
840.00 |
One interpreter, sixth group, Class G............ |
840.00 |
One interpreter, seventh group, Class G........ |
840.00 |
One interpreter, second group, Class H........ |
720.00 |
For compensation of emergency stenographers and interpreters, including Chinese and Moro interpreters in the courts of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu; of bailiffs of Courts of First Instance, employed in conformity with the provisions of section one of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and eighty; of duly appointed assessors in original trials, as provided by Act Numbered One hundred and ninety and by section two of |
Act Numbered Twenty-five hundred and twenty; and for other incidental services |
15,600.00 |
General Land Registration Office. |
One chief of office, class two........................... |
5,500.00 |
One assistant chief and chief of dockets division, class five.. |
4,000.00 |
One chief surveyor, class four........................ |
4,500.00 |
One chief clerk, class six............................... |
3,600.00 |
One employee, class seven................................ |
3,200.00 |
Three employees, class eight............................. |
8,400.00 |
Three employees, class ten............................... |
6,000.00 |
One employee, at P1,860 per annum................ |
1,860.00 |
One employee, Class C.................................... |
1,440.00 |
One employee, at P1,320 per annum................ |
1,320.00 |
Ten employees, Class D.................................. |
12,000.00 |
Three employees, Class E ........................... |
3,240.00 |
Two employees, Class F................................... |
1,920.00 |
Three employees, Class G................................. |
2,520.00 |
Six employees, Class H................................... |
4,320.00 |
Eight employees, Class I................................. |
4,800.00 |
Ten employees, Class J................................... |
4,800.00 |
Twenty-four employees, at P360 per annum each...... |
8,640.00 |
Thirteen employees, at P240 per annum each.. |
3,120.00 |
Four employees, Class I.................................. |
2,400.00 |
One employee, Class D.................................... |
1,200.00 |
Proportionate share of watchman's service at City Hall.... |
325.00 |
Justice of the peace courts. |
For salaries of justices of the peace who have been appointed, or who may be appointed within the fiscal year 1916, under the provisions of Act Numbered Two thousand and forty-one, as amended, or under the provisions of Act Numbered Twenty-four hundred and eighteen, at the rates of compensation authorized by said Acts |
528,000.00 |
Provided, That the unexpended appropriations for the judges of Courts of First Instance may be expended for the payment of the salaries of justices of the peace in case this appropriation is not sufficient. |
For compensation of secretaries of justice of the peace examining boards, appointed in pursuance of the provisions of section five of Act Numbered Fourteen hundred and fifty, as amended |
1,500.00 |
Total for salaries and wages.................. |
1,212,725.00 |
Traveling expenses of personnel: Provided, That neither per diems nor reimbursement of expenses of subsistence and quarters shall be allowed to judges during their absence from their official residences; in such cases judges shall be entitled only to reimbursement of expenses incurred during actual travel, anything in existing law to the contrary notwithstanding . |
30,000.00 |
Rental of office of the General Land Registration Office .... |
3,500.00 |
Freight, express, and delivery service............ |
500.00 |
Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications..... |
8,000.00 |
Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service......... |
13,000.00 |
Illumination and power service........................ |
700.00 |
Equipment repair service.................................. |
300.00 |
Contingent service, including fidelity-bond premiums; subscriptions; laundry service; medical services and chemical analyses or other professional or technical services necessarily required in the interests of justice; sheriff fees in criminal cases payable by the Insular Government; publication of notices of land registration proceedings, and other incidental expenses; Provided, That in the notices issued by the General Land Registration Office, pursuant to the provisions of section thirty-one of Act Numbered Four hundred and ninety-six and of section seven of Act Numbered Twenty-two hundred and fifty-nine, there shall be inserted a description in general terms, omitting the technical description by bearings and distances, and reference shall be made in the notice to the full description on file in the case, anything in existing law to the contrary notwithstanding |
25,000.00 |
Consumption of supplies and materials............ |
32,000.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.............. |
113,000.00 |
Furniture and equipment................................. |
2,000.00 |
Total for salaries and wages............................ |
1,212,725.00 |
Total for contingent expenses.......................... |
113,000.00 |
Total for furniture and equipment........... |
2,000.00 |
Total available for the expenses of the Courts of First Instance, General Land Registration Office, and justice of the peace courts |
1,327,725.00 |
For salaries, wages, and other expenses as follows: |
For salaries and wages of the provincial governor and the provincial treasurer, in accordance with the provisions of section twenty-five (b) of Act Numbered Thirteen hundred and ninety-six: Provided, That these two officials shall be entitled to quarters at Government expense and any action heretofore taken to furnish the said quarters is hereby ratified and confirmed; provincial fiscal, at three thousand pesos per annum; a per diem not to exceed six pesos for the third member of the provincial board for each session at which he is actually present; salaries and wages of employees authorized by resolution of the provincial board and approved by the Executive Secretary; temporary employees; for general provincial expenses, including the necessary traveling expenses and per diems of employees, in conformity with the provisions of Act Numbered Thirteen hundred and ninety-six; transportation of goods; purchase and repair of equipment, furniture, and office supplies; for the purposes provided for by Act Numbered Eighteen hundred and forty-five; for a fund to be expended in the discretion of the provincial governor as provided for in Act Numbered Six hundred and eighty-two under the head of the provincial government of "Lepanto Bontoc;" cablegrams, postage, and telegrams; maintenance and repairs of buildings; fees of the sheriff; main-tenance of prisoners; premiums for guar-anty bonds and other incidental expenses; real estate surveys; construction of trails and waterworks; industrial and agricultural advancement; office expenses; incidental expenses; justice; operation of schools, launches and land transportation |
39,000.00 |
For salaries, wages, and other expenses as follows: |
Provincial governor, at three thousand six hundred pesos per annum; secretary-treasurer at three thousand six hundred pesos per annum, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding; lieutenant-governor, at three thousand two hundred pesos per annum; assistant to the lieutenant-governor, at two thousand four hundred pesos per annum: Provided, That these four officials shall be entitled to quarters at Government expense and any action heretofore taken to furnish the said quarters is hereby ratified and confirmed; a per diem not to exceed six pesos for the third member of the provincial board for each session at which he is actually present; provincial fiscal; salaries and wages of employees authorized by resolution of the provincial board and approved by the Executive Secretary; temporary employees; for general provincial expenses, including the necessary traveling expenses and per diems of employees, in conformity with the provisions of Act Numbered Thirteen hundred and ninety-six; transportation of goods; purchase and repair of equipment, furniture, and office supplies; for the purposes provided for by Act Numbered Eighteen hundred and forty-five; for a fund to be expended in the discretion of the provincial governor as provided for in Act Numbered Six hundred and eighty-two under the head of the provincial government of "Lepanto Bontoc;" cablegrams, postage, and telegrams; maintenance and repairs of buildings; fees of the sheriff; maintenance of prisoners; premiums for guaranty bonds and other incidental expenses; real-estate surveys.; construction of trails and waterworks; industrial and agricultural advancement; pay and maintenance of Moro police; office expenses; incidental expenses; justice; operation of schools, launches, and land transportation |
34,000.00 |
For salaries, wages, and other expenses as follows: |
Provincial governor, at three thousand two hundred pesos per annum; provincial secretary-treasurer, at two thousand four hundred pesos per annum; per diems of not to exceed six pesos for the third member of the provincial board for each session at which he is actually present; salary of not less than two thousand five hundred pesos nor more than three thousand pesos per annum for the provincial fiscal; health officer, at not to exceed two thousand four hundred pesos per annum; salaries and wages of employees as may be authorized by resolution of the provincial board with the approval of the Executive Secretary; actual and necessary traveling expenses and per diems of officers and employees, under the provisions of Act Numbered Thirteen hundred and ninety-six; transportation of supplies; purchase and repair of equipments; office furniture; cablegrams, postage and telegrams; insurance; repair and maintenance of provincial launch; maintenance of prisoners; repair and construction of buildings; maintenance of official transportation; and other incidental expenses |
15,000.00 |
For work among the non-Christian inhabitants of the Province of Surigao, including extra compensation at the rate of fifty pesos per month to the officer of the Philippine Constabulary assigned to assist the provincial governor, the provisions of Act Numbered One hundred and forty-eight to the contrary notwithstanding; salaries of two teachers at not to exceed thirty pesos per month each; construction of school-houses, purchase of animals, implements, weaving equipment and materials, school equipment, books, papers, seeds, medicines, and other . incidentals, to be expended by the provincial board with the prior approval of the Secretary of the Interior . |
2,575.00 |
For general purposes, including the commutation and payment of claims for salary, part salary, traveling expenses, and transportation and expenses of personnel; for payment of lawyer's fees of lawyers not employees of the Government; miscellaneous general expenses of the Government, and expenditures authorized by the Secretary of War, including payment to the law officer of the Bureau of Insular Affairs for illegal services rendered the Government of the Philippine Islands at the rate of three thousand pesos per annum, payment to the disbursing officer of Philippine revenues in Washington, at the rate of four thousand pesos per annum, and payment of the employee of the Bureau of Insular Affairs designated by the Chief of said Bureau for special services rendered in the United States in relation to the Philippine Islands at the rate of two thousand pesos per annum: Provided, That this fund shall be reimbursable for such payments from the funds of the Bureau, Office, province, or municipality in interest, when practicable |
60,000.00 |
Public charity funds, to be distributed by the Public Welfare Board and disbursed under its direction |
200,000.00 |
Grand total of appropriations authorized by this Act for all purposes for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen |
25,468,913.31 |
Section 2. There is hereby created an emergency board which shall consist of the Insular Auditor, the Insular Treasurer, the Attorney-General, the Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations of the Philippine Assembly, and the senior member in point of service of the Philippine Commission, with the latter as chairman, whose duty it shall be whenever application is made by any officer of the Government in charge of any work of construction or repair, or by the Director of any Bureau or Office of the Government, certifying that the needs of the work, Bureau, or Office concerned require the expenditure of a sum of money greater than the amount appropriated by the Legislature for such purpose, to hear such evidence as may be presented in support of such application and submit its report with its recommendation thereon to the Governor-General. The Governor-General, with the concurrence of the Speaker of the Philippine Assembly, upon recommendation of a majority of the emergency board aforesaid, may authorize the expenditure of additional funds not specifically appropriated, in such amount as may be deemed necessary for the purposes of the work, Bureau, or Office concerned. The Governor-General, within thirty days after the opening of the next regular session of the Philippine Legislature, shall send to each body thereof a statement of the amount or amounts of the expenditures authorized under the provisions of this section.
For the purposes of this section, there is hereby appropriated from funds in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated such sum or sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions hereof, not exceeding one million pesos: Provided, That no funds shall be set up on the books of the Auditor under this section until the same shall have been allotted by the Governor-General and the Speaker.
This emergency board shall enter upon the discharge of its functions immediately after the close of the session of the Philippine Legislature in which this Act was passed and shall exist until October sixteenth, nineteen hundred and sixteen.
Section 3. The members of the emergency board established by section two of this Act may likewise act as an efficiency board in case that the Presidents of both Houses should so order, in which case it shall be the duty of such members, organized as an efficiency board, to investigate and analyze, as minutely as possible, the organization of the Bureaus of the Insular Government for the purpose of determining the utility of each of them, the possibility of their improvement by eliminating all duplication of work, giving consideration to a reasonable equality of salaries, to the methods employed in bookkeeeping and, in general, indicating such changes in the direction and organization of the Bureaus as will tend to simplify the system of work followed, and result in economy and increased efficiency. The efficiency board shall report the i-esult of its investigations, with its recommendations, not later than the sixteenth of October, nineteen hundred and sixteen.
The board may designate a secretary, at such salary as said board shall determine and may be approved by the Presidents of both Houses, and the salary so allowed shall be paid out of the contingent appropriation authorized by this Act for any Bureau or Office, or may be taken out of contingent funds for several Bureaus, as the Governor-General may approve. The position of secretary of the board shall continue until abolished.
The efficiency board may delegate to its secretary, if any there be, such of its duties of investigation as it may desire, but the recommendations to the Legislature shall in every case be made by the efficiency board.ℒαwρhi৷
Section 4. Whenever the Governor-General shall be of the opinion that there is good reason for believing that the probable revenues of the Insular Treasury will not be sufficient to cover the expenditures provided for in this Act, he shall direct the emergency board to consider the condition of funds existing in the Insular Treasury, the expenditures already made and to be made, and the probable revenues until the end of the fiscal year for which this Act has been passed, and to propose adequate measures to reduce the expenditures in order that they may be met out of the funds in the Insular Treasury and the certain revenues which will accrue to it. The board will report to the Governor-General the result of its deliberations as soon as possible and make such recommendations as it may deem wise. In accordance with the report of the board, the Governor-General with the concurrence of the Speaker of the Assembly may suspend temporarily, or definitively to the end of the fiscal year for which this law has been enacted, the payment of the expenses of any Bureau or Office, to an amount not to exceed thirty per centum of the sum appropriated by this Act for such Bureau or Office.
Section 5. All sums appropriated by this Act for the various Bureaus, Offices, and provinces shall be expended solely for the specific purposes for which appropriated, and for no others, and no amount appropriated for salaries and wages shall be available for the payment of contingent expenses nor shall any amount appropriated for contingent expenses be available for the payment of salaries and wages: Provided, That in any Bureau or Office, subject to approval by the Governor-General, or the proper head of department, any unexpended balance under any item of contingent expense, not exceeding a total of ten per centum of the amount appropriated for such contingent expense, may be used to increase the amount under any other heading of contingent expense in said bureau or office: Any provided further, That the appropriations herein made for each Bureau, Office, or province shallbe available for payment of such expenses as may accrue to said Bureaus, Offices, or provinces by reason of the operations of Act Numbered FIfteen hundred and nine, Sixteen hundred and ninety-eight, and Seventeen hundred and thirty-nine.
Section 6. Unless otherwise provided by this Act, all income accruing to Bureaus and Offices by virtue of the provisions of existing law shall revert to the general unappropriated surplus of the Insular Government.
Section 7. The net surplus of all appropriations herein and heretofore made for the current expenses of Bureaus and Offices of the Insular Government shall revert to the general fund as of December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, and shall not thereafter be available for expenditure except by subsequent legislative enactment.
Section 8. During the new fiscal year of nineteen hundred and sixteen no Department head or chief of Bureau shall increase or decrease the salary appropriated for each office or emplyment, any provisions of law to the contrary not withstanding: Provided, That this section shall not affect the provisions of section eighteen of Act Numbered Sixteen hundred and ninety-eight.
Section 9. Hereafter no allowance shall be paid to any employee for the maintenance of means of transportation owned by him but used on official business, in excess of twenty pesos per monthe in the case of a horse, or thirty pesos per monthin the case for motor vehicles or vessels.
Section 10. The officers and employees detailed by the Governor-General for duty in the United States with the Philippine Board of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition may receive the money value of accrued leave to their credit on the date of their departure from the Philippine Islands in addition to the payment of their regular salaries for services rendered during such period of duty, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Section 11. This Act shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and sixteen.
Enacted, December 18, 1915.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation
