A.M. No. 93-10-1296-RTC August 12, 1998
This is a series of complaints and counter-complaints between Judge Bonifacio S. Maceda, then Acting Executive Judge of the Regional Trial Court, Br. 16, Naval, Biliran (now RTC Judge in Las Piñas, Metro Manila) and Atty. Rogelio R. Joboco, then Branch Clerk of Court of the same Regional Trial Court (now Assistant Prosecutor in Samar).
Judge Maceda charges Atty. Joboco of (1) Infidelity in the Custody of Case Records, (2) Dishonesty, (3) Sabotaging Judicial Reforms, (4) Grave Misconduct, Usurpation of Judicial Authority, Tampering of Subpoena, (5) Insubordination, (6) Falsification of Accomplishment of Certificate of Service, and (7) Agitating Workers to go on Mass Leave and Notorious Undesirability.
Atty. Joboco, on the other hand, alleges (1) Oppression, (2) Continuing Oppression, (3) Gross Ignorance of the Law, (4) Abuse of Position, (5) Gross Abuse of Discretion Using his Position, and (6) Conduct Unbecoming of a Judge.
This controversy between the judge and the clerk of court began when a suspension order dated September 3, 19931 was issued by Judge Maceda against Atty. Joboco for Infidelity in the Custody of Case Records.2 The said order was based on an administrative complaint3 filed by a certain Atty. Gabino A. Velasquez against Clerk of Court Joboco following the latter's admission that the records in certain civil cases were missing and could not be accounted for.
Atty. Joboco denies personal liability for the loss of such records. He claims that Judge Maceda and Mr. Amante, a court personnel, had similar access to the records. He related that Judge Maceda borrowed the said records from him in order to conduct an inventory of the cases and then never returned the same to him.4 He also alleges that Mr. Amante borrowed the keys to the office to finish typing the transcript of stenographic notes.5
He advances the theory that the complaint against him may have vindictive designs as complainant Atty. Velasquez is a law partner of then Judge Adriano Villamor, who was dismissed from the service in an administrative case where he (Atty. Joboco) was one of the witnesses.
Judge Maceda, on the other hand, contends that as Clerk of Court, Atty. Joboco was personally liable for the missing case records and the responsibility thereto cannot be passed on to other court personnel who were his subordinates. He further states that Atty. Joboco, having misplaced case records in the past, should have taken precautionary measures to prevent its recurrence as he was so advised by this Court in A.M. No. P-87-83 and A.M. No. B-87-89.6 He added that when he assumed as Acting Presiding Judge, he required Atty. Joboco to account for all case records but the latter kept on evading the directive so much so that he was forced to conduct an inventory by himself which, unfortunately, he was unable to complete.7
Maria P. Mercolita, Clerk III of the same court, filed a Manifestation and Motion8 explaining that as court clerk, she conducts the actual inventory of case records and that from such inventory came her knowledge of the missing records. She further states that every time she would remind Atty. Joboco of the missing case records, he would simply ask Court Aide Tirso Sabinay to look for them.
On September 9, 1993, Atty. Joboco filed with this Court a motion to lift/annul the suspension order9 alleging inter alia that it was issued in violation of Article VIII, Section 6 of the Constitution which states that "the Supreme Court shall have administrative supervision over all courts and the personnel thereof.
Before it was resolved, Judge Maceda motu proprio issued an order setting aside the preventive suspension, submitting the matter to this Court for resolution. Despite the withdrawal, this Court set aside/revoked it10 on the ground that the same is not within the ambit of Judge Maceda's administrative authority.
Judge Maceda alleged in his formal comment that the 60-day preventive suspension was issued pursuant to Administrative Order No. 611 which reads:
To recommend to the Supreme Court the imposition upon erring employees of such disciplinary sanctions as may be necessary and proper; and pending the administrative investigation or its review by the Supreme Court, to place respondent under preventive suspension in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations furnishing the Supreme Court a copy of the order of suspension and grounds therefor without unnecessary detail.
He likewise denied that he was vindictive and that he holds a grudge against Atty. Joboco as he was merely fulfilling his duties under Rule 3.10 of the Code of Judicial Conduct, which provides to wit:
A judge should take or initiate appropriate disciplinary measures against lawyers or court personnel for unprofessional conduct which the judge may become aware of.
On September 16, 1993, Judge Maceda issued a second suspension
order12 against Atty. Joboco for Dishonesty. This time, it was for failure to disclose to the court information relative to the absence of an accused and his counsel at a hearing of Criminal Case No. 1582.
Atty. Joboco questioned the second suspension order saying that the same is based on his failure to disclose the fact that he met the accused by chance on August 18, 1993. He contends that due notice of hearing was served the accused through counsel as corroborated in a motion for reconsideration13 filed by the counsel of accused. He also avers that he failed to inform the court of the chance meeting with the accused because he was merely asked whether due notice was served the accused to which he answered in the affirmative. He further states that due notice was given to accused's counsel and the bondsmen as required by the rules.
Judge Maceda, on the other hand, insisted that dishonesty and non-disclosure were intentional on Atty. Joboco's part. He asserts that Atty. Joboco knew that the information was vital and that without it the court would eventually issue a warrant of arrest. He cited Atty. Joboco's lack of candor and honesty expected of a lawyer and officer of the court as evidenced by his failure to disclose the aforementioned encounter with accused. Likewise, Judge Maceda alleges that the notices were erroneously served to counsel and bondsmen but not to
Atty. Joboco also claims that he was ill-treated by Judge Maceda when the latter harshly scolded him and called him names like "dull" and "good for nothing" in the presence of the accused in the case of People vs. Geraldo.15
Judge Maceda, in turn, charges Atty. Joboco for alleged sabotaging of judicial reforms16 he (Judge Maceda) introduced, like the orderly approval of property bonds, which resulted in his approval of irregular bail applications.
Atty. Joboco, in his Answer, denied the allegation, stating that he learned that accused had complied with all the requirements when he ushered him and his bondsmen inside the chambers of Judge Maceda. He narrated that on September 1, 1993 he gave the accused a list of requirements to be accomplished for posting a property bond. As he was attending court sessions that day, the accused was referred to a court clerk for assistance, with the instruction to come back after accomplishment of the requirements. At about noon of the following day, the accused arrived and thinking that the requirements were already verified by the clerk. Atty. Joboco ushered said accused inside the chamber of Judge Maceda. It was then that the latter scolded and berated him in a loud voice.17
Judge Maceda disputes the allegation that he was overbearing with his court personnel. He mentioned the search for outstanding court employees which he initiated in Antique and the award given to him by the Antique court employees as proof of his harmonious relationship with his subordinates.18
We now look into the respective culpability of the clashing parties on the foregoing charges.
On the charge of Infidelity in the Custody of Case Records, we find Atty. Joboco guilty thereof. As Clerk of Court, his positive duties include conducting periodic docket inventory and ensuring that the records of each case are accounted for. It is likewise his duty to initiate and cause the search of missing records. His failure to perform his duties despite a previous reminder by this Court that he should be vigilant as court custodian of records, constitutes manifest negligence which cannot be countenanced.
It is incumbent upon the Clerk of Court to ensure an orderly and efficient record management in the court and to supervise the personnel under her office to function effectively.19 The fact that other court employees had access to the records does not exculpate him. As Clerk of Court, he is also the supervisor and hence, renders him accountable for the actions of his subordinates. His contention that the records were left inside the chamber of the judge does not absolve him considering that he could have continued and completed the inventory himself.
Joboco's reliance on alleged political harassment as a defense is likewise without merit for the motive behind the administrative complaint has no relevance to the undisputed fact that the records were in fact missing while in his custody.
Atty. Joboco was remiss in his responsibility as custodian of records and as officer of the court which is evidenced by his neglect to take precautionary measures to prevent loss or remedial steps to recover the missing records. Clerks of Court are the administrative officers of courts and have inter alia control and supervision over all court records.20
As to the charge of Dishonesty, we hold that Atty. Joboco is not liable therefor. His manifestation that the accidental meeting with the accused bears no significance to the scheduled hearing should be accorded credence. It is not within the province of his functions to volunteer information which is irrelevant and unsolicited. He is under no obligation to plead for the accused and justify an absence on mere speculation or for any reason not on record.
For a court employee to be held liable for non-feasance, he should first have a positive duty to perform. In this case, Atty. Joboco was not bound to disclose information relating to the chance meeting especially when the same is not borne out by the records. The fact that notice was duly served the parties affirms the proper performance of his duty and negates the necessity of further proffering information.
With regard to the charge of Sabotaging Judicial Reforms, we find no culpability on the part of Atty. Joboco there being only an isolated case of erroneously implementing an approval of property bond application. Absent any showing of a blatant, malicious and deliberate effort to undermine or compromise such judicial reforms, he is deemed to have acted in good faith in carrying out the duties of his office.
The above-mentioned suspension orders and alleged harsh treatment by Judge Maceda form part of Atty. Joboco's charges of Oppression and Continuing Oppression. In this respect, we do not find any patently oppressive scheme or design on the part of Judge Maceda to weigh down Atty. Joboco. Although the second order of suspension for Dishonesty may have been erroneously and unjustly issued by Judge Maceda, this alone will not establish a contemptuous predisposition against Atty. Joboco upon which the charge of Oppression may be founded.
Judge Maceda's actuations were undertaken in the context of enforcing disciplinary measures in his court and untainted with any palpable bad faith on his part. As such, he may not be held administratively liable therefor. The acts of a judge which pertain to his judicial capacity are not subject to disciplinary power, unless they are committed with fraud, dishonesty, corruption and bad faith.21 It is a matter of public policy that in the absence of fraud, dishonesty or corruption, the acts of a judge in his judicial capacity are not subject to disciplinary action even though such acts are erroneous.22 A judge may not be held administratively accountable for every erroneous order or decision he renders, and it is only when the error is gross or patent, when the judge acts fraudulently or with gross ignorance, that administrative sanctions are called for as an imperative duty of the Supreme Court.23
Likewise, while scolding an employee in front of litigants may not have been the most appropriate course of action, it is well within the ambit of Judge Maceda's judicial prerogative to discipline his staff for negligence and/or mistake. Judge Maceda should, however, not make a habit of showing fits of temper and resorting to verbal abuse against erring employees. He should be mindful of the need to maintain professional and harmonious relations with his court personnel with a view to the speedy and efficient administration of justice.
On October 15, 1993, a third suspension order24 was issued by Judge Maceda against Atty. Joboco for Grave Abuse of Discretion, Usurpation of Judicial Authority to cancel hearing and Tampering of Subpoena in Criminal Case No. 1536.
Atty. Joboco claims that he was unjustly suspended for the third time because he added the words "this cancels September 9-10, 1993 setting" on the subpoena. According to him, he added the words to clarify and guide the witnesses in the readjusted schedule of hearing and not to usurp judicial authority, much less to confuse the parties. Moreover, it was supposedly the counsel for accused who requested that the trial date be moved from September 9-10, 1993 to September 3, 1993 on account of prior appointments.25
In his formal comment,26 Joboco manifested that he was instructed by then Judge Asis to adjust the trial calendar as the latter was going on leave. On August 9, 1993 he was informed through a memorandum that Judge Maceda was again detailed to the sala of Judge Asis. The following day, counsel for accused in Criminal Case No. 1536 requested that the scheduled hearing on September 9 and 10 be moved to September 3, 1993. Accordingly, he directed a clerk to prepare another notice to which he added the assailed inscription.
For his part, Judge Maceda contended that Atty. Joboco issued the order under the authority of Judge Asis (former judge of said court) even if he (Judge Maceda) had already assumed the position therein. He added that the resetting of the case to September 3, 1993, caused undue confusion on the part of the accused, who came to court on said date, thinking that his case would be heard. He further maintained that the resetting unduly caused delay in the administration of justice.27
A fourth suspension order,28 dated November 23, 1993 was issued by Judge Maceda for alleged Insubordination arising from Atty. Joboco's non-compliance with his order to turn over documents, exhibits and keys to the designated Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the Clerk of Court.
Atty. Joboco appealed the questioned order to this Court, claiming that he filed a motion to defer compliance of the order pending consultation with this Court's Chief Attorney and Court Administrator. He waited for the resolution of said motion, thinking that Judge Maceda would desist from issuing the suspension order.
In his formal comment,29 he manifested that he already turned over the exhibits, office supplies and keys to Officer-in-Charge Eamiguel and that the door keys are allegedly still in the possession of RTC Aide, Mr. Sabinay.
We find Atty. Joboco liable for the charge of Grave Abuse of Discretion, Usurpation of Judicial Authority and Tampering of Subpoena by acting on an oral motion for postponement.ℒαwρhi৷ By his act of giving due course to the informal motion for resetting despite being notified of the reassignment of Judge Maceda to Naval, he arrogated unto himself the authority to exercise judicial discretion which is clearly beyond the pale of his prerogative. The Branch Clerk of Court is the administrative assistant of the presiding judge whose duty is to assist in the management of the calendar of the court and in all other matters not involving the discretion or judgment of the judge.30 Clearly, Atty. Joboco overstepped the boundaries of his function as such by undertaking the aforementioned act which falls squarely within the discretion or judgment of the Presiding Judge.
With regard to the allegation of Insubordination, we take note of the compliance by Atty. Joboco. There being substantial compliance and well-grounded deferment of compliance to the order of Judge Maceda, the charge of Insubordination is dismissed for being moot and academic.
The charges of Gross Ignorance of the Law, Abuse of Position and Grave Abuse of Discretion Using his Position in connection with the two preceding suspension orders are hereby dismissed for lack of factual and legal basis. However, Judge Maceda is directed to be more circumspect in the issuance of preventive suspension orders to ensure that the administrative/supervisory authority of this Court is not encroached upon.
Judge Maceda is also charged with Conduct Unbecoming of a Judge31 as Atty. Joboco points out the former's closeness and dependence on the Governor of Biliran, which he said do not give a good image of the independence of the RTC and the judiciary in general.
Sworn statements of Biliran residents were submitted manifesting that Judge Maceda was seen asking money from the Governor of Biliran Province before dancing the "kuratsa" in a social gathering. He was also allegedly using the vehicle and leased house of the latter.32
In his formal comment,33 Judge Maceda denies the charge saying that the same is fabricated, malicious and unfair and is a sinister effort to discredit him. He also countered that the affiants have retracted their statements, claiming the affidavits were prepared by Atty. Joboco. According to the judge, the vehicles being used are a necessity to alleviate the inconvenience of rugged land travel and to enable him to cope with his work in two salas, RTC Branches 11 and 16, which are situated at Calubian and Naval, respectively.
Moreover, Judge Maceda justifies his use of the vehicle via the Revised Administrative Code which provides that it is the duty of the local government to afford facilities for the court. He likewise mentioned that the Local Government Code of 1991 (R.A. No. 7160), Section 484, Par. 1 (XI) requires local governments to provide judges "additional allowances and other benefits."
The congenial relationship of the Governor and Judge Maceda does not in itself tarnish the image of an independent judiciary. Neither does the support extended by the former to the latter impinge on such judicial independence. In the absence of any showing that their close relationship formed basis for the achievement of corrupt ends and/or anomalous undertakings, the charge of conduct unbecoming of a judge should be dismissed for lack of merit.
In addition to the charges of infidelity in the custody of case records, dishonesty, sabotaging judicial reforms, grave misconduct, usurpation of judicial authority and tampering of subpoena as discussed above, Judge Maceda filed other administrative charges against Atty. Joboco.
Judge Maceda alleges that Atty. Joboco committed falsification of his certificate of service34 by omitting to state therein that he was absent for one-half (1/2) day on August 31, 1993 and submitting a second certificate of service for the same month of August, but making it appear that it was prepared on September 21, 1993 when in fact the same was executed much later.35
Atty. Joboco denied the charge saying that the irregularity came about when he executed a second certificate reflecting his 1/2 day absence for August 31, 1993 because Judge Maceda refused to sign the first one he made. He further explained that a court clerk was directed by Judge Maceda instructing him (Atty. Joboco) to execute another certificate of service reflecting his 1/2 day absence which resulted in the discrepancy between his original and subsequent certificates of service.36
Atty. Joboco's contention that he was compelled to execute a second certificate of service to correct his omission respecting his 1/2 day absence in the first certificate of service is untenable. The uncontroverted fact remains that he incurred a half-day absence but did not reflect the same in the first certificate of service. Regardless of the subsequent execution of the second certificate of service, the omission in the first certificate of service already constituted the consummation of the falsification. The second certificate of service only served to expose the irregularity and was not the cause from which the administrative offense arose. As such, Atty. Joboco is liable for falsification in the execution of his certificate of service.
Another allegation against Atty. Joboco involves the Agitation of Workers to Go on Mass Leave.37 Judge Maceda claims that even before he assumed office, Atty. Joboco met with the court personnel and urged them to go on mass leave to protest his (Judge Maceda's) assignment thereat.
Atty. Joboco vehemently denies the charge,38 contending that he merely presented the idea of going on mass leave to the court employees for the purpose of soliciting their sentiments on the matter of designating judges away from their regular stations.
In a sworn statement, Atty. Clemencio Sabitsana, Jr. admits that he was the one who suggested the idea to Atty. Joboco in connection with the resolution of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Biliran Chapter, expressing concern and opposition to the irregular designation of judges in said court.
Although Atty. Jocobo may not be held liable for Agitating Workers to Go On Mass Leave, considering the foregoing, he is nonetheless liable for Misconduct for attempting to recruit the court employees in the furtherance of the cause of the IBP, Biliran Chapter, The court employees have no involvement and should not be thrown into the controversy concerning alleged irregularities in the designation of judges. Atty. Joboco should have drawn the line between his duty as Clerk of Court and as an officer of the local IBP.
Judge Maceda, alluding to the series of aberrations committed, also charges Atty. Joboco of being Incorrigible and Notoriously Undesirable.39 There being only a broad and generalized allegation, uncorroborated by pertinent particulars, the same is dismissed for want of factual and legal basis.
As an incident to the foregoing matters discussed, Atty. Joboco brings to the attention of this Court his request for the release of his salary covering his attendance for the period covering August 1993 to January 1994. He claims that his salary and RATA were withheld in view of Judge Maceda's refusal to sign his certificates of service on the ground that the entries therein could not be confirmed. He further avers that his certificates of service remain unsigned because of the pending charge of falsification against him.40
In answer to Judge Maceda's refusal to sign his certificates of service for alleged lack of proof of actual service, Atty. Joboco filed a pleading denominated "Special Civil Action for Declaratory Relief."41 He contended that Judge Maceda could not certify attendance for lack of sufficient knowledge since from August 1-7, 1993 he was not yet detailed at RTC Naval. He manifested that his rights and interests are adversely affected as his salary and other emoluments have been withheld from him.
In a Memo dated 23 December 1993,42 Judge Maceda designated Atty. Joboco Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the Clerk of Court for Branch 16 Naval, Biliran and Branch 37 Calibiran. Furthermore, he directed the latter to report to the office arranged for his use in the Provincial Capitol Building of Naval, Biliran.
Judge Maceda filed an "Addendum to Comment"43 clarifying his charge for falsification of certificates of service and application for leave against Atty. Joboco. He maintained that he was acting within the scope of his authority when he refused to sign Atty. Joboco's certificate of attendance and application for leave of absence as he had no way of certifying their veracity. Atty. Joboco allegedly failed to prove his strict compliance with office hours by his neglect, if not outright refusal, to register his "ins" and "outs" in the attendance logbook of court employees.44 Likewise, Atty. Joboco purportedly did not show any proof that he regularly reports to work. Judge Maceda also claims that Atty. Joboco has other sources of income to support the financial needs of his family and that the latter deliberately caused his salaries to be withheld to draw sympathy unto himself at his expense.
The unwarranted refusal to sign the certificates of service of his Clerk of Court constitutes abuse of authority on the part of Judge Maceda. The allegation of falsification and recommendation for the dismissal of an employee are not valid and reasonable grounds for refusal to certify the attendance of such employee and thereby cause the withholding of his salary.
His contention that he could not account for Atty. Joboco's attendance so much so that he could not certify the latter's certificate of service is untenable. It is worth noting that it was Judge Maceda himself who assigned Atty. Joboco to the Capitol Building to which the dubious attendance record may be attributed. Having arranged for Atty. Joboco's detail therein, he should have foreseen the difficulty of attendance verification and devised means by which he could monitor attendance effectively.
While it may be true that Atty. Joboco's attendance could not be accounted for, this does not justify inaction on the certificates of service for it is not disputed that Judge Maceda himself caused the transfer of Atty. Joboco to a place away from the courthouse where it would be difficult to monitor attendance. It would be an undue burden to any court employee, to be required to report to two places thrice every day, that is, to report to the courthouse before going to Biliran Provincial Capitol Building in the morning, then do the same at lunch break to "time in" his afternoon attendance and one more time late in the afternoon to register his "time out" before going home.
Upon careful review of the certificates of service, Atty. Joboco should be considered Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL) for his absences: (a) pending application for leave of absence; (b) during the appeal on the suspension orders and (c) unaccounted absences on August 16 and 31, 1993; September 8-10 and 15-17, 1993; October 25-29, 1993; November 1-5, 8-12, 15-19, 22-23, 24-26 and 29, 1993; and December 1-3, 6-10, 13-17, 20-22 and 27-29, 1993. As a court employee, Atty. Joboco should have secured first the approval of his leave application before going on leave and should have immediately resumed his work after serving the period of the suspension order.
Although we are inclined to impose the penalty of suspension on Atty. Joboco, his subsequent appointment as 3rd Assistant City Prosecutor of Calbayog City has made the aforesaid sanction impracticable. The diversity and multiplicity of Atty. Joboco's transgressions clearly reflect his defiant demeanor and contumacious character which cannot be countenanced in the judiciary. Such recalcitrant attitude manifested by Atty. Joboco in his capacity as Branch Clerk of Court not only diminishes his integrity as an officer of the court but degrades the dignity of the judicial system as well.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, we find Atty. Rogelio R. Joboco GUILTY of the following charges: Infidelity in the Custody of Court Records, Usurpation of Judicial Authority, Grave Misconduct and Tampering Subpoena in Criminal Case No. 1536, Falsification of Certificates of Service, Misconduct for attempting to utilize the court employees for the ends of the local IBP and Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL). He is hereby FINED in the sum of Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000.00). All other charges against him are DISMISSED for lack of merit.
The charges against Judge Bonifacio Sanz Maceda are hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit. He is, however, ADMONISHED for having abused his authority by unjustly refusing to sign the certificates of service of his Clerk of Court which resulted in the withholding of the latter's salary. He is likewise ADVISED to exert care and consideration in his dealings with his office staff in order to avert any future repetition of these administrative misdemeanors.
Narvasa, C.J., Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza, Panganiban, Quisumbing and Purisima, JJ., concur.
1 Rollo, p. 5.
2 Rollo, pp. 1-21.
3 Rollo, pp. 2-3.
4 Rollo, pp. 22-23.
5 Rollo, p. 7.
6 Rollo, pp. 142, 252, 264.
7 Rollo, p. 253.
8 Rollo, p. 918.
9 Annex "E," Complaint, pp. 46-47.
10 Resolution, p. 248.
11 Art. 4, par. 7 (dated June 30, 1975).
12 Rollo, pp. 32-35, also Annex "G," Complaint, pp. 49-52.
13 Rollo, pp. 53-54.
14 Rollo, pp. 864-866.
15 Rollo, p. 36.
16 Rollo, p. 255.
17 Rollo, pp. 774-775.
18 Rollo, p. 858.
19 Juntilla vs. Calleja, 262 SCRA 291.
20 Bandong vs. Ching, 261 SCRA 10.
21 Manlavi vs. Gacott, Jr., 244 SCRA 50.
22 Boquiren vs. Del Rosario-Cruz, 244 SCRA 702.
23 Guillermo vs. Reyes, Jr., 240 SCRA 154.
24 Rollo, pp. 181-182, 275-276.
25 Rollo, pp. 183-184.
26 Rollo, pp. 778-779.
27 Rollo, pp. 868-869.
28 Rollo, p. 277.
29 Rollo, p. 780.
30 Re: Report on the Judicial Audit Conducted in the Regional Trial Court Branches 61, 134 and 147, Makati, Metro Manila, 248 SCRA 5.
31 Complaint, pp. 36-60.
32 Annexes "K," "L," "M;" Complaint, pp. 58-60.
33 Rollo, pp. 866-867.
34 Rollo, p. 256.
35 Rollo, pp. 534-535.
36 Rollo, pp. 776-777.
37 Rollo, pp. 255, 534.
38 Answer, pp. 774, 798.
39 Rollo, p. 35; Complaint, pp. 251-258.
40 Rollo, pp. 662-663.
41 Rollo, pp. 724-762.
42 Rollo, p. 569.
43 Rollo, pp. 963-966.
44 Annex "1", Addendum to Comment, p. 967.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation