Proclamation No. 2327
December 23, 1983
Declaring Monday, December 26, 1983 and Monday, January 2, 1984, as Special Non-Working Public Holidays
Proclamation No. 2326
December 20, 1983
Authorizing the Philippine Records Management Association (PRMA) to Conduct a Fund Campaign During the Period From January 1, 1984 to December 31, 1984.
Proclamation No. 2325
December 14, 1983
Declaring March 22 as the Anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Proclamation No. 2324
December 8, 1983
Authorizing the Integrated Bar of the Philippines to Conduct a National Fund Campaign During the Period From October 1, 1983 to September 30, 1984.
Proclamation No. 2323
December 8, 1983
Further Extending the Fund Campaign of the United Way Philippines Up to May 31, 1984.
Proclamation No. 2322
December 8, 1983
Declaring Thursday, December 8, 1983, as "Angeles City Day" in Angeles City.
Proclamation No. 2321
November 28, 1983
Reserving for Bagong Lipunan Improvement of Sites and Services (BLISS) Site Purposes of the Municipality of Bagabag, a Certain Parcel of Land of the Public Domain Situated in the Sitio of Singian, Barangay of Tuao, Municipality of Bagabag, Province of Nueva Vizcaya, Island of Luzon.
Proclamation No. 2320
November 22, 1983
Establishing as Watershed Forest Reservation for the Purpose of Protecting, Maintaining or Improving Its Water Yield for Hydroelectric, Irrigation and Other Ecological Enhancement Purposes and Providing Restraining Mechanisms for Inappropriate Land-Use and Forest Exploitation, the Parcel of Land Situated in the Municipalities of Tuba, Itogon and Baguio City, Province of Benguet and the Municipalities of San Manuel and San Nicolas, Province of Pangasinan, Island of Luzon, Philippines.
Proclamation No. 2319
October 26, 1983
Declaring Monday, October 31, 1983, as a Special Non-Working Public Holiday
Proclamation No. 2318
October 17, 1983
Calling the Batasang Pambansa to a Special Session to Consider the Designation of Two Members of the Assembly in the Fact-Finding Board Created By Presidential Decree No. 1886, to Consider Amendments to the Revised Penal Code and Other Urgent Matters of General Legislation, and to Consider Proposals for Amending the Constitution, Including Changing the Present Base of Representation in the Batasang Pambansa to Districts, Provinces or Highly Urbanized Cities.
Proclamation No. 2317
October 7, 1983
Authorizing the Boy Scout of the Philippines to Conduct a National Fund Campaign From September 1, 1983, to August 31, 1984.
Proclamation No. 2316
October 6, 1983
Declaring the Period From October 17 to 23, 1983 as Agrarian Reform Week
Proclamation No. 2315
September 27, 1983
Authorizing the Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Network, Inc. (DARN) to Conduct a National Fund Campaign During the Period From October 1, 1983 to September 30, 1984
Proclamation No. 2314
September 26, 1983
Authorizing the Philippine Badminton Association to Conduct a National Fund Campaign During the Period From October 1, 1983 to September 30, 1984
Proclamation No. 2313
September 21, 1983
Declaring Lots 140 and 141 Situated in Baguio Townsite, City of Baguio, Island of Luzon, as Military Reservation
Proclamation No. 2312
September 19, 1983
Declaring September 21, 1983 as a Special Working Public Holiday With Regular Classes Suspended in All Levels in the Entire Archipelago
Proclamation No. 2311
September 14, 1983
Authorizing the Children's Welfare Fund, Inc. to Conduct a Series of Educational and Fund Campaign Projects During the Period From September 1, 1983 to August 31, 1984.
Proclamation No. 2310
September 14, 1983
Declaring the Month of September as National Youth Month in the Philippines
Proclamation No. 2309
September 14, 1983
Extending the Educational Fund Campaign of the Mga Lingkod Bayan Up to December 31, 1984
Proclamation No. 2308
September 8, 1983
Declaring Friday, September 9, 1993 as "Sergio Osmeņa, Sr. Day" in the Province of Cebu and in the Cities of Cebu, Mandaue, Lapu-Lapu, Danao, and Toledo.
Proclamation No. 2307
September 6, 1983
Authorizing the Holding of Plebiscites to Ratify the Creation of New Municipalities and Barangays, Including the Transfer of Certain Barangays to Another Municipality.
Proclamation No. 2306
August 15, 1983
Declaring Tuesday, September 13, 1983, as a Special Public Holiday in the Province of Marinduque
Proclamation No. 2305
August 15, 1983
Declaring Wednesday, August 31, 1983, as a Special Public Holiday in the City of Lipa.
Proclamation No. 2304
August 15, 1983
Declaring Friday, August 19, 1983 as a Special Public Holiday in the Province of Quezon and the City of Lucena
Proclamation No. 2303
August 15, 1983
Authorizing the Philippine Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Disabled, Inc. to Conduct a Fund Campaign During the Period From June 1, 1983 to May 31, 1984.
Proclamation No. 2302
August 11, 1983
Further Amending Proclamation No. 1533-A By Renaming the Metropolitan Film Festival and Rescheduling the Period Thereof From December 24-January 2 to November 7-17, of Each Year.
Proclamation No. 2301-A
August 9, 1983
Declaring Tuesday, August 9, 1982, as Roque B. Ablan, Sr. Day and a Special Non-Working Public Holiday in the Province of Ilocos Norte and in the City of Laoag.
Proclamation No. 2301
August 1, 1983
Further Extending the National Fund Campaign of the Metro Manila Community Development Foundation, Inc.
Proclamation No. 2300
July 29, 1983
Authorizing the National League of Puericulture and Family Planning Centers (NLPFC), Inc. to Conduct a Fund Campaign During the Period From July 15, 1983 to July 15, 1984.
Proclamation No. 2045-a
July 23, 1983
Amending Portions of Proclamation No. 2045 Proclaiming the Termination of the State of Martial Law Throughout the Philippines.
Proclamation No. 2299
July 22, 1983
Declaring the Last Week of July of Every Year as "Philippine Chamber of Handicraft Industries Week"
Proclamation No. 2298
July 21, 1983
Declaring Saturday, July 23, 1983, as "Apolinario Mabini Day" in Batangas Province and Batangas City and Lipa City
Proclamation No. 2297
July 21, 1983
Setting the Date for Holding of a Plebiscite for the Ratification of Batas Pambansa Blg. 236.
Proclamation No. 2296
June 28, 1983
Declaring Friday, July 1, 1983, as a Special Public Holiday in Southern Leyte.
Proclamation No. 2295
June 20, 1983
Declaring the Period From June 23 to 29, 1983, as "Cagayan Week" and Further Declaring Wednesday, June 29, 1983, as Non-Working Special Public Holiday in the Province of Cagayan.
Proclamation No. 2294
June 1, 1983
Declaring Friday, June 24, 1983, as a Special Non-Working Public Holiday in Manila
Proclamation No. 2293
May 28, 1983
Authorizing the Tahanan Outreach Projects & Services Inc., (TOPS) to Conduct a National Educational and Fund Campaign During the Period From May 1, 1983 to April 30, 1984 and Every Year Thereafter.
Proclamation No. 2292
May 21, 1983
Reserving for Settlement Purposes Certain Parcels of Land of the Public Domain Situated in the Municipalities of Basey, Sta. Rita and Pinabacdao, Province of Western Samar, Under the Administration and Disposition of the Ministry of Agrarian Reform.
Proclamation No. 2291
May 21, 1983
Reserving for Settlement Purposes a Certain Parcel of Land of the Public Domain Situated in the Municipality of Tapaz, Province of Capiz, Under the Administration and Disposition of the Ministry of Agrarian Reform
Proclamation No. 2290
May 19, 1983
Reserving for the Slum Improvement and Resettlement (SIR) Program and Its Commercial and Industrial Component a Certain Parcel of Land of the Public Domain Situated in Macabalan, Cagayan De Oro, Island of Mindanao
Proclamation No. 2289
May 16, 1983
Proclaiming the Conversion of the Municipal Districts of Adams, Carasi and Dumalneg, in Ilocos Norte Into Regular Municipalities.
Proclamation No. 2288
May 16, 1983
Reserving for Uses of the Cagayan State University Certain Parcels of Land in Gonzaga, Cagayan.
Proclamation No. 2287
May 11, 1983
Excluding From the Operation of Proclamation No. 150, Dated April 17, 1937, Establishing as Southern Ilocos Norte Forest Reserves for Forest Protection and Timber Production and Declaring as Alienable or Disposable for Disposition Under the Public Land Act Certain Parcels of Land Situated in Barangay 22, San Cristobal, Municipality of Sarrat, Province of Ilocos Norte, Island of Luzon.
Proclamation No. 2286
May 5, 1983
Authorizing the Philippine Defenders of Bataan, Corregidor and Other USAFFE FRONTS to conduct a National Fund Drive During the period from May 6, 1983 to May 6, 1984
Proclamation No. 2285
April 14, 1983
Declaring Saturday, April 16, 1983, as a Special Public Holiday in Marikina, Metropolitan Manila.
Proclamation No. 2284
April 13, 1983
Amending Proclamation No. 1967 By Including Dagat-Dagatan as Area for Priority Development and Urban Land Reform Zone
Proclamation No. 2283
April 13, 1983
Declaring Dagat-Dagatan as the Site of the KKK Regional Processing Center for the National Capital Region
Proclamation No. 2282
March 29, 1983
Reclassifying Certain Portions of the Public Domain as Agricultural Land and Declaring the Same Alienable and Disposable for Agricultural and Resettlement Purposes of the Kilusang Kabuhayan At Kaunlaran Land Resource Management Program of the Kilusang Kabuhayan At Kaunlaran of the Ministry of Human Settlements.
Proclamation No. 2279
March 18, 1983
Reserving for Training Center Site of the National Manpower and Youth Council a Certain Parcel of Land of the Public Domain Situated in the City Proper, City of Iloilo, Island of Panay
Proclamation No. 2278
March 16, 1983
Extending Up to September 30, 1983, the Fund Campaign of the Kawal Award Foundation, Inc.
Proclamation No. 2277
March 15, 1983
Declaring Wednesday March 16, 1983, "Araw Ng Dabaw" as a Non-Working Special Public Holiday in Davao City
Proclamation No. 2276
March 3, 1983
Authorizing the ELKS Cerebral Palsy Project, Inc. to Conduct a National Educational and Fund Campaign During the Period From April 1 to August 31, 1983, 1984 and 1985
Proclamation No. 2275
March 3, 1983
Declaring the Period From March 7 to 12, 1983, as "National Printing Week".
Proclamation No. 2274
February 26, 1983
Declaring Monday, February 28, 1983, as a Special Public Holiday in the City of Tangub
Proclamation No. 2273
February 25, 1983
Excluding From the Operation of Proclamation No. 168, Dated October 3, 1963, Which Established the Recreational and Health Resort Reservation Situated in the Municipality of General Santos, Now General Santos City, Island of Mindanao, Certain Portions of the Land Embraced Therein and Declaring the Same Open to Disposition Under the Provisions of the Public Land Act.
Proclamation No. 2271
February 21, 1983
Declaring the Period From February 21 to 27, 1983 as National Physical Fitness Week Through Running.
Proclamation No. 2270
February 21, 1983
Amending Proclamation No. 187 Dated March 28, 1967 By Transferring Inventors Week to the Last Week of February of Every Year.
Proclamation No. 2269
February 16, 1983
Declaring Thursday, February 17, 1983, as "Governor Juan M. Alberto's Day" in Catanduanes.
Proclamation No. 2268
February 14, 1983
Reserving a Parcel of Land of the Public Domain Situated in the Municipality of Currimao, Province of Ilocos Norte, Island of Luzon, for the Establishment of a KKK Regional Processing Center Which Shall Provide Industrial Sites and Services, Raw Material Procurement and Storage Facilities, Common-Service Facilities, Research and Development, and Skills Training for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises and Managed By the Kkk Processing Center Authority.
Proclamation No. 2267
February 12, 1983
Declaring the Period 14-18 February 1983 as "Shelter Consciousness Week".
Proclamation No. 2266
February 10, 1983
Declaring March 13 to 19, 1983 and Every Same Week Thereafter as Blue Collar Workers Week
Proclamation No. 2265
February 8, 1983
Extending the Nationwide Fund Drive of the Dr. Jose P. Rizal Memorial Foundation, (PHIL.) Inc. to December 31, 1983
Proclamation No. 2264
February 8, 1983
Declaring February 16, 1983, as "Kalookan City Day"
Proclamation No. 2263
February 8, 1983
Transferring and Vesting Ownership Over the Land on Which the Teachers' Bliss Condominium I Project Is Established From the Bureau of Air Transportation to National Housing Authority
Proclamation No. 2262
February 3, 1983
Declaring Thursday, February 3, 1983, as "Cabanatuan City Day".
Proclamation No. 2261
January 28, 1983
Declaring Saturday, February 5, 1983, as "Liberation Day" in Biñan, Laguna.
Proclamation No. 2260
January 28, 1983
Extending the Fund Campaign of the Foundation for the Rehabilitation and Prevention of Blindness in the Philippines, Inc., Up to December 31, 1983.
Proclamation No. 2259
January 13, 1983
Revoking Proclamation No. 2149 Dated December 28, 1981 Which Established the Muslim Resettlement Reservation Situated in the Municipality of Kapalong, Province of Davao Del Norte, Island of Mindanao and Reverting the Land Embraced Therein to Its Original Status as Forest Lands.
Proclamation No. 2258
January 11, 1983
Authorizing the Caritas Manila to Conduct Its Educational and Fund Campaign From January 1 to December 31, 1983.
Proclamation No. 2257
January 10, 1983
Setting the Date for the Holding of a Plebiscite to Decide the Creation of the Municipality of Hingyon in the Province of Ifugao.
Proclamation No. 2256
January 10, 1983
Resetting the Date for the Holding of a Plebiscite to Decide the Creation of the Municipality of Tinoc in the Province of Ifugao.
Proclamation No. 2255
January 10, 1983
Extending the Fund Campaign of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Manila II Chapter.
Proclamation No. 2254
January 3, 1983
Authorizing Tamaraw Mutual Benefit Association, Inc., to Conduct a National Education and Fund Campaign From September 1, 1982 to August 31, 1983.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation, Inc.