Proclamation No. 1214
December 19, 1973
Declaring Monday, December 24, 1973, as a Special Public Holiday
Proclamation No. 1213
December 4, 1973
Declaring the Period December 9-15 1973, as Savings and Loan Week
Proclamation No. 1212
November 27, 1973
Extending the National Membership, Educational and Fund Campaign of the Moral Re-Armament Foundation of the Philippines to December 31, 1974
Proclamation No. 1211
November 27, 1973
Declaring the Period From December 7 to 15, 1973 and the Second Week of December of Every Year Thereafter as “Atomic Energy Week.”
Proclamation No. 1210
November 27, 1973
Proclaiming a State of Public Calamity in the Provinces of Capiz, Negros Occidental, Aklan, Cagayan Valley and Nueva Vizcaya
Proclamation No. 1209
November 26, 1973
Declaring the Period From January 14 to 20, 1974, as “Insurance Week”
Proclamation No. 1208
November 19, 1973
Declaring the Period November 21, 1973 to November 27, 1973 as National Employment Development Week
Proclamation No. 1207
November 18, 1973
Declaring the Period From December 9 to 15, 1973, as Government Employees’ Week
Proclamation No. 1206
November 18, 1973
Declaring the Last Week of November of Every Year as Food Science and Technology Week
Proclamation No. 1205
November 14, 1973
Declaring November 25 to December 1 of Every Year as Social Welfare Week
Proclamation No. 1204
October 31, 1973
Declaring November 26, 1973 to December 2, 1973 as Amateur Radio Week
Proclamation No. 1203
October 31, 1973
Declaring Sunday, November 4, 1973, as President Carlos P. Garcia Day in the Province of Bohol and the City of Tagbilaran
Proclamation No. 1202
October 30, 1973
Declaring the Period From November 2 to 8, 1973, as National Next-Door Neighbor Week.
Proclamation No. 1201
October 30, 1973
Declaring the Period From October 25 to 31, 1973, as Animal and Pet Week
Proclamation No. 1200
October 30, 1973
Declaring the Period From November 6 to 13, 1973, as “Purchasing Week”
Proclamation No. 1199
October 29, 1973
Declaring Thursday, November 1, 1973, as a Special Public Holiday
Proclamation No. 1198
October 26, 1973
Proclamation of Eid-Ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Adha as Legal Holidays in Implementation of Presidential Decree No. 291
Proclamation No. 1197
October 24, 1973
Declaring Sunday, November 4, 1973, as Jaime C. De Veyra Day in the Island of Leyte
Proclamation No. 1195
October 22, 1973
Reserving for Settlement Purposes Exclusively for Muslim Evacuees and Landless Muslim Families From the Troubled Areas of Mindanao Certain Parcels of Land of the Public Domain Situated in the Municipalities of Lumba-A-Bayabao and Bubong, Province of Lanao Del Sur, Under the Administration and Disposition of the Department of Agrarian Reform
Proclamation No. 1194
October 19, 1973
Extending the Period of the Annual Educational and Fund Campaign of the Community Chests and Councils in the Philippines to December 31, 1973
Proclamation No. 1193
October 19, 1973
Declaring October 21st as Tenants’ Emancipation Day
Proclamation No. 1192
October 19, 1973
Declaring the Third Week of November of Every Year as “Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week.”
Proclamation No. 1191
October 17, 1973
Declaring October 22 to 28, 1973, as International Trade Week
Proclamation No. 1190
October 10, 1973
Declaring October 12, 1973, as a Special Public Holiday in Quezon City
Proclamation No. 1189
October 10, 1973
Declaring the Period From December 1 to 31, 1973, as National Trade and Industry Month
Proclamation No. 1188
October 6, 1973
Creating the Annual Pandaypira Awards and a National Cottage Industry Awards Committee Hereinafter to Administer the Conferment of the Awards Upon Those Deserving Thereof.
Proclamation No. 1187
October 3, 1973
Declaring the Period From November 11 to 17, 1973, as Management Consciousness Week.
Proclamation No. 1186
September 27, 1973
Declaring the Period From October 7 to 13, 1973, as Hispanic Week.
Proclamation No. 1185
September 18, 1973
Declaring Friday, September 21, 1973, as a Special Public Holiday
Proclamation No. 1184
September 13, 1973
Authorizing the Consumers Union of the Philippines to Conduct a National Membership, Consumers Protection and Educational Fund Campaign During the Period From October 1, 1973, to March 31, 1974
Proclamation No. 1183
September 11, 1973
Designating the Period From November 1, 1973, to November 30, 1974 for the Membership, Educational and Fund Drive of the Safety Organization of the Philippines Inc. (SOPI)
Proclamation No. 1182
September 9, 1973
Authorizing the Foundation for Youth Development in the Philippines, Inc. to Conduct a National Educational and Fund Campaign From 8 September to 31 December, 1973
Proclamation No. 1181
September 6, 1973
Declaring the Third Week of September of Every Year as “Medical Technology Week”
Proclamation No. 1180
August 30, 1973
Declaring September 21 as National Thanksgiving Day.
Proclamation No. 1179
August 30, 1973
Declaring the Period From November 18 to 25, 1973, as Philippine Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Week.
Proclamation No. 1178
August 29, 1973
Declaring Thursday, August 30, 1973, as a Special Public Holiday in the Province of Bulacan
Proclamation No. 1177
August 17, 1973
Authorizing the Philippine Medical Association to Conduct a Nationwide Fund Drive From September 1, 1973, to August 31, 1974
Proclamation No. 1176
August 17, 1973
Authorizing the Philippine Medical Women’S Association, Inc., to Conduct a Nationwide Fund Drive From September 1, 1973, to March 31, 1974.
Proclamation No. 1175
August 13, 1973
Reserving for Regional Manpower Training Center Site Purposes a Certain Parcel of Land of the Public Domain Situated At Budbod, Davao City
Proclamation No. 1174
August 8, 1973
Authorizing the Wrestling Association of the Philippines to Conduct a National Educational, Membership and Fund Drive From August 1, 1973, to July 31, 1974
Proclamation No. 1173
August 7, 1973
Declaring the Period From November 26 to December 2, 1973, as National Music Week for Young Artists
Proclamation No. 1172
August 7, 1973
Authorizing the Moral Re-Armament Foundation of the Philippines to Conduct An Educational and Fund Campaign From August 1 to January 31, 1974
Proclamation No. 1171
August 6, 1973
Excluding From the Operation of Proclamation No. 69 Dated September 23, 1954, Which Established the Reservation for Government Center Site Purposes in the City of Zamboanga, Philippines, a Certain Portion of Land Embraced Therein and Declaring the Same Open to Disposition Under the Provisions of the Public Land Act.
Proclamation No. 1170
July 30, 1973
Declaring the Period From July 30 to August 5, 1973, as Civil Engineering Week.
Proclamation No. 1169
July 27, 1973
Declaring Saturday, July 28, 1973, as a Special Public Holiday.
Proclamation No. 1168
July 26, 1973
Declaring September 19, 1973, as Law Day
Proclamation No. 1167
July 23, 1973
Declaring Tuesday, July 24, 1973, as a Special Public Holiday in the Philippines
Proclamation No. 1166
July 20, 1973
Declaring Tuesday, July 24, 1973, as a Special Registration Day
Proclamation No. 1165
July 18, 1973
Declaring Friday, July 27, 1973, as a Special Public Holiday
Proclamation No. 1164
July 18, 1973
Authorizing the Narcotics Foundation of the Philippines, Inc., to Conduct a Nationwide Educational, Membership and Fund Campaign During the Period From July 1, 1973 to June 30, 1974
Proclamation No. 1163
July 16, 1973
Designating the Period From August 1 to December 31, 1973, for the National Fund Campaign of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines
Proclamation No. 1162
July 12, 1973
Declaring November 4 to 11, 1973, as Volleyball Consciousness Week
Proclamation No. 1161
July 12, 1973
Further Extending the National Educational and Fund Drive of the Philippine Amateur Volleyball Association to October 31, 1973
Proclamation No. 1160
July 11, 1973
Excluding From the Operation of Proclamation No. 423, Dated July 12, 1957, Which Established the Fort Andres Bonifacio Military Reservation Situated in the Municipalities of Pasig, Taguig and Parañaque, Province of Rizal and Pasay City, a Certain Portion of the Land Embraced Therein Situated in the Barrio of Bicutan, Municipality of Taguig and Reserving the Same as Site of the Manila Technical Institute Under the Administration of the Secretary of Education and Culture
Proclamation No. 1159
July 6, 1973
Extending the National Educational and Fund Campaign of the Elks Cerebral Palsy Project, Inc.
Proclamation No. 1158
July 6, 1973
Further Extending the Fund Campaign of the Philippine Amateur Swimming Association Up to December 31, 1973.
Proclamation No. 1157
July 3, 1973
Proclaiming the Approval and Adoption of the Four-Year Development Plan for Fiscal Years 1974-1977 and Requiring Compliance and Adherence to the Objectives, Policies and Strategies Embodied Therein.
Proclamation No. 1156
July 2, 1973
Declaring the Period From July 8 to 14, 1973 as Chemical Engineering Week
Proclamation No. 1155
June 29, 1973
Declaring June 29, 1973 to June 29, 1974 as Savings Consciousness Year
Proclamation No. 1154
June 26, 1973
Declaring the Period From July 8 to 14, 1973, as Philippine Industry Week
Proclamation No. 1153
June 14, 1973
Declaring the Period From June 17 to 24, 1973 as “National Integration Week”
Proclamation No. 1152
June 11, 1973
Excluding From the Operation of Proclamation No. 69 Dated September 23, 1954, Which Established the Government Center Reservation Situated in the City of Zamboanga, Island of Mindanao, a Certain Portion of the Land Embraced Therein and Declaring the Same Open to Disposition Under the Provisions of the Public Land Act
Proclamation No. 1151
June 7, 1973
Creating the Award and Decoration of International Artist
Proclamation No. 1150
June 5, 1973
Excluding From the Operation of Proclamation No. 68 Dated August 6, 1925, Which Established the Government Center Reservation, a Certain Portion of Land Embraced Therein, Situated in Residential Section “A”, Baguio Townsite, Baguio City, Island of Luzon, and Declaring the Same Open to Disposition Under the Provisions of the Public Land Act, as Amended.
Proclamation No. 1149
June 1, 1973
Declaring the Fifth Day of June of Every Year as World Environmental Day
Proclamation No. 1148
May 31, 1973
Declaring the Period From July 1 to 7 as National Culture Consciousness Week
Proclamation No. 1146
May 23, 1973
Authorizing the Philippine Tuberculosis Society, Inc. to Conduct a National Educational and Fund Campaign During the Period From July 1 to December 31, 1973
Proclamation No. 1145
May 18, 1973
Further Extending the National Educational and Fund Campaign of the Panamin Foundation, Inc., Until December 11, 1973.
Proclamation No. 1144
May 15, 1973
Declaring Francisca Reyes Aquino, Carlos V. Francisco, Amado V. Hernandez, Antonio J. Molina, Juan F. Nakpil, Guillermo E. Tolentino and Jose Garcia Villa National Artists; and Amending Proclamation No. 1001 Dated April 27, 1972, By Creating a National Artists Awards Committee, Hereinafter to Administer the Conferment of the Award/Decoration of […]
Proclamation No. 1143
May 11, 1973
Declaring May 6 to 12, 1973, and Every Second Week of May Thereafter as National 4-H Club Week
Proclamation No. 1142
May 10, 1973
Declaring the Period From May 20 to 26, 1973, and Every Fourth Week of May Each Year as Manpower Training and Development Week
Proclamation No. 1141
May 10, 1973
Reserving for Agricultural School Site Purposes a Certain Parcel of Land of the Public Domain Situated in the Municipality of Rosario, Province of La Union, Island of Luzon
Proclamation No. 1140
May 10, 1973
Designating July 1 to December 31, 1973, as the Period for the National Fund Campaign of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines
Proclamation No. 1139
May 10, 1973
Declaring the Period From May 21 to 27, 1973, as Government Supply Management Consciousness Week
Proclamation No. 1138
May 8, 1973
Declaring the Month of May as Youth and Student Travel Month and Designating the Ystaphil as the Coordinating Body for Student Travel Activities in the May Festival
Proclamation No. 1137
May 7, 1973
Declaring the Period From June 17 to 23, 1973, as National Salesmen’s Week
Proclamation No. 1136
May 3, 1973
Declaring May 12 to June 12, 1973, as the Period to Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Philippine Independence
Proclamation No. 1135
May 3, 1973
Declaring July 22 to 28, 1973, and Every Last Week of July Thereafter as Marketing Week
Proclamation No. 1134
April 24, 1973
Authorizing Youth and Student Travel Association of the Philippines to Conduct a Nationwide Educational, Membership, and Fund Campaign From May 1 to December 31, 1973
Proclamation No. 1133
April 22, 1973
Calling a National Conference of Representatives of Employers and of Labor Organizations From April 26 to 28, 1973
Proclamation No. 1132
April 18, 1973
Extending the Fund Campaign Period of the Responsible Parenthood Council to December 31, 1973
Proclamation No. 1131
April 18, 1973
Declaring the Period From May 20 to 26, 1973, as Small Industries Week
Proclamation No. 1130
April 18, 1973
Declaring Saturday, April 21, 1973, as a Special Public Holiday
Proclamation No. 1129
April 12, 1973
Authorizing the Misamis Oriental Council, Boy Scouts of the Philippines, to Conduct a Fund Campaign During the Period From April 15, 1973 to December 31, 1973.
Proclamation No. 1128
April 12, 1973
Designating the Period From June 1 to October 31, 1973 for the Annual Educational and Fund Campaigns of Community Chest and Council Organizations in the Philippines.
Proclamation No. 1127
April 12, 1973
Declaring Thursday, April 12, 1973, as a Special Public Holiday in the Municipality of Batan, Province of Aklan.
Proclamation No. 1124-a
April 4, 1973
Amending Proclamation No. 1124 Issued on March 30, 1973, Which Declared April 2, 1973 as a Special Public Holiday in the Province of Bulacan to Honor the Memory of Francisco (Balagtas) Baltazar.
Proclamation No. 1125
April 4, 1973
Declaring the Period From November 18 to 23, 1973, as Amateur Athletic Week.
Proclamation No. 1124
March 30, 1973
Declaring Monday, April 2, 1973 as a Special Public Holiday in the Province of Bulacan to Honor the Memory of Francisco (Balagtas) Baltazar.
Proclamation No. 1123
March 27, 1973
Reserving for Memorial Shrine Purposes for the War Dead a Certain Parcel of Land of the Public Domain Situated in the Municipality of Cavinti, Laguna.
Proclamation No. 1122
March 14, 1973
Declaring as Manobo Civil Reservation a Parcel of Land of the Public Domain as Shown and Described in Bureau of Forestry Map Cr-106, Situated in Guadalupe, Agusan Del Sur.
Proclamation No. 1121
March 13, 1973
Reserving for Communal Fishing Ground Purposes a Certain Portion of the Public Domain Comprising the Dasol Bay Area Situated in the Municipality of Dasol, Province of Pangasinan, Island of Luzon.
Proclamation No. 1120
March 9, 1973
Declaring the Period From April 29 to May 5, 1973, as “Secretaries Week”
Proclamation No. 1119
March 4, 1973
Declaring the Period From March 4 to 11, 1973, and Every Year Thereafter as Philippine Grand Prix Week.
Proclamation No. 1118
March 1, 1973
Declaring the Year 1973 as Puericulture Center Movement Year
Proclamation No. 1117
February 28, 1973
Declaring the Period From March 15 to 21, 1973, as National Pet Week.
Proclamation No. 1116
February 26, 1973
Declaring March 4-11, 1973, as National Credit Discipline Week.
Proclamation No. 1115
February 26, 1973
Declaring the Period From February 26 to March 4, 1973, as National Press Week.
Proclamation No. 1114
February 26, 1973
Further Extending the National, Educational and Fund Campaign of the Panamin Foundation, Inc., Until May 31, 1973.
Proclamation No. 1113
February 22, 1973
Designating the Period From March 1 to December 31, 1973, for the 1973 National Membership and Educational Fund Campaign of the Philippine Mental Health Association, Inc.
Proclamation No. 1112
February 21, 1973
Establishing as Reservation for the Purpose of the Exploration, Development, Exploitation and Utilization of Geothermal Energy, Natural Gas and Methane Gas a Parcel of Land in the Province of Leyte, Island of Leyte, Philippines.
Proclamation No. 1111
February 21, 1973
Establishing as Reservation for the Purpose of the Exploration, Development, Exploitation and Utilization of Geothermal Energy, Natural Gas and Methane Gas a Parcel of Land in the Provinces of Laguna, Quezon, Batangas, Island of Luzon, Philippines.
Proclamation No. 1110
February 15, 1973
Declaring February 15 of Every Year as “Working Youth Day.”
Proclamation No. 1109
February 9, 1973
Authorizing the Children’S Museum and Library, Inc. to Conduct Its Educational, Membership and Fund Campaign From February 25 to December 31, 1973.
Proclamation No. 1108
February 7, 1973
Declaring the Period March 1-7 as Office Machines Week.
Proclamation No. 1107
February 2, 1973
Postponing the Celebration of Philippine Aviation Week 1973 to the First Week of May, 1973, Under the Auspices of the Aerospace Association of the Philippines, in Cooperation and Coordination With the Civil Aeronautics Administration and Other Organizations.
Proclamation No. 1106
January 25, 1973
Extending the Fund Campaign of the Philippine Badminton Association, Inc.
Proclamation No. 1105
January 24, 1973
Transferring the Celebration of History Week to September 17-23, of Every Year.
Proclamation No. 1104
January 17, 1973
Declaring the Continuation of Martial Law
Proclamation No. 1103
January 17, 1973
Declaring That the Interim National Assembly Provided for in Article-XVII (Transitory Provisions) of the New Constitution Be Not Convened.
Proclamation No. 1102
January 17, 1973
Announcing the Ratification By the Filipino People of the Constitution Proposed By the 1971 Constitutional Convention.
Proclamation No. 1101
January 16, 1973
Reserving for Regional Prisons Site the Parcel of Land of the Public Domain Situated At Barrio Combis, Municipality of Abuyog, Province of Leyte Under the Administration of the Bureau of Prisons.
Proclamation No. 1100
January 5, 1973
Declaring Monday, January 15, 1973, as a Special Public Holiday in the Provinces of Lanao Del Sur, Cotabato and Sulu and in the Cities of Basilan, Cotabato, Marawi and Iligan.
Proclamation No. 1099
January 11, 1973
Declaring Friday, February 23, 1973, as “Marinduque Proclamation Day” in the Province of Marinduque.
Proclamation No. 1098
January 11, 1973
Authorizing the Elks Cerebral Palsy Project, Inc, to Conduct a National Educational and Fund Campaign During the Period From May 1 to June 30, 1973.
Proclamation No. 1097
January 11, 1973
Extending the Fund Campaign of the Narcotics Foundation of the Philippines, Inc., Up to June 30, 1973.
Proclamation No. 1096
January 9, 1973
Declaring the Month of February of Every Year as Philippine Heart Month
Proclamation No. 1095
January 9, 1973
Extending the Fund Campaign of the Philippine Amateur Swimming Association Up to June 30, 1973.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation, Inc.