“A parcel of land (the proposed Luneta National Park), situated in the District of Ermita, City of Manila. Bounded on the N., by remaining portion of P. Burgos Drive, property of the Metropolitan Water District and remaining portion of existing street (no name); on the E., by remaining portion of existing street (no name); on the S., by remaining portion of existing street (no name) and remaining portion of Calle San Luis; and on the W., by property of the City Government of Manila. Beginning at a point marked 1 on the attached sketch plan of the proposed Luneta National Park,
thence N. 32° 10' W., 143.50 meters to point 2;
thence N. 81° 00' E., 10.00 meters to point 3;
thence N. 74° 37' E., 10.00 meters to point 4;
thence N. 67° 15' E., 10.00 meters to point 5;
thence N. 58° 40' E., 10.00 meters to point 6;
thence N. 51° 44' E., 10.00 meters to point 7;
thence N. 44° 11' E., 10.00 meters to point 8;
thence N. 36° 01' E., 10.00 meters to point 9;
thence N. 29° 10' E., 10.00 meters to point 10;
thence N. 20° 15' E., 10.00 meters to point 11;
thence N. 13° 59' E., 10.00 meters to point 12;
thence N. 6° 02' E., 10.00 meters to point 13;
thence N. 1° 02' W., 10.00 meters to point 14;
thence N. 9° 16' W., 10.00 meters to point 15;
thence N. 17° 00' W., 10.00 meters to point 16;
thence N. 24° 02' W., 10.00 meters to point 17;
thence N. 31° 28' W., 10.00 meters to point 18;
thence N. 39° 54' W., 10.00 meters to point 19;
thence N. 46° 43' W., 10.00 meters to point 20;
thence N. 55° 16' W., 10.00 meters to point 21;
thence N. 60° 18' W., 10.00 meters to point 22;
thence N. 70° 16' W., 10.00 meters to point 23;
thence N. 77° 06' W., 10.00 meters to point 24;
thence N. 84? 58' W., 10.00 meters to point 25;
thence S. 87? 43' W., 10.00 meters to point 26;
thence S. 79° 38' W., 10.00 27; thence N. 84* 58' W., 10.00 meters to point 25;
thence S. meters to point 27; thence S. 71° 49' W., 10.00 meters to point 28;
thence S. 64° 48' W., 10.00 meters to point 29; thence S. 57° 11' W., 10.00 meters to point 30;
thence S. 47° 52' W., 10.00 meters to point 31; hence S. 41° 42' W., 10.00 meters to point 32;
thence S. 36° 40' W., 3.60 meters to point 33; thence N. 25° 12' W., 107.50 meters to point 34;
thence S. 66° 50' W., 91.20 meters to point 35; thence S. 62° 03' W., 16.15; meters to point 36;
thence S. 11° 48' E., 32.00 meters to point 37; thence S. 62° 10' W., 40.50 meters to point 38;
thence N. 44° 44' W., 38.00 meters to point 39; thence S. 37° 40' W., 203.00 meters to point 40;
thence S. 25° 12' E., 392.35 meters to point 41;
thence N. 60° 39' E., 406.20 meters to the point of
beginning; containing an approximate area of 162.383 square meters. All data are approximate and subject for future survey.