[ PROCLAMATION NO. 188, September 23, 1955 ]
Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and pursuant to the provisions of section 83 of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, I, RAMON MAGSAYSAY, President of the Philippines, do hereby withdraw from sale and settlement and reserve for market site extension purposes under the administration of the municipality of Margosatubig, subject to private rights, if any there be, a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the municipality of Margosatubig, province of Zamboanga del Sur, island of Mindanao, and more particularly described as follows, to wit:
Lot 1, Mr-1005-A
(The Municipal Government of Margosatubig)
A parcel of land (lot 1 as shown on plan Mr-1005-A, G.L.R.O. Record No. ——), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Margosatubig, province of Zamboanga del Sur. Bounded on the N. and NE., by lot 2 of plan Mr-1005-A (sea); on the SE., by property of Francisco Paragas; on the SW., by municipal road and creek; and on the NW., by creek. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 60° 07' W., 101.17 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, municipality of Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur,
thence N. 68° 12' W., 39.25 meters to point 2;
thence N. 58° 43' W., 10.17 meters to point 3;
thence N. 17° 49' E., 33.57 meters to point 4;
thence N. 58° 28' W., 16.21 meters to point 5;
thence N. 34° 27' W., 15.61 meters to point 6;
thence N. 20° 28' E., 13.24 meters to point 7;
thence S. 88° 51' E., 53.85 meters to point 8;
thence S. 45° 04' E., 24.96 meters to point 9;
thence S. 15° 34' W., 60.40 meters to the point of
beginning; containing an area of 4,248 square meters more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 1 and 2, by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; point 3, by stake; point 9, by old B. L. cylindrical concrete monument; and the rest, by nails on crosses on trees; bearings true; date of survey, March 2, 1955 and that of the approval, May 14, 1955.
Lot 2, Mr-1005-A
(The Municipal Government of Margosatubig)
A parcel of land (lot 2 as shown on plan Mr-1005-A, G.L.R.O. Record No. ——), situated in the poblacion, municipality of Margosatubig, province of Zamboanga del Sur. Bounded on the NE. and SE., by sea; on the S. and SW., by lot 1 of plan Mr-1005A; and on the NW., by sea. Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan, being N. 24° 38' W., 272.98 meters from B.L.L.M. 1, PLS-251,
thence N. 45° 04' W., 24.96 meters to point 2;
thence N. 88° 51' W., 53.85 meters to point 3;
thence N. 15° 02' E., 102.03 meters to point 4;
thence S. 67° 25' W., 72.40 meters to point 5;
thence S. 15° 36' W., 92.37 meters to the point of
beginning; containing an area of 6,769 square meters, more or less. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: points 2 and 3, by nails on crosses on trees; and the rest, by B. L. cylindrical concrete monuments; bearings true; date of survey, March 2, 1955 and that of the approval, May 14, 1955.
Done in the City of Manila, this 23rd day of September, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the tenth.