[ Proclamation No. 655, December 23, 1940 ]


Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, I, MANUEL L. QUEZON, President of the Philippines, hereby amend Proclamation Numbered Six hundred and fifty-seven, dated February thirteen, nineteen hundred and thirty-four, by modifying the description of the boundaries of the Bicol National Park, situated in the municipality of Basud and Daet, Province of Camarines Norte and municipalities of Lupi and Sipocot, Province of Camarines Sur, Island of Luzon, and described in the Bureau of Forestry Map No. N. P.-5-1, to wit:

Beginning at point marked 1 on Bureau of Forestry Map No. N. P-5-1. a guijo tree, 15 centimeters in diameter, which is S. 42° E., 1, 250 meters, more or less, from barrio Pulantuna, municipality of Lupi, Province of Camarines Sur; thence following Tuaca River upstream in a northeasterly and southeasterly directions, 11,950 meters to corner 2, a tanguile tree, 15 cms. in diameter, marked 2297/133; the due south, 90 meters to corner 3, a bolongeta tree, 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2297/131; thence due south, 495 meters to corner 4, a tanguile tree, 15 cm. in diameter marked 2297/119; thence due east, 410 meters to corner 5, an alupag tree, 40 cm. in diameter, marked 2330/12, thence due east, 70 meters to corner 6, a yakal tree, 30 cm. in diameter, marked 2330/13;thence due east, 305 meters to corner 7, a white lauan tree, 30 cm. in diameter, marked 2330/20-thence due east, 480 meters to corner 8, a Palaquium sp. 30 cm. in diameter, marked 2330/28; thence due east, 205 meters to corner 9, a tanguile tree, 40 cm. in diameter, marked 2330 33; thence following Tuaca River, upstream in a southeasterly direction, 600 meters to corner 10, a Misc. sp., 30 cm. in diameter, marked 2325/41; thence following Tuaca River, upstream in a general easterly direction, 990 meters to corner 11, a bilibid tree, 50 cm. in diameter, marked 900/25, at junction of Tuaca and Lisco creek; thence following Lisco creek upstream in a southeasterly direction, 670 meters to corner 12, a mayapis tree, 40 cm. in diameter, marked 901/16, on south bank of Lisco creek; thence following Lisco creek upstream in a northeasterly, southeasterly and northeasterly directions, 570 meters to corner 13, a tiga tree, 40 cm. in diameter, marked 901/35, on southwest bank of Lisco creek; thence following Lisco creek upstream in a southeasterly direction,. 690 meters to corner 14, an Eugenia sp., 40 cm. in diameter, marked 901/58, at junction of Lisco creek and branch; thence following Lisco creek upstream in in a southeasterly direction, 520 meters to corner 15, a Eugenia sp., 30 cm. in diameter, marked 901/St, on east bank of Lisco creek; thence due south, 210 meters to corner 16, a mayapis tree, 90 cm. in diameter, marked 905/2, on slope of ridge; thence due south, 250 meters to corner 17, a bitanhol tree, 50 cm. in diameter, marked 905/4, on top of ridge; thence due south, 190 meters to corner 18, a nato tree, 40 cm. in diameter, marked 906/5, about 15 meters south of creek; thence due south, 140 meters to corner 19, a mayapis tree, 50 cms. in diameter, marked 905/6, on south bank of junction of creeks; thence due south, 195 meters to corner 20, a red lauan tree, 90 cms. in diameter, marked 905/8, on southwest bank of creek; thence S. 49° E., 70 meters to corner 21, an abobo tree, 40 cms. in diameter, marked 907/77, on east bank of Talasim creek; thence following Talasim creek downstream in a southwesterly direction, 510 meters to corner 22, a tina tree, 90 cms. in diameter, marked 907/56, at junction of Bahi River and Talasim creek; thence following Bahi River upstream in a southeasterly direction, 310 meters to corner 23, a mayapis tree, 50 cms. in diameter, marked 909/7, on southeast bank of Bahi River; thence due south, 300 meters to corner 24, a tanguile tree, 45 cms. in diameter, marked 909/9, on level land; thence due south, 340 meters to corner 25, a katmon kalabao tree, 50 cms. in diameter, marked 909/11, on northwest bank of Bahi-sadit River; thence due south, 365 meters to corner 26, a Misc. sp., 50 cms. in diameter, marked 909/12, on top of ridge; thence due south, 160 meters to corner 27, a tanguile tree, 50 cms. in diameter, marked 909/13, on south bank of Mambalogo creek; thence due south, 250 meters to corner 28, an Eugenia sp., marked 909 14, on south bank of Napolidan Dacula creek; thence due south, 220 meters to corner 29, a red lauan tree, 10 cms. in diameter, marked 910/67, on north bank of creek; thence due south, 180 meters to corner 30, an apitong tree, 60 cms. in diameter, marked 910/66, on north bank of dry creek; thence due south, 180 meters to corner 31, a mayapis tree, 65 cms. in diameter, marked 910/64, on north bank of gully; thence due south, 140 meters to corner 32, a Eugenia sp., 40 cms. in diameter, marked 910/63, on north bank of Napolidan creek; thence following Napolidan creek downstream in a southwesterly direction, 870 meters to corner 33, a Misc. sp., 30 cms. in diameter, marked 910/45, on north bank of Napolidan creek; thence following Napolidan creek downstream in a southwesterly direction, 860 meters to corner 34, a white lauan tree, 40 cms. in diameter, marked 910/29, on north bank of Napolidain creek; thence following Napolidan creek downstream in a northwesterly direction, 740 meters to corner 35, a Misc. sp., 30 cms. in diameter, marked 910.15, on north rank of Napolidan creek; thence following Napolidan creek downstream in northwesterly direction, 660 meters to corner 36, an unknown tree, 15 cms. in diameter, marked 2310/23, thence due south, 330 meters to corner 37, a tanguile tree, 40 cms. in diameter, marked 2310/33; thence duo south, 240 meters to corner 38, an alupag tree, 3a cms. in diameter, marked 2310/39; thence due south, 250 meters to corner 39, a tanguile tree, 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2310/47, thence due south, 80 meters to corner 40, a tanguile tree, 70 cms. in diameter, marked 2310/49; thence due south, 300 meters to corner 41, a tanguile tree, 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2310/56; thence due south, 365 meters to corner 42, a tanguile tree, 40 cms. in diameter, marked 2310/63; thence due south, 225 meters to corner 43, a mayapis tree, 30 cms. in diameter, marked 2310/68, thence due south, 195 meters to corner 44, an unknown tree, 30 cms. in diameter, marked 2310/75; thence due south, 110 meters to corner 45, a mayapis tree, 30 cms. in diameter, marked 2310/78; thence due south, 335 meters to corner 46, a tanguile tree, 15 cms. in diameter, marked 2342/9, thence due south, 345 meters to corner 47, a tamayuan tree, 15 cms. in diameter, marked 2342/15; thence due south, 255 meters to corner 48, an apitong tree, 60 cms. in diameter, marked 2342/20; thence due south, 250 meters to corner 49, a Camarium sp., 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2342/26; thence due south, 270 meters to corner 50, a putan tree, 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2342/31; thence due south, 360 meters to corner 51, an apitong tree, 40 cms. in diameter, marked 2342/38; thence following Yao River downstream in a southwesterly direction, 500 meters to corner 52, a balobo tree, 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2335/34; thence following Yabo River downstream in a westerly direction, 510 meters to corner 53, an aranga tree, 30 cms. in diameter, marked 2335/22; thence due west, 95 meters to corner 54, an apitong tree, 30 cms. in diameter, marked 2335/20; thence due west, 70 meters to corner 55, a mayapis tree, 50 cms. in diameter, marked 2335/19; thence due west, 345 meters to corner 56, a white lauan tree, 30 cms. in diameter, marked 2335/14; thence due west, 215 meters to corner 57, a mayapis tree, 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2335/11; thence due west, 455 meters to corner 59, a red lauan tree, 30 cms. in diameter, marked 2334/6; thence due west, 215 meters to corner 60, a white lauan tree, 40 cms. in diameter, marked 2334/10; thence due west, 265 meters to corner 61, a red lauan tree, 70 cms. in diameter, marked 2334/14; thence due west, 180 meters to corner 62, a red lauan tree, 50 cm. in diameter, marked 2334/18; thence due west, 150 meters to corner 63, a guijo tree, 15 cms. in diameter, marked 2334/23; thence due west, 1756 meters to corner 64, a naring tree, 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2334/25; thence due west, 180 meters to corner 65, an alupag tree, 30 cms. in diameter, marked 2334/30; thence due west, 225 meters to corner 66, an Eugenia Sp., 30 cms. in diameter, marked 2334/34; thence due west, 90 meters to corner 67, a bitanhol tree, 15 cms. in diameter, marked 2334-A/1; thence due west, 285 meters to corner 68, a yakal tree, 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2334-(/8; thence due west, 140 meters to corner 69, a palosapis tree, 25 cms. in diameter, marked 2334-A/11; thence due west, 245 meters to corner 70, an abuab tree, 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2334-A/17; thence due west, 195 meters to corner 71, a canarium sp., 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2334-A/22; thence due west, 170 meters to corner 72, a narra tree, 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2334-A/24; thence following Pulantuna River upstream in northwesterly and northeasterly directions, 5, 965 meters to corner 73, a narra tree, 40 cms. in diameter, marked 2333/51; thence following Jagol creek upstream in northeasterly direction, 450 meters to corner 74, a point; thence following a branch of Jagol creek upstream in northeasterly direction 130 meters to corner 75, a white lauan tree, 40 cms. in diameter, marked 2333/39; thence due north, 235 meters to corner 76, a red lauan tree, 50 cms. in diameter, marked 2333/32; thence N. 24° E., 260 meters to corner 77, an alupag tree, 40 cms. in diameter, marked 2333/28; thence N. 20° E., 145 meters to corner 78, a lamio tree, 30 cms. in diameter, marked 2333/25; thence N. 30° W., 110 meters to corner 79, a bolongeta tree, 30 cms. in diameter, marked 2333/22; thence N. 30° E., 240 meters to corner 80, a white lauan tree, 40 cms. in diameter, marked 2333/11; thence N. 35° E., 400 meters to corner 81, a bitanhol tree, 20 cms. in diameter, marked 2333/2; thence following Bahi River downstream in a westerly direction, 200 meters to corner 82, an apitong tree, 60 cms. in diameter, and thence N. 56° W., 455 meters to the point of beginning Corners 1 to 10 are identical to corners 26 to 35, respectively, of the old Bicol National Park, Camarines Norte and Camarines Sur; corners 36 to 57 are identical to corners 55 to 76, respectively, and corners 58 to 82 are identical to corners 1 to 25, respectively, of the old Bicol National Park, Camarines Norte and Camarines Sur. Corners 5 to 10, 52 to 57 and 59 to 72 were marked also with B. F. marking hatchet No. 291, and corners 36 to 51, 73 and 75 to 81 with B. F. marking hatchet No. 447.

Containing an area of approximately 5,201 hectares.

Amended to include within the Bicol National Park an adjoining parcel of public domain possessing outstanding and unique examples of scenic and natural features.1aшphi1

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Commonwealth of the Philippines to be affixed.

Done at the City of Manila, this twenty-third day of December, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the sixth.

President of the Philippines

By the President:

Secretary to the President

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation