[ Proclamation No. 643, November 20, 1940 ]
Upon recommendation of the Director of Forestry, approved by the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce and pursuant to the provisions of section eighteen hundred and twenty-six of Act Numbered Twenty-seven hundred and eleven, known as the Revised Administrative Code, I Manuel L, Quezon, President of the Philippines, hereby establish for forest protection and timber production the Bais Forest Reserve and place it .under the administration and control of the Bureau of Forestry, which shall have the authority to regulate the use and occupancy of this reserve and the cutting, collection and removal of timber and other forest products therein in accordance with the Forest Law and Regulations.
I, therefore, withdraw from entry, sale, or settlement, and hereby declare and proclaim to be the Bais Forest Reserve, subject to private rights, if any there be, that portion of the public domain situated in the municipality of Bais, Province of Negros Oriental, Island of Negros, and described on Bureau of Forestry Map No. F. R.-107, to wit:
Beginning at point marked “1” on Bureau of Forestry Map No. F. R.-107, a balinghasai tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked L. C, 1067/70, identical to corner 30, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C, which is N. 58° E., about 7,050 meters from M. B. M. No. 8 of Tolong, Tanjay and Bais, Negros Oriental; thence N. 4l° W., 430 meters to corner 2, a sakat tree, 40 cm. in diam. marked L. C. 1067/75, identical to corner 29, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 17° W., 180 meters to corner 3, a balakat-gubat tree, 35 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1067/79, identical to corner 28, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 4° 300 meters to corner 4, a duguan tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1069/5, identical to corner 27, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 4° W., 310 meters to corner 5, a tambis tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1069/10, identical to corner 26, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 39° W., 380 meters to corner 6, a banaba tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1069/15, identical to corner 25, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 18° W., 370 meters to corner 7, a Misc. sp. tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1069/24, identical to corner 24, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence following a creek and Tabuay River, downstream in a northwesterly direction, about 520 meters to corner 8, a marobaroc tree, 15 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1069/30, identical to corner 23, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence following Tabuay River downstream in a northerly direction about 300 meters to corner 9, a dulit tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1069/31, identical to corner 22, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence following Tabuay River downstream in northwesterly direction, about 440 meters to corner 10, a marang-I tree, 25 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1069/35, identical to corner 21, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence following Tabuay River downstream in a general northwesterly direction, about 440 meters to corner 11, a marocbaroc tree, 15 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1069/39, identical to corner 20, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 10° E., 1,150 meters to corner 12, a banaba tree, 80 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1181/60, identical to corner 19, block I, alienable and disposable Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 24° W., 430 meters to corner 13, a pagsahingin tree, 50 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1181/71, identical to corner 18, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thenee N. 49° E., 660 meters to corner 14, a bigaa tree, 90 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1181/86, identical to corner 17, block I, alienable and disposable Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 16° W., 670 meters to corner 15, a kaumpit tree, 150 cm. in diam., marked by L. C. 1181/99, identical to corner 16, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 33° W., 460 meters to corner 16, a molave tree, 150 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1181/108, identical to corner 15, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 80° W., 360 meters to corner 17, a banaba tree, 80 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1181/121, identical to corner 14, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 35° E., 700 meters to corner 18, a bigaa tree, 15 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1181/133, identical to corner 13, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 19° W., 310 meters to corner 19, a banaba tree, 50 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1143/71, identical to corner 12, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 19° W., 200 meters to corner 20, a banaba tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1143/68, identical to corner 11, block I, alienable and disposable Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 68° W., 330 meters to corner 21, a banaba tree 60 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1143/62, identical to corner 10, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 20° W., 300 meters to corner 22, a binayuyu tree, 15 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1143/34, identical to corner 9, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 12° W., 300 meters to corner 23, a banaba tree, 45 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1143/25, identical to corner 8, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 5° E., 300 meters to corner 24, a paguringon tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1143/17, identical to corner 7, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 8° E., 280 meters to corner 25, a banaba tree, 90 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1143/10, identical to corner G, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 4° W., 320 meters to corner 26, an akle tree, 25 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1144/1, identical to corner 5, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 78° W., 430 meters to corner 27, a paguringon tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1144/10, identical to corner 4, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 51° W., 330 meters to corner 28, a banaba tree, 15 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1144/18, identical to corner 3, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 17° W., 200 meters to corner 29, an unknown tree, marked L. C. 1182/1, identical to corner 2, block I, alienable and disposable Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 26° W., 380 meters to corner 30, a banaba tree, 80 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1182/10, identical to corner 1, block I, alienable and disposable Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 83° E., 4,430 meters to corner 31, a malugai tree, 50 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1161/77, identical to corner 25, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 63° E., 420 meters to corner 32, a nato tree, 60 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1161/100, identical to corner 24, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 8° E., 480 meters to corner 33, a banaba tree, 40 cm. i” diam., marked L. C. 1161/126, identical to corner 23, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 57° E„ 470 meters to corner 34, a Terminalia sp. tree, 60 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1161/141, identical to corner 22, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 23° E., 390 meters to corner 35, malaboho tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1161/156, identical to corner 21, block V, alienable and disposable Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence following Batang Creek, downstream in a northeasterly direction, about 350 meters to corner 36, a malugai tree, 70 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1162/14, identical to corner 20, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence following Batang Creek, downstream in a northeasterly direction, about 530 meters to corner 37, an Eugenia sp. tree, 60 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1162/29, identical to corner 19, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 39° E., 340 meters to corner 38, a white lauan tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/20, identical to corner 18, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 57° E., 570 meters to corner 39, an amuguis tree, 60 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/34, identical to corner 17, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 40° E., 390 meters to corner 40, an amuguis tree, 60 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/55, identical to corner 16, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 74° E., 580 meters to corner 41, a white lauan tree, 80 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1162/66, identical to corner 15, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 59° E., 300 meters to corner 42, an amuguis tree, 60 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/81, identical to corner 14, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 41° E., 410 meters to corner 43, an amuguis tree, 35 cm. in diam., marked L. C 1163/91, identical to corner 13, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 61° E., 410 meters to corner 44, an unknown tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/109, identical to corner 12, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 30° W., 150 meters to corner 45, an amuguis tree, 70 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/108, identical to corner 11, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental Project No. 18-C; thence S. 4° W., 370 meters to corner 46, an amuguis tree, 80 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/121, identical to corner 10, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 4° W., 410 meters to corner 47, a balakat tree, 70 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/132 identical to corner 9, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S 82° E., 300 meters to corner 48, a balakat tree, 80 cm., in diam., marked L. C. 1163/141, identical to corner 8, block V, alienable and disposable Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 74° E., 230 meters to corner 49, an amuguis tree 80 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/150, identical to corner 7 block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 87° E., 500 meters to corner 50, a bagtikan tree, 80 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/163, identical to corner 6, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 38° E., 480 meters to corner 51, a loctob tree, 50 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/177 identical to corner 5, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 55° E., 540 meters to corner 52, a bagtikan tree, 90 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/191, identical to corner 4, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 82° E., 510 meters to corner 53, a bagtikan tree, 90 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/203, identical to corner 3, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 60° E., 510 meters to corner 54, a malugai tree, 50 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1163/218, identical to corner 2, block V, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence Namanyan River downstream, in a northwesterly direction about 200 meters to corner 55, a point identical to corner 1, block II, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 83° E., 1, 880 meters to corner 56, a point identical to corner 1, block II, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence due south 190 meters to corner 57, an ipil tree, 50 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1033/125, identical to corner 49; block II, alienable and disposable Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence following Malusong Creek, upstream in a southwesterly direction, about 300 meters to corner 58, a marang-I tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1033/115, identical to corner 48, block II, alienable and disposable Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 18° E., 180 meters to corner 59, a bankal tree, 60 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1033/106, identical to corner 47, block II, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 43° W., 220 meters to corner 60, an unknown tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked 120/7, at edge of forest; thence S. 11° W. 440 meters to corner 61, a malarongon tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked 120/11, on bank of creek; thence S. 45° E., 250 meters to corner 62, a Misc. sp. tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked 120/14, on west side of trail; thence due south, 240 meters to corner 63, a lapnis tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked 120/15, on west side of trail; thence S. 25° W., 290 meters to corner 64, a bancal tree, 10 cm. in diam., marked 120/18, on west side of trail; thence S. 33° W., 280 meters to comer 65, an amuguis tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked 120/20, on east side of trail; thence S. 3° W., 290 meters to corner 66, an akleng-parang tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked 120/23, on east side of trail; thence S. 10° W., 420 meters to corner 67, a binayuyu tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1050/140, identical to corner 38, block II, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 11° W., 4-0 meters to corner 68, an akleng-parang tree, 30 cm. m diam., marked L. C. 1050/134, identical to corner 37, block II, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C, thence S. 54° W., 720 meters to corner 69, a dao tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked 152/1, on top of hill; thence S. 7° E, 440 meters to corner 70, a nato tree, 45 cm. in diam., marked 152/7, on east edge of cultivation; thence S. 10° E., 420.meters to corner 71, a taguilomboy tree, 40 cm in diam., marked 152/9, on east edge of forest; thence S. 17° E.340 meters to corner 72, a paguringon tree, 35 cm in diam., marked 152/12, on east side of trail; thence S. 38° E., 340 meters to corner 73, a balao tree, 80 cm. in diam. ,marked 152/15, on east edge of forest; thence S. 28° E.,270 meters to corner 74, a tuai tree, 60 cm. in diam., marked 151/3 on southwest slope of hill; thence S. 9° W., 480 meters a corner 75, an aba-ao tree, 35 cm. in. diam., marked 151/7, on east eadge of foresr; thence S. 15° E., 260 meters to corner 76, an ago-od tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked 151/9, on east edge of forest; thence S. 20° E., 450 meters to corner 77, a camagon tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked 151/12, on east edge of forest; thence S. 19° E., 260 meters to corner 78, a white lauan tree, 35 cm. in diam., marked 151/15, on top of hill; thence S. 54° E., 620 meters to corner 79, an amuguis tree, 100 cm. in diam., marked 151/23, on east edge of forest; thence S. 25° E., 380 meters to corner 80, an akleng-parang tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked 151/28, on east edge of forest; thence S. 40° W., 290 meters to corner 81, a parang tree, 35 cm. in diam., marked 151/26, on east edge of forest; thence S. 72° W., 280 meters to corner 82, an unknown tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1231/1, identical to corner 62, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 30° W., 810 meters to corner 83, a white lauan tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1073/39, identical to corner 61, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 61° W., 490 meters to corner 84, an Eugenia sp. tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1073/27, identical to corner 60, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 70° W., 500 meters to corner 85, a red lauan tree, 35 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1073/23, identical to corner 59, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 16° W., 300 meters to corner 86, a narig tree, 35 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1073/12, identical to corner 58, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 61° W., 660 meters to corner 87, a house post, marked L. C. 1190/7, identical to corner 57, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 26° W., 600 meters to corner 88, a marang tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1215/20, identical to corner 56, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 57° W., 310 meters to corner 89, a Ficus sp. tree, 25 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1215/27, identical to corner 55, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 86° W., 310 meters to corner 90, a bankal tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1215/36, identical to corner 54, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 43° W., 390 meters to corner 91, a marang tree, 50 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1215/41 identical to corner 53, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 82° W., 1,020 meters to corner 92, an anabiong tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1225/36, identical to corner 52, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 58° W., 290 meters to corner 93, a duguan tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1225/30, identical to corner 51, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 65° W., 300 meters to corner 94, an unknown tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked L C. 1225/25, identical to corner 50, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 81° W., 310 meters to corner 95, an ilang-ilang tree, 45 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1225/19, identical to corner 49, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 68° W., 390 meters to corner 96, a molave tree, 15 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1225/13, identical to corner 48, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 81° W., 270 meters to corner 97, an anonang tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1225/8, identical to corner 47, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 87° W., 300 meters to corner 98, an unknown tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1194/1, identical to corner 46, block I, alienable and disposable Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 3° E., 450 meters to corner 99, an unknown tree, 30 cm. in diam., marked L. C. H94/7, identical to corner 45, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 8° W., 240 meters to corner 100, an unknown tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1194/10, identical to corner 44, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence due north, 500 meters to corner 101, an unknown tree, 30 cm. m diam., marked L. C. 1194/18, identical to corner 43, block I, alienable and disposable Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 37° W., 310 meters to corner 102, an iba-ibaan tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1194/22, identical to corner 42, block I,alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No18-C thence N. 63° W., 570 meters to corner 103, an anonang tree 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1194/28, identical to corner 41, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental projeet No. 18-C; thence S. 77° W., 320 meters to corner 104, a hambabalud tree 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1194/33, identical to corner 40, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 43° W., 570 meters to corner 105, a lauan tree, 80 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1194/39, identical to corner 39, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 65° W., 260 meters to corner 106, a dalapanay tree, 100 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1194/42, identical to corner 38, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 58° W., 240 meters to corner 107, a parang tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1068/37, identical to corner 37, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence S. 58° W., 540 meters to corner 108, a binayuyu tree, 20 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1063/33, identical to corner 36, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 39° W., 430 meters to corner 109, a hambabalud tree, 25 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1068/29, identical to corner 35, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 87° W., 350 meters to corner 110, a taluto tree, 35 cm. in diam., marked L C. 1068/22, identical to corner 34, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 74° W., 370 meters to corner 111, an amuguis tree, 45 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1068/14, identical to corner 33, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 78° W., 390 meters to corner 112, an amuguis tree, 60 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1068/8, identical to corner 32, block I, alienable and disposable, Negros Oriental project No. 18-C; thence N. 78° W., 300 meters to corner 113, a bayoc tree, 40 cm. in diam., marked L. C. 1068/1, identical to corner 31, block I, alienable and disposable, Negro Oriental project No. 18-C; and thence S. 73° W., 200 meters to corner 1, the point of beginning.
Corners 1 to 11, 83 to 86 and 107 to 113 were marked with Official Marking Hatchet No. B. F. 466; corners 12 to 18, 29 to 54 and 82 with B. F. 47; corners 19 to 28 and 92 to 97 with B. F. 499; corners 57 to 59 with B. F. 346; corners 60 to 66 with B. F. 677; corners 67 to 68 with B. F. 479; corners 69 to 81 with B. F. 558; corners 87 to 91, with B. F. 520; and corners 98 to 106 with B. F. 547.
This forest reserve contains an area of 9,816 hectares, more or less.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Commonwealth of the Philippines to be affixed.1aшphi1
Done at the City of Manila, this twentieth day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the sixth.
MANUEL L. QUEZON President of the Philippines
By the President:
JORGE B. VARGAS Secretary to the President
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation