Today is Thursday, March 13, 2025


Memorandum Order No. 72
December 23, 1992
Adoption of the Camp John Hay Development Plan
Memorandum Order No. 71
December 22, 1992
Reconstituting the Selection Board in the Office of the President
Memorandum Order No. 68
December 21, 1992
Approving and promulgating the Supplemental Guidelines to the Car Development Program (CDP)
Memorandum Order No. 67
December 14, 1992
Memorandum Order No. 67 signed on December 14, 1992
Memorandum Order No. 66
December 2, 1992
Creating a working committee to take charge of the pledging ceremony on December 10, 1992 in commemoration of the “National Human Rights Week”
Memorandum Order No. 65
December 2, 1992
Enjoining the participation of all government offices, agencies and instrumentalities in the celebration of the “National Human Rights Week” on December 3 to 10, 1992
Memorandum Order No. 64
November 25, 1992
Directing the immediate implementation of energy conservation measures in the government
Memorandum Order No. 63
November 25, 1992
Reiterating strict observance of office hours and the requirement for employees of the Office of the President to use the bundy clock in addition to the attendance blotter in registering the time of arrival and departure from office
Memorandum Order No. 62
November 11, 1992
Subject: Policies that shall be strictly observed on the use of OP stationery with the “Malacañang” and “Office of the President” letterheads
Memorandum Order No. 61
November 9, 1992
Broadening the scope of the ad-hoc fact finding committee on behest loans created pursuant to Administrative Order No. 13, dated October 8, 1992
Memorandum Order No. 60
November 5, 1992
Directing the Department of Finance, the National Economic and Development Authority Secretariat, the Department of Agriculture and the other concerned agencies to hold in abeyance the implementation of Executive Order No. 8, series of 1992, with respect to maize (corn) under Harmonized System Heading Nos. 1005.10 00, 1005.90 00 and 1104.23 00 of Annex B of said order until 28 February 1993.
Memorandum Order No. 59
October 29, 1992
Creating a Cordillera Selection Committee to screen nominees to the Cordillera Executive Board (CEB)
Memorandum Order No. 58
October 28, 1992
Amending Memorandum Order No 81, entitled: “Creating an Intra-Government Financial Institutions Policy Coordinating Committee”, dated April 10, 1987
Memorandum Order No. 57
October 27, 1992
Establishing a Loyalty Award in the Office of the President for employees who have rendered at least ten (10) years of continuous and satisfactory government service
Memorandum Order No. 56
October 19, 1992
Memorandum Order No. 56 signed on October 19, 1992
Memorandum Order No. 55
October 19, 1992
Renaming the Household Office as the Internal House Affairs Office
Memorandum Order No. 47
October 13, 1992
Authorizing all officials who hold regular plantilla positions of Director IV in the Office of the President Proper to incur extra-ordinary and miscellaneous expenses in connection with the performance of their official duties
Memorandum Order No. 46
October 13, 1992
Creating a special board to screen candidates to vacant positions of directors
Memorandum Order No. 45
October 7, 1992
Delegating authority to the Executive Secretary to execute for and in behalf of the Republic of the Philippines service contracts covering oil exploration and development
Memorandum Order No. 44
October 5, 1992
Reconstituting the inter-agency task force to address ecological problems affecting irrigation systems and agricultural areas in the country created pursuant to Memorandum Order No. 373 dated July 11, 1991
Memorandum Order No. 43
September 23, 1992
Reiterating the primary authority of the Executive Secretary to sign papers “By Authority of the President” and attest Presidential Issuances unless attestation is specifically delegated to other officials by him or the President pursuant to Book III, Section 27 (10), of the 1987 Administrative Code
Memorandum Order No. 41
September 22, 1992
Delineating the functions and responsibilities of the Senior Deputy Executive Secretary and the Deputy Executive Secretary
Memorandum Order No. 40
September 22, 1992
Mandating all member agencies of the Council for the Welfare of Children to promote and implement relevant aspects of the Philippine Plan of Action for Children in their respective departments, incorporate the same in their Medium-Term Development Plan (1993-1998) inputs and allocate funds thereof.
Memorandum Order No. 39
September 21, 1992
Mandating all Local Government Units through the Department of the Interior and Local Government to formulate 1993 Work and Financial Plan and every year thereafter implementing the Philippine Plan of Action for Children
Memorandum Order No. 38-A
September 14, 1992
Amending Memorandum Order No. 415
Memorandum Order No. 38
September 14, 1992
Directing cabinet members to provide support which may be required from their respective departments for the efficient implementation of the CALABARZON Project
Memorandum Order No. 37
September 14, 1992
Reconstituting the Cabinet Cluster System as provided in Memorandum Order No. 271 dated December 20. 1989
Memorandum Order No. 36
September 9, 1992
Authorizing the importation and donation of food, clothing, medicine and equipment for use in the government relief and rehabilitation programs for calamity-affected areas under Section 105 of the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines, as amended, and the applicable provisions of the prevailing General Appropriations Act covering the national internal revenue taxes and import duties of the national and local government agencies and establishing a special facility therefor.
Memorandum Order No. 35
September 8, 1992
Contributions for Mt. Pinatubo victims
Memorandum Order No. 34
September 7, 1992
Creating the Ad Hoc Special Cabinet Committee for the development of Subic Naval Base
Memorandum Order No. 32
August 29, 1992
Designating the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) as the lead agency for the turnover of Subic Naval Base and its facilities
Memorandum Order No. 31
August 31, 1992
Transferring the property and records of the Office of the Peace Commission to certain units of the Office of the President
Memorandum Order No. 30
August 14, 1992
Prescribing measures to protect Lake Lanao and its immediate environs
Memorandum Order No. 29
August 14, 1992
Authorizing the conduct of an in-house graduate program in Master in Public Administration (MPA) and Master in Public and Business Administration (MPBA) in the Office of the President (Proper)
Memorandum Order No. 28
August 14, 1992
Prescribing the official documents that may be signed by the Senior Deputy Executive Secretary and the Deputy Executive Secretary “By Authority of the President”
Memorandum Order No. 27
August 13, 1992
Mandating all heads of departments, agencies and instrumentalities of the national government to streamline and improve their operations and organizations
Memorandum Order No. 26
August 10, 1992
Designating the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) to oversee the turnover of Subic Naval Base and its facilities
Memorandum Order No. 25
August 6, 1992
Memorandum Order No. 25 signed on August 6, 1992.
Memorandum Order No. 24
August 4, 1992
Directing department secretaries to designate their respective department legislative liaison officer (DLLO) to the Congress
Memorandum Order No. 23
July 30, 1992
Providing for the transfer of forfeited and/or abandoned used clothings in Customs custody to the Department of Social Welfare and Development
Memorandum Order No. 22-A
July 29, 1992
Amending Memorandum Order No. 184-A: Authorizing the Presidential Management Staff to deposit PAGCOR remittances to the President’s Social Fund (PSF) at any government bank
Memorandum Order No. 22
July 13, 1992
Drug Trafficking between the Philippines and Taiwan
Memorandum Order No. 21
July 13, 1992
Proposed bill on confidential positions
Memorandum Order No. 20
July 13, 1992
NICA Files on Political Detainees
Memorandum Order No. 19
July 13, 1992
Policy programs on privatization
Memorandum Order No. 18
July 13, 1992
Presidential Directives
Memorandum Order No. 17
July 13, 1992
Disclosure of Financial and Business Interests
Memorandum Order No. 16
July 13, 1992
Legislative agenda
Memorandum Order No. 15
July 13, 1992
Policy pronouncements on foreign policy
Memorandum Order No. 14
July 13, 1992
Coordination with Congress on Environmental Issues
Memorandum Order No. 13
July 13, 1992
Congressional participation in All Loan Programs and Debt Negotiations
Memorandum Order No. 12
July 13, 1992
Comprehensive Status Report on NRDP
Memorandum Order No. 11
July 13, 1992
Presidential directives
Memorandum Order No. 10
July 13, 1992
Magna Carta for Small and Medium Scale Industries
Memorandum Order No. 9
July 13, 1992
Plans for the 60th signatory-ratification of the Law of the Sea
Memorandum Order No. 8
July 13, 1992
Financial Requirements of the Agrarian Reform Program
Memorandum Order No. 7
July 13, 1992
Strengthening of cooperative development programs
Memorandum Order No. 6
July 13, 1992
Various issues on labor
Memorandum Order No. 5
July 13, 1992
Concept of people empowerment
Memorandum Order No. 4
July 12, 1992
Protocol arrangements
Memorandum Order No. 3
July 14, 1992
Extension of LRT Line 2 up to the Cogeo Area
Memorandum Order No. 2
July 14, 1992
Implementing guidelines for the implementation of RA 7279 or the Urban Development and Housing Act
Memorandum Order No. 1
July 10, 1992
Directing all employees in the Office of the President whose appointments are under non-career civil service status to continue, in holdover capacity, to perform their duties and responsibilities until replaced
Memorandum Order No. 427
April 30, 1992
Approving the 1992 Investment Priorities Plan
Memorandum Order No. 426
April 27, 1992
Creating a committee for the implementation of Section 25, Republic Act No. 7306, otherwise known as the “Charter of the People’s Television Network, Incorporated”
Memorandum Order No. 425
April 20, 1992
Constituting a transition committee in the Office of the President proper
Memorandum Order No. 424
March 26, 1992
Authorizing the release of one thousand (p1,000.00) pesos clothing allowance to officers and employees of the Office of the President proper for the year 1992, pursuant to Sec. 38 of the general provisions of RA 7180 (General Appropriations Act for CY 1992)
Memorandum Order No. 423
March 26, 1992
Prescribing guidelines on office uniform in the Office of the President
Memorandum Order No. 422
March 25, 1992
Authorizing all officials who hold regular plantilla positions of Director IV in the Office of the President Proper and who are heads of offices to incur during calendar year 1992 extraordinary and miscellaneous expenses in connection with the performance of their official duties
Memorandum Order No. 421
March 25, 1992
Creating the Lake Lanao Watershed Protection and Development Council and for other purposes
Memorandum Order No. 420
March 11, 1992
Directing strict observance of the election bans taking effect on March 27, 1992
Memorandum Order No. 419
February 28, 1992
Providing the supplemental list of government-owned and/or controlled corporations to be covered by the performance evaluation system of the government corporate monitoring and coordinating committee (GCMCC) for calendar year 1992
Memorandum Order No. 418
February 19, 1992
Amending Memorandum Order No. 414 dated 14 January 1992 Creating the Task Force on the power crisis in Mindanao.
Memorandum Order No. 417
January 30, 1992
Providing measures for the Conservation of Water Supply in the Metropolitan Manila Area.
Memorandum Order No. 416
January 22, 1992
Establishing a review system in the legal office, Office of the President
Memorandum Order No. 415
January 17, 1992
Directing the National Housing Authority to implement the smokey mountain development plan and undertake the reclamation of the area across R-10 and creating an Executive Committee to oversee its implementation.
Memorandum Order No. 414
January 14, 1992
Creating the task force on the power crisis in Mindanao
Memorandum Order No. 413
January 10, 1992
Creating a committee to oversee the construction of the People Power monument in EDSA
Memorandum Order No. 412
January 9, 1992
Creating a national committee to take charge of the official visit of His Excellency Vo Van Kiet, Prime Minister of the State Council of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on February 26 to 28, 1992