[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 78, November 28, 2024 ]


WHEREAS, Section 1 of Administrative Order (AO) No. 3 (s. 2017), as amended by AO No. 9 (s. 2017), created the Task Force Bangon Marawi (TBFM) to oversee the recovery, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of Marawi City and other localities affected by the armed conflict that took place in 2017;

WHEREAS, Section 2 of AO No. 14 (s. 2023) provides that the operations of TFBM shall terminate on 31 December 2023, and shall be deemed functus officio by 31 March 2024, following the completion of several programs, activities, and projects (PAPs) under the Bangon Marawi Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Recovery Program (CRRP);

WHEREAS, Section 1 of AO No. 14 mandates the following Implementing Agencies to complete the rest of the PAPs under the CRRP: (a) Department of the Interior and Local Government; (b) Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development; (c) Department of Public Works and Highways; (d) Department of Health; (e) Department of Social Welfare and Development; and (f) Department of Trade and Industry;

WHEREAS, Section 25(b), Article I, Chapter III, Title I, Book I of Republic Act (RA) No. 7160 or the “Local Government Code of 1991” provides that the National Government shall coordinate with local government units (LGUs) in the implementation of national projects;

WHEREAS, under Section 11, Article VI of RA No. 11054 or the “Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARRM),” the BARMM shall participate, as far as practicable, in the implementation of policies, programs, and projects of the National Government in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region;

WHEREAS, there is a need to create a single office dedicated to oversee and ensure efficient, effective, and timely implementation of the PAPs for the rehabilitation, development, and restoration of peace in Marawi City and other affected localities;

WHEREAS, Section 31, Chapter 10, Title III, Book III of Executive Order No. 292 or the “Administrative Code of 1987” provides that the President, in order to achieve simplicity, economy, and efficiency, shall have the continuing authority to reorganize the administrative structure of the Office of the President (OP); and

WHEREAS, Section 17, Article VII of the Constitution vests in the President the power of control over all Executive departments, bureaus, and offices, and the mandate to ensure the faithful execution of laws;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND R. MARCOS, JR., President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution and existing laws, do hereby order:

Section 1. Creation of the Office of the Presidential Adviser for Marawi Rehabilitation and Development. The Office of the Presidential Adviser for Marawi Rehabilitation and Development (OPAMRD) is hereby created to integrate, coordinate, and accelerate the implementation of all government PAPs related to the rehabilitation, development, and restoration of peace and order in Marawi City and other affected localities. The OPAMRD shall be headed by the Presidential Adviser for Marawi Rehabilitation (PAMR), and shall be under the control and supervision of the Office of the Special Assistant to the President (OSAP), consistent with Executive Order No. 11 (s. 2022).

Section 2. Duties and Functions. The OPAMRD shall perform the following duties and functions:

a. Advise the President on all matters regarding the formulation and implementation of policies, plans, and programs of the government towards the rehabilitation, development, and restoration of peace in Marawi City and other affected localities;

b. Oversee, monitor, coordinate, and harmonize all strategies, programs, activities, and projects of Implementing Agencies in charge of the recovery efforts in Marawi City and other affected localities;

c. Coordinate with concerned LGUs in the implementation of PAPs related to Marawi rehabilitation and development, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations;

d. Monitor the implementation of Presidential directives or priorities for the rehabilitation, development, and restoration of peace in Marawi City and other affected localities, and coordinate with relevant agencies in relation thereto:

e. Submit a bi-annual report to the President, through the Office of the Executive Secretary and OSAP, on the status of the implementation of this Order; and

f. Perform such other functions as may be directed by the President, Executive Secretary and/or the Special Assistant to the President.ℒαwρhi৷

The Marawi Compensation Board (MCB) shall be attached to the OPAMRD for policy and program coordination to ensure consistency of the goals and objectives of MCB with the policies and thrusts of the National Government.

Section 3. Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern. The PAMR, in coordination with the Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for Finance and Administration, shall determine the appropriate organizational structure, staffing pattern, and corresponding qualification standards for all positions in OPAMRD, and submit the same for review and approval of the President and/or the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), subject to existing laws, rules and regulations, including the Organization and Staffing Standards and Guidelines issued by DBM and Civil Service Commission.

Section 4. Convergence. All relevant departments, agencies, bureaus, offices and instrumentalities are hereby directed, and concerned LGUs and BARMM are hereby encouraged, to provide full and timely assistance and cooperation to the OPAMRD to ensure effective implementation of this Order.

For this purpose, the Implementing Agencies are hereby directed, and concerned LGUs and the BARMM are hereby encouraged, to submit to the OPAMRD within 30 days from the effectivity of this Order, their respective Reports which shall contain, among others, the status of their respective PAPs for the rehabilitation, development, and restoration of peace in Marawi City and other affected localities, causes of delay in the implementation thereof, their catch-up plans, and inventory of relevant assets, properties, and accountabilities. The Reports shall serve as baseline data of OPAMRD to properly execute its powers and functions.

Section 5. Sunset Provision. The OPAMRD shall deemed functus officio upon completion of the rehabilitation, and restoration of peace in Marawi City and other affected localities. For this purpose, the OPAMRD and Implementing Agencies shall set timelines and targets to accomplish the objectives of this Order.

Section 6. Funding. The funding requirements for the initial implementation of this Order shall be charged against current and available appropriations of OP, and such other sources as may be determined by DBM. Thereafter, the funding requirements for the continued implementation of this Order shall be included in the budget proposal of OP, subject to the usual budget preparation process.

Section 7. Separability. If any part or provision of this Order is held invalid or unconstitutional, the provisions not affected thereby shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 8. Repeal. All orders, rules and regulations, and other issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Order, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 9. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.

DONE, in the City of Manila, this 28th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Twenty-Four.


By the President:

Executive Secretary

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation