Today is Thursday, March 13, 2025


Executive Order No. 886
August 1, 1982
Modifying the Rates of Import Duty on Certain Imported Articles as Provided Under Presidential Decree No. 1464, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, in Order to Implement the 20%-25% Margins of Tariff Preference on Items With Import Value of Over $500,000 to $1,000,000 (CIF) in 1978, as Recorded in the Foreign Trade Statistics of the Philippines, in Accordance With the Decision of the Thirteenth Asean Economic Ministers (AEM) Meeting
Executive Order No. 863
December 26, 1982
Revising the Retail Prices and Specific Taxes on Local and Imported Cigarettes
Executive Order No. 862
December 22, 1982
Suspending the Export Duty and Premium Duty on Centrifugal Sugar and Molasses
Executive Order No. 861
December 22, 1982
Further Extending the Effectivity of Presidential Decree Numbered Seventeen Hundred Forty-Five Dated November 20, 1980, as Amended By Presidential Decree Numbered Seventeen Hundred Forty-Seven, Dated December 4, 1980, Executive Order Numbered Six Hundred Ninety, Dated May 11, 1981 and Executive Order Numbered Seven Hundred Fifty Eight, Dated December 31, 1981
Executive Order No. 860
December 21, 1982
Imposing an Additional Duty of Three Percent (3%) Ad Valorem on All Imports
Executive Order No. 859
December 14, 1982
Amending Executive Order No. 674 Establishing the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
Executive Order No. 858
December 14, 1982
Granting Year-End Bonus to National Government Officials and Employees Equivalent to One-Week's Basic Pay
Executive Order No. 857
December 13, 1982
Governing the Remittance to the Philippines of Foreign Exchange Earnings of Filipino Workers Abroad and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 856
December 12, 1982
Creating a Provincial/City Committee on Justice in Other Regional Areas
Executive Order No. 855
December 10, 1982
Amending Paragraph 21 of Executive Order Number One, Dated July Four, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Six, Entitled: "Prescribing Rules and Regulations for the Granting and Issuing of Passports"
Executive Order No. 854
December 6, 1982
Providing for the Rationalization of the Desiccated Coconut Industry
Executive Order No. 853
December 6, 1982
Creating a Committee to Take Charge of the Planning and Execution of the Commemorative Activities for the 1984 Teodoro M. Kalaw Centennial Anniversary
Executive Order No. 852
December 3, 1982
Providing for More Effective Coordination Between National Development and Security Operations
Executive Order No. 851
December 2, 1982
Reorganizing the Ministry of Health, Integrating the Components of Health Care Delivery Into Its Field Operations, and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 850
December 1, 1982
Reorganizing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Executive Order No. 849
November 26, 1982
Increasing the Loan Value and Guarantee Coverage Under the Food Quedan Financing Program and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 848
November 19, 1982
Reorganizing the Management Board of All Philippine Centers in the United States of America
Executive Order No. 846
November 10, 1982
Amending Executive Order No. 827 Dated September 1, 1982
Executive Order No. 845
November 8, 1982
Creating a Foreign Investments Assistance Center
Executive Order No. 844
November 8, 1982
Increasing the Number of Directors of the National Power Corporation From Seven (7) to Nine (9)
Executive Order No. 843
November 5, 1982
Creating a Commission on Export Procedures
Executive Order No. 842
November 5, 1982
Creation of the National Development Fund
Executive Order No. 841
October 28, 1982
Creating the Kabataang Barangay National Secretariat, Defining Its Powers and Functions, Providing for Its Organizational Structure and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 840
October 16, 1982
Completion of the National Agriculture and Life Sciences Research Complex at the University of the Philippines at Los BaƱos
Executive Order No. 839
October 26, 1982
Directing the Reorganization of the National Food Authority
Executive Order No. 838
October 20, 1982
Revising the Percentage Tax on Sales of Automobiles Under Section 195(A) of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, as Amended
Executive Order No. 837
October 14, 1982
Vesting the Jurisdiction, Control and Regulation Over the Watershed Areas of the Manito, Albay and Bacon, Sorsogon Geothermal Reservation Established Under Proclamation No. 2036-A With the Ministry of Energy, Pursuant to the Provision of Presidential Decree No. 1515, as Amended By Presidential Decree No. 1749
Executive Order No. 836
October 14, 1982
Providing for Separate Positions of Chairman and General Manager in the Philippine Tobacco Administration
Executive Order No. 835
October 14, 1982
Providing for a Revised Charter of the National Council on Integrated Area Development
Executive Order No. 834
October 14, 1982
Creating a National Board on the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department Programs, Budget and Operations
Executive Order No. 833
October 4, 1982
Certifying That the Production of Fiberglass Insulation Materials, as a Preferred Pioneer Industry, Shall Be Entitled to Post-Operative Tariff Protection
Executive Order No. 832
October 1, 1982
Furthering Amending Executive Order No. 708, Dated July 27, 1981
Executive Order No. 831
September 30, 1982
Creating the Philippines-United States Business Development Council
Executive Order No. 830
September 30, 1982
Increasing the Capitalization of the Light Rail Transit Authority From Five Hundred Million Pesos to Three Billion Pesos
Executive Order No. 829
September 11, 1982
Creating the Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee, Abolishing the National Committee on Anti-Organized Crime and Its Functions Absorbed By the Peace and Order Council
Executive Order No. 828
September 11, 1982
Temporarily Suspending the Exportation of Copra
Executive Order No. 827
September 1, 1982
Exempting Coconut Oil From the Coconut Levy and Sales Tax as Well as From the Special Fund Impost to Diesel
Executive Order No. 826
August 28, 1982
Providing Measures for the Protection of the Desiccated Coconut Industry
Executive Order No. 825
August 28, 1982
Ordering and Authorizing the Organization of the Coconut Investment Company as a Private Corporation Under the Provisions of Republic Act Numbered Six Thousand Two Hundred Sixty (R.A. 6260)
Executive Order No. 824
August 28, 1982
Adopting the Revised Rules and Regulations for Basque Pelota Games and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 823
August 19, 1982
Further Amending Executive Order No. 537 Dated May 24, 1979 Creating the Garments and Textile Export Board, Abolishing the Embroidery and Apparel Control and Inspection Board, and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 822
August 8, 1982
Granting All the Uniformed Members of the Integrated National Police Quarters Allowance
Executive Order No. 821
August 3, 1982
Creating the Markets Infrastructure Development Council Vesting the Same With Powers and Functions, Providing Appropriations Therefor and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 820
July 24, 1982
Creating a National Committee to Initiate and Conduct the First National Seminar-Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation for Effective Program and Project Implementation
Executive Order No. 819
July 24, 1982
Creating the Position of Presidential Regional Monitoring Officer in Every Region
Executive Order No. 818
July 16, 1982
Amending Presidential Decree No. 1003-A, Creating the National Academy of Science and Technology and for Related Purposes
Executive Order No. 817
July 8, 1982
Providing for the Abolition of Certain Inactive Government Corporations
Executive Order No. 816
July 8, 1982
Providing for the Abolition of the Agricultural Credit Administration and Transferring Its Functions to the Land Bank of the Philippines
Executive Order No. 815
June 26, 1982
To Safeguard and Promote the Development of the Philippine Semiconductor Electronics Industry
Executive Order No. 814
June 26, 1982
Expanding the Program for the Appointment of Consuls Ad Honorem
Executive Order No. 813
June 22, 1982
Establishing the System of Position Classification and Compensation for the Office of the Prime Minister (Proper) as Well as the Rules and Regulations for Its Implementation
Executive Order No. 812
June 22, 1982
Extending the Period for the 1981-82 General Revision of Real Property Assessment From June 30, 1982 to June 30, 1984 and Fixing the Date of Accrual of the Real Property Tax Based on the Revised Property Valuations
Executive Order No. 811
June 12, 1982
Creating the Films Ratings Board, Defining Its Powers and Functions and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 810
June 12, 1982
Granting Salary Increases to Teaching Positions of the Philippine Science High School (PSHS) as an Accelerated Implementation of the 1979 Salary Survey
Executive Order No. 809
June 11, 1982
Amending Letter of Instruction No. 1093 Governing the Admission to or Stay in the Philippines as Temporary Visitors of Chinese Nationals Who Are Holders of People's Republic of China Passports
Executive Order No. 808
June 11, 1982
Amending Letter of Instruction No. 1106 Governing the Admission to or Stay in the Philippines as Temporary Visitors of Chinese Nationals Who Are Holders of Taipei Passports
Executive Order No. 807
June 10, 1982
Establishing the Small Contractors Module Under the Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 806
May 27, 1982
Creating the Textbook Council and the Instructional Matterials Corporation
Executive Order No. 805
May 26, 1982
Abolishing the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development, Transferring Its Functions to a Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 804
May 26, 1982
Providing for Assistants to the Prime Minister to Perform Inspectorate and Other Related Functions
Executive Order No. 803
May 21, 1982
Establishing an Integrated Area Management System for Agricultural Services
Executive Order No. 802
May 21, 1982
Amending Regulation No. 33 (A) of Letter of Implementation No. 23, as Amended
Executive Order No. 801
May 21, 1982
Upgrading the Physician Classes of Positions in the National Government
Executive Order No. 800
May 19, 1982
Modifying the Rates of Import Duty on Certain Imported Articles as Provided Under Presidential Decree No. 1464, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Tariff and Customs
Code of 1982, in Order to Implement the Margins of Preference in Accordance With the Asean Agreement on Preferential Trading Arrangements With Respect to Certain Articles Negotiated During the Thirteenth Meeting of the Asean Committee on Trade and Tourism
Executive Order No. 799
May 19, 1982
Modifying the Rates of Import Duty on Certain Imported Articles as Provided Under Presidential Decree No. 1464, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Tariff and Customs Code of 1978, in Order to Implement the 20%-25% Margins of Tariff Preference on Items With Import Value of $50,000 to $500,000 Cif 1978, as Recorded in the Foreign Trade Statistics of the Philippines, in Accordance With the Eleventh and Twelfth Decisions of the Asean Economic Ministers (AEM) Meetings.
Executive Order No. 798
May 14, 1982
Creating the Justice System Consultative Commission (JUSCCOM)
Executive Order No. 797
May 1, 1982
Reorganizing the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Creating the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 796
May 6, 1982
Amending the Composition of the Board of Trustees of the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System
Executive Order No. 795
May 3, 1982
Creating the Philippine Commission for the International Youth Year and Defining Its Powers and Functions
Executive Order No. 794
April 6, 1982
Authorizing the President of the Philippines the Importation of Fuel Oil (LOI No. 837), Diesel Fuel and Kerosene (LOI No. 839) Free From Customs Duties and Other Importation Taxes and Charges
Executive Order No. 793
April 26, 1982
Authorizing the Increase in Salaries of Metropolitan Manila Commission Officials And
Mayors of the Cities of Manila, Quezon, Pasay and Caloocan
Executive Order No. 792
April 11, 1982
Implementing the Final 25% Increase in Distilled Spirits, Wines, Compounded Liquors and Fermented Liquors Pursuant to BP Blg. 82
Executive Order No. 791
April 11, 1982
Creating a National Committee to Take Charge of the Celebration of Philippine Independence Day on June 12, 1982
Executive Order No. 790
April 3, 1982
Extending the Preference to Any One Child of a Veteran in Civil Service Examinations
Executive Order No. 789
March 28, 1982
Increasing the Subsistence Allowance of Cadets of the Philippine Military Academy and of the Philippine Air Force Flying School
Executive Order No. 788
March 28, 1982
Prescribing the Initial Clothing Allowance in Kind and a New Rate of Clothing Maintenance Allowance of the Cadets of the Philippine Military Academy and the Philippine Air Force Flying School
Executive Order No. 787
March 25, 1982
Creating the Middle East and Africa Regional Labor Office and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 786
March 19, 1982
Creating the Natural Resources Development Corporation, Defining Its Functions, Powers and Responsibilities and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 785
March 19, 1982
Creating the Philippine Human Resource Development Center, Providing Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 784
March 17, 1982
Reorganizing the National Science Development Board and Its Agencies Into a National Science and Technology Authority and for Related Purposes
Executive Order No. 783
March 16, 1982
Amending Further the Composition of the Board of Directors of the Maritime Industry Authority and the Philippine Ports Authority
Executive Order No. 782
March 13, 1982
Creating an Inter-Agency Committee to Monitor and Regulate the Importation of Used Trucks and Engines
Executive Order No. 781
March 9, 1982
Accelerating the Implementation of the Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran and Establishing Thereby a Special Local Government KKK Fund, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 780
January 1, 1982
Authorizing Increases in Salary to Solicitors and Lawyers in the Office of the Solicitor General
Executive Order No. 779
March 9, 1982
Classifying the Organizational Structure of the Rural Workers Office in the Ministry of Labor and Employment and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 778
March 4, 1982
Creating the Manila International Airport Authority, Transferring Existing Assets of the Manila International Airport to the Authority, and Vesting the Authority With Power to Administer and Operate the Manilainternational Airport
Executive Order No. 777
February 28, 1982
Reorganizing the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, Renaming It as Ministry of Local Government and Transferring Its Community Development Function to the Ministry of Human Settlements and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 776
February 24, 1982
Allowing the Importation of Semi-Synthetic Antibiotics Only on Quantities and Types Not
Produced in the Philippines
Executive Order No. 775
February 25, 1982
Increasing the Number of Directors of the National Development Company to Include the Minister of Natural Resources
Executive Order No. 774
February 19, 1982
Creating a National Executive Committee on Aging
Executive Order No. 773
February 10, 1982
Creating an Export Development Fund
Executive Order No. 772
February 8, 1982
Amending Presidential Decree No. 977 Creating the Philippine Fish Marketing Authority, Defining Its Functions and Powers, and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 771
February 4, 1982
Amending Executive Order No. 696 Granting Career Executive Service Officer Rank to Graduates of the National Defense College of the Philippines and Other Related Purposes
Executive Order No. 770
January 29, 1982
Creating the Experimental Cinema of the Philippines
Executive Order No. 768
January 19, 1982
Amending Further the Composition of the Board of Directors of the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines
Executive Order No. 767
January 14, 1982
Providing for the Increased Participation of Local Governments in the National Infrastructure Program
Executive Order No. 766
January 13, 1982
Transferring the Administrative Control of the Real Property Tax Administration (RPTA) Project From the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development to the Ministry of Finance
Executive Order No. 765
January 13, 1982
Granting Certain Incentives to Domestic Manufacturers Bidding in Government Projects Financed Out of Foreign Loans
Executive Order No. 764
January 13, 1982
Revising the Mfa Indices on Overseas and Living Quarters Allowances of Foreign Service Personnel in Bonn and Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Executive Order No. 763
January 11, 1982
Creating an Additional Position of Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communications
Executive Order No. 762
January 8, 1982
Relieving the Complaints and Investigation Office of Its Function as the Administrative Arm of the Tanodbayan
Executive Order No. 761
January 8, 1982
Lifting the Suspension of the Export Duty on Copra and Reducing the Export Duty Thereon to Seven Percent
Executive Order No. 760
January 8, 1982
Modifying the Rates of Import Duty on Certain Imported Articles as Provided Under Presidential Decree No. 1464, as Amended, in Order to Implement the Decision Taken By the Eleventh Asean Economic Ministers (AEM) Meeting for an Initial Tariff Cut of 50% for Products in the Asean Industrial Complementation (AIC) Package
Executive Order No. 759
January 7, 1982
Establishing Rules and Regulations for a Copper Stabilization Fund
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation, Inc.