[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 290, March 14, 1958 ]
Pursuant to the powers vested in me by Republic Act Numbered Nine hundred and ninety-seven, as amended by Republic Act Numbered One thousand two hundred and forty-one, and upon the recommendation of the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission, the following implementing Details of Reorganization Plans Nos. 4-A, 5-A, 7-A, 3-A, and 9-A which relate to Administrative Services, are hereby promulgated to govern the organization, powers, duties, and functions of the Department of General Services:
Section 1. The organization, functions, and operations of the Department of General Services, hereinafter referred to as the “Department”, shall be in accordance with the provisions of Reorganization Plans Nos. 4-A, 5-A, 7-A, 8-A, and 9-A, hereinafter referred to as the Plans, and these Implementing Details.
Section 2. The organization of the Department as graphically depicted in the following organization charts, shall consist of the Office of the Secretary, Administrative Division, Fiscal Division, Legal Division, Bureau of Supply Coordination, Bureau of Building and Real Property Management, Bureau of Records Management, Bureau of Printing, and National Media Production Center.
Section 3. Quarters for the offices of the Department and its entities shall be selected by the Secretary of the Department.
Section 4. The Secretary of the Department of General Services, hereinafter referred to as the “Secretary,” is authorized to make such changes in organization, definition of functions, and distribution of work among entities in the Department as may be necessary to reflect changes in legislation, conditions, needs, or workloads: Provided, That no such changes may be made during fiscal year 1957 without specific approval of the President: And provided, further, That any such changes must be in conformity with the general pattern of organization set forth in the Plans and these Implementing Details.
Functions of the Office of the Secretary
Section 5. The functions, powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Secretary and the Undersecretary of the Department of General Services shall consist of those provided in pertinent provisions of the Revised Administrative Code and other pertinent laws, and those provided in the Plans and in these Implementing Details.
a. The Secretary shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) advise the President on the formulation and execution of policies concerning the performance of common administrative services m the various entities of the government;
(2) administer, coordinate, and direct the assignment, regulation, and performance of the functions related to maintenance, custody, and utilization of buildings and real property; procurement, issuance, and utilization of supplies, materials, and equipment; management of government records and documents;-and printing and media production services;
(3) promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out policy objectives and functions vested in him by law;
(4) delegate authority for the performance of any function or set of functions to officers and employees under his direction; and
(5) direct and provide for the over-all operation of the Department.
b. The Undersecretary shall have the following functions, among; others;
(1) serve as deputy to the Secretary in all matters;
(2) administer the Department’s day-to-day activities, coordinate its programs and projects, and be responsible for the efficient and economical operations of the Department;
(3) advise and assist the Secretary in the formulation, determination, and implementation of the Department policies; and
(4) act as the Secretary in his absence, or if the Office is vacant.
Functions of the Administrative Division
Section 6. The Administrative Division shall be responsible for providing the Department with services relating to property and records management, requisitioning supplies and equipment, personnel management; improvement of organization and methods; statistical analysis; and building office services. This Division shall have a Correspondence and Records Section, a Property and Supply Section, a Statistical Section, a Personnel Section, an Organization and Methods Section and a General Services Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follow:
a. The Correspondence and Records Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) receive and distribute incoming and outgoing correspondence;
(2) file and. maintain necessary records and documents of the Department; and
(3) provide policy guidance and operating advice on the creation, maintenance, transfer, and retirement of records in accordance with standards set by the Bureau of Records Management.
b. The Property and Supply Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) be responsible for receiving, storing, safekeeping and distributing supplies, materials, and equipment of the Department;
(2) conduct inventories of departmental properties, supplies, and equipment;
(3) maintain property records of the Department;
(4) report the loss of properties, supplies, and equipment and initiate recovery actions;
(5) process requisitions for supplies, materials, and equipment; and
(6) provide policy guidance and operating advice on the storage of supplies, materials, and equipment.
c. The Statistical Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) compile and analyze statistics and data on the Department’s operations to serve as a basis for management decisions;
(2) publish statistics and data: on the effectiveness of the Department’s operation for public relations purposes;
(3) provide policy guidance and operating advice on the collection and analysis of statistical data; and
(4) carry out such research and surveys as may be necessary to develop policies and practices for the various entities of the Department.
d. The Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) establish and manage, subject to existing civil service and other personnel laws, rules, and regulations a personnel program which includes preparation of position descriptions and qualification standards for purposes of selective recruitment, appointment, and promotion;
(2) act on all matters concerning attendance, leaves of absence, appointments, promotions, transfers, and efficiency records;
(3) plan, formulate, develop, and conduct training programs of the Department in conjunction with other government entities concerned with training;
(4) conduct investigations or review papers on administrative charges against employees of the Department as directed;
(5) provide policy guidance and operating advice on personnel matters; and
(6) provide medical services pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 1054.
e. The Organization and Methods Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct studies and make recommendations on organizational structure, accountability patterns, and staffing patterns;
(2) provide technical advice on work processes, standardization of forms, and work simplification;
(3) establish standards and criteria on operational procedures, methods and techniques and on management controls;
(4) assist in the implementation of approved management improvement programs; and
(5) maintain liaison with, and receive advice and assistance from entities concerned with organization and methods improvement.
f. The General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) provide and coordinate security guarding services for the Department, which include the prevention of theft, fire, damage, accident, unlawful entry, and similar hazards on buildings and other properties, and the routinary watching and guarding of the premises;
(2) provide and coordinate janitorial and general utility services for the Department which include cleaning the offices, toilets and closets, buildings and grounds; keeping office equipment and furniture clean and orderly; collecting and disposing of waste; and related activities;
(3) provide and coordinate messenger services; and
(4) manage the transportation facilities of the Department.
Functions of the Fiscal Division
Section 7. The Fiscal Division shall be responsible for the functions of the Department relating to budgeting and handling of cash. This Division shall have a budgeting Section and a Collecting and Disbursing Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Budgeting Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare, review, consolidate, and submit budget estimates arid budget justifications of the Department;
(2) review and control expenditures of budgeted funds for the Department;
(3) advise management and prepare management control reports on the status of appropriations and allotments, income, and work accomplished; and
(4) coordinate financial planning with the program planning activities of the Department.
b. The Collecting and Disbursing Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare bills and statements of accounts receivable and solicit payments;
(2)receive, collect, and deposit cash;
(3)prepare and process vouchers and warrants for payment of the Department’s obligations;
(4) prepare payrolls for all entities of the Department;
(5) pay approved vouchers and salaries and wages;
(6) sell textbooks and public documents; and
(7) prepare reports on cash collection, deposits, and disbursements.
Functions of the Legal Division
Section 8. The Legal Division shall provide legal services and advice to the Secretary and the entities of the Department.
a. This Division shall have the following duties, responsibilities, and functions, among others:
(1) interpret statutes, laws, rules, and regulations affecting the operation of the Department and interpret provisions of contracts covering work performed for the Department by private entities;
(2) assist in the promulgation of rules and regulations governing the activities of the Department;
(3) prepare comments on proposed legislation referred to the Department by the President or by the Congress: study and analyze legislative proposals originating from the various entities of the Department; prepare bills for introduction to Congress; and maintain liaison with Congress regarding legislation affecting the Department; and
(4) assist the Solicitor General in representing the Department in court and conduct necessary research related thereto.
Functions of the Bureau of Supply Coordination
Section 9. The Bureau of Supply Coordination, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall be primarily responsible for the administration of the supply system of the government. The Bureau shall coordinate, perform, or assign to other entities the performance of the supply activities relating to purchasing, storage, standardization, delivery, and property utilization and disposition. The Bureau shall promulgate rules, regulations, and standards; formulate and initiate plans and programs; and develop and define operating procedures concerning all aspects of the supply management operation of the government.
Section 10. There shall be an Administrative Assistant in the Office of the Director of the Bureau who shall arrange for and coordinate administrative services provided by the Department. The Administrative Assistant shall be responsible for the preparation and processing of the Bureau’s budget proposals, personnel request, and forms and supply requisitions; the maintenance of files of necessary personnel documents, correspondence, and current operating records; and the direction and coordination of clerical, janitorial, messengerial, and guarding services.
Section 11. The Bureau shall have a Supply Division, a Specifications and Inspection Division, and a Property Utilization Division.
Section 12. The Supply Division shall plan, develop, and execute programs of the Bureau relating to the procurement, stocking, and issuance of supplies and equipment and the contracting for non-personnal services. This Division shall have a Procurement Section, a Stores Section, and a Service Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Procurement Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) procure, by bidding and negotiation, supplies, materials, and equipment, including non-personal services, either from local or foreign sources;
(2) compose invitations to bid; maintain lists of prospective bidders; award and administer contracts, including alteration and adjustment of established contracts; and prepare justifications for contracts awarded at other than the lowest price arid for purchasing outside of existing contracts;
(3) assist in determining the acceptability of merchandise in cases of controversy, including consideration of adequacy of price reductions;
(4) assist requisitioning offices in determining items to be ordered to fill intended use;
(5) study market trends and develop new sources of supply; and
(6) develop policies, procedures, and forms; and provide technical advice and assistance for the conduct of procurement programs’ in the various government entities.
b. The Stores Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) receive, store, examine, issue, pack, and ship or deliver supplies, materials, and equipment, including standard government forms, textbooks, and public documents;
(2) operate and maintain the Bureau’s warehouses and develop standards and criteria for warehouse space, operational layouts, and facilities;
(3) study agencies’ inquires and demands, and determine and maintain adequate stock-levels;
(4) develop reports on long-supply items, inventories, stock activity, back-order position, and average cost of materials; and
(5) provide technical advice and assistance for the conduct of stores programs in the various government entities.
c. The Service Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) register incoming requisitions and route them to the Section concerned;
(2)issue purchase orders for those items obtainable under existing contracts or those not requiring specialized commodity buying experience;
(3) prepare, deliver, and maintain files of contracts and invitations to bid, and provide other clerical assistance as required;
(4) open, consider and prepare abstracts of bids;
(5) follow-up and expedite purchase actions and deliveries; and
(6) compile and analyze data on market trends and purchase
Section 13. The Specifications and Inspection Division shall plan, develop, coordinate, and execute the programs of the Bureau relating to standards, cataloging, testing, and inspection.
a. This Division shall have the following duties and responsibilities, among others:
(1) develop and revise specifications and standards for common-use supplies, equipment and materials;
(2) develop policies, .regulations, instructions, and manuals on sampling and quality control techniques;
(3) conduct continuous surveys to determine and analyze technological developments in supplies, equipment, and materials;
(4) establish and maintain a central register of all government specifications for common-use items and list of qualified products for such items;
(5) develop, publish, and distribute stock catalogs and official copies of specifications and standards;
(6) establish and maintain a central library of manufacturers’ catalogs;
(7) develop and maintain master card files identifying items by class of commodity, stock numbers, and stock specifications: and
(8) maintain liaison with all civil agencies and the Armed Forces of the Philippines for integrating stock numbers and cataloging of common-use items.
Section 14. The Property Utilization Division shall plan, develop, coordinate and execute all programs of the Bureau related to the utilization and disposal of supplies, equipment and materials of the government. The Property Utilization Division shall have a Disposal Section and a Utilization Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Disposal Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) sell or otherwise dispose of supplies, equipment, and materials which are obsolete, forfeited, abandoned, or surplus to the needs of the government; or recommend assignment of these functions to other government entities;
(2) prepare, issue, and publish invitations to bid on disposable items;
(3) receive, open, consider, and award bids for surplus property; and
(4) appraise and establish the value of surplus supplies, equipment, and materials, and develop standards and criteria for determining their usability.
b. The Utilization Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) require regular inventories of supplies and equipment in the different agencies of the government; conduct reviews and spot-checks of these inventories; and determine and establish inventory levels for property carried in stock by government entities;
(2) devise methods for the systematic and coordinated transfer of supplies, equipment, and materials from one government agency to another, including the preparation and processing of documents required for such transactions;
(3) conduct studies of property utilization practices in the various government entities and formulate and implement policies and procedures, including maintenance guides, to secure greater service and utility from supplies, equipment, and materials.
Functions of the Bureau of Building and Real Management
Section 15. The Bureau of Building and Real Property Management, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall perform, coordinate, or assign to other entities the performance of programs related to maintenance, repair, and custody of national buildings and the administration of real property of the National Government. The Bureau shall assign space in .the national buildings, approve rental of private quarters and real property for government use, and shall serve in planning, consultative and advisory capacity on matters relating to the construction and location of new government buildings and on matters relating to building and office services.
Section 16. The Secretary is authorized to review building repair and maintenance programs currently undertaken by other departments and entities of the government and transfer the appropriation, equipment, property, records, and such personnel as may be necessary from these entities to the Bureau of Building and Real Property Management.
Section 17. There shall be an Administrative Assistant in the Office of the Director of the Bureau who shall arrange for and coordinate administrative services provided by the Department. The Administrative Assistant shall be responsible for the preparation of the Bureau’s budget proposals, personnel requests, and forms and supply requisitions; the maintenance of files of current operating and property records; and the direction and coordination of clerical, janitorial, messengerial, and guarding services.
Section 18. The Bureau shall have a Planning and Programming Division, a Building Maintenance Division, and Real Property Management Division.
Section 19. The Planning and Programming Division shall operate primarily as a planning, scheduling, policy-making, consultative and advisory unit in the construction, location, and maintenance of buildings.
a. This Division shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) plan, schedule, and direct studies, surveys, and research to determine:
(a) space requirements of the government;
(b) needs for construction, maintenance, repair, and alteration of buildings and grounds; and
(c) location of new buildings.
(2) develop criteria and standards and promulgate government-wide policies, rules, and regulations on the maintenance and repair of buildings and grounds;
(3) prepare detailed plans, sketches, work schedules, cost estimates, and specifications for building repair and alteration programs undertaken by the bureau;
(4) in conjunction with the Planning Division of the Department of Public Works, Transportation and Communications, develop long-range policies and programs and prepare sketches and cost estimates for the location and construction of national buildings;
(5) develop recommendations on transferring the seat of the National Government to Quezon City;
(6) recommend legislation and appropriations needed to facilitate the work of the Bureau and review proposed legislation, zoning laws and building ordinances affecting government buildings and real property;
(7) compile and prepare reports, progress charts, statistics, and data showing the status of the Bureau’s programs and their physical and economic effect;
(8) develop recommendations on the economic feasibility of self-insurance program for national government buildings; and
(9) develop recommendations on the establishment of regional offices of the Bureau.
Section 20. The Building Maintenance Division shall execute programs of the Bureau relating to maintenance and repair of national buildings.
a. This Division shall have the following functions among others:
(1) regulate and supervise the maintenance and repair of national buildings, including all components thereof;
(2) inspect materials and workmanship on repair and alterations work done by contract;
(3) inspect buildings and grounds to determine needed repairs and assist the Planning and Programming Division in making surveys of this nature;
(4) recommend to the Planning and Programming Division standards and criteria for the maintenance and repair of national buildings; and
(5) review the building maintenance and repair program of other departments and make recommendations to the Bureau Directors concerning such programs.
Section 21. The Real Property Management Division shall be responsible for the custody, control, operation, and utilization of buildings and commercial, industrial, and urban properties of the national government and shall promulgate policies, rules, and regulations governing their use. This Division shall have a Property Management Section and a Building Services Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Property Management Section shall have the following: functions, among others:
(1) inventory, inspect, appraise, and determine the value of commercial, industrial, and urban properties owned by the government;
(2) recommend the sale, rental, lease, or transfer of commercial, industrial, and urban properties owned by the government ;
(3) inspect, appraise, and determine the value of real property and structures on sites to be acquired for location of new government buildings;
(4) initiate, prepare, and process the necessary documents to acquire sites for new government buildings and to transfer, rent, lease or sell, commercial, industrial and urban properties owned by the government; and
(5) set standard’s for, authorize, and approve terms of rental and leasing agreements to secure private-owned buildings and lands for government use.
b. The Building Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate and make recommendations on:
(a) space requirements of the various government entities; and
(b) utilization of buildings, office, and shop space owned or rented by the government;
(2) assign quarters and space in government buildings;
(3) develop criteria, standards, and government-wide policies and advise departments and other government entities on:
(a) the number of janitors required to maintain adequate standards of cleanliness and sanitary conditions;
(b) the number of guards and watchmen needed to insure adequate security;
(c)the number of messengers and telephones needed to provide adequate communications;
(d) the number of gardeners, groundkeepers, and laborers needed to maintain adequate standards of real property cleanliness and beauty; and
(e) the proper utilization of building office and shop space; and
(4) study and make recommendations on the necessity and feasibility of establishing a central messenger service between offices in the Manila Area.
Functions of the Bureau of Records Management
Section 22. The Bureau of Records Management, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” plan, develop, and coordinate government-wide programs, policies, rules, and regulations governing the use, storage, and disposition of current operating records of permanent or historical value.
Section 23. There shall be an Administrative Assistant in the Office of the Director of the bureau who shall arrange for and coordinatead ministrative services provided by the Department. The Administrative Assistant shall prepare and process personnel papers and forms and supply requisitions; maintain files of current operating records and necessary personnel documents; direct and coordinate clerical, messengerial, janitorial, and guarding services; and assist in collecting, compiling, and preparing materials and data needed for budget proposals of the bureau.
Section 24. The bureau shall have a Current Records Division, an Archives Division, and a Records Storage Division: Provided, That the Records Storage Division shall be inoperative until its Operation, is deemed feasible by the Secretary.
Section 25. The Current Records Division shall serve primarily as a planning, regulating, policy-making, and advisory unit on matters concerning the use, storage, and disposition of operating records of government entities.
a. This Division shall have the following duties, responsibilities, and functions, among others:
(1) conduct research and studies; develop criteria, standards, and controls; and promulgate policies, rules, and regulations on the creation, storage, security, preservation, maintenance, transfer, disposition, disposal, and retirement of records of the various government entities;
(2) inspect and appraise the records of government entities; determine those records to be retired or destroyed; recommend whether a particular body of material is included within the scope of the Bureau’s work; and requisition those determined transferable to the Department or to the records storage centers;
(3) direct and determine the method of disposal or destruction of records;
(4) report any loss of records in the custody of the Division and of such other entities of which it might acquire information, and initiate action to recover records lost or unlawfully removed from official custody;
(5) require reports and statistics from government entities on their records management activities and analyze these data to determine the effectiveness of the Bureau’s programs;
(6) develop and initiate training programs in records management for entities concerned with records management of the various government entities;
(7) conduct studies and make recommendations on the necessity and feasibility of activating the Records Storage Division; and;
(8) provide technical advice and assistance to all entities and instrumentalities of the government in matters concerning records management.
Section 26. The Archives Division shall store, service, and rehabilitate documents and records of permanent value and of historical interest. The Division shall have a Reference Service Section, a Spanish Documents Section, and a General Documents Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Reference Service Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) operate a reading room for the general public;
(2) answer inquiries and correspondence relating to documents and records of the Division;
(3). issue photostatic or certified true copies of documents and records in their files;
(4) recommend fees to be charged for copies of documents and records; and
(5) loan or assign historical materials or copies thereof to national cultural entities for the purpose of exhibition or study.
b. The Spanish Documents Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) acquire, rehabilitate, service, index, catalog, and store documents and records pertaining to the period of the Spanish Government of the Philippines; and
(2) recommend policies and programs related to the acquisition, storage, and use of these documents and records.
c. The General Documents Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) receive, classify, index, catalog, and service all archives, documents and records not classified as Spanish documents, such as notarial registers and registration of cattle brands, mortgages and trust deeds; and
(3) recommend policies and programs related to the acquisition, storage, and use of these documents and records.
Section 27. The Records Storage Division shall establish and operate records storage centers to house documents and papers which are to be preserved for a period of time but which need not be retained by the govrnment entities concerned.
a. This Division shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) establish records storage centers to receive, classify, index, and service records and documents deemed unnecessary for current operating purposes of the entities concerned;
(2) establish operating rules, regulations, and procedures governing the activities of records storage centers;
(3) make recommendations on policies, rules, and regulations concerning the transfer or loan of documents in the custody of records storage centers; and
(4) report any loss of records in the custody of records storage centers and initiate action to recover them.
Funtions of the Bureau of Printing
Section 28. The functions, powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Bureau of Printing, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” are not affected by the Plans, except that the Administration Division is abolished to accomplish the goal of centralizing administrative services in the Departments.
a. The functions of the Administrative Division are redistributed as follows:
(1) the functions of preparing payrolls, disbursing and collecting cash, billing and collecting accounts due, and selling “textbooks and public documents are transferred to the Fiscal Division of the Department;
(2) the functions of maintaining permanent personnel records and operating the medical unit are transferred to the Administrative Division of the Department;
(3) the functions of stocking, printing, and binding raw materials and machinery spare parts; receiving subscriptions to the Official Gazette and answering related correspondence and inquiries; and delivering, shipping, and mailing completed work, including distribution of the Official Gazette, are transferred to the Layout Division of the bureau;
(4) the function of performing woodworking and carpentry work is transferred to the Power Plant Division of the Bureau; and
(5) the functions of stocking, storing, issuing, and delivering standard government forms, textbooks, .and public documents are transferred to the Bureau of Supply Coordination.
Section 29. There shall be an Administrative Assistant in the Office of the Director of the bureau who shall arrange for and coordinate administrative services provided by the Department. The Administrative Assistant shall be responsible for the preparation and processing, of the Bureau’s budget proposals, personnel requests, and forms and supply requisitions; the maintenance of files of necessary personnel documents, correspondence, and current operating records; and the direction and coordination of clerical, janitorial, messengerial, and guarding services.
Functions of the National Media Production Center
Section 30. The functions, powers, duties, and responsibilities of the National Media Production Center are not affected by the Plans, except that responsibility for providing administrative services is transferred to the staff Divisions of the Department.
Section 31. There shall be an Administrative Assistant in the Office of the Director of the National Media Production Center who shall arrange for and coordinate administrative services provided by the Department. The Administrative Assistant shall prepare and process personnel papers and forms and supply requisitions; maintain files of current operating records and necessary personnel documents; direct and coordinate clerical, messengerial, janitorial, and guarding services; and assist in collecting, compiling, and preparing materials and data needed for budget proposals of the National Media Production Center.
Section 32. From the total appropriations authorized for the period from July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, consisting of the following:
1. Under Republic Act Numbered 1600
(1) For the Bureau of Printing Bureau of Printing Revolving Fund |
P5,208,130.00 |
(2) For the National Media Production Center General Fund |
285,760.00 |
(3) For the Bureau of Supply General Fund |
209,040.00 |
(4)For the Bureau of Public Works |
60,200.00 |
(a) For items of expenditures relating to supervision of maintenance and repair of national buildings in Manila and Quezon City |
(5)For the Procurement Branch of the Office of Foreign Aid Coordination, National Economic Council General Fund |
90,740.00 |
(6) For the Division of Archives, Bureau of Public Libraries General Fund |
84,670.00 |
b. From the Board of LiquidatorsSurplus Property Unit Current Deposit |
78,520.00 |
Total appropriations |
P6,017,060.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P730;410.00 |
(b) Bureau of Printing RevolvingFund |
5,208,130.00 |
(c) Surplus Property Unit Current Deposit |
78,520.00 |
the following sums, subject to adjustment by the Commissioner of the Budget based on the unexpended balance of appropriations available as of the effective date of these Implementing Details, are reallocated for the operation of the Department during the period from July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-six to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, except where otherwise provided:
1. Funds Transferred Out
For Implementation of Plan No. 2-A.
General Fund |
P97,700.00 |
1. Current Operating Expenditures |
(1) Office of the Secretary |
For general administration and staff services, including legal services |
P290.000.00 |
(1) General Administration |
P267,720.00 |
(2) Legal Services |
22,280.00 |
Total |
P290.000.00 |
(2) Bureau of Supply Coordination |
For supply administration, including procurement, warehousing, delivery, specifications, standards, property utilization and disposal and general administration, P292.620.00: Provided, That P4.200.00 of this amount shall be available as government contribution for insurance and retirement coverage for employees transferred from the Surplus Property Unit of the Board of Liquidators.
(1) General Administration |
P25.000.00 |
(2) Procurement and Warehousing |
161,700.00 |
(3) Specifications and Standards |
33,380.00 |
(4) Property Utilization and Disposal |
72,540.00 |
Total |
P292.620.00 |
(3) Bureau of Building and Real Property Management |
For direction of maintenance, repair, alteration of national government buildings, and management of real property owned or rented by the government |
P138,320.00 |
(1) Planning and General Administration |
P63,500.00 |
(2) Management of Real Property |
P35.580.00 |
(3) Maintenance and Repair of Buildings |
P39.240.00 |
P138.320.00 |
P84.670.00 |
P84.670.00 |
For printing services for the National Government and its instrumentalities, provincial and municipal governments, chartered cities and government-owned or controlled corporations, and general administration, P4,871,750.00: Provided, That of the amount appropriated P67.500.00 shall be reimbursed to the Budget Commission for accounting services and P19.130.00 to the General Auditing Office for auditing services: Provided, further, That of the amount appropriated, P211.700.00 shall be for the modernization and improvement of the Bureau of Printing, acquisition of machineries, plants, and facilities: And provided, finally, That the Secretary of the Department may use any unexpended balance of this fund for additional expenses to meet any increase in printing workload.
(1) General Administration |
P62.840.00 |
(2) Printing Production |
4,808,910.00 |
Total |
P4.871.750.00 |
(6) National Media Production Center |
For national media production services, including production media dissemination of information, training of government personnel in the techniques of producing different media of mass communication, operation, maintenance, and repair of audiovisual equipment, technical assistance to government agencies in planning and implementing informational, and education campaigns |
P242,000.00 |
(1) Production and Dissemination of Information |
P242.000.00 |
Total Current Operating Expenditures |
P5,919,360.00 |
1. Special Provisions |
The total current operating expenditures of P5,919,360.00 authorized for the Department in these Implementing Details shall be paid out of the following funds:
(a) General Fund |
P632,710.00 |
(b) Bureau of Printing Revolving Fund |
5,208,130.00 |
(c) Proceeds from sales of Surplus Property |
78,520.00 |
Total |
P5,919,360.00 |
The total current operating expenditures of P5,919,360.00 authorized for the Department shall be allotted for the following objects, subject to adjustments by the Commissioner of the Budget based on the balance of funds available as of the effective date of these Implementing Details:
Personal services, including P170,340.00 for temporary and emergency help, and including P4,200.00 for the government contribution for insurance and retirement coverage of employees transferred from the Surplus Property Unit of the Board of Liquidators |
P3,025,460.00 |
Non-personal items |
2,893,900.00 |
P5,919,360.00 |
Total Funds |
P6,017,060.00 |
1. General Provisions
The “General Provisions” of Republic Act Numbered Sixteen hundred, to which reference is hereby made, shall remain in full force and effect and is made a part of this section on “Reallocation of Appropriations,” except that (a) Section 16, thereof, “Official entitled to transportation allowance,” is modified to include the Director of the Bureau of Supply Coordination, the Director of the Bureau of Building and Real Property Management, and the Director of the Bureau of Records Management as among the officials granted a commutable transportation allowance of one hundred pesos each per month and to exclude the Purchasing Agent of the Bureau of Supply whose position is abolished; and (6) Section 17, “Bureaus and offices entitled to use, operate, and maintain government motor vehicles and launches,” is modified to include the Department of General Services, for regulating and performing for government entities the functions pertaining to procurement and supply, maintenance arid custody of real property, disposal of surplus property, promotion of sound records management, printing, and media production services, and to exclude the Bureau of Printing whose motor vehicle requirements shall be supplied by the Department of General Services.
Section 33. The following Staffing Pattern by project activity is provided for the Department for the period from the effective date of these Implementing Details to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, subject to the provisions of Reorganization Plans Nos. 1-A, 2-A, and 3-A, except that authority is hereby granted to the Secretary, subject to approval of the Commissioner of the Budget, to make necessary salary adjustments resulting from final selection of personnel to fit the positions in the Staffing Pattern, in order that no incumbent receives a reduction in salary, and further to make necessary salary adjustments resulting from new appointments, promotions, or salary increases: Provided, That no such adjustment may result in a salary rate which exceeds the minimum of the applicable salary range as provided in Reorganization No. 2-A: Provided, further, That new appointments, promotions, and salary increases al present pending which would exceed the maximum rate of the appropriate salary range are cancelled until further notice: And provided, finally, That nothing in the said Staffing Pattern shall be construed as depriving the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission, during its existence and the Commissioner of the Budget thereafter, of its power to make changes therein, to correct mistakes, discriminations, or other injustices that may, in its opinion, have been committed in the preparation thereof:
(1) Office of the Secretary
Class Title |
Number |
Range |
Amount |
Secretary of Department |
1 |
Exempt |
P12.000.00 |
Undersecretary of Department |
1 |
Exempt |
9.000 |
Head Executive Assistant |
(Assistant to the Secretary) |
1 |
(55)0 |
7,200 |
Public Relations Officer II |
1 |
(42) |
4,200.00 |
Private Secretary |
1 |
(40) |
2,400.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
2,160.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
7 |
38,760.00 |
Administrative Officer III (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(47) |
5,100.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
2 |
6,900.00 |
Correspondence and Records Section |
Records Officer I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
4 |
6,720.00 |
Property and Supply Section |
Class Title |
Number |
Salary |
Amount |
Range |
Senior Storekeeper (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(29) |
P2.400.00 |
Storekeeper II |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P9,120.00 |
Statistical Section |
Statistician II (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(38) |
P3.120.00 |
Statistician I |
2 |
(33) |
4,800.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,830.00 |
5 |
P10.800.00 |
Personnel Section |
Personnel Officer II (Chief of Section |
1 |
(43) |
P4,800.00 |
Clinic Physician |
1 |
(40) |
2,580.00 |
Dentist I |
1 |
(34) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Personnel Aide |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Nurse |
1 |
(28) |
1,800.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,000.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
9 |
P20,220.00 |
Organization and Methods Section |
Management Analyst II (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(39) |
P3.300.00 |
Management Analyst I |
1 |
(36) |
2,580.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
3 |
P7.680.00 |
General Services Section |
Administrative Assistant III (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(39) |
P3.300.00 |
Security Officer II |
1 |
(37) |
3,120.00 |
Security Officer I |
1 |
(32) |
2,580.00 |
Head Janitor |
1 |
(34) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Security Guard |
3 |
(24) |
5,280.00 |
Plumber |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Security Guard |
9 |
(23) |
13,920.00 |
Automotive Mechanic I |
1 |
(22) |
1,560.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
7 |
(20) |
11,760.00 |
Senior Janitor |
1 |
(19) |
1,560.00 |
Clerical Aide |
4 |
(18) |
6,240.00 |
Janitor |
10 |
(14) |
14,520.00 |
40 |
P67,080.00 |
Class Title |
Number |
Salary Range |
Amount |
Budget Officer III (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(45) |
P5,100.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800 |
2 |
P6,900.00 |
Budget Section |
Budget Officer I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(39) |
P2,280.00 |
Budget Aide |
2 |
(25) |
3,600.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,920.00 |
5 |
P10,560.00 |
Collecting and Disbursing Section |
Cashier III (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(38) |
P2.940.00 |
Cashier II |
1 |
(35) |
2,040.00 |
Disbursing Officer |
1 |
(29) |
1,680.00 |
Accounting Machine Operator I |
2 |
(27) |
3,360.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
Senior Bill Collector |
1 |
(27) |
1,920.00 |
Clerk II |
4 |
(25) |
7,080.00 |
Bill Collector |
2 |
(24) |
3,120.00 |
Cash Clerk |
2 |
(24) |
3,000.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,600.00 |
Cashier Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
19 |
P 33,780.00 |
Project 2: Legal Services |
Department Legal Counsel (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(54) |
P6.000.00 |
Legal Officer III |
1 |
(41) |
4,200.00 |
Legal Officer II |
1 |
(37) |
2,5800.00 |
Legal Officer I |
1 |
(34) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
2 |
(27) |
3,600.00 |
6 |
P18,180.00 |
Total—Office of the Secretary |
107 |
P236,700.00 |
(2) Bureau of Supply Coordination |
Project 1: General Administration |
Director of Supply |
1 |
(55) |
P8,400.00 |
Administrative Assistant I |
1 |
(35) |
2,400.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
2,160.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,210.00 |
7 |
P20,400.00 |
Project 2: Procurement and Warehousing |
Supply Officer IV (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(48) |
P7.200.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
2 |
P8,760.00 |
Procurement Section |
Chief Buyer (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(48) |
P 5.100.00 |
Supervising Buyer |
2 |
(37) |
7,200.00 |
Senior Buyer |
6 |
(34) |
15,240.00 |
Buyer |
8 |
(31) |
14,520.00 |
Assistant Buyer |
3 |
(26) |
5,040.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
21 |
P48,660.00 |
Stores Section |
Chief Storekeeper (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(38) |
P5.000.00 |
Senior Storekeeper |
1 |
(29) |
2,940.00 |
Shipping and Trucking Foreman |
1 |
(29) |
2,040.00 |
Storekeeper II |
2 |
(27) |
3,840.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,120.00 |
Storekeeper I |
4 |
(23) |
6,120.00 |
Carpenter |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
Store Aide |
9 |
(18) |
12,960.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,560.00 |
Carpenter Helper |
4 |
(18) |
5,760.00 |
26 |
P44.900.00 |
Service Section |
Supply Officer II (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(37) |
P3,120.00 |
Statistician I |
1 |
(33) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,560.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
2,280.00 |
Clerk II |
3 |
(25) |
4,680.00 |
Clerk I |
6 |
(23) |
9,960.00 |
Clerical Aide |
4 |
(18) |
5,880.00 |
17 |
P29,880.00 |
Project 3: Specifications and Standards |
Class Title |
Number |
Salary |
Amount |
Range |
Head Supply Specifications Analyst (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(43) |
P5.100.00 |
Supply Specifications Analyst |
5 |
(38) |
13,080.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,460.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,000.00 |
11 |
P27,180.00 |
Project 4: Property Utilization and Disposal |
Chief Property Utilization Analyst (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(46) |
P6,000.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1800.00 |
2 |
P7,800.00 |
Property Utilization Section |
Head Property Utilization Analyst (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(43) |
P6.000.00 |
Property Utilization Analyst |
2 |
(38) |
6,360.00 |
Technical Property Inspector |
4 |
(38) |
10,800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
8 |
P24,600.00 |
Disposal Section |
Head Technical Property Inspector (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(43) |
P5.100.00 |
Technical Property Inspector |
5 |
(38) |
13,800.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
9 |
P23.340.00 |
Total—Bureau of Supply Coordination |
103 |
P235.520.00 |
(3) Bureau of Building and Real Property Management |
PROJECT 1: Planning and General Administration |
Director of Building and Real Property Management |
1 |
(55) |
P7.200.00 |
Administrative Assistant I |
1 |
(35) |
3,120.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Budget Examiner I |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Personnel Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P18,360.00 |
Supervising Civil Engineer II (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(48) |
P4.800.00 |
Senior Civil Engineer |
1 |
(42) |
4,200.00 |
Civil Engineer |
2 |
(39) |
7,440.00 |
Junior Mechanical-Electrical Engineer |
1 |
(33) |
2,760.00 |
Junior Civil Engineer |
1 |
(33) |
2,760.00 |
Architect I |
1 |
(33) |
2,760.00 |
Statistician I |
1 |
(33) |
2,760.00 |
Civil Engineering Draftsman |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,920.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
11 |
P33,240.00 |
Project 2: Management of Real Property |
Senior Civil Engineering (Chief–of Division) |
1 |
(42) |
P4.200.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
2 |
P6.000.00 |
Property Management Section |
Supervising Property Appraiser |
(Chief of Section) |
1 |
(41) |
P3.960.00 |
Property Appraiser |
1 |
(34) |
2,940.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
4 |
P10.500.00 |
Building Services Section |
Civil Engineer (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(39) |
P3.720.00 |
Junior Civil Engineer |
2 |
(33) |
5,520.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P12,480.00 |
Project 3: Maintenance and Repair of Buildings |
Senior Civil Engineer (Chief of Division) |
1 |
P4,250.00 |
Civil Engineer |
1 |
3,720.00 |
Electrical General Foreman |
1 |
3,120.00 |
Carpenter General Foreman |
1 |
3,120.00 |
Painter General Foreman |
1 |
3,120.00 |
Junior Civil Engineer |
2 |
5,520.00 |
Plumbing and Tinning Supervisor |
1 |
2,760.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
1,800.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
2,880.00 |
12 |
P32.040.00 |
Total—Bureau of Building and Real Property Management |
40 |
P112,620.00 |
(4) Bureau of Records Management |
Project 1: Records Management, Archival Operations, Consultative Services, and General Administration |
Director of Records Management |
1 |
(55) |
P7.200.00 |
Administrative Assistant I |
1 |
(35) |
3,120.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
2,400.00 |
4 |
P15.120.00 |
Records Management Consultant (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(48) |
P 4.800.00 |
Records Management Analyst |
1 |
(36) |
2,580.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
3 |
P9.180.00 |
Library Administrator (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(43) |
P5,400.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
2 |
P7.200.00 |
Reference Section |
Reference Librarian (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(29) |
P3.960.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,680.00 |
Photostat Machine Operator |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
3 |
P7,440.00 |
Spanish Documents Section |
Class Title |
Number |
Salary |
Amount |
Range |
Supervising Librarian I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(35) |
P3.720.00 |
Archives Librarian |
3 |
(27) |
7,99.0.00 |
Junior Librarian |
2 |
(25) |
4,560.00 |
Bookbinder |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
8 |
P19,560.00 |
General Documents Section |
Supervising Librarian I (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(35) |
P3.120.00 |
Archives Librarian |
2 |
(27) |
4,320.00 |
Junior Librarian |
2 |
(25) |
4,200.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Bookbinder |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
7 |
P14,640.00 |
Project 2: Operation of Records Storage Centers (no personnel) |
Total—Bureau of Records Management |
27 |
P73.140.00 |
(5) Bureau of Printing |
Project 1: General Administration |
Director of Printing |
1 |
(58) |
P7.200.00 |
Assistant Director of Printing |
1 |
(52) |
6,000.00 |
Administrative Assistant III |
1 |
(39) |
1,920.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Budget Examiner I |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
Stenographer |
2 |
(25) |
3,600.00 |
Personnel Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,920.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,120.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
14 |
P35,040.00 |
Project 2: Printing Production |
Printing Planning Chief (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(43) |
5,400.00 |
Assistant Printing Planning Chief |
1 |
(38) |
5,100.00 |
Supervising Printing Cost Estimator |
1 |
(35) |
3,300.00 |
Supervising Printing Order Writer |
1 |
(35) |
2.940.00 |
Printing Cost Estimator |
9 |
(31) |
17,800.00 |
Printing Order Writer |
5 |
(31) |
11,220.00 |
Senior Storekeeper |
1 |
(29) |
2,760.00 |
Shipping .and Trucking Foreman |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
4 |
(25) |
7.260.00 |
Clerk I |
12 |
(23) |
19,560.00 |
Storekeeper I |
6 |
(23) |
12,120.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
2 |
(20) |
3,120.00 |
Store Aide |
6 |
(18) |
9,720.00 |
Clerical Aide |
7 |
(18) |
10,560.00 |
Elevator Operator |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
Laborer |
8 |
(14) |
11,520.00 |
67 |
P127,020.00 |
Chief Typesetter (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(41) |
5,100.00 |
Assistant Chief Typesetter |
1 |
(37) |
3,300,00 |
Supervising Monotype-Keyboard Operator |
1 |
(32) |
2,580.00 |
Supervising Mechanic |
1 |
(31) |
2,580.00 |
Supervising Linotype Operator |
1 |
(30) |
2,760.00 |
Supervising Hand Compositor |
1 |
(30) |
3,120.00 |
Supervising Maker-up |
1 |
(28) |
2,589.00 |
Monotype-Keyboard Operator |
7 |
(28) |
13,800.00 |
Supervising Imposer |
1 |
(26) |
2,760.00 |
Linotype Operator |
39 |
(26) |
72,540.00 |
Hand Compositor |
43 |
(26) |
72,300.00 |
Maker-up |
40 |
(24) |
66,600.00 |
Mechanic II |
14 |
(24) |
24,480.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,120.00 |
Monotype Caster |
9 |
(22) |
16,140.00 |
Imposer |
13 |
(22) |
25,040:00 |
Typesetting Helper |
3 |
(18) |
4,680.00 |
178 |
P323,480.00 |
Proof Section |
Supervising Copy Editor (Chief of Section) |
1 |
(37) |
Copy Editor |
1 |
(35) |
Copy Reader II |
2 |
(33) |
Copy Reader I |
4 |
(31) |
Press Proof-Reviser |
2 |
(26) |
Proofreader II |
21 |
(23) |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
Proofreader I |
13 |
(21) |
Copy Holder |
3 |
(15) |
48 |
Press Division |
Class Title |
Number |
Salary Range |
Amount |
Chief Pressman (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(41) |
5,100.00 |
Assistant Chief Pressman |
1 |
(37) |
2,760.00 |
Head Pressman |
3 |
(35) |
7,920.00 |
Supervising Offset-Press Operator |
2 |
(30) |
4,620.00 |
Supervising Cylinder-Press Operator |
3 |
(30) |
7,740.00 |
Supervising- Vertical-Press Operator |
1 |
(28) |
2,580.00 |
Rotary-Press Operator |
1 |
(28) |
2,580.00 |
Supervising Platen-Press Operator |
3 |
(26) |
7,200.00 |
Offset-Press Operator |
36 |
(26) |
63,240.00 |
Cylinder-Press Operator |
44 |
(26) |
84,540.00 |
Vertical-Press Operator |
16 |
(24) |
25,920.00 |
Bookbinder |
6 |
(23) |
9,480.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,480.00 |
Platen-Press Operator |
25 |
(22) |
36,120.00 |
Supervising Press Roller Maker |
1 |
(22) |
2,580.00 |
Press Roller Maker |
2 |
(16) |
2,880.00 |
Printing Press Feeder |
30 |
(15) |
43,440.00 |
177 |
P312,180.00 |
Bindery Supervisor (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(37) |
5,100:00 |
Assistant Bindery Supervisor |
1 |
(32) |
3,300.00 |
Supervising Ruling-Machine Operator |
1 |
(30) |
2,580.00 |
Supervising Bookbinder |
5 |
(28) |
12,720.00 |
Senior Bookbinder |
8 |
(26) |
18,900.00 |
Ruling-Machine Operator |
10 |
(26) |
17,160.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Bookbinder |
119 |
(23) |
19.9,260.00 |
Supervising Forms Verifier |
1 |
(23) |
2,580.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,680.00 |
Senior Forms Verifier |
13 |
(21) |
19,080.00 |
Forms Verifier |
49 |
(18) |
72,120.00 |
Bindery Helper |
(14) |
36,600.00 |
P395,520.00 |
Chief Photo-Engraver (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(37 |
P5.100.00 |
Supervising Litho-Photoengraving Cameraman |
1 |
(32) |
2,760.00 |
Emblem Designer |
1 |
(31) |
2,760.00 |
Litho-Photoengraving Cameraman |
7 |
(27) |
14,520.00 |
Plate and Die Engraver |
1 |
(25) |
2,040.00 |
Photoengraving Etcher |
30 |
(25) |
57,960.00 |
Photoengraving Finisher |
9 |
(23) |
14,880.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,560.00 |
Film Plate Printer |
7 |
(21) |
10,320.00 |
Film Plate Printer Photography Helper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
59 |
P113,340.00 |
Chief Electrotyper (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(34) |
P5.100.00 |
Head Electrotyper |
1 |
(30) |
3,300.00 |
Supervising’ Electrotyper Molder |
2 |
(23) |
5,160.00 |
Electrotyper Finisher |
11 |
(23) |
22,860.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
Electrotyper Molder |
6 |
(20) |
9,960.00 |
Electrotyper Helper |
5 |
(16) |
8,400.00 |
27 |
P56,580.00 |
Mechanical Repair Shop Foreman (Chief of Division) |
1 |
(35) |
P5,100.00 |
Supervising Mechanic |
1 |
(31) |
3,300.00 |
Electrician Foreman |
1 |
(31) |
2,580.00 |
Senior Machinist |
1 |
(27) |
2,580.00 |
Senior Shop Electrician |
2 |
(26) |
5,160.00 |
Senior Carpenter |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Machinist II |
3 |
(24) |
7,080.00 |
Mechanic II |
11 |
(24) |
17,040.00 |
Shop Electrician |
16 |
(24) |
26,880.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Mechanic Helper |
3 |
(18) |
5,040.00 |
Machinist Helper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Carpenter Helper |
5 |
(18) |
8,040.00 |
47 |
P87,480.00 |
Total-Bureau of Printing |
854 |
P1,546,340.00 |
(6) National Media Production Center |
Project 1: Production and Dissemination of Information |
Director of Media Production |
1 |
(55) |
P9,000.00 |
Assistant Director of Media Production |
1 |
(48) |
6,000.00 |
Radio Program Director |
1 |
(41) |
4,800.00 |
Motion Picture Director |
1 |
(40) |
4,800.00 |
Information Editor II |
2 |
(36) |
8,100.00 |
Audio-Visual Technician |
1 |
(36) |
3,300.00 |
Administrative Assistant I |
1 |
(35) |
3,300.00 |
Chief Illustrator |
1 |
(35) |
3,300.00 |
Supervising Photographer |
1 |
(32) |
3,120.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
3,960.00 |
Information Editor-Translator |
1 |
(30) |
3,120.00 |
Illustrator II |
4 |
(27) |
13,020.00 |
Film Editor |
1 |
(27) |
3,300.00 |
Photographer |
2 |
(27) |
5,520.00 |
Information Writer |
6 |
(27) |
12,000.00 |
Supervising Audio-Visual Equipment Operator |
1 |
(27) |
1,560.00 |
Offset-Press Operator |
1 |
(26) |
1,560.00 |
Stenographer |
2 |
(25) |
4,200,00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
6,840.00 |
Film Plate Printer |
1 |
(21) |
1,560.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
5,640.00 |
Total—National Media Production Center |
36 |
P108,000.00 |
Grand Totals—department of general services |
1167 |
P2,312,320.00 |
Temporary and emergency helper |
P170,340.00 |
Section 34. The personnel structure of the Department for the period from the effective date of these Implementing Details to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, shall conform to the Staffing Pattern provided in these Implementing Details.
Section 35. Except where the law provides otherwise, all appointments to positions authorized in the Staffing Pattern shall be subject to the requirements of the civil service and other personnel laws, rules and regulations: Provided, That all personnel in the present staff who meet such requirements shall be employed before consideration is given to the employment of other persons, subject to the approval of the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission and the President.
Section 36. Any delegation of authority required or authorized by these Implementing Details shall be in writing; shall indicate to which officer or class of officers or employees the delegation is made; shall define the extent to which each delegatee will be held responsible for results; and shall vest each delegatee with sufficient authority to enable him to discharge his assigned responsibility. Such delegations, where specifically provided by these Implementing Details, shall be within the limits of the provisions of these Implementing Details: Provided, That nothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent other delegations.
Section 37. The General Auditing Office shall complete, at the earliest possible time, which in no event shall exceed one hundred and twenty days from the date of the Executive Order making these Implementing Details effective, a complete audit, fiscal inventory, and on-the-spot appraisal of all properties of the Surplus Property Unit of the Board of Liquidators which is transferred to the Department of General Services.
Section 38. The transfer of the functions, appropriations, equipment, property, memoranda, circulars, orders, files, records, and such personnel as may be necessary of the Surplus Property Unit, shall take effect ten days after the date on which the General Auditing Office completes and certifies its audit, inventory, and apraisal of the properties to be transferred to the Bureau of Supply Coordination in the Department of General Services.
Section 89. After the transfer of the functions, appropriations, equipment, property, memoranda, circulars, orders, files, records, and such personnel as may be necessary in the preceding section is effected, the General Auditing Office shall make an adjusting inventory reflecting transactions which occurred during the transition period, and make a detailed audit of the accounts and records of the Surplus Property Unit as of the date of the actual transfer thereof.
Section 40. The Secretary of General Services, upon the completion of the aforementioned transfer, is authorized to charge all costs for continuing the functions of the Surplus Property Unit during the remainder of the fiscal year 1956-1957 against proceeds derived from such continuance of such functions: Provided, That these costs shall not exceed previous amounts appropriated for the fiscal year or average monthly costs for the six months immediately prior to the effective date of the transfers and: Provided, further, That any deficit for operational and administrative costs can be charged against the Board of Liquidators, the same to be satisfied from previous net income of the Surplus Property Unit: And provided, furthermore, That all proceeds derived from the sale of surplus property which are in excess of operational and administrative costs shall be remitted to the Board of Liquidators during the remainder of the fiscal year 1956-1957.
Section 41. After the close of the fiscal year 1956-1957 and thereafter, all administrative and operational costs of selling surplus property shall be provided for in the General Appropriation Act and all net income thereby realized shall revert to the General Fund.
Section 42. If any provision of these Implementing Details should be held invalid, the other provisions shall not be affected thereby.
Section 43. The Secretary shall direct the orderly scheduling of transfers, changes, and other transitional actions required by the Plans and by these Implementing Details within sixty days from the effective date of the Implementing Details. In the interim, each entity affected shall continue to perform its existing functions until such time as the Secretary orders change or cessation and each officer and employee shall continue to perform his duties and to exercise his authority until such time as the Secretary orders otherwise.
Done in the City of Manila, this 14th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the twelfth.1a⍵⍴h!1
President of the Philippines
By the President:
Executive Secretary
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation
