[ Executive Order No. 216, November 17, 1956 ]
Pursuant to the powers vested in me by Republic Act Numbered Nine hundred and ninety-seven, as amended by Republic Act Numbered One thousand two hundred and forty-one, and upon the recommendation of the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission, the following Implementing Details of Reorganization Plan No. 30-A which relate to Agriculture and Natural Resources, are hereby promulgated to govern the organization, powers, duties and functions of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources and its subordinate entities:
Section 1. The organization, functions, and operation of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as the “Department,” shall be in accordance with the provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 30-A, hereinafter referred to as the “Plan,” and these Implementing Details.
Section 2. The organization of the Department, as graphically depicted in the following organization charts, shall consist of the Office of the Secretary which includes the Secretary, the Undersecretaries and the Assistant to the Secretary; seven (7) departmental staff divisions, namely: Budget and Finance Division, Personnel Division, General Services Division, Legal Division Technical Plans and Schedules Division, Agricultural Economics Division, and Agricultural Information Division and eight (8) regularly operating bureaus, namely: Bureau of Forestry Bureau of Soils, Bureau of Mines, Bureau of Fisheries, Bureau of Forestry and Bureau of Lands: Parks and Wildlife Office and Agricultural Tenancy Commission; five (5) corporations, namely; Philippine Coconut Administration, Philippine Sugar Institute, Abaca Corporation of the Philippines, Philippine Tobacco Administration and National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration; and in an advisory capacity, the Parks and Wildlife Committee and the National Agricultural and the National Forestry Councils.
Section 3. The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as the “Secretary,” is authorized to make such charged in organization, definition of functions and distribute of work among entities in the Department as may be necessary to reflect changes in legislation, conditions, needs or workloads: Provided, That no such changed may be made during fiscal year 1957 without specific approval of the President: And provided, further, That any such changes must be in conformity with the general pattern of organization set forth in the Plan and these Implementing Details.
[Figure 3. Organizational Chart - OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR]
[Figure 4. Organizational Chart - OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR]
[Figure 5. Organizational Chart – BUREAU OF FISHERIES]
[Figure 6. Organizational Chart – BUREAU OF MINES]
[Figure 7. Organizational Chart – BUREAU OF SOILS]
[Figure 8. Organizational Chart – Bureau of Agricultural Extension]
[Figure 9. Organizational Chart – REGIONAL EXTENSION OFFICE]
[Figure 10. Organizational Chart – BUREAU OF LANDS]
[Figure 11. Organizational Chart – SURVEY DIVISION]
[Figure 12. Organizational Chart – BUREAU OF FORESTRY]
[Figure 13. Organizational Chart – PARKS AND WILDLIFE OFFICE]
Functions of the Office of the Secretary
Section 4. The functions, powers, duties and responsibilities of the Secretary shall include, but not be limited to those vested in him by pertinent provisions of the Revised Administrative Code, other laws, executive orders, rules and regulations insofar as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan and these Implementing Details. The Secretary shall perform the following functions, among others:
a. recommend to and advise the President and the Cabinet on matters relating to the determination and execution of agricultural and natural resources policies of the nation;
b. administer and direct the agricultural and natural resources activities of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources;
c. promulgate such rules, orders, and regulations which may be necessary to carry out the agricultural and natural resources policy objectives and the functions vested in, him and embody such in the Departments manual;
d. delegate authority to perform any function or sets of functions to officials and employees under his supervision and direction; and
e. assume over-all responsibility for the implementation of agricultural and natural resources policies.
Section 5. The Undersecretary for Agriculture shall have the following functions, among others:
a. serve as deputy to the Secretary in all matters relative to agricultural activities and functions;
b. administer the day-to-day activities of the Bureaus of Agricultural Extension, Animal Industry, Plant Industry and Soils, coordinate their programs and projects, assume responsibility for the efficient and economical operation of the aforesaid Bureaus;
c. advise and assist the Secretary in the formulation, determination and implementation of agricultural policies; and
d. set as the Secretary in his absence or if the Office is vacant upon proper designation.
Section 6. The Undersecretary for Natural Resources shall have the following functions, among others:
a. serve as deputy to the Secretary in all matters relating to natural resources activities and functions;
b. administer the day-to-day activities of the Bureaus of Lands. Forestry, Fisheries and Mines, coordinate their programs and projects, and assume responsibility for the efficient and economical operation of the aforesaid Bureaus;
c. advise and assist the Secretary in the formulation, determination and implementation of natural resources policies; and
d. act as the Secretary in his absence or if the Office is vacant upon proper designation
Section 7. The Assistant to the Secretary shall have the following functions, among others:
a. serve as deputy to the Secretary for the purpose of integrating departmental administrative operations, insuring responsiveness to changing policies, and welding management activities into integrated performance;
b. provide for housekeeping and staff work in the Department; and
c. supervise directly in accordance with Section 16 of the Plan, the General Services Division, the Legal Division, the Technical Plans and Schedules Division, the Budget and Finance Division, the Agricultural Economics Division, the Agricultural Information Division and the Personnel Division
Section 8. In addition, the Office of the Secretary shall have the following staff assistants, with corresponding responsibilities is follows:
a. Executive Assistant (Correspondence), who shall, among others, handle the screening and scrutinizing papers that require Secretary action in order to regulate their flow to the Secretarys desk.
b. Executive Assistant (Appointment), who shall, among others, handle the screening of visitors including the disposition of their business and scheduling appointments of the Secretary.
c. Executive Assistant (Public Relations), who shall, among others, facilitate the Secretarys public appearances and prepare and approve press and radio releases.
d. Management Assistant, who shall work on organization and management problems and who shall be responsible for the development and current maintenance of the Departments manual system.
Functions of the Technical Plans and Schedules Division
Section 9. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Technical Plans and Schedules Division shall consist of, but not be limited to, those provided in Section 9 of the Plan. It shall have two sections under it with corresponding functions, duties-and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Planning and Coordination Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) recommend Department wide integrated programs on the basis of plans and programs submitted by bureaus and offices of the Department;
(2) coordinate plans and programs submitted by bureaus and offices of the Department for the purpose of fitting them into Departmental policies and purposes; and
(3) recommend agriculture and natural resources policies.
b. The Evaluation and Analysis Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) analyze and evaluate the progress of activities and accomplishments on agricultural and natural resources development;
(2) prepare and submit reports and statistics reflecting progress of activities; and
(3) recommend policy guidance on agriculture and natural resources activities.
Functions of the Personnel Division
Section 10. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Personnel Division shall consist of, but not limited to, those provided in Section 10 of the Plan. It shall have three sections under it with their corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Recruitment and Service Training Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) coordinate recruitment programs to insure the enforcement of programs and policies of the Department consistent with civil service and other personnel laws, rules and regulations;
(2) develop and maintain a recruitment program;
(3) plan and conduct in-service training, seminars, lectures and symposiums for employees by utilizing department personnel and outside experts and technicians available; and
(4) circulate guides, pamphlets, and other relating to personnel administration for the enlightenment of employees and officials of the Department.
b. The Appointment, Placement and Records Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) process appointments, reinstatements, transfers, separations, leaves of absence, sick leaves, and other transactions concerning the personnel in the Department;
(2) process appointments of personnel submitted by the different bureaus and offices of the Department to be submitted to the Secretary for signature;
(3) keep current, compile, examine and study the service and personnel records of all employees and provide assistance in the preparation of the plantillas of the different bureaus and offices of the Department;
(4) screen records of personnel for promotion purposes in. accordance with performance ratings and other criteria;
(5) recommend policy guidance for promotion, performance rating, transfers and other placement activity
(6) keep records of absences of employees; and
(7) perform liaison work on matters relating to wage and position classification and insure that policies are being carried out,
d. The Employee Investigation and Relations Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate employee irregularity detected and those referred to it by any person, employee, or entity of the government upon instructions;
(2) conduct studies and investigations on administrative cases referred to it by competent authorities and prepare and submit reports and recommendations to higher authority as basis for action and decision on such cases; and
(3) discover problems of personnel which cause inefficient performance, make recommendations thereon and render advice to affected personnel.
Functions of the Budget and Finance Division
Section 11. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Budget and Finance Division shall consist of, but not be limited to, those provided in Section 11 of the Plan. It shall have two sections under it, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Budget Estimates and Analysis Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare financial plans and budgetary policies for the Department;
(2) prepare the departmental budget;
(3) review budget estimates submitted by the bureaus and offices under the Department and assist in conducting hearings for appropriation requests of bureaus and offices under the Department;
(4) prepare and assemble justifications and statements supporting the budget request of the Department as requested by, and to be presented in hearings before, the Budget Commission and Congress in collaboration with the Technical Plans and Schedules Division;
(5) process special budgets submitted by the bureaus and offices of the Department;
(6) conduct a continuous analysis of the increase and decrease of the budget in preceding years and the effect of such fluctuations to Departmental programs and activities;
(7) prepare memoranda or circulars regarding policies and procedures to be followed in preparing the budget, consistent with the policies set forth by the Budget Commission; and
(8) prepare financial reports for the Department.
b. The Cash and Disbursement Section shall have the folio functions, among others:
(1) process for the Departmental office, expense accounts, requisitions, vouchers and other papers involving financial matters;
(2) issue official receipts on monies received and enter all disbursements and collections:
(3) prepare bi-monthly reports of disbursements, monthly reports of receipts, actual and current, and reports of official receipts used monthly;
(4) prepare the payroll for, and pay the salaries of, the personnel in the Office of the Secretary and the Departmental Staff Divisions;
(5) act on papers of emergency purchases made by the bureaus and offices of the Department as an exception to Executive Order No. 298;
(6) process claims of officials and employees injured or who died in line of duty under Section 699 of the Revised Administrative Code; and
(7) assist in reviewing backpay claims of employees of the Department.
Functions of the General Services Division
Section 12. In accordance with applicable policies, regulations and standard established by the Department of General Services, the General Services Division shall have, among others, the functions, duties and responsibilities provided in Section 12 of the Plan. It shall have three sections under it, with corresponding functions, duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Records and Documents Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) keep and maintain records, reports and documents and the seal of the Department, except personnel records which are handled by the Personnel Division;
(2) record official correspondence and documents received and dispatched out of the Division;
(3) receive, classify and distribute all types of correspondences, mails, circulars, and orders, for the different bureaus and offices of the Department;
(4) dispatch official mails and correspondence of divisions and the Office of the Secretary and such other entities of the Department in the central office;
(5) act on requests of the different divisions, offices and bureaus of the Department for previous records; and
(6) dispatch notices to committees, councils, and other officials for staff meetings and conferences.
b. The Property and Supply Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) procure office equipment, supplies, and other office needs for the departmental offices and provide policy guidance for the performance of similar functions by bureaus and offices;
(2) prepare vouchers for the payment of bills on the purchase of equipment, supplies and other property;
(3) issue furniture, equipment and supplies for use by the Department; and
(4) keep and maintain property, equipment and other facilities of the Department.
c. The Pool Services Section shall have the follow, among others:
(1) provide the necessary security end maintenance of DANR buildings and prescribe general security and maintenance procedure end policies, subject to regulations which may be established by the Department of General Services;
(2) provide telephone and elevator services;
(3) conduct inspection and studies relating to property and equipment maintenance, and propose policies and. measures for more affective and economical property and equipment maintenance;
(4) provide messengerial, janitorial, and other related services and propose policies and procedures for the utilization of such services by the different bureaus and offices of the Department; and
(5) supervise clerical operation for the Office of the Secretary.
Functions of the Legal Division
Section 13. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Legal Division shall consist of those assigned to it by appropriate provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details.
Functions of the Agricultural Information Division
Section 14. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Agricultural Information Division shall consist of those presently assigned to it by appropriate provisions of laws, rules and regulations to the Office of Agricultural Information. The Agricultural Information Division shall have technical supervision and coordinate agricultural information and public relations activities in the bureaus and offices of the Department. It shall have three sections and a library under it, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Press and Publications Section shall have the follow: functions, among others:
(1) edit, proofread, and index bulletins and jour final printing and reproduction;
(2) publish materials and write manuscripts for leaflets, pamphlets, bulletins, posters, wall-newspapers, flipcharts and newsletters, in English and in the vernacular, in. accordance with the needs of bureaus and offices of the Department;
(3) write articles and messages as may be assigned or requested for press release and public appearances of Departmental officials;
(4) conduct agricultural information research with the view of evaluating effectiveness of current agricultural information methods and techniques;
(5) prepare and publish a vernacular magazine;
(6) prepare feature articles on activities of the DANR;
(7) translate in the vernacular, radio scripts prepared by radio script writers and such other scripts as may be requested by entities in the Department; and
(8) perform editorial work on materials submitted by the bureaus and offices of the Department for publication and press release purposes.
b. The Audio-Visual Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) assist all entities of the Department in radio broadcast programs and in preparing scripts;
(2) conduct field radio interviews in collaboration with the Public Relations Division of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension and with other bureaus;
(3) supervise or undertake the production of motion pictures, slides, and film strips;
(4) undertake photographic projects of the bureaus and offices under the Department;
(5) coordinate with the BAE in the preparation of agricultural exhibits;
(6) show agricultural films in Manila and suburbs;
(7) render film services to entities dealing with agriculture
(8) undertake the art work phase of posters, leaflets and flipcharts;
(9) prepare and layout display materials for exhibits; and
(10) prepare showcards for film strips and motion picture production.
c. The Production and Distribution Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) operate the offset printing and mimeograph machines;
(2) print leaflets, posters, pamphlets, and other information materials;
(3) undertake binding of Departmental reports, books, manuals, magazines., and bureau reports;
(4) provide for the distribution of all agricultural publications to agencies and individuals concerned; and
(5) perform other duplicating and reproduction services for all bureaus and entities in the Department.
d. The DANR Library shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) recommend and classify accessions, index and file books and periodicals;
(2) make bibliographies and prepare materials for binding;
(3) render library services to interested officials and the public; and
(4) maintain clippings and a filing service.
Functions of the Agricultural Economics Division
Section 15. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Agricultural Economics Division shall consist of those assigned to it by present laws, rules and regulations, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details.
Field Operations
Section 16. Unless otherwise provided in these Implementing Details, the establishment of Regional Offices shall be in accordance with Section 20 of the Plan, and the regional areas and regional centers shall be in conformity with the pattern set by Reorganization Plan No. 53-A and its Implementing Details.
Section 17. Pending the establishment of regional offices, the existing field offices at the district, provincial, city and municipal levels, and stations and farms shall be the operating entities of each Bureau and shall be administered under the direct line authority of the Office of the Bureau Director concerned: Provided, however, That contiguous and adjacent farms, experiment stations and. other pilot farms of each Bureau shall be placed under the immediate direction and management of a Farm Superintendent: And provided, further, That substantive supervision and technical guidance for performance of technical functions shall be provided by the staff divisions of the Bureau in the central office. Upon the establishment of Regional Offices, field stations, offices and farms shall be reorganized under the jurisdiction of the Regional Offices, with technical guidance from the appropriate Headquarters Bureau.
Section 18. Each Farm Superintendent, pending the establishment of regional offices, shall report to, and be under the direct supervision of the Office of the responsible Bureau Director and shall have the following functions, duties and responsibilities, among others:
a. look into the proper utilization, operation and maintenance of the stations and farms within his assigned jurisdiction;
b. apportion the farms and stations among, and provide office space and quarters as appropriate for, the personnel of the Bureau working on their respective subject matter;
c. provide such facilitating services for the field personnel working in the farms and stations, and supervise the use of the same by personnel in the farms and stations;
d. provide for the opening, improvement or development of farms which are necessary for the execution of activities within the area or locality; and
e. study the best methods of farm operation practices, especially those recommended by appropriate research entities, best suited for the use and maintenance of Bureau farms and stations.
Functions of the Bureau of Plant Industry
Section 19. Subject to the immediate supervision and control of the Undersecretary for Agriculture, the Bureau of Plant Industry, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall be a major planning, policy-making, consultative, advisory, and operating entity of the Department, and shall have the functions assigned to it by pertinent provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details. In addition, it shall have those functions transferred to it by Sections 26 and 27 of the Plan. Such functions include agronomical and disease control research on fiber, and research on plants and. grasses for animal feeds.
Section 20. The Bureau shall have an Office of the Director, an Administrative Services Division, a Laboratory Services Division, a Farm Operations Division, a Pest and Disease Control Division, a Production Division, and a Research Division which shall be known as the Bureaus “central offices;” and field offices, stations and farms.
Section 21. In accordance with the provisions of Sections 17 and 18 of the Plan, there shall be an Assistant Director for Operations and an Assistant Director for Research in the Office of the Director, either one to act as and/or for the Director in his absence and upon proper designation by him, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. Subject to delegations from the Director, the Assistant Director for Operations, shall, among others, advise, assist on, supervise and coordinate the formulation and execution of the Bureaus operational programs.
b. Subject to delegations from the Director, the Assistant Director for Research shall, among others, advise and assist the Director on, supervise and coordinate the formulation and execution of, the Bureaus research programs.
Section 22. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Services Division of the Bureau shall include, but not be limited to, those specifically enumerated under Section 19, except routine legal work which is assigned to the Office of the Director under Section 37 of the Plan. Subject to Departmental policies, standards and review, the Administrative Services Division shall provide services to the Bureaus central offices and shall perform technical guidance and supervision for the performance of similar and related activities by the field offices.
It shall have five (5) sections under it, namely: Budget and Finance Section, Personnel Section, Property and Equipment Section, General Services Section, and Public Relations and Reference Section, With corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Budget and Finance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare forms, orders and circulars embodying instructions on budget preparation and control;
(2) consolidate budget requests in the Bureau and prepare a Bureau budget reflecting such individual requests;
(3) assemble, compile and formulate supporting statements, facts, data and statistics to justify the budget requests of the Bureau;
(4) process expense accounts, requisitions, vouchers and other papers involving financial matters;
(5) make proper deposits and remittances to funds and perform such accounting work as may be required not otherwise delegated by law to the Budget Commission;
(6) prepare the payroll for and pay the salaries of the Bureau officials and employees;
(7) process transportation orders and authority to travel;
(8) prepare financial statements and/or reports as may be required;
(9) study and analyze reports on appropriations and trends of expenditures;
(10) perform research and studies for purposes of simplifying, improving and developing administrative work methods, procedures and techniques, office forms and forms control system; and
(11) conduct studies on organizational problems and. propose solutions therefor.
b. The Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate and maintain a manual system for the Bureau;
(2) initiate and maintain a personnel program, consistent with civil service and other personnel laws, rules and regulations, which includes in-service training of personnel, analysis of positions and qualifications of prospective and incumbent personnel, setting standards for and process papers relating to recruitment, appointments, transfers, reassignments, and others;
(3) keep and maintain current; plantilla and records of personnel of the Bureau;
(4) promote employee welfare and morale; assist in developing and improving efficiency and morale of the personnel by giving necessary information and advice on personnel needs and problems;
(5) inform employees of civil service rules and regulations and explain the meaning of and reasons for various personnel actions;
(6) investigate employee irregularity, study administrative cases, prepare and submit reports and recommend actions on such cases; and
(7) perform liaison work with entities of the government concerned with personnel activities.
c. The Property and Equipment Section shall have the folio.. functions, among others:
(1) take custody of property, equipment, and supplies of the Bureau and its subordinate entities;
(2) operate and maintain a motor pool and supervise the use and maintenance of cars, jitneys, wagons and other motor operated equipment and facilities;
(3) procure property, supplies and equipment and distribute, store or keep the same;
(4) record and register procured, distributed or stored supplies and equipment;
(5) conduct studies on and formulate measures for the most effective utilization and upkeep of Bureau property, equipment and other facilities; and
(6) make periodic inventory of equipment and property of the Bureau.
d. The General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) maintain the grounds and buildings of the Bureau and see that the buildings and properties within them are secured;
(2) maintain a filing system for records and documents;
(3) dispatch and receive correspondence, records and other official mails and. maintain a register for such purposes; and
(4) handle facilitating office services, such as janitorial, reproduction, clerical, messengerial, security, and other related services.
e. The Public Relations and Reference Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare informative materials for press release and for production or reproduction by the Agricultural Information Division or by other entities on a contractual or reimbursable basis;
(2) supply such information and materials requested and needed by the Bureau of Agricultural Extension for the purpose of disseminating information to the people;
(3) consolidate reports of entities in the Bureau and prepare the Bureaus reports;
(4) assist private individuals or officials of other entities in securing technical information from the Bureau; and
(5) administer a Bureau library and such libraries as may be established for use of Bureau officials and employees and the public.
Section 23. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Research Division shall include, but not be limited to, those provided in Section 30 of the Plan and those transferred to the Bureau from the Fiber Inspection Service relating to agronomical and disease control research on fiber, as provided in Section 26 of the Plan. It shall have four (4) sections under it, namely: Agronomy Section, Horticulture Section, Pathology Section and Entomology Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Agronomy Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) plan, organize and conduct field crop research and field tests, involving such crops as rice, corn sorghums and other cereal crops, soybeans, peanuts, cadios, castor beans, legumes and grasses for pasture, forage and green tenure, abaca, ramie, jute, kenaf and other fiber crops and tobacco, including research on:
(a) plant introduction, varietal testing, selection and plant breeding,
(b) adaptation of soil, climatic and seasonal conditions in the country
(c) physiology study, relating to culture and production, and
(d) cultural and production practices, such as seedbed preparation, cultivation and weed control, rate and time of seeding or planting, harvesting methods, seed production, fertilizer and its effect on crops including varietal interaction (but not soils and fertilizer research which is the responsibility of the Bureau of Soils). In this phase, close cooperation with the Bureau of Soils is necessary;
(2) recommend varieties and strains to be increased as led by the Bureau and release to farmers for certified seed production:
(3) assemble, compile and analyze field crop research data;
(4) develop technical recommendation in collaboration with the U.P. College of Agriculture based on research findings and practical considerations for those phase of field crop production and processing for which the Agronomy Section has the responsibility; and
(5) develop and maintain cooperative relations with the U.P. College of Agriculture and other bureaus of the department for the conduct of field crop research, and with the Bureau of Agricultural Extension for the conduct of field demonstrations and dissemination of information to farmers.
b. The Horticulture Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) plan, organize and conduct research, field tests involving fruits, vegetables, spices, beverage, medicinal, .insecticides and ornamental crops and root crops, including research on:
(a) plant introduction, varietal testing, selection and plant breeding,
(b) adaptation to soil, climatic and seasonal conditions in the country,
(c) methods of propagation, and
(d) cultural and production practices, such as soil preparation, cultivation, weed control, mulching, harvesting, and processing methods and fertilizer and its effects on plants (but not soils and fertilizer research which is the responsibility of the Bureau of Soils);
(2) recommend varieties and strains to be increased as registered seed by the Bureau and released to farmers for certified seed production;
(3) assemble, compile, and analyze research data from the above activities;
(4) develop technical recommendations in collaboration with the U.P. College of agriculture based on research findings and practical considerations for those phases of plant production for which the Horticulture Section is responsible; and
(5) develop and maintain cooperative relations with the U.P. College of Agriculture and other bureaus of the Department for the conduct of research on horticultural crops and with the Bureau of Agricultural Extension in the conduct of field tests, demonstrations and the dissemination of information to farmers.
c. The Pathology Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) Plan, organize and conduct research and field tests, involving plant diseases, including research on the causes and methods for the prevention, control or eradication of:
(a) bacterial, fungus and virus diseases,
(b) nematodes,
(c) diseases of unknown origin, and
(d) outer abnormalities of plants such as physiological disturbances or nutritional deficiencies;
(2) develop technical recommendations in collaboration with the U. P. College of Agriculture based on research findings and practical considerations for the control of plant diseases for use by the Pest and Disease Control Division, the Bureau of Agricultural Extension and other agencies; and
(3) assemble, compile and analyze research data.
d. The Entomology Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) plan, organize and conduct research and field tests involving insects and animals injurious to agricultural crops, including studies on insecticides and rodenticides for the prevention, control, and/or eradication of these pests;
(2) develoo technical recommendations in collaboration with the U.P. College of Agriculture based on research findings and practical considerations for the control of insects and animal pests for use by the Pest and Disease Control Division, the Bureau of Agricultural Extension and other agencies; and
(3) assemble, compile, and analyze research data.
Section 24. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Pest and Disease Control Division shall consist of, but tint be limited to, those provided in Section 31 of the Plan. It shall have two (2) sections under it, namely: Pest and Disease Control Section and Quarantine Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Pest and Disease Control Section shall have the following functions, among others;
(1) control serious outbreaks of insects and diseases when such cannot be controlled by education, demonstrations and technical assistance to farmers, or where such outbreaks may result in severe infestations and rapid spread to other areas;
(2) formulate outlines and procedures, supply technical information, assist in training Bureau of Agricultural Extension (BAE) personnel, and in developing educational programs for the effective prevention, eradication and control of pests and diseases destructive to agricultural crops, in collaboration with the Bureau of Agricultural Extension and the U. P. College of Agriculture; and
(3) conduct and follow-up surveys and maintain controls to keep track of the prevalence and distribution as well as the eradication and control of pests and diseases.
b. The Quarantine Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) recommend measures to be adopted for the prevention, eradication and control of plant pests and diseases and their introduction to the country;
(2) insure the enforcement of laws, administrative orders, rules and regulations designed to regulate the importation of certain plant materials and seeds which carry and introduce injurious pests and diseases; and
(3) supervise and provide technical guidance and direction over the quarantine stations relating to the enforcement of quarantine measures.
Section 25. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Production Division shall include, but not limited to, those provided in Section 32, and those transferred to the Bureau under Section 83 of the Plan. It shall have two (2) Sections under it, namely: Seed Production Section and Plant Propagation Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Seed Production Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) secure seeds from breeder, maintain foundation stocks and produce registered seed for distribution to farmers through the Bureau of Agricultural Extension for production of certified seed of agricultural crops;
(2) conduct seed certification in the field, in cooperation with the Bureau of Agricultural Extension, to insure the production of certified seeds which meet high standards of quality;
(3) conduct a seed testing service to insure seeds conforming to high standards of purity, quality and viability;
(4) cooperate with the Bureau of Agricultural Extension and other agencies in the conduct of demonstrational trials of improved varieties, strains, and hybrids and furnish registered seeds of the same; and
(5) develop technical recommendations in collaboration with the U. P. College of Agriculture for methods of seed production and harvesting to be given to farmer growers by the Bureau of Agricultural Extension.
b. The Plant Propagation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) establish, operate and maintain nurseries for the propagation of recommended varieties and strains of agronomical and horticultural crops of economic value that are propagated asexually, to supply the needs of farmers at reasonable prices, until such time as privately operated nurseries can produce such plant materials;
(2) distribute disease and pest free planting stock to farmers in cooperation with the Bureau of Agricultural Extension;
(3) cooperate with the Bureau of Agricultural Extension and other agencies in the conduct of demonstrational trials of improved varieties and strains and furnishing plant materials for the same; and
(4) develop technical recommendation in collaboration with the U.P. College of Agriculture for improved plant propagation and nursery production methods to be passed on to growers through the Bureau of Agricultural Extension.
Section 26. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Farm Operation Division shall include, but not limited to, those enumerated in Section 33 of the Plan. It shall have two (2) Sections under it, namely: the Equipment Utilization Section and Farm Practices Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Equipment Utilization Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) study the improvement of development of prevailing implements used for culture, harvesting, and utilization of agricultural crops;
(2) study mechanical devices and equipment to improve methods of production
(3) follow up current development on improved methods of equipment use; and
(4) recommend technical guide and other measures for the use of Bureau equipment in the farms.
b. The Farm Practices Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) study and design farm plant layout, buildings, and structures adaptable to varying conditions, and provide services to Bureau operated farms;
(2) develop farm crop practices, methods or techniques best suited to Philippine conditions and recommend their application; and
(3) provide assistance to Bureau operated farms and recommend measures to be adopted in order to insure conformity for their use with modern, efficient farm management practices.
Section 27. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Laboratory Services Division shall include, but not limited to, those enumerated in Section 35 of the Plan. It shall have two (2) Sections under it, namely: Physical Properties Section, Chemical Properties Section, and Plant Products Utilization Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Physical Properties Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) perform laboratory studies objectively to improve the quality, tensile strength and other properties of fibers;
(2) study the dyeing and bleaching of different yarns and ramie defoliation; and
(3) conduct tests and investigations, including the analysis of the physical and physiological features and properties of plants and their products and by-products, especially those requested by the Research Division and other entities of the Bureau.
b. The Chemical Properties Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) undertake analysis, experimentation and production of fertilizers and manures with special emphasis on the use of excess organic materials and by-products in conjunction with soil researches being carried on in the Bureau of Soils;
(2) analyze and test insecticides, fungicides, and rodenticides used in the control or eradication of pests and diseases;
(3) perform chemical analyses of different varieties of beans and vegetables, fruits and nuts, rice, corn, and other cereals, medicinal and ornamental plants, fiber crops and tobacco;
(4) study extraction of active constituents and essential oils from plants and the preparation and conservation of the same;
(5) study nicotine and sugar contents of tobacco and other similar agricultural crops;
(6) study the chemical degumming of different varieties of Philippine ramic and similar fiber crops; and
(7) perform such pertinent laboratory analyses, diagnoses
c. The Plant Products Utilization Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) study utilization of beans and vegetables, fruits and nuts, and methods of preservation or processing;
(2) study the uses of tobacco and its products and by-products, including trial manufacture, casing, saucing, blending and flavoring of aromatic cigarettes, chewing and pipe tobacco, and the factors affecting burning quality of tobacco;
(3) improve the present uses and discover new uses of rice, corn, and other cereals, the blending and roasting of cacao and coffee and study the food values of agricultural crops;
(4) study the curing, degreening, waxing and storing fresh fruits for the market;
(5) study the utilization of coconut and other oil plants and their by-products and methods of processing and preservation; and
(6) conduct studies on the processing of cassava flour and starch essential for the implementation of the Cassava Flour Law; study the production of high quality cassava grits, the baking tests of cassava flour, preparation of syrup from cassava, and such other related matters.
Section 28. There shall be eight regional offices in the Bureau, each to be headed by a Regional Director who shall coordinate and direct all field activities of the Bureau within his assigned jurisdiction. The regions and regional headquarters of the Bureau shall be in conformity with Reorganization Plan No. 53-A and its Implementing Details.
Functions of the Bureau of Animal Industry
Section 29. Object to the immediate supervision and control of the Undersecretary for Agriculture, the Bureau of Animal Industry, rafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall be a major planning, policy-making, consultative, advisory, and operating entity of the Department, and shall have the functions assigned to it by pertinent provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details.
Section 30. The Bureau shall have an Office of the Director, an Administrative Services Division, a Livestock and Poultry Propagation Division, an Animal Disease and Parasitic Research Division, a Livestock Research Division, a Poultry Research Division, a Regulation and Control Division, and a Laboratory Services Division to be known as the Bureaus central offices;”and field offices, stations and farms.
Section 31. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Services Division of the Bureau shall include, but not be limited to, those specifically enumerated under Section 19 of the Plan. Subject to Departmental policies, standards, and review, the Administrative Services Division shall provide services to the Bureaus central offices, and shall .perform technical guidance and supervision for the performance of similar and related activities by field offices. It shall have five (5) sections under it, namely: Budget and Finance Section, Personnel Section, Property and Equipment Section, General Services Section, and Public Relations and Reference Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Budget and Finance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare forms, orders and circulars embodying instructions on budget preparations and control;
(2) consolidate budget requests of the Bureau and prepare a budget reflecting its needs and requirements;
(3) assemble, compile and formulate supporting statements facts, data and statistics to justify the budget request of the Bureau;
(4) assist in justifying the Bureaus proposals in budget hearings;
(5) process expense accounts, requisitions, vouchers and other papers involving financial matters;
(6) make proper deposits and remittances to funds and perform such accounting work as may be required, not otherwise delegated by law to the Budget Commission;
(7) prepare the payroll for and pay the salaries of the Bureau officials and employees;
(8) process transportation orders and authority to travel;
(9) prepare financial statements and/or reports as may be required;
(10) study and analyze reports on appropriations and trends of expenditures;
(11) perform research and studies for purposes of simplifying, improving, and developing administrative work methods, procedures and techniques, office forms and forms control system; and
(12) conduct studies on organizational problems and propose solutions therefor.
b. The Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate and maintain a manual system for the Bureau;
(2) initiate and maintain a personnel program, consistent with civil service and other personnel laws, rules and regulations, which includes in-service training of personnel, analysis of positions and qualifications of prospective and incumbent personnel, setting standards for and process papers relating to recruitment, appointments, transfers, reassignments, and others;
(3) keep and maintain current, plantilla and records of personnel of the Bureau;
(4) promote employee welfare and morale and assist in developing and improving efficiency and morale of the personnel by giving necessary information and advice on personnel needs and problems;
(5) inform employees of civil service rules and regulations and explain the meaning of and reasons for various personnel actions;
(6) study and recommend the proper utilization of personnel;
(7) investigate employee irregularity and study administrative cases, prepare and submit reports and recommend actions on such cases; and
(8) perform liaison work with entities of the government concerned with personnel activities.
c. The Property and Equipment Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) take custody of property, equipment, and supplies of the Bureau and entities under it;
(2) operate and maintain a motor pool, and supervise the maintenance and use of all cars, jitneys, wagons and other facilities and equipment;
(3) procure property, supplies and equipment, and distribute, store or keep the same;
(4) record and register procured, distributed, stored supplies and equipment; and
(5) conduct studies on, and formulate measures for, the most effective utilization and maintenance of Bureau property, equipment and other facilities.
d. The General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) maintain the grounds and buildings of the Bureau and see that the buildings and properties within them are secured
(2) maintain a filing system for records and documents;
(3) sort, dispatch, and receive correspondence and maintain a register for such purposes; and
(4) handle facilitating office services, such as janitorial, clerical, messengerial, security and related services.
e. The Public Relations and Reference Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare informative materials for press releases and for production or reproduction by the Agricultural Information Division or by other entities on a contractual or reimbursable basis;
(2) supply such information and materials needed and requested by the Bureau of Agricultural Extension for the purpose of disseminating information to the people;
(3) consolidate reports of entities in the Bureau and prepare the Bureaus reports;
(4) assist private individuals or officials of other entities in securing technical information from the Bureau; and
(5) administer a Bureau library and such libraries as may be established for the use of the public.
Section 32. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Livestock and Poultry Propagation Division shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 44 of the Plan. It shall have three (3) sections under it, namely: Procurement and Distribution Section, Breeding Services Section, and Development Section, with corresponding duties d responsibilities as follows:
a. The Procurement and Distribution Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate, plan, and follow up the execution of programs for the acquisition, transportation and distribution of improved breeds of animals and feeds required for research, “cooperation” programs, animal dispersal and/or propagation activities; and
(2) insure the propagation of recommended and approved breeds.
b. The Breeding Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate, plan and follow-up the execution of programs relating to the operation of public breeding (natural and artificial);
(2) prepare and maintain records on registration and verification involved in breeding activities and services; and
(3) conduct advisory and consultative services for more effective propagation of improved breeds.
c. The Development Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate, plan and follow-up the execution of programs on animal development and production activities and projects which include swine, beef, cattle, horse, dairy, goat and poultry; and
(2) recommend development problems to be studied and worked on by research entities of the Bureau.
Section 33. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Animal Disease and Parasitic Research Division shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 38 of the Plan. It shall have three (3) sections under it, namely: Bacterial and Virus Diseases Section, Parasitic Diseases Section, and Deficiency Diseases Section with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Bacterial and Virus Diseases Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct studies, researches or investigations on the different aspects of diseases caused by bacteria virus for the purpose of finding efficient and practical method of diagnosis prevention and control; and
(2) recommend measures to be adopted in the prevention, control and eradication of bacterial and virus diseases.
b. The Parasitic Diseases Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct studies, researches, surveys or investigations on the different aspects of diseases caused by helminths, protozoa, arthropods and fungi for the purpose of finding efficient and/or economical and practical methods of diagnosis, prevention and control; and
(2) recommend means to be adopted in the prevention, control and eradication of parasitic diseases.
c. The Deficiency Diseases Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct studies, researches or investigations on the different aspects of deficiency diseases or animal diseases caused by faulty metabolism for the purpose of finding efficient and practical methods of prevention and treatments; and
(2) recommend measures for the control of deficiency diseases.
Section 34. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Livestock Research Division shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section Plan. It shall have four (4) sections under it, namely: Dairy Section, Swine, Sheep and Goats Section, Beef and Work Animals Section, and Animal Products Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Dairy Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct research and studies on the adaptability of new breeds and the breeding of dairy animals to improve dairying and of the development of new breeds suited to Philippine conditions;
(2) promote and encourage commercial dairying; and
(3) investigate and study the nutritive value of local foods and ingredients in relation to animal benefits and preference.
b. The Swine, Sheep and Goats Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct research and studies on the introduction of new breeds and the breeding of sheep, goats, and swine;
(2) improve the economic and endurance qualities of the native stock or development of new breeds; and
(3) study and investigate the nutritive value of local feeds and ingredients in relation to animal benefits and preference.
c. The Beef and Work Animals Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct research on the introduction of new breeds and breeding of beef and work animals to improve the economy, consumption, and endurance qualities of stock;
(2) investigate and study the nutritive value of local feeds and introduced feeds and ingredients in relation to animal benefit and preference; and
(3) perform evaluation of draft animal characteristics for agricultural purposes.
d. The Animal Products Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct research on the improvement and efficient manufacture of meat and dairy products;
(2) perform experiments on the industrialization of animal products, particularly their by-products, to be converted into commodities of economic value to the country; and
(3) conduct training and demonstration projects as well as advisory and consultative services to encourage local production of animal products and the industrialization of their by-products in cooperation with or through the Bureau of Agricultural Extension.
Section 35. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Poultry Research Division shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 43 of the Plan. It shall have two (2) sections under it, namely: Nutrition and Breed Research Section and Poultry Management Research Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Nutrition and Breed Research Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct research on the introduction of new breeds, the breeding of fowls and rabbits to improve the economic and endurance qualities of the native stock;
(2) conduct research on the relative value of local feeds and ingredients in relation to fowl and rabbit benefit preference and productive performance;
(3) conduct studies to promote and encourage commercial flocks and certified strains; and
(4) study and recommend solutions to problems referred to it by appropriate entities of the Bureau.
b. The Poultry Management Research Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct research on flock management practices, methods and procedures on commercial farm problems, on types of flock housing, shelter, and confinement and
(2) recommend measures to be adopted in Bureau farms for the most effective operation and maintenance of poultry.
Section 36. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Regulation and Control Division shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 39 of the Plan. It shall have two (2) sections under it, namely: Immunization and Disease Control Section and Inspection Services Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Immunization and Disease Control Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct mass vaccination of animals;
(2) carry out regular immunization against zoonosis and treatment of animals affected with or believed to have infectious diseases that are curable;
(3) service the calls of livestock owners where such diseases appear to be in existence;
(4) evaluate the effectiveness of medicinal products for animal disease control or cure; and
(5) regulate and supervise the importation, exportation, and transhipment of all kinds of animals through the ports, railway stations, and shipping centers, as well as the slaughter of imported animals in the National Slaughterhouse.
b. The Inspection Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) supervise work performed by meat inspectors to prevent the slaughter of, or plying in commercial channels of, meat from animals infected with diseases; and
(2) provide for training of meat inspectors, especially in those municipalities where there are no veterinarians .
Section 37. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Laboratory Services Division shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 40 of the Plan. It shall have four (4) sections under it, namely: Bacterial and Virus Diagnostic Section, Parasitic Diagnostic Section, Chemical Analysis Section, and Biologics and Pharmaceutical Standardization Section, with corresponding and responsibilities as follows;
a. The Bacterial and Virus Diagnostic Section stall nave the following functions, among others:
(1) perform autopsies and qualitative and quantitative analyses of urine, blood, body fluids, pus and other excretions;
(2) conduct hemathological examinations, cultural and microscopic examinations and animal inoculations of blood, urine and other tissue fluids, organs, and tissues for purposes of bacteriological examination and virus demonstration;
(3) perform bacteriological examinations of milk for quality and bacterial counts, of animal feeding stuffs and meat food products;
(4) undertake tests such as complement-fixation, agglutination-inhibition, agglutination-absorption, and precipitation tests, for the diagnosis of animal diseases, and identification and classification of bacteria, viruses and parasites;
(5) make precipitin tests for the identification of meats;
(6) undertake the preparation of antigens and antisera and other materials needed in the performance of the foregoing tests; and
(7) conduct tests such as tuberculin and malleine for the detection of specific infectious diseases.
b. The Parasitic Diagnostic Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) undertake the examination of skin scrapings, blood, feces, urine, and other body fluids, organic tissues, etc., for parasitological diagnosis; and
(2) render services for the identification of worm parasites, orrhelminths, such as lungworms, kidney worms liver-flukes, hookworms, nodular worms, tapeworms: unicellular parasites, lide cocidia, trypanosomes, malaria, anaplasm, babesia, histoplasma, spirochaetes; insects and arachnids, such as vector flies, poisonous spiders, ticks, lice and mites.
c. The Chemical Analysis Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) take charge of routinary chemical analysis of common feeds and feeding stuffs, such as, grains and grasses; of feed ingredients, such as rice and corn bran, copra meal, ipil-ipil leaf meal, etc.; of forage, grasses and legumes-, such as guinea grass, para grass, Sudan grass, kudzu, Pueraria, Centrosema, for the proximate chemical composition of these various feeds and feeding stuffs bought by the Bureau for compounding of balanced rations;
(2) make routinary chemical analysis of the stomach contents, organs, tissues and other materials for the presence of organic and inorganic poisons, and make quantitative analysis of the same for purposes of diagnosis and evaluation; and
(3) undertake proximate chemical analysis of biologies, meat and meat products.
d. The Biologics and Pharmaceutical Standardization Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) manufacture adequate quantities of vaccines, such as anthrax, avian pest, fowl pox, hog cholera, rabies, bacterins, such as hemorrhagic septicemia, fowl cholera, swine plague, and roup bacterin; different kinds of sera, tuberculin and malleine;
(2) test regularly the supply of the aforementioned products for their safety, potency and keeping quality;
(3) dispense these various products to fieldmen of the Bureau and other government entities or to private parties for their use in the detection, prevention, control and eradication of animal diseases;
(4) manufacture, test and dispense already standardized medicinal, chemical and pharmaceutical products for control and treatment of animal diseases;
(5) establish tests and standards to which veterinary biologics and pharmaceuticals manufactured by private firms, entities or laboratories must conform;
(6) examine and inspect the products of veterinary biologics and pharmaceutical houses in accordance with the standards set by the Bureau; and
(7) improve the method or methods of testing and standardizing said products.
Functions of the Bureau of Fisheries
Section 38. Subject to the immediate supervision and control of the Undersecretary for Natural Resources, the Bureau of Fisheries, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall be a major planning, policy-making, consultative, advisory, and operating entity of the Department, and shall have the functions assigned to it by pertinent provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details.
Section 39. The Bureau shall have an Office of the Director, an Administrative Services Division, a Division of Inland Fisheries, a Division of Marine Fisheries, a Division of Fisheries Research and a Division of Licenses and Regulations to be known as the Bureaus “central offices,” and a Committee on Aquatic Resources attached to the Office of the Director to serve in an advisory capacity to the Director ; and district offices.
Section 40. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Services Division of the Bureau shall include, but not be limited to, those specified under Section 19 of the Plan. Subject to Departmental policies, standards and review, the Administrative Services Division shall provide services to the central offices and perform technical guidance and supervision for the performance of similar and related activities by the field offices. It shall have four (4) sections under it, namely: Budget and Finance Section, Personnel Section, Property and General Services Section, and Public Relations and Reference Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Budget and Finance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare forms, orders, and circulars embodying instructions on budget preparation and control;
(2) consolidate budget requests of the Bureau and prepare a budget reflecting its needs and requirements;
(3) assemble, compile and prepare supporting statements, facts, data and statistics to justify the bucket request of the Bureau;
(4) process expanse accounts, requisitions, vouchers, and other papers involving financial matters;
(5) make proper deposits and remittances to funds and perform such accounting work as may be required, not otherwise delegated by law to the Budget Commission;
(6) prepare the payroll for and pay the salaries of the Bureau officials and employees;
(7) process transportation orders and authority to travel;
(8) prepare financial statements and/or reports as may be required;
(9) study and analyze reports on appropriations and trends of expenditures;
(10) perform research and studies for the purpose of simplifying, improving and developing administrative work methods, procedures and techniques, and office forms and forms control system; and
(11) conduct studies on organizational problems and propose solutions therefor.
b. The Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate and maintain a manual system for the Bureau;
(2) initiate and maintain a personnel program, consistent with civil service and other personnel laws, rules and regulations, which includes in-service training of personnel, analysis of positions and qualifications of prospective and incumbent personnel, setting standards for, and process papers relating to, the recruitment, appointments, transfers, reassignment, and others;
(3) keep and maintain current, plantilla and records of personnel of the Bureau;
(4) study and recommend the proper utilization of personnel;
(5) promote employee welfare and morale, assist in developing and improving efficiency and morale of the personnel by giving necessary information and advice on personnel needs and problems;
(6) inform employees of civil service rules and regulations and explain the meaning of and reasons for various personnel actions;
(7) investigate employee irregularity, study administrative cases, prepare and submit reports and recommend actions on such cases; and
(8) perform liaison work with entities of the government concerned with personnel activities.
c. The Property and General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) take custody of property, equipment, and supplies of the Bureau;
(2) procure supplies and equipment, and distribute, store or keep the same;
(3) record and register procured, distributed or stored supplies and equipment;
(4) make periodic inventories of Bureau property, equipment and supplies;
(5) conduct studies on, and formulate and recommend measures for the most effective utilization and maintenance of Bureau property, supplies, and equipment, and other facilities;
(6) maintain the grounds and buildings and see to it that the equipment and properties within them are secured;
(7) perform records management activities, except on personnel records;
(8) sort, dispatch, and receive correspondence and mails and maintain a register for such purposes; and
(9) provide facilitating office services, such as janitorial, clerical, reproduction, messengerial, security and other related services.
d. The Public Relations and Reference Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare informative materials for press releases and tor production or reproduction by the Agricultural lnformation Division or by other entities on a contractual or reimbursement basis;
(2) supply detailed information and materials requested and needed by the Bureau of Agricultural Extension for the purpose of disseminating information on agricultural methods, techniques, and practices to the people;
(3) serve as referral entity for information and data needed and requested by other entities and the people and, for this purpose, request appropriate entities in the Bureau to supply needed information or refer individuals requesting such information from the Bureau;
(4) consolidate reports of entities in the Bureau and prepare the Bureaus reports; and
(5) administer a Bureau library and such libraries as may be established for the use of the public.
Section 41. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Division of Inland Fisheries shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 53 of the Plan. It shall have four (4) sections under it, namely: Brackish-Water Section, Fresh-Water Fisheries Section, Shellfish and Crustacean Section, and Fish Stocking Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Brackish-Water Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) supervise regional brackish-water demonstration fish farms;
(2) render technical assistance and services for the proper layout, construction and management of brackish-water fishponds;
(3) determine commercial suitability of compatible species of fish for cultivation in ponds;
(4) coordinate and provide technical guidance on the assessment of coves and lagoons for possible replenishment of depleted areas; and
(5) study the potentiality of fry grounds as sources for fish seedlings for stocking purposes and insure the application of results of studies or experiments in brackish-water fish family.
b. The Fresh Water Fisheries Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) supervise the operation of demonstration fresh-water fishponds to serve as pilot plants to propagate suitable fresh-water species, to produce fish stocks and fish seeds for stocking inland bodies of water and for distribution to private fresh-water fishpond operators;
(2) insure the implementation by field workers on stocking of inland-fresh water to increase fish production activities;
(3) promote the transplanting of indigenous and improved species of fish in order to have maximum fish production ;
(4) recommend the establishment of fresh-water fish farms for demonstration and breeding of exotic and cultivable species of fish for distribution to private individuals and for stocking purposes;
(5) undertake studies to improve techniques on fresh-water fish culture practices and to determine the best combination of forage and carnivorous species of fish for inland water fish production;
(6) evaluate and supervise limnological surveys of lakes, rivers, streams, and reservoirs in order to determine the productivity of these waters so that measures to replenish them may be recommended; and
(7) insure the application of results of fish culture techniques or experiments in fresh-water demonstration fishponds.
c. The Shellfish and Crustacean Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) supervise the propagation of fresh-water mollusks such as tulia, cabebe, shrimps (ulang) and fresh crabs and/or brackish species of oysters, kapis, and halaan; and
(2) recommend seeds of mollusks and crustaceans for transplantation in inland bodies of water based on collection made by field personnel and plan the demonstration of different methods of shellfish and crustacean propagation.
d. The Fish Stocking Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) provide for the transportation and distribution of fish stocks and seeds to designated inland bodies
(2) plan and supervise the procurement and distribution of fish stock and seeds for propagation purposes.
Section 42. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Division of Marine Fisheries shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 52 of the Plan. It shall have three (3)sections under it, namely: Marine Products Management Section, Technological Services Section, and Exploration Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Marine Products Management Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) insure the implementation of the results of studies and research on marine products and resources found and recommended to be appropriate for more intelligent utilization and conservation;
(2) plan, program and supervise the execution of activities on investigation, standardization and inspection of marine fisheries, and generally, the effective management of marine fish and resources; and
(3) render technical and advisory services on the use and conservation of marine fisheries.
b. The Technological Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) supervise and/or undertake demonstration on the methods of preservation and care of fish craft and gear, on commercial operation of fishing vessels and on improved methods of fishing as found and recommended by the research entities of the Bureau; and
(2) follow-up the application of fishing methods, techniques and practices and render technical or advisory services relating thereto.
c. The Exploration Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) provide technical guidance and program schedules for activities on the location, exploration, and assaying of new fishing grounds by field personnel;
(2) make periodic evaluation of known fishing grounds and recommend measures for rehabilitation and improvement thereof; and
(3) recommend rules and regulations for the proper conservation of fisheries.
Section 43. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Division of Fisheries Research shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 54 of the Plan. It shall conduct all research activities of the Bureau. It shall have three (3) sections under it, namely: Hydrology and Fisheries Biology Section, Technological Research Section, and Fisheries Economics and Statistictical Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Hydrology and Fisheries Biology Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) make investigations or supervise activities on the physicochemical and biotic analysis of the properties of the Philippine Waters and the immediate vicinities as required in the studies of Philippine fisheries;
(2) carry on such investigation as may be necessary to determine whether or not the fisheries are diminishing and, if so, to recommend measures for their conservation;
(3) assist in the interpretation of certain statistical data collected and referred by the Fisheries Economics and Statistical Section for purposes of fisheries management and conservation;
(4) undertake studios on the life history, habits, ecological and systematic relationships of the economically important aquatic animals, as well as the ,its and animals upon which they depend for food, and their relationship to the physical environment;
(5) supervise fisheries biology and hydrological investigations and investigations of the water quality and pollution affecting the fisheries; and
(6) study and scientifically examine specimens involved in illegal fishing.
b. The Technological Research Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) study and investigate the improvement of methods of catching, handling, storing and transporting fishery products and by-products;
(2) undertake testing and improving of preservatives for fishing gear and equipment; and
(3) undertake studies on the mechanization of craft and gear to increase efficiency and follow-up current developments on craft and gears and other fishing methods, techniques and practices.
c. The Fisheries Economics and Statistical Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct studies on the economics of the various phases of fisheries industries including marketing. (This Unit will submit suggestions on what statistical data are required to be collected by other entities of the Bureau.);
(2) analyze and collate data obtained which aid in economic studies;
(3) study costs of production, distribution, investments and earnings of the fisheries industries;
(4) make inquiries into price developments, transportation problems, labor situation in the fishery industries and other socio-economic problems of fishermen;
(5) conduct studies on the activities of fishery cooperative;
(6) conduct consultation services or, fisheries labor relations and socio-economics;
(7) promote the development of commercial fisheries through studies of financing and subsidizing of production legislation and development of local and foreign markets;
(8) prepare and review reports resulting from the collection of fishery statistics activities;
(9) provide consultation services in cooperation with the Public Relations and Reference Section on fishery statistics; and
(10) analyze statistical information on fisheries abroad and study trends and developments to serve as basis for recommendation to the fishing industry.
Section 44.The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Division of Licenses and Regulations shall include, but not be limited to those enumerated in Section 52 of the Plan. It shall have four (4) sections under it, namely: Regulations Section, Inspection and Investigation Section, Fishpond Permit-Lease Section, and Commercial Fishing Boat and Fishermens License Sections, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Regulations Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) draft bills and amendments to laws on fisheries to be submitted to higher authority;
(2) prepare administrative orders, rules and regulations and following their approval, distribute to officials and employees concerned;
(3) prepare model municipal ordinances on fishing and perform general supervision over municipal fisheries activities; and
(4) prepare legal papers and make appearances in court, in cooperation with the Solicitor General.
b. The Inspection and Investigation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) supervise or conduct as appropriate, inspection and investigation of fishing crafts, including general inspection, patrol and police duties for purposes of enforcing the provisions of Fisheries Act, as amended, the rules and regulations promulgated Of fish caught;
(2) investigate or supervise the investigation of gear, question of classification, jurisdiction and extent of fishing grounds and determine adequacy, applicability and practicability of fisheries regulations, both national and municipal;
(3) inspect and investigate, make reports and recommendations on fishpond claims and conflicts or supervise and review the performance of field investigators; and
(4) prepare decision, opinions and orders on claims and conflicts.
c. The Fishpond Permit-Lease Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) process applications for fishpond permits or leases;
(2) issue ordinary fishpond permits and long term lease agreements and supervise the issuance of the same by field workers; and
(3) collect rentals, fines, and bond deposits, and submit the same to the Budget and Finance Section.
d. The Commercial Fishing Boat and Fishermens Licenses Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) license fishing crafts, fishermen and divers and supervise licensing work by field personnel;
(2) issue miscellaneous permits to gather marine or aquatic products, sponges, sea snakes, shells, turtles, seaweeds, and supervise the issuance of the same by field personnel; and
(3) collect fees, fines and forfeitures, and submit the same to the Budget and Finance Section.
Functions of the Bureau of Mines
Section 45. Subject to the immediate supervision and control of the Undersecretary for Natural Resources, the Bureau of Mines, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall be a major planning, policy-making, consultative, advisory, and operating entity of the Department, and shall have the functions, as it by pertinent provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, insofar as not inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details.
Section 46. The Bureau shall have an Office of the Director, an Administrative Services Division, a Geological Survey Division, a Mineral Lands Administration Division, a Mineral Lands and Topographic Survey Division, a Mining Technology Division, a Metallurgical and Laboratory Services Division, a Petroleum Division and a Technical Information Division to be known as the Bureaus “central offices,” and a Petroleum Technical Committee which shall be attached as an advisory body to the Office of the Director, and district offices.
Section 47. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Services Division of the Bureau shall include, but not be limited to, those specified under Section 19 of the Plan, except reference, information and library services which remain as the responsibility of the Technical information Division and legal work which remain as the responsibility of the Mineral Lands Administration Division. Subject to Departmental policies, standards and review, the Administrative Services Division shall provide services to the Bureaus central offices and provide technical guidance and supervision for the performance of similar and related activities by the field offices.
Section 48. The Administrative Services Division shall have four (4) sections under it, namely: Budget and Finance Section, Personnel Section, Property and General Services Section and Records Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Budget and Finance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare forms, orders, and circulars embodying instructions on budget preparation and control;
(2) consolidate budget requests of the Bureau and prepare a budget reflecting its needs and requirements;
(3) assemble, compile and prepare supporting statements, facts, data and statistics to justify the budget request of the Bureau;
(4) process expense accounts, requisitions, vouchers and other papers involving financial matters;
(5) make proper deposits and remittances to funds and perform such accounting work as may be required, not otherwise delegated by law to the Budget Commission;
(6) prepare the payroll for and pay the salaries of the Bureau officials and employees;
(7) process transportation orders and authority to travel;
(8) prepare financial statements and/or reports as may be required;
(9) study and analyze reports on appropriations and trends of expenditures;
(10) perform research and studies for purposes of simplifying, improving, developing administrative work methods, procedures and techniques, office forms and forms control system; and
(11) conduct studies on organizational problems and propose solutions therefor.
b. The Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate and maintain a manual system for the Bureau;
(2) initiate and maintain a personnel program, consistent with civil service and other personnel laws, rules and regulations, which includes in-service training of personnel, analysis of positions and qualifications of prospective and incumbent personnel, setting standards for and process papers relating to recruitment, appointments, transfers, reassignments, and others;
(3) keep and maintain, current, plant ill a and records of personnel of the Bureau;
(4) study and recommend the proper utilization of personnel;
(5) promote employee welfare and morale and assist in developing and improving efficiency and morale of the personnel by giving necessary information and advice on personnel needs and problems;
(6) inform employees of civil service rules and regulations and explain the meaning of and reasons for various personnel actions;
(7) investigate employee irregularity and study administrative cases, prepare and submit reports and recommend actions on such cases; and
(8) perform liaison work with entitles of the government concerned with personnel activities.
c. The Property and General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) take custody of property, equipment and supplies of the Bureau;
(2) procure supplies and equipment, and distribute, store or keep the same;
(3) record and register procured, distributed or stored supplies and equipment;
(4) make periodic inventory of Bureau property, equipment and supplies;
(5) conduct studies on the formulation of, and recommend measures for, the most effective utilization and maintenance of Bureau property, supplies and equipment, and other facilities;
(6) maintain the grounds and buildings of the Bureau and see to it that the equipment and properties within them are secured; and
(7) provide facilitating office services, such as, janitorial, clerical, reproduction, messengerial, security and other related services.
d. The Records Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) keep and maintain the filing system and controls established for Bureau records, reports and documents, except personnel records and those not specifically assigned to other entities of the Bureau;
(2) issue certified copies of records, except personnel records;
(3) conduct studies and make appropriate recommendations to the Administrative Division Chief for the improvement of filing systems and controls;
(4) maintain established correspondence control and continuous study on the correspondence system; and
(5) mail, receive and distribute correspondence control and continuous study on the correspondence and mails and maintain a register for such purposes.
Section 49. With the exception of the research, testing and analysis functions which are transferred to the Metallurgical and Laboratory Services Division by Section 64 of the Plan, the Petroleum Division and the Geological Survey Division shall have those functions assigned them by pertinent provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details.
Section 50. The functions of the Technical Information Division, Mineral Lands and Topographic Survey Division and the Mineral Lands Administration Division shall consist of those assigned to them by pertinent provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, provided such functions are not inconsistent with the Flan and these Implementing Details.
Section 51. The Mining Technology Division shall administer functions of the Bureau relating to the protection of life and property that relate to mining, economy of mining operations, prevention of wastes in mining operations, establishment of mining industries, economic appraisal of mines, and mine exploration. There shall be a Mine Valuation Section, a Mine Safety Section, a Mine Exploration Section and a Mineral Economics Section under the Mining Technology Division, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Mine Valuation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) undertake the valuation of developed mines and quarries; and
(2) perform umpire sampling of ores and mineral concentrates for shipment to foreign markets.
b. The Mine Safety Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) inspect mines and quarries and conduct studies of mining practices and methods relating to the proper conservation of mineral resources and prevention of waste;
(2) determine safety standards and recommend for approval rules and regulations designed for the safety of the laborers and employees working in mines, quarries or in any metallurgical operations;
(3) supervise and coordinate safety activities in the different mines and inspect these mines to ensure that safety rules and regulations promulgated by the Bureau are duly complied with;
(4) undertake research work and study of the latest mine operations and practices, and disseminate such information to the mining public as would tend to improve safety condition in the mines;
(5) investigate serious mine accidents and make recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar cases; and
(6) undertake investigations of silting of river beds from mine tailings and its effects on agricultural lands.
c. The Mine Exploration Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct investigations of mining prospects, advise operators of proper mining methods and appraise them of the economic possibilities of such prospects;
(2) undertake exploratory and preliminary development by diamond core drilling, auger, or test pitting and sampling of mineral properties including coal in connection with ICA- NEC projects;
(3) explore and appraise the mineral possibilities of new mineral localities or districts; and
(4) conduct studies on drilling and exploitation of minerals.
d. The Mineral Economics Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct studies in mineral economics relating particularly to volume and value of production, operating costs, national income and investments, business income and dividends, national and foreign consumption and demand, tax yields, exports, and imports, labor wages, and employment, number and size of fir equipment and supplies, transportation, and world price trends; and
(2) compile, digest, and prepare the results of studies in mineral economics and such statistical data as are advisable and necessary from time to time, to stimulate interest in, and promote the growth of, the mining industry.
Section 52. The Metallurgical and Laboratory Services Division shall be responsible for functions of the Bureau relating to laboratory research, testing and analyses, and assaying of minerals. It shall provide laboratory services to all entities of the Bureau and, upon the establishment of laboratories in the field, supervise technically the performance of laboratory Metallurgical services activities in the field, there shall be a Process Metallurgy Section, an Extractive Metallurgy Section, a Coal Preparation and Utilization Section and an Analytical Services Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Process Metallurgy Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct laboratory investigations of mineral beneficiation with the following immediate objectives:
(a) To increase the mineral reserves of the country by converting sub-marginal deposits to the mineable ores;
(b) To enhance the value of exportable ores and concentrates;
(c) To prepare ores for economical extraction of contained values, or of industrial materials for subsequent fabrication; aid
(2) make integrations of standard or modified processes of mineral beneficiation and prescribe or design equipment to suit specific ore types.
b. The Extractive Metallurgy Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct leaching tests on nickel, manganese, alumina, copper, gold, etc., for the production of metals of high purity, or premium-grade concentrates; and
(2) conduct smelting tests for the production of ferro-nickel, ferro-chrome, ferro-manganese, high mattes, and standard pig or sponge iron; and to investigate the feasibility of utilizing waste or idle resources as reductants or fluxes.
c. The Coal Preparation and Utilization Section shall have the following functions, among others;
(1) conduct laboratory investigations on coal cleaning as a means to improve the heat potential of low to medium-rank coals, or to enhance the coking property of bituminous coals; and
(2) undertake studies in coking, gasification, and carbonization in order to explore the possibilities of diversifying the utility of local coal reserves.
d. Analytical Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) perform the fire assay of precious metals, chemical analysis of ores, metallurgical products, and industrial raw materials, and gas analysis of metallurgical fumes and mine gases; and
(2) perform the proximate and ultimate analysis and the physical property tests of coals and other fuels.
Functions of the Petroleum Technical Committee
Section 53. The Petroleum Technical Committee shall be an advisory and recommendatory entity of the Bureau on matters relating to the administration and disposition of petroleum resources, and shall perform the following functions and duties, among others:
a. develop policies for the guidance of the Director on technical matters relative to the administration and disposition of petroleum lands in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 387;
b. appraise and evaluate the qualification of applicants for concessions in accordance with Republic Act No. 387 and make recommendations to the Director;
c. recommend to the Director whether lands within the National Reserve Areas shall .be offered for concession. In case they are so offered, to study all applications for said areas to determine their relative merits;
d. evaluate and make recommendations to the Director on the relative merits of the conflicting applications for concessions covering lands within Free Areas;
e.. evaluate and make recommendations to the Director on the maximum efficient rate of withdrawal from each oil well or field;
f. study ways and means to insure the efficient administration of petroleum lands and the effective enforcement of the provisions of Republic Act No. 387 and the regulations promulgated by the Bureau thereunder; and
g.. assure the Director, through review and recommendation, that a complete record is maintained on exploration, development and production of petroleum in the Philippines, including, but not be limited to, geological and geophysical data; petroleum engineering studies; computation of petroleum, reserves; and insure the publication of such reports, articles and bulletins as may be deemed necessary for the proper information of the government and the public.
Functions of the Bureau of Soils
Section 54. Subject to the immediate supervision and control of the Undersecretary for Agriculture, the Bureau of Soils, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall be a major planning, policy-making, consultative, advisory, and operating entity of the Department, and shall have the functions assigned to it by pertinent provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details. In addition, the Bureau shall perform those functions transferred to it by Section 27 of the Plan which relate to soils and fertilizer research.
Section 55. The Bureau shall have an Office of the Director, an Administrative Services Division, a Soils Survey Division, a Soil Conservation Division, a Laboratory Services Division, a Fertilizer Research Division, and a Soil Research Division to be known as the Bureaus “central offices;”and conservation regions as the Bureaus “operating entities.”
Section 56. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Services Division of the Bureau shall include, but not be limited to, those specified under Section 19 of the Plan. Subject to Departmental policies, standards and review, the Administrative Services Division shall provide services to the Bureaus central offices and shall technically supervise the performance of similar activities by other entities in the Bureau, It shall have four (4) sections under it, namely: Budget and Finance Section, Personnel Section, Property and General Services Section, and Public Relations and Reference Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Budget and Finance Section shall have the following functions among others:
(1) prepare forms, orders and circulars embodying instructions on budget preparation and control;
(2) consolidate budget requests of the Bureau and prepare a Bureau budget reflecting its needs and requirements;
(3) assemble, compile and formulate supporting statements, facts, data and statistics to justify the budget request of the Bureau;
(4) process expense accounts, requisitions, vouchers, and other papers involving financial matters;
(5) make proper deposits and remittances to funds and perform such accounting work as may be required, not otherwise delegated by law to the Budget Commission;
(6)prepare the payroll for and pay the salaries of the Bureau officials and employees;
(7) process transportation orders and authority to travel;
(8) prepare financial statements and/or reports as may be required;
(9) study and analyze reports on appropriations and trends of expenditures;
(10) perform research and studies for purposes of simplifying, improving, and developing administrative work methods, procedures and techniques, office forms and forms control system; and
(11) conduct studies on organizational problems and propose solutions therefor.
b. The Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate and maintain a manual system for the Bureau;
(2) initiate and maintain a personnel program, consistent with civil service and other personnel laws, rules and regulations, which includes in-service training of personnel; analysis of positions and qualifications of prospective and incumbent personnel, setting standards for and process papers relating to recruitment, appointments, transfers, reassignments, and others;
(3) keep and maintain current plantilla and records of personnel of the Bureau;
(4) study and recommend the proper utilization of personnel;
(5) promote employee welfare and morale, assist in developing and improving efficiency and morale of the personnel by giving necessary information and advice on personnel needs and problems;
(6) inform employees of civil service rules and regulations and explain the meaning of and reasons
(7) investigative employee irregularity, study administrative cases, prepare and submit reports and recommend actions on such cases; and
(8) perform liaison work with entities of the government concerned with personnel activities.
c. The Property and General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) take custody of property, equipment and supplies of the Bureau;
(2) procure supplies and equipment, and distribute, store or keep the same;
(3) record aid register procured, distributed or stored supplies and equipment;
(4) make periodic inventory of Bureau property equipment and supplies;
(5) keep and maintain records and documents which are essential for the administration of the Bureau;
(6) conduct studies on, formulate and recommend measures for the most effective utilization and maintenance of supplies, property and equipment and other facilities, and supervise the implementation or execution of measures adopted;
(7) manage and maintain the grounds and buildings and see that property and equipment within them are secured;
(8) sort, dispatch, receive and distribute correspondence, mails and other written communications and maintain a record or register for such purposes; and
(9) provide common office services which include janitorial, security, messengerial, reproduction, clerical and other related services.
d. The Public Relations and Reference Section shall haw the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare informative materials for press releases and for final production or reproduction by the Agricultural Informtion Division or by other entities on a contractual or reimbursement basis;
(2) supply information and materials requested and needed by the Bureau of Agricultural Extension for purposes of disseminating information on agricultural methods, techniques and practices to the people;
(3) consolidate reports of entities in the Bureau and prepare the Bureaus reports; and
(4) administer a Bureau library and such libraries as may be established for the use of the public.
Section 57. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Soils Survey Division shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 68 of the Plan. It shall have two (2) sections under it, namely: Technical Specialists Section and Cartography Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Technical Specialists Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) serve in a planning, policy-making, consultative and advisory capacity on soils classification and use;
(2) review and compile field soils survey data;
(3) prepare soil survey reports for publications;
(4) classify soils into land-use capabilities;
(5) correlate the soil types of the Philippines; and
(6) determine and improve soils survey methods.
b. The Cartography Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) make tracings of different kinds of maps;
(2) prepare soil and erosion maps;
(3) enlarge or reduce maps by means of pantograph;
(4) compute areas of different soil types; and
(5) make miscellaneous lettering, posters, sketches, and charts for entities of the Bureau.
Section 58. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Soils Conservation Division, the Fertilizer Research Division and the Laboratory Services Division shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 69, 71 and 72 of the Plan, respectively. The Fertilizer Division shall not engage in fertilizer demonstration activities.
Section 59. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Soil Research Division shall consist of, but not be limited to, those provided in Section 70 of the Plan, and shall coordinate its activities with other entities of the Bureau. It shall have three (3) sections under it, namely, Soil Physics Section, Soil Chemistry Section and Soil Biology Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Soil Physics Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) undertake soil-water relations studies necessary for irrigation management; and
(2) conduct researches on soil structure, porosity, texture, color, consistency and other physical properties of soil to be used for soil conservation and soil survey operations.
b. The Soil Chemistry Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct spectographic analyses of soil for minor elements and study their influence on plant growth;
(2) conduct studies on the clay minerals of Philippine soils; and
(3) discover through chemical analyses, the compounds responsible for the fixation of fertilizers in the soil, the degree to which different fertilizers are fixed, and the ways whereby undesirable fixation which makes nutrients unavailable for use by plants may be overcome.
c. The Soil Biology Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) study the work of each kind of micro-organism of the soil as well as other fauna and flora which bring about chemical and physical changes of mans use of the soil;
(2) conduct research and analytical work relating study and control of plant diseases through soil treatment and on the development and use of soil inoculants;
(3) study methods of soil-building with the use of micro-organisms in the decomposition of organic matter;
(4) study the transformation of plant-nutrient elements in the soil, such as, in the process of nitrification, sulfofication and various others through the action of soil microbes so that necessary treatment of agricultural soils could be recommended to increase the productivity of the soil; and
(5) correlate soil tests with fertilizer investigations.
Section 60. The existing Soil Conservation Regions shall be reorganized in conformity with the general pattern established by Reorganization Plan No. 53-A and its Implementing Details. Each Soil Conservation Region shall be headed by a Regional Director who, subject to delegations from the Director, shall be responsible for personnel and activities of the Bureau within the region.
Functions of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension
Section 61. Subject to the immediate supervision and control of the Undersecretary for Agriculture, the Bureau of Agricultural Extension, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall be a major planning, policy-making, consultative, advisory, end operating entity of the Department, and shall have the functions assigned to it by pertinent provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations insofar as they are not inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details. In addition, the Bureau shall have the functions transferred to it by Sections 26 and 27 of the Plan relating to informational and extension functions on the use and advantages of fertilizers and on the improved methods of fiber production.
Section 62. The Bureau shall have an Office of the Director, an Administrative Services Division, a public Relations Division, an Evaluation and Training Division, a Specialists Services Division, an Agricultural Program Division, a Home Economics program Division, and a Rural Clubs Program Division to be known as the Bureaus” central offices;” and regional and provincial offices as the Bureaus “operating entities.”
Section 63. In accordance with Sections 17 and 18 of the Plan, there shall be an Assistant Director for Programs and an Assistant Director for Services in the Office of the Director, either one to act as and/or for the Director in his absence and upon proper designation by his, with corresponding duties as follows:
a. Subject to delegations from the Director, the Assistant Director for Programs shall, among others, coordinate technical plans and programs formulated and recommended by the programming divisions to constitute a unified, integrated plan and program for the Bureau; and formulate measures for the expedient carrying out of programs and plans by regional offices.
b. Subject to delegations from the Director, the Assistant Director for Services shall, among others, coordinate all services and housekeeping activities, such as administrative, public relations, evaluation and training services as well as, studies for the purpose of interrelating Bureau activities at the regional, provincial, city and municipal levels.
Section 64. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Services Division shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated under Section 19 of the Plan, except information, reference and library services which are assigned to the Public Relations Division under Section 74 of the Plan, and organization and methods analysis, personnel training and utilization which are assigned to the Evaluation and Training Division under Section 75 of to Plan. Subject to Departmental policies, standards and review, the Administrative Services Division shall provide services to the Bureaus central offices and render technical guidance for the performance of similar activities by the regional offices. It shall have four (4) sections under it, namely: Budget and Finance Section. Personnel Records Section, Property and Equipment Section, and General Services Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Budget and Finance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare forms, orders, and circulars embodying instructions on budget preparation and control and technically supervise their preparation;
(2) consolidate budget requests of the entities in the Bureau and prepare the Bureau budget;
(3) assemble, compile and formulate supporting statements, facts, data and statistics to justify the budget request of the Bureau and such other statistics or information required of the Bureau by the Secretary;
(4) control and allocate funds through processing expense accounts, requisition, vouchers and other papers involving financial matters;
(5) account for all cash disbursements and collections, make proper deposits and remittances of funds, and perform appropriate accounting work as may be required;
(6) prepare the payroll for and pay the salaries of Bureau employees and officials; and
(7) prepare financial statements and/or reports as may be required.
b. The Personnel Records Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) process papers relating to appointments, promotions, transfers, reinstatements, leaves of absence and other personnel transactions which require action by the Director;
(2) keep and maintain current, plantilla of personnel and records of personnel of the Bureau; and
(3) inform employees of civil service rules and regulations and explain the meaning of and reasons for various personnel actions,
c. The Property arid Equipment Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) take custody of property, equipment, and supplies of the Bureau;
(2) operate and maintain a motor pool, and supervise the maintenance and use of cars, jitneys, wagons and other facilities and equipment;
(3) procure property, supplies, and equipment and distribute, store or keep the same;
(4) record and register procured, distributed or stored supplies and equipment; and
(5) conduct studies on and recommend measures for the effective utilization and maintenance of Bureau property, equipment and other facilities.
d. The General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) maintain the grounds and buildings of the Bureau and see that the properties within them are secured;
(2) maintain a filing system for records excepting personnel records and documents;
(3) sort, dispatch, and receive correspondence and maintain a register for such purposes; and
(4) provide facilitating office services, such as janitorial, reproduction, clerical, messengerial, security and other related services.
Section 65. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Public Relations Division shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 74 of the Plan. It shall have three (3) sections under it, namely: publications Section, Audio-Visual Section, and Special Exhibits Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Publications Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) process and prepare informative materials designed for press release and final production or reproduction by the Agricultural Information Division which are necessary for extension work, gather, collect, or compile materials essential for and required by extension services;
(2) work with Agricultural Information Division in editing informative materials into approved form;
(3) administer a Bureau library or libraries and supervise the maintenance of libraries in the field; and
(4) consolidate reports of entities in the Bureau and prepare reports required by higher authorities.
b. The Audio-Visual Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) program and schedule radio broadcasts and interview and perform functions essential for such purposes;
(2) produce and project motion pictures in collaboration with, and the approval of, the Agricultural Information Division of the Department; and
c. The Special Exhibits Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) make the necessary preparations and arrangements for Bureau participation in fairs, carnivals and expositions;
(2) supply materials needed by extension workers for special showings or for exhibition purposes; and
(3) assist in the preparation of visual aids which supplement and fortify extension demonstrations in the field.
Section 66. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Evaluation and Training Division shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 75 of the Plan. It shall have three (3) Sections under it, namely: Personnel Training Section, Personnel Utilization Section and Methods Improvement Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Personnel Training Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) plan and conduct in-service training for field workers on extension techniques, methods and practices and other activities relating to training of employees;
(2) select and recommend personnel to attend and participate in conferences, tours, pensionado grants and other programs designed for personnel training; and
(3) formulate programs designed for the training of personnel whether as training extension demonstrators, supervisors, or employees performing technical or administrative work.
b. The Personnel Utilization Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) make studies and propose recommendations as to the assignment, reassignment, transfer or other placement of personnel deemed best for the efficiency of the service;
(2) define and set qualifications for positions as the basis for recruitment or selection;
(3) plan and conduct studies on the evaluation, analyses and definition of the responsibilities and duties of positions;
(4) promote employee welfare and morale; assist in developing and improving efficiency and morale of personnel by giving the necessary information and advice on personnel needs and problems; and
(5) investigate employee irregularity, study administrative cases, prepare and submit reports and recommend actions on such cases.
c. The Methods Improvement Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) perform research for the purpose of simplifying, improving and developing office forms, administrative and technical work methods and administrative activities; and
(2) develop and recommend effective systems of communications among regional, provincial and municipal levels and between field offices and central offices.
Section 67. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Specialists Services Division, the Agricultural Program Division, the Home Economics Program Division and the Rural Clubs Program Division shall consist of, but not limited to, those enumerated in Sections 76, 78, 79 and 80 of the Plan, respectively.
Section 68. There shall be established eight (8) Regional Extension Offices with the regions and regional centers conforming to the pattern established by Reorganization Plan No. 53-A and its Implementing Details. The functions of a Regional Extension Office shall include, but not be limited to the following:
a. administer, direct and coordinate extension activities and personnel within the region;
b. obtain facts and analyze conditions relating to activities on agriculture, homemaking, rural life and population within the region;
c. investigate the needs and requirements of the region, and recommend appropriate actions to the Office of the Director for the solution of problems and the fulfillment of the needs of the region which are beyond its capabilities;
d. provide assistance for the preparation of, review and approval of, provincial plans and programs including corresponding budget transfer;
e. provide technical assistance, guidance and services to, generally supervise and direct the activities of, provincial and municipal extension offices;
f. execute or implement extension programs and plans within the region, in accordance with policies, standards and criteria established by the central office of the Bureau;
g. prepare such regular and special reports as required by the Office of the Director, which reports shall be based on, and extracted from, reports of provincial and municipal extension offices on programs of activities, problems encountered, suggestions for improvement, and various others; and
h. perform such functions as may be essential for the conduct of extension activities within the region and those which may be assigned or delegated from time to time by the Office of the Director,
Section 69. Each Regional Extension Office shall be headed by a Regional Extension Director who shall be responsible for all extension activities within a region and who shall report and be subject to direct authority from the Office of the Director only. The Regional Extension Office shall operate within the general criteria, standards and policies set by the central office, Subject to regional requirements, exigencies and available personnel, appropriations and other resources and facilities, each Regional Extension Office shall have under it three sections, namely: Agricultural Section, Home Economics Section and 4-H and Rural Clubs Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Agricultural Section shall, among others, be responsible for directing the execution of agricultural programs, providing or arranging technical guidance to field extension workers, liaison with the Agricultural Program Division in Manila and with agricultural entities within the region and related matters.
b. The Home Economics Section shall, among others, be responsible for directing the execution of programs relating to home economics, home management, and household industries; providing technical guidance to home demonstrators and other extension workers on home economics; liaison with the Home Economics Program Division in Manila and with other entities dealing with home economics in the region; and other related matters.
c. The 4-H and Rural Clubs Section shall, among others, be responsible for directing the execution of programs relating to 4-H Clubs, youth organizations, and other types of rural youth organizations; providing technical guidance to municipal and provincial community organization workers; liaison with the Rural Clubs Program Division in Manila and other entities dealing with community organization; and other related matters.
Section 70. In accordance with Section 81 of the Plan, there shall be established Provincial Extension Offices. To the Provincial Extension Offices are transferred the respective and related extension workers in the province, together with their applicable functions, appropriations, property, equipment, records and supplies and other facilities. A Provincial Extension Office shall guide direct and coordinate municipal extension personnel and activities within the province. The functions of a Provincial Extension Office shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. guide, direct and coordinate extension activities and personnel within the province; perform supervisory functions, and see that extension activities are being properly executed;
b. diffuse and disseminate knowledge or information on agricultural production and techniques, homemaking, rural organizations, 4-H Clubs, and other extension activities;
c. study and analyze conditions in the provinces and recommend programs of activities to be undertaken in order to help bring about the improvement of localities and communities;
d. render advisory and technical services to municipal extension workers within the province and to the people;
e. schedule extension activities in the province in accordance with the general standards, policies, and criteria set by higher authorities;
f. prepare and submit reports as may be required by the Regional Director, primarily on the reports of extension workers within the province;
g. perform such functions which are essential for the improvement of life and efficiency of agricultural production in the province;
h. determine problems of rural families on agricultural homemaking techniques, methods and practices, render advisory services for the solution of problems and refer those beyond its capability to answer to appropriate resource entities; and\
i. prepare and propose the provincial budget for the extension program within the province with assistance from the Regional Extension Office.
Functions of the Bureau of Lands
Section 71. Subject to the immediate supervision and control of the Undersecretary for Natural Resources, the Bureau of Lands, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall be a major planning, policy-making, consultative, advisory and operating entity of the Department, and shall have the functions, assigned to it by pertinent provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, insofar as they are not inconsistent with these Implementing Details.
Section 72. The Bureau shall have an Office of the Director, an Administrative Services Division, a Budget and Fiscal Division, a Legal Division, a Records Division, a Land Management Division, and a Survey Division to be known as the Bureaus “central offices;” and regional, district and provincial land offices; to be known as the Bureaus “operating entities.”
Section 73. In addition to the Director and the Assistant Director, there shall be a Land Field Service Supervisor who shall, subject to delegations by the Director, have the following functions, among others:
a. direct and coordinate Bureau field operations activities to insure the effective realization of Bureau objectives; and
b. develop and recommend field operations plans to implement Bureau policies in the field and execute such plans approved by the Director.
Section 74. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Services Division of the Bureau shall include, but not be limited to, those enumerated in Section 19 of the Plan, except budget and fiscal, legal and records functions which are assigned to the divisions of the same name by Section 85 of the Plan. Subject to Departmental policies, standards and review, the Administrative Services Division shall provide services to the Bureaus Central offices and perform technical supervision and guidance for the performance of similar and related activities by field offices. It shall have four (4) sections under it, namely: Personnel Section, Property and Supply Section, General Services Section and Public Relations and Reference Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) process papers relating to appointments, promotions, transfers, reinstatements, leaves of absence, sick leaves, and other personnel transactions which require action by the Bureau Director;
(2) keep and maintain current., plantilla of personnel and records of personnel of the Bureau;
(3) initiate and maintain a personnel training program;
(4) study and recommend the assignment or reassignment of personnel in the best interest of the service;
(5) perform recruitment activities consistent with civil service and other personnel laws, rules and regulations; and
(6) promote employee morale and welfare ; Assist in developing and improving the efficiency and morale of personnel by enlightening employees on their problems and needs.
b. The Property and Supply Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) procure, keep and maintain the Bureaus property, supplies and equipment, condemn and dispose of, property that has become worn out, obsolete or useless;
(2) maintain records of supplies and equipment received and issued and keep current inventories of property, equipment and supplies;
(3) handle purchase requisitions and make official purchases for entities and officials of the Bureau; and
(4) conduct studies on and recommend measures for the most effective utilization and upkeep of Bureau property and equipment.
c. The General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) maintain the grounds and buildings of the Bureau and ensure that properties within them are secured;
(2) maintain facilitating office services such as janitorial, elevator, messengerial and driver services;
(3) provide multilith and other printing services; and
(4) maintain and keep current, the clippings of the Bureau.
d. The Public Relations and Reference Section shall have the following functions, among others;
(1) handle the editing and publication of land journals, bulletins and other informative materials;
(2) consolidate and prepare the annual, quarterly, semi-annual and other special reports of the Bureau;
(3) attend to inquiries and follow-ups made by the public relating to the status of their applications which include homesteads,sales, leases, patents, sub-leases and other applications pertaining to public lands; and
(4) administer a Bureau library and reference service.
Section 75. The Budget and Fiscal Division shall, among others, be responsible for functions of the Bureau relating to budget and fiscal activities subject to Departmental policies, standards and review. It shall have three sections under it, namely: Budget Section, Fiscal Section and Office Methods and Procedures Section, with corresponding cities and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Budget Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) maintain the Bureaus budget system in accordance with government-wide program established by the Budget Commission;
(2) coordinate and integrate divisional budget requirements into annual budget request for the Bureau and assist in the formulation of supporting statements and compilation of data to justify the budget;
(3) examine and analyze expenditures, and prepare reports on budget variations for submission to the Director;
(4) assist Division Chiefs in reviewing performance measurement reports and for operating their divisions within budgetary limits;
(5) furnish budget and expense data needed for progress reports to the Director of Lands and others; and
(6) undertake special budget assignments and studies in the interest of more effective and realistic budget control.
b. The Fiscal Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) maintain for the Bureau required accounting and statistical records;
(2) maintain detailed accounts of receivable records on all land purchase contracts and leases, and prepare regular reports on past due accounts for the use of the Director and the Lend Field Service Chief in effecting connections:
(3) provide for the recording and control of all monies received by the central office;
(4) provide for the recording and control of all cash disbursements made by the Bureau;
(5) provide performance statistics required by the Director, including, but not be limited to, work measurement; and
(6) prepare the payroll for and pay the salaries of employees and officials of the central office.
c. The Office Methods and Procedures Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare and revise methods and procedures used throughout the Bureau, except technical survey methods and the legal aspects of Land Management Procedures;
(2) develop and recommend clerical office system improvement program;
(3) conduct analyses of clerical procedures in the Bureau and recommend revision or replacement of existing procedures to assure efficient and economical handling of the Bureaus paper work, and provide better use of manpower and equipment;
(4) promote awareness among all Bureau personnel of the importance of continuing methods and procedures improvements;
(5) maintain a centralized control for design and issuance of ail forms used by the Bureau of Lands; and
(6) prepare and maintain current, the Bureau of Lands organization, policies and procedures manual.
Section 76. The Legal Division shall be responsible among others, for providing legal counsel and interpretations, assisting in the preparation and analysis of legislative proposals, such as bills, and rules and regulations, investigation of administrative cases, handling the litigation of court cases and reviewing legality of investigations made and decisions rendered on land disputes, subject to Departmental policies, standards and review. It shall have four (4) sections under it, namely: Legislative and Research Section, Investigation Section, Claims and Conflicts Section and Land Registration Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Legislative and Research Section shall have the following functions, among others
(1) maintain effective liaison for the Bureau with other entities of the government concerned with legal matters;
(2) keep the Director informed of actions in these areas affecting the Bureau;
(3) assemble and compile data and information which will assist the Public Relations Section in the preparation of reports and information matters;
(4) prepare legislative bills for proposals to Congress; and
(5) gather data on legislative activities to keep the Bureau Director informed of latest developments affecting land disposition on and settlement of land cases.
b. The Investigation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct administrative investigations of charge directed against officers and employees of the Bureau;
(2) conduct investigations of cases involving of cases involving controversies relating to the disposition of public lands and other landed properties under the control of the Bureau;
(3) assist in the promulgation of rules and regulations governing the activities of the Bureau;
(4) conduct administrative investigations of charges directed against officers and employees of the Bureau;
(5) assist the Solicitor General in representing the Bureau in court and conduct necessary research related thereto.
c. The Claims and Conflicts Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate and prepare decisions on claims and conflicts;
(2) render interpretations on the law relating to claims and conflict cases upon appropriate requests;
(3) conduct investigations and render reports on claims and conflicts where action by local offices might have been prejudiced;
(4) assist the Land Registration Section to file court petitions for patent cancellation when decision requires; and
(5) provide data required by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources in appeal cases arising from claims and conflicts decisions.
d. The Land Registration Section in cooperation with the Solicitor General, shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) investigate petition cases referred to the Bureau by the Land Registration Commission of the Department of Justice to assure that the land involved is free and clear for titling by petitioning the Court of First Instance in the appropriate province to adjudicate titles of private lands within isolated surveys;
(2) present to the Court of First Issuance petitions for title adjudication of all private lands within the cadastre at the completion of each cadastral survey;
(3) initiate compulsory registration proceedings by petitioning the Court of First Instance in the appropriate province to adjudicate titles of private lands within isolated surveys; and
(4) present petitions for patent cancellation in appropriate courts of law when notified that decisions on claims and conflict cases require patent cancellation.
Section 77. The Records Division shall, among others, be responsible for records management and control which include custody and safekeeping of records and documents, maintenance of files, and the receipt, dispatch and distribution of correspondence, subject to Departmental policies, standards and review. It shall have three sections, namely: General Records Section, Public Land Records Section, and Survey Records Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The General Records Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) maintain the filing system and controls established for general records, excepting personnel records;
(2) provide Records and Documents Division Chief with appropriate recommendations for improvement of filing system and controls;
(3) maintain controlled withdrawal systems for general records files;
(4) maintain established correspondence control; and
(5) receive, distribute and mail correspondence and maintain a register of such actions.
b. The Public Land Records Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) maintain the filing system arid controls established for public land records;
(2) assist Records and Documents Division Chief in developing improved records system and controls;
(3) maintain controlled withdrawal system of public land record files;
(4) provide copies of public land records for specific fees upon application of the public.
c. The Survey Records Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) maintain files of white print maps and duplicate of computation and lot description books for reference by Bureau personnel and the general public;
(2) enforce controls in the withdrawal of survey records for reference;
(3) provide copies of records for the public upon application and payment of fees; and
(4) assist Records and Documents Division Chief in developing improved filing system and controls.
Section 78. The Land Management Division shall, among others, be responsible for ensuring the carrying out of plans for the management and disposition of disposable public, friar, and other government land; preparing, issuing and reviewing of patents, leases, deeds of sales and permits; and recommending policies and programs for land administration, allocation and settlement. It shall operate primarily as a planning, policy-making, consultative and advisory entity of the Bureau for the aforementioned activities. The Division shall have three sections under it, namely: Sales and Leases Section, Homestead and Free Patent Section and patents and Deeds Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Sales and Leases Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) process sales and lease applications, including the publication of notices of sales and lease, handling of auction, and award of land to successful bidders;
(2) prepare and issue revocable and other types of land permits;
(3) maintain files of documents, maps and plans of land reservations set aside by order of the President;
(4) take action on requests for reservation of public lands for public or quasi-public purposes; and
(5) prepare drafts of such other materials for presidential consideration.
b. The Homestead and Free Patent Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) review previous action and process homestead and free patent applicants;
(2) ensure that the applicant has complied with residence, cultivation and formal requirements for the issuance of a homestead or free patent; and
(3) cooperate with the Patents and Deeds Section to insure the speedy disposal of applications on homestead and free patents.
c. The Patents and Deeds Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare and issue land patents for sales, free patents and homestead applications; and
(2) prepare and issue deeds of sales covering friar land, alien and other government lands.
Section 79. The Survey Division shall, among others, be responsible for the control and supervision of field surveys, maintenance of survey standards, the approval of survey techniques employed, review of survey contracts with private surveyors, maintenance of control system for the output of maps and plans, and following current development on survey methods and techniques recommend plans and programs for survey activities. It shall have the following sections, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Survey Control Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) develop survey field control sets;
(2) assign and operate field control survey parties;
(3) select significant control areas;
(4) recommend control party assignments;
(5) process data on surveys by field parties;
(6) prepare control set adjustment procedures;
(7) check, evaluate and improve necessary existing controls
(8) reduce controls to standard Philippine data and coordinates;
(9) maintain control data records; and
(10) study the application of photogrammetric techniques to survey control and make recommendations as to their use.
b. The Survey and Map Projection Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) produce control maps from computed and verified data;
(2) draft projection sheet and plot established controls;
(3) project surveys on project sheets; and
(4) certify, for computation, surveys which do not overlap prior surveys and return overlapping surveys to proper units.
c. The Electronic Computation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) perform area computation operations with the use of automatic mechanical equipment;
(2) train employees in automatic mechanical computation work; and
(3) recommend new opportunities for use of mechanical computing machines.
d. The Calculating Machine Computation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) control computation operations; and
(2) train employees in the operation of calculating machines.
e. The Cadastral Surveys Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) insure the completeness of all cadastral survey returns submitted from the field;
(2) prepare technical descriptions of cases;
(3) check bearing and distance of courses;
(4) ensure accuracy and completeness of all cadastral maps and computation sheets;
(5) prepare lot descriptions;
(6) prepare technical ascription of lots for patent issuance;
(7) prepare alphabetical and numerical list of cadastral lot claimants; and
(8) check boundary cases.
f. The Public Land Subdivision and Survey Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) ensure the completeness of all public land subdivision survey returns received from the field;
(2) prepare technical descriptions of cases;
(3) check bearing and distance of courses;
(4) check boundary of cases;
(5) ensure accuracy and completeness of all public land subdivision maps and computation sheets;
(6) prepare lot descriptions;
(7) prepare technical descriptions of lots for patent issuance; and
(8) prepare alphabetical and numerical list of public land subdivision lot claimants.
g. The Isolated Surveys Section shall have the following functions, among others;
(1) ensure completeness of all isolated survey returns submitted for verification;
(2) check bearings and distance of courses;
(3) prepare plans for isolated surveys;
(4) ensure the completeness of computation sheets to be submitted to the computing sections for verification.
h. The Survey Reconstruction Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) construct survey maps, plans, computation sheets lot descriptions and other essential survey data damaged during the war and occupation; and
(2) ensure completeness of reconstructed computation sheets.
i. The Reproduction Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) produce cloth reproducible from original maps;
(2) produce white prints from cloth reproducibles, tracing and paper negatives;
(3) produce microfilm copies of essential survey records for permanent storage; and
(4) reproduce other survey data and office documents as requested.
j. The Technical Standards Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) recommend continuing improvement in survey standards;
(2) review field and office procedures on surveys, techniques, forms and equipment against established standards;
(3) determine and report deviation from standards and corrective action; and
(4) prepare revised surveys Manual of Regulations.
k. The Technical Reference Section shall have the following functions, among others;
(1) maintain working files of all technical records essential to and for the exclusive use of the Survey Division; and
(2) provide physical protection of survey record files.
l. The Survey Production Statistics Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) receive, report and distribute to processing sections all field survey returns including private survey returns;
(2) maintain daily job progress records on processing of individual, public and subdivision cadastral projects;
(3) maintain isolated survey processing records showing total number of isolated surveys completed each day and total not processed;
(4) prepare cumulative production progress reports from daily recordings as required by the Survey Divisions
(5) estimate changes of proposed surveys, using standards set by Administrative Order, together with actual costs of previous surveys as reported by the Budget and Control Division; and
(6) relay requests for technical description for land patents from the Land Management Division to cadastral public land subdivision and isolated survey sections.
Section 80. There shall be in the Survey Division three supervisors, who shall be responsible for controls and computations, data and map preparation, and survey services respectively, and who shall be directly responsible to the Survey Division Chief.
Section 81. Unless otherwise provided by law or competent authority, the Bureau shall have eight Regional Land Offices with jurisdictions, boundaries and headquarters offices conforming to Reorganization Plan No. 53-A and its Implementing Details.
Section 82. The functions, duties and responsibilities of a Regional Land Office shall consist of but not be limited to, the following:
a. perform direct supervision and control over district land officers;
b. submit such operating and control reports as may be required;
c. recommend the appointment and promotions of District and Provincial Land Officers;
d. implement all policies, programs, plans and work goals established by the Bureau;
e. initiate and forward recommendations for actions or procedures that will advance land administration and
f. supervise and coordinate activities of district and provincial land offices and field parties to observe performance compared against established programs and objectives; and
g. conduct meetings, as required, with District Land Officers, Provincial Land Officers and Officers-in-Charge to discuss policies, programs, problems and work goals.
Section 83. There shall be District Land Offices in accordance with the requirements of Bureau operations in the field and current appropriations. A District Land Office shall report to and be under the direct line authority of the Regional Land Office concerned, and shall have the following functions, duties and responsibilities, among others:
a. supervise and coordinate the efforts of Bureau personnel in the district engaged in land administration and allocation;
b. supervise the collection of survey and other fees, charges, deposits, leases, rentals, sales installments and interest payments in the district;
c. supervise and coordinate the investigation and paper work activities required for approval of land application and issuance of land patents;
d. approve homestead applications which comply with legal requirements;
e. cancel or reject public land applications;
f. render decisions on claims and conflicts cases which do not involve matters specified in Lands Administrative Order No. 13-1, dated October 7, 1940;
g. furnish evidence and date as required for claims and conflicts cases processed by the Legal Division;
h. submit operating and control reports to the Region Land Officer Chief; and
i. provide administrative supervision over contract surveyors activities to ensure compliance with contractual requirements.
Section 84. Immediately under District Offices shall be Provincial Land Offices which shall be established in accordance with current appropriations of the Bureau and with the requirements of field operations activities. A Provincial Land Office shall have the following functions, duties and responsibilities, among others:
a. supervise land administration, survey and allocation activities within the provincial area;
b. process and forward land applications filed within the Office to the District Land Office concerned or to the central offices as appropriate; and
c. supervise such sub-offices, survey parties, and projects as shall be established to assist in the performance of the aforementioned functions.
Section 85. There shall be other local offices, projects or units in the province as operations justify and require their establishment. Such subordinate entities shall be placed under the immediate and direct supervision and control of the Provincial Land Office concerned.
Functions of the Bureau of Forestry
Section 86. Subject to the immediate supervision and control of the Undersecretary for Natural Resources, the Bureau of Forestry, hereinafter referred to under this title as the “Bureau,” shall be a major planning, policy-making, consultative, advisory and operating entity of the Department, and shall have the functions assigned to it by pertinent provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, insofar as they are not, inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details. In accordance with Section 86 of the Plan, the Bureau shall coordinate with and assist the Parks and Wildlife Office in the execution of parks and wildlife programs.
Section 87. The Bureau shall have an Office of the Director, an Administrative Services Division, a Forest Management Division, a Forest Land Uses Division, a Domain Use Division, a Reclamation and Reforestation Division, a Sawmills and Licenses Division, and a Forest Research Division to be known as the Bureaus “central offices;” and “district offices.” The Bureaus central offices shall operate primarily as a policy-making, planning, consultative and advisory entities for, perform technical supervision of, and perform, as appropriate, operational activities, except the Administrative Services Division which shall serve as an auxiliary entity of the Bureau.
Section 88. Subject to Departmental policies, standards and review, the Administrative Services Division of the Bureau shall, among others, provide the auxiliary services enumerated in Section 19 of the Plan and provide technical guidance for the performance of similar activities by field entities of the Bureau. It shall have a Budget and Finance Section, a Personnel Section, a Property and General Services Section, a Legal Section, a Forestry Information, Section and a Records Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Budget and Finance Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare forms, orders and circulars embodying instructions on budget preparation and control;
(2) consolidate all budget requests of the Bureau and prepare a Bureau budget reflecting its needs and requirements;
(3) assemble, compile and prepare supporting statements, facts, data and statistics to justify the budget request of the Bureau;
(4) process expense accounts, requisitions, vouchers and other papers involving financial matters;
(5) make proper deposits and remittances to funds and perform such accounting work as may be required, not otherwise delegated by law to the Budget Commission;
(6) prepare the payroll for and pay the salaries of the Bureau officials and employees;
(7) process transportation orders and authority to travel;
(8) prepare financial statements and/or reports as may be required;
(9) study and analyze reports on appropriations and trends of expenditures;
(10) perform research and studies for purposes of simplifying, improving, and developing administrative work methods, procedures and techniques, office forms and forms control systems; and
(11) conduct studies on organizational problems and propose solutions therefor.
b. The Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) initiate and maintain a manual system for the Bureau;
(2) initiate and maintain a personnel program, consistent with civil service and other personnel laws, rules and regulations, which includes in-service training of personnel, analysis of positions and qualifications of prospective and incumbent personnel, setting standards for and process papers relating to recruitment, appointments, transfers, reassignments, and others;
(3) keep and maintain current, plantilla and records of personnel of the Bureau;
(4) study and recommend the proper utilization of personnel;
(5) promote employee welfare and morale and assist in developing and improving efficiency and morale of the personnel by giving necessary information and advice on personnel needs and problems;
(6) inform employees of civil service rules and regulations and explain the meaning of and reasons for various personnel actions;
(7) investigate employee irregularity and study administrative cases, prepare and submit reports and recommend actions on such cases; and
(8) perform liaison work with entities of the government concerned with personnel activities.
c. The Property and General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) procure, keep and maintain the Bureaus property, supplies and equipment, and condemn and dispose of, within regulations, property that has become worn out, obsolete and useless;
(2) maintain adequate records of supplies and equipment received and issued to entities and officials of the Bureau and keep current inventories of property, supplies and equipment;
(3) handle purchase requisitions and make purchases for the entities and officials of the Bureau;
(4) supervise the use and maintenance of office equipment and property;
(5) maintain and manage janitorial, messengerial, clerical, security, shops and other facilitating services; and
(6) maintain the buildings and grounds of the Bureau and see that property within them are secured.
d. The Legal Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) render legal advice and services to entities of the Bureau;
(2) prepare legal documents, study laws, rules and regulations affecting the Bureaus activities and propose amendments or changes to be made;
(3) comment on pertinent legislation or bills and rules and regulations being formulated; and
(4) assist appropriate entities in the Bureau in the litigation of cases involving the Bureau of Forestry and seek legal assistance from the Office of the Solicitor General when needed.
e. The Forestry Information Section shall have the following functions, among others.
(1) prepare informative materials for press release and for production or reproduction by the Agricultural Information Division or by other entities on a contractual or reimbursement basis;
(2) supply such information and materials requested and needed by the Bureau of Agricultural Extension for the purpose of disseminating information to the people;
(3) consolidate reports of entities in the Bureau and prepare the Bureaus reports;
(4) assist private individuals or officials of other entities in securing technical information from the Bureau;
(5) administer a Bureau library and such libraries as may be established for use of Bureau officials and employees and the public; and
(6) act as liaison with the Agricultural Information Division regarding informative materials on forestry.
f. The Records Section shall have the following functions, among others
(1) keep and maintain the filing system and controls established for Bureau records, reports and documents except personnel records;
(2) conduct studies and make appropriate recommendations to the Administrative Division Chief for the improvement of filing systems and controls;
(3) maintain established correspondence control and continuous study on the correspondence system; and
(4) receive, distribute and mail correspondence and maintain a register for such purposes.
Section 89. The Forest Management Division, shall among others, administer the functions of the Bureau relating to the formulation of policies, programs and plans, the setting of standards, criteria and practices for the management of timber and range resources; and technically supervise and coordinate similar activities in the field. It shall have a Timber Inventory Section, a Management Plans Section, a Concessions Section and a Forest Reserves Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Timber Inventory Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) formulate and systematize methods of timber inventory;
(2) delimit areas to be retained as permanent forest lands in consultation with the Domain Use Division;
(3) coordinate and supervise timber inventory activities and the collection of data on soil cover and forest types in permanent forests, all of which are designed for the preparation of management plans or for the control and proper use of the different forest Lands; and
(4) prepare timber resources analyses reports and statistics.
b. The Management Plans Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare standards, instructions and programs for selective timber management, range management, watershed management and other forest resources management to assure the optimum multiple use of forest lands and to attain sustained yield on forest products;
(2) determine allowable cuts, logging methods and equipment for logging operators in permanent forests, and ensure the application of the same;
(3) determine the logical boundaries of areas covered by timber licenses in conjunction with the Concessions Section;
(4) organize forest working “circles”;
(5) prepare, modify or revise range management plans, water-shed management plans, timber management plans and other forest resource plans, jointly or in consultation with district foresters and license operators;
(6) conduct field inspections, as directed, to follow-up scientific and practical implementation of timber management plans and study improvements necessary for the modification or revision of said plans;
(7) develop and prescribe tree marking and residual inventory rules and regulatory fines on logging damages to the immature stands;
(8) keep control and records of timber cutting in accordance with cutting budgets, and record silvi-cultural operations in working “circles”;
(9) consider and submit forest management research problems to the Forest Research Division and effectively apply results of research in the implementation of forest management plans; and
(10) ensure that activities of other divisions in managed areas are in conformity to the objectives and prescriptions of forest management plans.
b. The Concessions Section shall have the following function among others:
(1) issue or grant timber licenses and agreements, or supervise the processing or issuance of the same by district office personnel;
(2) prepare and recommend rules, regulations and procedures for the granting of timber concessions and licenses and the operation of licensees or concessionnaires;
(3) advertise forest areas applied for and scrutinize qualifications of applicants;
(4) determine awardees on the basis of ability to operate efficiently and in accordance with prescriptions for sustained yield management;
(5) act on violations of cutting rules, prescriptions and other terms of timber-licenses and agreements, and apply the proper penalties therefor;
(6) act on conflicts of areas relative to timber licenses and agreements;
(7) act on requests for additional areas and cuts in consultation with the Management Plans Section; and
(8) direct action for securing proper use and improvement of resources in permanent forests.
c. The Forest Reserves Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) administer established forest reserves, communal forests and communal pastures;
(2) act on the establishment of, and amend or disestablish existing forest reserves, communal pastures and forests;
(3) act on applications for the establishment of civil reservations;
(4) prepare corresponding proclamations or administrative orders on forest reserves, communal forests, communal pastures, and civil reservations for approval by higher authorities;
(5) verify and certify t the Bureau of Mines applications for mining leases and claims as to their locations with respect to existing forest reserves, national parks, communal forests and communal pastures; and
(6) cooperate with the Domain Use Division on domain use classification principally those affecting timber lands, forest reserves, communal forests end communal pastures.
Section 90. The Forest Land Uses Division shall, among others, administer functions of the Bureau relating to the status, occupancy and use of public forest lands, in accordance with Sections 1833 and 1829 of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, and illegal occupancy and destruction of public forests in violation to Section 2571 of said Code, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 447. It shall have a Special Uses Section, a Pasture and Fishpond Section, and a Forest Claims, Registration and Protection Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Special Uses Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) ensure the efficient administration, supervision, occupancy and use of public forest lands in accordance with Section 1838 of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended, except for pasture and fishpond purposes;
(2) process applications and prepare instructions for the inspection by field offices of areas applied for;
(3) prepare calls for rentals and bond deposits on applications approved and order of rejection for those disapproved;
(4) prepare papers for the issuance of permits or leases approved or rejection or cancellation of applications for which the rental calls have not been complied with, or as requested by applicants; and
(5) prepare follow-up for rentals due yearly or in arrears and renewals of permits or leases or cancellations thereof, and supervise technically the performance of the same by field personnel.
b. The Pasture and Fishpond Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) supervise technically the zonification of mangrove and other swamps under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Forestry to determine the portions to be made available for fishponds 5.nd that to be retained for forest purposes, the first to be certified to the Bureau of Fisheries for disposition under fishpond permits or leases;
(2) prepare instructions to fieldmen for the inspection of areas applied for fishpond purposes and referred to the Bureau of Forestry by the Bureau of Fisheries; process inspection reports submitted; and certify the availability of areas for the purpose desired, all of which may no longer be necessary as soon as zonification is completed;
(3) process pasture applications and ensure the inspection of areas applied for and process reports submitted relating thereto;
(4) prepare calls for rentals and bond deposits on pasture applications approved or orders of rejection for those disapproved; and
(5) prepare follow-up for rentals due yearly or in arrears, and issue renewals of permits, leases or orders of cancellation thereof.
c. The Forest Claims, Registration and Protection Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) handle land registration cases in courts and the examination of private claims within forest lands and registration of private lands with valid titles containing timber and other forest products pursuant to Section 1829 of the Revised Administrative Code;
(2) issue instructions thereon and process reports including titles and other muniments submitted and prepare decisions or orders on forest claims and/or certificates of registration of private woodlands with valid titles;
(3) ensure the implementation of policies, laws and rules or regulations on forest protection to prevent violations and handle legal actions on cases involving illegal occupancy, trespass or destruction of public lands;
(4) supervise technically field activities relating to protection work;
(5) process and compile reports and make recommendations on squatters and illegal destruction of public forests in violation of Section 2751 of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 447; and
(6) act as liaison with the Philippine; Army, Philippine Constabulary and Philippine Air Force, in the detection, prevention and prosecution of violators of the above-mentioned laws.
Section 91. The Domain Use Division shall, among others, handle functions relating to the classification, demarcation and delimitation of the public domain into permanent forest lands, temporary timberlands, and alienable or disposable lands to be turned over for administration and disposition by the Bureau of Lands; control and supervise all field surveys through the setting and maintenance of technical survey standards, techniques and methods; prepare basic forestry maps; and compute, compile and prepare forest statistical data for guidance in the formulation of policies for the proper administration and disposition of the public forest. It shall have a Surveys Control and Coordination Section, a Data Computation Section, and a Mapping and Drafting Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Surveys Control and Coordination Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) set and maintain technical standards, procedures and other guides for the conduct of field surveys;
(2) maintain controls for the operation and location of survey parties in the field;
(3) check, review and coordinate land classification reports and all activities with respect to surveys for the purpose of delimitation and demarcation of the public domain;
(4) maintain control data records;
(5) prepare orders for the investigation of isolated parcels;
(6) certify areas classified according to findings obtained from field survey parties, and reviews and verifications made;
(7) draft Forestry Administrative Orders and certification papers to be transmitted for approval to higher authorities; and
(8) recommend plans, programs and projects to be undertaken for more efficient methods of land classification surveys and for the speedy classification of the public domain.
b. The Data Computation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) schedule all survey computations in the centrol office including those required for survey verification and survey control;
(2) consolidate, compile and prepare statistical data submitted by field survey parties for information and guidance in the formulation of appropriate technical plans and programs;
(3) establish guides and controls for the compilation, computation and drafting of data by field surveyors; and
(4) plot field notes submitted by field surveyors, and trace said plottings.
c. The Mapping and Drafting Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare and reproduce basic forestry maps, such as standard maps, atlas, folio, working plan base maps, including land classification, timber surveys reconnaissance, forest planting, reforestation, concession areas and similar maps;
(2) produce control maps from computed and verified data;
(3) draft projection sheet and plotting of established controls, illustrations, charts and other visual aids to give more vivid description to reports; and
(4) perform all mapping and drafting work for all entities of the Bureau.
Section 92. The Sawmills and Licenses Division shall handle functions formerly assigned to the Division of Forest Concession and Sawmills which was abolished by Section 86 of the Plan, except those functions which are assigned to the Forest Management Division by said Section. Among others, it shall perform appropriate functions relating to licensing or granting concessions, except timber and issuance of grazing permits; scaling and measuring of forest products for the collection of fees, assessment of minor forest products and determination of rate of forest charges; arid inspection and licensing of sawmills. The Sawmills and Licenses Division shall have a Minor Products Licenses Section, a Sawmills Section and a Lumber Inspection Service Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Minor Products Licenses Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) receive, record and refer to the District Office concerned, application on minor forest products and similar concessions for inspection of areas covered thereby;
(2) prepare and issue original licenses or their renewal and collect appropriate fees or charges therefor, and technically supervise the performance by District Offices of similarly delegated functions;
(3) comment on land classification reports and applications for fishponds and other special uses affecting areas that are under concessions;
(4) maintain control maps of areas covered by concessions and licenses on minor forest products; and
(5) inspect areas under minor products concessions, settle conflicts and complaints.
b. The Sawmills Section shall hare the following functions, among others:
(1) process applications for sawmill permits and issue original and renewed sawmill permits in accordance with Republic Act No. 460, and supervise the performance of similarly delegated functions by field personnel;
(2) supervise technically the scaling of timber and measuring or invoicing of minor forest products for the collection of forest charges and reforestation fund charges;
(3) conduct mill studies to sequaint scalers of log defects to ascertain the amount to be deducted due to natural and unavoidable defects, and provide for the training of scalers and check-scalers;
(4) check-scale the scalers to promote efficiency in scaling;
(5) cooperate with the Bureau of Internal Revenue personnel in gathering data for the purpose of assessing forest products and in the collection of forest charges; prepare necessary instructions to District Offices for this purpose;
(6) assist in the collection and compilation of data on the lumber industry, as well as information on equipment and machineries used and to keep records on timber and minor forest products production cut by licensees and non-licensees;
(7) register and issue permits to agents, contractors and dealers of logs, lumber and commercial piles; and
(8) conduct regular inspection and make reports on lumber yards.
c. The Lumber Inspection Service Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) provide for the inspection and grading of logs and lumber for export to maintain the prestige of Philippine woods in foreign markets;
(2) supervise the work of timber inspectors in the field to see that their work is in accordance with the grading rules and regulations;
(3) compile data on logs and lumber exported with their corresponding value and countries of destination;
(4) conduct studies and initiate measures to help promote Philippine lumber trade and prepare lumber trade reviews;
(5) prepare and/or revise grading rules to conform with present needs.
Section 93. The Forest Research Division shall, among others, formulate and ensure the implementation of research programs, policies, and practices by the various experiment stations of the Bureau. It shall supervise technically, research and studies conducted by the experiment stations on silvics and silviculture, forest and watershed management, forest influences, forest genetics, forest pest and disease, range conservation, forest nursery practices, including the preparation of local volume, taper and yield tables in collaboration with the Forest Management Division and other divisions concerned. It shall have a Silvics and Silviculture Section, a Forest Influence Section, a Forest Pests and Diseases Section, and a Forest Grazing Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Silvics and Silviculture Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) supervise the establishment of sample plots for growth and yield studies and of plots for the growing of varieties of species selected from vigorous trees and for seed production;
(2) prepare local taper and volume tables, silvical leaflets, and instructions on planting techniques for different tree species to be reproduced by the Forestry Information Section; and
(3) study the regeneration of cut-over areas, forest succession, best and most economical methods of planting, selection and treatment of seeds, preparation and handling of nursery stock, silvical requirements of forest trees and other forest plants of economic importance, the application of thinnings, acclimatization of exotic plants, mortality and behavior of species, and forest genetics.
b. The Forest Influence Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct studies and researches on the influence of forests, on the occurrences of floods, surface run-offs and banks to minimize erosion, and on the factors responsible for soil formation and fertility; and
(2) evaluate research results for implementation and application.
c. The Forest Pests and Diseases Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) conduct studies and researches on the various agencies destructive to forest nurseries, plantations and standing trees in the forest, methods of combating them, factors responsible for insect and fungus diseases and infestation;
(2) recommend methods of control or prevention of nests and diseases; and
(3) study insects beneficial to forestry.
d. The Forest Grazing Section shrill have the following functions , among others:
(1) conduct studios and researches on timber growing, reproduction, fire, soil erosion, floods and stream flew, ecology of grazing and proper management of range, forage plant introduction, improvement of grazing lands, capacity of range, forage requirement of stocks, poisonous and objectionable plants to grazing animals, and revegetation of over grazed areas; and
(2) evaluate results of research for immediate implementation and application upon approval.
Section 94. The Reclamation and deforestation Division shall, among others, administer functions assigned to it by appropriate provisions of laws, executive orders, rules and regulations insofar as they are not inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details.
Functions of the Parks and Wildlife Office
Section 95. The Parks and Wildlife Office, hereinafter referred to as the “Office,” shall be under the immediate supervision and control of the Undersecretary for Natural Resources, and shall have those appropriate functions transferred to it from the Commission on Parks and Wildlife by Section 86 of the Plan which shall be interpreted to include, but not be limited to, the establishment; operation and management of national parks and recreational centers including regulatory use of the same; conservation and use of wildlife, game and fish, game refuges and sanctuaries, and game farms, natural wonders, historical relics and monuments and natural scenes and beauties; and providing assistance and technical services to local park agencies. The Office shall coordinate its activities and programs with the Bureau of Forestry for the joint use of personnel and facilities, and for the beneficial use of resources on park areas whore such will not conflict with the scenic, recreational, or preservation essentials of parks areas.
Section 96. The Office shall have an Administrative Services Division, a Perks Division and Wildlife and Game Division.
Section 97. Subject to Departmental policies, standards and revise, the functions, duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Services Division shall include, but not be limited to, organization and methods analysis; financial and personnel management, procurement, custody and maintenance of supplies, property and equipment; providing facilitating office services to include maintenance of files and records, mails, and messengerial and janitorial services, security and general utility; and legal services. It shall provide related services to entities in the Office.
Section 98. The Administrative Services Division shall have two (2) sections under it, namely: Fiscal and Personnel Section and General Services Section, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Fiscal and Personnel Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) prepare and consolidate budget requests of the Office;
(2) assemble, compile and prepare supporting statements, data, and statistics to justify the budget request of the Office.
(3) process expense accounts, requisitions, vouchers and other papers involving financial matters;
(4) account for all cash disbursement activities;
(5) process papers relating to appointments, promotions, transfers, reinstatements, leaves of absence, and other personnel transactions which require action by the chief;
(6) prepare the payroll for and pay the salaries of employees;
(7) keep and maintain current, the plantilla of personnel and the records of personnel of the Officers; and
(8) investigate employee irregularity, study administrative cases, prepare and submit reports and recommend actions on such cases.
b. The General Services Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) take custody of office property, equipment and supplies;
(2) procure , issue or store and keep property, supplies and equipment needed by the Office;
(3) handle property maintenance and utilization and supervise use of the property and equipment by subordinate entities of the Office;
(4) dispatch and receive correspondence and perform records filing and records management work;
(5) handle facilitating office services such as janitorial, messengerial, transportation, security and other common office services;
(6) prepare informative materials designed for press releases and production or reproduction by the Agricultural Information Division;
(7) prepare reports required of the Office; and
(8) handle public relations activities and reference services of the Office.
Section 99. The Parks Division shall, among others, administer functions relating to the supervision of the establishment, conservation, planning, management, improvement and maintenance of national parks and cooperation with local parks agencies on these activities. It shall have two sections under it, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Conservation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) evaluate recreational and multiple uses of areas;
(2) supervise the maintenance of national parks and provide assistance and technical services to local government parks;
(3) supervise activities designed for the protection of national parks; and
(4) study ways and means of conserving original vegetative forest cover of national parks.
b. The Improvement Section shall have the following functions, among others;
(1) take charge of the development and improvement of recreational planning;
(2) assist and cooperate with local parks In recreational planning and development;
(3) ensure the implementation of recreational plans;
(4) execute and/or supervise the execution of project construction programs of development proposals; and
(5) coordinate development plans with master plans, project plans and cost estimates.
Section 100. The Wildlife and Game Division shall, among others, administer functions relating to supervision on production, preservation and conservation of wildlife, issuance of hunting licenses, establishment and maintenance of game farms, game refuges and bird sanctuaries and conservation of game and wildlife. It shall have two sections under it, with corresponding duties and responsibilities as follows:
a. The Propagation Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) perform activities relating to the propagation and development of wildlife and game;
(2) perform research and scientific studies and investigations to improve the quality and species of wildlife; and
(3) assist the Licenses Section in the formulation of measures designed to regulate the hunting of game and wildlife.
b. The Licenses Section shall have the following functions, among others:
(1) process and issue hunting licenses, special permits and ordinary permits to use the resources within park areas;
(2) propose measures to regulate the hunting of game and wildlife and other resources in the parks; and
(3) follow-up the execution of rules and regulations governing the conservation of wildlife, game and other resources.
Agricultural Tenancy Commission
Section 101. The organization and operations of the Agricultural Tenancy Commission as provided in Administrative Order No. 67 dated September 30, 1954 shall remain in effect.
Departmental Councils and Committees
Section 102. The National Forestry Council and the National Agricultural Council and their subordinate entities shall continue to serve as coordinating and advisory entities for the Department, the functions and operations of which shall be as provided in the executive orders providing for their creation and composition.
Section 103. The Parks and Wildlife Committee established in accordance with Section 87 of the Plan shall be attached to the Office of the Secretary.
Section 104. From the total appropriations authorized for the period from July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-six to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, consisting of the following:
a. Under Republic Act Numbered 1,600 |
(1) For the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources |
Current Operating Expenditures |
(a) Office of the Secretary |
P 1,687,570 |
General Fund |
P 1,687,570 |
(b) Bureau of Plant Industry |
5,128,710 |
General Fund |
3,962,960 |
Special Fund |
876,720 |
Fiduciary Fund |
289,030 |
(c) Bureau of Animal Industry |
2,918,130 |
General Fund |
1,854,950 |
Special Fund |
1,063,180 |
(d) Bureau of Fisheries |
1,496,260 |
General Fund |
1,271,290 |
Receipts Automatically Appropriated |
224,970 |
(e) Bureau of Mines |
1644720 |
General Fund |
1,068,260 |
Special Fund |
319,570 |
Fiduciary Fund |
256,890 |
(f) Bureau of Soil Conservation |
1,200,110 |
General Fund |
1,026,210 |
Special Fund |
53,900 |
Bond Fund (RA 1305) |
100,000 |
Fiduciary Fund |
20,000 |
(g) Bureau of Agricultural Extension |
P 5,506,118 |
General Fund |
P 2,252,422 |
Special Fund (CA 86) |
3,253,696 |
(h) Bureau of Lands |
15,654,415 |
General Fund |
7,965,390 |
Special Fund |
1,930,325 |
Bond Fund (RA 1305) |
3,258,700 |
Bond Fund (RA 1395) |
2,500,000 |
(i) Bureau of Forestry |
6,642,520 |
General Fund |
3,509,850 |
Special Fund |
2,632,670 |
Bond Fund (RA 1305) |
500,000 |
(j) Fiber Inspection Service |
619,200 |
Special Fund |
619,200 |
Capital Outlays |
(a) Bureau of Plant Industry |
90,000 |
General Fund |
60,000 |
Special Fund |
30,000 |
(b) Bureau of Animal Industry |
60,000 |
General Fund |
20,000 |
Special Fund |
40,000 |
(c) Bureau of Forestry |
25,000 |
Special Fund |
25,000 |
(d) Bureau of Fisheries |
103,000 |
General Fund |
103,000 |
(2) For the National Economic Council as per special budget for the following entities: |
(a) Bureau of Plant Industry |
P 207,920 |
C. P. 726 |
P 150,460 |
C. P. 7101 |
57,460 |
(b) Bureau of Mines |
236,035 |
C. P. 724 |
30,000 |
C. P. 791 |
117035 |
C. P. 748 |
89,000 |
(c) Bureau of Forestry |
804,580 |
C. P. 774 |
59,980 |
C. P. 719 |
744,600 |
(3) For the Commission on Parks and Wildlife, Office of the President |
P 202,966 |
(a) For items of expenditures relating to the operation and maintenance of parks and conservation of wildlife which are transferred to the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 86 of the Plan: |
- |
General Fund |
202,966 |
b. Under Special Legislations |
(1) For the Bureau of Soil Conservation; for items of expenditures relating to the establishment and operation of provincial soils offices and branch soil laboratories: |
- |
Republic Act 1376 |
44,428 |
(2) For the bureau of Lands, from the General Fund |
338.959 |
(a) C. A. 691 (Land Settlement) |
313,259 |
(b) R. A. 719 (Funds appropriated to replenish the Cadastral Survey Fund) |
25,700 |
c. From the Unallotted Surplus, Fiber Inspection Service Fund |
P 493,739 |
P45,644,380 |
the following sums, subject to adjustment by the Commissioner of the Budget based on the unexpended balance of appropriations available as of the effective date of these Implementing Details, are reallocated for the operation of the Department during the period from July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-six to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, except where otherwise provided:
A. Funds Transferred Out
The following sums are transferred from the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources:
a. To the Department of Commerce and Industry; for items of expenditures relating to the setting and maintenance of commercial standards for fiber pursuant to Section 26 of the Plan: |
- |
(1) Fiber Inspection Fund (R.A. 1600) |
P 361,746 |
- |
(2) Fiber Inspection Fund (Unalloted Surplus) |
105,896 |
P 467,642 |
b. To the University of the Philippines: |
- |
(1) For items of expenditures relating to the operation and maintenance of the Philippine Institute of Fisheries Technology, Bureau of Fisheries, pursuant to Section 58 of the Plan: |
- |
General Fund |
218,116 |
- |
(2) For items of expenditures relating to the operation and maintenance of the Forest Products Laboratory and for salaries and wages of positions transferred from the t Products Research Section, Bureau of Forestry, pursuant to Section 2 of Plan No. 77 Section 86 of the Plan: |
- |
General Fund |
412,220 |
- |
(3) For items of expenditures relating to the operation and maintenance of the School of Surveying, Bureau of Lands, pursuant to Section 23 of the Plan: |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 18,620 |
- |
(b) R. A. 310 (PLSS) |
2,787 |
P 21,407 |
c. To the Department of Education: for items of expenditures relating to the operation and maintenance of the Schools of Fisheries, Bureau of Fisheries, pursuant to Section 58 of the Plan: |
- |
General Fund |
471,620 |
d. To the Department of Public Works, Transportation and Communications: for items of expenditures relating to the administration of the irrigation systems of the friar lands, pursuant to Section 84 of the Plan: |
- |
Friar Lands Estate Fund (Special Fund) |
91,305 |
e. To the Institute of Science and Technology or its successor entity, the National Scientific and Industrial Research Institute: for items of expenditures relating to research on the industrial and applied uses of fish products. Bureau of Fisheries, pursuant to Section 56 of Plan No. 30-A: |
- |
General Fund |
7,035 |
f. For Implementation of Plan No. 2-A: |
1,992,024 |
(1) Bureau of Lands: |
- |
General Fund |
- |
Special Funds |
7,980 |
- |
Bond Fund (R.A. 1305) |
134,160 |
- |
Bond Fund (R.A. 1395) |
499,688 |
P1,058,239 |
- |
(2) Bureau of Forestry: |
- |
General Fund |
21,420 |
- |
Special Funds |
503,960 |
- |
Bond Fund (R.A. 1305) |
36,900 |
- |
Counterpart Funds |
8,340 |
570,620 |
- |
(3) Bureau of Plant Industry: |
- |
General Fund |
P 111,750 |
- |
Special Funds |
84,605 |
- |
Fiduciary Fund |
47,538 |
- |
Counterpart Funds |
31,590 |
P 275,483 |
- |
Bureau of Mines: |
- |
General Fund |
6,396 |
- |
Special Funds |
1,380 |
- |
Trust Fund |
4,440 |
- |
Counterpart Funds |
1,020 |
13,236 |
- |
(5) Bureau of Fisheries: |
- |
General Fund |
510 |
510 |
- |
(6) Bureau of Animal Industry: |
- |
Special Fund |
56 |
56 |
- |
(7) Bureau of Soil Conservation: |
- |
General Fund |
2,260 |
2,260 |
- |
(8) Bureau of Agricultural Extension: |
- |
Special Funds |
61,700 |
| - |
(9) Commission on Parks and Wildlife: |
- |
General Fund |
9,920 |
| - |
Total Funds Transferred Out |
P 3,681,369 |
B. Current Operating Expenditures
(1) Office of the Secretary
For enforcement of tenancy laws which includes the carrying out of education and information program through preparation, distribution and dissemination of materials and the conduct of rallies, planning studies to be made on the extent of compliance with the law, adaptability of the law to different crops and areas, fairness of law to all affected parties, and investigations on the adaptability of farms to mechanization |
P 579,020.00 |
(1) Implementation of the Agricultural Tenancy law |
P 579,020
| - |
General Fund |
P 579,020
| - |
For general administration and staff services, including dissemination of agricultural information, agricultural economics, general administration which includes planning and programming, budget and fiscal management, personnel administration, organization and methods analysis, and general services administration and including free quarters for the chief watchman while required to stay in the building |
- |
(1) Dissemination of Agricultural Information |
P 314,840 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 314,840
| - |
(2) Agricultural Economics |
P 372,320 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 372,320
| - |
(3) General Administration |
578,244 |
- |
General Fund |
P 421,390
| - |
Fiber Inspection Service Fund (Special Fund) |
156,854 |
Total from General Fund |
P 1,687,570.00 |
Total from Special Funds |
156,854 |
P 1,844,424.00 |
(2) Bureau of Plant Industry
For improvement of agricultural crops, which consists of agricultural research including research for animal feeds pursuant to Section 26 of the Plan, seed production and plant propagation and distribution including seed and plant stock production, procurement and storage pursuant to Section 83 of the Plan, regulatory work on the control of plant pests and diseases and general administration: Provided: That from Seed Perms Fund, P500 shall be for reimbursement to the Budget Commission for accounting services: Provided, further, That from the NAFCO Liquidation Fund, P4,750 shall be for reimbursement to the Budget Commission for accounting services and P1,960 for reimbursement to the General Auditing Office for auditing services: Provided, further, That P55,000 snail be expended for allowances and other expenses of expert, technical and other personnel whom the Secretary, with prior approval of the President, may employ by contract or otherwise, but this appropriation of P55,000 or any part thereof, shall not be used to pay or increase the salary of persons already in the government service or employed in any Bureau or Office under the Department: Provided, further, That P40,000 may be expended for allowances, transportation and other expenses of not more than five specialists or technical men who may be sent to the United States and other countries: Provided, further, That the individual monthly allowance that may be given to each specialist or technical ran shall not be more than P350, but if his annual salary is more than P4,200 he shall receive his salary and monthly allowances at not to exceed P350 to be paid by the Bureau or Office under which he works: And provided, finally, That in the appointment of specialists or technical men, sixty per centum of the aforesaid appropriation of P40,000 shall be expended for agricultural training and education |
P 6,081,821.00 |
(1) Agricultural Research |
- |
P 1,754,406.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 973,025.00 |
(b) Special Funds |
466,979.00 |
- |
(c) Fiduciary Fund |
219,516.00 |
(d) Counterpart Funds |
| - |
(2) Seed Production and Plant Propagation and Distribution |
- |
P 1,502,506.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 405,743.00 |
- |
(b) General Funds (BAE) |
174,200.00 |
- |
- |
(c) Special Fund |
268,348.00 |
- |
(d) Agricultural Funds (BAE) |
602,671.00 |
- |
- |
(e) Counterpart Funds |
51,544.00 |
- |
- |
(3) Regulatory work on and Control of Plant Pests and Diseases |
P 2,183,371.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 2,045,100.00 |
- |
(b) Special Funds |
- |
138,271.00 |
- |
(4) General Administration |
- |
641,538.00 |
(a) General Fund |
427,342.00 |
- |
(b) General Funds (BAE) |
26,460.00 |
- |
- |
(c) Special Funds |
156,360.00 |
- |
(d) Fiduciary Fund |
21,976.00 |
- |
- |
(e) C. P. 726 |
9.400.00 |
- |
- |
For the construction of permanent improvements such as buildings, greenhouses, canals, roads, irrigation systems, drainage and other types of permanent improvements and for the purchase and survey of land for experiment stations and seed farms |
P 140,500.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 60,000.00 |
- |
- |
(b) Seed Farms Fund (Special Fund) |
20,000.00 |
- |
(c) Coffee and Cacao Development Fund (Special Fund) |
8,000.00 |
- |
- |
(d) Tobacco Inspection Fund |
2,000.00 |
- |
(e) C. P. 7101 |
20,500.00 |
- |
- |
(f) Unalloted Surplus Fiber Inspection Service Fund (Special Fund) |
30,000.00 |
- |
Total From General Fund |
P 4,111,870.00 |
Total From Special Funds |
1,692,629.00 |
Total From Fiduciary Fund |
241,492.00 |
Total From Counterpart Funds |
176,330.00 |
P 6,222,321.00 |
(3) Bureau of Animal Industry
For the promotion and development of animal industry, which include livestock and poultry improvement, immunization, quarantine and other control services, research, except variety testing in plots and nurseries for animal feeds which is transferred to the Bureau of Plant Industry pursuant to Section 46 of the Plan, and general administration: Provided, That out of the appropriation from the Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund, P36.000 shall be reimbursed to the Budget Commission for accounting services, P16, 620 to the Bureau of Agricultural Extension as contribution for the promotion of improved farming and agricultural practices and P35.000 may be available for the purchase of jeeps: Provided, further, That any unallotted balance of the Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund Stock Farms, Breeding Stations, Slaughterhouses and Animal Products Fund may be expended for covering deficiencies in the appropriation for livestock and poultry improvement |
P 2,918,074.00 |
(1) Livestock and Poultry Improvement and Development |
- |
P 1,061,400.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 693,420.00 |
- |
(b) Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund, and Stock Farms Breeding Stations, Slaughter-houses and Animal Products Fund (Special Fund) |
367,980.00 |
- |
- |
(2) Immunization, Quarantine and Other Control Services |
1,080,160.00 |
(a) General Fund |
777,790.00 |
- |
- |
(b) Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund, C.A. 118, and Stock Farms, Breeding Stations, Slaughterhouses and Animal Products Fund, Act No. 2758, as amended (Special Fund) |
245,490.00 |
- |
(c) Animal Utilization Service Fund, C. A. 340 (Special Fund) |
56,880.00 |
- |
(3) Research |
399,744.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 219.930.00 |
- |
(b) Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund, C.A. 118, and Stock Farms, Breeding Stations, Slaughterhouses and Animal Products Fund (Special Funds) |
179,844.00 |
- |
(4) General Administration |
376,740.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 163,810.00 |
- |
(b) Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund, C.A. 118, and Stocks Breeding Stations, Slaughterhouses and Animal Products Fund, Act 2756, as amended (Specia Fund)l |
212,930.00 |
- |
For the construction of permanent improvements such as animal sheds, poultry houses, fences and corrals and other types of permanent improvements |
P 150.000.00 |
(a) Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund and Stock Farms, Breeding Stations, Slaughterhouses and Animal Products Funds |
P 150.000.00 |
- |
- |
For the purchase of breeding animals, including freight for their transportation and other incidental expenses and traveling expenses of personnel authorized to make such purchase |
P 450,000.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 200,000.00 |
- |
- |
(b) Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund, C.A. 113, and Stock Farms, Breeding Stations, Slaughterhouses and Animal Products Fund Act 2758 |
250,000.00 |
- |
Total From General Fund |
P 2,054,950.00 |
Total From Special Funds |
1463,124.00 |
3518,074.00 |
(4) Bureau of Fisheries
For conservation and development of aquatic resources, including fishery management and fishery research excluding nutritional research which is transferred to the Institute of Nutrition and applied and industrial uses of fish products which is transferred to the National Scientific and Industrial Research Institute, under Sections 55 and 56 of the Plan, respectively, experimentation, development and general administration |
P 885,979.00 |
(1) Fishery Management |
P 175,920.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 118,210.00 |
(b) General Fund, Receipt Automatically Appropriate (R.A. 4003) |
58,710.00 |
- |
(2) Fishery Research, Experimentation and Development |
P 498,314.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 379,304.00 |
- |
(b) General Fund, Receipt Automatically Appropriate (R.A. 4003) |
119,010.00 |
- |
(3) General Administration |
P 210,745.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 163,495.00 |
- |
- |
(b) General Fund, Receipt Automatically Appropriate (R.A. 4003) |
47,250.00 |
- |
For the construction of permanent improvements such as buildings, experimental acquarium, and other types of permanent improvements, from the General Fund |
16,000.00 |
Total From General Fund. |
P 677,009.00 |
Total From R. A. 4003 |
224,970.00 |
P 901,979.00 |
(5) Bureau of Mines
For the survey, development and administration of mineral resources, including geological surveys, mineral land surveys, mineral and petroleum land management, mining and metallurgical services and general administration: Provided, That P3.170 shall be for reimbursement to the Budget Commission for accounting services |
P 1,867,519.00 |
(1) Geological Survey |
P 975,397.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 642,534.00 |
- |
(b) Mines Special Fund, Republic Act 406 |
101,620.00 |
- |
- |
(c) Mines Survey and Investigation Fund (Fiduciary Fund) |
9,940,00 |
- |
(d) C. P. 791 |
102,303.00 |
- |
- |
(e) C. P. 724 |
30,000.00 |
- |
(f) C. P. 748 |
89,000.00 |
- |
(2) Mineral Land Survey |
296,630.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 82,400.00 |
- |
(b) Mines Special Fund R. A. 406 |
19,300.00 |
- |
(c) Mines Survey and Investigation Fund (Fiduciary Fund) |
194,930.00 |
(3) Mineral and Petroleum Land Management |
109,680.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 80,120.00 |
- |
(b) Mines Special Fund R. A. 406 |
19,520.00 |
- |
(c) Mines Survey and Investigation Fund (Fiduciary Fund) |
10,040.00 |
- |
(4) Mining and Metallurgical Services |
300,070.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 126,500.00 |
- |
(b) Mines Special Fund R. A. 406 |
135,410.00 |
- |
(c) Mines Survey and Investigation Fund (Fiduciary Fund) |
25,920.00 |
- |
(d) C. P. 791 |
12,240.00 |
- |
(5) General Administration |
185,742.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 150,310.00 |
- |
(b) Mines Special Fund R. A. 406 |
142,340.00 |
- |
(c) Mines Survey and Investigation Fund (Fiduciary Fund) |
11,620.00 |
- |
(d) C. P. 791 |
1,472.00 |
- |
Total From General Fund |
P 1, 061,864.00 |
Total From Special Funds |
318,190.00 |
Total From Fiduciary Fund |
252,450.00 |
Total From Counterpart Funds |
235,015.00 |
P 1,867,519.00 |
(6) Bureau of Soils
For soil survey and conservation, including soil survey and classification, erosion control operations, research which includes activities transferred from the Fertilizer Administration by (Section 27 of the Plan: Provided, That the Director of Soils is authorized to accept payments for investigations and other work to be undertaken by his office for private parties, such amounts to constitute a trust fund to be expended subject to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 246, as amended, and in accordance with the rules and regulations that shall be promulgated by the Secretary: And provided, further, That no fees shall be charged for the examination of soils brought to the Bureau of Soils by any interested party |
P 1,261,465.00 |
(1) Soil Survey and Classification |
258,619.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 145,767.00 |
- |
(b) Special Funds |
1,584.00 |
- |
- |
(c) Fiduciary Fund |
11,268.00 |
- |
(d) Bond Fund, Republic Act No. 1305. Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, Transfer from the Bureau of Lands |
100,000.00 |
- |
- |
(2) Erosion Control Operations |
407,445.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 398,711.00 |
- |
(b) Fiduciary Fund |
6,732.00 |
- |
(c) Special Fund |
2,002.00 |
- |
(3) Research |
P 380,480.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 276,173.00 |
(b) Fiduciary Fund |
2,000.00 |
- |
(c) Special Funds |
98,692.00 |
- |
(d) Special Purpose (R.A. 1376) |
3,615.00 |
- |
(4) General Administration |
P 214 921.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 203,299.00 |
- |
(b) Special Funds |
11,622.00 |
- |
For land improvement structures outlay and other permanent constructions |
P 40,813.00 |
(a) General Fund, R. A. 1376, for the Establishment and Maintenance of Soils Offices and Regional Laboratories |
P 40,813.00 |
- |
Total From General Fund |
P 1,023,950.00 |
Total From Special Funds |
113,900.00 |
Total From Fiduciary Fund |
20,000.00 |
Total From Bond Fund |
100,000.00 |
Total From Republic Act 1376 |
44,428.00 |
P 1.302.278.00 |
(7) Bureau of Agricultural Extension
For agricultural extension services including dissemination of agricultural information in the rural areas, promotion of improved crop production, farming, agricultural practices which include educational informational services on fiber production and fertilizer uses and advantages pursuant to Sections 26 and 27 of the Plan, respectively: Provided, That from the Agricultural Fund, P17,200 shall be reimbursed to the Budget Commission for accounting services and P9.928 to the General Auditing Office for auditing services: Provided, further, That from the Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund shall be paid P16,620 for the promotion of improved farming and agricultural practices |
P4,801,687.00 |
(1) Dissemination of Agricultural Information in the Rural Areas |
P 327,332,00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 327,332.00 |
- |
(2) Promotion of Improved Farming, Crop Production and Agricultural Practices |
2,860,465.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 622,479.00 |
- |
(b) Agricultural Fund, C.A. 85 as amended (Special Fund) |
2,096,286.00 |
(c) Fiber Inspection Service Fund (Special Fund) |
141,700.00 |
- |
(3) Demonstration of Useful Homemaking Practices and Food Utilization |
877.357.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 413,106.00 |
- |
(b) Agricultural Fund, C. A. 85 as amended (Special Fund) |
464,251.00 |
- |
(4) Promotion of 4-H Clubs and other Civic Organization |
204,751.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 191,391.00 |
- |
(b) Agricultural Fund, C.A. 85 as amended (Special Fund) |
13,360.00 |
- |
(5) General Administration |
531,782.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 497,454.00 |
- |
(b) Agricultural Fund, C. A. 85 as amended (Special Fund) |
27,128.00 |
- |
(c) Fiber Inspection Service Fund (Special Fund) |
7,200.00 |
- |
Total From General Fund |
P 2,051,762.00 |
Total From Special Fund |
2,601,025.00 |
Fiber Inspection Service Fund |
148,900.00 |
P 4,801,687.00 |
(8) Bureau of Lands
For land surveys, including public land surveys, cadastral surveys, verification of surveys, and reconstruction of maps and plans: Provided, That the Director of Lands shall be authorized to award the survey of any tract of land to qualified private land surveyors or corporations engaged in survey work offering the most reasonable bid therefor |
P 10,312,313.00 |
(1) Public Land Surveys |
P6,163,762.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P3,729,080.00 |
- |
(b) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R.A. 310 (Special Fund) |
310,822.00 |
- |
- |
(c) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R.A. 1305 |
2,123,860.00 |
- |
(2) Cadastral Surveys |
1,821,700.00 |
- |
(a) Cadastral Survey Fund, Act No. 3077 |
P 394,020.00 |
- |
(b) Cadastral Survey Fund, R. A. 1395 |
1,427,680.00 |
- |
(3) Verification of Surveys |
1,360,005.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 1,049,660.00 |
- |
(b) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R.A. 310 (Special Fund) |
126,465.00 |
- |
(c) Cadastral Survey Fund, Act No. 3077 |
58,040.00 |
(d) Public Land Survey Subdivision Fund, R. A. 1305 |
62,920.00 |
- |
(e) Cadastral Survey Fund, R. A. 1395 |
62,920.00 |
- |
(4) Geodetic Control Service |
P 635,560.00 |
- |
(a) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R. A. 1305 |
P 301,040.00 |
- |
(b) Cadastral Survey Fund, R. A. 1395 |
334,520.00 |
- |
(5) Reconstruction of Maps and Plans |
337,286.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 249,880.00 |
- |
(b) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R. A. 310 |
68,386.00 |
- |
(c) Cadastral Survey Fund, R. A. 3077 |
19,020.00 |
- |
For the administration and disposition of lands and of acquired lands, excluding administration of irrigation systems for Friar Lands which is transferred to the Department of Public Works, Transportation, and Communications pursuant to Section 84 of the Plan |
P 2,311,915.00 |
(1) Administration and Disposition of Public Lands |
P 2,208,330.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P 1,370,123.00 |
(b) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R. A. 310 |
254,610.00 |
- |
(c) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R. A. 1305 |
495,400.00 |
(d) Cadastral Survey Fund, R. A. 1395 |
88,200.00 |
- |
(2) Administration and Disposition of Acquired Lands |
103,585.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 5,680.00 |
- |
- |
(b) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R. A. 310 |
9,150.00 |
- |
(c) San Lazaro Estate Fund |
7,000.00 |
- |
(d) Friar Lands Estate Fund |
81,755.00 |
- |
For general administration and staff services, including legal services, records administration, expenses for the maintenance of the modernization project and general administration: Provided, That from the Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, the Cadastral Survey Fund, and the Friar Lands Estates Fund, P40.150, P31,510, and P1,820, respectively, shall be reimbursed to the Budget Commission for accounting services, and P8,670 and P8.890 from the Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund and the Cadastral Survey Fund, respectively, shall be reimbursed to the General Auditing Office for auditing services |
P2,192,195.00 |
(1) Legal Services |
P 323,381.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P188,220.00 |
- |
(b) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R. A. 310 |
58,741.00 |
- |
- |
(c) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R. A. 1305 |
42,960.00 |
- |
(d) Cadastral Survey Fund, ,R.A. 1395 |
33,460.00 |
(2) Records Administration |
352,364.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P182,740.00 |
- |
(b) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R. A. 310 |
130,984.00 |
- |
(c) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R. A. 1305 |
38,640.00 |
- |
(3) Modernization |
P 125.000.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P125,000.00 |
- |
(4) General Administration |
1,391,450.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P968,930.00 |
- |
(b) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R.A. 310 |
223.440.00 |
- |
(c) Cadastral Survey Fund, Act No. 3077 |
P 84,000.00 |
- |
(d) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund, R. A. 1305 |
59,720.00 |
- |
(e) Cadastral Survey Fund, Act No. 1395 |
53,540.00 |
- |
(f) Friar Lands Estate Fund |
1,820.00 |
- |
Total From General Fund |
P 7,869,310.00 |
Total From Special Funds |
1,828,253.00 |
Total From Bond Funds |
5,124,860.00 |
P14,822,423.00 |
(9) Bureau of Forestry
For forest protection and management, including forest management and regulatory services, reforestation and afforestration, domain use classification, research, excluding forest products research which is transferred to the Forest Products Research Institute, pursuant to Plan No. 77, and general administration: Provided, That from the Reforestation Fund and Cinchona Plantation Revolving Fund, P14,660 and P220, respectively, shall be reimbursed to the Budget Commission for accounting services and P9,460 shall be reimbursed from the Reforestation Fund to the General Auditing Office for auditing services: And provided, finally, That the unallocated balance of the Reforestation Fund may be expended for reforestation and afforestation projects |
P 6,464,260.00 |
(1) Forest Management and Regulatory Services |
P2,629,229.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P1,830,290.00 |
(b) Reforestation Fund, R. A. 115 |
798,939.00 |
- |
(2) Reforestation and Afforestation |
P1,548,236.00 |
- |
(a) General Fund |
P 245,820.00 |
- |
- |
(b) Reforestation Fund, R. A. 115 |
1240,566.00 |
- |
(c) Cinchona Plantation Revolving Fund, C.A. 646 |
P 61,850.00 |
(3) Domain Use Classification |
P1, 840,798.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P646,800.00 |
(b) Bond Fund (R.A. 1305) |
457,738.00 |
(c) Counterpart Fund (C.P. No. 719) |
736,260.00 |
(4) Research |
173,340.00 |
(a) General Fund |
173,340.00 |
(5) General Administration |
272,657.00 |
(a) General Fund |
P239,940.00 |
(b) Bond Fund (R.A. 1305) |
5,362.00 |
(c) Reforestation Fund |
27,355.00 |
For the construction, repair and maintenance of permanent improvements, such as buildings, seed houses, nursery sheds, trails, etc., from the Reforestation Fund |
P25,000.00 |
Total From General Fund |
P3,136,190.00 |
Total From Special Funds |
2,153,710.00 |
Total From Bond Fund (R.A. 1305) |
463,100.00 |
Total From Counterpart Funds |
736,260.00 |
P6,489,260.00 |
(10) Parks and Wildlife Office
For the maintenance of parks and conservation of wildlife, including establishment, development, improvement, planning and operation of national parks; and rendering technical assistance for the establishment and development of local parks; the establishment of game refuges, bird sanctuaries and game farms and undertaking research and studies of these activities and the protection of wildlife |
P193,046.00 |
(1) Operation and Maintenance of Parks |
P76,396.00 |
(a) General Fund (R.A. 3915) |
P76,396,00 |
(2) Conservation of Wildlife |
15,250.00 |
(a) General Fund (R.A. 2590) |
P15,250.00 |
(3) General Administration |
101,400.00 |
(a) General Fund (Act 826) |
P101,400.00 |
Total From the General Fund |
P193,046.00 |
P193,046.00 |
C. Special Provisions
The total current operating expenditures of P41,963,011.00 authorized in these Implementing Details for the Department shall be paid out of the following funds:
(1) Office of the Secretary:
(a) General Fund |
P1,687,570.00 |
(b) Fiber Inspection Service Fund |
156,854.00 |
P1,844,424.00 |
(2) Bureau of Plant Industry:
(a) General Fund |
P3,911,210.00 |
(b) General Fund (BAE) |
200,660.00 |
(c) Special Funds |
822,115.00 |
(d) Agricultural Fund (BAE) |
602.671.00 |
(e) Fiduciary Fund |
241,492.00 |
(f) Counterpart Funds |
176,330.00 |
(g) Fiber Inspection Service Fund Unalloted Surplus |
267,843.00 |
P6,222,321.00 |
(3) Bureau of Animal Industry:
(a) General Fund |
P2,054,950.00 |
(b) Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund and Stock Farms, Breeding Stations, Slaughter houses and Animal Products Fund (Special Fund) |
1,406,244.00 |
(c) Animal Utilization Service Fund (Special Fund) |
56,880.00 |
P3,518,074.00 |
(4) Bureau of Fisheries:
(a) General Fund |
P677,009.00 |
(b) Receipts automatically appropriated |
224,970.00 |
P901,979.00 |
(5) Bureau of Mines:
(a) General Fund |
P1,061,864.00 |
(b) Mines Special Fund, R.A. 406 |
318,190.00 |
(c) Mines Survey and Investigation Fund (Fiduciary Fund) |
252,450.00 |
(d) Counterpart Funds |
235,015.00 |
P1,867,519.00 |
(6) Bureau of Soils:
(a) General Fund |
P1,023,950.00 |
(b) Soil Investigation and other Work Trust Fund (Fiduciary Fund) |
20,000.00 |
(c) Fiber Inspection Service Fund (Special Fund) |
113,900.00 |
(d) Bond Fund, R.A. 1305, Public Lands Survey and Subdivision Fund, From Bureau of Lands |
100,000.00 |
(e) R.A. 1375 |
44,428.00 P1,302,278.00 |
(7) Bureau of Agricultural Extension:
(a) General Fund |
P2,035,142.00 |
(b) Agricultural Fund |
2,601,025.00 |
(c) Philippine Livestock Promotion Fund (Special Fund) |
16,620.00* |
(d) Fiber Inspection Service Fund (transferred from Fiber Inspection Service in accordance with Sec. 26 of the Plan) |
148,900.00 |
P4,801,687.00 |
*Incorporated to General Fund in BAE, Project 2.
(8) Bureau of Lands:
(a) General Fund |
P7,869,310.00 |
(b) Public Land Survey and Subdivision Fund (Special Fund) R.A. 310 |
1,182,598.00 |
(c) Cadastral Survey Fund (Special Fund) Act 3077 |
555,080.00 |
(d) Friar Lands Estates Fund (Special Fund) |
83,575.00 |
(e) San Lazaro Estate Fund (Special Fund) |
7,000.00 |
(f) Bond Fund (R.A. 1305) |
3,124,540.00 |
(g) Bond Fund (R.A. 1395) |
2,000,320.00 |
P14,822,423.00 |
(9) Bureau of Forestry:
(a) General Fund |
P3,136,190.00 |
(b) Special Fund |
2,153.710.00 |
(c) Bond Fund (R.A. 1305). |
463,100.00 |
(d) Counterpart Fund (C.P. 719) |
736,260.00 |
P 6,489.260.00 |
(10) Parks and Wildlife Office:
(a) GeneralFund |
P193,046.00 |
P193.046.00 |
P41,963,011.00 |
Total for the Office of the Secretary |
P1,844,424.00 |
Total for the Bureau of Plant Industry |
6,222,321.00 |
Total for the Bureau of Animal Industry |
3,518,074.00 |
Total for the Bureau of Fisheries |
901,979.00 |
Total for the Bureau of Mines |
1,867,519.00 |
Total for the Bureau of Soils |
1,302,278.00 |
Total for the Bureau of Agricultural Extension |
14,801,687.00 |
Total for the Bureau of Lands |
14,822,423.00 |
Total for the Bureau of Forestry |
6,489,260.00 |
Total for the Parks and Wildlife Office |
193,046.00 |
P41,963.011.00 |
b. The “Special Provisions” for the Department under Republic Act numbered Sixteen hundred shall remain in full force and effect and be made part of this section on “Reallocation of Appropriations:” Provided, however, That said “Special Provisions” shall not be inconsistent with the Plan and these Implementing Details.
c. In accordance with the provisions of Sections 1795 and 1796-B of the Revised Administrative Code, and Section 26 of the Plan, the collections from fiber inspection fees shall be deposited in the National Treasury to the credit of the Director of Foreign Trade and shall constitute a special fund to be expended for the salaries and other expenses of the Department of Commerce and Industry in performing its functions of providing fiber inspection services, including: functions relating to the setting and maintenance of commercial standards and fiber testing for classification purposes. Any surplus thereof, shall be transferred to the credit of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and shall constitute a special fund to be expended for the purposes and in the manner provided by subsection (b) of Section 1796-B of the Revised Administrative Code.
D. General Provisions
The “General Provisions” of Republic Act Numbered Sixteen hundred, to which reference is hereby made, shall remain in full force and effect and is made a part of this Section on “Reallocation of Appropriations,” except that (a) Section 16, thereof, “Officials entitled to transportation allowance,” is modified to include the Assistant to the Secretary and the Director of Parks and Wildlife, and to exclude therefrom, the Manager of the Fiber Inspection Service; and (b) Section 17, “Bureaus and offices entitled to use, operate and maintain government motor vehicles and launches,” is modified to include the Parks and Wildlife Office and to exclude therefrom, the Fiber Inspection Service.
Section 105. The following Staffing Pattern by project activity is provided for the Department for the period from the effective date of these Implementing Details to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, subject to the provisions of Reorganization Plans Nos. 1-A, 2-A and 3-A, except that in accordance with the stated policy of the Government to decentralize operations, necessary personnel may be transferred to field operations whenever program objectives or the workload requires such action, and except that authority is hereby granted to the Secretary, subject to approval of the Commissioner of the Budget, to make necessary salary adjustments resulting from final selection of personnel to fit the positions in the Staffing Pattern, in order that no incumbent receives a reduction in salary, and further to make necessary salary adjustments resulting from new appointments, promotions, or salary increases: Provided, That no such adjustment may result in a salary rate which exceeds the minimum of the applicable salary range as provided in Reorganization Plan No. 2-A: Provided, further, That new appointments, promotions and salary increases, presently pending which would exceed the maximum rate of the appropriate salary range are cancelled until further notice: And provided, finally, That nothing in the said Staffing Pattern shall be construed as depriving the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission, during its existence and the Commissioner of the Budget thereafter, of its power to make changes therein, to correct mistakes, discriminations or other injustices that may, in its opinion, have been committed in the preparation thereof;
(l) Office of the Secretary
Project 1: Implementation of the Agricultural Tenancy Law
Class Title |
Number |
Salary Range |
Amount |
Agricultural Tenancy Commissioner |
2 |
(54) |
P16,800.00 |
Agricultural Tenancy Supervisor |
1 |
(45) |
5,100.00 |
Chief Agricultural Tenancy Agent |
1 |
(45) |
3,960.00 |
Public Relations Officer II |
1 |
(42) |
4,800.00 |
Administrative Officer I |
1 |
(41) |
3,960.00 |
Supervising Agricultural Tenancy Agent |
1 |
(40) |
3,960.00 |
Economist II |
3 |
(39) |
12,420.00 |
Agricultural Engineer |
2 |
(39) |
6,600.00 |
Statistician II |
1 |
(38) |
3,120.00 |
Board Secretary I |
1 |
(38) |
P3,480.00 |
Audio-Visual Technician |
1 |
(36) |
3,480.00 |
Agricultural Tenancy Agent |
7 |
(34) |
18,540.00 |
Statistician I |
2 |
(33) |
5,520.00 |
Supply Officer I |
1 |
(31) |
2,160.00 |
Records Officer I |
1 |
(30) |
1,440.00 |
Disbursing Officer |
1 |
(29) |
2,160.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
2,040.00 |
Illustrator II |
2 |
(27) |
3,600.00 |
Photographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Personnel Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Stenographer |
3 |
(25) |
6,240.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
5,760.00 |
Security Guard |
3 |
(22) |
4,560.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
8 |
(20) |
12,000.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Total Permanent Positions – Salary |
53 |
P139,020.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
12,000 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 1) |
P151,020.00 |
Project 1: Dissemination of Agricultural Information
Office of the Chief
Chief Information Officer (Division Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P6,000.00 |
Supervising Information Officer II (Assistant Division Chief) |
1 |
(44) |
5,100.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
3 |
P13,260.00 |
Press and Publications Section
Supervising Information Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(44) |
P4,500.00 |
Supervising Information Officer I |
2 |
(40) |
7,200.00 |
Information Editor II |
2 |
(36) |
6,060.00 |
Senior Information Editor-Translator |
1 |
(36) |
P3,480.00 |
Information Editor-Translator |
4 |
(30) |
12,840.00 |
Information Writer I |
4 |
(30) |
10,440.00 |
Information Writer |
3 |
(27) |
4,560.00 |
Stenographer |
2 |
(25) |
3,960.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
21 |
P55,920.00 |
Audio-Visual Section
Supervising Information Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(44) |
P4,200.00 |
Information Editor II |
1 |
(36) |
3,720.00 |
Radio Producer-Announcer I |
1 |
(33) |
1,440.00 |
Scientific Illustrator |
1 |
(31) |
2,400.00 |
Motion Picture Cameraman |
1 |
(30) |
3,300.00 |
Illustrator II |
3 |
(27) |
5,280.00 |
Photographer |
2 |
(27) |
2,880.00 |
Film Editor |
1 |
(27) |
2,400.00 |
Motion Picture Soundman |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Audio-Visual Equipment Operator |
1 |
(21) |
2,400.00 |
13 |
P29,460.00 |
Production and Distribution Section
Supervising Information Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P3,480.00 |
Printing Shop Foreman I |
1 |
(28) |
2,760.00 |
Offset_Press Operator |
3 |
(26) |
5,760.00 |
Senior Bookbinder |
1 |
(26) |
2,280.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Bookbinder |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
13 |
P24,720.00 |
DANR Library
Senior Librarian (Library Chief) |
1 |
(33) |
P3,120.00 |
Junior Librarian |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,920.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
P1,440.00 |
4 |
P8,280.00 |
Total Permanent Positions – Salary (Project 1) |
54 |
P131,640.00 |
Project 2: Agricultural Economics
Office of the Chief
Chief Agricultural Economist (Division Chief) |
1 |
(51) |
P6,000.00 |
Supervising Economist |
1 |
(48) |
5,100.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
2,400.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
Illustrator I |
1 |
(24) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk_Driver |
1 |
(23) |
3,120.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,120.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
9 |
P23,460.00 |
Production Economics Section
Senior Economist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(43) |
P5,100.00 |
Economist II |
6 |
(39) |
19,500.00 |
Economist I |
2 |
(34) |
4,980.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
2,280.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
11 |
P33,540.00 |
Statistical Section
Senior Statistician (Section Chief) |
1 |
(41) |
P5,100.00 |
Statistician II |
2 |
(38) |
7,320.00 |
Statistical Aide |
7 |
(25) |
12,480.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
6,240.00 |
14 |
P31,140.00 |
Rural Life and Organzation Section
Senior Economist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(43) |
P5,100.00 |
Economist II |
5 |
(39) |
16,260.00 |
Statistician I |
1 |
(33) |
2,160.00 |
Statistical Aide |
2 |
(25) |
3,240.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
10 |
P28,200.00 |
Statistician II |
15 |
(38) |
P40,920.00 |
Statistician I |
10 |
(33) |
22,800.00 |
Statistical Aide |
10 |
(25) |
18,360.00 |
35 |
P82,080.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
79 |
P198,420.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
50,000 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 2) |
P248,420.00 |
Project 3: General Administration
Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources |
1 |
(Exempt) |
P12,000.00 |
Undersecretary for Agriculture |
1 |
“ |
9,000.00 |
Undersecretary for Natural Resources |
1 |
“ |
9,000.00 |
Head Executive Assistant (Assistant to the Secretary) |
1 |
(55) |
7,200.00 |
Senior Executive Assistant I |
1 |
(43) |
7,200.00 |
Senior Management Analyst (Management Assistant) |
1 |
(43) |
4,860.00 |
Private Secretary |
1 |
(40) |
5,100.00 |
Executive Assistant |
3 |
(39) |
8,700.00 |
Management Analyst II |
2 |
(39) |
7,856.00 |
Secretary |
2 |
(30) |
4,800.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
2 |
(27) |
3,840.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,850.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Office Total |
19 |
P83,856.00 |
Office of the Chief
Budget Officer IV (Division Chief) |
1 |
(49) |
P6,000.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
2 |
P7,560.00 |
Budget Estimates and Analysis Section
Budget Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P3,960.00 |
Budget Officer I |
1 |
(39) |
3,120.00 |
Budget Examiner I |
4 |
(30) |
7,200.00 |
Budget Aide |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
10 |
P20,040.00 |
Cash and Disbursement Section
Cashier I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(32) |
P2,400.00 |
Cash Clerk |
2 |
(24) |
3,240.00 |
Cahier Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
5 |
P8,520.00 |
Division Total |
17 |
P36,120.00 |
Office of the Chief
Personnel Officer III (Division Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P6,000.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
2 |
P7,800.00 |
Recruitment and Service Training Section
Chief Training Officer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P5,400.00 |
Personnel Officer I |
1 |
(37) |
2,400.00 |
Personnel Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P10,680.00 |
Appointment, Placement and Records Section
Personnel Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P2,280.00 |
Personnel Aide |
2 |
(25) |
3,360.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,000.00 |
7 |
P11,520.00 |
Employee Investigating and Relations Section
Legal Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P2,940.00 |
Legal Officer I |
1 |
(34) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Personnel Aide |
1 |
(30) |
1,800.00 |
Legal Aide I |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Personnel Aide |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
8 |
P14,700.00 |
Division Total |
21 |
P44,700.00 |
Office of the Chief
Administrative Officer III (Division Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P5,400.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P6,840.00 |
Records and Documents Section
Records Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(33) |
P3,120.00 |
Supervising Clerk I |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Clerk |
2 |
(27) |
3,000.00 |
Clerk II |
4 |
(25) |
5,800.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
5,760.00 |
Clerical Aide |
8 |
(18) |
11,520.00 |
20 |
P31,600.00 |
Property and Supply Section
Supply Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(31) |
P2,400.00 |
Storekeeper II |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Assistant Buyer |
1 |
(26) |
1,920.00 |
Storekeeper I |
2 |
(23) |
3,000.00 |
Store Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
7 |
P11,640.00 |
Pool Services Section
Administrative Assistant III (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P3,120.00 |
Automotive Equipment Inspector |
2 |
(30) |
2,880.00 |
Stenographer |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,240.00 |
Telephone Operator |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
Security Guard |
3 |
(22) |
5,520.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
2 |
(20) |
3,480.00 |
Senior Janitor |
1 |
(19) |
1,470.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
3,120.00 |
Watchman |
3 |
(16) |
4,560.00 |
Elevator Operator |
2 |
(14) |
2,880.00 |
Janitor |
4 |
(14) |
5,880.00 |
27 |
P43,350.00 |
Division Total |
56 |
P93,430.00 |
Departmental Legal Counsel (Division Chief) |
1 |
(54) |
P7,200.00 |
Chief Legal Officer (Assistant Division Chief) |
1 |
(50) |
6,000.00 |
Legal Officer III |
2 |
(41) |
10,200.00 |
Legal Officer II |
4 |
(37) |
12,120.00 |
Legal Aide II |
4 |
(31) |
9,360.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
2 |
(27) |
3,840.00 |
Stenographer |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,720.00 |
Division Total |
18 |
P55,320.00 |
cultural Plans and Program Supervisor (Division Chief) |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,760.00 |
2 |
P8,760.00 |
Planning and Coordination Section
Chief Agricultural Project Coordinator (Section Chief) |
1 |
(44) |
P4,800.00 |
Senior Agricultural Project Coordinator |
1 |
(39) |
4,200.00 |
Agricultural Project Coordinator II |
1 |
(36) |
3,432.00 |
Agricultural Project Coordinator I |
1 |
(33) |
2,952.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P18,264.00 |
Evaluation and Analysis Section
Chief Agricultural Project Coordinator ( Section Chief) |
1 |
(44) |
P4,200.00 |
Senior Agricultural Project Coordinator |
1 |
(39) |
3,984.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P11,064.00 |
Division Total |
12 |
P38,088.00 |
Permanent Positions – Salary (Project 3) |
143 |
P351,514.00 |
Permanent Positions – Salary (Program II) |
276 |
- |
P681,574.00 |
Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers (Program II) |
- |
P50,000.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Program II) |
- |
P731,574.00 |
329 |
P820,594.00 |
- |
62,000 |
P882,594.00 |
(2) Bureau of Plant Industry
Project 1: Agricultural Research
Class Title |
Number |
Salary Range |
Amount |
Office of the Chief |
Agronomy Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000.00 |
Supervising Agronomist |
4 |
(47) |
21,300.00 |
Agronomist III |
4 |
(41) |
15,900.00 |
Statistician II |
1 |
(38) |
2,400.00 |
Scientific Illustrator |
1 |
(31) |
1,560.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,920.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,680.00 |
Plant Laboratory Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Fiber Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
19 |
P59,760.00 |
Agronomy Section
Supervising Agronomist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P6,000.00 |
Agronomist III |
6 |
(41) |
26,940.00 |
Agronomist II |
3 |
(37) |
10,740.00 |
Agronomist I |
11 |
(34) |
26,400.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
Plant Laboratory Aide |
2 |
(18) |
3,360.00 |
26 |
P77,760.00 |
Horticulture Section
Supervising Agronomist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P5,100.00 |
Agronomist III |
5 |
(41) |
21,270.00 |
Agronomist II |
1 |
(37) |
3,300.00 |
Agronomist I |
15 |
(34) |
36,240.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
2 |
(27) |
4,320.00 |
Plant Propagator |
14 |
(21) |
20,880.00 |
38 |
P91,080.00 |
Pathology Section
Class Title |
Number |
Salary Range |
Amount |
Plant Pest and Disease Scientist |
7 |
(43) |
28,140.00 |
Supervising Plant Pest Control Officer |
1 |
(36) |
2,940.00 |
Plant Pest Control Technologist |
7 |
(34) |
17,460.00 |
Senior Plant Pest Control Officer |
1 |
(32) |
1,560.00 |
17 |
P56,100.00 |
Entomology Section
Supervising Agronomist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P1,300.00 |
Plant Pest and Disease Scientist |
6 |
(43) |
29,000.00 |
Plant Pest Control Technologist |
7 |
(34) |
18,000.00 |
14 |
P48,300.00 |
Division Total |
114 |
P333,000.00 |
Office of the Chief
Chief Agricultural Engineer (Division Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P5,100.00 |
Agricultural Engineer |
1 |
(39) |
3,720.00 |
Junior Civil Engineer |
1 |
(33) |
3,120.00 |
Supervising Mechanic |
1 |
(31) |
1,560.00 |
Civil Engineering Draftsman |
1 |
(30) |
1,560.00 |
Surveyor |
1 |
(30) |
1,680.00 |
Senior Carpenter |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Shop Electrician |
1 |
(24) |
2,160.00 |
Carpenter |
3 |
(23) |
4,440.00 |
Automotive Mechanic I |
2 |
(22) |
3,000.00 |
Automotive Mechanic Helper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Carpenter Helper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Electrician Helper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
17 |
P33,540.00 |
Equipment Utilization Section
Supervising Agricultural Engineer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P3,960.00 |
Agricultural Engineer |
3 |
(39) |
6,360.00 |
Class Title |
Number |
Salary Range |
Amount |
Automotive Mechanic II |
1 |
(24) |
P2,160.00 |
Mechanic II |
1 |
(24) |
1,800.00 |
Heavy Equipment Operator |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
13 |
(20) |
18,840.00 |
20 |
P34,920.00 |
Farm Practices Section
Supervising Agricultural Engineer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P2,940.00 |
Civil Engineering Aide |
1 |
(30) |
1,680.00 |
Mechanical Engineering Draftsman |
1 |
(30) |
1,440.00 |
Building Maintenance Foreman I |
1 |
(27) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Carpenter |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Automotive Mechanic II |
3 |
(24) |
5,040.00 |
Mechanic II |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Labor Foreman |
1 |
(24) |
1,680.00 |
Carpenter |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Heavy Equipment Operator |
4 |
(23) |
6,000.00 |
Field Electrician |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Automotive Mechanic |
1 |
(22) |
1,440.00 |
Building Maintenance Man |
1 |
(21) |
1,440.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
3 |
(20) |
4,320.00 |
24 |
P38,460.00 |
Division Total |
61 |
P106,920.00 |
Office of the Chief
Chief Research Chemist I (Division Chief) |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000.00 |
Senior Research Chemist |
1 |
(48) |
6,000.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P13,440.00 |
Physical Properties Section
Supervising Analytical Chemist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(41) |
P2,940.00 |
Fiber Technician |
1 |
(30) |
1,680.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
P1,440.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
3 |
(24) |
4,320.00 |
Fiber Aide |
7 |
(18) |
10,080.00 |
13 |
P20,460.00 |
Chemical Properties Section
Senior Research Chemist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P4,800.00 |
Research Chemist |
1 |
(41) |
4,200.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
1,680.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Photographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
3 |
(24) |
4,560.00 |
Fiber Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
9 |
P19,560.00 |
Plant Products Utilization Section
Senior Research Chemist I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P3,120.00 |
Supervising Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(41) |
3,120.00 |
Research Chemist |
1 |
(41) |
2,400.00 |
Chemical Engineer |
1 |
(39) |
2,400.00 |
Supervising Research Nutritionist |
2 |
(37) |
5,280.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
7 |
(34) |
11,160.00 |
Research Nutritionist |
8 |
(31) |
11,880.00 |
Salesman I |
1 |
(28) |
1,440.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
Cook II |
5 |
(21) |
7,320.00 |
Kitchen Helper |
4 |
(14) |
5,760.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
36 |
P61,080.00 |
Division Total |
61 |
P114,540.00 |
Agricultural Research
Agronomist II |
3 |
(37) |
P10,836.00 |
Nursery Farm Foreman |
11 |
(24) |
18,240.00 |
Plant Propagator |
35 |
(21) |
50,880.00 |
Nursery Farm Aide |
53 |
(18) |
76,320.00 |
Field Services Total |
102 |
P156,276.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
338 |
P710,736.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
503,662.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 1) |
P1,214,398.00 |
Project 2: Seed Production and Plant Propagation and Distribution
Office of the Chief
Agronomy Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000.00 |
Supervising Agronomist |
1 |
(47) |
4,800.00 |
Agronomist III |
2 |
(41) |
9,000.00 |
Agronomist I |
2 |
(34) |
6,660.00 |
Statistician I |
1 |
(33) |
2,580.00 |
Scientific Illustrator |
1 |
(31) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
2,400.00 |
9 |
P33,240.00 |
Seed Production Section
Supervising Agronomist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P6,000.00 |
Agronomist III |
1 |
(41) |
4,500.00 |
Agronomist I |
4 |
(34) |
10,980.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
3 |
(34) |
6,660.00 |
Statistician I |
1 |
(33) |
1,920.00 |
Sales Clerk |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Plant Laboratory Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
19 |
P43,020.00 |
Plant Propagation Section
Supervising Agronomist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P5,400.00 |
Agronomist III |
2 |
(41) |
7,440.00 |
Agronomist II |
1 |
(37) |
3,120.00 |
Agronomist I |
6 |
(34) |
P16,680.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Plant Propagator |
4 |
(21) |
5,760.00 |
Clerical Aide |
6 |
(18) |
8,640.00 |
23 |
P51,360.00 |
Division Total |
51 |
P127,620.00 |
Farms and Stations
Nursery Farm Foreman |
8 |
(24) |
P12,960.00 |
Plant Propagator |
31 |
(21) |
44,760.00 |
Nursery Farm Aide |
19 |
(18) |
27,360.00 |
58 |
P85,080.00 |
Transfer from Bureau of Agricultural Extension
Nursery Farm Supervisor |
66 |
(26) |
P97,860.00 |
Nursery Farm Foreman |
22 |
(24) |
31,920.00 |
Mechanic II |
7 |
(24) |
10,306.00 |
Storekeeper I |
6 |
(23) |
9,000.00 |
Carpenter |
7 |
(23) |
10,320.00 |
Heavy Equipment Operator |
21 |
(23) |
30,600.00 |
Security Guard |
10 |
(22) |
14,660.00 |
Plant Propagator |
67 |
(21) |
96,720.00 |
Nursery Farm Aide |
216 |
(18) |
312,840.00 |
Toolkeeper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Watchman |
6 |
(16) |
8,640.00 |
Animal Caretaker |
9 |
(15) |
13,080.00 |
438 |
P637,386.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
547 |
P850,086.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
230,430.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 2) |
P1,080,516.00 |
Project 3: Regulatory Work On, and Control Of, Plant Pests and Diseases
Office of the Chief
Chief Plant Pest Inspector (Division Chief) |
1 |
(51) |
P6,000.00 |
Plant Quarantine Supervisor |
1 |
(40) |
4,800.00 |
Scientific Illustrator |
1 |
(31) |
2,160.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P18,360.00 |
Pest and Disease Control Section
Plant Pest and Disease Control Supervisor (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P6,000.00 |
Supervising Plant Pest Control Officer |
2 |
(36) |
8,160.00 |
Senior Plant Pest Control Officer |
1 |
(32) |
5,400.00 |
Plant Pest Control Officer |
2 |
(27) |
3,360.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,240.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,440.00 |
Plant Pest Laboratory Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
16 |
P38,640.00 |
Quarantine Section
Plant Pest and Disease Control Supervisor (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P6,000.00 |
Plant Pest and Disease Scientist |
1 |
(43) |
5,100.00 |
Plant Quarantine Supervisor |
1 |
(40) |
4,500.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
5,760.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
8 |
P22,800.00 |
Division Total |
30 |
P79,800.00 |
Pest and Disease
Supervising Plant Pest Control Officer (Regional Supervisor) |
8 |
(36) |
P27,360.00 |
Senior Plant Pest Control Officer |
47 |
(32) |
111,048.00 |
Plant Pest Control Officer |
109 |
(27) |
172,200.00 |
Abaca Disease Control Officer |
15 |
(27) |
26,160.00 |
179 |
P336,768.00 |
Plant Quarantine Inspector |
17 |
(27) |
P31,200.00 |
Security Guard |
16 |
(22) |
23,400.00 |
Plant Pest Control Worker |
8 |
(18) |
11,640.00 |
Plane Pest Laboratory Aide |
8 |
(18) |
11,520.00 |
49 |
P77,760.00 |
Field Services Total |
228 |
P414,528.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
258 |
P494,328.00 |
Lump Sum Wages of Emergency Laborers |
P464,830.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 3) |
P959,158.00 |
Project 4: General Administration
Director of Plant Industry |
1 |
(58) |
P7,200,00 |
Assistant Director of Plant Industry (Research) |
1 |
(52) |
6,000.00 |
Assistant Director of Plant Industry (Operations) |
1 |
(52) |
6,000.00 |
Supervising Agronomist |
2 |
(47) |
10,728.00 |
Executive Assistant |
1 |
(39) |
2,760.00 |
Legal Officer II |
1 |
(37) |
3,480.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
1,800.00 |
Stenographer |
2 |
(25) |
3,120.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Office Total |
11 |
P42,648.00 |
Office of the Chief
Administrative Officer IV (Division Chief) |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000,00 |
Administrative Officer I |
1 |
(41) |
3,120.00 |
Clinic Physician |
1 |
(40) |
P1,800,00 |
Dentist I |
2 |
(34) |
3,120.00 |
Nurse |
2 |
(28) |
2,880.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
8 |
P19,080.00 |
Budget and Finance Section
Budget Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P3,960,00 |
Budget Examiner II |
1 |
(36) |
2,160.00 |
Management Analyst I |
1 |
(36) |
2,760.00 |
Cashier II |
1 |
(35) |
2,760.00 |
Cashier I |
1 |
(32) |
1,440.00 |
Budget Examiner I |
1 |
(30) |
1,440.00 |
Accounting Clerk III |
7 |
(28) |
12,240.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1,680.00 |
Accounting Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Statistical Aide |
2 |
(25) |
3,240.00 |
Accounting Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
25 |
P44,640.00 |
Personnel Section
Personnel Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(43) |
P2,580,00 |
Senior Personnel Aide |
2 |
(30) |
3,360.00 |
Personnel Aide |
2 |
(25) |
3,120.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
10 |
P16,980.00 |
Property and Equipment Section
Supply Officer III (Section Chief) |
1 |
(43) |
P2,580,00 |
Supply Officer I |
2 |
(31) |
4,560.00 |
Assistant Buyer |
2 |
(26) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
2,040.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
Storekeeper I |
4 |
(23) |
6,120.00 |
Store Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
15 |
P25,380.00 |
General Services Section
Administrative Assistant II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P2,160,00 |
Records Officer I |
1 |
(30) |
1,680.00 |
Supervising Security Guard |
1 |
(27) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Senior Carpenter |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Security Guard |
3 |
(24) |
4,680.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
Motor Pool Dispatcher |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Telephone Operator |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Carpenter |
2 |
(23) |
3,360.00 |
Plumber |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Security Guard |
15 |
(22) |
21,960.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
3 |
(20) |
4,320.00 |
Clerical Aide |
5 |
(18) |
7,200.00 |
Store Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Janitor |
5 |
(14) |
7,320.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
49 |
P73,440.00 |
Public Relations and Reference Section
Supervising Information Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P3,300,00 |
Scientific Illustrator |
1 |
(31) |
2,160.00 |
Information Editor I |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Reference Librarian |
1 |
(29) |
1,440.00 |
Junior Librarian |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Illustrator I |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Audio-Visual Equipment Operator |
1 |
(21) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,560.00 |
11 |
P19,620.00 |
Division Total |
118 |
P199,140.00 |
Agronomy Division Chief (Regional Director) |
8 |
(50) |
P45,900,00 |
Regional Farms Supervisor |
8 |
(44) |
35,520.00 |
Administrative Assistant I |
8 |
(35) |
23,100.00 |
Agronomist I |
8 |
(34) |
18,650.00 |
Disbursing Officer |
8 |
(29) |
P14,040,00 |
Nursery Farm Supervisor |
12 |
(26) |
21,000.00 |
Clerk II |
8 |
(25) |
14,160.00 |
Automotive Mechanic II |
4 |
(24) |
7,200.00 |
Heavy Equipment Operator |
1 |
(23) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
8 |
(23) |
11,520.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
27 |
(20) |
39,456.00 |
Field Services Total |
100 |
P232,236.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
229 |
P474,024.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
60,244.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 4) |
P534,268.00 |
1,372.00 |
P2,529,174.00 |
1,259,166.00 |
P3,788,340.00 |
(3) Bureau of Animal Industry
Project 1: Livestock and Poultry Improvement and Development
Class Title |
Number |
Salary Range |
Amount |
Office of the Chief
Animal Husbandry Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000,00 |
Assistant Animal Husbandry Division Chief |
1 |
(45) |
5,100.00 |
Senior Livestock-Poultry Technologist |
1 |
(42) |
4,800.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
4 |
P18,060.00 |
Procurement and Distribution Section
Senior Livestock-Poultry Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P4,200,00 |
Livestock-Poultry Technologist |
3 |
(39) |
7,380.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
7 |
P16,620.00 |
Breeding Services Section
Senior Livestock-Poultry Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P3,960,00 |
Livestock-Poultry Technologist |
3 |
(39) |
7,020.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P12,420.00 |
Development Section
Senior Livestock-Poultry Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P4,200,00 |
Livestock-Poultry Technologist |
3 |
(39) |
6,360.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P12,000.00 |
Division Total |
21 |
P59,100.00 |
Stock Farm Superintendent |
11 |
(40) |
P29,940,00 |
Breeding Station Manager |
21 |
(30) |
38,400.00 |
Nursery Farm Supervisor |
4 |
(26) |
5,760.00 |
Breeding Center Supervisor |
5 |
(24) |
7,200.00 |
Stock Farm Foreman |
22 |
(24) |
34,320.00 |
Nursery-Farm Foreman |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Nursery-Farm Aide |
47 |
(19) |
67,680.00 |
Poultry Caretaker |
30 |
(15) |
43,200.00 |
Animal Caretaker |
78 |
(15) |
112,320.00 |
Field Services Total |
219 |
P340,260.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project 1) |
240 |
P399,360.00 |
Project 2: Immunization, Quarantine and Other Control Services
Office of the Chief
Veterinary Services Chief (Division Chief) |
1 |
(51) |
P6,000,00 |
Assistant Veterinary Services Chief (Assistant Division Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
5,100.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P12,540.00 |
Immunization and Disease Control Section
Supervising Field Veterinarian (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P4,200,00 |
Veterinarian |
2 |
(36) |
4,800.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
5 |
P11,880.00 |
Inspection Services Section
Supervising Field Veterinarian (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P4,800,00 |
Veterinarian |
2 |
(36) |
4,800.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
P1,560,00 |
Leadman-Laborer |
1 |
(19) |
1,800.00 |
Butcher |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.00 |
9 |
P18,720.00 |
Division Total |
17 |
P43,140.00 |
Office of the Chief
Veterinary Services Chief (Division Chief) |
1 |
(51) |
P6,000,00 |
Assistant Veterinary Services Chief |
1 |
(47) |
5,100.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
3 |
P13,260.00 |
Bacterial and Virus Diagnostic Section
Senior Research Veterinarian (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P4,500,00 |
Research Veterinarian |
2 |
(40) |
5,160.00 |
Veterinary Laboratory Technician |
3 |
(24) |
5,520.00 |
Mechanical Plant Operator I |
1 |
(21) |
1,440.00 |
Veterinary Laboratory Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Animal Caretaker |
1 |
(15) |
1,440.00 |
10 |
P20,940.00 |
Parasitic Diagnostic Section
Senior Research Veterinarian (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P3,969,00 |
Research Veterinarian |
2 |
(40) |
7,680.00 |
Veterinary Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,920.00 |
Veterinary Laboratory Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P15,000.00 |
Chemical Analysis Section
Senior Research Chemist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P3,720,00 |
Research Chemist |
2 |
(41) |
6,300.00 |
Analytical Chemist 6 |
(34) |
10,440.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
P1,680,00 |
Chemical Laboratory Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
11 |
P23,580.00 |
Biologics and Pharmaceutical Standardization Section
Senior Research Veterinarian (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P3,120,00 |
Research Veterinarian |
2 |
(40) |
4,980.00 |
Biological Chemist |
2 |
(34) |
3,720.00 |
Pharmacist |
2 |
(31) |
3,240.00 |
Veterinary Laboratory Technician |
3 |
(24) |
4,680.00 |
Storekeeper I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Veterinary Laboratory Aide |
4 |
(18) |
5,760.00 |
Mechanical Plant Operator Helper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
16 |
P28,380.00 |
Division Total |
45 |
P101,160.00 |
Supervising Field Veterinarian |
18 |
(42) |
P57,120,00 |
Provincial Veterinarian |
48 |
(40) |
121,320.00 |
Veterinarian |
3 |
(36) |
7,200.00 |
Livestock Inspector |
197 |
(29) |
305,760.00 |
Field Services Total |
266 |
P491,400.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
328 |
P635,700.00 |
Project 3 Research
Office of the Chief
Veterinary Services Chief (Division Chief) |
1 |
(51) |
P6,000,00 |
Assistant Veterinary Services Chief (Assistant Division Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
5,100.00 |
Scientific Illustrator |
1 |
(31) |
P2,160,00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P14,700.00 |
Bacterial and Virus Diseases Section
Senior Research Veterinarian (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P3,720,00 |
Research Veterinarian |
2 |
(40) |
5,520.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,240.00 |
Veterinary Laboratory Technician |
2 |
(24) |
3,120.00 |
7 |
P15,600.00 |
Parasitic Diseases Section
Senior Research Veterinarian (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P3,720,00 |
Research Veterinarian |
2 |
(40) |
5,520.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,240.00 |
Veterinary Laboratory Technician |
2 |
(24) |
3,120.00 |
7 |
P15,600.00 |
Parasitic Diseases Section
Senior Research Veterinarian (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P3,960,00 |
Research Veterinarian |
2 |
(40) |
6,060.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Veterinary Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Animal Caretaker |
2 |
(15) |
2,880.00 |
7 |
P15,780.00 |
Deficiency Diseases Section
Senior Research Veterinarian (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P3,960,00 |
Research Veterinarian |
2 |
(40) |
6,060.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
3,580.00 |
Veterinary Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Veterinary Laboratory Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P14,220.00 |
Division Total |
24 |
P60,300.00 |
Office of the Chief
Animal Husbandry Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000,00 |
Assistant Animal Husbandry Division Chief |
1 |
(45) |
4,800.00 |
Scientific Illustrator |
1 |
(31) |
P1,920,00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P15,960.00 |
Dairy Section
Senior Livestock-Poultry Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P3,120,00 |
Livestock-Poultry Technologist |
3 |
(39) |
6,480.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P11,040.00 |
Swine, Sheep and Goats Section
Senior Livestock-Poultry Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P3,120,00 |
Livestock-Poultry Technologist |
3 |
(39) |
6,540.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P12,540.00 |
Animal Products Section
Chief Research Nutritionist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P5,400,00 |
Livestock-Poultry Technologist |
1 |
(39) |
1,680.00 |
Supervising Research Nutritionist |
2 |
(37) |
4,800.00 |
Mechanical Plant Operator II |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,240.00 |
Animal Caretaker |
1 |
(15) |
1,440.00 |
Kitchen Helper |
3 |
(14) |
4,320.00 |
11 |
P22,320.00 |
Beef and Work Animals Section
Senior Livestock-Poultry Technologist (Section Chef) |
1 |
(42) |
P5,100,00 |
Livestock-Poultry Technologist |
3 |
(39) |
6,000.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,890.00 |
7 |
P15,540.00 |
Division Total |
34 |
P77,400.00 |
Office of the Chief
Animal Husbandry Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P5,100,00 |
Assistant Animal Husbandry Division Chief |
1 |
(45) |
5,100.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,400.00 |
3 |
P12,600.00 |
Nutrition and Breed Research Section
Senior Livestock-Poultry Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P3,960,00 |
Livestock-Poultry Technologist |
4 |
(39) |
8,864.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P14,264.00 |
Poultry Management Research Section
Senior Livestock-Poultry Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P2,940,00 |
Livestock-Poultry Technologist |
3 |
(39) |
6,900.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,000.00 |
6 |
P12,840.00 |
Division Total |
15 |
P36,704.00 |
Research Veterinarian |
5 |
(40) |
P15,720,00 |
Milker |
6 |
(14) |
8,640.00 |
Field Services Total |
11 |
P24,60.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project 3) |
84 |
P201,764.00 |
Project 4: General Administration
Director of Animal Industry |
1 |
(58) |
P7,200,00 |
Assistant Director of Animal Industry |
1 |
(52) |
6,000.00 |
Senior Research Veterinarian (Research Coordinator) |
1 |
(45) |
P5,100,00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Office Total |
5 |
P21,420.00 |
Office of the Chief
Administrative Office IV (Division Chief) |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000,00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,040.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P9,480.00 |
Budget and Finance Section
Budget Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P2,760,00 |
Cashier II |
1 |
(35) |
2,760.00 |
Cashier I |
3 |
(32) |
4,920.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
7 |
P13,440.00 |
Personnel Section
Personnel Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P2,940,00 |
Legal Aide II |
1 |
(31) |
2,040.00 |
Senior Personnel Aide |
1 |
(30) |
2,580.00 |
Illustrator I |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P11,880.00 |
Property and Equipment Section
Supply Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P2,940,00 |
Buyer |
1 |
(31) |
1,800.00 |
Automotive Shop Foreman |
1 |
(31) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Assistant Buyer |
2 |
(26) |
3,120.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Sales Clerk |
1 |
(25) |
P1,800,00 |
Storekeeper I |
2 |
(23) |
3,240.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
Motor Pool Dispatcher |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Heavy Equipment Operator |
2 |
(23) |
3,480.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
8 |
(20) |
11,860.00 |
Store Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Animal Caretaker |
1 |
(15) |
1,440.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
35 |
P54,540.00 |
General Services Section
Administrative Assistant II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P5,100,00 |
Records Officer |
1 |
(30) |
2,760.00 |
Architectural Draftsman |
1 |
(30) |
1,440.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
5,760.00 |
Carpenter |
7 |
(23) |
10,200.00 |
Security Guard |
7 |
(22) |
10,080.00 |
Building Maintenance Man |
1 |
(21) |
1,800.00 |
Nursery-Farm Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
4 |
(18) |
5,760.00 |
Animal Caretaker |
2 |
(15) |
2,880.00 |
Janitor |
2 |
(14) |
2,880.00 |
34 |
P55,500.00 |
Public Relations and Reference Section
Information Editor II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(36) |
P2,940,00 |
Reference Librarian |
1 |
(29) |
2,160.00 |
Photographer |
1 |
(27) |
1680 |
Junior Librarian |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,560.00 |
6 |
P11,220.00 |
Division Total |
91 |
P156,060.00 |
Senior Automotive Mechanic |
1 |
(26) |
P2,040,00 |
Carpenter |
7 |
(23) |
10,320.00 |
Heavy Equipment Operator |
10 |
(23) |
15,360.00 |
Storekeeper I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Security Guard |
5 |
(22) |
7,200.00 |
Automotive Mechanic I |
2 |
(22) |
3,240.00 |
Mechanical Plant Operator I |
2 |
(21) |
3,240.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
10 |
(20) |
14,760.00 |
Store Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Laborer |
11 |
(14) |
15,840.00 |
Field Services Total |
50 |
P74,880.00 |
Total Permanent Positions Salary (Project 4) |
146 |
P252,360.00 |
798 |
P1,489,184.00 |
(4) Bureau of Fisheries
Project I Fishery Management
Class Title |
Number |
Salary Range |
Amount |
Office of the Chief
Fisheries Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000,00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
2,400.00 |
2 |
P8,400.00 |
Regulation Section
Fishing Rights Adjudicator (Section Chief) |
1 |
(44) |
P4,200,00 |
Fishpond Investigator |
2 |
(37) |
5,520.00 |
Fishery Officer |
2 |
(34) |
3,720.00 |
Fishery Agent |
4 |
(24) |
5,760.00 |
9 |
P19,200.00 |
Inspection and Investigation Section
Fishing Rights Adjudicator (Section Chief) |
1 |
(44) |
P4,200,00 |
Fishpond Investigator |
2 |
(37) |
5,880.00 |
Fishery Officer |
3 |
(34) |
5,040.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Fishery Agent |
5 |
(24) |
7,200.00 |
12 |
P24,120.00 |
Fishpond Permit_Lease Section
Fishery License Chief (Section Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P2,760,00 |
Fishery Investigator |
4 |
(37) |
8,760.00 |
Fishery Office |
2 |
(34) |
3,240.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
1,920.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
9 |
P18,120.00 |
Commercial Fishing Boats and Fishermens Licenses Section
Fishery License Chief (Section Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P3,120,00 |
Fishery Officer |
3 |
(34) |
5,640.00 |
Fishery Agent |
2 |
(24) |
2,880.00 |
Fishery Products Inspector |
2 |
(24) |
3,120.00 |
8 |
P14,760.00 |
Division Total |
40 |
P84,600.00 |
Fishing Rights Adjudicator |
3 |
(44) |
P10,920,00 |
Supervising Fishery Agent |
4 |
(37) |
7,620.00 |
Fishpond Investigator |
4 |
(37) |
7,920.00 |
Fishery Officer |
8 |
(34) |
12,960.00 |
Fishery Agent |
6 |
(24) |
9,600.00 |
Field Services Total |
25 |
P49,020.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project I) |
65 |
P133,620.00 |
Project 2: Fishery Research, Experimentation & Development
Office of the President
Fisheries Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000,00 |
Fishery Technologist |
2 |
(48) |
9,300.00 |
Fishery Technician |
1 |
(40) |
2,940.00 |
Assistant Fishery Technician |
3 |
(21) |
4,020.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
7 |
P23,700.00 |
Fresh Water Fisheries Section
Fishery Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P5,100,00 |
Fish Farm Manager |
1 |
(40) |
2,580.00 |
Assistant Fishery Technician |
2 |
(31) |
3,240.00 |
Fishery Demonstrator |
1 |
(31) |
1,440.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P13,800.00 |
Shellfish and Crustacean Section
Fish Farm Manager (Section Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P3,960,00 |
Fishery Demonstrator |
3 |
(31) |
4,680.00 |
4 |
P8,640.00 |
Brackish-Water Section
Fishery Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P6,000,00 |
Fish Farm Manager |
1 |
(40) |
2,580.00 |
Fishery Technician |
2 |
(40) |
5,520.00 |
Assistant Fishery Technician |
3 |
(31) |
4,440.00 |
Fishery Demonstrator |
3 |
(31) |
5,040.00 |
Fishery Aide |
2 |
(18) |
20,880.00 |
12 |
P25,460.00 |
Fish Stocking Section
Fish Farm Manager (Section Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P2,580,00 |
Assistant Fishery Technician |
3 |
(31) |
4,800.00 |
4 |
P7,380.00 |
Division Total |
33 |
P79,980.00 |
Office of the Chief
Fisheries Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000,00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Photographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P10,680.00 |
Hydrology and Fisheries Biology Section
Fishery Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P3,960,00 |
Ichthyologist |
1 |
(41) |
3,480.00 |
Fishery Technician |
3 |
(40) |
8,820.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
1,920.00 |
Biological Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
1,440.00 |
Fishery Products Examiner |
2 |
(31) |
2,880.00 |
Assistant Fishery Technician |
4 |
(31) |
6,360.00 |
Fishery Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
15 |
P31,740.00 |
Technological Research Section
1 |
(48) |
P4,500,00 |
Research Chemist |
2 |
(41) |
5,880.00 |
Fishery Technician |
2 |
(40) |
5,160.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
2 |
(34) |
4,200.00 |
Assistant Fishery Technician |
4 |
(31) |
6,840.00 |
Fishery Demonstrator |
1 |
(31) |
1,440.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,920.00 |
Bacteriology Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
2 |
(24) |
2,880.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Fishery Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
19 |
P38,580.00 |
Fisheries Economics and Statistical Section
Supervising Economist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P6,000,00 |
Economist II |
1 |
(39) |
2,580.00 |
Statistician II |
1 |
(38) |
2,280.00 |
Commercial Cooperative Officer |
1 |
(35) |
2,940.00 |
Assistant Fishery Technician |
2 |
(31) |
2,880.00 |
Statistical Aide |
2 |
(35) |
3,120.00 |
8 |
P19,800.00 |
Division Total |
46 |
P100,800.00 |
Office of the Chief
Fisheries Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000,00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
2,040.00 |
2 |
P8,040.00 |
Marine Products Management Section
Fishery Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P4,500,00 |
Fishery Technician |
2 |
(40) |
5,340.00 |
Fishery Products Examiner |
5 |
(31) |
7,920.00 |
Fishery Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
10 |
P20,640.00 |
Technological Services Section
Fishery Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P3,960,00 |
Fishery Technician |
2 |
(40) |
6,060.00 |
Fishery Officer |
3 |
(34) |
5,400.00 |
Fishery Demonstrator |
5 |
(31) |
7,680.00 |
Scientific Illustrator |
1 |
(31) |
1,920.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1,560.00 |
Fishery Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
15 |
P29,460.00 |
Exploration Section
Fishery Technologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P5,100,00 |
First Mate |
1 |
(43) |
3,480.00 |
Fishery Officer |
1 |
(34) |
2,580.00 |
Master Fisherman |
2 |
(34) |
3,600.00 |
Launch Patron |
2 |
(32) |
4,560.00 |
Ship Radio Operator |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Marine Engine Man |
2 |
(25) |
3,960.00 |
Mechanic II |
1 |
(24) |
1,800.00 |
Illustrator I |
1 |
(24) |
1,560.00 |
Marine Engine Oiler |
2 |
(22) |
2,880.00 |
Cook II |
2 |
(21) |
2,880.00 |
Fisherman |
6 |
(18) |
8,640.00 |
Fishery Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Automotive Mechanic Helper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
25 |
P47,160.00 |
Division Total |
52 |
P105,300.00 |
Fishery Technician |
6 |
(40) |
P14,040,00 |
Fish Farm Manager |
5 |
(40) |
12,060.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
2,580.00 |
Fishery Products Examiner |
4 |
(31) |
6,000.00 |
Fishery Demonstrator |
4 |
(31) |
7,440.00 |
Assistant Fishery Technician |
5 |
(31) |
7,800.00 |
Mechanical Plant Operator II |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
Fishery Aide |
7 |
(18) |
10,440.00 |
Fishpond Caretaker |
11 |
(18) |
15,840.00 |
Field Services Total |
44 |
P78,000.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
175 |
P364,080.00 |
Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
10,010.00 |
Subsistence and Clothing of Crew Members for Fishing Boat |
13,000.00 |
Total Salaries, Wages and other Personal Items (Project 2) |
P367,090.00 |
Project 3: General Administration
Director of Fisheries |
1 |
(58) |
P7,200,00 |
Assistant Director of Fisheries |
1 |
(52) |
6,000.00 |
Fishery Education Liaison Officer |
1 |
(44) |
3,960.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
1,800.00 |
Office Total |
4 |
P18,960.00 |
Office of the Chief
Administrative Officer IV (Division Chief) |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000,00 |
Clinic Physician |
1 |
(40) |
2,760.00 |
Nurse |
1 |
(28) |
1,800.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P12,000.00 |
Budget and Finance Section
Budget Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P2,940,00 |
Management Analysis I |
1 |
(36) |
2,160.00 |
Cashier I |
1 |
(32) |
2,940.00 |
Budget Examiner I |
1 |
(30) |
2,160.00 |
Accounting Clerk III |
1 |
(28) |
1,440.00 |
Cash Clerk |
2 |
(24) |
2,880.00 |
7 |
P14,520.00 |
Personnel Section
Personnel Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P2,400,00 |
Personnel Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P5,280.00 |
Property and General Services Section
Administrative Assistant III (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P2,940,00 |
Supply Officer II |
1 |
(37) |
2,280.00 |
Records Officer I |
1 |
(30) |
2,940.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk II |
6 |
(25) |
9,120.00 |
Automotive Mechanic II |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Storekeeper I |
1 |
(23) |
1,680.00 |
Carpenter |
1 |
(23) |
1,680.00 |
Security Guard |
3 |
(22) |
4380 |
Mechanic I |
1 |
(22) |
1,440.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
4 |
(20) |
6,360.00 |
Clerical Aide |
6 |
(18) |
8,640.00 |
Janitor |
3 |
(14) |
4,440.00 |
30 |
P49,080.00 |
Public Relations and Reference Section
Supervising Information Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P2,400,00 |
Information Editor I |
1 |
(30) |
1,800.00 |
Junior Librarian |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P7,080.00 |
Division Total |
48 |
P87,860.00 |
District Fishery Officer |
10 |
(44) |
P32,640.00 |
Clerk I |
8 |
(23) |
11,760.00 |
Security Guard |
8 |
(22) |
12,240.00 |
Field Services Total |
26 |
56,640.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
70 |
P163,560.00 |
318 |
P661,260.00 |
10,010.00 |
For Subsistence and Clothing Allowances |
13,000.00 |
P684,270.00 |
(5) Bureau of Mines
Project 1: Geological Survey
Chief Geologist (Division Chief) |
1 |
(55) |
P6,000.00 |
Assistant Chief Geologist |
1 |
(51) |
6,000.00 |
Supervising Geologist II |
4 |
(49) |
21,900.00 |
Supervising Geologist I |
17 |
(43) |
75,660.00 |
Senior Geologist |
5 |
(40) |
16,560.00 |
Geologist |
52 |
(36) |
136,620.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
2,280.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Geologic Aide |
4 |
(24) |
6,720.00 |
Tracer |
3 |
(23) |
4,920.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,800.00 |
Survey Aide II |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Light Requirement Operator II |
3 |
(20) |
4,380.00 |
Electrical Aide |
12 |
(18) |
17,260.00 |
Survey Aide |
2 |
(15) |
2,540.00 |
Division Total |
110 |
P308,940.00 |
Mine Exploration Section
Supervising Mining Engineer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(49) |
P4,800.00 |
Mining Engineer II |
2 |
(43) |
7,020.00 |
Mining Engineer I |
4 |
(36) |
10,920.00 |
Senior Core Driller |
2 |
(28) |
7,200.00 |
Core Driller |
15 |
(25) |
37,980.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
1 |
(20) |
1,440.00 |
Driller Helper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Division Total |
27 |
P72,240.00 |
Supervising Geologist II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(49) |
P5,400.00 |
Supervising Geologist I |
2 |
(43) |
9,600.00 |
Cartographer I |
2 |
(26) |
P4,080.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Division Total |
6 |
P20,520.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
143 |
P401,700.00 |
Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
235,354.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 1) |
P637,054.00 |
Project 2: Mineral Land Survey
Office of the Chief
Mineral Land Surveys Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P7,440.00 |
Field Control Section
Supervising Surveyor III (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P5,400.00 |
Mineral Land Surveyor |
11 |
(35) |
29,520.00 |
Surveyor |
5 |
(30) |
8,430.00 |
Computer II |
5 |
(28) |
7,440.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
1,440.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
25 |
P55,110.00 |
Verification and Computation Section
Mineral Land Surveyor (Section Chief) |
1 |
(35) |
P3,264.00 |
Supervising Computer |
1 |
(32) |
2,160.00 |
Computer II |
7 |
(28) |
10,680.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
5,790.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,910.00 |
15 |
P24,804.00 |
Division Total |
57 |
P111,954.00 |
District Mining Surveyor |
5 |
(42) |
P20,700.00 |
Surveyor |
2 |
(30) |
3,600.00 |
Cartographer II |
1 |
(28) |
1,800.00 |
Computer I |
3 |
(25) |
4,320.00 |
Survey Aide II |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
7,440.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,320.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Field Services Total |
24 |
P49,260.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
81 |
P161,214.00 |
Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
38,256.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 2) |
P199,470.00 |
Project 3: Mineral and Petroleum Land Management
Chief Legal Officer (Division Chief) |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000.00 |
Assistant Chief Legal Officer |
1 |
(47) |
5,100.00 |
Legal Officer III |
2 |
(41) |
9,600.00 |
Legal Officer II |
2 |
(37) |
8,160.00 |
Legal Officer I |
5 |
(34) |
13,800.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
2 |
(27) |
4,320.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,120.00 |
Stenographer |
2 |
(25) |
3,360.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Division Total |
19 |
P56,340.00 |
Chief Petroleum Geologist (Division Chief) |
1 |
(55) |
P6,000.00 |
Legal Officer III |
1 |
(41) |
5,400.00 |
Legal Officer II |
1 |
(37) |
4,800.00 |
Legal Officer I |
1 |
(34) |
2,760.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
4 |
(27) |
11,220.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Division Total |
11 |
P35,220.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
30 |
P91,560.00 |
Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
2,400.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 3) |
P93,960.00 |
Project 4: Mining and Metallurgical Services
Office of the Chief
Mining and Metallurgical Division Chief |
1 |
(55) |
P6,000.00 |
Supervising Mining Engineer |
2 |
(49) |
11,100.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P18,540.00 |
Mine Valuation Section
Supervising Mining Engineer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(49) |
P5,400.00 |
Mining Engineer II |
2 |
(43) |
8,700.00 |
Mining Engineer I |
1 |
(36) |
2,280.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1,680.00 |
Geologic Aide |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
7 |
P20,940.00 |
Nine Safety Section
Supervising Mining Engineer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(49) |
P5,400.00 |
Mining Engineer II |
1 |
(49) |
4,500.00 |
Mining Engineer I |
1 |
(36) |
3,960.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
2,040.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P17,340.00 |
Mineral Economics Section
Supervising Economist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P5,100.00 |
Senior Economist |
2 |
(43) |
8,800.00 |
3 |
P13,900.00 |
Division Total |
19 |
P70,800 |
Office of the Chief
Mining and Metallurgical Division Chief |
1 |
(55) |
P5,400.00 |
Supervising Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(41) |
4,800.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P11,640.00 |
Process Metallurgy Section
Supervising Analytical Chemist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(41) |
P4,500.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
2,280.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Geologic Aide |
2 |
(24) |
4,440.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,380.00 |
8 |
P17,040.00 |
Extractive Metallurgy Section
Supervising Analytical Chemist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(41) |
P3,300.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
4,080.00 |
Geologic Aide |
2 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P10,620.00 |
Coal Preparation and Utilization Section
Supervising Analytical Chemist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(41) |
P3,960.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(34) |
2,940.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
5 |
P11,220.00 |
Analytical Services Section
Senior Research Chemist I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P5,100.00 |
Supervising Analytical Chemist |
1 |
(41) |
4,800.00 |
Mineral Analyst |
5 |
(36) |
14,700.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
7 |
(34) |
11,880.00 |
Geologic Aide |
1 |
(24) |
1,920.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
2 |
(24) |
3,240.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Aide |
9 |
(18) |
13,020.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
18 |
1,440.00 |
27 |
P56,100.00 |
Division Total |
48 |
P106,620.00 |
Office of the Chief
Supervising Information Officer II (Division Chief) |
1 |
(44) |
P6,000.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
2,400.00 |
2 |
P8,400.00 |
Technical Reports and Information Section
Supervising Information Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(44) |
P6,000.00 |
Information Editor I |
1 |
(30) |
2,580.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
2,400.00 |
Offset-Press Operator |
1 |
(26) |
1,680.00 |
Tracer |
3 |
(23) |
5,400.00 |
Blueprint Machine Operator |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
9 |
P18,420.00 |
Abstract and Research Section
Information Editor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(30) |
P2,280.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
3 |
P5,520.00 |
Library Section
Senior Librarian (Section Chief) |
1 |
(33) |
P3,720.00 |
Librarian |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P6,960.00 |
Division Total |
17 |
P39,300.00 |
Senior Paleontologist |
2 |
(40) |
P8,760.00 |
Paleontologist |
3 |
(36) |
6,540.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Division Total |
7 |
P18,180.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
91 |
P234,900.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
2,400.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 4) |
P237,300.00 |
Project 5: General Administration
Director of Mines |
1 |
(62) |
P9,000.00 |
Assistant Director of Mine |
1 |
(57) |
6,000.00 |
Mining Project Coordinator |
1 |
(55) |
6,000.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
2,760.00 |
4 |
P23,760.00 |
Office of the Chief
Administrative Officer III (Division Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P6,000.00 |
Administrative Assistant III (Assistant Division Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
4,200.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
P1,440.00 |
4 |
P13,320.00 |
Budget and Finance Section
Budget Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P4,500.00 |
Cashier II |
1 |
(35) |
3,120.00 |
Accountant I |
1 |
(32) |
2,544.00 |
Bookkeeper II |
1 |
(32) |
3,120.00 |
Budget Examiner I |
1 |
(30) |
1,800.00 |
Accounting Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,360.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,240.00 |
Accounting Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.00 |
16 |
P32,004.00 |
Personnel Section
Personnel Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P2,580.00 |
Personnel Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,920.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,720.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
9 |
P15,540.00 |
Records Section
Records Officer II (Section Chief |
1 |
(33) |
P2,760.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
7 |
(23) |
11,280.00 |
Clerical Aide |
4 |
(18) |
5,760.00 |
13 |
P21,480.00 |
Property and General Services Services Section
Supply Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P2,760.00 |
Supply Officer I |
1 |
(31) |
1,920.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,840.00 |
Shop Electrician |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Mechanic II |
1 |
(24) |
1,800.00 |
Storekeeper I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Carpenter |
4 |
(23) |
5,820.00 |
Security Guard |
6 |
(22) |
9,446.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.00 |
Watchman |
3 |
(16) |
4,320.00 |
Janitor |
4 |
(14) |
5,760.00 |
29 |
P45,746.00 |
Division Total |
71 |
P151,850.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project 5) |
75 |
P175,610.00 |
42 |
P1,041,224.00 |
278,410.00 |
P1,319,634.00 |
(6) Bureau of Soils
Project 1: Soil Survey and Classification
Soil Conservation Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000.00 |
Soil Conservation Section Supervisor |
1 |
(45) |
3,720.00 |
Soil Survey Supervisor |
1 |
(34) |
1,800.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P12,960.00 |
Technical Specialists Section
Soil Conservation Section Supervisor |
1 |
(45) |
P3,720.00 |
Soil Survey Supervisor |
2 |
(34) |
4,740.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P9,900.00 |
Cartography Section
Supervising Cartographer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P2,940.00 |
Cartographer II |
1 |
(28) |
2,400.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
2,040.00 |
Cartographer Aide II |
5 |
(23) |
8,400.00 |
8 |
P15,780.00 |
Division Total |
16 |
P38,640.00 |
Soil Survey Supervisor |
9 |
(34) |
P26,820.00 |
Soil Surveyor |
49 |
(30) |
87,840.00 |
Cartographer Aide II |
10 |
(23) |
16,920.00 |
Field Services Total |
68 |
P131,580.00 |
Total Permanent Positions – Salary |
84 |
P170,220.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
P7,920.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 1) |
P178,140.00 |
Project 2: Erosion Control Operations
Soil Conservation Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000.00 |
Soil Conservation Section Supervisor |
5 |
(45) |
19,380.00 |
Soil Engineer |
2 |
(34) |
4,740.00 |
Soil Technologist |
4 |
(32) |
8,760.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Soil Research Aide |
4 |
(18) |
5,760.00 |
Division Total |
17 |
P46,080.00 |
Soil Conservation Project Superintendent |
11 |
(36) |
P36,000.00 |
Soil Engineer |
8 |
(34) |
20,880.00 |
Soil Technologist |
30 |
(32) |
70,560.00 |
Automotive Mechanic II |
4 |
(24) |
7,200.00 |
Heavy Equipment Operator |
12 |
(23) |
18,720.00 |
Soil Research Aide |
16 |
(18) |
23,040.00 |
Laborer |
16 |
(14) |
23,040.00 |
Field Services Total |
97 |
P199,440.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
114 |
P245,520.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
33,000 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 2) |
P279,320.00 |
Project 2: Research
Soil Conservation Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P4,500.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
3 |
(34) |
5,040.00 |
Soil Physicist |
2 |
(34) |
2,880.00 |
Bacteriologist |
2 |
(34) |
4,080.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
5 |
(24) |
7,680.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Aide |
2 |
(18) |
3,000.00 |
Division Total |
16 |
P28,620.00 |
Soil Conservation Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000.00 |
Soil Technologist |
4 |
(32) |
11,160.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Soil Research Aide |
4 |
(18) |
5,760.00 |
Division Total |
10 |
P24,360.00 |
Office of the Chief
Soil Conservation Division Chief |
1 |
(50) |
P6,000.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
2 |
P7, 680.00 |
Soil Physics Section
Supervising Analytical Chemist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(41) |
P3,120.00 |
Soil Physicist |
3 |
(34) |
5,520.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
3 |
(34) |
5,280.00 |
7 |
P13,920.00 |
Soil Chemistry Section
Supervising Analytical Chemist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(41) |
P3,720.00 |
Assistant Mechanical-Electrical Engineer |
1 |
(40) |
3,480.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
2 |
(34) |
3,480.00 |
Junior Mechanical-Electrical Engineer |
2 |
(33) |
4,560.00 |
Soil Research Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
7 |
P16,680.00 |
Soil Biology Section
Research Bacteriologist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(41) |
P3,120.00 |
Bacteriologist |
2 |
(34) |
4,920.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
4 |
(34) |
7,980.00 |
Soil Laboratory Technician |
3 |
(26) |
4,800.00 |
Bacteriology Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
11 |
P22,260.00 |
Division Total |
27 |
P60,540.00 |
Analytical Chemist |
10 |
(34) |
P30,720.00 |
Bacteriologist |
14 |
(34) |
30,120.00 |
Soil Physicist |
8 |
(34) |
14,880.00 |
Soil Technologist |
4 |
(34) |
12,480.00 |
Soil Laboratory Technician |
4 |
(26) |
7200 |
Laborer |
8 |
(14) |
11,520.00 |
Field Services Total |
48 |
P106,980.00 |
Total Permanent Positions – Salary |
101 |
P220,440.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
P17,202.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 3) |
P237,642.00 |
Project 4: General Administration
Director of Soils |
1 |
(58) |
P7,200.00 |
Assistant Director of Soils |
1 |
(53) |
6,000.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P14,640.00 |
Administrative Officer II |
1 |
(45) |
P6,000.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P7,440.00 |
Budget and Finance Section
Budget Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P2,760.00 |
Cashier I |
1 |
(32) |
2,600.00 |
Budget Examiner I |
1 |
(30) |
1,800.00 |
Budget Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Cash Clerk |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P10,020.00 |
Personnel Section
Personnel Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P2,400.00 |
Personnel Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P5,280.00 |
Property and General Services Section
Administrative Assistant III (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P3,720.00 |
Supply Officer II |
1 |
(37) |
2,580.00 |
Records Officer I |
1 |
(30) |
2,280.00 |
Senior Storekeeper |
1 |
(29) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
3 |
(25) |
4,320.00 |
Automotive Mechanic II |
1 |
(24) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Security Guard |
1 |
(24) |
1,400.00 |
Storekeeper I |
2 |
(23) |
2,800.00 |
Carpenter |
2 |
(23) |
3,000.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
Security Guard |
3 |
(22) |
4,320.00 |
Security Janitor |
1 |
(19) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
5 |
(18) |
7,200.00 |
Carpenter Helper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Toolkeeper |
1 |
(18) |
1,400.00 |
Watchman |
3 |
(16) |
4,320.00 |
Janitor |
3 |
(14) |
4,320.00 |
Laborer |
4 |
(14) |
5,760.00 |
Groundsman-Gardener |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
41 |
P64,740.60 |
Public Relations and Reference Section
Supervising Information Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P3,480.00 |
Information Editor I |
1 |
(30) |
2,580.00 |
Reference Librarian |
1 |
(29) |
1,800.00 |
Information Writer |
1 |
(27) |
1,560.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
2,400.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
6 |
P13,620.00 |
Division Total |
57 |
P101,100.00 |
Soil Conservation Division Chief (Regional Director) |
8 |
(50) |
P33,600.00 |
Administrative Assistant I |
8 |
(35) |
13,320.00 |
Clerk II |
8 |
(25) |
11,520.00 |
Field Services Total |
24 |
P58,440.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
84 |
P174,180.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
3,560.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 4) |
P177,740.00 |
383 |
P810,360.00 |
62,484.00 |
P872,842.00 |
(7) Bureau of Agricultural Extension
Project 1: Dissemination of Agricultural Information in the Rural Areas
Office of the Chief
Public Relations Officer III |
1 |
(45) |
P4,800.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P6,240.00 |
Publications Section
Information Editor II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(36) |
P2,760.00 |
Information Writer |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Librarian |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
8 |
P13,200.00 |
Audio-Visual Section
Audio-Visual Technician I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(36) |
P3,480.00 |
Architectural Draftsman |
1 |
(30) |
1,800.00 |
Photographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,560.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Laborer |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P9,720.00 |
Division Total |
18 |
P35,880.00 |
Audio-Visual Equipment Operator |
43 |
(21) |
P 78,480.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project I) |
66 |
P 114,360.00 |
Project 2: Promotion of Improved Farming, Crop Production and Agricultural Practices
Agricultural Extension Supervisor |
1 |
(48) |
P 6,000.00 |
Agricultural Extension Technician II |
4 |
(40) |
18,300.00 |
Agricultural Extension Technician I |
1 |
(36) |
3,120.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
7 |
P 29, 100.00 |
Provincial Agriculturist |
53 |
(42) |
P 216,360.00 |
Provincial Agriculturist (Regional Agricultural Extension Agent) |
2 |
(42) |
8,820.00 |
Regional Fiber Extension Agent |
5 |
(40) |
18,960.00 |
Assistant Provincial Agriculturist |
41 |
(32) |
101,200.00 |
Fiber Extension Agent |
37 |
(28) |
74,760.00 |
Agricultural Extension Worker |
630 |
(28) |
957,800.00 |
Senior Clerk |
8 |
(27) |
13,740.00 |
Clerk II |
37 |
(25) |
55,140.00 |
Stenographer |
9 |
(25) |
12,960.00 |
Statistical Aide |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Automotive Mechanic II |
5 |
(24) |
7,680.00 |
Clerk I |
53 |
(23) |
77,460.00 |
Security Guard |
3 |
(22) |
4,320.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
35 |
(20) |
51,120.00 |
Clerical Aide |
32 |
(18) |
46,500.00 |
Janitor |
6 |
(14) |
8,640.00 |
Laborer |
89 |
(14) |
128,220.00 |
1,047 |
- |
P 1,786,560.00 |
1,054 |
- |
P 1,815,660.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
- |
- |
48,155.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 2) |
- |
- |
1,863,815.00 |
Project 3: Demonstration of Useful Homemaking Practices and Food Utilization
Chief Home Economist |
1 |
(46) |
P 5,400.00 |
Home Economics Coordinator |
2 |
(38) |
6,480.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Division Total |
4 |
P 13,680.00 |
Home Economics Coordinator |
2 |
(38) |
P 8,160.00 |
Supervising Home Economics Coordinator |
8 |
(36) |
27,580.00 |
Senior Home Economics Demonstrator |
61 |
(32) |
160,020.00 |
Home Economics Demonstrator |
217 |
(26) |
329,340.00 |
Field Services Total |
288 |
P 527,100.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project 3) |
293 |
P540,780.00 |
Project 4: Promotion of 4-H Clubs and Other Civic Organizations
Rural Clubs Program Officer |
1 |
(46) |
P 5,400.00 |
Agricultural Extension Technician II |
2 |
(40) |
9,000.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Division Total |
4 |
P 16,080.00 |
Regional Rural Clubs Agent |
8 |
(40) |
P 29,160.00 |
Provincial Rural Clubs Agent |
46 |
(36) |
88,860.00 |
Field Service Total |
54 |
P 118,020.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project 4) |
58 |
P 134,100.00 |
Project 5: General Administration
Director of Agricultural Extension |
1 |
(58) |
P 7,200.00 |
Assistant Director of Agricultural Extension (Programs) |
1 |
(52) |
6,000.00 |
Assistant Director of Agricultural Extension (Services) |
1 |
(52) |
6,000.00 |
Senior Executive Assistant I |
1 |
(43) |
4,800.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
2,160.00 |
Stenographer |
2 |
(25) |
3,240.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Office Total |
8 |
P 30,840.00 |
Office of the Chief
Administrative Officer V (Division Chief) |
1 |
(52) |
P 5,100.00 |
Administrative Officer II |
1 |
(45) |
3,960.00 |
Legal Officer I |
1 |
(34) |
2,160.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
4 |
P 13,020.00 |
General Services Section
Administrative Assistant II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P 3,120.00 |
Records Officer I |
1 |
(30) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Clerk |
2 |
(27) |
3,360.00 |
Stenographer |
2 |
(25) |
3,120.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,960.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(25) |
3,000.00 |
Security Guard |
6 |
(22) |
8,640.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,560.00 |
Janitor |
4 |
(14) |
5,760.00 |
Groundman-Gardener |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
24 |
P 38,760.00 |
Budget and Finance Section
Budget Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P 3,120.00 |
Statistician I |
1 |
(33) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Disbursing Officer |
1 |
(32) |
2,580.00 |
Budget Examiner I |
1 |
(30) |
P 1,800.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Accounting Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
7 |
P 14,580.00 |
Personnel Records Section
Personnel Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P 3,720.00 |
Senior Personnel Aide |
1 |
(30) |
1,800.00 |
Personnel Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,240.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P 11,760.00 |
Property and Equipment Section
Supply Officer III (Section Chief) |
1 |
(43) |
P 3,480.00 |
Automotive Shop Superintendent |
1 |
(35) |
3,120.00 |
Automotive Equipment Inspector |
2 |
(30) |
3,960.00 |
Assistant Buyer |
1 |
(26) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Storekeeper I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Automotive Mechanic I |
3 |
(22) |
4,920.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
5 |
(20) |
7,800.00 |
Store Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Laborer |
2 |
(14) |
2,880.00 |
19 |
- |
P 33,480.00 |
Division Total |
61 |
- |
P 111,600.00 |
Chief, Agricultural Extension Technician (Division Chief) |
1 |
(48) |
P 6,000.00 |
Agricultural Extension Technician II (Assistant Division Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
5,400.00 |
Agricultural Extension Technician II (Agricultural Engineer) |
1 |
(40) |
5,100.00 |
Agricultural Extension Technician II (Plant Science) |
5 |
(40) |
24,660.00 |
Agricultural Extension Technician II (Soils and Fertilizers) |
2 |
(40) |
6,600.00 |
Agricultural Extension Technician II (Animal Science) |
3 |
(40) |
14,100.00 |
Agricultural Extension Technician II (Community Development) |
1 |
(40) |
P 3,960.00 |
Agricultural Extension Technician II (Fiber Specialist) |
1 |
(40) |
5,400.00 |
Home Economics Coordinator |
4 |
(38) |
16,800.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
2,280.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Division Total |
23 |
P 94,620.00 |
Evaluation and Training Division
Office of the Chief
Senior Management Analyst (Division Chief) |
1 |
(43) |
P 4,860.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Illustrator I |
2 |
(24) |
2,880.00 |
4 |
P 9,180.00 |
Personnel Training Section
Senior Training Officer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P 4,500.00 |
Training Officer |
1 |
(35) |
3,480.00 |
Personnel Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,400.00 |
5 |
P 12,300.00 |
Personnel Utilization Section
Management Analyst II (Section Chief) |
1 |
- |
Management Analyst I |
1 |
(39) |
P 4,200.00 |
Junior Management Analyst |
1 |
(36) |
3,720.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(30) |
1,560.00 |
4 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
P 11,160.00 |
Methods Improvement Section
Management Analyst II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P 3,960.00 |
Management Analyst I |
1 |
(36) |
2,580.00 |
Junior Management Analyst |
1 |
(30) |
2,160.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
4 |
P 10,500.00 |
Division Total |
17 |
P 43,140.00 |
Regional Agricultural Extension Administrator II |
4 |
(48) |
P 20,400.00 |
Regional Agricultural Extension Administrator I |
4 |
(44) |
20,400.00 |
Agricultural Extension Administrator II |
2 |
(40) |
8,700.00 |
Agricultural Extension Administrator I |
3 |
(36) |
9,540.00 |
Budget Examiner I |
1 |
(30) |
1,440.00 |
Senior Clerk |
8 |
(27) |
12,960.00 |
Clerk II |
8 |
(25) |
11,760.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Field Services Total |
31 |
P 86,640.00 |
Total Permanent Position-Salary |
139 |
P 366,840.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
P 7,200.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 5) |
P 374,040.00 |
1, 609 |
- |
P2,971,740.00 |
- |
- |
55,355.00 |
- |
- |
P9,027,095.00 |
(8) Bureau of Lands
Project 1: Public Land Services
Supervising Surveyor IV |
5 |
(50) |
P 21,960.00 |
Supervising Surveyor II |
18 |
(42) |
57,600.00 |
Supervising Surveyor I |
98 |
(35) |
235,980.00 |
Supervising Computer |
2 |
(32) |
2,880.00 |
Surveyor |
35 |
(30) |
63,600.00 |
Cartographer II |
9 |
(28) |
15,720.00 |
Computer II |
68 |
(28) |
107,280.00 |
Senior Bill Collector |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Cartographer I |
45 |
(26) |
68,520.00 |
Surveyman |
82 |
(26) |
120,960.00 |
Instrumentman |
3 |
(26) |
4,680.00 |
Stenographer |
7 |
(25) |
10,320.00 |
Computer I |
33 |
(25) |
50,640.00 |
Clerk II |
12 |
(25) |
13,240.00 |
Bill Collector |
10 |
(24) |
14,400.00 |
Cash Clerk |
4 |
(24) |
5,760.00 |
Tracer |
8 |
(23) |
12,360.00 |
Cartographer Aide II |
1 |
(23) |
1,680.00 |
Survey Aide II |
91 |
(23) |
131,760.00 |
Clerk I |
50 |
(23) |
72,600.00 |
Storekeeper I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Security Guard |
1 |
(22) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
11 |
(18) |
15,840.00 |
Survey Aide I |
15 |
(15) |
21,600.00 |
Janitor |
5 |
(14) |
7,200.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (General Fund) |
617 |
- |
P1,068,780.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
- |
1,309,990.00 |
Total for General Fund, Project 1 |
- |
- |
P2,378,770.00 |
Supervising Surveyor II |
6 |
(42) |
P 18,540.00 |
Supervising Surveyor I |
8 |
(35) |
17,520.00 |
Surveyor |
32 |
(30) |
53,760.00 |
Computer II |
5 |
(28) |
8,760.00 |
Cartographer I |
9 |
(26) |
14,880.00 |
Surveyman |
1 |
(26) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Computer I |
2 |
(25) |
3,000.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,440.00 |
Survey Aide II |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (PLSS. R. A. 310) |
71 |
P 129,780.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
61,000 |
Total for R.A. 310, Project 1 |
P 190,780.00 |
(PLSS. R. A. 1305 (BOND FUND))
Supervising Surveyor II |
13 |
(42) |
P 42,360.00 |
Supervising Surveyor I |
10 |
(35) |
33,000.00 |
Surveyor |
6 |
(30) |
16,560.00 |
Computer II |
6 |
(28) |
14,400.00 |
Cartographer II |
3 |
(28) |
7,200.00 |
Computer I |
6 |
(25) |
12,960.00 |
Clerk I |
6 |
(23) |
10,080.00 |
Survey Aide II |
24 |
(23) |
40,320.00 |
Survey Aide I |
48 |
(15) |
69,120.00 |
Janitor |
3 |
(14) |
4,320.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
125 |
P 250,320.00 |
(PLSS. R. A. Bond Fund)
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
150,000.00 |
Total for R.A. 1305, Project 1 |
P 400,320.00 |
843 |
- |
P1,448,880.00 |
- |
- |
1,520,990.00 |
- |
- |
P2,969,870.00 |
Supervising Surveyor II |
4 |
(42) |
P 12,480.00 |
Land Officer |
1 |
(39) |
3,120.00 |
Supervising Surveyor I |
13 |
(35) |
44,100.00 |
Surveyor |
18 |
(30) |
30,240.00 |
Computer II |
16 |
(28) |
23,040.00 |
Cartographer I |
21 |
(26) |
30,240.00 |
Surveyman |
2 |
(26) |
2,880.00 |
Computer I |
3 |
(25) |
4,320.00 |
Clerk I |
7 |
(23) |
10,080.00 |
Survey Aide II |
20 |
(23) |
28,800.00 |
Survey Aide I |
31 |
(15) |
46,080.00 |
Janitor |
3 |
(14) |
4,320.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Act 3077) |
145 |
P 239,700.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
107,000.00 |
Total for Act 3077, Project 2 |
P 346,700.00 |
Supervising Surveyor II |
10 |
(42) |
P 38,100.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
- |
180,000 |
Total for R. A. 1395, Project 2 |
- |
P 218,100.00 |
155 |
P 277,800.00 |
- |
287,000 |
- |
P 564,800.00 |
Project 3: Verification of Surveys
Office of the Chief
Chief of Surveys (Division Chief) |
(55) |
P 6,000.00 |
Supervising Surveyor IV |
(50) |
18,900.00 |
Supervising Surveyor III |
(45) |
3,120.00 |
Head Cartographer |
2 |
(42) |
7,200.00 |
Head Computer |
1 |
(39) |
3,720.00 |
Supervising Clerk I |
1 |
(30) |
3,300.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,940.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
16 |
P 52,740.00 |
Cadastral Surveys Section
Supervising Cartographer |
1 |
(40) |
P 2,760.00 |
Senior Cartographer |
1 |
(32) |
1,920.00 |
Computer II |
5 |
(28) |
8,520.00 |
Cartographer II |
3 |
(28) |
4,320.00 |
Cartographer I |
3 |
(26) |
4,560.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
6,000.00 |
Clerical Aids |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
19 |
P 30,960.00 |
Public Land Subdivision Survey Section
Supervising Surveyor III (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 4,200.00 |
Supervising Clerk II |
1 |
(33) |
2,580.00 |
Supervising Computer |
3 |
(32) |
6,960.00 |
Senior Cartographer |
2 |
(32) |
4,800.00 |
Cartographer II |
8 |
(28) |
16,800.00 |
Computer II |
42 |
(28) |
78,840.00 |
Cartographer I |
11 |
(26) |
18,240.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Computer I |
4 |
(25) |
6,720.00 |
Precision Instrument Technician I |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Cartographer Aide II |
1 |
(23) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
Tracer |
10 |
(23) |
15,840.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,800.00 |
93 |
P171,780.00 |
Isolated Surveys Section
Head Computer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P 3,480.00 |
Supervising Computer |
1 |
(32) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Cartographer |
2 |
(32) |
5,700.00 |
Computer II |
20 |
(28) |
P 35,280.00 |
Cartographer II |
11 |
(28) |
20,580.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
Cartographer I |
2 |
(26) |
3,120.00 |
Computer I |
4 |
(25) |
6,240.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
5,760.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
48 |
P 87,840.00 |
Surveys Control Section
Head Computer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P 3,300.00 |
Geodetic Computer |
1 |
(32) |
1,440.00 |
Supervising Computer |
2 |
(32) |
3,840.00 |
Computer II |
4 |
(28) |
5,760.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
1,680.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
11 |
P 18,900.00 |
Survey and Map Projection Section
Senior Cartographer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(32) |
P 2,580.00 |
Cartographer II |
6 |
(28) |
10,440.00 |
Cartographer I |
14 |
(26) |
21,240.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,120.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
26 |
P 41,700.00 |
Electronic Computation Section
Chief, Tabulating Equipment Operator (Section Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
2,760.00 |
Geodetic Computer |
3 |
(32) |
5,400.00 |
Tabulating Equipment Operator II |
6 |
(30) |
9,840.00 |
Computer II |
2 |
(28) |
3,360.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
1,440.00 |
Key Punch Operator |
16 |
(25) |
24,480.00 |
Computer I |
5 |
(25) |
7,680.00 |
Precision Instrument Technician I |
2 |
(24) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
38 |
P 60,720.00 |
Calculating Machine Computation Section
Head Computer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P 2,760.00 |
Supervising Computer |
2 |
(32) |
4,260.00 |
Computer II |
40 |
(28) |
61,920.00 |
Computer I |
6 |
(25) |
8,880.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Mechanic I |
3 |
(22) |
4,320.00 |
53 |
P 83,580.00 |
Reproduction Section
Photocopy Supervisor (Section Chief) |
1 |
(31) |
P 3,120.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
1,680.00 |
Microfilm Machine Operator |
2 |
(25) |
3,960.00 |
Photostat Machine Operator |
4 |
(23) |
6,720.00 |
Senior Blueprint Machine Operator |
2 |
(27) |
4,440.00 |
Blueprint Machine Operator |
4 |
(23) |
6,960.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Blueprint Machine Operator Helper |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
17 |
P 31,200.00 |
Technical Standards Section
Management Analyst II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P 3,300.00 |
Junior Management Analyst |
2 |
(30) |
5,160.00 |
Information Writer |
1 |
(27) |
2,580.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P 14,640.00 |
Technical Reference Section
Supervising Clerk II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(33) |
P 3,120.00 |
Supervising Clerk I |
1 |
(30) |
2,160.00 |
Senior Clerk |
2 |
(27) |
3,360.00 |
Clerk II |
3 |
(25) |
4,560.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,560.00 |
10 |
P 17,760.00 |
Survey Production Statistics Section
Senior Statistician (Section Chief) |
1 |
(41) |
P 3,960.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk II |
6 |
(25) |
P 11,280.00 |
Clerk I |
13 |
(23) |
20,160.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
23 |
P 40,440.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (General Fund) |
360 |
P 652,260.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
32,400.00 |
Total for General Fund, Project 3 |
P 684,660.00 |
Supervising Surveyor I |
1 |
(35) |
P 2,160.00 |
Computer II |
2 |
(28) |
3,600.00 |
Stenographer |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
8 |
P 12,960.00 |
Cadastral Surveys Section
Supervising Computer |
1 |
(32) |
P 3,120.00 |
Cartographer II |
1 |
(28) |
2,160.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
1,440.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P 9,600.00 |
Public Land Subdivision Survey Section
Supervising Computer |
1 |
(32) |
P 2,160.00 |
Senior Cartographer |
1 |
(32) |
2,400.00 |
Cartographer II |
1 |
(28) |
2,160.00 |
Computer II |
1 |
(28) |
1,440.00 |
Tracer |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
6 |
11040 |
Isolated Surveys Section
Supervising Computer |
2 |
(32) |
P 4,980.00 |
Cartographer II |
3 |
(28) |
5,040.00 |
Computer II |
3 |
(28) |
5,280.00 |
Cartographer I |
4 |
(26) |
5,760.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
14 |
P 23,948.00 |
Survey Control Section
Geodetic Computer |
1 |
(32) |
P 1,920.00 |
Survey and Map Projection Section
Senior Cartographer |
3 |
(32) |
P 6,600.00 |
Cartographer I |
5 |
(26) |
7,200.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(28) |
1,440.00 |
10 |
P 16,680.00 |
Electronic Computation Section
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,560.00 |
Calculating Machine Computation Section
Computer II |
1 |
(28) |
P 1,920.00 |
Reproduction Section
Photostat Machine Operator |
1 |
(23) |
P 1,440.00 |
Technical Standards Section
Computer II |
1 |
(28) |
P 2,440.00 |
Survey Production Statistics Section
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
P 2,160.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P 7,200.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (R.A. 310) |
52 |
P 90,660.00 |
Cadastral Surveys Section
Computer II |
11 |
(28) |
P 16,440.00 |
Cartographer II |
1 |
(28) |
1,440.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
1,440.00 |
Computer I |
8 |
(25) |
11,520.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Tracer |
2 |
(23) |
3,120.00 |
24 |
P 35,400.00 |
Isolated Survey Section
Cartographer II |
1 |
(28) |
P 1,440.00 |
Survey and Map Projection Section
Cartographer I |
3 |
(26) |
P 4,320.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P 7,200.00 |
Electronic Computation Section
Key Punch Operator |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,920.00 |
Calculating Machine Computation Section
Computer II |
2 |
(28) |
P 2,880.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
1 |
P 4,320.00 |
Technical Reference Section
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,440.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Act 3077) |
35 |
P 51, 720.00 |
Cadastral Surveys Section
Head Computer |
1 |
(39) |
P 4, 200.00 |
Public Land Sub-division Survey Section
Head Computer |
1 |
(39) |
P 4, 200.00 |
Computer I |
10 |
(25) |
16,800.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,600.00 |
13 |
P24,600.00 |
Isolated Surveys Section
Cartographer I |
4 |
(26) |
P 6,720.00 |
Survey Control Section
Geodetic Computer |
2 |
(32) |
P 6,600.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,600.00 |
4 |
P 10,200.00 |
Electronic Computation Section
Calculating Machine Computation Section
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
P3,600.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (R.A. 1305) |
26 |
P 52,920.00 |
Cadastral Surveys Section
Head Computer |
1 |
(39) |
P 4,200.00 |
Geodetic Computer |
2 |
(32) |
6,600.00 |
Cartographer I |
4 |
(26) |
6,720.00 |
Computer I |
10 |
(25) |
16,800.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
21 |
P 41,520.00 |
Survey and Map Projection Section
Head Cartographer |
1 |
(42) |
P 4,200.00 |
Technical Standards Section
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
P 3,600.00 |
Technical Preference Section
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
P3,600.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (R. A. 1395) |
26 |
P 52,920.00 |
499 |
P 900,480.00 |
32,400.00 |
932,880.00 |
Project 4: Geodetic Control Surveys
Supervising Surveyor II |
3 |
(42) |
P 11,880.00 |
Supervising Surveyor I |
9 |
(35) |
32,040.00 |
Surveyor |
6 |
(30) |
18,720.00 |
Survey Aide |
30 |
(23) |
50,400.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (R. A. 1305) |
48 |
P 113,040.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
85,400.00 |
Total for R.A. 1305, Project 4 |
P 199,440.00 |
Supervising Surveyor II |
3 |
(42) |
P 11,880.00 |
Supervising Surveyor I |
9 |
(35) |
32,040.00 |
Surveyor |
6 |
(30) |
18,720.00 |
Survey Aide II |
36 |
(23) |
60,480.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (R. A. 1395) |
54 |
P 123,120.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
108,000 |
Total for R.A. 1395, Project 4 |
P 231,120.00 |
102 |
P 236,160.00 |
194,400.00 |
P430,560.00 |
Project 5: Reconstruction of Maps and Plans
Office of the Chief
Supervising Surveyor III |
1 |
(45) |
P 4,200.00 |
Administrative Assistant I |
1 |
(35) |
3,480.00 |
2 |
P 7,680.00 |
Cadastral Surveys Section
Supervising Computer |
1 |
(32) |
P 2,580.00 |
Computer II |
4 |
(28) |
5,760.00 |
Cartographer II |
1 |
(28) |
1,440.00 |
Cartographer I |
2 |
(26) |
2,880.00 |
8 |
P 12,660.00 |
Public Land Subdivision Survey Section
Computer II |
2 |
(28) |
P 3,240.00 |
Cartographer I |
4 |
(26) |
7,200.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P 13,320.00 |
Isolated Surveys Section
Cartographer |
2 |
(28) |
P 4,560.00 |
Computer II |
2 |
(28) |
3,600.00 |
Cartographer I |
3 |
(26) |
4,800.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
10 |
P 17,520.00 |
Survey Reconstruction Section
Supervising Computer |
2 |
(32) |
P 6,300.00 |
Cartographer II |
6 |
(28) |
9,360.00 |
Computer II |
18 |
(28) |
28,680.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,680.00 |
Cartographer I |
19 |
(26) |
29,880.00 |
Computer I |
13 |
(25) |
18,720.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Tracer |
6 |
(23) |
9,360.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
Cartographer Aide I |
1 |
(19) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
71 |
P 112,620.00 |
Survey and Map Projection Section
Cartographer II |
3 |
(28) |
P 4,560.00 |
Computer II |
1 |
(28) |
1,680.00 |
Cartographer II |
5 |
(26) |
7,440.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
1,680.00 |
10 |
P 15,560.00 |
Electronic Computation Section
Tabulating Equipment Operator II |
1 |
(30) |
P 1,440.00 |
Key Punch Operator |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P 2,880.00 |
Calculating Machine Computation Section
Supervising Computer |
1 |
(32) |
P 1,680.00 |
Computer II |
6 |
(28) |
9,840.00 |
7 |
P 11,520.00 |
Technical Reference Section
Cartographer II |
2 |
(28) |
P 3,360.00 |
Cartographer I |
4 |
(26) |
5,760.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
7 |
P 10,560.00 |
Survey Production Statistics Section
Statistician |
1 |
(33) |
P 2,160.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P 5,760.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (General Fund) |
128 |
P 209,880.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
24,000 |
Total General Fund, Project 5 |
P 233,880.00 |
Public Land Subdivision Surveys Section
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
P 1,440.00 |
Tracer |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Cartographer Aide II |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
5,760.00 |
Survey Reconstruction Section
Cartographer II |
3 |
(28) |
P 5,400.00 |
Computer II |
2 |
(28) |
2,880.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,400.00 |
Cartographer I |
5 |
(26) |
7,200.00 |
Computer I |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(28) |
2,880.00 |
16 |
P 25,080.00 |
Survey and Map Projection Section
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
P 1,440.00 |
Technical Reference Section
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
P 1,440.00 |
Survey Production Statistics Section
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
P 1,440.00 |
Isolated Surveys Section
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
P 1,440.00 |
24 |
P 36,600.00 |
Survey Reconstruction Section
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,440.00 |
Cartographer Aide II |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P 4,320.00 |
Survey and Map Projection Section
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
P 1,440.00 |
Survey Production Statistics Section
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
P 4,320.00 |
Technical Standards Section
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,440.00 |
Total Act 3077, Project 5 |
8 |
P 11,520.00 |
160 |
P258,000.00 |
24,000.00 |
P282,000.00 |
1729 |
P3,121,320.00 |
- |
- |
2,053,790.00 |
- |
- |
P5,180,110.00 |
Project 1: Administration and Disposition of Public Lands
Office of the Chief
Land Management Division Chief |
1 |
(55) |
P 6,000.00 |
Land Management Assistant Division Chief |
1 |
(49) |
5,100.00 |
Supervising Land Examiner III |
2 |
(39) |
15,120.00 |
Supervising Land Examiner II |
1 |
(37) |
3,720.00 |
Statistician I |
1 |
(33) |
3,120.00 |
Land Examiner |
12 |
(31) |
22,620.00 |
Land Investigator |
1 |
(31) |
2,400.00 |
Supervising Clerk I |
1 |
(30) |
1,680.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,920.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,360.00 |
Stenographer |
3 |
(25) |
4,920.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
22 |
(23) |
32,880.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.00 |
54 |
108,600.00 |
Homestead and Free Patent Section
Supervising Land Examiner I |
1 |
(35) |
P 3,720.00 |
Senior Land Examiner |
2 |
(33) |
4,320.00 |
Land Examiner |
10 |
(31) |
16,920.00 |
Land Investigator |
3 |
(31) |
.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
17 |
P 31,800.00 |
Sales and Leases Section
Supervising Land Examiner II |
1 |
(37) |
P 4,280.00 |
Senior Land Examiner |
3 |
(33) |
8,160.00 |
Land Examiner |
11 |
(31) |
19,740.00 |
Land Investigator |
1 |
(31) |
1,680.00 |
Homesite Sales Officer |
1 |
(29) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,860.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
21 |
P 41,700.00 |
Patents and Deeds Sections
Supervising Land Examiner II |
1 |
(35) |
P 3,120.00 |
Senior Land Examiner |
2 |
(33) |
4,920.00 |
Land Examiner |
6 |
(31) |
10,800.00 |
Supervising Clerk I |
1 |
(30) |
2,280.00 |
Computer II |
2 |
(28) |
3,600.00 |
Clerk II |
6 |
(25) |
10,200.00 |
Clerk I |
18 |
(23) |
26,280.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
37 |
62,640.00 |
Land Officer |
18 |
(39) |
P 55,320.00 |
Legal Officer II |
1 |
(37) |
3,720.00 |
Supervising Computer |
1 |
(32) |
1,680.00 |
Land Investigator |
164 |
(31) |
287,940.00 |
Land Examiner |
3 |
(31) |
4,440.00 |
Senior Clerk |
2 |
(27) |
3,960.00 |
Land Inspector |
62 |
(26) |
92,400.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
6,240.00 |
258 |
460,380.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary General Fund |
387 |
P 705,120.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
6,000 |
Total Salaries and Wages |
P 711,120.00 |
Office of the Chief
Land Examiner |
5 |
(31) |
P 10,080.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,720.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
12 |
(23) |
17,280.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,280.00 |
22 |
P 35,400.00 |
Homestead and Free Patent Section
Supervising Land Examiner II |
1 |
(37) |
P 4,200.00 |
Land Examiner |
3 |
(31) |
4,320.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
5 |
P 9,960.00 |
Sales and Leases Section
Supervising Land Examiner I |
1 |
(35) |
P 2,400.00 |
Land Examiner |
5 |
(31) |
9,480.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
11 |
P 19,080.00 |
Patents and Deeds Section
Supervising Land Examiner II |
1 |
(37) |
3,960.00 |
Senior Land Examiner I |
1 |
(33) |
2,160.00 |
Land Examiner |
4 |
(21) |
6,240.00 |
Land Investigator |
1 |
(31) |
1,440.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
Cartographer I |
2 |
(26) |
2,880.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
10 |
(23) |
14,400.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
22 |
P36,920.00 |
Land Officer |
2 |
(39) |
P 4,680.00 |
Land Examiner |
4 |
(31) |
7,320.00 |
Land Investigator |
42 |
(31) |
72,600.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Land Inspector |
11 |
(26) |
16,440.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
1,440.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Cash Clerk |
1 |
(24) |
1,920.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
5,880.00 |
67 |
P 113,160.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary, PLSS R. A. 310 |
127 |
P 213,720.00 |
(PLSS. R. A. 1305 (BOND FUND))
Office of the Chief
Supervising Land Examiner III |
1 |
(39) |
P 4,200.00 |
Land Examiner |
1 |
(31) |
2,400.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,920.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
P 10,320.00 |
4 |
- |
Homestead and Free Patent Section
Land Examiner |
1 |
(31) |
P 2,400.00 |
Stenographer |
3 |
(25) |
5,400.00 |
4 |
P7,800.00 |
Sales and Leases Section
Land Examiner |
1 |
(31) |
P 2,400.00 |
Stenographer |
3 |
(25) |
5,400.00 |
4 |
P7,800.00 |
Patents and Deeds Section
Stenographer |
3 |
(25) |
P 5,400.00 |
Land Investigator |
80 |
(31) |
P 184,500.00 |
Land Inspector |
50 |
(25) |
90,000.00 |
130 |
P 274,500.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary, PLSS R. A. 1305 |
145 |
P 305,820.00 |
Land Investigator |
20 |
(31) |
P 43,200.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary, R.A. 1395 |
20 |
P 43,200.00 |
679 |
P 1,287,860.00 |
6,000 |
P 1,273,860.00 |
Project 2: Administration and Disposition of Acquired Lands
Office of the Chief
Land Examiner |
1 |
(31) |
P 2,040.00 |
Land Investigator |
1 |
(31) |
P 1,680.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary, General Fund |
2 |
P 3,720.00 |
(PLSS, R. A. 310)
Office of the Chief
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
P 1,440.00 |
Sales and Lease Section
Homesite Sales Officer |
1 |
(29) |
P 2,280.00 |
Homesite Sales Officer |
1 |
(29) |
P 1,440.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P 2,880.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary, PLSS, R. A. 310 |
4 |
P 6,600.00 |
Homestead and Free Patent Section
Senior Land Examiner |
1 |
(33) |
P 3,120.00 |
Patent and Deeds Section
Land Examiner |
1 |
(31) |
P 2,160.00 |
Total Permanent-Positions-Salary, San Lazaro Estate |
2 |
P 5,280.00 |
Office of the Chief
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
P 1,440.00 |
Sales and Lease Section
Land Investigator |
1 |
(31) |
P 1,680.00 |
Land Investigator |
1 |
(31) |
P 2,160.00 |
Homesite Sales Officer |
1 |
(29) |
1,560.00 |
Disbursing Officer |
1 |
(29) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Cash Clerk |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,280.00 |
11 |
P 16,920.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary, Friar Lands Estate |
13 |
P 20,040.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
P 24,000.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages, Friar Lands Estate |
P 44,040.00 |
21 |
P 59,640.00 |
21 |
P 35,640.00 |
P 24,000.00 |
P 59.640.00 |
700 |
P1,303,500.00 |
30,000 |
P1,333,500.00 |
Project 1: Legal Services
Office of the Chief
Chief Legal Officer |
1 |
(50) |
P 6,000.00 |
Assistant Chief Legal Officer |
1 |
(47) |
5,400.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,480.00 |
4 |
P 14,880.00 |
Legislative and Research Section
Trial Attorney II |
1 |
(41) |
P 4,800.00 |
Supervising Clerk I |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Cartographer II |
1 |
(28) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk |
6 |
(23) |
8,640.00 |
11 |
P 20,880.00 |
Claims and Conflicts Section
Legal Officer II |
15 |
(37) |
P 41,820.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,240.00 |
20 |
P 45,060.00 |
Land Registration Section
Legal Officer III |
1 |
(41) |
P 5,100.00 |
Trial Attorney II |
7 |
(41) |
29,580.00 |
Legal Officer II |
2 |
(37) |
6,450.00 |
10 |
P 41,160.00 |
Investigation Section
Legal Officer III |
1 |
(41) |
P 4,800.00 |
Legal Aide II |
3 |
(31) |
4,560.00 |
Legal Aide I |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Tracer |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P 12,240.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary, General Fund |
51 |
P 134,220.00 |
Legislative and Research Section
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P 2,880.00 |
Claims and Conflicts Section
Legal Officer III |
1 |
(41) |
P 7,500.00 |
Legal Officer II |
4 |
(37) |
13,800.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P 19,740.00 |
Land Registration Section
Legal Officer II |
1 |
(37) |
P 3,960.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P 5,400.00 |
Investigation Section
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P 2,880.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salaries, R. A. 310 |
12 |
P 30,900.00 |
Office of the Chief
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
P 2,760.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,040.00 |
2 |
P 4,800.00 |
Legislative and Research Section
Legal Officer II |
3 |
(37) |
P 7,740.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
4 |
P 9,540.00 |
Claims and Conflicts Section
Legal Officer II |
2 |
(37) |
P 5,520.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,800.00 |
3 |
P 7,320.00 |
Land Registration Section
Legal Officer I |
2 |
(34) |
P 5,160.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
2,400.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,040.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
8 |
P 16,800.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Act 1305) |
17 |
P 38,460.00 |
Land Officer II |
6 |
(37) |
P 19,260.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Act 1395) |
6 |
P 19,260.00 |
86 |
P 222,840.00 |
- |
P 222,840.00 |
Project 2: Records Administration
Office of the Chief
Records Officer I (Division Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 5,100.00 |
Records Officer IV |
1 |
(39) |
4,500.00 |
Supervising Clerk II |
1 |
(33) |
2,760.00 |
Supervising Clerk I |
1 |
(30) |
2,580.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
6 |
P 17,820.00 |
General Records Section
Supervising Clerk II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(33) |
P3,720.00 |
Supervising Clerk I |
1 |
(30) |
2,560.00 |
Senior Clerk |
3 |
(27) |
5,160.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
5,160.00 |
Clerk I |
16 |
(23) |
23,400.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
25 |
P40,620.00 |
Public Land Records Section
Supervising Clerk II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(33) |
P2,760.00 |
Supervising Clerk I |
1 |
(30) |
3,720.00 |
Senior Clerk |
10 |
(27) |
16,800.00 |
Clerk II |
9 |
(25) |
13,080.00 |
Clerk I |
24 |
(23) |
34,560.00 |
45 |
P70,920.00 |
Survey Records Section
Supervising Clerk II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(33) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Clerk |
3 |
(27) |
5,880.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
11 |
P18,480.00 |
Total Permanent Positions – Salary |
87 |
P147,840.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
8,400.00 |
Total for Salaries and Wages (General Fund) |
P156,240.00 |
Office of the Chief
General Records Section
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
P1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
10 |
(23) |
14,760.00 |
Photostat Machine Operator |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
13 |
P19,080.00 |
Public Land Records Section
Clerk I |
33 |
(23) |
P47,320.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.00 |
36 |
P51,840.00 |
Survey Records Section
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
P1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
16 |
(23) |
23,040.00 |
17 |
P24,480.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (R.A.310) |
69 |
P99,720.00 |
Office of the Chief
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
P2,400.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,600.00 |
3 |
P6,000.00 |
General Records Section
Supervising Clerk I |
1 |
(30) |
P3,480.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,600.00 |
3 |
P7,080.00 |
Public Land Records Section
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
P1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
3 |
(23) |
5,400.00 |
4 |
P7,200.00 |
Survey Records Section
Clerk I |
8 |
(23) |
P12,960.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
18 |
P33,240.00 |
174 |
P280,000.00 |
8,400.00 |
P289,000.00 |
Project 3: General Administration
Director of Lands |
1 |
(65) |
P7,200.00 |
Assistant Director of Lands |
1 |
(58) |
6,000.00 |
Administrative Assistant I |
1 |
(35) |
4,500.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
2940 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Government Trainee |
53 |
(14) |
76,320.00 |
61 |
P204,160.00 |
Office of the Chief
Budget Officer IV (Division Chief) |
1 |
(49) |
P6,000.00 |
Cartographer II |
1 |
(28) |
2,160.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
2,760.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P12,360.00 |
Budget Section
Budget Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P3,960.00 |
Budget Examiner I |
5 |
(30) |
12,060.00 |
6 |
P16,020.00 |
Fiscal Section
Accounting Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(41) |
P4,200.00 |
Cashier III |
1 |
(38) |
3,720.00 |
Bookeeper I |
1 |
(30) |
2,760.00 |
Disbursing Officer |
3 |
(29) |
5,280.00 |
Accounting Clerk III |
3 |
(28) |
4,560.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Senior Cash Clerk |
2 |
(26) |
3,240.00 |
Clerk II |
8 |
(25) |
12,720.00 |
Clerk I |
8 |
(23) |
12,000.00 |
28 |
P49,920.00 |
Office Methods and Procedures Section
Management Analyst II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P4,200.00 |
Jr. Management Analyst |
2 |
(30) |
2,880.00 |
3 |
P7,080.00 |
Office of the Chief
Administrative Officer V (Division Chief) |
1 |
(52) |
P6,000.00 |
Administrative Officer II |
1 |
(45) |
5,100.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
2,400.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P14,940.00 |
Personnel Section
Personnel Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(43) |
P4,200.00 |
Senior Clinic Physician |
1 |
(42) |
3,720.00 |
Clinic Physician |
2 |
(40) |
6,120.00 |
Personnel Officer I |
1 |
(37) |
3,480.00 |
Training Officer I |
1 |
(36) |
2,400.00 |
Dentist I |
1 |
(34) |
2,400.00 |
Supervising Clerk II |
1 |
(33) |
2,580.00 |
Senior Personnel Aide |
4 |
(30) |
9,180.00 |
Records Officer I |
1 |
(30) |
2,400.00 |
Nurse |
1 |
(28) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Clerk |
2 |
(27) |
3,600.00 |
Personnel Aide |
2 |
(25) |
3,600.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk II |
18 |
(25) |
30,840.00 |
Illustrator I |
1 |
(24) |
P1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
11 |
(23) |
15,840.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.00 |
Janitor |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
53 |
P102,120.00 |
Property and Supply Section
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,800.00 |
Junior Librarian |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
10 |
P 21,300.00 |
Office of the Chief |
1 |
(57) |
P 6,000.00 |
Land Field Service Supervisor |
1 |
(53) |
6,000.00 |
Regional Land Officer |
8 |
(51) |
42,720.00 |
Supervising Surveyor IV |
2 |
(50) |
9,060.00 |
District Land Officer |
20 |
(46) |
80,400.00 |
Supervising Surveyor I |
2 |
(35) |
4,920.00 |
Senior Cartographer |
1 |
(32) |
2,580.00 |
Land Investigator |
1 |
(31) |
1,920.00 |
Cartographer II |
1 |
(28) |
1,560.00 |
Stenographer |
4 |
(25) |
7,800.00 |
Computer I |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Bill Collector |
1 |
(24) |
1,400.00 |
Clerk I |
8 |
(23) |
11,520.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
52 |
P 178,800.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
226 |
P 582,420.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
71,300.00 |
Total for General Fund, Project 5) |
P 653,720.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
1 |
P 4,320.00 |
Budget Section
Budget Examiner I |
1 |
(30) |
P 2,400.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P 3,840.00 |
Fiscal Section
Supervising Clerk I |
1 |
(30) |
P 2,160.00 |
Disturbing Officer |
1 |
(29) |
1,440.00 |
Accounting Clerk III |
1 |
(28) |
1,440.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,280.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Cash Clerk |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
7 |
(23) |
10,320.00 |
14 |
P 21,960.00 |
Office Methods and Procedures Section
Junior Management Analyst |
1 |
(30) |
P 1,440.00 |
Personnel Section
Clinic Physician |
1 |
(40) |
P 3,300.00 |
Dentist I |
1 |
(34) |
1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk II |
4 |
(25) |
6,840.00 |
Clerk I |
19 |
(23) |
27,360.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Medical Laboratory Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
P 46,140.00 |
Property and Supply Section
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,800.00 |
Mechanic II |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Storekeeper I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
Carpenter |
6 |
(23) |
8,640.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.00 |
Store Aide |
5 |
(18) |
7,200.00 |
22 |
P 32,040.00 |
General Services Section
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
P 1,440.00 |
Security Guard |
3 |
(22) |
4,320.00 |
Janitor |
7 |
(14) |
10,080.00 |
11 |
P 15,840.00 |
Public Relations and Reference Section
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
P 1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Junior Librarian |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,280.00 |
6 |
P 9,900.00 |
Office of the Chief |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P 5,760.00 |
P 140,340.00 |
Fiscal Section
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
P 1,440.00 |
General Services Section
Janitor |
2 |
(14) |
P 2,880.00 |
Office of the Chief
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
P 1,440.00 |
Bill Collector |
15 |
(24) |
21,600.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Security Guard |
1 |
(22) |
1,440.00 |
19 |
P 27,360.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary, Act 3077 |
22 |
P 31,680.00 |
(PLSS, R.A. 1305 (BOND FUND))
Budget Section
Budget Examiner II |
1 |
(36) |
P 3,720.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,920.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
4,080.00 |
4 |
P 9,720.00 |
Fiscal Section
Statistician II |
1 |
(38) |
P 3,120.00 |
Bookkeeper |
1 |
(30) |
3,120.00 |
Accounting Clerk III |
1 |
(28) |
3,120.00 |
Senior Bill Collector |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk I |
6 |
(23) |
11,040.00 |
12 |
P 25,520.00 |
General Services Section
Offset Press Operator |
2 |
(26) |
P 3,360.00 |
Public Relations and Reference Section
Stenographer |
1 |
(26) |
P 1,920.00 |
Office of the Chief
Senior Cartographer |
1 |
(32) |
P 2,580.00 |
Stenographer |
5 |
(25) |
10,320.00 |
6 |
P 12,900.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (R.A. 1305) |
25 |
P 54,420.00 |
Budget Section
Budget Examiner II |
1 |
(36) |
P 3,720.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
10,800.00 |
6 |
P 14,520.00 |
Fiscal Section
Bookkeeper I |
1 |
(30) |
P 3,720.00 |
Accounting Clerk II |
10 |
(25) |
24,900.00 |
11 |
P 28,620.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (R. A. 1395) |
17 |
P 43,140.00 |
423 |
P 852,000.00 |
71,300.00 |
P 923,300.00 |
683 |
P 1,355,640.00 |
79700 |
P1,435,340.00 |
3112 |
P5,780,450.00 |
2,168,490.00 |
P7,948,950.00 |
(9) Bureau of Forestry
Project 1: Forest Management and Regulatory Services
Office of the Chief
Forestry Division Chief |
1 |
(53) |
P 5,100.00 |
Assistant Forestry Division Chief |
1 |
(51) |
5,100.00 |
Forestry Supervisor II |
3 |
(49) |
12,420.00 |
Senior Stenographer |
1 |
(27) |
3,120.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
7 |
P 27,180.00 |
Timber Inventory Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 3,960.00 |
Computer II |
2 |
(28) |
3,240.00 |
Cartographer I |
2 |
(26) |
3,600.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P 12,240.00 |
Management Plans Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 3,720.00 |
Forester III |
1 |
(39) |
2,580.00 |
Forester II |
2 |
(34) |
4,260.00 |
Computer II |
1 |
(28) |
1,560.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
8 |
P 16,440.00 |
Concessions Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 4,500.00 |
Forester III |
1 |
(39) |
2,580.00 |
Forester II |
2 |
(34) |
5,160.00 |
Forester I |
2 |
(31) |
4,440.00 |
Legal Aide I |
2 |
(27) |
P 3,240.00 |
Cartographer I |
1 |
(26) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
15 |
P 34,580.00 |
Forest Reserve Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 3,300.00 |
Forester III |
1 |
(39) |
2,160.00 |
Forester II |
1 |
(34) |
1,440.00 |
Forester I |
1 |
(31) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
(18) |
P 11,220.00 |
Division Total |
45 |
P 101,760.00 |
Officer of the Chief
Forestry Division Chief |
1 |
(53) |
P 6,000.00 |
Assistant Forestry Division Chief |
1 |
(51) |
6,000.00 |
Forestry Supervisor II |
1 |
(49) |
5,100.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P 18,540.00 |
Special Uses Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 2,940.00 |
Forester II |
2 |
(34) |
3,360.00 |
Forester I |
2 |
(31) |
3,360.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
11 |
P 18,300.00 |
Pasture and Fishpond Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 2,940.00 |
Forester II |
2 |
(34) |
3,720.00 |
Forester I |
2 |
(31) |
3,600.00 |
Clerk II |
3 |
(25) |
P 4,320.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
12 |
P 20,340.00 |
Forest Claims, Registration and Protection Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 3,720.00 |
Forester III |
1 |
(39) |
3,120.00 |
Legal Officer I |
1 |
(34) |
2,160.00 |
Forester II |
2 |
(34) |
4,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.00 |
9 |
P19,200.00 |
Division Total |
36 |
P 76,380.00 |
Office of the Chief
Forestry Division Chief |
1 |
(53) |
P 5,100.00 |
Forestry Supervisor II |
1 |
(49) |
3,960.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1560 |
3 |
P 10,620.00 |
Minor Products Licenses Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 2,760.00 |
Forester II |
2 |
(34) |
5,160.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
6 |
P 12,240.00 |
Sawmills Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 3,720.00 |
Forester II |
2 |
(34) |
4,980.00 |
Forester I |
2 |
(31) |
3,480.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,360.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,240.00 |
10 |
P 20,220.00 |
Lumber Inspection Services Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 4,500.00 |
Forester II |
2 |
(34) |
7,200.00 |
Statistical Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
P 2,880.00 |
Lumber Grader |
6 |
(24) |
13,080.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
13 |
P 30,540.00 |
Division Total |
32 |
P 73,620.00 |
Forestry Supervisor I |
1 |
(45) |
P 2,580.00 |
District Forester |
46 |
(45) |
177,720.00 |
Assistant District Forester |
32 |
(41) |
79,920.00 |
Forester III |
16 |
(39) |
50,340.00 |
Forester II |
18 |
(34) |
41,820.00 |
Forester I |
106 |
(31) |
189,420.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Forest Station Warden |
88 |
(26) |
139,380.00 |
Clerk II |
13 |
(25) |
18,960.00 |
Stenographer |
9 |
(25) |
12,960.00 |
Scaler |
239 |
(24) |
351,480.00 |
Lumber Grader |
20 |
(24) |
33,720.00 |
Clerk I |
23 |
(23) |
33,120.00 |
Forest Guard |
475 |
(21) |
684,000.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
2 |
(20) |
3,630.00 |
1,089 |
P 1,820,460.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
1,202 |
P2,072,220.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
53,360.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 1) |
P2,125,580.00 |
Project 2: Reforestation and Afforestation
Office of the Chief
Forestry Division Chief |
1 |
(53) |
P 5,000.00 |
Assistant Forestry Division Chief |
1 |
(51) |
5,100.00 |
Forestry Supervisor II |
2 |
(49) |
9,300.00 |
Forestry Supervisor I |
1 |
(45) |
3,960.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
2,160.00 |
6 |
P 26,520.00 |
Afforestation and Reforestation Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 4,200.00 |
Forester III |
1 |
(39) |
3,120.00 |
Forester II |
1 |
(34) |
2,580.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Photographer |
1 |
(27) |
1,680.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
9 |
P 19,020.00 |
Cooperative Planting Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 4,500.00 |
Forester III |
1 |
(39) |
3,480.00 |
Forester II |
1 |
(34) |
2,160.00 |
Nursery Farm Supervisor |
1 |
(26) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
7 |
P 16, 140.00 |
Cinchona plantation Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 3,960.00 |
Forester III |
1 |
(39) |
3,120.00 |
Forester II |
1 |
(34) |
1,920.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,880.00 |
Chemical Laboratory Technician |
1 |
(24) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
8 |
P 16,920.00 |
Division Total |
30 |
P 78,600.00 |
Research Chemist |
1 |
(41) |
P 3,300.00 |
Forester III |
5 |
(39) |
15,660.00 |
Plant Pest Control Technologist |
2 |
(34) |
4,560.00 |
Forester I |
8 |
(31) |
15,960.00 |
Nursery Farm Supervisor |
37 |
(26) |
77,220.00 |
Nursery Farm Foreman |
71 |
(24) |
105,600.00 |
Mechanic II |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Carpenter |
3 |
(23) |
4,320.00 |
Plant Propagator |
33 |
(21) |
47,520.00 |
Building Maintenance Man |
4 |
(21) |
5,760.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
5 |
(20) |
8,520.00 |
Leadman Laborer |
3 |
(19) |
4,320.00 |
Nursery Farm Aide |
28 |
(18) |
40,320.00 |
Carpenter Helper |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
Laborer |
19 |
(14) |
27,360.00 |
Field Services Total |
222 |
P 364,740.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
252 |
P 443,340.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborers |
805,166,300.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 2) |
P1,248,306.00 |
Project 3: Domain Use Classification
Office of the Chief
Forestry Division Chief |
1 |
(53) |
P 6,000.00 |
Assistant Forestry Division Chief |
1 |
(51) |
4,800.00 |
Forestry Supervisor II |
6 |
(49) |
26,400.00 |
Clerk II |
4 |
(25) |
6,360.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
5,880.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.00 |
20 |
P55,200.00 |
Surveys Control and Coordination Section
Forestry Supervisor II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(49) |
P 4,200.00 |
Forestry Supervisor I |
1 |
(45) |
3,960.00 |
Forester II |
2 |
(34) |
5,880.00 |
Forester I |
1 |
(31) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk II |
5 |
(25) |
8,400.00 |
Clerical Aide |
4 |
(18) |
5,760.00 |
14 |
P 29,880.00 |
Data Computation Section
Forestry Supervisor I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(45) |
P 3,960.00 |
Statistician I |
1 |
(33) |
2,760.00 |
Statistical Aide |
2 |
(25) |
P 3,240.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
2 |
(18) |
2,880.00 |
7 |
P 14,280.00 |
Mapping and Drafting Section
Head Cartographer (Section Chief) |
1 |
(42) |
P 3,120.00 |
Supervising Cartographer |
2 |
(40) |
1,800.00 |
Senior Cartographer |
1 |
(32) |
2,400.00 |
Cartographer II |
7 |
(28) |
16,800.00 |
Cartographer I |
23 |
(26) |
38,760.00 |
Tracer |
25 |
(23) |
36,240.00 |
Clerk I |
2 |
(23) |
3,120.00 |
Blueprint Machine Operator |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
64 |
P 109,560.00 |
Division Total |
105 |
P 208,920.00 |
Forestry Supervisor II |
3 |
(49) |
P 13,500.00 |
Forester III |
42 |
(39) |
161,520.00 |
Forester II |
13 |
(34) |
28,080.00 |
Forester I |
101 |
(31) |
242,160.00 |
Cartographer I |
4 |
(26) |
7,800.00 |
Clerical Aide |
3 |
(18) |
4,320.,00,.00 |
166 |
P 457,380.00 |
Field Services Total |
271 |
666,300.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborer: |
576,310.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 3) |
P1,242,610.00 |
Project 4: Research
Office of the Chief
Forestry Division Chief |
1 |
(53) |
P 6,000.00 |
Assistant Forestry Division Chief |
1 |
(51) |
6,000.00 |
Forestry Supervisor II |
1 |
(49) |
5,100.00 |
Scientific Illustrator |
1 |
(31) |
1,680.00 |
Photographer |
1 |
(27) |
2,400.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,920.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
7 |
P 24,540.00 |
Silvics and Bilviculture Section
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P 3,120.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P 4,560.00 |
Forest Influence Section
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P 3,720.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P 5,160.00 |
Forest Pasts and Diseases Section
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P 3,120.00 |
Plant Pest Control Technologist |
1 |
(34) |
2,940.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
P 7,500.00 |
Forest Grazing Section
Senior Forestry Research Scientist (Section Chief) |
1 |
(47) |
P 4,500.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P 5,160.00 |
Senior Forestry Research Scientist |
5 |
(47) |
P 20,640.00 |
Forestry Research Scientist |
5 |
(41) |
13,980.00 |
Junior Forestry Research Scientist |
10 |
(34) |
19,500.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
4 |
(23) |
5,760.00 |
Plant Propagator |
10 |
(21) |
15,120.00 |
Laborer |
5 |
(14) |
7,200.00 |
Field Services Total |
40 |
- |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
56 |
P 131,340.00 |
Lump Sum for Wages of Emergency Laborer: |
11,160.00 |
Total Salaries and Wages (Project 4) |
P 142,500.00 |
Project 5: General Administration
Director of Forestry |
1 |
(62) |
P 7,200.00 |
Assistant Director of Forestry |
1 |
(57) |
6,000.00 |
Forestry Project Coordinator |
1 |
(53) |
6,000.00 |
Secretary |
1 |
(30) |
1,680.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,560.00 |
5 |
P 22,440.00 |
Office of the Chief
Administrative Officer V (Division Chief) |
1 |
(52) |
P 5,000.00 |
Administrative Officer II |
1 |
(45) |
5,100.00 |
Clinic Physician |
1 |
(40) |
3,300.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
15840 |
Budget and Finance Section
Budget Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(39) |
P 3,3 .00 |
Cashier II |
1 |
(35) |
2,76 .00 |
Cashier I |
1 |
(32) |
1,680.00 |
Budget Examiner I |
1 |
(30) |
1,800.00 |
Management Analyst I |
1 |
(36) |
2,580.00 |
Accounting Clerk III |
2 |
(28) |
2,880.00 |
Senior Clerk |
1 |
(27) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
2,800.00 |
Cash Clerk |
4 |
(24) |
5,760.00 |
Accounting Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
Clerical Aide |
4 |
(18) |
5,760.00 |
24 |
P 39,840.00 |
Property and General Services Section
Supply Officer III (Section Chief) |
1 |
(43) |
P 3,300.00 |
Supply Officer II |
1 |
(37) |
2,280.00 |
Supply Officer I |
2 |
(31) |
3,600.00 |
Mechanic II |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Head Janitor |
1 |
(24) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
6 |
(23) |
8,640.00 |
Storekeeper I |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Carpenter |
2 |
(23) |
2,880.00 |
Security Guard |
6 |
(22) |
8,640.00 |
Light Equipment Operator II |
3 |
(20) |
4,680.00 |
Store Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Carpenter Helper |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
4 |
(18) |
5,760.00 |
Janitor |
6 |
(14) |
8,640.00 |
Laborer |
2 |
(14) |
2,880.00 |
39 |
P 59,940.00 |
Legal Section
Legal Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(37) |
P 4,200.00 |
Legal Officer I |
1 |
(34) |
2,160.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
3 |
7800 |
Personnel Section
Personnel Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(43) |
P 3,960.00 |
Legal Officer II |
1 |
(37) |
3,720.00 |
Senior Personnel Aide |
1 |
(30) |
2,580.00 |
Legal Aide I |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Senior Clerk |
2 |
(27) |
4,080.00 |
Clerk II |
2 |
(25) |
3,600.00 |
Clerk I |
11 |
(23) |
15,840.00 |
19 |
P 35,220.00 |
Records Section
Records Officer II (Section Chief) |
1 |
(33) |
P 2,760.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,800.00 |
Clerk I |
5 |
(23) |
7,200.00 |
Clerical Aide |
9 |
(18) |
12,960.00 |
16 |
P 24,720.00 |
Forestry Information Section
Supervising Information Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P 2,580.00 |
Public Relations Officer I |
1 |
(38) |
1,440.00 |
Information Writer |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Illustrator II |
1 |
(27) |
2,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Junior Librarian |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
7 |
P 12,180.00 |
Division Total |
117 |
P 195,540.00 |
Disbursing Officer |
2 |
(29) |
P 4,200.00 |
Janitor |
1 |
(14) |
1,440.00 |
Field Services Total |
3 |
P 5,640.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary |
120 |
P 221,620.00 |
1901 |
P 3,536,820.00 |
1,445,996.00 |
P4,982,816.00 |
(10) Parks and Wildlife Offices
Project I: Operation and Maintenance Parks
Head Parks and Game Warden (Division Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P 1,920.00 |
Junior Civil Engineer |
1 |
(33) |
1,800.00 |
Supervising Parks and Game Warden |
2 |
(31) |
3,600.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Division Total |
5 |
P 8,760.00 |
Supervising Parks and Game Warden |
6 |
(31) |
P 9,240.00 |
Parks and Game Warden |
20 |
(21) |
20,320.00 |
Field Services Total |
26 |
P 38,160.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project 1) |
31 |
P 46,920.00 |
Project 2: Conversation of Wildlife
Head Parks and Game Warden (Division Chief) |
1 |
(40) |
P 1,440.00 |
Supervising Parks and Game Warden |
2 |
(31) |
2,800.00 |
Preparatory |
1 |
(27) |
1,440.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Division Total |
6 |
P 8,640.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project 2) |
6 |
P 8,640.00 |
Project 3: General Administration
Director of Parks and Wildlife |
1 |
(45) |
P 3,120.00 |
Stenographer |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Office Total |
2 |
P 4,560.00 |
Administrative Officer I (Division Chief) |
1 |
(41) |
P 2,280.00 |
Public Relations Officer I |
1 |
(38) |
1,560.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
2 |
P 5,280.00 |
Fiscal and Personnel Section
Administrative Assistant I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(35) |
P 2,160.00 |
Cashier I |
1 |
(32) |
1,800.00 |
Personnel Aide |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P 6,840.00 |
General Services Section
Supply Officer I (Section Chief) |
1 |
(31) |
P 1,440.00 |
Clerk II |
1 |
(25) |
1,440.00 |
Clerk I |
1 |
(23) |
1,440.00 |
Clerical Aide |
1 |
(18) |
1,440.00 |
4 |
P 5,760.00 |
Division Total |
11 |
P 17,880.00 |
Total Permanent Positions-Salary (Project 3) |
13 |
P 22,440.00 |
50 |
P 78,000.00 |
7,260.00 |
P 85,280.00 |
Summary of Permanent Positions-Salaries-Wages
Entity |
>No. of Positions |
Salaries |
Wages |
Total Salaries and Wages |
Office of the Secretary |
329 |
820,594.00 |
P 62,000.00 |
P 882,594.00 |
Bureau of Plant Industry |
1,372 |
2,529,174.00 |
1,259,166.00 |
3,788,340.00 |
Bureau of Animal Industry |
798 |
1,489,184.00 |
– – – – |
1,489,184.00 |
Bureau of Fisheries |
318 |
661,260.00 |
23,010.00 |
584,270.00 |
Bureau of Mines |
1,420 |
1,041,224.00 |
278,410.00 |
1,319,634.00 |
Bureau of Soils |
383 |
810,360.00 |
62,482.00 |
872,842.00 |
Bureau of Agricultural Extension |
1,609 |
2,971,740.00 |
55,355.00 |
3,027,095.00 |
Bureau of Lands |
3,112 |
5,780,460.00 |
2,168,490.00 |
7,948,950.00 |
Bureau of Forestry |
1,901 |
3,536,820.00 |
1,445,996.00 |
4,982,816.00 |
Parks and Wildlife Office |
50 |
78,000 |
7,260.00 |
85,260.00 |
Totals |
10,292 |
P 19,718,816.00 |
P5,36,169.00 |
P25,080,985.00 |
Section 106. The personnel structure of the Department for the period from the effective date of these Implementing Details to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, shall conform to the Staffing Pattern provided in these Implementing Details.(awÞhi(
Section 107. Except where the law provides otherwise, all appointments to positions authorized in the Staffing Pattern shall be subject to the requirements of the civil service and other personnel laws, rules and regulations: Provided, That all personnel in the present staff who meet such requirements shall be employed before consideration is given to the employment of other persons, subject to the approval of the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission and the President.
Section 108. Any delegation of authority required or authorized by those Implementing Details shall be in writing; shall indicate to which officer or class of officers or employees the delegation is made; shall define the extent to which each delegatee will be held responsible for results; and shall vest each delegatee with sufficient authority to enable him to discharge his assigned responsibility. Such delegations, where specifically provided by these Implementing Details, Provided, That nothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent other delegations.1aшphi1
Section 109. If any provision of these Implementing Details should be held invalid, the other provision shall not be affected thereby.
Section 110. The Secretary shall direct the orderly scheduling of transfers, changes and other transitional actions required by the Plan and by these Implementing Details within sixty days from the effective date of the Implementing Details. In the interim, each entity affected shall continue to perform its existing functions until such time as the Secretary orders change or cessation and each officer and employee shall continue to perform his duties and to exercise his authority until such time as the Secretary orders otherwise.
Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the Philippines, the eleventh.
(Sgd.) RAMON MAGSAYSAY President of the Philippines
By the President:
(Sgd.) FORTUNATO DE LEON Executive Secretary
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation
