Today is Thursday, March 13, 2025





WHEREAS, the Philippines continues to adopt “diplomacy for development” as its central foreign policy thrust to further promote the national economic and political agenda through active participation in various international and regional fora;

WHEREAS, the Philippines will continually pursue the policy of strengthening and promoting friendly and mutually beneficial relations within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Asia Pacific region and with countries in other regions, within the context of intra-regional and inter-regional cooperation;

WHEREAS, the Philippine Council for ASEAN and APEC Cooperation (PCAAC), which was established under Administrative Order No. 7 (s. 1986), as amended by Administrative Order No. 136 (s. 1994), needs to be reorganized to take into account developments in the international arena, including the adoption of the ASEAN Charter and the establishment of new inter-regional cooperation structures;

WHEREAS, the ASEAN Charter commits ASEAN to intensify community building through enhanced regional cooperation and integration, in particular by establishing an ASEAN Community comprising of the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC);

WHEREAS, there is a need to facilitate inter-agency coordination in the formulation and implementation of Philippine policy towards enhancing relations with all regional and inter-regional organizations and fora;

WHEREAS, the Department of Foreign Affairs assumes primacy in the conduct of foreign relations and should, therefore, be the focal point for the formulation, coordination and integration of Philippine proposals and positions, particularly on matters relating to ASEAN, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC), and similar regional initiatives; and,

WHEREAS, the President, under Article VII, Section 17 of the Constitution, has the power and control over executive departments, bureaus and offices, as well as the continuing authority under existing laws to reorganize such executive departments, bureaus and agencies.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BENIGNO S. AQUINO III, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:

SECTION 1. Reorganizing and Renaming the PCAAC. The PCAAC shall be reorganized and renamed as the Philippine Council for Regional Cooperation (PCRC) to cover concerns arising from or within the context of the ASEAN, APEC, ASEM, FEALAC, and similar regional initiatives.

SECTION 2. Composition of the Cabinet-Level PCRC. The Cabinet-level PCRC shall be composed of the following:

Chairperson:Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Vice-Chairperson:Secretary of Socio-Economic Planning and Director
General of the National Economic and Development Authority
Members:Secretary of Trade and Industry
Secretary of Transportation and Communications
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Tourism
Secretary of Finance
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Science and Technology
Secretary of the Presidential Management Staff
Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Health
Director General of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Chairperson of the Tariff Commission

SECTION 3. Composition of PCRC Sub-Cabinet Level Technical Boards.

The PCRC shall have four (4) sub-Cabinet level Technical Boards namely: the ASEAN Matters Technical Board (AMTB); the Technical Board on APEC Matters (TBAM); the Technical Board on ASEM Concerns (TBAC); and the Technical Board on FEALAC Matters (TBFM). The DFA shall serve as Chairperson of all four (4) Technical Boards, being the designated Philippine Senior Official to all four (4) regional associations/fora.

SECTION 4. AMTB Committees. The AMTB shall have as its members the departments and agencies comprising its three (3) Committees which correspond to the three ASEAN Communities, namely: the Committee for ASEAN Political Security Community (CAPSC); Committee for ASEAN Economic Community (CAEC); and the Committee for ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (CASCC).

a. The CAPSC shall be composed of departments and agencies concerned with ASEAN political, defense and security cooperation, namely:

Chairperson:Department of Foreign Affairs
Members:Department of National Defense
Department of Justice
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Anti-Terrorism Council
Philippine Center for Transnational Crime

b. The CAEC shall be composed of departments and agencies concerned with ASEAN economic and financial cooperation, namely:

Chairperson:Department of Trade and Industry
Members:National Economic and Development Authority
Department of Foreign Affairs
Department of Finance
Department of Agriculture
Department of Tourism
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Department of Labor and Employment
Department of Transportation and Communications
Department of Energy
Department of Science and Technology
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Board of Investments
Bureau of Customs
Presidential Management Staff
Tariff Commission

c. The CASCC shall be composed of departments and agencies concerned with ASEAN socio-cultural cooperation, namely:

Chairperson:Department of Social Welfare and Development
Members:Department of Foreign Affairs
National Economic and Development Authority
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Department of Education
Department of Health
Department of Labor and Employment
Civil Service Commission
Cultural Center of the Philippines
Bureau of Immigration
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration
National Commission for Culture and the Arts
National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women
National Nutrition Council
National Youth Commission
Population Commission
Commission on Higher Education
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
Council for the Welfare of Children
National Anti-Poverty Commission
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
Philippine National AIDS Council

SECTION 5. Composition of TBAM. The TBAM shall be composed of departments and agencies concerned with APEC Matters, namely:

Chairperson:Department of Foreign Affairs
Members:Department of Trade and Industry
National Economic and Development Authority
Department of Education
Department of Finance
Department of Agriculture
Department of Tourism
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Department of Transportation and Communications
Department of Science and Technology
Department of Health
Department of Labor and Employment
Department of Energy
Department of Budget and Management
Tariff Commission
Department of Social Welfare and Development
Bureau of Immigration
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
National Security Council
Office of the Ombudsman
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
National Commission for Culture and the Arts
Anti-Terrorism Council Program Management Center
National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women
Commission on Higher Education
Philippine APEC Studies Center Network
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

SECTION 6. Composition of TBAC. The TBAC shall be composed of departments and agencies concerned with ASEM cooperation, namely:

Chairperson: Department of Foreign Affairs
Members: Department of Trade and Industry
Department of Justice
Department of National Defense
National Economic and Development Authority
Department of Finance
Department of Agriculture
Department of Tourism
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Department of Transportation and Communications
Department of Science and Technology
Department of Labor and Employment
Department of Energy
Department of Education
National Intelligence Coordinating Agency
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
National Youth Commission
National Commission for Culture and the Arts
Commission on Higher Education
Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process

SECTION 7. Composition of TBFM. The TBFM shall be composed of departments and agencies concerned with FEALAC cooperation, namely:

Chairperson:Department of Foreign Affairs
Members: Department of Trade and Industry
National Economic and Development Authority
Department of Health
Department of Agriculture
Department of Tourism
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Department of Transportation and Communications
Department of Energy
Department of Education
National Commission for Culture and the Arts
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
Commission on Higher Education

SECTION 8. Secretariat. Secretariat support for the PCRC and its Technical Boards and Committees shall be provided by the following:

a. Department of Foreign Affairs for the PCRC, its four (4) Technical Boards and the CAPSC;

b. Department of Trade and Industry for the CAEC; and

c. Department of Social Welfare and Development for the CASCC.

SECTION 9. Creation of Other Technical Boards, Committees and/or Working Groups. The PCRC may create other Technical Boards, Committees and/or working groups as it deems necessary to ensure the efficient and effective discharge of its responsibilities.

SECTION 10. Authority of the Chairperson. The Chairperson of the PCRC may:

a. Invite other Departments or agencies to become members of the PCRC, its Technical Boards or Committees; and

b. Reorganize or alter the membership of the PCRC, its Technical Boards or Committees in accordance with the requirements of the country’s cooperation with other regions and regional organizations.

SECTION 11. Designation of Regular Contact Offices/Persons. All members of the PCRC, its Technical Boards and Committees shall designate regular contact offices/persons to ensure effective coordination.

SECTION 12. Regular Coordination Meetings. The Chairperson of the PCRC shall organize regular coordination meetings involving the member departments and agencies to discuss Philippine concerns and positions with regional or inter-regional organizations, with a view to providing direction, guidance and support in the formulation and implementation of policies and work programs.

SECTION 13.Meetings. The Technical Boards and Committees shall schedule their own regular meetings.1âwphi1

SECTION 14.Consultation with Stakeholders. Each Technical Board shall, whenever necessary, consult with stakeholders such as the academe, civil society organizations and business sectors on important and strategic issues relevant to their respective regional or inter-regional organization.

SECTION 15.Capacity and Resource Enhancement. The member departments and agencies of the PCRC, its Technical Boards and Committees shall ensure that resources are available for their offices and units responsible for regional cooperation matters.

SECTION 16.Funding. The DBM is hereby directed to appropriate and release the initial amount of Two Million Pesos (Php 2,000,000) for the financial and operational requirements of the PCRC, chargeable against the existing funds of the DFA and subject to accounting and auditing requirements. Thereafter, such amount as may be deemed necessary for the annual operations of the PCRC, its Technical Boards and Committees, shall be incorporated and included in the annual budgetary appropriations of the DFA.

SECTION 17.Separability Clause. If any provision of this Order is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain valid and subsisting.

SECTION 18.Repealing Clause. All other issuances, orders, rules and regulation, or parts thereof, inconsistent with this Administrative Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 19.Effectivity. This Administrative Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE, in the City of Manila, this 6th day of September, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Eleven.


By the President:

Executive Secretary

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation