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Executive Order No. 168 s. 2022 April 25, 2022
Transferring the National Irrigation Administration From the Office of the President to the Department of Agriculture
Executive Order No. 148 s. 2021 September 14, 2021
Transferring the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) From the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Finance, and Reorganizing the PCIC Board of Directors
Executive Order No. 101 s. 2020 January 16, 2020
Creating An Inter-Agency Task Force on Zero Hunger
Executive Order No. 75 s. 2019 February 15, 2019
Directing All Departments, Bureaus, Offices and Instrumentalities of the Government to Identify Lands Owned By the Government Devoted to or Suitable for Agriculture for Distribution to Qualified Beneficiaries
Executive Order No. 69 s. 2012 February 24, 2012
Strengthening the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor
Executive Order No. 26 s. 2011 February 24, 2011
Declaring An Interdepartmental Convergence Initiative for a National Greening Program
Executive Order No. 11 s. 2010 November 8, 2010
Transferring the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples From the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources to the Office of the President of the Philippines
Executive Order No. 726 s. 2008 May 23, 2008
Transferring the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples From the Department of Agrarian Reform to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Executive Order No. 710 s. 2008 February 27, 2008
Nationwide Adoption of the Corn-Based Farmer-Scientists Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Training Program for Sustainable Agricultural Development to Liberate Poor Farmers From the Bondage of Poverty and Hunger
Executive Order No. 659 s. 2007 September 11, 2007
Improving the Negotiability and Acceptability of Agrarian Reform Bonds
Executive Order No. 562 s. 2006 August 28, 2006
Reinstating the Department of Agrarian Reform, Department of the Interior and Local Government and Department of Health as Members of the Regional Development Council
Executive Order No. 456 s. 2005 August 23, 2005
Renaming the Department of Land Reform Back to Department of Agrarian Reform
Executive Order No. 379 s. 2004 October 26, 2004
Amending Executive Order No. 364 Entitled Transforming the Department of Agrarian Reform Into the Department of Land Reform
Executive Order No. 364 s. 2004 September 27, 2004
Transforming the Department of Agrarian Reform Into the Department of Land Reform
Executive Order No. 174 s. 2003 January 30, 2003
Creating the National Council on Food Security and Job Creation
Executive Order No. 76 s. 2002 March 4, 2002
Providing for the Implementation of the Hybrid Rice Program, Transferring the Philippine Rice Research Institute From the Department of Agriculture to the Office of the President and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 8 s. 2001 March 26, 2001
Establishing the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Agricultural Modernization Under the Office of the President
Executive Order No. 313 s. 2000 November 8, 2000
Rationalizing the Use of the Coconut Levy Funds By Constituting a "Fund for Assistance to Coconut Farmers" as An Irrevocable Trust Fund and Creating a Coconut Trust Fund Committee for the Management Thereof
Executive Order No. 290 s. 2000 September 22, 2000
Streamlining the Structure and Functions of the Department of Agrarian Reform and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 204 s. 2000 January 20, 2000
Establishing An Inter-Agency Steering Committee to Assist Local Government Units in the Preparation and Completion of Their Comprehensive Land Use Plans
Executive Order No. 180 s. 1999 November 23, 1999
Amending Executive Order No. 155 Abolishing the Council for Investments in Trade, Industry, Tourism, Agriculture, Natural Resources, Transportation, Communications and Services and Refocusing and Strengthening the Investment One-Stop Action Center and Creating the Position of Investment Ombudsman
Executive Order No. 151 s. 1999 September 27, 1999
Establishing the Farmers Trust Development Program and Providing Institutional Reforms and Fund Mechanisms for Mobilizing Long Term Private Sector Capital for Rural Development
Executive Order No. 129 s. 1999 July 24, 1999
Creating An Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee to Prepare and Coordinate Implementation of a Land Administration and Management Program
Executive Order No. 127 s. 1999 July 22, 1999
Constituting the Council for Extension, Research and Development in Agriculture and Fisheries
Executive Order No. 83 s. 1998 December 25, 1998
Strengthening the Enforcement of the Agriagra Law (PD 717) and Launching the NDC Agriagra Erap Bonds for Rural Development
Executive Order No. 26 s. 1998 September 23, 1998
Providing Opportunities for the Development of Beneficiaries Under the Comprehensive Land Reform Program to Become Productive Entrepreneurs, Providing the Mechanism Therefor, and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 267 s. 1995 July 25, 1995
Providing for the Issuance of National Government Bonds to Be Known as Agrarian Reform (AR) Bonds
Executive Order No. 252 s. 1995 June 19, 1995
Amending Executive Order No. 203 Entitled: "Creating the Oversight and Executive Committees for the National Government Major Social Reform Agenda"
Executive Order No. 203 s. 1994 September 27, 1994
Creating the Oversight and Executive Committees for the National Government's Major Social Reform Agenda
Executive Order No. 184 s. 1994 June 27, 1994
Creating Socialized Housing One-Stop Processing Centers to Facilitate the Processing and Issuance of Permits, Clearances, Certifications and Licenses Appropriate and Necessary for the Implementation of Socialized Housing Projects, and Directing All Government Agencies Concerned to Support the Operations of the Said Centers
Executive Order No. 124 s. 1993 September 8, 1993
Establishing Priorities and Procedures in Evaluating Areas Proposed for Land Conversion in Regional Agri-Industrial Centers/regional Industrial Centers, Tourism Development Areas and Sites for Socialized Housing
Executive Order No. 12 s. 1992 August 15, 1992
Providing for the Creation of the Presidential Commission to Fight Poverty
Executive Order No. 511 s. 1992 March 16, 1992
Creating An Interim Inter-Agency Task Force to Provide for Private Sector Participation in the Establishment of Agro-Industrial Development Areas
Executive Order No. 506 s. 1992 February 18, 1992
Further Amending Executive Order No. 407, Series of 1990, Amended By Executive Order No. 448, Series of 1991, "Accelerating the Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands, Pasture Lands, Fishponds, Agroforestry Lands and Other Lands of the Public Domain Suitable for Agriculture"
Executive Order No. 482 s. 1991 September 24, 1991
Devolving to the Autonomous Regional Government of the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao the Powers and Functions of the Department of Agrarian Reform and the Control and Supervision Over Its Offices Within the Region
Executive Order No. 448 s. 1991 February 14, 1991
Amending Executive Order No. 407, Series of 1990, Entitled "Accelerating the Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands, Pasture Lands, Fishponds, Agro-Forestry Lands and Other Lands of the Public Domain Suitable for Agriculture"
Executive Order No. 407 s. 1990 June 14, 1990
Accelerating the Acquisition and Distribution of Agricultural Lands, Pasture Lands, Fishponds, Agro-Forestry Lands and Other Lands of the Public Domain Suitable for Agriculture
Executive Order No. 406 s. 1990 June 14, 1990
Mandating Certain Departments and Agencies to Align Their Respective Programs and Projects With the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program, Directing the Department of Agrarian Reform to Accelerate the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development Through the Provision of Economic and Social Infrastructure Support, and Providing the Necessary Implementing Mechanisms for the Purpose
Executive Order No. 405 s. 1990 June 14, 1990
Vesting in the Land Bank of the Philippines the Primary Responsibility to Determine the Land Valuation and Compensation for All Lands Covered Under Republic Act No. 6657, Known as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988
Executive Order No. 360 s. 1989 June 9, 1989
Enjoining All Government Financial Institutions and Government Owned or Controlled Corporations to Grant Thedepartment of Agrarian Reform the Right of First Refusal in the Sale or Disposition of All Lands Owned By Them Which Are Suitable to Agriculture
Executive Order No. 129-A s. 1987 July 26, 1987
Modifying Executive Order No. 129 Reorganizing and Strengthening the Department of Agrarian Reform and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 229 s. 1987 July 22, 1987
Providing the Mechanisms for the Implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
Executive Order No. 228 s. 1987 July 17, 1987
Declaring Full Land Ownership to Qualified Farmer Beneficiaries Covered By Presidential Decree No. 27; Determining the Value of Remaining Unvalued Rice and Corn Lands Subject to P.D. No. 27; and Providing for the Manner of Payment By the Farmer Beneficiary and Mode of Compensation to the Landowner
Executive Order No. 129 s. 1987 January 30, 1987
Reorganizing the Ministry of Agrarian Reform and for Other Purposes
Executive Order No. 1083 s. 1986 January 28, 1986
Condonation of Accrued Interests on Overdue Land Amortization Payments And/or Rentals By Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries in All Landed Estates Administered By the Ministry of Agrarian Reform
Executive Order No. 1059 s. 1985 October 22, 1985
Further Implementing Presidential Decree No. 1726 in the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Agrarian Reform and Ministry of Labor and Employment and All Other Ministries of the National Government
Executive Order No. 1035 s. 1985 June 25, 1985
Providing the Procedures and Guidelines for the Expeditious Acquisition By the Government of Private Real Properties or Rights Thereon for Infrastructure and Other Government Development Projects
Executive Order No. 754 s. 1981 December 16, 1981
Amending Executive Order No. 183 Creating the National Food and Agriculture Council (NFAC), as Amended By Executive Order No. 596
Executive Order No. 437 s. 1974 November 16, 1974
Amending the Composition of the Agrarian Reform Coordinating Council Created Under Executive Order No. 347, Series of 1971
Executive Order No. 407 s. 1973 March 16, 1973
Delegating to Certain District Land Officers the Power to Sign Patents and Certificates
Executive Order No. 361 s. 1971 December 24, 1971
Designating the Department of Agrarian Reform as Trustee of the Special Fund for Assistance to the Philippine Land Reform Education Program
Executive Order No. 347 s. 1971 November 10, 1971
Providing for the Organization of the Department of Agrarian Reform
Executive Order No. 348 s. 1971 November 10, 1971
Creating the Agricultural Guarantee Fund Board
Executive Order No. 150 s. 1968 October 1, 1968
Instituting the Presidential Golden Plow Award in Recognition of Extraordinary and Outstanding Service or Contribution By Individuals, Groups of Individuals and Institutions to the Cause of Land Reform
Executive Order No. 76 s. 1964 March 19, 1964
Creating the Committee on Non-Member Agencies for Land Reform
Executive Order No. 355 s. 1950 October 23, 1950
Creating the Land Settlement and Development Corporation and Dissolving the National Land Settlement Administration, and the Rice and Corn Production Administration and the Machinery and Equipment Department of the National Development Company
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